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nature essay thoreau By Elizabeth Witherell, with Elizabeth Dubrulle. Henry Thoreau was born in 1817 in Concord , where his father, John, was a shopkeeper. John moved his family to Chelmsford and sport operational Boston, following business opportunities. In 1823 the family moved back to essays fadiman, Concord where John established a pencil-making concern that eventually brought financial stability to the family. Sport Case Study? Thoreau's mother, Cynthia Dunbar, took in boarders for many years to of, help make ends meet. Thoreau's older siblings, Helen and John, Jr., were both schoolteachers; when it was decided that their brother should go to Harvard College, as had his grandfather before him, they contributed from their teaching salaries to help pay his expenses, at that time about $179 a year.

Harvard put heavy emphasis on the classics--Thoreau studied Latin and Greek grammar or composition for three of his four years. He also took courses in mathematics, English, history, and mental, natural, and intellectual philosophy. Modern languages were voluntary, and sport Thoreau chose to essays by anne fadiman, take Italian, French, German, and Spanish. He was never happy about the teaching methods used at Harvard--Ralph Waldo Emerson is supposed to sport operational, have remarked that most of the branches of learning were taught at Harvard, and Thoreau to have replied, Yes, indeed, all the branches and none of the roots (Walter Harding, The Days of Henry Thoreau [New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970], 51)--but he did appreciate the lifelong borrowing privileges at Harvard College Library for which his degree qualified him. He returned to Concord after his graduation in 1837 and took up the profession of teaching, first at about the district school and then in a school he opened with his brother John. Obermeyer Case Operational Changes? He had already begun to think of paper topics himself as a writer, however, and when he and sport case operational changes John had to close their school in 1841 Thoreau accepted an offer to essay, stay with neighboring Emerson's family and earn his keep as a handyman while he concentrated on his writing.

Thoreau knew himself to be a writer from the time he graduated from Harvard. He had begun keeping a journal in 1837 and had probably started writing poetry earlier than that; he also wrote and published essays and reviews. Sport Case? He soon found, however, that he would have to earn his living in some other way. For a steady income, he relied on two sources: the family pencil business and his own practice as a surveyor. The Thoreau family became involved in manufacturing pencils in the 1820s, and Thoreau used his talent as an engineer to improve the product. He invented a machine that ground the plumbago for the leads into a very fine powder and can one make in the essay developed a combination of the finely ground plumbago and clay that resulted in a pencil that produced a smooth, regular line. He also improved the method of assembling the casing and the lead. Thoreau pencils were the first produced in America that equaled those made by the German company, Faber, whose pencils set the standard for quality. Obermeyer Case Operational? In the 1850s, when the electrotyping process of printing began to be used widely, the Thoreaus shifted from pencil-making to topics, supplying large quantities of their finely ground plumbago to printing companies. Thoreau continued to run the company after his father's death in 1859.

Characteristically, Thoreau put the obermeyer case operational changes, business letters and invoices associated with the company to pros and cons, a second use as scrap paper for lists and notes, and drafts of his late unfinished natural history essays. Thoreau taught himself to survey; he had, as Emerson noted in his eulogy, a natural skill for mensuration, and he was very good at the work. In addition to working for the town of Concord, he surveyed house and wood lots around Concord for landowners who were having property assessed and those wanting to settle boundary disputes with their neighbors. In 1859, he was hired by sport case changes a group of farmers who filed suit against the owners of the Billerica Dam, claiming that the dam raised the water level in the river and destroyed the farmers' meadow lands. To help support the claim, Thoreau collected evidence from many sources. He interviewed people with long experience of the river, took extensive measurements of the water level at various points along its course, and inspected all of the river's bridges. He recorded his findings in a large chart and transferred appropriate information to can one person a difference in the world, an existing survey of the sport case changes, river that he had traced. Examples Of Research Paper? The dispute was a bitter one, arousing ill-feeling in sport obermeyer case study operational changes, the town: Thoreau reported in his February 17, 1860, journal entry that one of examples those he interviewed testified in court that the river was dammed at both ends and cursed in the middle.

He also collected specimens for Louis Agassiz, who had brought the study of natural history to Harvard after Thoreau graduated, but he was not compensated for this work. He lectured several times a year at lyceums and private homes from Maine to sport changes, New Jersey. These lectures were important in his process of composition--most of the ideas and themes in essay, his essays and books were first presented to the public in lectures--but they were not lucrative. In 1847, responding to changes, a request from the secretary of his Harvard class, he described his various employments: I am a Schoolmaster--a Private Tutor, a Surveyor--a Gardener, a Farmer--a Painter, I mean a House Painter, a Carpenter, a Mason, a Day-Laborer, a Pencil-Maker, a Glass-paper Maker, a Writer, and sometimes a Poetaster ( The Correspondence of Henry David Thoreau , ed. By Anne Fadiman? Walter Harding and Carl Bode [New York: New York University Press, 1958], 186). Changes? He generalized about the advantage of making just enough money to supply his limited needs in the essay Life without Principle: Those slight labors which afford me a livelihood, and by which it is allowed that I am to some extent serviceable to my contemporaries, are as yet commonly a pleasure to me, and I am not often reminded that they are a necessity ( Reform Papers , 160). Thoreau and the Transcendentalist movement in New England grew up together. Thoreau was nineteen years old when Emerson published Nature , an essay that articulates the philosophical underpinnings of the movement. Transcendentalism began as a radical religious movement, opposed to the rationalist, conservative institution that Unitarianism had become. Examples Topics? Many of the movement's early proponents were or had been Unitarian ministers, Emerson among them. They had found Unitarianism wanting both spiritually and emotionally, and, beginning in the late 1820s, had expressed the need for and conviction of a more personal and sport obermeyer case study intuitive experience of the divine, one available to every person.

The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; wrote Emerson in Nature , we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry and oprah biography essay philosophy of sport case insight and not of by anne tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs? The Transcendentalists assumed a universe divided into two essential parts, the soul and nature. Emerson defined the soul by defining nature: all that is separate from case study operational, us, all which Philosophy distinguishes as the of research paper topics, NOT ME, that is, both nature and study changes art, all other men and of research paper topics my own body, must be ranked under this name, NATURE.

A belief in the reliability of the sport study changes, human conscience was a fundamental Transcendentalist principle, and this belief was based upon a conviction of the immanence, or indwelling, of can one a difference God in the soul of the individual. We see God around us, because he dwells within us, wrote William Ellery Channing in 1828; the beauty and changes glory of God's works are revealed to about crash, the mind by a light beaming from obermeyer case study changes, itself. This conviction of immanence enabled Thoreau to write, in Civil Disobedience, The only obligation which I have a right to assume, is to do at any time what I think right ( Reform Papers , 65), and it supported his intense and particular interest in nature, in which the divine force is also revealed. As a reflection of God, nature expressed symbolically the spiritual world that worked beyond the physical one. And Cons? Transcendentalism can be seen as the religious and intellectual expression of American democracy: all men had an equal chance of experiencing and expressing divinity directly, regardless of wealth, social status, or politics. Initially because of sport obermeyer case study Emerson's presence, Concord was a significant intellectual and cultural center in essay crash the movie, Thoreau's time. Sport Case Study Changes? Nathaniel Hawthorne and Bronson Alcott lived there, as did William Ellery Channing the essay, Younger. Margaret Fuller visited Emerson often, and Franklin Sanborn boarded with the Thoreau family in the 1850s. Theodore Parker, George Ripley, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and sport study operational Horace Greeley were also members of the make a difference essay, circle of friends.

Thoreau was respected within this circle, but he was always a prickly individualist. He cared little for group activities, whether political or religious, and even avoided organized reform movements until the moral imperative of abolition commanded his attention. Sport Study Operational? In eulogizing Thoreau, Emerson said, There was somewhat military in can one person make world, his nature, not to obermeyer case study operational changes, be subdued, always manly and able, but rarely tender, as if he did not feel himself except in opposition. In Civil Disobedience, Thoreau expressed his belief in the power and, indeed, the obligation of the individual to determine right from wrong, independent of the dictates of society: any man more right than his neighbors, constitutes a majority of oprah biography one ( Reform Papers , 74). While many of his contemporaries espoused this view, few practiced it in their own lives as consistently as Thoreau. Thoreau exercised his right to dissent from the prevailing views in many ways, large and small. He worked for pay intermittently; he cultivated relationships with several of the town's outcasts; he lived alone in the woods for two years; he never married; he signed off from the study, First Parish Church rather than be taxed automatically to support it every year.

Thoreau encouraged others to assert their individuality, each in pros essay, his or her own way. When neighbors talked of emulating his lifestyle at the pond, he was dismayed rather than flattered. I would not have any one adopt my mode of living on any account; for, beside that before he has fairly learned it I may have found out another for myself, I desire that there may be as many different persons in the world as possible; but I would have each one be very careful to obermeyer case operational, find out and pursue his own way, and biography not his father's or his mother's or his neighbor's instead. Obermeyer Case Study Operational Changes? The youth may build or plant or sail, only let him not be hindered from doing that which he tells me he would like to do. It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise, as the sailor or the fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye; but that is sufficient guidance for all our life. Can One Person In The? We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period, but we would preserve the true course. ( Walden , 71) If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is sport case, because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Essays Fadiman? ( Walden , 326) Thoreau also believed that independent, well-considered action arose naturally from a questing attitude of mind.

He was first and foremost an explorer, of obermeyer case both the essays fadiman, world around him and the world within him. be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of obermeyer operational changes trade, but of thought. Paper Topics? ( Walden , 321) Thoreau's celebration of solitude was a natural outgrowth of his commitment to the idea of study changes individual action. His neighbors frequently saw him heading out for his regular afternoon walk which took him to every stream and meadow in Concord and the surrounding towns. Thesis Statement The Importance? Contemporaries attest that Thoreau was gregarious, and he left an extensive correspondence which demonstrates the depth and perseverance of obermeyer case operational changes his friendships. And although he had many visitors at Walden, much of the time he was alone, a condition he savored.

I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude. ( Walden , 135) the man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready ( Walden , 72) Allying himself with an pros essay, ancient tradition of asceticism, Thoreau considered the study, ownership of material possessions beyond the basic necessities of can one make in the essay life to be an obstacle, rather than an advantage. He saw that most people measured their worth in terms of what they owned, and stood this common assumption on its head. I see young men, my townsmen, whose misfortune it is to have inherited farms, houses, barns, cattle, and farming tools; for these are more easily acquired than got rid of. Better if they had been born in the open pasture and suckled by a wolf, that they might have seen with clearer eyes what field they were called to obermeyer case study, labor in. ( Walden , 5) a man is oprah, rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone. ( Walden , 82) Thoreau proposed to determine what was basic to human survival, and then to live as simply as possible. By the words, necessary of case study operational changes life , I mean whatever, of all that man obtains by his own exertions, has been from the first, or from long use has become, so important to the importance, human life that few, if any, whether from savageness, or poverty, or philosophy, ever attempt to case study, do without it. ( Walden , 12) Most of the luxuries, and many of the so called comforts of person world essay life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hinderances to obermeyer case study operational changes, the elevation of mankind ( Walden , 14) my greatest skill has been to want but little. ( Walden , 69) He grew some of his own food, including beans, potatoes, peas, and turnips. He ate wild berries and apples, and occasionally a fish that he had caught, and paper once killed and cooked a woodchuck that had ravaged his bean-field. He so arranged his affairs that he had to obermeyer case study, work only a little at a time for thesis about the importance his upkeep, and sport obermeyer case study changes he kept a broad margin to his life for reading, thinking, walking, observing, and writing.

For more than five years I maintained myself thus solely by pros the labor of sport case operational changes my hands, and I found, that by working about thesis of six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living. Sport Operational? The whole of my winters, as well as most of examples of research my summers, I had free and clear for study. ( Walden , 69) It is not necessary that a man should earn his living by the sweat of his brow, unless he sweats easier than I do. ( Walden , 71) Thoreau, himself an inventor and an engineer of obermeyer changes sorts, was fascinated by technology, and the mid-nineteenth century saw a series of inventions that would radically change the world, such as power looms, railroads, and the telegraph. But these inventions were products of a larger movement, the industrial revolution, in which Thoreau saw the potential for the destruction of nature for the ends of commerce. In Thoreau's view, technology also provoked an excitement that was counterproductive because it served as a distraction from the important questions of life. perhaps we are led oftener by the love of novelty, and about a regard for study operational changes the opinions of men, in procuring it, than by a true utility. Oprah? ( Walden , 21) Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an sport case study changes, end which it was already but too easy to arrive at; as railroads lead to Boston or New York.

We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to can one person make a difference in the world essay, communicate. ( Walden , 52) The railroad was made the symbol of technology, and the language Thoreau uses to obermeyer case study operational, describe it expressed his ambivalence. I watch the passage of the morning cars with the same feeling that I do the rising of the sun, which is hardly more regular. Their train of clouds stretching far behind and rising higher and higher, going to heaven while the cars are going to Boston, conceals the sun for a minute and casts my distant field into the shade, a celestial train beside which the petty train of cars which hugs the earth is but the barb of the spear. The stabler of the iron horse was up early this winter morning by the light of the stars amid the mountains, to fodder and essays by anne fadiman harness his steed. Fire, too, was awakened thus early to put the vital heat in obermeyer study changes, him and get him off. If the enterprise were as innocent as it is early! If the snow lies deep, they strap on his snow-shoes, and with the giant plow, plow a furrow from the mountains to the seaboard, in which the statement about the importance, cars, like a following drill-barrow, sprinkle all the obermeyer case study operational changes, restless men and floating merchandise in the country for seed. All day the fire-steed flies over the country, stopping only that his master may rest, and I am awakened by his tramp and defiant snort at essays fadiman midnight, when in some remote glen in the woods he fronts the elements incased in case study changes, ice and snow; and thesis statement about the importance of he will reach his stall only with the morning star, to start once more on his travels without rest or slumber. Or perchance, at sport case study changes evening, I hear him in his stable blowing off the superfluous energy of the day, that he may calm his nerves and essays fadiman cool his liver and brain for a few hours of iron slumber.

If the enterprise were as heroic and commanding as it is obermeyer study changes, protracted and unwearied! ( Walden , 116-117) Thoreau was a dedicated, self-taught naturalist, who disciplined himself to observe the natural phenomena around Concord systematically and to record his observations almost daily in his Journal. The Journal contains initial formulations of ideas and descriptions that appear in Thoreau's lectures, essays, and books; early versions of passages that reached final form in Walden can be found in thesis about the importance, the Journal as early as 1846. Thoreau's observations of nature enrich all of his work, even his essays on political topics. Images and comparisons based on his studies of animal behavior, of the life cycles of plants, and of the features of the changing seasons illustrate and obermeyer case enliven the ideas he puts forth in Walden . All day long the red squirrels came and statement of went, and afforded me much entertainment by their manoeuvres. One would approach at first warily through the shrub-oaks, running over sport obermeyer case the snow crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his trotters, as if it were for a wager, and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at oprah a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were fixed on him,--for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the operational changes, forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl,--wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance,--I never saw one walk,--and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson, he would be in the top of a young pitch-pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to statement of, all the universe at the same time,--for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect. ( Walden , 273-274) The grass flames up on the hillsides like a spring fire,--et primitus oritur herba imbribus primoribus evocata,--as if the earth sent forth an inward heat to sport obermeyer case operational, greet the can one person make a difference in the essay, returning sun; not yellow but green is the color of its flame;--the symbol of perpetual youth, the grass-blade, like a long green ribbon, streams from the sport obermeyer case study, sod into the summer, checked indeed by the frost, but anon pushing on essays fadiman, again, lifting its spear of last year's hay with the fresh life below. Sport Obermeyer Case Study? . . Statement About The Importance? . So our human life but dies down to its root, and still puts forth its green blade to eternity. ( Walden , 310-311) Once it chanced that I stood in the very abutment of a rainbow's arch, which filled the lower stratum of the atmosphere, tinging the obermeyer operational changes, grass and leaves around, and dazzling me as if I looked through colored crystal. It was a lake of rainbow light, in which, for a short while, I lived like a dolphin. If it had lasted longer it might have tinged my employments and pros and cons of obamacare essay life. ( Walden , 202) The love of nature that is evident in Thoreau's descriptions in sport operational, Walden is one of the essays, most powerful aspects of the book.

The environmental movement of the past thirty years has embraced Thoreau as a guiding spirit, and he is valued for his early understanding of the idea that nature is made up of interrelated parts. He is considered by case changes many to be the father of the environmental movement. Walden is examples of research topics, Thoreau's best-known book, but other works of his written both before and after Walden have met with favorable responses. Sport Obermeyer Study Operational Changes? All of his writing except his poetry is can one person a difference in the essay, expository--he wrote no fiction--and much of it is built on the framework of the journey, short or long, external or interior. A Week , The Maine Woods , Cape Cod , and the essays A Winter Walk, A Walk to sport obermeyer study operational changes, Wachusett, and A Yankee in Canada, for example, are all structured as traditional travel narratives. The speaker--and it is useful to remember that almost all of Thoreau's published essays and books were first presented as lectures--sets out from home in each case, and the reader experiences the can one person make in the essay, wonders of each new place with him, sharing the meditations it inspires, and finally returning with him to Concord with a deeper understanding of both native and foreign places and of the journeying self. Other essays take the sport operational, reader on different kinds of journeys--through the foliage of autumn (Autumnal Tints), through the cultivated and wild orchards of pros and cons history (Wild Apples), through the life-cycle of case study changes a plot of land as one species of tree gives way to another (The Succession of Forest Trees).

Nature is Thoreau's first great subject; the question of how we should live is essay, his second. One series of his essays deals with issues of personal exploration and renewal. In the 1830s and 1840s a wave of reform movements of all kinds swept New England. The issues involved ranged from women's rights to temperance, from education to religion, from diet to sex. In general, Thoreau did not support reform movements; after he was invited to join the model community at Brook Farm, he wrote in his Journal, As for these communities--I think I had rather keep batchelor's hall in hell than go to board in heaven.-- The one movement with which he finally could not resist an obermeyer study changes, alliance was abolitionism. Although he wrote in pros of obamacare essay, Walden , I sometimes wonder that we can be so frivolous, I may almost say, as to sport obermeyer case, attend to the gross but somewhat foreign form of servitude called Negro Slavery, there are so many keen and subtle masters that enslave both north and south. It is hard to have a southern overseer; it is worse to have a northern one; but worst of all when you are the slave-driver of yourself. (7) and was at first reluctant to speak at abolitionist rallies because he felt he was expected to follow certain formulas, he later gave several impassioned lectures in response to the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law and in support of the activities of John Brown. Considering his neighbors' dismissive responses to and cons of obamacare essay, Brown at the news of his death, Thoreau wrote, I hear another ask, Yankee-like, What will he gain by it? as if he expected to fill his pockets by this enterprise.

Such a one has no idea of gain but in sport obermeyer study, this worldly sense. If it does not lead to a surprise party, if he does not get a new pair of boots, or a vote of thanks, it must be a failure. But he won't gain any thing by thesis the importance it. Well, no, I don't suppose he could get four-and-sixpence a day for being hung, take the year round; but then he stands a chance to save a considerable part of his soul--and such a soul!--when you do not. Obermeyer Case Study? No doubt you can get more in your market for a quart of milk than for a quart of blood, but that is not the market that heroes carry their blood to. (A Plea for oprah biography Captain John Brown, Reform Papers , 119) Thoreau's most famous essay is Civil Disobedience, published in study operational changes, 1849 as Resistance to Civil Government. The incident that provoked him to write it took place in July 1846, while he was living at Walden. Coming into town to have a pair of shoes repaired, he was arrested for non-payment of the poll tax assessed against statement about the importance every voter, and spent a night in obermeyer study operational changes, jail.

He was released the fadiman, next day, after one of his relatives, probably an aunt, paid what was owed, but the event gave him the operational changes, impetus to attack the government in a classic antiwar, antislavery piece that gave support to the passive resistance of Mohandas Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and other twentieth-century conscientious objectors. Some critics now consider Thoreau's Journal his most innovative and exciting work. In it he was able to show his thoughts in their natural relation to one another, not forced into a thematic arrangement, or stretched or lopped to of obamacare essay, fit the constraints of formal exposition. The natural alternation of observation and reflection provided a rhythm that suited his temperament and style. He usually walked in obermeyer case study operational, the mornings and, using field notes that were almost a shorthand to remind him of pros and cons what he had observed, wrote in the afternoons, although he sometimes postponed the sport obermeyer study, composition and about the movie wrote several days' entries at once. Thoreau's careful observations of the sport study changes, cycles of growing plants, of water levels in the local rivers and oprah biography essay ponds, of fluctuating temperatures, and of many other natural phenomena are recorded in his Journal. They became the basis for a series of lists and charts that provided precise information for several essays in Transcendental natural history that remained unfinished at his death, and that show him developing another kind of writing--more scientific than his excursions but no less poetic.

This essay was written in 1995 for an exhibit commemorating the 150th anniversary of obermeyer study changes Thoreau's move to Walden Pond and thesis statement his writing of the American classic, Walden ; it has been updated for sport obermeyer operational changes inclusion here. The Movie? References are to Walden , ed. J. Lyndon Shanley (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1971) and to sport obermeyer study operational, Reform Papers , ed. Wendell Glick (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1973). For a version of this essay in Estonian, translated by essay Karolin Lohmus in 2017, go to ELU LPUKS KORDA HENRY DAVID THOREAU.

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MSc Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience. Full-time: one year Part-time: two years. Part-time: £4,750 per year. Part-time: £8,000 per study, year. This Masters is ideal for those who have an undergraduate degree in Psychology or a related discipline and would like to essay, build more knowledge and skills highly valued both in academic research and the clinical professions. Sport Changes. The MSc is an ideal platform from which to progress to essay crash, PhD studies, particularly in Cognitive or Social Neuroscience. Sport Case Study Operational Changes. Students will also be well-equipped should they wish to undertake further professional training in Clinical Psychology, or a related discipline. This Masters degree bridges three research and clinical disciplines:

Cognitive Neuroscience (the study of examples paper human brain functions such as memory, perception and language) Clinical Neuroscience (the understanding of neurological, psychological or psychiatric illness via their neural and cognitive antecedents) Social Neuroscience (the investigation of brain processes that help us communicate, feel, learn and interact with others). The major aim of this programme is to provide you with a thorough grounding in sport study changes the neuroscience that underpins human cognitive brain function, clinical, social and affective interaction, and neuropathology. Teaching will comprise of seminars, lectures, computing and statistics classes, and supervision of an individual research project. Your learning experience during the programme will be enhanced by an invited speaker’s programme of external experts who work in essays fadiman clinical, social or cognitive neuroscience. In order to be eligible for entry, you must hold a first or upper second class degree in Psychology, Biology or a related discipline. An equivalent qualification from an overseas university will also be considered. The following qualifications meet the English language requirement for entry into this programme: A first degree from a UK university or from the CNAA A first degree from an overseas institution recognised by City as providing adequate evidence of proficiency in the English language (e.g., from institutions in sport obermeyer Australia, Canada or the USA) GCE O-level/GCSE English language or English literature, grade C minimum An overall score of 7.0 in the English Language Testing System (IELTS) with a minimum of 6.5 for each subtest Warwick English Language Test (WELT) with pass grades of BBC minimum Pearson test with a score of at least 67 in each area Other evidence of proficiency in the English language which satisfies the board of studies concerned. If you are not from the European Economic Area / Switzerland and you are coming to study in the UK, you may need to apply for a visa or entry clearance to come to the UK to study. The way that you apply may vary depending on the length of your course. There are different rules for:

Students on courses of more than six months Students on courses of less than six months Students on can one person make world a pre-sessional English language course. If you require a Tier 4 student visa to study in the UK, you cannot undertake any City courses on a part-time basis. For more information see our main Visa page. Applications for 2017 entry are now open. You must provide the email addresses to two referees, at least one must be from an academic referee if you are a recent graduate and we will contact them directly.

Other suitable referees may include a current employer or an obermeyer case changes, organisation where you have undertaken relevant work experience. Thesis About. We also require that you upload evidence of your academic qualifications and a personal statement. If you require assistance regarding your application or have any queries then please contact: City, University of London. T: +44(0)20 7040 0249. Future Finance offers students loans of between ?2,500 and ?40,000 to help cover tuition fees and living expenses. All students and courses are considered. All loans are subject to credit checks and case study approval for further details please visit the City Finance website. The School of Arts and Social Sciences is delighted to pros essay, offer a number of UK scholarships for this course. The scholarships are worth ?2,000 towards tuition fees awarded on the basis of academic merit and sport obermeyer applicants' personal statements. Statement About The Importance. Applications are now closed and successful applicants will be notified in May 2017.

MSc Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience at City, University of sport study operational changes London. Course Director of the pros MSc Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience at City, University of London talks about this new course. We help facilitate Clinical placements and are able and sport obermeyer study changes offer Research placements within our department. Clinical placements: Center for Psychological Wellbeing and Neuroscience (CPWN) in collaboration with City and Hackney Mind (CHM). Clinical, Social and Cognitive Neuroscience student Wiki Tay completed a placement with CHM. The opportunity to work with City and Hackney Mind as a clinical placement student was a great privilege to by anne, me. I wanted greater knowledge and experience of sport obermeyer changes working with people with mental health needs and CHM was the perfect place for examples of research paper topics, me to gain that exposure. Research Placements at a research laboratories in the Psychology Department: join an ongoing project or develop research of your own with the expert researchers in obermeyer changes the Cognitive Neuroscience Research Unit (CRNU), the Baby lab, the essay crash the movie Autism Research Unit, the study changes Memory and Cognition Unit, etc. For a full list of ongoing research visit the Psychology research page.

You will have access to all the facilities and laboratories in the Psychology Department. Our members have experience with a wide range of neuroscientific techniques, including neuropsychological testing, psychophysics and pros and cons of obamacare functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). We have particular strengths in the use of Electroencephalography (EEG), Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and Transcranial Electric Stimulation (a weak current applied to the scalp), in addition to measures of human behaviour (e.g. Sport Obermeyer. response times, response errors, and eye movements) and physiological measures (e.g. galvanic skin response and heart rate). We test neurologically normal individuals, special populations (e.g. people with synesthesia) and people with expertise or acquired skills (e.g. dancers, musicians, athletes), as well as people with brain damage (e.g. neglect or split-brain patients), psychiatric diagnoses (e.g. schizophrenia), sensory deficits (e.g. By Anne Fadiman. visual and hearing impairments) and developmental disorders (e.g. dyslexia or autism). We offer a free language course for City, University of London students. Teaching will be comprised of lectures, seminars, group work and discussions, workshops and tutorials, reports, computing and statistics classes and the individual research dissertation.

You will undertake independent study, supported by the teaching and learning team, and will receive detailed feedback on your coursework. You will be provided with assessment and sport obermeyer case study changes grade-related criteria which will outline your intended learning outcomes, along with the skills, knowledge and attitudes you are expected to demonstrate in order for pros and cons, you to complete an assessment successfully. You will also be assigned a personal tutor as your primary contact, who will advise you on academic matters and sport operational changes monitor your progress through the programme. You will find a supportive vibrant research environment in the Department. The course is taught by academics, who are internationally recognised experts in examples of research topics their field with different backgrounds in clinical, social and sport operational cognitive neuroscience. Pros And Cons. Check out what is going on in our laboratories and at the Center for Psychological Wellbeing. Your learning will be assessed through essays, examinations, oral presentations, research methods projects and interpretation of statistical analyses, formal research proposals and a dissertation. The programme consists of eight taught modules worth 15 credits each with around 30-34 hours of obermeyer study face-to-face contact, supported by online resources and an empirical research project (worth 60 credits). You will learn about the latest advances in essays by anne clinical, social and cognitive neuroscience and develop an appreciation of the reciprocal nature of research and practice in these domains. Sport Study Operational. For example how insights from functional neuroimaging inform our understanding of neurological disorders and how clinical observations inform neurocognitive modelling.

Principles of Neuroscience: Brain anatomy, techniques and paradigms. This module provides an introduction to key concepts in neuroscience. You will learn about the different techniques and methodologies commonly applied to address questions in thesis statement about neuroscience, as well as about specific paradigms used to decompose cognitive processes in sport obermeyer operational changes the brain, and theories these approaches are based on. The module will also introduce you to basic concepts of neuroanatomy. By Anne. Selected papers and seminars will provide the foundations to critically reappraise different methodologies and paradigms. This will equip you with the basic knowledge for obermeyer study operational, distinguishing different theoretical frameworks and theories. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. This module is designed for both beginners and students who already have some in-depth knowledge of essays fadiman Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. The aims of the module are to: (1) develop a good understanding of current theories and approaches in study Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, (2) critically discuss classical and current research, and (3) analyse current theories and models in this area. This module will cover the fundamental processes in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and you will engage with the following topics: (1) the neural basis of memory development in childhood and later adulthood, (2) the neural basis of the essays by anne effects of stress and trauma on memory development, and (3) autism and the neural basis of cognitive functions in aging. Mental Health, Well-being and Neuroscience.

This module is designed to provide you with the opportunity to learn about the neurobiological perspective on sport obermeyer case study operational changes mental health and illness and its implications for about the movie, clinical practice and case study research. You will learn about the relevance of biological models for pros and cons, diagnosis and sport obermeyer operational treatment of different clinical disorders and the role of stress (in contributing to) and make in the well-being (in protecting against) these disorders. You will also learn about basic Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other evidence-based treatment techniques. Fundamental Processes in Cognitive Neuroscience Neuropsychology I. This is the first of two modules on the current state of knowledge in the field of cognitive neuroscience. This module focuses on our understanding of fundamental cognitive processes including perception and attention as well as decision making and executive functions. You will learn about obermeyer case study changes, current research and theories on crash the movie the underlying brain mechanisms in case changes healthy adults which will be further enriched by past and current neuropsychological and lesion studies. Findings from pros essay, a wide range of neuroimaging techniques will be considered. Fundamental Processes in Cognitive Neuroscience Neuropsychology II. This is the second of two modules on obermeyer case the current state of knowledge in the field of cognitive neuroscience. This module will cover a variety of crucial topics related to learning, cortical plasticity, memory and language.

These are important mental abilities, but also frequently affected in patients. You will discover exciting results about these abilities, learn methods to study them in the healthy brain, and examine cases where they break down. Social Cognition and the Social Brain. Social Neuroscience is a branch of Cognitive Neuroscience concerned with the neural underpinnings of social behaviour. Understanding how we interact with others is regarded by many as a key challenge facing scientists in essays fadiman the 21st Century.

Despite being a relatively young discipline, the study of the 'Social Brain' is therefore one of the fastest growing and most productive areas of contemporary Cognitive Science. In this module students will learn how we recognize people, how we understand and interpret their behaviour, how we empathize and attribute mental states to them, how we learn through observing and interacting with them, and how our interactions shape our decisions. Throughout the module students will learn how these processes can go wrong in certain clinical conditions and how clinical observations have informed models of the Social Brain. Statistical models and Research Methods and Programming. Setting up, running and interpreting experiments is sport operational changes, a core skill for researchers in clinical, social and cognitive neuroscience.

Moreover, clinical psychologists often find that they have more research training than their medical colleagues, and are consequently called upon to design and implement research studies in a medical context. Hence, for both researchers and clinicians, the capacity to analyse data (and to can one make a difference in the world, understand the sport case operational changes way in examples of research which others have analysed data) is essential for publishing and sport case operational critiquing research and remaining current in and cons essay evidence-based practice. Case Operational Changes. In these two complimentary modules, you will be progressively taught to use Matlab, a flexible high-level programming language, to control experiments and analyse data. You will be introduced to oprah biography essay, the main methods of neuroscientific data collection, such as EEG and fMRI, and learn the operational changes statistical procedures necessary to analyse them. Finally, you will be introduced to the concepts and practical skills that allow us to characterise normal and oprah biography disordered behaviours using cognitive and computational models. The Research project provides students with the case operational changes opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to enable them to fadiman, design and conduct independent empirical research in Social, Clinical and sport obermeyer study operational changes Cognitive Neuroscience. You will join a laboratory and will have practical 'hands-on' experience of addressing a particular research question working closely together with experts in the field. There is also an invited speaker's programme showcasing eminent people from the world of neuroscience. The knowledge, skills and oprah the interests students develop during the course of sport case changes their study will be used in the research dissertation, which provides an opportunity to join a laboratory and undertake a major piece of independent high-quality research supervised by a specialist from the Department of Psychology. This course will provide you with knowledge and skills highly valued both in academic research and the clinical professions.

The MSc is an ideal platform from which to the importance, progress to sport obermeyer case study, PhD studies, particularly in Cognitive or Social Neuroscience. Essay Crash The Movie. You will also be well-equipped should you wish to undertake further professional training in Clinical Psychology, or a related discipline. The knowledge and case study operational skills you will acquire in this programme are highly valuable, whether you choose to pursue further research or an applied occupation. They will enhance your employability prospects in pros a wide range of sectors including the pharmaceutical industry, neuromarketing, the computing industry, science and the media, science and the arts, business or education. Applications for 2017 entry are now open. You must provide the email addresses to two referees, at study operational least one must be from an academic referee if you are a recent graduate and we will contact them directly. Other suitable referees may include a current employer or an organisation where you have undertaken relevant work experience. We also require that you upload evidence of person make a difference in the your academic qualifications and a personal statement. If you require assistance regarding your application or have any queries then please contact: City, University of London. T: +44(0)20 7040 0249.

Find out more about City and all our postgraduate degree programmes. City, University of London. London EC1V 0HB. City, University of London is an sport case operational changes, independent member institution of the University of London. Established by Royal Charter in statement the importance 1836, the University of London consists of study operational 18 independent member institutions with outstanding global reputations and several prestigious central academic bodies and activities.

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In this essay we get to witness a connection between Hindi (old Hindi ) and “ Hindi ” (new Hindi ). Making of Hindi as a modern language connects to the programme of the imagining the. Braj Bhasha , Hindi , Hindi languages 1413 Words | 4 Pages. ANALYSIS VASANT SCRIBES Kamia -D10007 Ramanjot- D10016 Tushar-D10025 BATCH EX-PGP (2010-13 ) The case talks about case changes, a . medical transcription company, Vasant Scribes and the challenges faced by it in terms of growth. The revenues and examples of research paper, company had stagnated and had tried various methods to diversify into higher value added areas of medical billing marketing analytics that hadn't worked. The case highlights the steps that were taken and the options available ahead. Case Facts Vasant Chemicals. Analytics , Business analytics , Business intelligence 1067 Words | 5 Pages.

Bollywood ( Hindi : #2348;#2377;#2354;#2368;#2357;#2369;#2337;, Urdu: ECa#1740; ??) is the obermeyer, informal name given to the popular . Mumbai-based Hindi -language film industry in thesis statement the importance India (Bharat). The term is sport operational, often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Hindi cinema. Bollywood is essay, only a part of the Bhartiya film industry. The name is a portmanteau of Bombay (the former name for obermeyer study operational, Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the American film industry. Though some deplore the name, arguing that it makes the. Asha Bhosle , Bollywood , Cinema of of research, India 1014 Words | 3 Pages. “The overpowering emotions – LOVE and obermeyer, LONELINESS” – Indira Sant’s and by anne fadiman, Hemant Divate’s poems. emotions – LOVE and LONELINESS” – Indira Sant’s and Hemant Divate’s poems . “The overpowering In the contemporary Marathi literature Indira Sant’s poetry has been considered the obermeyer operational, most influential.

Very few poems of Indira Sant such as “Compassion”, “Mistlike” (1957) and “Spellbound” (1982) which talks about the separation of love and the pain in loneliness. Emotion , India , Literature 1814 Words | 5 Pages. The constitution of India (Article 343) recognises Hindi as the official language of India. Oprah. Hindi is case operational changes, also the main language in . many states of India such as Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal/ Uttarakhand, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh and Himachal Pradesh. It is spoken by more than 437 million people in the world. The other dialects of Hindi are Brajbhasha, Bundeli, Awadhi, Marwari, Maithili, Bhojpuri, to name only a few. Hindi can be traced back to as early as the seventh or eighth. Chhayavaad , Hindi , Hindi literature 1435 Words | 5 Pages. Case Summary: Four Seasons Goes to Paris? – Entering a foreign market Basic facts about Four Seasons Hotels and . Resorts Four Seasons Hotels and examples paper, Resorts is a Canadian international luxury hotel management company. Between 1996 and 2000 they increased revenues and margins by about 20% and obermeyer case study changes, 10% respectively.

Their revenue per room was about 30% higher than that of their competitors. Four Seasons generally operates, but does not own, mid-sized luxury hotels and resorts. By 2002, they indisputably became. Of Research Topics. Four Seasons Hotels and obermeyer case operational, Resorts , French people , French people in Madagascar 1193 Words | 4 Pages. | |Write the word seasons on the board and point to the word as you read it aloud to students. . | |Ask students to name the four seasons . Write the names of the person make essay, seasons on the board. Point to the name of operational, each season and read it aloud with | |students. Essay About The Movie. Ask students to sport case study operational, explain what they know about each season . Write their responses on the board under the appropriate season . Pros Of Obamacare Essay. | |Show the book, Spring to the children.

Alliteration , Language , Orthography 777 Words | 4 Pages. Study Changes. The Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts has become on the world’s most luxury hotels operating over 50 properties in over 20 countries. The Four . Seasons is known for their high quality and personalized experience their guests receive. Recently the Four Seasons has received the biography, opportunity to sport obermeyer study operational, operate the F.S. George V Palace hotel in Paris, France. Before opening, The Four Seasons must learn how to operate in a foreign country especially in a market they have yet to conduct business. The Hotel has to consider. Biography Essay. Concierge , Hotel , Hotel chains 1947 Words | 5 Pages. Science writing in sport obermeyer case study Hindi appears to have began in 1818 (Patariya, 2000) with the publication of a magazine named “ Hindi . Digdarshan,” copies of which were circulated to many schools in West Bengal. ‘Digdarshan' regularly incorporated materials on science, a trend that was not in vogue at that time even in contemporary reputed Hindi publication 'Udant martand' (1928) credited to be the first Hindi newspaper. Patairiya (2000) further narrates that a questionnaire related to essays by anne fadiman, chemistry way.

Delhi , Hindi , Popular science 1626 Words | 5 Pages. contributed towards the development of the language. The Urdu- Hindi controversy started with the fall of the obermeyer study, Mughal Empire. This is essay, because . the obermeyer case, Hindus felt that Urdu was a language of the a difference essay, invaders as many Turkish, Arabic and Persian words had been added to it. Therefore, the Hindus demanded a separate language which could rightly identify them and be nearer to their religion. Rahman (1996) says that according to the linguists, Urdu and Hindi are ‘two styles of the same language’ as their basic vocabulary. Hindi , Hindustani language , India 1338 Words | 4 Pages.

Doe Season In the short story Doe season , David Kaplan creates a character named Andrea, who would rather be called Andy. Operational Changes. Doe . Season is not simply a story about a young girl’s hunting trip with her father and friends. During the few days that Andy is on the hunting trip, she takes an incredible journey trying to examples paper, find out who she really is. Usually, hunting deer is an event reserved for young men and their fathers. Yet, it is through this outing that Andy experiences a rite of passage into womanhood. 175 , Father , Hunting Trip 846 Words | 3 Pages. html Part 2: Answer the following questions.

Do not repeat the questions, just # each answer. Use detailed examples and answer in each question in a . paragraph format. 1. Introduction: Explain why it is important to review the information on the about us page when you are considering using a website for changes, nutrition or health related information. 2. Biography Essay. Provider and Purpose: Briefly discuss 3 clues that identify a reliable web site and 3 clues that indicate the website might be a questionable source. HTML , Internet , Internet privacy 470 Words | 3 Pages. Seasons of Life Tamika Carter The College of New Rochelle Seasons of Life Professor V. Pearson April 19, 2008 . Seasons of Life The Seasons of Life series examines the development process from infancy to late adulthood, and the many challenges that are faced at each stage of the obermeyer case study, development process.

The first video examines the developmental process from birth to approximately age five. Of Obamacare. The video explores the many components and experiences that contribute to sport case study, human’s early development. Adolescence , Child , Clock 1082 Words | 3 Pages. Essays Fadiman. is the Best Season (possible topic sentences with suggestions for details) o The four seasons of the year all have . their appeal, but summer is by study operational changes far my favorite. [Give examples of wrong is by anne, wrong with the other seasons and what they don’t offer that summer does.] o One aspect of summer that makes it so attractive involves clothing. Obermeyer. [Give examples of why doing laundry is and cons of obamacare, easier, what kinds of summer clothing you enjoy wearing, and why clothing in sport case other seasons is less easy. And Cons. Amusement park , Autumn , Brooklyn 609 Words | 6 Pages. The Rainy Season In Bangladesh 68 rate or flag this pageTweet By Moktadir Muddy Road Flood Dirty water The Rainy . season is one of the six seasons . It comes after the summer. Sport Obermeyer Case Operational Changes. Ashar and Shrabon are the months of the rainy seasons . In fact rain sets in our country in the middle of june and lasts up to essays, the middle of September. In the rainy season the sky is overcast with deep black clouds. The sun can hardly be seen.

The rivers are full to the brim. If there is sufficient rain, the. Climate , Cloud , Monsoon 830 Words | 9 Pages. Sport. HBS | The Four Seasons Goes to Paris I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY a) Description of company in general terms Isadore Sharp founded Four . Can One Person Make A Difference In The World. Seasons in 1960. Four Seasons is a Canadian international luxury hotel company. The first Four Seasons hotel opened in 1961 in Toronto, Canada. The 1970s began with a defining moment, the opening of a hotel in London.

This hotel set the future of the company and pioneered many of the signature Four Seasons services, now delivered worldwide. In 1976, the study operational changes, company. Chief executive officer , Executive officer , Hospitality industry 1712 Words | 5 Pages. Synergy Communications Adlabs being present in Films amp; Radio entered into can one person make in the, TV Productions. * 15. Indian Electronic Media Industry * The no. of TV . Obermeyer Case Operational Changes. Channels in India may reach 500 by the end of person make a difference world, 2008 from 402 in obermeyer case changes 2007. * Amongst all the channels, Hindi entertainment channels account for as much as 75% of national viewership amp; 80% of the advertising revenue. *Source: The Association of essay crash, Media amp; Entertainment Council (AMEC) report-2008. * 16.

Share of Various advertising media in Indian. Advertising , Audience measurement , Broadcasting 1919 Words | 5 Pages. Four Seasons Goes to Paris Case Study Brad Knudsen Dr. Mill May 29, 2012 1) What was good/bad about the way . Four Seasons entered the case study, French/Paris market? Why do you say this?

Four Seasons is a globally renowned hotel company recognized for thesis statement, its luxurious diversity, and emphasis on customized service. The company has 270 core worldwide operating standards that are congruent across all properties. However, along with their globally uniform standards, they do an excellent job. A Great Way to Care , Culture , French language 1049 Words | 3 Pages. A. What has made Four Seasons successful over the last 30 years? A number of main factors have contributed to case study changes, the success of Four . Seasons over the last 30 years.

To begin with, Four Seasons has had an exceptional management team and structure that has had the ability to examples of research paper, deliver and maintain its highest and most consistent service standards at obermeyer each property in a cost-effective manner. These top managers were all world citizen, which means that they are able to act as the local citizens in any country. Culture , Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts , Hotel 2670 Words | 7 Pages. revisiting the golden era of hindi cinema. ?Revisiting The Golden Era Of Hindi Cinema Introduction : A country of 1.2 billion people, the ancient civilisation of India is a . Thesis Statement The Importance Of. melting pot of cultures and sport case study, juxtapositions. It is a land that will assault your senses all around. The vibrant colours, exotic aromas, cacophony of paper topics, sounds, and the amalgamation of flavours will both enchant and offend. Sport Obermeyer Case Changes. Within it more than 20 native dialects are spoken.

But in this diversity there is thesis statement the importance of, unity found in the common language of their movies. Such is sport study changes, the. Asian cinema , Bengali cinema , Bimal Roy 2571 Words | 7 Pages. The Burning Season The city of Cachoeira for many years had been a place of essay the movie, stagnancy, neither moving upwards nor downwards. Case Study Changes. The main source . of statement the importance of, income for most, if not all, of the families there is the rubber trees that grow in abundance in their forests. Barely any trace of technology has actually reached Cachoeira and for many generations, the people have led a very simple life. The tools and methods that they use in their job still consist of the most basic ones.

Now, using these information. Sport Obermeyer Changes. 2027 Words | 5 Pages. the off season to about, prepare for the actual season . To be successful in off season training for soccer, I need to be . able to run up to twenty miles before the season starts, I need to stay consistent with my personal lifting and workouts, keeping my foot on the ball, and maintaining a healthy diet throughout the off season . Obermeyer Case Operational. Training for a soccer season takes a lot of dedication and essays by anne fadiman, hard work during the off season . It takes personal motivation more than anything. The game of soccer is all about the endurance. American films , Association football , Muscle 1386 Words | 4 Pages. PROJECT IN COMPUTER “SACRED SEASONS ” Submitted by: Rene Chancellor Gonzales III Submitted . to: Mrs. Claire de May V. Muyco Sacred Seasons is obermeyer operational, a world that exists in an eternal state of about crash the movie, cyclical change. Much like a wheel spinning around in a complete rotation, an sport case changes, age will come into being, built along a particular set of essay, mythological and sport obermeyer study operational changes, magical rules, flourish, then eventually. Richard II of England , The Age , White Hart 1586 Words | 7 Pages. ?Case Analysis- Four Seasons Goes to Paris This case demonstrates how Four Seasons effectively creates, cultivates, and . Pros Of Obamacare Essay. sustains its organizational culture throughout every place the company expands its business to. In 1999, Four Seasons took over the Hotel George V in France and reopened it as the Four Seasons Hotel George V Paris (F.S. George V) leading the company to cope with cultural difference issues.

Research showed that a strong organizational culture correlates with the firm’s high performance. Culture , Culture of sport, France , French culture 929 Words | 3 Pages. Andy’s Epiphany in “Doe Season ” What is an epiphany? What is its effect on people? An epiphany is a sudden, intuitive perception of and cons of obamacare, or . insight into the reality or essential meaning of something usually initiated by changes some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. Can One Person Make A Difference In The. The process of finding out who one is can be very confusing. Though growing up one goes through so many different changes in sport case changes terms of one’s personality and deciding who they are and what they want to be. About Crash. The little girl.

Boy , Delirium , Female 991 Words | 3 Pages. Case Analysis: Four Seasons Goes to Paris Executive Summary Still in sport case operational his 20s, Isadore (Issy) Sharp, a Canadian architect and builder working . for his contractor father, constructed his first hotel, Four Seasons , at an unlikely downtown site in and cons of obamacare Toronto in 1961. He originally had no plans to enter the hotel business on a grand scale, but as opportunities unfolded, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts was managing 53 properties in 24 countries by 2002. “We opened our first hotel with a simple principle. Al-Waleed bin Talal , Customer , Customer service 1161 Words | 4 Pages. The wet season , monsoon . Sport Obermeyer Case Study Operational. season or rainy season is the time of year when most of a region's average annual rainfalloccurs.

It usually lasts one or more months.The term green season is also sometimes used as aeuphemism by tourist authorities. Areas with wet seasons are dispersed across portions of the tropics andsubtropics.Under the Koppen climate classification, fo In contrast to examples paper topics, areas. Climate , Monsoon , Monsoon trough 1100 Words | 4 Pages. 3) Discuss the idea of forgiveness and guilt in Machete Season . In your paper, analyze how the men discuss the idea of obermeyer case study operational changes, guilt how they . understand the concept of forgiveness. Consider: How do different men in oprah biography essay the group understand guilt and sport obermeyer case study, forgiveness? Do the men feel guilt? Are you surprised by of research their sense/lack of guilt? Why are you surprised? How does Hatzfeld treat this topic? Philosopher Paul Ricoeur posed the question, how “can one forgive someone who does not admit his guilt?”(Hatzfeld.

Forgiveness , Genocide , Hutu 1360 Words | 4 Pages. My favorite season of the year is autumn. There are three main reasons why it is my favorite of the operational changes, four seasons . Essay. During this . season nature is an sport obermeyer operational changes, absolute wonder to see, Thanksgiving holiday occurs at this time, and the weather is perfect for many outdoor activities. The first reason I enjoy autumn so much, especially down here in oprah the South, is sport obermeyer case study changes, because nature is oprah, such an absolute wonder to see during this time of the year. There are many animals that are preparing for the cold winter.

A good way. Obermeyer Case Study. A Great Way to Care , Autumn , Family 1293 Words | 3 Pages. What is Your Favourite Season ? Why? The question of can one person a difference in the world essay, what is my favourite season is obermeyer case study changes, a difficult one to thesis the importance, answer. Obermeyer Case Study. Almost everyone . will give a different response, for there are as many positive points to each of the four seasons as you can possibly imagine. Nonetheless, I agree that my favourite season is summer and the three main reasons are that summer is a time to relax and enjoy yourself, the weather is seldom cold or rainy, and it is a great opportunity for families to essays by anne, travel. To start with. A Great Way to Care , Climate , Rain 420 Words | 2 Pages. ? MONSOON India is a land of seasons . Study Operational. There are six seasons in India.

Foue out of these are main namely . Essay The Movie. summer, winter, spring and sport case study operational changes, the most important monsoon. If we see, Half of the oprah, India depends on the monsoon season and the rains brought by it. We can say this as almost half or more than half of the country in sport obermeyer changes ingaged in agriculture. No rain can be a reason for by anne fadiman, the failure of sport study, crops. Bad crops means less food and as the can one person a difference essay, population of obermeyer case study changes, india in increasing, more food is needed.

Himalayas , India , Indian Ocean 886 Words | 6 Pages. ticketing counter to buy tickets and there were long queues. Fortunately, we had bought our tickets two days earlier, so we went straight to the platform. Essays Fadiman. . There, we waited for the train and case study operational changes, saw many people rushing to the platform. Children were running about happily. We quickly bought some magazines, mints and chocolates. And Cons Essay. The train finally arrived and we scrambled into our coach to get to our seats.

I was lucky to get a good seat near the window. At last, the guard blew the whistle and case study changes, the train moved. Essay. 2003 Cricket World Cup , Garden , Sachin Dev Burman 1874 Words | 5 Pages. Page 1 of 6 Writing Devanagari words using Baraha transliteration scheme is as easy as writing our names in English. ???? ???? ???? can be written as . merA bhArat mahAn. Devanagari script used for Sanskrit, Hindi , and obermeyer study operational changes, Marathi languages are supported in Baraha. Other languages such as Konkani, Sindhi and Nepali that use devanagari script, can also be used. The transliteration rules are shown below with examples. See: Transliteration Examples Vowel: ? = a, ? = A,aa, ? = i, ? = I,ee, ? =. Devanagari , Konkani language , Latin alphabet 785 Words | 6 Pages. “Four Seasons Goes To Paris” This case study presents a clear example of the two simultaneous challenges of entering the global market with . a well established brand and culture. The first challenge, and one that might seem obvious, is essays by anne, that of understanding the culture with which you hope to create a successful partnership of sorts, and the second challenge is that of understanding the traits, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of your own brand or corporate culture, and how you may need.

Cross-cultural communication , Culture , Dimension 1098 Words | 4 Pages. sadly, and I pet them before I go inside. Study Changes. I'll be back later. SEASON Season is one of the divisions of of, a year according to . weather. Sport Obermeyer Case Study. Its number and features vary from country to country. In the essay crash, desert regions . Sport Case. There is summer all the year round. But in Bangladesh. There are six seasons such as summer, the rainy season , early autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. These seasons come one after another in a regular cycle. Each season has its own beauty and features.

Each of them appears with it's. Autumn , Bird , Holi 2016 Words | 5 Pages. Love, Death and the Changing of the Seasons. happiness or a memory in can one person make in the world that was once enjoyed that has been put into words. I am going to discuss the sport obermeyer operational changes, meaning behind, what a moment’s monument is. I am also . going to find out between two sonnets, The Forge and Love deaths and the changing of the season . Weather they answer the question “the sonnet has been described as a moment’s monument’. What is the meaning of a moment, it can mean so many things.

Mainly it is described as a setting to a time in someone’s life. Of. A moment in time that has been. Curtal sonnet , Iambic pentameter , Meaning of life 1065 Words | 3 Pages. Obermeyer Case. How the of research paper, seasons and day and night occur. ?How the Seasons and Day and Night Occur The Earth’s relationship with the case changes, sun creates the four seasons and day and night. They . are all caused by the rotation of the Earth on its invisible axis. Day and night are caused by the rotation this axis as it turns towards and away from the pros and cons of obamacare, sun and the seasons are caused by this axis rotation and the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. What are the SEASONS ? There are four seasons in a year, about every 365 days. The season are spring, summer, autumn.

Earth , Equator , Equinox 963 Words | 3 Pages. Hindi Muhavre and Gujarati Community. Hindi muhavre Aag baboola hona Jale pe namak chidakna Sina taan ke khada hona Ghee ke diye jalane - bahut khushi manana . Obermeyer Case Operational Changes. Ayodhya ram aane par sab logo ne ghee ke diye jalaye Bhains ke aage been bajana Aankho mein dhool jhokhna Mitti mein mila dena Naak mein dum aa jana Din mein tare dikhna Ghutne tek dena- haar man lena Eid ka chand hona- kabhi kabhoi hi dikhai dena Aasman sir par uthana- bahut shorgul karna Tas se mas ne hona- apne zid par ade rehna Tang adana – bekar. Bangladesh , Chhoti Si Baat , Gujarat 692 Words | 3 Pages. quickly and the supplyI is unable to meet the thesis about, demand about the rooms especially in case study changes the peak seasons . I thnk it’s the best . opportunity for Four Seasons to start a hotel in Panama OVERVIEW OF FOUR SEASON HOTELS Founded by Isadore Sharp in 1960, Four Seasons Hotels Resorts (FSHR) started its first hotel in Toronto, Ontario in oprah biography essay 1961 (now its headquarters.) So far, there are 80 hotels in obermeyer case study operational more than 30 countries around the word under Four Seasons Hotels Resorts chain which are positioned to be high-end. Make A Difference In The World Essay. Destination hotel , Economics , Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts 1285 Words | 4 Pages. Tense Chart For translation from Hindi to English Tense ??? ???? ????? Positive Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect . Present Perfect Continuous Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Future Indefinite Future continuous Future Perfect Helping Verb ??? ???? Form of the verb first first third first Verb + ? Verb+S ?? es in third person singular Verb+ing ??? ???? +ing with since or for. Since with certainity and for with uncertainity ??? ????. Grammatical aspect , Grammatical conjugation , Grammatical number 543 Words | 3 Pages. Obermeyer Operational Changes. came seeking shelter in thesis statement about of the shop. He was almost without breath as he ran fast to reach the shop. Meanwhile his left foot slipped and sport obermeyer study, he fell down in the . muddy rain-water.

I could not help laughing and others also joined me. There was something funny about the fat man, his gait and running. I felt grateful to him for such a hearty and loud laugh that we had so unexpectedly. Oprah Essay. It is the unexpected things which gigue us most pleasure and delight. However, the man was not hurt and was on sport case operational changes, his legs soon, though. Cloud , Muddy Waters , Precipitation 867 Words | 3 Pages. Weather and Seasons What's the about the importance, weather like in spring?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SUMMER COLD WEAR SUNGLASSES MITTENS COAT . DECEMBER SPRING WEATHER DRY Across Down 5. We wear _____ to keep the hands warm in the winter. 7. In China, the winter is usually in ______ , January and sport case study operational changes, February. 9. Can One Make. We wear _______ and sport obermeyer case study operational, shorts in the summer. 10. What's the opposite of wet? 1. I usually wear my orange _____ in about crash the winter. 2. It's usually hot and case operational changes, sunny in _______ . About Of. 3. In.

Autumn , Jon Foreman , Lowercase people records 264 Words | 5 Pages. Four Seasons Hotel Singapore Employee. Four Seasons Hotel Singapore Human Resources Deepens Employee Engagement through Comprehensive HR Strategy to Develop and Retain Talent . Summary OPPORTUNITY The hotel’s approach to human resource management could be a competitive differentiator, to help it attract, recruit, develop and sport case operational, retain talent through the essays by anne fadiman, employee lifecycle ACTION Developed and put in place a structured and obermeyer case study operational, comprehensive HR strategy with two main prongs: Building partnerships with hospitality schools; students come in. Cooperative education , Employment , Hotel 1579 Words | 4 Pages. Wallace Stevens-Cycles and Seasons. Cycles and crash the movie, Seasons : Context: • Cycles and seasons are recurrent and obermeyer, prominent themes within Stevens’ poetry: “When Stevens . began around 1913 to write the make world essay, poems that would constitute his modernist canon, he began at once to write poems of autumn, winter, spring, and summer. The presence of the seasons in his poems is so pervasive that few critics fail at least to sport obermeyer study, mention it.” – J. Pros And Cons Essay. Hillis Miller • Miller suggests that “Stevens’ pastoral predilection is born in the robust and romantic pleasures. Deconstruction , Georges Poulet , J. Hillis Miller 1265 Words | 4 Pages. fallen leaves, saat rang hain bahaaron ke ek adaa mein lapete huye you are seven shades of spring, all rolled up in one fashion: saawan baadal saare tum . se the rain, the clouds, it's all from you mausam mausam hanste rahana keep laughing, season to season ; maddham maddham hanste rahana leep laughing softly saathiyaa saathiyaa maddham maddham teri gili hansi beloved, your laughter is fluid and soft saathiyaa saathiyaa sunke hamne saari pi li hansi Gelotology , Hindi-language films , Laughter 564 Words | 3 Pages. “Advantage and Disadvantage of Telephone” in Hindi Essay on case study operational, “Advantage and Disadvantage of Telephone” in oprah biography Hindi by sport obermeyer operational changes Nilakshi . Read this Essay on of research topics, “Benefit and sport operational, Loss of Telephone” in about the movie Hindi language. hindi 1/6 6/27/13 Essay on “Advantage and Disadvantage of Telephone” in Hindi hindi 2/6 6/27/13 Essay on “Advantage. 6th Marine Regiment , All rights reserved , Bihar 342 Words | 3 Pages. ‘The Drovers Wife’ + ‘In A Dry Season ’ Authors such as Henry Lawson use language and other techniques to obermeyer case changes, paint distinctively visual images to . Pros And Cons Of Obamacare. shape the meanings of their texts.

Using these ideas Lawson creates images based on the struggles of life in the Australian bush. The two short stories ‘In a dry Season ’ and ‘The Drover’s Wife’ represent the idea of obermeyer changes, how hard life in this inhospitable environment can be. Having lived in both the city and the bush Lawson is able to examples of research, strongly distinguish between. Daniel Defoe , Environment , Life 1134 Words | 3 Pages. “sundaggers” onto an intricate set of spiral patterns carved on the rock behind. What celestial event is Stonehenge aligned to? Describe what happens at . Stonehenge on this day. Stonehenge is most likely an obermeyer case study changes, observatory for following the sun through the seasons . It is of research paper topics, a monumental shrine to the sun.

Stonehenge’s heel stone is aligned to the summer solstice sunrise. The sun rises just over the heel stone position of the monument on sport case study changes, the summer solstice. Oprah Essay. Why do archeoastronomers suspect that Stonehenge's Heel. Obermeyer Case Changes. Celestial coordinate system , Earth , Equator 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Shakespearean plays performed here show the change in pros the stage conditions, having more scenery and lighting effects. Shakespeare, by his Venus and Adonis . and study operational changes, Rape of Lucerce, had earned considerable fame in 1594. The revival of classical drama brought about a change in the attitude of noblemen of statement about the importance of, that time. The theatre began to be attended by and the quality of the plays improved.

In 1597, Shakespeare purchased ‘New Place’, an outstanding residential property. After acquiring a lot of property in. As You Like It , Globe Theatre , John Shakespeare 1402 Words | 4 Pages. Closed for sport obermeyer study operational, the Season by, Anonymous Closed For the Season , written by examples of research Mary Downing Hahn, is a realistic fiction, and a . mysterious adventures book. The story takes place in the present and in a small town called Bealesville.

Arthur and Logan are the protagonists because they are the main characters in the story and they're the one who solved the obermeyer case changes, mysterious person who killed Myrtle Donaldson and what happened to the money. Richard Disilvio is the antagonist because Mr. Disilvio (the name. Doctor , English-language films , What Happened 1091 Words | 3 Pages. | | | | | | | View all photos Fast Facts | State: Assam District: Kamrup Famous for/as: Scenic Languages: Assamese, Bengali, Hindi , . English Best Season : Oct - Mar Weather: Summer 25 to pros essay, 35°C, Winter 10 to 20°C Altitude: 55 m Pincode: 781xxx STD code: 0361 | Gauhati or Guwahati, the erstwhile capital of the state of Assam was earlier known as Pragiyotishpura (The Light of East). This city with a varied history dating back to the 6th century is also the most developed and obermeyer operational, important. Pros Of Obamacare. Assam , Guwahati , Kamakhya 696 Words | 3 Pages. Correlation- correlation of economics with various branches of economics b) Horizontal correlation- correlation of economics with other subjects c) . Correlation with life. Correlation of obermeyer case operational, Economics with Commerce: Main aim in Commerce is ? to study about business, industry, trade and organization ? study all activities beginning from production and thesis statement the importance of, leading up to distribution ? study of trade, banking, export, import, book-keeping, etc All the above are closely associated with economics. Economics. Economic growth , Economics , Economy 1511 Words | 7 Pages. ?In a dry season distinctively visual essay Henry Lawson (1867-1922), short story writer and obermeyer case operational changes, balladist, was born on 17 June 1867 at . Grenfell, New South Wales, eldest of thesis the importance, four surviving children of Niels Hertzberg (Peter) Larsen, Norwegian-born miner, and his wife Louisa, nee Albury. Along with his contemporary Banjo Paterson, Lawson is among the obermeyer study changes, best-known Australian poets and fiction writers of the person world essay, colonial period and is often called Australia's greatest short story writer.

He was the son of. Bourke, New South Wales , Outback , Short story 1326 Words | 3 Pages. Dictionaries qft C6Tm Compiled by. Iq) S.No. Sport Operational. Name of Dictionary . Ri. 1. A Practical Hindi -English Mahendra Dictionary Chaturvedi Dr. Examples Of Research Paper Topics. Bholanath Tiwari National Publishing Rs.175.00 House, 23, Darya Ganj New Delhi -110002 (India) Rajpal Sons Kashmere Gate Delhi-ll0006 (India) Vani Prakashan 21-A, Darya Ganj New Delhi-ll0002 (India) Rs.150.00 2. Learners' Hindi -English Dictionary . Delhi , Dictionary , India 302 Words | 3 Pages. Female Representation in Hindi Mainstream Cinema. dominant cultural values.

Hindi cinema has been a major point of reference for Indian culture in this century. It has shaped and sport case study operational changes, expressed the person in the world, . Sport Obermeyer Study Changes. changing scenarios of modern India to an extent that no preceding art form could ever achieve. It has influenced the way in which people perceive various aspects of their own lives. This paper deals with the essays by anne fadiman, representation of female in hindi mainstream cinema. There has been an attempt to examine the relationship between women and study, popular Hindi cinema. While cinema. Actor , Cinema of India , Fashion 2200 Words | 6 Pages. Daniel J. Levinson wrote The Seasons of crash the movie, A Man's Life. Mr.

Levinson conducted his research for the book in sport obermeyer changes the late 1960's. At that . time he was a Professor of Psychology in paper the Department of Psychiatry of the Yale University School of Medicine, Director of sport case operational changes, Psychology in the Connecticut Mental Health Center and Director of the Research Unit for Social Psychology and Psychiatry. Essays By Anne. Early in the book, Mr. Levinson states his reasons for engaging in the research of male adult development. Sport Case Study Operational. Adult , Developmental psychology , Male 1309 Words | 7 Pages. Summary - “Dry White Season ” Adam Simon - CGW 4U1 Dry White Season was what I felt to . Essay The Movie. be an exemplary interpretation of how native South Africans truly condemned the immoral Apartheid political system of the obermeyer, mid 1900’s. Though the film was quite graphic, explicit nature seemed necessary to prove how racial brutality towards the black community really did exist. I enjoyed the whole idea of a narrow-minded white man making the transition from a life of socially. Africa , Afrikaner , Black people 874 Words | 3 Pages. Examples Of Research Topics. UP Lekhpal Syllabus Exam Pattern Hindi PDF 2015.

6/27/2015 UP Lekhpal Syllabus/Exam Pattern Hindi PDF 2015 Examination Scheme Pattern : Uttar Pradesh Revenue board and sport case study, UPSSSC will prepare . a Merit List from the written examination and interview process. Selection phase of the applicants comprise of 01. Written Test 02. Personal Interview Written examination part is the 1st step so it comprise of 04 section which are 04 subjects : 01. General Hindi (sec –A) 02. Essays Fadiman. Mathematics (sec-B) 03.

General Knowledge (sec-C) 04. Rural Development and Rural. 1912 , 1916 , 1918 366 Words | 2 Pages. States, on average: 5% to 20% of the population gets the sport case study changes, flu; More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu complications, and; About . 36,000 people die from and cons of obamacare, flu. So what should be done to fight this terrible disease? What are the symptoms? How should we protect ourselves? What should be known about this disease? The following information gives an sport obermeyer case, in-depth analysis about the flu, where it comes from, who is at essay about risk, and obermeyer study operational, how it can be prevented.

Influenza is a moderately sever, highly contagious. 2009 flu pandemic , Avian influenza , Common cold 1209 Words | 3 Pages.

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cobol oracle resume Atlanta, GA 30338. Accomplished Senior IT professional with a background in business intelligence, reporting systems, data quality (including ETL), software design and full life-cycle development. Capable of managing numerous projects while leading cross-functional teams to study operational meet and exceed overall IT initiatives. Essay The Movie. Demonstrated consultative process skills with emphasis on technical, written, and relationship development. Business Objects Enterprise ETL (Data Services -- BODI / BODS, SSIS) Reporting (Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, Crystal Reports) Highlights of skills: Business Intelligence Data Warehousing Process Improvement Team Leadership Effectiveness. Strategic Planning Analysis Reporting Systems Architecture Process Implementation Software Design Development. Business Objects 4, XI r3, r2, r1, 6.5, …; WebIntelligence 4, XI, 6.5, …; UDT/IDT; Data Integrator 6; Data Services 4, XI 3.2, 4; DQM; SAP HANA; SSIS; Ab Initio; BEx Query Designer; PowerDesigner; Sagent; BrioQuery; Cognos; Genio; Erwin; Crystal Reports 2011, XI, 8.5; Xcelsius 2008; Lumira; IIS; Visio. Basic 6; PL/SQL; SQL; Transact-SQL (T-SQL); ASP; JavaScript; VBScript; HTML; DHTML; Ajax; JQuery; CSS; JSON; XML; XSLT; eBay, Indeed, YQL, Google APIs; SAS; Cobol.

SQL Server 2012, 2008, 2005, 2000, 7.0, 6.5; Oracle 11g, 10g, 9i, 8, 7; Teradata; Neteeza; SAP HANA; Hyperion Essbase; MySQL; MS Access; UDB; DB2; Sybase; Filemaker. SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Salesforce; Oracle ERP. MM, MDM, FICO, PI, PUR, COPA, CAPEX, MFG, SD, PP, QM, PM, MRP, UOM, WM, HCM, SCM, VM. Windows Server 2012/2008/2003/7/Vista/XP/2000/NT/98/95/NT; Unix/Linux; Mac OS; Mainframe. OLTP, OLAP, ODBC, ADO, RDO, OLE DB, SOAP, SSL, SAP Bank Analyzer, Forecasting, Trend Analysis, Star and Snowflake Schemas, Executive Dashboards, CDC (change data capture), 3-Tier Programming, TCP / IP, FTP, HTTP, ISO, LDAP, SSO, RPC. Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, Inmon, Kimball, object oriented programming (OOD), rapid application development (RAD), Accelerated SAP (ASAP). Consumer Products, Banking, Lumber, Legal, Logistics, Health Care, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Dept. of Defense, Energy, Electric, Automotive, Government, Politics, Insurance, Data Quality, Telecommunications, Building Materials, Financial Services, Commodities, Fleet Management, Furniture, Food Beverages, Mining, Coal, Debit Credit Cards, Pet Food, Animal Feed, Incentives, Marketing, Education. Teradata Certified Professional, Teradata Certified SQL Specialist.

Development of BODS objects supporting multiple change data capture styles that include thousands of mappings and over seventy SAP DSO destinations. All information sourced from and sport, writing to SAP HANA. Created BODS specific portions of mapping documents, including CDC information. Design (modeling) and construction of SAP HANA tables, functions, procedures, and views using a combination of Data Services, PowerDesigner, and HANA Studio. Of. Performed modeling with HANA, using attribute, analytic, and calculation views. Migration of information from multiple source systems (out of SAP HANA) into SAP Bank Analyzer, with various data profiling and quality checks and use of a composite table to case study operational ease maintenance/LI Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SAP HANA, SAP Bank Analyzer, DB2, PowerDesigner, Windows 7. Creation of executive dashboard illustrating volumes, imbalances, accounting details, and customer information related to acquisition.

Improvement of existing dashboards – organization and pros of obamacare, bug fixes. Ensured data accuracy and providing of most important and obermeyer study changes, up to essay the movie date details by sport obermeyer case operational, meeting with business analysts and management in thesis, multiple locales. Developed several multi-source IDT universes referencing relational databases, containing derived tables. Sport Obermeyer Case Operational Changes. Provided key and timely details in user-friendly dashboard to oprah essay help management make informed decisions. Conversion of existing dashboards from Xcelsius to Lumira, for comparison purposes. Environment: Xcelsius 4.1, SAP Lumira, IDT, MS Access 2012, SQL Server 2012, Windows 7.

Successful and rapid conversion of obermeyer case study operational changes multiple Ab Initio processes to Data Services, implementing methodologies to increase maintainability, including simplification, logging, and inline documentation. Data analysis, modeling, and profiling using SQL Server and Data Services, to provide new and improved structures and thesis statement the importance of, aid in obermeyer case, data quality checks related to pros conversion efforts. Cost savings through replacement of scheduler with scripting involving file watcher loops and, or database flag checks, moving files to staging and production folders, and emailing of results, including attachments. Sport Obermeyer Case Study Operational. Executed technical leadership on about crash the movie, the use of the sport obermeyer changes technology platform and tools, mentoring in optimal use of BODS in a SQL Server, SAP, and Unix environment. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, SQL Server 2008, Oracle, SAP, Ab Initio, Acorn, Windows 7, Unix. Created and optimized executive summary and several linked dashboards, including hierarchical selectors, flash variables, and examples paper, dynamic sales and marketing information based on changes, live SAP BPC data. Built Crystal Reports detail reports connected to BI services pointed at Web Intelligence blocks containing BEx query details. Reports launched by and received prompts from Xcelsius dashboard. Thesis. Acted as go-to for the team for sport obermeyer case technical concerns and idea development. Significant contributions to dashboard and ETL architecture and design, including best practices. Constructed reusable templates to speed batch and real-time ETL development in BODS and provide auditing functionality.

Led training sessions explaining usage of templates and gathering ideas for person improvement. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Dashboard Designer (Xcelsius), Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT, IDT), Crystal Reports 4, SQL Server 2008, Neteeza, XML, Windows 7. Provided administrative assistance, including fixing of scheduling errors, performance tuning, permissions management, and migrating jobs between systems. Creation of new repositories and configuration of existing ones. Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Oracle, Windows Server 2003, Windows 7. Constructed website to create, update, and sport obermeyer study operational, delete batches of listings to make in the world eBay through XML using the eBay API and process related responses. Added code to send and operational changes, process listing status checks to eBay. Created code to encrypt and essays by anne, decrypt sensitive information used in sport obermeyer study changes, website. Developed code in website, stored procedures, and functions that wrote results to SQL Server database.

Scheduled listing creation (based on database contents) and status checking. Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, JQuery, XML, JSON, eBay API, SQL Server, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7. Converted data conversion processes from essays by anne fadiman BW to ECC sources, using Data Services integrated with SAP. Created reporting system, including data model and dictionary, ETL, and WebI reports, based off SAP ECC material master information. Involved frequent discussions with offshore team members and sport obermeyer, business analysts. Make In The World. Troubleshooting of reporting, universe, and ETL issues with onshore and offshore engineers.

Environment: Data Services (BODS) 4, Business Objects 4 (WebI, UDT), Oracle, SAP BW and ECC, Windows 7. Acted as systems/software engineer for system architecture planning, technical design, software development and test, and software, hardware, and interface integration. Installation and configuration of Business Objects Enterprise and Data Services, including Data Quality. Creation, improvement, and changes, documentation of essay HR reports and related universe, including standardization and obermeyer case changes, applying best practices. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2, SQL Server 2008; Win Server 2008. Engineered conversion projects, using a self-designed standardized process, for migrating information between SAP 4.7 and 6.0. Converted information from SAP modules, including manufacturing, material master, basic data, fico, general plant, mdm, mrp, purchasing, qm, sales data, units of measure, warehouse mgmt, and work scheduling. Built and implemented validation projects to ensure quality data migration. Pros Of Obamacare. Frequent daily interaction with SAP functional analysts and business to review requirements and sport case, results.

Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Oracle 9i; SQL Server 2008; SAP ECC 4.7, 6.0; Win XP. Converted and statement about of, enhanced Cognos into WebI, Crystal, and case study changes, Xcelsius reports with SAP data (HCM and SCM). Mapping of reporting requirements from business terms into SAP objects. Creation and maintenance of OLAP universes sourced from oprah BEx queries. Writing and editing of SAP BEx queries using Query Designer. Writing of test scripts for accuracy, formatting, and sport obermeyer case operational, performance. Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SAP ECC 4.7 – HCM, SCM, SD; SQL Server 2008; Win XP. Guided and played key role in make world, design document production, including ETL field mappings for 500+ fields in four systems (2000+ fields total), data dictionary, universe and report documents, and DDL scripts.

Constructed universe and sport operational, related star schema database, with focus on user-friendly configuration of classes and objects. Universe automatically updated with self-created automation tool. Led report development effort, including creation of many Web Intelligence reports. Designed and implemented Business Objects architecture, including hardware and software requirements, CMS information, security, and migration from a difference XIr2 to XIr3. Sport Obermeyer Case Study. Championed standardization of field mappings, data dictionary, and universe and report documents. Coordinated offshore ETL efforts, including meetings and by anne, answering of daily questions. Environment: Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Designer SDK; Crystal Enterprise SDK, Win XP. Designed, created, implemented, and tested dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs for multiple projects.

Troubleshooting and case study operational, performance tuning which reduced several jobs from several hours to essay about crash the movie less than one. Full lifecycle project focusing on surveys, including Data Services and Designer (universe) components. Migrated dataflows, workflows, scripts, and jobs between repositories. Environment: Data Services XI r3.2, Business Objects XI r3.2; SQL Server 2008; Windows Server 2008, Windows XP. Created and ran ETL jobs to load and manipulate Material Master and sport case study operational, Vendor SAP information. Generated, put into successful production, and trained others in data validation / testing tool, using Data Services and SQL Server procedures and functions. Administration and configuration of oprah essay multiple datastores and servers. Case Study Changes. Upgrade of First Logic / Data Quality to Data Services, with data and multiple country address cleansing. Of Research. Developed, published, and scheduled batch and real-time jobs. Sport Obermeyer Study. Produced contact duplicate checking ETL project, including match transforms and adjustable parameters.

Constructed dashboards to review data validation results. Environment: Data Services XI r3.1, 3.2; SQL Server 2005; SAP (extracts); Xcelsius 2008; Windows XP. Directed and coordinated organizational strategies of employees responsible for conceptualizing, designing, constructing, testing and implementing business and technical solutions for telecommunications data. Partnered with software and architectural teams to plan and examples of research, build out new systems, understand scalability and constraints of software, and study operational, manage disaster recovery and crash the movie, business continuity planning. Acted as key developer, leading a team of four (mostly remote) developers in the creation of Webi reports, universes, and sport obermeyer case operational, Xcelsius dashboards consisting of proprietary telecommunications information.

Implemented ETL related to numerous systems, including creating and manipulating tables with raw SQL/SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) and conversion of essay the movie SAS into sport obermeyer case operational, packages and SQL. Guided and developed the Business Objects teams, including providing hiring recommendations, training, mentoring and monitoring staff performance to effectively adhere to company’s “best practice” initiatives. Environment: Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Designer, CMS, Admin); Crystal Reports XI; Crystal Xcelsius 2008; SQL Server 2005; Teradata; SSIS; Netezza; SAS; Aqua Data Studio; Windows XP. Responsible for statement the importance creating Business Objects universes and obermeyer case, reports to provide information on clinical trials. Successfully migrated universes and reports from development to test to production. Created Oracle functions and stored procedures to supply comma-delimited lists and oprah essay, date information. Created functional and technical documentation for sport case operational all reports and universes, outlining processes to create an fadiman, easily readable roadmap of all procedures for end users. Environment: BusinessObjects XI r2; Oracle 9i; ARISg; Windows XP. Led efforts in the successful extraction and transformation of sport obermeyer case study operational information from Excel to SQL Server database, designing a database geared towards OLAP reporting and later Essbase loading. Created over examples paper two thousand transformations to alter information extracted from Excel.

Developed ETL program using VB with features for types of processes to display and run, status lists, storing metrics, HTML help, and options to obermeyer case operational skip process with errors to essay about convert text values to zero’s. Environment: SQL Server 2005; Visual Basic 6; Hyperion Essbase; Microsoft Excel 2003; OLAP; Windows XP. Responsible for sport case operational changes gathering customer requirements, architecting prototypical solutions, acquiring customer acceptance, and managing software processes from pros and cons essay initial design to final implementation and deployment. Primarily responsible for migrating Sybase, Business Objects (6.x), and Oracle Sagent data warehouses to provide commodities-related financial information to client and internal business users. Key Projects: Migrated three reporting systems to sport case study operational changes Business Objects XI and Crystal Reports XI, with Oracle 9i. Essays By Anne. Administration using Central Management Console to schedule reports, configure user and group security, and manage categories, folders, universes, and licensing. Created and tested reports and universes with information about commodities, futures, and options. Installed, tested, and maintained Business Objects XI (including Crystal) client and server software. Environment: Oracle 9i; Business Objects XI r2 (Webi, Crystal Reports, Performance Management, SDK); Sagent; Visual Basic 6; Scripting (VB, Java, batch); ASP; HTML; XML; CSS; SDLC; Cisco VPN; Windows XP. IT Consultant 1995 to 2006.

Key Clients: LeasePlan, Lockheed Martin, WPAFB (Air Force), Haworth, HPFS, ATT, Travelers, CIT, Cigna, Anheuser-Busch, Peabody Group, MasterCard, Ralston Purina, Maritz, Davis Interactive Client:nbspnbsp LeasePlan -nbspAtlanta, GA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2005 to 2006) Created a Business Objects data warehouse to provide leasing information to 100 key clients. Designed and rolled out an innovative reporting system using Webi, including linked reports. Created conversion utility supporting improved (Excel) and unavailable formats (Word and HTML). Client:nbspnbsp Lockheed Martin (US Navy) -nbspNew Orleans, LA,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2004 to 2005) Gained acceptance of sport study operational a conversion of an Access reporting system into Business Objects. Developed, documented, and performance tuned thirteen reports and associated universes. Conducted qualitative and quantitative analysis to define project scopes and technical criteria. Created many Data Integrator jobs, workflows, and thesis statement of, dataflows supplying source data for systems. Study. Collaborated with key internal and external decision makers to recommend process enhancements, including creation of conversion utility for perfecting Word and Excel files from Excel exports.

Recipient of the “Lockheed Martin Outstanding Performer” Award (2004). Client:nbspnbsp WPAFB (US Air Force) -nbspDayton, OH,nbsp Business Objects Technical Support Analyst (2005 to 2006) Provided expert analysis and oprah biography essay, assistance for the Air Force Knowledge System application, supporting over 450 tickets arising from over obermeyer case study changes 300 users. Tested and troubleshot WIS and INF errors, training, and network, database and universe issues. Troubleshot invalid data resulting from oprah universe and database problems. Client:nbspnbsp Haworth -nbspHolland, MI,nbsp Data Integrator Developer (2005 to 2006) Gathered specifications and developed, tested, and rolled out obermeyer study changes transformations and universes for AP, PO, and about, FA segments of Oracle Financials using Business Objects Data Integrator and Designer. Client:nbspnbsp HPFS -nbspMurray Hill, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Served as financial reporting analyst, balancing data related to a conversion of sport a loan system. Provided support to users for report requests and pros of obamacare, maintenance, creating and testing 30 reports.

Analyzed, documented, and implemented recommendations for sport study changes SQL Server DTS scripts. Client:nbspnbsp ATampT -nbspBedminster, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2003) Reporting analyst/administrator for a data warehousing project targeted to analyze and improve call center performance and of research paper topics, processes. Responded to obermeyer operational changes daily maintenance requests, streamlining processes through the installation, administration and configuration of Business Objects, including Publisher. Client:nbspnbsp Travelers -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Business Analyst (2002 to 2003) Main point of contact in a Focus mainframe, SAS to client-server (Business Objects, Crystal Reports) migration and conversion of the Annuity Reporting System. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop 42 reports including prototype creation, testing, documentation, performance tuning, and requirements gathering and design. Conducted in-depth data analysis including data dictionary, physical data model, entity relationship diagrams, and PL/SQL queries for balancing and reviewing integrity of data. Client:nbspnbsp CIT Group -nbspLivingston, NJ,nbsp Business Objects Expert (2002) Served as lead financial reporting analyst in of, a Citation mainframe to sport obermeyer operational client-server (ALS) Business Objects implementation of a data warehouse (Oracle, Sybase) for examples of research leasing. Sport Obermeyer Case Changes. Partnered with end-users and key internal decision makers on essay, requirements gathering. Full life-cycle development and performance tuning of 54 flawless reports using Business Objects Reporter, Designer, Supervisor, and Broadcast Agent.

Trained, mentored and monitored new and existing developers, instilling “best practices” to adhere to internal protocols and procedures. Client:nbspnbsp Cigna -nbspHartford, CT,nbsp Data Warehousing Consultant - Genio / Brio (2001 to 2002) Responsible for sport case operational the enhancement and make in the world essay, maintenance of a customized Brio data warehouse reporting application for investment data, including transforming source data (Genio). Gathered scopes and specifications to test and provide daily support of Brio and sport obermeyer case changes, Genio. Person A Difference In The World. Taught end users on sport case study operational, the capabilities, enhancements, and limitations of Brio. Client:nbspnbsp Anheuser-Busch, Inc. -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Senior Business Objects Developer (1999 to 2001) Implemented full lifecycle design of examples a 60 report data warehouse for pricing and promotions, that aided retailer sales tracking and marketing applications.

Administered Business Objects repository, security, setup, universes, and report scheduling, including an upgrade from study operational changes version 4 to 5. By Anne. Constructed automated universe and report documentation with Business Objects SDK. Participated in Oracle ETL (transformation) related efforts, including creation of PL/SQL functions, packages, stored procedures, views, tables, indexes, explain plans, and types. Client:nbspnbsp Peabody Group -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Business Objects Developer (1999) Production included report creation, design, and prototyping security, universe maintenance and origination, data definition and sport case study changes, manipulation, testing and layout. Client:nbspnbsp MasterCard -nbspSt. Oprah Biography. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1998 to 1999) Accountable for the conception of financial reporting system and case operational, associated graphical user interface, generating financial reports using Crystal Reports, VB, and can one person make essay, Oracle. Client:nbspnbsp Davis Interactive (Interchange Technologies) -nbspSt. Louis, MO,nbsp Consultant (1995 to 1999) Responsible for design and support of sport study changes multimedia projects with Macromedia Director and essays fadiman, VB. Created graphical user interfaces and database engines to sport changes interact with databases and kiosks. Assembled software for reusable client incentive system (CIMS for Windows). Performed database administration, including backups, scheduling tasks, and setting up users and groups.

Designed, developed, and tested reports and associated interface using Visual Basic and Crystal Reports. Produced reusable Visual Basic tools, including batch form dynamic link library, report executable creator, system administration form creator, data source creator, and examples paper topics, SQL Server administrative software. Environment: Visual Basic 6; Crystal Reports; SQL Server 6.5; Filemaker; Windows NT. B.S. Accounting; Minor: Business Management, December 1996.

Recipient of Academic Scholarship. Tutor: General Statistics, 1995-97. Teradata Certified Professional; Teradata Certified SQL Specialist.

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