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Sloan-Kettering Laetrile (Vitamin B-17) Cover-Up. LAETRILE THERAPY is probably the best known and most widely publicized of to write college papers, alternative cancer therapies. Laetrile, more than any other substance, epitomizes the scientific and of china essays philosophical controversy that has raged between supporters of alternative cancer therapies and the medical establishment. Amygdalin is a member of a group of cyanide-containing substances called nitrilosides, which occur naturally in plants. The terms laetrile and amygdalin are often used interchangeably. Laetrile is a concentrated extract of amygdalin prepared from apricot kernels specifically for get paid to write cancer therapy. The extraction process was developed by Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr., who pioneered the use of laetrile in cancer therapy. (17) Amygdalin, which is also called vitamin B17, is a relatively simple compound that occurs naturally in statement 2013 much of our food supply. Substantial amounts of amygdalin are found in apricots, peaches, cherries, berries, buckwheat, millet, alfalfa, and some strains of get paid to write papers, beans and peas. It is estimated that it occurs in statement prompt 2013 about 1,200 different kinds of plants, with the highest levels occurring in the seeds of non-citrus fruits. When laetrile (or amygdalin) is acted upon by the enzyme beta-glucosidase, it breaks down into two molecules of glucose (a sugar), one molecule of benzaldehyde (an analgesic), and one molecule of hydrocyanic acid (a poison).

As the enzyme beta-glucosidase breaks amygdalin down into its component parts, toxic cyanide is released. Studies have shown that various types of cancer cells contain from get paid to write papers 100 to 3,600 times more of this enzyme than noncancerous cells, so much greater amounts of cyanide are released where there are active cancer cells. (4) Although most cancer cells have high levels of of china essays, beta-glucosidase, they are deficient in most other enzymes, especially rho-danese. (7) Rhodanese detoxifies hydrocyanic acid into nontoxic thiocyanate. Ultimately, the cyanide ion becomes part of the vitamin Bi2 molecule (cyanocobalamin). Since cancer cells have difficulty metabolizing cyanide, it is selectively toxic to cancer cells when released from laetrile. (2) Benzaldehyde, which is a known analgesic, is also released by the breakdown of laetrile at tumor sites. This probably accounts for the pain relief that patients often report with the administration of laetrile. (8) Some research conducted in Japan has shown that benzaldehyde also has antitumor activity. (9, 11) In theory, laetrile may be the perfect chemotherapeutic agent. Get Paid To Write College? It selectively destroys cancer cells and it is nontoxic to normal cells. In a study sponsored by the McNaughton Foundation in San Ysidro, California, laetrile was injected into laboratory animals intraperitoneally in dosages of 500 mg/kg. The mean survival time of the laetrile-treated animals was 70 percent longer than that of the controls. This research was reported at Senate subcommittee hearings on laetrile in July 1977. (21) In addition, studies conducted at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, using a mouse model with adenocarcinoma, showed that laetrile-treated mice survived over twice as long as the control mice. Poetry Critical? (15) The Manner Studies.

In September 1977 Dr. Harold W. Manner, chairman of the Department of Biology at college Loyola University in school essay on virtue goes unrewarded Chicago, released to the world the results of some remarkable laetrile research. To Write? In mice prone to developing breast cancer, Dr. Manner found that laetrile in combination with vitamin A and pancreatic enzymes produced a very high cure rate. Of eighty-four treated mice, seventy-five underwent complete regression of mammary tumors, while the other nine mice showed partial regression. (10) Dr. Manner has often been criticized for announcing the results of his research publicly instead of waiting for unrewarded publication in a scientific journal.

Peer-reviewed journal publication can often take as long as eighteen months, and Dr. To Write College Papers? Manner reportedly felt that this information was so important that he decided to phd thesis segmentation, bypass the time delay required for scientific publication and to break the story publicly. The Sloan-Kettering) Cover-up. Ralph W. Get Paid To Write College? Moss gives an technology, excellent overview of the political and scientific controversy that has surrounded laetrile in his book The Cancer Industry. Papers? He states, #8220;Although spokespersons for orthodox medicine continue to deny that there have been any animal study data in economy favor of laetrile, this is get paid college papers, contradicted by a number of studies, including—but not limited to—those at Sloan-Kettering.#8221; (15) Moss should know, because he was discharged by uc personal statement prompt, the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center when he revealed an apparent cover-up by authorities at Sloan-Kettering of positive findings about laetrile. Dr. Kanematsu Sugiura. Papers? In the 1960s Dr. Phd Thesis Segmentation? Kanematsu Sugiura, one of the world#8217;s most widely known and most highly respected cancer research scientists, officially retired from Sloan-Kettering. He continued to carry out cancer research as an emeritus associate.

Ten years after his official retirement, officials at Sloan-Kettering asked Dr. Sugiura to begin testing laetrile. Researchers at Sloan-Kettering had already found laetrile to be ineffective in animal models with transplanted tumors. However, Dr. Sugiura pointed out that laetrile could not be expected to be effective against transplanted tumors. Dr. Sugiura#8217;s research showed that laetrile had a substantial effect on inhibiting the growth of secondary tumors in mice, although it did not destroy the primary tumors.

He also reported that some of his studies showed that laetrile can produce a 60-percent reduction in lung metastases. The laetrile-treated mice appeared healthier and more active than the saline-treated controls. Get Paid Papers? This would support some of the claims that laetrile can improve the quality of a patient#8217;s life. Dr. Richard Passwater also reported that some of the positive findings in Sloan-Kettering#8217;s laetrile studies were selectively not reported. Also, it appears that some of the laetrile research was deliberately designed to fail. Essays On The Cycle? (18) Controversy and Confusion.

According to Ralph Moss, who worked at Sloan-Kettering for several years before being discharged, five years of testing laetrile at Sloan-Kettering ended in get paid to write college papers controversy and confusion—not a pleasing outcome for the leaders of the world#8217;s most prestigious private cancer center. In summary, about twenty experiments with laetrile produced positive results, while only a few experiments produced negative findings. Poetry Critical? The contradictory findings and the controversy surrounding laetrile was creating a problem at Sloan-Kettering. Get Paid To Write College? A group of dissenters within Sloan-Kettering, who called themselves Second Opinion, wrote a memo on the subject of releasing results of the laetrile research: If on segmentation, the one hand, they publish the truth about laetrile, they will have to say something like this: we have been unable to reach any definitive conclusion on to write college papers, this substance. Dr. Sugiura, one of the most experienced researchers, has done many studies showing positive effects. Other researchers have claimed negative results.

We think this issue can only be settled through a study on willing human volunteers with cancer, and uc personal prompt we would like to conduct such a study here at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. That would be honest, but it would also be disastrous from a fund-raising point of papers, view, since it would bring down the wrath of the essays on the nitrogen, American Cancer Society, and the National Cancer Institute, from whom MSKCC receives most of its research funds, not to mention the Food and Drug Administration#8230;. The other choice is to publish a totally one-sided report. #8230; This is the most likely prospect#8230;. (15) There was increasing pressure on Sloan-Kettering to college, release their findings on laetrile. Sloan-Kettering#8217;s Laetrile Report. Finally, at a press conference in essay on virtue goes June 1977, Sloan-Kettering officials announced to the world the results of over five years of laetrile research. The verdict on laetrile from the respected laboratories of the world#8217;s most prestigious cancer research center turned out to be completely one-sided and negative.

Some of the comments by Sloan-Kettering#8217;s top administrators at the laetrile press conference (13) were: We have no evidence that laetrile possesses any biological activity with respect to cancer, one way or the other. —Lewis Thomas, president of Sloan-Kettering. We have no reproducible evidence that amygdalin, or laetrile, is active. Get Paid To Write Papers? —Robert Good, director of Sloan-Kettering. Laetrile has been found absolutely devoid of uc personal statement 2013, activity, period. —Daniel Martin, prominent cancer researcher. To Write Papers? Essentially, laetrile was pronounced completely ineffective in poetry essay treating cancer, despite considerable evidence to the contrary. Research has continued in other countries, where the PDA and NCI have much less influence. Dr. David Rubin of Israel has reported using high dosages of laetrile (70 gm/day) and getting good results with breast cancer and get paid to write bone cancer patients, though leukemia patients did not respond. (19) Dr. Manuel D. Navarro, professor of medicine and surgery at 2013 the University of Santo Tomas in to write college papers the Philippines, is one of the economy of china, world#8217;s leading advocates of to write college, laetrile.

In 1962 he presented a paper at the Eighth International Cancer Congress, describing several case histories and reporting that much higher doses of laetrile than previously used were proving to be much more effective. (16) In 1978 the National Cancer Institute published the results of school on virtue, a retrospective case review oflaetrile-treated cancer patients, asking for documented case histories of patients who had benefited from laetrile. (3) However, the selection criteria were so strict that almost all the reports were rejected and the study was inconclusive. Despite these disappointing results, NCI decided to proceed with prospective clinical trials, which were conducted by the Mayo Clinic. After a Phase I trial examining dosage and toxicity, a Phase II trial, involving 178 patients with advanced cancers, was conducted. This study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1982, claimed that laetrile was ineffective as a treatment for cancer. (14) Laetrile advocates pointed out college that many of the patients selected for the trial (66 percent) had already been subjected to toxic chemotherapy. Another important question involved the uc personal statement 2013, quality of the laetrile being used in to write the study. In an effort to statement 2013, ensure a proper trial, one of the clinics using laetrile offered to provide free laetrile of known quality for the study. This offer was refused.

Dr. James Cason of the University of to write college, California at school never Berkeley reportedly tested the substance used in the NCI study and to write papers found that it did not contain any amygdalin (laetrile). (18) Robert Bradford, founder of the Committee for Freedom of Choice, stated, #8220;The whole thing, as far as we are concerned, is economy of china essays, a put-up to discredit laetrile.#8221; At this time it appears laetrile has not yet received a fair, unbiased trial. Papers? Laetrile therapy is school never, one of the first alternative cancer therapies that tended to polarize the get paid to write college papers, emotional issue of freedom of choice for Americans in economy of china essays health care. It became a fight between the #8220;quacks#8221; and the medical establishment. Laetrile is get paid to write college papers, one of the naturally occurring substances that cannot be patented, making it a true orphan drug. No drug company is interested in changing education committing money to research laetrile#8217;s potential. The only answer is good, unbiased government-sponsored research without the type of controversy that accompanied the college papers, Sloan-Kettering studies. Another problem with setting up appropriate research studies is essay never goes unrewarded, that laetrile is not meant to get paid to write, be a stand-alone therapy. Proponents of laetrile have always emphasized that it is effective only when used in conjunction with a healthy diet, pancreatic enzymes, and nutritional supplements.

There are thousands of patients who have been treated with laetrile in the past thirty years or so. I have personally met many individuals who claim that laetrile was primarily responsible for curing them or one of their family members. However, it must be emphasized that anecdotal evidence is not scientific proof. Some alternative cancer clinics use laetrile regularly and claim to have a steady stream of patients who respond well. On the phd thesis image segmentation, other hand, there do not appear to be overwhelming numbers of laetrile-cured cancer patients. Get Paid? It seems that laetrile has become just one of many ingredients in holistic cancer treatment programs. Prompt 2013? The published research seems to indicate that laetrile does have a role to play. It is probably more effective with early-stage cancers rather than with terminally ill patients. Get Paid College? It is apparently more effective when used together with other factors. In summary, laetrile may be beneficial when properly administered in technology changing education essay a complete treatment program, but it is not the to write college, miracle cancer cure that its early proponents hoped it would be.

Side Effects and Toxicity. There have been reports of death and illness in children who took laetrile tablets accidentally. (1, 5) However, these incidents are not the result of therapeutic administration of the school essay on virtue never goes unrewarded, drug. There are also reports of muscular weakness and to write papers respiratory difficulties in patients taking laetrile. (20) Usually these side effects are seen in poetry patients who6 self-administer excessively high doses or who directly consume apricot kernels, which can be quite toxic. (6) Oral laetrile is converted to cyanide in get paid papers the intestines by bacteria. Intravenous laetrile, in the most common form of administration, appears not to lead to the uncommon side effect of cyanide toxicity. (3) On the whole, cyanide poisoning does not appear to economy of china essays, be a major problem in laetrile therapy. Some patients have reported experiencing occasional episodes of get paid to write college, toxemia, such as weakness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. It is believed that these symptoms are related to the patient#8217;s impaired ability to dispose of the toxic products, as a result of tumor breakdown. In any case, no one should take laetrile without appropriate supervision and monitoring.

The Contreras Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, has probably treated more cancer patients with laetrile than any other facility in the world. The director of Contreras Hospital, Harvard-educated Ernesto Contreras, Sr., has been administering the drug for over thirty years. The Contreras laetrile protocol usually consists of administering 3 grams of laetrile intravenously daily, six days per week, for two to poetry, three weeks. The frequency of get paid to write, intravenous administration is gradually decreased, and oral tablets are used as the phd thesis image segmentation, patient improves. The Physician#8217;s Handbook of Vitamin B-17 Therapy gives an excellent summary of the various methods of administering laetrile. (12) Laetrile is available in get paid college tablet form for essays maintenance therapy. Gauze-soaked solutions of laetrile or a water-soluble salve have been used to apply to open skin lesions. Laetrile solutions have been used as nighttime retention enemas, and are sometimes instilled directly into the intestines through a colostomy. To Write? When treating cancer, most clinics administer laetrile intravenously.

Injections directly into tumors are not advised. Nitrogen Cycle? To achieve optimum concentration of laetrile in to write college papers a tumor, laetrile should be injected into the artery above the statement prompt 2013, tumor site. A table listing various tumor sites and the suggested arterial routes of administration is provided in the previously mentioned booklet. (12) It must be emphasized that intra-arterial administration should be done only in a hospital setting by qualified personnel.

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resume xsd dom Because an XML document has a tree-like structure, loading an to write XML document into a tree in memory is a natural fit. This is what the prompt 2013, DOM does. The DOM is to write college papers a standard interface, so when you have written code that uses a DOM, you can switch DOM implementations without changing your source code (at least, if you haven't used any non-custom extensions). In Delphi, you can install several DOM implementations, available as COM servers, and use their interfaces. One of the technology changing education, most commonly used DOM engines on Windows is the one provided by Microsoft as part of the get paid to write college, MSXML SDK but also installed by Internet Explorer (and for this reason in all recent versions of Windows) and many other Microsoft applications. (With the full MSXML SDK also containing documentation and examples you don't get in other embedded installations of the same library.) Other DOM engines directly available in Delphi 7 include Apache Foundation's Xerces and of china essays, the open-source OpenXML. OpenXML is a native Object Pascal DOM available at . Another native Delphi DOM is offered by TurboPower. These solutions offer two advantages: They don't require an college external library for essay goes unrewarded, the program to execute, because the DOM component is compiled into get paid your application; and they are cross-platform.

Delphi embeds the DOM implementations into a wrapper component called XMLDocument. I used this component in the preceding example, but here I will examine its role in a more general way. The idea behind using this component instead of the DOM interface is that you remain more independent from the critical, implementations and can work with some simplified methods, or helpers. The DOM interface is papers complex to use. A document is technology changing education essay a collection of get paid to write, nodes, each having a name, a text element, a collection of attributes, and essays nitrogen cycle, a collection of college, child nodes. Each collection of nodes lets you access elements by position or search for prompt, them by get paid papers name.

Notice that the text within the tags of a node, if any, is on virtue never goes unrewarded rendered as a child of the node and listed in get paid papers its collection of child nodes. The root node has some extra methods for creating new nodes, values, or attributes. With Delphi's XMLDocument, you can work at two levels: At a lower level, you can use the DOMDocument property (of the phd thesis, IDOMDocument interface type) to access a standard W3C Document Object Model interface. The official DOM is defined in get paid to write college the xmldom unit and essay, includes interfaces like IDOMNode , IDOMNodeList , IDOMAttr , IDOMElement , and IDOMText . With the official DOM interfaces, Delphi supports a lower-level but standard programming model. The DOM implementation is indicated by get paid to write college papers the XMLDocument component in the DOMVendor property. As a higher-level alternative, the XMLDocument component also implements the prompt, IXMLDocument interface.

This is a custom DOM-like API defined by get paid to write college Borland in the XMLIntf unit and comprising interfaces like IXMLNode , IXMLNodeList , and IXMLNodeCollection . This Borland interface simplifies some of the DOM operations by replacing multiple method calls, which are repeated often in sequence, with a single property or method. In the following examples (particularly the DomCreate demo), I'll use both approaches to give you a better idea of the practical differences between the two approaches. The starting point generally consists of of china, loading a document from to write college a file or creating it from a string, but you can also start with a new document. As a first example of using the DOM, I've built a program that can load an XML document into a DOM and show its structure in a TreeView control. I've also added to the XmlDomTree program a few buttons with sample code used to access to the elements of a sample file, as an example of accessing the DOM data. Cycle? Loading the document is simple, but showing it in a tree requires a recursive function that navigates the nodes and subnodes. Here is the code for to write, the two methods: This code is economy interesting because it highlights some of the operations you can do with a DOM. First, each node has a NodeType property you can use to to write papers determine whether the node is an element, attribute, text node, or special entity (such as CDATA and others).

Second, you cannot access the textual representation of the node (its NodeValue ) unless it has a text element (notice that the economy, text node will be skipped, as per the initial test). Papers? After displaying the name of the item, and then the text value if available, the program shows the content of each attribute directly and of each subnode by technology changing education calling the to write college papers, DomToTree method recursively (see Figure 22.2). Figure 22.2: The XmlDomTree example can open a generic XML document and show it inside a TreeView common control. Once you have loaded the sample document that accompanies the XmlDomTree program (shown in poetry Listing 22.1) into to write papers the XMLDocument component, you can use the various methods to access generic nodes, as in uc personal statement 2013 the previous tree-building code, or fetch specific elements. For example, you can grab the value of the attribute text of the root node by writing: Notice that if there is no attribute called text , the call will fail with a generic error message, Invalid variant type conversion, which helps neither you nor the papers, end user to understand what's wrong. If you need to access to the first attribute of the root without knowing its name, you can use the following code: To access the nodes, you use a similar technique, possibly taking advantage of the ChildValues array.

This is a Delphi extension to the DOM, which allows you to pass as parameter either the name of the element or its numeric position: This code gets the (first) author of the second book. You cannot use the ChildValues['book'] expression, because there are multiple nodes with the same name under the root node. Although I mentioned earlier that you can create an XML document by chaining together strings, this technique is far from robust. Using a DOM to poetry essay create a document ensures that the XML will be well formed. Also, if the DOM has a schema definition attached, you can validate the structure of the document while adding data to it. To highlight different cases of document creation, I've built the DomCreate example.

This program can create XML documents within the DOM, showing their text on a memo and optionally in a TreeView. The XMLDocument component uses the doAutoIndent option to improve the output of the XML text to the memo by formatting the XML in a slightly better way. You can choose the type of indentation by get paid to write setting the of china essays, NodeIndentStr property. To format generic XML text, you can also use the global FormatXMLData function using the default setting (two spaces) as indentation. Oddly, there doesn't seem a way to pass a different parameter to the function.

The Simple button on the form creates simple XML text using the low-level, official DOM interfaces. The program calls the document's createElement method for each node, adding them as children of other nodes: Notice that text nodes are added explicitly, attributes are created with a specific create call, and the code uses cloneNode to replicate an entire branch of the get paid to write, tree. Overall, the code is cumbersome to write, but after a while you may get used to this style. The effect of the program is shown (formatted in of china the memo and in the tree) in Figure 22.3.

Figure 22.3: The DomCreate example can generate various types of XML documents using a DOM. The second example of to write college papers, DOM creation relates to a dataset. I've added to the form a dbExpress dataset component (but any other dataset would do). I also added to a button the call to my custom DataSetToDOM procedure, like this: The DataSetToDOM procedure creates a root node with the text of the first parameter, grabs each record of the dataset, defines a node with the second parameter, and adds a subnode for each field of the nitrogen, record, all using extremely generic code: The preceding code uses the simplified DOM access interfaces provided by Borland, which include an AddChild node that creates the get paid to write, subnode, and the direct access to the Text property for defining a child node with textual content. This routine extracts an poetry XML representation of your dataset, also opening up opportunities for web publishing, as I'll discuss later in the section on XSL. Another interesting opportunity is the generation of XML documents describing Delphi objects. Papers? The DomCreate program has a button that describes a few properties of an object, again using the low-level DOM: Of course, it is more interesting to have a generic technique capable of saving the properties of each Delphi component (or persistent object , to be more precise), recursing on persistent subobjects and indicating the names of referenced components.

I've done this in uc personal statement prompt the ComponentToDOM procedure, which uses the low-level RTTI information provided by papers the TypInfo unit, including the extraction of the list of component properties not having a default value. Once more, the image segmentation, program uses the simplified Delphi XML interfaces: These two lines of code, in get paid to write papers this case, trigger the creation of the XML document (shown in Figure 22.4): Figure 22.4: The XML generated to economy describe the form of the DomCreate program. Papers? Notice (in the tree and in the memo text) that properties of class types are further expanded. You have seen that working with the DOM to access or generate a document is tedious, because you must use positional information and not logical access to essays nitrogen cycle the data.

Also, handling series of repeated nodes of different possible types (as shown in the XML sample in Listing 22.1, describing books) is far from simple. Moreover, using a DOM, you can create any well-formed document; but (unless you use a validating DOM) you can add any subnode to any node, coming up with almost useless documents, because no one else will be able to manage them. To solve these issues, Borland added to Delphi an XML Data Binding Wizard, which can examine an XML document or a document definition (a schema, a Document Type Definition (DTD), or another type of definition) and get paid to write papers, generate a set of interfaces for manipulating the changing essay, document. To Write? These interfaces are specific to the document and its structure and allow you to have more readable code, but they are certainly less generic as far as the types of essay, documents you can handle (and this is more positive than it might sound at first). You can activate the XML Data Binding Wizard by using the corresponding icon in the first page of the IDE's New Items dialog box or by double-clicking the XMLDocument component. (It is odd that the corresponding command is get paid college papers not in the shortcut menu of the component.) After a first page in which you can select an input file, this wizard shows you the school goes, structure of the get paid papers, document graphically, as you can see in Figure 22.5 for the sample XML file from Listing 22.1. In this page, you can give a name to each entity of the phd thesis segmentation, generated interfaces, if you don't like the get paid to write college papers, defaults suggested by the wizard.

You can also change the rules used by the wizard to generate the names (an extended flexibility I'd like to have in other areas of the Delphi IDE). The final page gives you a preview of the generated interfaces and offers options for generating schemas and other definition files. Figure 22.5: Delphi's XML Data Binding Wizard can examine the structure of uc personal, a document or a schema (or another document definition) to create a set of interfaces for simplified and to write papers, direct access to the DOM data. For the sample XML file with the author names, the XML Data Binding Wizard generates an interface for on the nitrogen cycle, the root node, two interfaces for the elements lists of college, two different types of nodes (books and e-books), and two interfaces for economy of china essays, the elements of the two types. Here are a few excerpts of the generated code, available in the XmlIntfDefinition unit of the XmlInterface example: For each interface, the get paid to write papers, XML Data Binding Wizard also generates an implementation class that provides the code for the interface methods by translating the requests into DOM calls. The unit includes three initialization functions, which can return the interface of the root node from a document loaded in an XMLDocument component (or a component providing a generic IXMLDocument interface), or return one from a file, or create a brand new DOM: After generating these interfaces using the wizard in the XmlInterface example, I've repeated XML document access code that's similar to the XmlDomTree example but is image much simpler to write (and to to write papers read). For example, you can get the attribute of the root node by of china essays writing. It is even simpler if you recall that while typing this code, Delphi's code insight can help by get paid college papers listing the available properties of each node, thanks to the fact that the segmentation, parser can read in the interface definitions (although it cannot understand the format of a generic XML document). Accessing a node of get paid to write papers, one of the sublists is a matter of writing one of the following statements (possibly the second, with the default array property):

You can use similarly simplified code to generate new documents or add new elements, thanks to the customized Add method available in each list-based interface. Again, if you don't have a predefined structure for the XML document, as in the dataset-based and RTTI-based examples of the previous demonstration, you won't be able to use this approach. The XML Data Binding Wizard can work from existing schemas or generate a schema for an XML document (and eventually save it in essays nitrogen a file with the .XDB extension). Get Paid College? An XML document describes some data, but to exchange this data among companies, it must stick to some agreed structure. A schema is a document definition against which a document can be checked for correctness, an operation usually indicated with the term validation . The firstand still widespreadtype of validation available for XML used document type definitions (DTDs) . These documents describe the structure of the XML but cannot define the possible content of each node. Also, DTDs are not XML document themselves, but use a different, awkward notation. At the end of 2000, the W3C approved the first official draft of XML schemas (already available in an incompatible version called XML-Data within Microsoft's DOM). An XML schema is an XML document that can validate both the structure of the XML tree and the content of the node. A schema is based on the use and definition of simple and complex data types, similar to poetry critical what happens in an OOP language. A schema defines complex types, indicating for each the possible nodes, their optional sequence ( sequence , all ), the number of get paid to write papers, occurrences of each subnode ( minOccurs , maxOccurs ), and the data type of each specific element.

Here is the schema defined by the XML Data Binding Wizard for the sample books file: Microsoft and Apache DOM engines have good support for schemas. Another tool I've used for validation is XML Schema Validator (XSV), an open-source attempt at uc personal statement prompt a conformant schema-aware processor, which can be used either directly via the Web or after downloading a command-line executable (see the links to the current website of this tool in the W3C's XML Schema pages). The Delphi editor supports code completion for XML files via DTDs. Dropping a DTD file in Delphi's bin directory and referring to to write it with a DOCTYPE tag should enable this feature, which is not officially supported by Borland. The Simple API for XML (SAX) doesn't create a tree for the XML nodes, but parses the nodefiring events for each node, attribute, value, and on the nitrogen, so on. Because it doesn't keep the document in memory, using the SAX allows you to manage much larger documents. Its approach is also useful for one-time examination of a document or retrieval of get paid college papers, specific information. This is a list of the most important events fired by the SAX: StartDocument and EndDocument for the entire document. StartElement and EndElement for each node.

Characters for on the cycle, the text within the nodes. It is common to use a stack to handle the current path within the nodes tree, and push and pop elements to and from the to write papers, stack for every StartElement and EndElement event. Delphi does not include specific support for the SAX interface, but you can import Microsoft's XML support (the MSXML library). Uc Personal Statement 2013? In particular, for the SaxDemo1 example I've used version 2 of MSXML, because this version is get paid college widely available. I've generated a Pascal type library import unit from the type library, and essay never, the import unit is available within the source code of the program, but you must have that specific COM library registered on to write college, your computer to run the program successfully. Another example at the end of this chapter (LargeXml) demonstrates, among other things, the use of the SAX API, including the poetry, OpenXml engine. To use the SAX, you must install a SAX event handler within a SAX reader, and then load a file and parse it. Get Paid Papers? I've used the poetry essay, SAX reader interface provided by MSXML for VB programmers. To Write College? The official (C++) interface had a few errors in its type library that prevented Delphi from importing it properly. The main form of the SaxDemo1 example declares. In the FormCreate method, the sax variable is initialized with the COM object:

The code also sets an error handler, which is a class implementing a specific interface ( IVBSAXErrorHandler ) with three methods that are called depending on the severity of the problem: error , fatalError , and ignorableWarning . Simplifying the code a little, the SAX parser is activated by calling the parseURL method after assigning a content handler to phd thesis segmentation it: So, the code ultimately resides in the TMySaxHandler class, which has the SAX events. Because I have multiple SAX content handlers in to write college papers this example, I've written a base class with the core code and a few specialized versions for specific processing. Following is the code of the base class, which implements both the IVBSAXContentHandler interface and the IDispatch interface the IVBSAXContentHandler interface is based on: The most interesting portion, of course, is the final list of SAX events. Poetry Critical Essay? All this base class does is to write papers emit information to a log when the parser starts ( startDocument ) and finishes ( endDocument ) and keep track of the current node and its parent nodes with a stack: An implementation is provided by the TMySimpleSaxHandler class, which overrides the essay never unrewarded, startElement event triggered for any new node to output the get paid papers, current position in the tree with the following statement: The second method of the class is the characters event, which is triggered when a node value (or a test node) is encountered and outputs its content (as you can see in Figure 22.6): Figure 22.6: The log produced by reading an XML document with the SAX in the Sax-Demo1 example. This is a generic parsing operation affecting the entire XML file.

The second derived SAX content handler class refers to the specific structure of the XML document, extracting only nodes of a given type. In particular, the program looks for nodes of the title type. When a node has this type (in startElement ), the class sets the isbook Boolean variable. Technology Changing Essay? The text value of the node is get paid to write considered only immediately after a node of phd thesis, this type is encountered: You can use one more technique in Delphi to papers handle some XML documents: You can create a transformation to translate the critical, XML of a generic document into the format used natively by the ClientDataSet component when saving data to a MyBase XML file. In the reverse direction, another transformation can turn a dataset available within a ClientDataSet (through a DataSetProvider component) into an XML file of college, a required format (or schema). Delphi includes a wizard to generate such transformations. Called the XML Mapping Tool, or XML Mapper for short, it can be invoked from the of china essays, IDE's Tools menu or executed as a stand-alone application.

The XML Mapper, shown in Figure 22.7, is a design-time helper that assists you in defining transformation rules between the nodes of to write papers, a generic XML document and fields of the ClientDataSet data packet. Figure 22.7: The XML Mapper shows the two sides of a transformation to define a mapping between them (with the rules indicated in the central portion). The XML Mapper window has three areas: On the left is the XML document section, which displays information about the structure of the XML document (and eventually its data, if the poetry critical, related check box is active) in the Document View or an XML schema in get paid to write papers the Schema View, depending on the selected tab. On the right is the data packet section, which displays information about the metadata in the data packet, either in the Field View (indicating the phd thesis image, dataset structure) or in get paid to write college the Datapacket View (reporting the XML structure). The XML Mapper can also open files in statement the native ClientDataSet format. The central portion is used by the mapping section. It contains two pages: Mapping, where you can see the get paid to write papers, correspondence between selected elements of the two sides that will be part of the mapping; and Node Properties, where you can modify the data types and other details of each possible mapping.

The Mapping page of the central pane also hosts the shortcut menu used to economy of china essays generate the to write papers, transformation. Economy Essays? The other panes and views have specific shortcut menus you can use to get paid college perform the various actions (besides the few commands in the main menu). You can use XML Mapper to map an existing schema (or extract it from a document) to a new data packet, an existing data packet to a new schema or document, or an existing data packet into segmentation an existing XML document (if a match is reasonable). In addition to get paid to write papers converting the data of an XML file into a data packet, you can also convert to a delta packet of the ClientDataSet. Never Goes? This technique is useful for merging a document to get paid an existing table, as if a user had inserted the modified table records. In particular, you can transform an XML document into a delta packet for records to be modified, deleted, or inserted. The result of using the XML Mapper is one or more transformation files, each representing a one-way conversion (so you need at uc personal prompt 2013 least two transformation files to convert data back and forth). College Papers? These transformation files are then used at design time and at run time by technology changing the XMLTransform, XMLTransformProvider, and XMLTransformClient components. As an example, I opened the books XML document, which has a structure that doesn't easily match a table, because it includes two lists of values of different types (I've skipped easier examples in which the college, XML has a plain rectangular structure).

After opening the phd thesis segmentation, Sample.XML file in college papers the XML Document section, I used its shortcut menu to select all of essays nitrogen, its elements (Select All) and to create the data packet (Create Datapacket From XML). This command automatically fills the right pane with the data packet and the central portion with the proposed transformation. To Write College Papers? You can also view its effect in a sample program by clicking the Create And Test Transformation button. Nitrogen? Doing so opens a generic application that can load a document into the dataset using the transformation you've just created. In this case, the XML Mapper generates a table with two dataset fields: one for each possible list of get paid to write college, subelements.

This was the only possible standard solution, because the two sublists have different structures, and it is the critical essay, only solution that allows you to edit the data in a DBGrid attached to the ClientDataSet and save it back to a complete XML file, as demonstrated by the XmlMapping example. Get Paid College? This program is basically a Windows-based editor for 2013, a complex XML document. The example uses a TransformProvider component with two transformation files attached to read in an XML document and make it available to a ClientDataSet. Get Paid To Write College? As the name suggests, this component is a dataset provider. To build the user interface, I didn't connect the ClientDataSet directly to a grid, because it has a single record with a text field plus two detailed datasets. For this reason, I added to the program two more ClientDataSet components attached to school essay goes the dataset fields and connected to two DBGrid controls. This explanation is easier to understand by looking at to write college papers the definition of the non-visual components from DFM source code in the following excerpt and at its output in Figure 22.8. Figure 22.8: The XmlMapping example uses a TransformProvider component to phd thesis segmentation make a complex XML document available for editing within multiple ClientData-Set components. This program allows you to edit the data of the get paid to write, various sublists of nodes within the grids, modifying them and also adding or deleting records. As you apply the changes to the dataset (clicking the Save button, which calls ApplyUdpates ), the transform provider saves an of china essays updated version of the file to to write college disk.

As an alternative approach, you can also create transformations that map only portions of the XML document into a dataset. As an example, see the BooksOnly.xtr file in the folder of the XmlMapping example. Uc Personal Prompt 2013? The modified XML document you'll generate will have a different structure and content from the to write college, original, including only the essays on the cycle, portion you've selected. To Write College? So, it can be useful for poetry essay, viewing the data, but not for get paid to write college papers, editing it. It is not surprising that the school essay, transformation files are themselves XML documents, as you can see by opening one in the editor.

This XML document uses a custom format. At the opposite to write college, side, you can see how a transformation can be used to take a database table or the result of a query and produce an XML file with a more readable format than that provided by default by the ClientDataSet persistence mechanism. To build the MapTable example, I placed a dbExpress SimpleDataSet component on critical, a form and attached a DataSetProvider to it and a ClientDataSet to the provider. After opening the table and the client dataset, I saved its content to an XML file. At that point, I opened the XML Mapper, loaded the data packet file into it, selected all the data packet nodes (with the Select All command from the shortcut menu) and invoked the Create XML From Datapacket command. In the following dialog box, I accepted the default name mappings for fields and only changed the suggested name for record nodes (ROW) into to write papers something more readable (Customer). If you now test the transformation, the XML Mapper will display the contents of the on virtue unrewarded, resulting XML document in a custom tree view. After saving the transformation file, I was ready to resume developing the program, removing the ClientDataSet and adding a DataSource and college papers, a DBGrid (as a user might edit in on an attached DBGrid before transforming it), and an XMLTransformClient component. This component has the segmentation, transformation file connected to it, but not an to write college XML file. Instead, it refers to the data through the provider. Clicking the button shows the XML document within a memo (after formatting it) instead of saving it to a file, something you can do by calling the poetry critical essay, GetDataAsXml method (even if the Help file is far from get paid to write college papers clear about the technology changing education, use of this method):

This is the only code for get paid, the program visible at run time in Figure 22.9; you can see the critical essay, original dataset in the DBGrid and the resulting XML document in the memo control below the grid. The application has much simpler code than the DomCreate example I used to generate a similar XML document, but it requires the design-time definition of the transformation. The DomCreate example could work on any dataset at run time without any connection to a specific table, because it has rather generic code. In theory, it is possible to produce similar dynamic mappings by get paid college papers using the events of the generic XMLTransform component, but I find it easier to use the DOM-based approach discussed earlier. Unrewarded? Notice also that the FormatXmlData call produces nicer output but slows down the program, because it involves loading the XML into a DOM.

Figure 22.9: The MapTable example generates an XML document from a database table using a custom transformation file.

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First World War Essay World war one cannot emanate any war but . itself; it yielded a drastic jump in the technological weaponry and tactics, had soldiers live day in nitrogen, and day out while scarifying the true horror of get paid papers trench warfare, and had citizens being pressured by technology changing education their government through propaganda. World war one had many different nations in Europe involved, and the Unites States. Get Paid To Write College. The war lasted for 5 years, as it started in 1914 and phd thesis image, ended at 1919. On June 28, 1914, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of get paid college Austria , Battle of the Somme , Chlorine 1447 Words | 5 Pages. Essay about never, ww1 poetry Conflict happens all the to write papers time it is a trait that human beings sport and have done since the technology education beginning . of time.

I has many different ways of manifesting its self be it war , terror, a family quarrel, or freedom fighting. It is the main story in many pieces of writing and is used in a lot of plot lines in TV and film. Conflict appeals to humans. Reality TV for instance doesn’t go 5 minutes without a argument. I am going to write this essay about 4 poems each with a different.

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These alliances allowed smaller countries with weaker military forces to seek help from larger and get paid to write papers, more. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , British Empire , Gavrilo Princip 834 Words | 3 Pages. ? World War 1 – Was this an unnecessary war ? There are conflicting views on this topic as the . subject is a complex one. However, it is true that it was a war that could have been avoided. Essay. It can be argued that WW1 was inevitable in get paid to write papers, the circumstances, but if we look at the very root cause of the war was limited and on the cycle, could have been controlled. It was a series of events that triggered a massive, global war . The organ of the conflict was disagreement between Austria-Hungary and Serbia’s on how to. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of get paid papers Austria , Croatia , German Empire 712 Words | 3 Pages. Image Segmentation. World War 1 was the beginning of the development and first uses of many different kinds of technology, which would, . in time, be of great use. These were created primarily to outdo the enemy countries on the other side of the college battlefield, so in turn, they would have the upper hand in the war and could potentially defeat their enemies permanently, winning the economy of china war . To Write Papers. Many countries based their technological developments off of the opposing sides. Weapons were also created in order to critical essay have a more ideal. Armoured warfare , Battle , Gun turret 1107 Words | 3 Pages. CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 1 ESSAY history. ? CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 1 ESSAY World War 1 , also known . as the ‘Great War ’ had occurred during the years between 1914-1918 and had consisted of the major European powers: France, Russia, Austria/Hungary, Germany, and get paid college, Britain.

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Causes of World War II World War II was the to write most disastrous war ever fought in changing, . Get Paid Papers. our world’s history, but one question arises in the minds of many is, what caused this most devastating war man has ever experienced? President Woodrow Wilson stated that World War I had been fought for peace and democracy, but this peace had not lasted long. After World War I, delegates of the battling nations met at Paris to discuss terms upon economy essays, which peace could be maintained, but the addressed terms did not. Papers. Adolf Hitler , League of school essay on virtue never goes Nations , Nazi Germany 1384 Words | 4 Pages. Latin Cogito, ergo sum [I think, therefore I am] The first piece of Descartes Meditation, Descartes attempts to review the get paid college papers beliefs he has been taught in . order to establish truth in economy of china essays, science. Get Paid To Write College. He forms a sceptical belief or hypotheses about everything in the physical world . As a result he suspends his judgement on his previously held beliefs.

In the second Meditation, Descartes expands theory on the ?nature of human mind', Descartes questions his identity, the eternal ?I', and introduces a theory of. Cogito ergo sum , Concepts in metaphysics , Consciousness 910 Words | 3 Pages. On Virtue Never Goes Unrewarded. root causes are much deeper. The causes of World War 1 were alliance system, imperialism, militarism and to write papers, . nationalism. Essay On Virtue Never Goes. I will be going into detail of these details of these matters to explain the events that triggered the world war . Countries throughout Europe made defense agreements that would pull them into battle, meaning, if one country was attacked, allied countries were bound to defend them. This was called Alliances.

At the start of get paid college World War 1 , Germany and Austria-Hungary allied and became. Allies of nitrogen cycle World War I , Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Central Powers 1224 Words | 4 Pages. World War 1 was different than any other wars that came before it by college papers that it was the first . war fought in on many continents, as well it was the first war where chemical weapons were used, and it was the essay first total war . The total number of casualties in to write college, World War 1 was 37 million. There were 9 million killed, 20 million wounded and others that weren’t were most likely dead. The expectations before the war started was a reason why the war began because people thought it was going to be a short, bloodless. Central Powers , Colonialism , England 1376 Words | 4 Pages. did World War 1 Start? Mr Johnson Due date: Friday 18th of October 861 words By Matthew Chen . World war 1 was ultimately caused by imperialism. Different nations wanted control over more land and to be the dominant nation in never, Europe.

The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of to write Austria and his wife Sophie was a small but very powerful event that led to uc personal prompt 2013 the beginning of a very long chain of events. To Write College Papers. Alliances between lots of essays different countries also contributed to World War 1 . The. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Europe , Global conflicts 1036 Words | 4 Pages. World War II April 15, 2012 World War II was a part of the effect of papers World . War I. According to World War 2 Info, “the origins of the Second World War are generally viewed as being traced back to the First World War .” ( World War 2 2012) World War 2 happened between 1930s to the mid 1940s in Europe and Asia. In Europe, the war began on September 1 , 1939 when the Nazi Germans led by phd thesis image Hitler invaded Poland. On September 2, 1945; the war ended with the relinquishing of Japan. In the get paid to write early 1930s in. Statement Prompt. Adolf Hitler , League of Nations , Nazi Germany 1117 Words | 4 Pages. Impact of World War 1 on Germans and African Americans In the year 1790, the United Sates Census counted . Get Paid Papers. approximately 375 thousand people of the statement prompt German origin. College. The number of the Germans immigration later increased after the year 1815. The occurrence of World War 1 during this period led to the increase in anti-German sentiments causing the German community to become invisible (Fiebig-von 33).

The Germans were often met with accusations of being sympathetic about the German Empire. The war turned out. Canada , German Empire , German language 959 Words | 5 Pages. their attitude to education essay war ? 2In class, we have been analysing four poems about war . Out of the four poems, I have . chosen “Dulce et Decorum est” by Wilfred Owen and “The Falling Leaves” by Margaret Postgate Cole to compare. In this essay , I will compare the two poems which have very different attitudes to war , and will thoroughly explain the get paid to write language, form and structure of poetry critical essay these poems. In “Dulce et Decorum est”, Owen presents war very negatively and in a cynical way as he has been to get paid war and therefore has. Dulce et Decorum Est , Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori , English-language films 2226 Words | 5 Pages. Critical. what ways can the First World War be seen as a Total War Total war is defined as the organisation . of entire societies for war , using all its economic, military and human resources to aim for complete victory. In addition there is less differentiation between combatants and get paid papers, civilians than in conventional warfare; civilians were affected as deliberate targets of war in their own right. It can be argued that the government of the involved countries focused the economy on the war effort which in turn.

Conscription , Laws of essays war , On War 1077 Words | 3 Pages. Conflict with Macbeth and World War 1 Poetry. During this essay I am going to get paid college papers write about the many diverse ways in which conflict is presented in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth . and Wilfred Owen’s Poetry of World War 1 . I will be comparing the ways in which Macbeth and of china, 3 poems written by Owen; Mental Cases, The Next War and Dulce Et Decorum Est, link with each other. Macbeth is a play written in 1606 by Shakespeare who wrote plays to college entertain his audience. On the other hand, Owen was a soldier in World War 1 when he wrote famous poems; he wrote. Duncan I of Scotland , King Duncan , Macbeth 2002 Words | 5 Pages. Essays Nitrogen. World War I, also known as the First World War or the Great War , was a global . Get Paid College. war centred in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918. More than 9 million combatants and 7 million civilians died as a result of the economy essays war , a casualty rate exacerbated by the belligerents' technological and get paid to write papers, industrial sophistication, and uc personal statement prompt, tactical stalemate.

It was one of the deadliest conflicts in history, paving the way for major political changes, including revolutions in many of the nations. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of get paid to write college Austria , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Central Powers 1265 Words | 4 Pages. It can be said that the First world war was caused by the alliance system, which has a very weak argument, the alliance system . had very little to do with the first world war , it did to some extent cause the size of the phd thesis segmentation war , but its argument in my opinion is very weak. Many other causes lean towards the side against the alliance system causing the first world war , which I believe is credible. The alliance system did cause the size of the war as it caused countries to get paid to write college papers be pulled in.

First made in. Essay Goes Unrewarded. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Belgium , German Empire 1620 Words | 5 Pages. The political causes of get paid to write college World War 2 World War 2, famously known as the most devastating . war , had causes dating back to uc personal statement prompt WWI as well as,pre . To Write. Some people refereed it because of the phd thesis Treaty of get paid to write college Versailles which most of the people agreed one that it was too unfair for Germany and that their anger was going to appear sooner or later. The people thought it will create fascism. Some historians saw that the failure of The League of Nations was also another factor. The Treaty of Versailles was. Essay On Virtue Never Unrewarded. Adolf Hitler , Germany , League of Nations 2916 Words | 7 Pages. World War 2 – why this topic? The world of the get paid to write 21st century is essays, still living with the consequences of . To Write. World War 2, the most tremendous conflict in history. 73 years ago on the 1st of September 1939, Germany invaded Poland without warning. Two days later on the 3rd, Britain and France were at war with Germany and within a week, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa and changing, Australia had also joined the war . In time, Italy, USA and Japan became involved.

Worldwide, countries had been plunged into their Second. Allies of World War II , Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Germany 1340 Words | 4 Pages. RUSSIAN REVOLUTION. To Write. No country enters a war without a reason. United States in not an exception. It entered the World . War Two after a tragic Pearl Harbor.

It was necessary to stand up and answer to Japanese at that moment. What were United States reasons for entering the statement prompt 2013 World War I? Is there a connection between Russian February Revolution and President Woodrow Wilson decision to enter the Great War ? Of course, it could not be a soul reason for declaring a war to Germany; Zimmerman Telegram and German. Allies of get paid college papers World War I , Russia , Russian Empire 1322 Words | 4 Pages. Great War The time was 1914. Poetry Critical Essay. Europe was a thermometer with skyrocketing temperatures of tension. As countries began declaring . war on each other in to write, Europe, troops began to mobilize for what they thought would be a traditionally fought war : the British cavalry leading the Entente to a decisive victory. School Essay On Virtue Unrewarded. How were the European powers to know that this massive war would be fought entirely in to write, the ground with surprise attacks and innovative technology that changed the meaning of on the cycle “ war ” forever? World War. Chemical warfare , Chlorine , League of Nations 2721 Words | 7 Pages. World War I was a time that affected almost ever country or region in to write college, the world in one-way or another.

The common . wealth of Canada was no different. Although not located in Europe where the war was primarily fought, our dominion was still a major contributor to the war effort and on virtue goes unrewarded, fought valiantly in papers, defending the ideals of democracy and a free world . Many of our soldiers lost their lives in various battles throughout the war but without their efforts the war may have swung Germanys way, causing more. Battle of Vimy Ridge , Canada , Canadian Corps 1266 Words | 3 Pages. CAUSES OF BY NATHAN BECK World War 1 was the first war in history that had most of the . world dragged into conflict against one another. There were many causes of WW1 the main one that actually started it was a short term cause, the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austria-Hungary Empire. But there were a lot of long term causes that were building up to war like the arms race with military sections such as navy being built up especially between Britain and Germany.

Also Imperialism. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Croatia , German Empire 1823 Words | 6 Pages. meaning and essay, political message behind any two of the following snippets from get paid to write papers, these telegrams: Kaiser – ‘deserved punishment’ Tsar – ‘ignoble . war ’ Name: Laura O’Reilly Student no: 14708891 Module: HI117 Writing the cycle History of War and Society Lecturer: Dr Gearoid Barry Tutor: James O’ Donnell Word Count: 1168 Date of Submission: 22 October 2014 World War One would see so many atrocities that even those at the helm would eventually feel its wrath. By 1917 Tsar Nicholas II of Russia would be executed. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , German Empire , Nicholas II of Russia 1274 Words | 2 Pages. Words are powerless when looked at individually but they have the potential for good or evil, when someone who can properly use them to his . or her advantage. That is what Nathaniel Hawthorne quote means, and I fully agree with him.

An example of words being used for evil could be a dictator trying to convince his people that he is best for the country. An example of words being used for good could be a civil rights activist trying to persuade people to get along and to get paid treat everyone with respect. Core issues in ethics , Evil , God 1292 Words | 4 Pages. Essay. My Quality World ----Assignment # 1 As we open the course, we are going to dream. We will begin with the end in mind…what do we . want to “transform” into both personally and professionally? Your dreams are a large element of get paid to write who you are and what makes you unique. Phd Thesis Segmentation. According to Watley, “A dream is an aspiration, a hope, or a vision of the future” (2008, p. 49). Having dreams gives our lives meaning, helps us make good choices, and allows us to keep going despite setbacks and problems. Most successful. Education , Essay , Five paragraph essay 745 Words | 4 Pages.

The Great War The Great War , also known as World War I, was a global war centered in college papers, . Europe that began in poetry, July of 1914 and lasted until November of 1918. This war drew in all the worlds ’ economics great powers, which were separated into two opposing alliances, the to write college Allies and the Central Powers. The Allies were based off of the Triple Entente, The United Kingdom, France, and the Russian Empire and the Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austrian Hungary and the Ottoman Empire. Many factors lead. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Central Powers 958 Words | 3 Pages. THE CAUSES OF WORLD WAR 1 World War 1 was fought between the allied . and the central powers from 1914 to 1918. It was fought between the central powers consisted of Germany, Austria- Hungary, Turkey and Italy and the allies consisting of U.K , France, Russia and U.S.A.

The war in itself is considered a notable example of a total war as all the belligerents used every means of warfare including chemical warfare to try to win. The war ended with an allied victory after the essays on the nitrogen cycle armistice in 1918. Alsace-Lorraine , Central Europe , Franco-Prussian War 1400 Words | 4 Pages. ?Imperialism in World War 1 Imperialism was one of the four contributing factors to the cause of get paid college papers . World War One, along with secret alliances, militarism, and poetry critical essay, nationalism. It is the most important cause of WW1, because it created a build-up of tension in Europe and outside of Europe, and to write college, through imperialism, the three other causes were able to affect the beginnings of the economy of china essays war . Imperialism is defined as the governing of one people by another country, which was a recurring dilemma prior to WW1 due. College. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Austria–Hungary , Bosnia and Herzegovina 1093 Words | 3 Pages. ?- World War I (WWI) was a global war centered in Europe that began on 28 July 1914 and technology education essay, lasted until 11 November . 1918. Get Paid College Papers. -It was predominantly called the essays on the cycle World War or the college Great War from changing, its occurrence until the start of World War II in 1939, and the First World War or World War I thereafter. Get Paid To Write Papers. -It involved all the world's great powers which were assembled in two opposing alliances: the Allies (based on the Triple Entente of the United Kingdom, France and Russia) and the Central Powers These. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Central Powers , German Empire 572 Words | 3 Pages. The Influence Of World War And World. ?The Influence of World War II and World War II WANG Jing MScPP TD2 Abstract: This article talk . about how World War ? and World War ? impact Europe. Describe it through three aspects of political, economic and cultural. Key words : World War I, World War II ,Europe, History, Culture 1 . Introduction World War I and World War II were the war mainly battlefield in Europe but spread to the world ad last for years in history. It has a very profound influence on Europe's economy, political and culture.

Asia , British Empire , Europe 1236 Words | 4 Pages. Origins of War Explanatory theories for statement prompt 2013 the outbreak of college World War I The phenomenon of school essay never chain-ganging has been . used to explain the outbreak of World War I. Is chain ganging a convincing explanation for get paid to write the onset of the war ? In what ways? Are alternative explanations more compelling, and if so, how and economy of china essays, why? The First World War was the first total war and can be seen as a contingent catastrophe or rather a unique event. It cost the lives of more than 10 million people and the involvement of more. Canada , Explanation , German General Staff 1767 Words | 5 Pages. The Impact of World War I: American society, European Society, and European Politics After World . War I, America went under many social changes that sculpted American society today. There were both short-term and to write papers, long-term social effects of World War I. Short-term effects were peace between countries, the decrease of population, and uc personal, riots. World War I ended in November 1918 and it was said to be “the war to end all wars .” This meant that peace would last between each country for very long.

Germany , League of Nations , Nationalism 1136 Words | 3 Pages. College. World War 1 to World War 2 Comparison. Fitzsimons 1 How were the United States goals in economy, World War I similar or different to the United States goals for get paid to write papers . fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? The United States goals in World War I and Iraq and Afghanistan are very different, and this is school on virtue never, partly because they are in get paid, totally different time periods and the technology is very different. World War I took place from 1914-1918 (Strachan 1 ), whereas the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan started in 2003 and are still going (Deese 1 ), although many of. On Virtue Goes. 2003 invasion of Iraq , Al-Qaeda , Canada 2090 Words | 6 Pages. World War II Martyna Purvis U. S. Get Paid To Write Papers. History Daniel Vogel November 18, 2012 Abstract The . World War II, was a global military conflict that, was in terms of lives lost and destruction, was the changing education essay most devastating war in human history. The World War II began in college papers, 1939 as a European conflict between Germany and an Anglo-French first started but grew to include most of the school never goes unrewarded nations of the world . It ended in 1945, leaving a new world order that was dominated by the United States. Adolf Hitler , Germany , League of Nations 1207 Words | 4 Pages.

September 5, 2011 Origins of World War 1 : Compare and Contrast During the twentieth century Europe seemed to . enjoy a period of peace and progress. Get Paid Papers. But below the surface several forces were at technology changing essay the work and to write, would lead Europe into the Great War . World War 1 was the mayor conflict that made its appearance in the beginning of the twentieth century. As we read in “The origins of the first World War ” by Ruth Heing and in school never goes unrewarded, “The Iron Dice: World War 1 ” by John G. Stoessinger, World War 1 began in 1914 it had many. Allies of World War I , Central Powers , German Empire 1075 Words | 3 Pages. World War I - Results The First World War “ended” in 1918 in November, when the Treaty of Versailles . was signed to create an armistice. Though this treaty became active on get paid college, that day for Western Europe, this treaty did not take effect in Eastern Europe until up to mid-1920s. Political, cultural, and social order was changed immensely in on the, Europe, Asia, and Africa, even countries not directly in the war . As a result of the damages from the war , many new countries were formed. Also, millions of people. Adolf Hitler , Czechoslovakia , Europe 762 Words | 3 Pages. World War I Soldier Paper HIS/120 U.S. HISTORY 1865 TO 1945 * * Analysis of the role played by American . troops in the Second Battle of the Marne and to write, subsequent engagements with the Germans * Although US troops assumed mainly a support role in this action, the battle came to be known as the beginning of the end for Germany.

85,000 US troops participated, with 12,000 casualties, gaining the essay never goes unrewarded praise of not only to write college papers, their own officers, but the French and British commanders as well. Artillery , Military , Nicomachean Ethics 1175 Words | 4 Pages. ? Part B World War 1 made a colossal impact to all aspects of human life around . the cycle world , everyone who fought, witnessed, and survived from this catastrophic event was impacted on each to different degrees and college, consequences. One of the major groups who were affected by World War 1 were the women of Britain, playing a significant role to provide for their family and for the men who fought in the war . With the technology changing essay early rush of volunteers in 1914 and the conscription. Change , Cole Turner , Gender role 1106 Words | 3 Pages. World War 1 DBQ Prior to the start of World War 1 , several countries in . Europe were fixated on being the dominant country in Europe, seeking to hold the top position on papers, the social hierarchy among the European nations. After the Age of Imperialism, many Europeans took great pride in their countries’ growth and prosperity.

The most powerful countries in technology education, Europe at the beginning of the 20th century were becoming wealthier due to get paid the trade from African colonies, while other countries (without income. Belgium , England , Europe 1180 Words | 3 Pages. The First World War was the poetry critical essay first 'total war ' - the whole nation had to be mobilised to fight. Men joined the army . while women took over their jobs, but was this change lasting or a temporary effect of college total war ? The population at economy essays home - the basics People in Britain were affected by six main ways: 1 . Get Paid. Recruitment - there was a huge poster campaign to get people to join up, and the government had to introduce conscription in 1916. Conscientious objectors could be imprisoned. Women were recruited. David Lloyd George , Labour Party , Liberal Democrats 1094 Words | 4 Pages. outbreak of war in critical, 1914? The alliance system is an important factor in the outbreak of to write papers war in 1914, however it is only one of on the nitrogen . the causes of the First Word War and many other factors led to the war . These included militarism and nationalism. However the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the most immediate cause. The alliance system in Europe linked countries together in larger groups.

Germany’s alliance with Austria- Hungary was responsible for turning the war into a global. To Write College. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Austria–Hungary , Bosnia and Herzegovina 933 Words | 4 Pages. helium, neon and technology essay, argon. Mars is the fourth furthest away from the sun and is recognized by college papers its reddish colour. Mars is essays nitrogen, also very much like the Earth. More . than any other planet in the solar system, Mars has characteristics that make it an Earth­like world . One thing that is get paid papers, very similar to Earth is the rotation period.

Mars rotation period is only thirty-seven minutes longer than the phd thesis image Earth’s. This would explain why Mars has significant seasonal changes just as Earth does. Mars is extremely hard to get paid to write college understand. Earth , Jupiter , Mars 973 Words | 3 Pages. ?Jotham Kim Crusader Essay 9-3 Word Count:1,452 In ancient Europe, around the 11th century, there were three major . kingdoms/empires. The three major kingdoms/empires were the Catholic kingdom, the Byzantine Empire, and the Islamic Caliphates. The Catholic kingdom was located in Western Europe. In the never goes unrewarded Catholic kingdom, religion was very important and organized. To Write College Papers. First, their religion was the phd thesis Catholic Christianity, and in the church hierarchy, there were different classes. The highest class. Byzantine Empire , Christianity , Constantinople 1447 Words | 5 Pages.

The thesis in the article ?The origins of the college World War ', by Sidney B. Poetry. Fay, can clearly be stated as the papers explanation for uc personal prompt . College Papers. World War I. Critical. Fay states that no one country is responsible for the creation of the war . Furthermore, he goes on to explain that each of the European country's leaders did, or failed to do ?certain' things to provoke the other countries into a war . Fay states, One must abandon the get paid college dictum of the Versailles Treaty that Germany and her allies were solely responsible. Uc Personal 2013. It was a dictum. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria , Austria , Germany 1558 Words | 4 Pages. WORLD WAR ONE FIRSTS First war to be fought on get paid to write college papers, 3 continents. First industrialised conflict. First use of . chlorine amp; mustard gas. First use of the flame thrower. First tank battle.

First use of mass airplanes. First use of essay x-ray in to write papers, the military. First use of a blood bank. First use of poetry guide dogs by blinded soldiers. Get Paid College. First four-star general, General John J. Pershing First use of trillion in estimating war costs. First commissioning of technology changing education essay war art for get paid papers propaganda. First use.

Communism , Great Depression , Kuomintang 839 Words | 3 Pages. Changing Essay. First World War has established an unforgettable memoir in the history books. World War . 1 was a massacre of human life and an important event that determined the present state of the papers modern world . Yes, World War 1 was inevitable. The foundation of the causes of World War 1 can be traced back to several factors that were building up international tension to the ultimate result of war . In the 1900s, the European countries were extremely competitive in extending their influence around the world . Their. British Empire , Croatia , Europe 1727 Words | 5 Pages. the image television set directly in college papers, front of me a Tampa Bay Ray’s game was on and in the bar area it seemed to be the poetry essay game that was drawing the most attention. An . assortment of Ray’s jersey’s could be seen from papers, my seat, and there was absolutely no doubt about the fact that you indeed were in Tampa.

With the slightly dimmed lighting it gave an overall tranquil frame of mind. At the essay on virtue goes unrewarded beginning of time it can be inferred that man did not eat for the taste, but ate just to manage to subsist. In the contemporary. A1 Steak Sauce , Eating , Food 1062 Words | 3 Pages. Social 20- 1 WWII Activity 5 D2L Posting -2 units Western Europe – End of War : How might Winston Churchill have replied to . this telegram? Dear Sir, I highly appreciate your gracious understanding and congratulatory words sent in your May 9th 1945 telegram. I rest assured that it means a lot. The struggles of the Second World War left our globe astonished, and the aftermath is still very depressing. Get Paid College Papers. Although I led Britain to victory, I am obligated to pass on the congratulations to the. Adolf Hitler , Allies of World War II , Europe 812 Words | 3 Pages. ? World War 1 Questions 1 . Which three countries were in the Alliance of the Three Emperors?

A. . Poetry Essay. Italy, France, England B. College Papers. Germany, Russia, Austria C. Changing Essay. Germany, Austria, Prussia D. Serbia, Greece, Bulgaria Answer: B. To Write College. Germany, Russia, Austria 2. What was key to Bismarck’s plan to maintain Germany’s power prior to WWI? A. Phd Thesis Segmentation. Invade to surrounding countries B. Defeat Britain in naval combat C. Aid the Ottoman Empire through military force D. Papers. Maintain peace throughout Europe, namely between. Central Powers , Germany , Ottoman Empire 387 Words | 3 Pages. My personal interests are very diverse and uc personal statement, I have found myself constantly involved in extra-curricular activities. I am passionate about papers, . sports, whether it was swimming through school or kickball through college, or just enjoying a casual jog. I believe in team work and in my experience being in a team allows you to learn about poetry essay, sportsmanship, but also about winning and losing. I have always strived to win, but in to write college, sports like in technology, life losing is part of the game and I believe that you should also.

Chemical engineering , Oil refinery , Petroleum 1029 Words | 4 Pages. Tutors – Aimee McNair and Kevin Wilson Q. In an essay of get paid not more than 1,500 words compare and contrast ONE PAIR of the two . pairs of poems printed below. Your answer should exhibiy a clear understanding of economy of china essays each poem’s meaning and tone, and you should consider the effect and importance of formal features, such as rhyme scheme, sound patterning, word choice, figurative language and punctuation. Date handed in : 31st January 2011 This essay will compare the poems “On Passing the New Menin. Madrid Metro , Menin Gate , Metropolitana di Napoli 1727 Words | 5 Pages. Diary at War Written by Steve Fallon Alexandra Davies March 12, 1915 Right now I’m sitting in one of the trenches, and I’m watching . a rat eat on of the mouldy sandwiches.

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China Coin – Allan Baillie Essay Sample. * Leah and to write papers her mother Joan are on a plane to China in search of the origins of a mysterious half a coin that was sent to Joan from her father. * Leah is not thrilled to be going. * Leah does not see herself as Chinese. * We find out that Leah’s father has died of cancer and they are tracing the coin for him, because he was really curious about where the essays on the nitrogen other half of the coin is. Get Paid. * Joan is spooked by economy essays what she sees on TV – a student riot. Chapter 2. Joan and Leah go to the Qingping Market. Leah notices that China is changing Joan – she is becoming “Chinese” – a side of Joan that Leah has not seen before.

They meet a young man who is putting up signs about democracy. * We learn that Leah and Joan come from Chatswood NSW. * They and Joan head to Good Field Village. * They find the get paid college papers Ji family, which is statement, her family and meet Chou Yin Yu (Silver Jade), Grandfather, Swallow and Chained Dragon. * Leah sees more transformation of Joan as she introduces herself as Ji Feng Hua and this makes Leah feel alone. * They find out that Grandfather is to write, Joan’s father’s brother. * Joan shows them the letter from her father that arrived with the coin. * Swallow ‘adopts’ Leah as a sister.

* We learn about some of the history of Communist China. We also learn that students are protesting in Beijing. * * We learn that Joan’s grandfather started the village 80 years ago. * They go to the village cemetery. * Leah is starting to feel a sense of belonging to these kind people – her self image is critical, changing as well, and get paid to write papers being part Chinese doesn’t seem like such a bad thing now. * Grandfather tells about prompt 2013, how he and his brother got separated and to write papers asks about school essay never unrewarded, how rich Joan’s father was. He says that he thought his brother would come back and get paid to write papers help them financially. Essay On Virtue Never. Joan gets quite defensive of her father. * They have a big banquet after Joan returns from the get paid to write papers city with their bags. ? Leah realises she doesn’t really know her mother Joan very well. ? Leah overhears Grandfather and Jade talking about the coin. She learns that Grandfather is keeping them there because he thinks they will provide them with money.

Jade is against this and doesn’t want Joan’s money. ? Leah tells Joan and they realise the other half of the coin is not in the village. ? Grandfather says they must go to Turtle Land Village to find the answers. Chapter 7. ? Joan and Leah catch a train to Shanghai. ? They meet a woman who is school on virtue unrewarded, a Communist Party official. She is rude and abusive to them. ? Leah sees that China can be a dangerous place. ? We find out that Joan is afraid of the students/riots because when she was little there had been anti Chinese riots in to write college Penang and their store had been burnt down. Chapter 8. ? Leah stops being angry with Joan.

? They are in Shanghai. ? Leah is taking photos when a group of on the nitrogen cycle students being chased by soldiers, run down the to write college papers street and school on virtue hit her and she is knocked to the ground. ? She is separated from Joan and is forced to find her way back to the motel on her own. ? When she returns Joan is mad and abuses Leah. We find out that she had been terrified that Leah had been taken off by the mob. To Write College. ? They leave the motel a couple of days later to find a boat to take them to the village. Students are marching in the streets and they have trouble getting through. The students are carrying banners and fighting for technology essay freedom.

Leah smiles at the students and is friendly but Joan reprimands her because she doesn’t want the soldiers or police to to write think she is one of phd thesis them. * Chapter 9. * They travel along the get paid Yangtze River. * They both remember how they had found out on virtue never goes unrewarded about Leah’s dad’s cancer. * They are charged as tourists in the boat’s restaurant – Joan will not pay double the cost and eats below with the 3rd class passengers. Joan will not be pushed around. * There is still tension between Joan and Leah over the incident where Leah had been separated from her mother and Joan had blamed Leah. * They learn that the get paid papers protests are not just in one place, but all over China. Joan is worried about essays nitrogen, their safety and get paid to write papers about being trapped in China. * Joan thinks Leah doesn’t like China. * Leah thinks Joan wanted to image segmentation forget her father’s death too quickly and rush them off to China. * Joan explains to her daughter what it was like to be 8 and witness a horrible mob scene. Get Paid College Papers. * Joan explains that once their shop had been burnt, they left Penang and went to uc personal statement Singapore.

Her philosophy is that once things are gone, you must change – turn away. Leah thinks her mother brought them to China to forget her dad – she doesn’t really understand what Joan is saying. * They board the second river boat. * Leah is confused about her mother’s actions/motives in solving the mystery of the get paid college papers coin. * Joan seems not to talk about her dead husband very much. * As the boat moves along the river Leah reminisces about when Dad was dying. We find out all the details and that Leah was mad with her mum after her dad dies. Statement Prompt 2013. As the boat trip becomes “over” there is get paid to write, a connection with her father’s passing. Leah says, “We’ve been through a lot eh?” They are starting to essay heal and to write college become closer to one another. * Students are protesting in on the cycle the town. * Leah goes out for a walk around the town. * Leah and college papers a young woman are taking photos.

* The young woman tells Leah that 1000 students are on a hunger strike in Beijing, in Tiananmen Square * Leah identifies herself with this girl and realises she is just like her. * Arriving in school essay never Chonqing, Leah goes out and sees a protest. She finds out that there’s one girl in the protest that looks a lot like her “the same size as me, the same smile as me”. She also says that: “I could be her” - she starts to get paid to write college identify herself as a Chinese. * * Leah thinks things are changing – Joan seems happier and more relaxed. * They have trouble finding Turtle Land Village. * Joan is discouraged and wants to go home. * Leah comes back to the city and proudly tells Joan about on virtue never, her knowledge about the political situation of China while Joan doesn’t care - They don’t care the to write college same thing * However they both desperately go look for their village even though there is not clues. * * They meet Ke, a student who is phd thesis image, protesting. He takes them to to write papers Red Star Village. * They meet Tong, a teacher, who tells them that Red Star Village was once known as Turtle Land Village. * They are left with the last hope that is “The red star” village.

While waiting for essays the taxi to be fixed, Leah tells Joan to go walk and find the village as it is the “final flicker” - Leah is really serious in finding the village. * Tong tells them that the village was called “Turtle Land” - the college papers potential of finding their family increases. * * Joan is run over by a motorcycle driven by phd thesis Heng (a Communist Party member) * Heng blames Joan for the accident. * Joan is taken to the hospital. * Ke reads the letter and realises that Leah and Joan are family * Hearing the crash, Leah runs toward Joan as Joan is lying injured in get paid to write papers the road near the motorcycle. Leah shows her strong emotion reaction toward Joan’s accident and poetry critical instead of call Joan Joan, she calls her Mum - A strong sense of belonging between them, Leah worries about Joan deep much * Ke reads the letter and finds out something, he tells Heng that Leah is supposed to go to his family’s house as she is part of the family - a new sense of to write belonging is built * * Introduced to poetry Ke’s mother, Li-Nan. * They discuss the Ji name and how what Grandfather had written in get paid papers the letter could be Zhou instead of Ji, making Ke, Tong and Li-Nan family * Following Ke’s explanation about different meanings of critical a Chinese name, Leah realises she no longer translates Chinese into English, she realises that she starts to “think Chinese” - She feels like a real Chinese, she accepts her Chinese self * Li-nan tells Leah that no matter the name is, no matter if Leah is the relatives or not, she is in Li-nan’s house, she is a part of it - Li-nan gives Leah a sense of belonging by get paid to write accepting and welcoming her to economy the family. * Leah discovers that she really wants to be part of this family. She can feel a connection to them and realises she is changing * Ke takes the day off protesting to show Leah around the village * They visit Joan in hospital. * We learn about how Turtle Land Village got its name. * Leah walks in Turtle Land Village and realises that the village is different from the Good Field. She feels that she actually wants to be a Turtle Land villager -She finally wants to have a connection to China. * Joan is to write, miserable in poetry critical essay hospital and wants desperately to get out * She questions Leah about the Zhou family and if they really are related * Leah comes to see her mother for the second time.

Unlike the first time, Joan is now much more energetic and starts to get paid to write college complain about her life in uc personal 2013 the hospital. She becomes suspicious and doubt Ke’s family that maybe they are not family, they are just using Leah to take Joan’s money. Papers. Leah feel upset about what Joan says -She like Ke’s family and school on virtue goes doesn’t want other to say bad things about it, even from her own mother. * * Leah really wants to belong to the village. She says to Ke: * “The village. Get Paid To Write College. You really think it’s mine, don’t you?” * “Definitely. Yours as much as mine.” Smiling, waiting. * We find out that Ke’s father has been killed. * Ke tells Leah that there were 1 million protesters in Tiananmen Square and poetry critical they were not just students. He is excited about the news. * Russia’s Gorbachev tells Deng he has a revolution on his hands * Ke tells Leah about the timeline of the protests.

* Ke tells Leah that they want an end to corruption – they want CHANGE – they want DEMOCRACY – A FAIR CHANCE – FREEDOM * We learn Heng is the Communist Party Head guy in the village and even though he only college, has the same land as everyone else, how does he afford a motorbike and a colour TV? His son runs a factory… There is on the, no equality in the Communist Party * Ke tells Leah that his father was a poet and was killed by get paid to write papers the Red Guard during the Cultural Revolution, because of his poetry. * Ke’s mother worries about his involvement in uc personal prompt the marches because she knows what could happen to to write him. * Leah and Ke share a moment of connection when she tells him that her father died also. Essays On The. * As Ke tells Leah about his father’s death, she thinks about her mother and find out that all Joan does is just because she doesn’t want to lose Leah- her only college papers, daughter - Lead understands her mother more and therefore, start to forgive her. * The river bank is where Ke and education essay Leah comes together and talk to each other. It is the place that their relationship is built up as they also know more about get paid to write papers, each other. Essay. * * Ke has to get paid to write college papers go into Chengdu and his mother is worried about the danger – He is not, but is excited to essay on virtue never goes see how the protests are going * Leah feeds the animals and helps out. * Li-Nan takes Leah to college see Joan in the hospital. * Li-Nan and Joan finally connect and Leah feels a bit left out as they talk about their children and the worries they have for them * She is sad that Joan is opening up to Li-Nan instead of her * Ke and Leah making joke with each other, call each other “Orphan” and “Pig” and poetry critical ask about the yesterday’s “unhappiness” - they are getting really close as they can talk freely to each other, they understand each other. * Li-nan goes to the hospital with Leah, she meets Joan. At first Joan was so cold and mean to her but then after some words, they are becoming friends as they all have the same pain (husband’s death) - A similarity can bring people together. * Joan asks Leah to go out so she and Li-nan have a space to talk about their husband. Leah feels sad as Joan always kicks her out of conversations about get paid papers, his dad. She feels like an outcast and wonders herself that why everybody gets to know Joan better than her.

* Leah meets Tong whilst she is out walking. * He takes her to his school and she notices how different it looks than her school * The get Tong’s coin book out to try to find out more about the coin * We learn that when Mao launched the Cultural Revolution the government made Tong scrub toilets instead of write books, and they killed his brother for his poetry. We learn that their father was made out to be a bad Chinese because he was a good farmer and so Tong says their lives were ruined * Tong agrees with the protests and what they hope to achieve, but he says it is very difficult to bring about essay on virtue never, change * Leah sees Tong outside the school and goes with him to see the book which might help them find out about the coin * Tong apologizes to Leah about his attitude the other day, Leah says to him that it is ok - They now understand each other and get closer. * Leah knows more about the situation in China, as all the official parties are corrupting while the people are dying in poverty. * Ke returns from Chengdu with news that the city is under siege with students and workers and get paid to write college other protestors, even the police do not want to uc personal statement 2013 stop them * We learn some of the Communist leaders had come out to talk to the students * Heng speaks about supporting the students and ending corruption * In the cafe, Tong says that he likes Leah and even if she is not family, he would marry her into the family (to Ke) so that she could be part of his family - their relationship is getting closer as Tong wants Leah to be part of papers his family. * Ke comes back and tells everyone about the situation of the protest. Heng unexpectedly says that he is in support of the students and tries to explain that he is not corrupting. Statement Prompt 2013. * * Leah tells Ke how his mother worries about him. * Ke describes how he had his mother bonded after his father had died – how working the field together brought them closer together * Ke takes Leah to the paddy and tell her that is the paddy was dug by Li-nan and him. Get Paid To Write. Ke explains how Li-nan did to overcome the pain of his father’s death.

Just like Joan, Li-nan kept herself and ke busy so they didn’t have time to think about poetry essay, Ke’s father. Working together for get paid college papers so long, they became friends and then the paddy was not important anymore, they reached their goal. * Ke tells Leah that he agrees with the way his mother overcoming the pain and so should Leah. Leah realises that maybe Joan wants the trip to China their “paddy” * * Tong arrives with news of the poetry critical essay coin – it is older than the village * On the way to the hospital Leah wonders why other people know Joan better than she does * Leah remembers her mother crying when she had read the letter from her father. She realises that she has not thought about how losing her father and papers her husband has affected her mother. * Leah confesses to uc personal statement prompt 2013 her mum that she is jealous that Joan talks to other people about get paid, how she feels, but not to Leah. * Ke had asked why they had come to China and at first it was for phd thesis image segmentation other people, but they both realise that now it is for themselves – Leah feels a great sense of family and get paid to write college papers belonging: * “But this is my family now!” * Leah tells about phd thesis image, Ke and Li-Nan digging the paddy and how that made them closer. Perhaps this hunt for the coin is their ‘paddy’ and will bring them closer * Li-Nan breaks into a trunk that was her husbands, and get paid to write papers is now Ke’s, looking for the other half of the coin * They find the other half of the coin in a piece of education essay bamboo and are very excited * Leah comments: * “This is family, Leah thought …and hugged them both back. What a great day.” * On the way to the hospital, Leah asks herself why people get to know Joan better than her, and get paid papers then she put herself in Joan’s shoes and finds out the answer herself. She understands why Joan did all the things. * In the hospital, Leah frankly asks Joan and nitrogen cycle Joan opens her mind to Leah - They get together and become closer. * Leah realises that her purpose of the get paid trip is changed, she is no longer there for her Dad but for herself. She wants to be a part of Ke’s family. * Leah gets home and helps Li-nan explore her husband’s chest. They find the other half coin in the bamboo. On The Cycle. Leah feels relieves as she sees the coin finally fit together perfectly -Ke’s family is truly her family, Leah is so happy as what she wants now comes true. * She also notices that Ke is not there and asks for to write Ke - Leah misses Ke and likes Ke so much that she wants to share her happy moment with him. * * Li-Nan says that Leah must tell Joan about the prompt 2013 coin, but Leah says, “We’ll tell her. Together.” * They find a piece of paper in the bamboo stick.

* Ke arrives home and tells them that Deng has declared Martial Law and soldiers have been brought in to stop them protestors * Ke wants to go to the city again but Li-Nan convinces him to stay home because of the get paid danger. He is not happy. * He apologies for critical essay dragging Leah into college papers, the political trouble and she surprises herself by saying, “I want to be part of it.” * Ke is criticised by his friends for not going to Chengdu and he is nitrogen, left crying * They are able to read part of the paper and it was written by Ke and Leah’s great grandfather * Leah visits Joan in hospital. Joan says, “You’re perfect. Wonderful people. A family.” “It is wonderful to find a friend and know that she is family too.” * We learn the coin was found by the great grandfather when he was digging the field and he had broken it into halves.

He took it to a wise woman in his village to see if it was of any value. * Ke and Leah find the mattock that had been used by the great grandfather to split the coin. * News comes back from the city that Deng has surrendered. The students are growing in numbers and are being joined by thousands of get paid college papers others. Soldiers have turned back. They are all shouting “people Power.” “Down with Deng and Li Peng.” * We find out more from the old page…The old woman had told the poetry critical essay great grandfather that the get paid to write college coin was worthless but was an poetry critical essay omen and would split his family because he had split the coin * News again of the protest..Nothing has happened.

Tens of thousands of protestors, police and army, with no movement * On Ke’s return we find out get paid to write college papers that not as many people are marching as before. Zhao has been pushed aside..Ke is depressed * They have the whole of the scroll translated now, but Ke is too distracted by prompt the protest to be excited. * We learn that after the coin was found, and the omen given, the village suffered famine and get paid to write floods and hard times. We find that Bi has had to education essay leave the village to go and get paid papers search for of china essays better land to support his family. The father gives his son half the coin to get paid to write papers remember this broken family. Leah gives the two halves of the coin to Ke. Phd Thesis Image. * As the protesting situation is getting worse, Li-nan doesn’t want Ke to go anymore because she is afraid to lose Ke. Ke reluctant agree to stay. * Ke goes talk to his friends to find out more about the real thing happening in to write the protest. The students say that they need Ke but Ke tells them he can’t go.

They criticise Ke and he feels guilty, he is losing his sense of belonging toward the protest group * Leah, Tong and Li-nan come to the hospital to tell Joan that they are family. Joan is happy as eventually she could find her own family. * The government stops the essays nitrogen cycle trains running so the students can’t travel to to write papers the marches. Ke feels they have failed in their attempt to change things. * Ke says that the essays on the nitrogen cycle only important place to march is Tiananmen. Li-Nan says she will not let him go there and he says he must * There is an argument about Ke’s involvement in the protests, but he has already bought his train ticket and she realises she cannot stop him.

They hug. He says it will be alright, but his face is pale. * Ke has been gone for two days. * Leah thinks about how long she has been in papers China and how she never wanted to uc personal statement prompt 2013 come. To Write College Papers. She says of herself, “No, you’re not Chinese, but you’re not not Chinese either. It doesn’t matter anymore.” She is finding her place. * Leah doesn’t want to leave China without seeing Ke.

She thinks about him in school never unrewarded a romantic sort of way * Heng arrives in college papers the village and Leah realises he has fertiliser…(the other villagers have none) * Leah goes home and tells Tong what she has seen. Tong gets some people up and the head to Heng’s. they shame Heng into sharing the fertiliser with the economy essays village * Joan gets out of hospital. * Leah and Joan leave the village to start heading home. * Leah walks in the village herself at night, she realises that she is now familiar with the village and China. Get Paid. She gets accepted by people and even the animals (dog, duck…) and essays cycle she feels happy about college papers, it, she nearly accepts her Chinese identity by saying : “NO you’re not Chinese but you’re not not Chinese either. It doesn’t matter anymore” * Leah finds Heng sneaking on the root with his bike and a truck, she smells the fertiliser in Heng’s truck and realises Heng is secretly taking all the fertiliser for his own.

Leah runs back home to tell Tong. Critical. They catch Heng and take away all of his fertiliser bags. * Leah is a hero of the villager, she is happy that she could help them - She is a real part of the village now. * Leaving the village with Joan, Leah feels pity and sad, she wants to stay longer. * * Joan tells Leah that she can go to college papers Tiananmen to see Ke. * Leah sees a lot of phd thesis segmentation people in Tiananmen Square. * A man helps Leah get closer to a ‘statue’ – the ‘Goddess of Democracy’ hoping she will find Ke there. * Ke tells her many have been there for a month and they will not give up * Ke shows Leah a piece of glass that he got the coins set in. Get Paid. she takes it to show Joan and promises to return tomorrow * She kisses him. * Leah goes to find Ke and sees him with thousands of students in image segmentation the Tiananmen. Get Paid To Write Papers. Ke gives Leah the glass egg in which the two halves of the coin are encased. The halves are separated by the bubble - symbolise that Ke and Leah cant get together, the new China cant be accepted by the old govermnet * * Leah is woken at night. She thinks it is the poetry sound of crackers at a wedding. Get Paid College Papers. * Joan and Leah go to poetry critical the great wall, Joan starts to get paid talk about David with Leah - They are getting closer * * Leah finds out that something bad has happened at Tiananmen. Leah travels to Tiananmen and finds out that the soldiers attacked the students the night before. * Ke has not contacted them.

* Leah feels lost and sad as the restaurant owner tells her that the segmentation Tiananmen is gone, people got killed. She worries about get paid to write papers, Ke. * * Leah goes out for education a walk in search of Ke or some news. She sees soldiers and burnt out trucks and is nearly shot by a soldier, who shoots another young woman instead. * Leah and get paid papers Joan wait in the hotel, hoping to be contacted by Ke * The Australian Embassy evacuates Leah and Joan from the motel to a safer location * We learn through a re-tell from one of the students what must have happened at Tiananmen the night of the massacre * They are evacuated again to the airport, where they will leave for Australia * Leah remembers that Ke had said that the Egg with the coin in it was China * The reality that Ke is dead hits them both and of china they think of poor Li-Nan * They cling to get paid college papers each other for comfort as they leave China behind * Joan and Leah receive the phd thesis call from the Australian embassy and follow them to to write the safe place. Leah desperately waits for changing Ke’s call, hoping he is alright. * Leah thinks about the coin as a symbol for college papers so many things. Changing Education. She realises that after all, the coin just leads to an accident, which she doesn’t want to. * After all, Joan and Leah get together. Is this the perfect essay for you? Save time and order China Coin – Allan Baillie.

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Photographer’s Corner: A step-by-step guide to creating a business plan. As a professional photographer, it is very important to create a thorough business plan to outline your goals and determine a course of action for papers, achieving them. Even if you have already been running a successful company, you can benefit from organizing your efforts into poetry critical essay, a well thought out get paid to write business strategy. The first step in creating a business plan is to determine who you are as a photographer and what you want to specialize in. While you may enjoy all genres of poetry essay, photography, a focused area or niche is highly recommended. Trying to represent all genres of the industry in your portfolio can communicate a lack of focus and a failure to master any one area to potential clients. By focusing your efforts on a few well-chosen paths you can become a respected expert in your chosen niche.

The industry is as competitive as it’s ever been, so it is important to set yourself apart from your competition. For example, if you want to carve a place for get paid to write college papers, yourself as a wedding photographer, decide what types of technology changing essay, weddings you want to to write college shoot. When considering this question, think about your strengths. If you love shooting with natural light the most, or you adore black and white images over color, think about whether you can build your business from this angle. Geography can also play a large role in determining your niche.

If you live in a rural area, but your passion is fashion, it may not be a good idea to phd thesis image choose fashion photography as a focus. To Write College. Instead, consider shooting portraits and weddings using fashion lighting. Brainstorming what you love to shoot and statement prompt 2013, how to make a practical choice for your business based on this is time well spent. Let’s take Shelley Paulson’s portrait work as an get paid to write papers example. Essay. In addition to being a spectacular wedding and engagement photographer, Shelley takes beautiful portraits, mainly of to write, high school seniors. What sets her photos apart from others in her area is that she specializes in critical essay portraits with horses. As a lover of horses all her life it was a natural choice for her to focus the portrait area of her business in this direction. So as you can see from to write college papers, this example, a niche does not have to be one thing alone.

In Shelley’s case, focusing on weddings as well as equine portraits caters to her specific interests and skills, and it keeps her busy all year. It’s always a good idea to see who you’re up against. On The Nitrogen. Some basic research of your local competition and their specialties can go a long way. However, you shouldn’t be daunted by what others are doing. For example, if there are a lot of family portrait photographers in your area, this does not mean that you have to choose a different genre.

Instead, think of ways to approach family portraits from an unexpected angle. This could be shooting in and around the families’ homes where they are most comfortable, or at the beach with natural sunlight. To Write. The key is to combine areas you are comfortable and skilled in and turn them into your niche. Whatever area you choose, be sure that it is something that has room to grow. Poetry Critical Essay. Choosing a niche is great for get paid, becoming an expert in that area in a relatively short period of time. But make sure you don’t narrow your scope so much that you will not allow opportunities to expand your business over time. The key to poetry essay many successful businesses is their ability to get paid papers grow and adapt to changes in the market. Start by asking yourself who your clients are. Are they male, female, or an equal percentage of each? What is the largest age group?

Where do they hang out? What websites do they visit and critical essay, what magazines do they read? This will give you a very good idea of where to start when you are ready to get paid to write college papers advertise and market to this demographic. Let’s answer those questions using a pet photographer as an example.The majority of pet owners are female, ages 30-45, who visit parks and pet stores and are interested in phd thesis image magazines like Pet Planet and The Bark. For a commercial photographer, they might think about get paid to write college which companies and accounts to go after. If you aspire to shoot perfume and cosmetics advertisements, research which ad agencies are producing these jobs. Or if you want to shoot for fashion magazines, narrow down which ones you think are a good fit for uc personal statement 2013, your style and aesthetic.

The art directors, photo editors, and art buyers at these companies will be your target clients to get the jobs you are after. It is also important to consider whether your target market is large enough to sustain you. If your focus is get paid to write college, shooting head shots for actors, you will need to determine how many working actors there are in your area and how often they need head shots. You also need to know how much revenue you’ll generate from phd thesis image segmentation, each head shot session and determine how many of these you will need to keep your expenses paid. To Write Papers. Be conservative with these estimates and essay on virtue never, don’t count on repeat clients for your long term planning. You should always be working to increase your client list. As a professional photographer it is an get paid college absolute must that you have a well designed and easy to school essay never goes unrewarded navigate website.

There was a time an online portfolio alone was enough, but these days you need to have a comprehensive site. When setting up your site look for get paid to write, a full service option that will enable you to display your portfolio and includes an e-commerce platform, marketing tools, and an easy to navigate client interface. If you do any type of consumer photography you will want the option to essays on the nitrogen cycle sell online as well as use online proofing tools. In-person proofing is a great way to get paid to write college papers make and close print sales, but that method doesn’t allow you to nitrogen cycle reach all of your client's friends and get paid, relatives. Image. By offering an online proofing gallery to your clients, they can choose to share it with friends and family, possibly opening up new revenue streams for get paid to write college papers, you. Many photographers use an integrated blog to show off their newest images and let visitors know what they are currently working on. These blog posts help show that you are keeping busy, which is one of the best ways to changing essay drive up business. When clients see you as a prolific professional in get paid college papers your field they’ll want to get the chance to work with you while your career is on fire. Luckily Zenfolio can help you with achieve all of the above. Voted the Best Website Builder by poetry critical essay, the 2013 Framed Awards, Zenfolio offers everything you need to get paid to write create a dynamic and beautiful photography website. From the moment you sign up with Zenfolio you’ll have your own site that you can quickly and of china essays, easily customize using intuitive tools that were designed with photographers-not computer programmers-in mind.

Once your website is in great shape you will need to to write papers make sure that people are able to find it. These days there are many ways that you can maximize your search engine optimization (or more commonly referred to as SEO) so that when potential clients search for a specific type of photographer in your area, your name will appear if you fit the search criteria. When looking at website options for placing your photography online be sure that the image segmentation, one you choose includes built-in SEO tools. Having the to write college, ability to quickly add search tags to a group of school, photos or import photos that you’ve already tagged in Lightroom will save you a ton of time and energy. Search engines primarily look for text on pages which can be an issue for photographers who have a website full of images. If there isn’t any text data (tags) that accompany the images your site might be virtually invisible to get paid college search engines. So take the time to on the provide relevant titles, captions, and keywords for your photos wherever possible. The more detail you can provide with these, the better. Get Paid Papers. You should also include your geographical location in the text of your site so that your website is found in searches such as Wedding photographer in essay on virtue never unrewarded San Francisco.

The more times a link to your website is clicked, the better your site ranking will be and you’ll appear higher in search results. How do you get more people to click on your link? Share it everywhere. We recommend that you add links to your site in to write your email signatures, on photo forums, on social media, websites, and anywhere else you can think of. When looking for a job you’ll often hear the essay, old adage “It’s not what you know but who you know.” The same applies in to write college the virtual world. Nitrogen. Having other services link to your website as much as possible is key to achieving this. If you belong to get paid to write college any photo clubs or professional organizations, make sure you have a profile listed with a link to your site. This can really help to boost your search ranking. SEO might seem like a daunting task to poetry critical take on but the effort you put in will pay off in the end.

But don’t feel like you have to go it alone. Zenfolio offers many built-in tools and additional help with SEO to make this process as easy as possible. Market, market, market so you can sell, sell, sell. With marketing you get what you put into it. There is simply too much competition these days to sit back and wait for to write, clients to come to you.

Now that you have outlined who your customers are in poetry essay step 2, think about how to target your marketing efforts toward them. Define the channels you’d like to implement like email blasts or newsletters, direct mail, social media, events, and paid advertising. Promotional email blasts are cheap to produce, easy to target, and effective. Try sending a few promotional email blasts. Try spreading them throughout the get paid to write, year to uc personal your contact lists using seasonal promotions, reminders of prior purchases and products reviewed and timely offers. Also, plan to send a certain number of regular newsletters as well that highlight your latest work, new available products, or anything else your current clients might find relevant or interesting. To Write Papers. Don’t forget to provide a way for people to unsubscribe if they choose. Direct mail, that is.

You probably will need to take your budget into phd thesis segmentation, consideration when planning a direct mailer so consider creating a few different strategies for papers, different groups within your contacts. For example, consider creating a well-designed, but inexpensive, post card to send to all clients while reserving more expensive promo pieces for your top 20 leads. Many people will go to a restaurant or use a service based upon a recommendation from a friend. You can use this word of mouth advertising effectively to drive up business in the same way via social media websites. Phd Thesis Image. One way to get paid college papers do this is to allow your clients to share the images you have taken on their Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+ pages. If they love your work they will likely share it with an ecstatic compliment and their entire network will see it. One thing to keep in mind if you go this route is to essay be sure that you brand your images with a logo or unobtrusive watermark so that potential clients know who you are and can easily find you. To Write. Logos and watermarks will also help protect against illegal reproduction of your work. Don’t be afraid to share some of your own successes on never goes your social media page. If you were recently featured in a publication, share this news on to write Facebook, Google+, Twitter etc. to help you get the word out.

Or if you decide to run a promotion, announce it on Facebook as well as through newsletters, email blasts, etc. Your successes will more easily build on changing essay each other if people know about them. To Write College Papers. Think about using a service like HootSuite to automatically add social media posts so that you can schedule them in advance. Events in your area are great way to get in front of your target market. For example, if you shoot weddings, find out if there are any bridal fairs in your area and on virtue never goes, get involved. Also think about approaching bridal stores in your service area and other vendors who may have events or promotions you can be a part of.

Having the opportunity to meet potential clients in person or through other companies can be a huge help in selling your services. You don’t have to be a large company with a million dollar budget to have effective advertising. Paid advertising has become easier in recent years with companies like Google lowering the get paid to write college, barrier to entry. Segmentation. Google Ad Words can be a great way to try out online ads without spending a lot. However, if you do not have the budget for advertising like this, don't let it get you down. College Papers. There are so many ways to image reach clients these days that your other marketing efforts can more than make up for it. When creating a marketing plan, keep in get paid college mind that your plans are fluid and can be adjusted at any time based on how they perform. Make sure you’re measuring the return you’re getting from technology essay, each channel so you can make necessary adjustments.

If you see that a particular approach is working well while others are getting no traction, reallocate where you spend your time and money to to write get the most bang for your buck. Zenfolio can help you with a lot of school, these marketing efforts with its built-in tools. To Write Papers. The recent Photographer’s Corner article on marketing is a gold mine of of china essays, ideas and inspiration. Get Paid. Even trying out just one or two of the essays, strategies discussed in this article can help you. As stated at the beginning of this article, the most important thing you are doing by creating a business plan is setting achievable goals for yourself and your business. Over the course of the year it is very easy to get caught up in the day-to-day madness of keeping everything going. That’s why we recommend creating, or at least evaluating, your existing business plan every year. Get Paid College. By taking the time to of china essays carefully plan where you are going and how you will effectively get there you’ll be able to avoid bumps in college the road and track the progress that you’ve made. Now you just need to take the first step.

___ Brainstorm what you love to shoot best and essays on the nitrogen, choose some specific applications to specialize in. ___ Research your competition to see if there are other professionals in your area occupying the same space. ___ Think about how you will be able to expand your services over time in your chosen specialty. ___ Brainstorm who your potential clients are and get paid to write, think about statement prompt 2013 their age, interests, and the frequency that they will need your services. ___ Research your target audience and create a database of email addresses and info for anyone you want to reach out to in the get paid to write college, future or who has contacted you in the past or who you want to reach out to in the technology changing essay, future. ___ Look at get paid college papers your overhead expenses and poetry critical, determine how many jobs you will need to get paid to write college execute on a monthly basis to stay afloat.

___ Polish your website so that it is up to uc personal statement prompt 2013 date and reflective of your services and chosen niche. ___ Think about creating a blog as a way to regularly communicate what is new with your work and get paid to write college, business. Poetry Critical Essay. If you already do this, think about papers different ways to post blog articles that you have not tried before. ___ Add text elements to your website pages as much as possible with relevant keywords, titles and captions. Think about other ways you can add text in creative ways. ___ Link, link, link! Find as many places that you can insert a link to your website as possible. Create a list of on the cycle, other companies that may be willing to get paid college papers cross-link to your site. ___ Create a list of marketing categories that you will work within. Inside each category list a few ways that you will reach clients.

___ Look for statement, events in your area that you can be a part of. ___ Check out this recent blog on how to use your Zenfolio account in combination with your marketing plan. ___ Look into the services offered by Zenfolio to spruce up your site and keep it current. Transform your photography business with Zenfolio. Sign up for the free, two-week trial today.

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