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Here is your sample essay on business. A business undertaking is an organisation which is engaged in some industrial or commercial activity. It represents an institutional arrangement for carrying on any kind of business activity. It may be owned and wwi essay prompts controlled by a single individual or by a group of individuals who have entered into a formal or informal agreement to jointly conduct the summer school, business. Every business undertaking is prompts, a separate and distinct business unit. It has its own identity and separate ownership. It can be distinguished from other undertakings on the basis of its own­ership, management and control.

According to Wheeler, a business undertaking is a concern, company or enterprise which buys and sells, is sign up for summer school, owned by one person or a group of persons and is managed under a specific set of operating policies. Thus, a business undertaking may be defined as an organisation operating under separate ownership, management and wwi essay prompts control and carrying on any business activity with independent risk- bearing. All business undertakings are directly or indirectly engaged in writing how i my holidays the transfer or exchange of goods and services for value. They deal in goods and wwi essay services on a regular basis. Their main motive is to earn profits and up for they are exposed to various types of risks. Prompts! Characteristics of sfia thesis, a Business Undertaking. The basic features of a business undertaking are as follows: Every business undertaking has a separate identity.

It has a distinct name and separate existence. Its assets and wwi essay prompts liabilities are independent of the other undertakings. Its accounts are separate from those of the persons who own it. A business undertaking is owned by the persons who contribute its capital. The owners may be private individuals or the government. Every business undertaking thus has an independent unit of review business, ownership. The form of wwi essay prompts, management of an undertaking depends on its nature and size and legal requirements. But every business undertaking has its own independent management.

The management of one undertaking does not interfere in the working of other undertakings. The management of each undertaking takes independent decisions concerning different aspects of business. Every business undertaking involves risk. Profit is the reward for bearing risk. The risk of an undertaking is borne by its owners though some of the risks may be covered through insurance.

Types of Business Undertakings. Business undertakings may be classified into three broad categories as follows: 1. Private Sector Undertakings: These undertakings are owned, controlled and financed by review business, private businessmen. There is no Government participation in them. The main motive of private sector undertakings is to earn profits. Their main characteristics are as under: (a) Private Ownership and Control: A private sector undertaking is fully owned and con­trolled by wwi essay, the private entrepreneurs. It may be owned by one individual or by sign up for summer, a group of individuals jointly. When owned by one person, it is called Sole Proprietorship. A group of persons may joint own the wwi essay prompts, firm in sign up for school the form of joint Hindu family business, partnership, joint stock company or cooperative society. The main objective of private sector undertakings is earning profits. Prof­its provide the reward for the risk assumed and the required return on capital.

There is no participation by the Central or State Governments in the ownership and control of a private sector undertaking. The capital of a private sector undertaking is arranged by its owners. The sole trader contributes the capital of a sole proprietorship. In case of partnership, capital is invested by the partners. A joint stock company raises capital by the issue of shares and debentures. A private sector undertaking can also raise loans to wwi essay prompts, meet its long- term and public government short-term needs for funds. A private sector undertaking is managed by its owners. Prompts! In case of sole proprietorship and partnership, the owners directly manage the firm. The management of a joint stock company lies in the hands of directors who are the services in india, elected representatives of the shareholders. 2. Public Sector Undertakings: These undertakings are owned and operated by the Central and State Governments.

The main characteristics of public sector undertakings are given below: Public undertakings are fully owned by the Government or some public authority. For example, Reserve Bank of India is owned by the Central Govern­ment, while Delhi Transport Corporation is owned by the Government of Delhi State. Wwi Essay! The ultimate control of a public sector undertaking lies with the Government. The primary objective of a public sector undertaking is to render service to the public at large. In order to sfia thesis, serve the wwi essay, public, it may even incur loss. For example, the Food Corporation of sign, India provides food grains to the public at subsidised prices.

The Government provides the wwi essay, capital and funds through appropriations from its budget. The Government may also provide loans from time to time from the State exchequer. The management of public sector undertakings is bureau­cratic in the sense that their operations are governed by certain rules and regulations prescribed by the Government. Public sector undertakings are accountable to the public at large for their performance and results. Sign School! The annual audit of these undertakings is conducted by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Moreover, their annual reports are subject to wwi essay prompts, discussion in the Parliament or the State legislature. Joint sector consists of business undertakings wherein the ownership, control and anarchism and other management are shared jointly by the Government, the wwi essay, private entrepre­neurs and the public at large. According to the guidelines laid down by the Government of India, the share capital of a joint sector undertaking (without foreign participation) is to be divided as follows: Government 26 per cent, private businessmen 25 per cent and the public 49 per cent. No single individual or organisation can hold more than 25 per cent of the paid-up-capital of a joint sector enterprise without the permission of the Central Government. Public Government! In case of foreign participation, the respective shares will be: Government 25 per cent, Indian entrepreneur 20 per prompts cent, foreign investor 20 per cent and review business the investing public 35 per prompts cent.

Maruti Udyog, Cochin Refineries and Gujarat State Fertilizers are examples of joint sector undertakings in our country. The main characteristics of joint sector enterprises are as follows: The Government, private entrepreneurs and the investing public jointly own a joint sector enterprise. The management and control of a joint sector enterprise lies with the nominees or representatives of the Government, private businessmen and the public. The shares of the sfia thesis, Government, private businessmen and the public in the capital are 26 per cent, 25 per cent and 49 per cent, respectively. The aim is to pool the financial resources and technical know-how of the State and the private individuals. Preserve Articles is home of thousands of articles published and preserved by users like you.

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Sur L’Heptameron de Marguerite de Navarre. Wwi Essay! Enquetes d’authenticite. Pages : 256 ISBN : 9782130544746 DOI : 10.3917/rhlf.042.0269 Editeur : Presses Universitaires de France A propos de cette revue Site de la revue. Sommaire des nouveaux numeros. ALERTES EMAIL - REVUE Revue d'histoire litteraire de la France. Votre alerte a bien ete prise en compte. Vous recevrez un email a chaque nouvelle parution d'un numero de cette revue. Erreur lors de l'enregistrement de votre alerte.

Vous avez deja enregistre cette alerte. Sfia Thesis! Vous pouvez gerer vos alertes depuis le menu Mon L’HEPTAMERON ET SES AVATARS EN 1559 : TROIS NOUVELLES INCONGRUES. L’Heptameron , a peine publie, eut son succes, et qui dura aussi longtemps qu’il y eut des « honnetes gens » pour se plaire aux vieux textes. Prompts! Mais quand Marguerite de Navarre mourut, en decembre 1549, il fallait, pour le lire, en trouver quelque copie manuscrite. Public Affairs Studies! En 1558 seulement vint la premiere edition, sans nom d’auteur, donnee par Pierre Boaistuau, bizarrement intitulee Histoires des amans fortunez , et bien loin encore du recueil que nous connaissons : il y avait la soixante-sept, et non pas soixante-douze, nouvelles, dans un ordre ou plutot dans un desordre etrange ou s’efface la division en journees, ou se brouillent les roles des conteurs et ou surgissent parfois des annonces hors de propos. Wwi Essay! Des 1559, autre edition, et qui fit aussitot oublier la precedente au point d’etre tenue, en somme, pour une edition princeps . Sign Up For Summer! Claude Gruget la publie sous le nom de l’auteur, la dedie a la propre fille de Marguerite, trouve le titre d’ Heptameron et se vante a bon droit d’avoir remis le livre en son « vray ordre » [1] [1] Sur ces deux editions, voir N. Wwi Essay Prompts! Cazauran, « Boaistuau. My Holidays! . Prompts! C’est le texte qui sera lu jusqu’en 1698 ou l’on a voulu en donner une version « en beau langage » reecrite phrase a phrase : encore s’ap-puie-t-elle constamment sur celle de Gruget dont elle ne change en rien ni l’ampleur, ni la disposition, ni la substance [2] [2] La version en « beau langage » fut reeditee jusqu’en. Essay Writing Spent My Holidays! . Faut-il croire aussi volontiers Gruget quand il pretend avoir « demasque » le livre pour le « rendre en son naturel » [3] [3] Il le dit dans sa dedicace a la fille de Marguerite. Prompts! ? Je ne reviendrai pas ici sur les coupures et recritures pratiquees par Boaistuau et qu’il maintient : ce sont variantes eparses et qui s’expliquent par le souci de ne rien imprimer qui puisse faire suspecter l’orthodoxie de la defunte reine de Navarre tante du tres catholique roi Henri II. Review Business! Il y a plus surprenant.

Si Gruget donne bien et en bon ordre, comme font les manuscrits les plus longs, soixante-douze nouvelles, c’est par un tour de passe-passe dont on wwi essay, ne s’est pas avise avant que Leroux de Lincy, en 1853, publie une edition enfin fondee sur un manuscrit. Relations Case! En 1559, en effet, on wwi essay prompts, ne lisait ni la nouvelle 11, pourtant deja publiee par Boaistuau, ni les nouvelles 44 et 46 : Gruget leur en avait substitue d’autres, chacune suivie, comme toujours dans L’Heptameron , d’un debat dialogue. School! Il eut ses raisons, qu’il n’est pas impossible de demeler [4] [4] Voir l’article cite note 1, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 157-159. Sign Up For School! , mais il faut bien aussi et surtout se demander ou il a trouve ces nouvelles incongrues qui ne figurent dans aucun des manuscrits repertories. Wwi Essay Prompts! Serait-ce la des textes que Marguerite aurait, a la reflexion, exclus, mais que Gruget aurait trouves dans quelque manuscrit que nous n’avons plus ? La question merite examen. En 1985, P. Sfia Thesis! A. Wwi Essay Prompts! Chilton s’est interroge sur leur authenticite et il regrettait de ne pouvoir s’aider d’une concordance pour preciser son approche stylostatistical [5] [5] P. Relations! Chilton, « The Epaves of the wwi essay prompts Heptameron.

Some quantitative. Sfia Thesis! . Wwi Essay Prompts! Mais desormais, depuis 1990-1991, on up for school, dispose de deux concordances [6] [6] Des deux concordances, l’une est inutilisable pour. Prompts! , dont l’une permet d’examiner le lexique de ces trois nouvelles propres a l’edition Gruget. Review Business! Si elles sont diverses d’ampleur, de ton et de sujet, leur ecriture a pourtant en commun une singularite qui les met a part et qu’il est aise de mettre en evidence. La pseudo-nouvelle 11 [7] [7] Gruget avait ses raisons pour supprimer l’authentique. Wwi Essay Prompts! est celle, a coup sur, qui surprend le plus : ni le cordelier predicateur, ni Hircan ou Simontault qui glosent ses sermons n’hesitent le moins du monde devant les « villaines paroles » severement reprouvees par Oisille dans le debat de la N. Writing In India! 52 et Paul Chilton lui-meme, qui s’est efforce d’ajouter, aux soixante-douze nouvelles de la vulgate, des « epaves » qu’aurait abandonnees la reine, n’a pas songe a soutenir l’authenticite de ces « propos facetieux » et obscenes. Wwi Essay Prompts! Mais a ce sentiment de lecteur on affairs government relations studies, peut ajouter un argument tout objectif : la proportion insolite, dans les mots et tournures employes, d’occurrences qui, dans L’Heptameron , sont des hapax. Prompts! Excluons les termes concrets indissociables de leur contexte, comme andouilles ou baquet ou meme les tournures proverbiales usuelles : il y en a un peu partout et elles sont rarement repetees.

Reste une vingtaine de ces hapax. D’abord, savants ou familiers, des noms, des adjectifs, des verbes que je cite dans l’ordre et sous la forme ou ils apparaissent : facetieux (dans le titre de Gruget, mais repris par Saffredent dans le debat), enlangage, risee (deux occurrences), propos recreatifs, cacqueter, efficace (subst.), chiches et, dans le debat, effronte, erudition, derisions, devotieuses, amphibologie, impudemment, femmelette, modestie , rentrer dans ses erres . S’y ajoutent : maistre frere et, dans le debat, maistre moine (qui reapparait dans le debat de la pseudo-nouvelle 46), « maitre » etant longtemps d’usage, selon le Dictionnaire comique de Leroux, « dans le comique et le burlesque » pour donner de l’emphase a un mot, au sens de « au supreme degre »; ou encore l’adversatif ains , aussi dans les pseudo-nouvelles 44 et 46, et enfin, pour apostropher, un « Tout beau , Seigneur Simontault », sans autre exemple. Sfia Thesis! On pourrait meme relever : se mettre sur le beau bout , pour « chercher a briller », proche de se mettre sur le bon bout dans la pseudo-nouvelle 44. C’est vraiment beaucoup en si peu de pages. La pseudo-nouvelle 44, malgre son ton tres bourgeois, ne parait pas si disconvenante que les « propos facetieux » du cordelier et le debat y porte, comme il arrive ailleurs, sur le mariage. Wwi Essay Prompts! Mais, la aussi, les hapax abondent.

Deux fois plus longue que la pseudo-nouvelle 11, elle en offre plus du double, une bonne quarantaine : Mediocre, politic, familierement, mettable, propagation (des enfans), pensement, vulgaire (quatre emplois), faire trafic, mariable, colloquer, caquet, censurer, aigre (au sens figure), inopinement, acoster, familiere et familiers, s’advantager, se racointerent, caresses, apoinct, s’entrecaresserent, promenoir, abry, etre aux alteres, rageant, folastrement, serrant (avare), parfourny , et dans le debat, adultere, violement, amourettes [8] [8] Amourettes, employe par Gruget au titre de la N. Mba Essay Writing In India! 58. Wwi Essay Prompts! , repliqua , cornuz (au figure), forcement, coquine [9] [9] On trouve bien coquin dans le sens courant de gueux. Anarchism And Other! , approbation, corruption, depravee, tacitement, subornation . A quoi s’ajoutent des tournures familieres, plus ou moins lexicalisees : Se mettre sur le bon bout (chercher a se parer), y allant a la bonne foy , laisser moisir son pucelage, se faire tirer l’oreille . Encore ne faut-il pas oublier des formules de liaison qui sont absentes des autres nouvelles : ains (deja note dans la pseudo-nouvelle 11), de toute anciennete , sur ces entrefaictes , et sous ombre de . Reste la pseudo-nouvelle 46 [10] [10] Elle met en scene le meme cordelier que la nouvelle. Wwi Essay! , de loin la plus breve, ou l’on retrouve encore ains et maistre moine, deja notes, mais aussi onze nouveaux hapax : Dissolument, fy, encontre, predication (trois emplois dont un dans le debat), collauder , infracteur, chevir, excitee, s’emancipant, attraiante (au sens de « seduisante ») et un terme tout nouveau dans le vocabulaire militaire, stratagemes [11] [11] Voir Henri Estienne, dans l’Apologie pour Herodote. Government Case! . Ce releve, a l’evidence, ne saurait echapper a quelque approximation : j’ai pu noter tel ou tel mot que le contexte imposait presque et en negliger d’autres par inattention. Wwi Essay Prompts! D’autre part, on essay writing spent, ne doit pas oublier qu’il y a des hapax epars un peu partout dans L’Heptameron , et parfois sans que rien les exige : mettre assus , par exemple, dans la nouvelle 30 (p. Prompts! 339) ou, dans la nouvelle 49 (p. Relations Case Studies! 458), nenny [12] [12] Nenny est peut etre plus vif et familier que non dans. Prompts! , qui pourtant tendait alors a ceder la place a non , plusieurs fois atteste dans des reponses negatives (debats de la N. Writing! 10 p. Wwi Essay! 158, et de la N. Summer! 37, p. Wwi Essay! 387; dialogues de la N. Sfia Thesis! 42 p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 413 et de N. Case Studies! 53, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 481). Mais, a examiner le corpus donne par les manuscrits les plus longs et qui, malgre de multiples variantes de detail, compose une vulgate ou le lexique est etonnamment stable, on writing services in india, a droit de conclure que les hapax sont rares. Prompts! Ils sont le plus souvent concrets et strictement voulus par la matiere du recit. Essay! D’ordinaire isoles, ils se repetent ou voisinent seulement quand le sujet l’exige : ainsi le muletier , la muletiere et les mulets dans la nouvelle 2, le boucher et les boudins dans la nouvelle 34, la terrible salade de la nouvelle 36 et, reunis pour la grand’messe de la nouvelle 19, au sortir du revestoire , le diacre , le soudiacre et l’ accolite portant les canettes . Prompts! Dans la malodorante nouvelle 52, si le recit comporte une dizaine d’hapax, avec variations sur le verbe puer , le debat se borne a opposer paroles puantes a paroles « villaines » (p. Review Business! 476-477).

Dans les trois « nouvelles Gruget », le nombre des occurrences uniques que nous avons pu relever, sans meme tenir compte des mots concrets etroitement lies aux situations, est incontestablement tres insolite. Wwi Essay! Si certains sont des mots rares, comme amphibologie ou infracteur , la plupart sont d’usage courant et pourraient convenir dans bien des contextes. Sfia Thesis! Pourquoi, ailleurs dans L’Heptameron , dans ces contes et debats si varies de sujets et de tons, ne trouve-t-on jamais facetieux , risee , ni derision ou encore caresses , familierement et familier ou bien vulgaire , pas plus qu’ amourettes , qui figure au titre de la N. Prompts! 58, ou effronte que Gruget emploie pour qualifier l’amour de la Bourguignonne au titre de la nouvelle 61 ? Hasard peut-etre. How I My Holidays! Mais on wwi essay, ne trouve pas davantage des tournures passe-partout, servant a enchainer : ains , peut-etre archaisant face a « mais », sur ces entrefaictes , de toute anciennete et, plus signifiant, sous ombre de que Gruget emploie aux titres des nouvelles 13 et 22. Les trois recits ont chacun leur caractere propre, meme si deux sur trois mettent en scene des sermons de cordeliers, et Gruget pourrait bien avoir puise a des sources diverses, manuscrites, voire meme imprimees dans quelque opuscule oublie. Mba Essay Writing! On ne peut pourtant se satisfaire tout a fait de l’hypothese. Prompts! Outre certains hapax communs aux trois, chacun est suivi d’un debat dont le ton licentieux, bourgeois ou simplement plaisant, s’accorde bien a l’anecdote glosee et ces debats, comme ailleurs, relient les recits au recueil ou ils s’enclavent, faisant parler les memes devisants dont la presence et les roles assurent la coherence de l’ensemble. Review Business! Si l’on ne veut pas admettre que les interpolations de Gruget — etrangeres a l’edition de Boaistuau qui a precede la sienne comme a tous les manuscrits connus — soient fondees sur quelque copie perdue qui aurait donne soixante-quinze et non soixante-douze nouvelles, il faut bien y voir des pastiches dont les debats dialogues sont la marque evidente.

Gruget serait-il l’auteur du tout ? Comment savoir ? Tout au plus a-t-on pu noter que certains des hapax releves — amourettes , effronte , sous ombre de — se retrouvent sous sa plume dans ses titres (N. Wwi Essay! 58,61,13 et 22). Writing How I! Erudition se lit aussi dans sa dedicace a Jeanne d’Albret et deja en 1551, dans son epitre — preface aux Dialogues de Sperone Speroni [13] [13] Dialogues de Sperone Speroni : Dialogo d’amore, traduit. Wwi Essay! . Summer School! Ce n’est guere. Wwi Essay! On pourrait y ajouter, dans ses titres, une quinzaine de mots qui ne sont pas dans le texte de Marguerite : impetrer (N. Summer School! 1), mais qui convient au contexte juridique, un quidam (N. Prompts! 8, aussi dans le titre de Boaistuau), impudence (N. Sfia Thesis! 12), deux fois affiner (N. Prompts! 28 et 69), un « Jannin de village » (N. Affairs Government Relations! 29), paillardise (N.

31), sous pretexte de (N. Prompts! 33) industrie (N. Sfia Thesis! 35), putier (N. Wwi Essay! 38), continence (N. Public Relations! 42, aussi chez Boaistuau), demenement (N. Prompts! 43), frauder (N. Mba Essay In India! 55), deux fois acoler (N. Wwi Essay! 59 et 71), pertinacite (61), un traict de l’amour (N. Sfia Thesis! 68), aux abois de la mort (N.

71). Wwi Essay! Autant de mots dont beaucoup peuvent passer pour allant de soi pour intituler tel ou tel recit, mais dont beaucoup aussi auraient pu se rencontrer dans le texte des nouvelles — impudence n’est pas meme represente par l’adjectif, pas plus que continence ou paillardise . Sign Summer School! Au total, sur soixante-douze, ou plutot sur soixante-neuf titres, si l’on exclut ce que j’ai appele les pseudo-nouvelles, ce sont dix-huit termes (et il doit y en avoir d’autres) propres aux titres de Gruget et deux seulement peuvent lui venir de Boaistuau dont les titres, beaucoup plus longs, sont quasi des resumes. Wwi Essay Prompts! Certes, ce n’est pas un argument pour conclure que le lexique de Claude Gruget n’est pas celui de la reine, c’est tout au plus un indice pour supposer — a defaut d’autre hypothese plus plausible — qu’il a bien pu rediger les trois nouvelles [14] [14] La matiere des recits peut venir aussi de sources orales. Mba Essay In India! et debats qui sont propres a son edition. Prompts! Pendant des siecles, il est vrai, elles sont restees, pour ainsi dire, fondues dans un ensemble dont les amateurs devaient gouter surtout la variete, entre tragique et comique en tout genre, et dont les moralistes reprouvaient les libertes et gaillardises, sans que personne n’y voie rien de disparate. Review Business! Nous avons beau jeu, aujourd’hui a nous en etonner. Prompts! Mais, quoi qu’il en soit de l’auteur de ces « nouvelles Gruget » il suffit, je crois, de mesurer combien leur lexique les met a part du corpus des manuscrits pour conclure, sans trop d’hesitation, a une origine apocryphe. Sign Summer! Il est bien difficile, voire impossible, d’y reconnaitre la plume de Marguerite de Navarre. L’HISTOIRE DANS UNE HISTOIRE : LE CAS DE LA TRENTIEME NOUVELLE. Boaistuau, en 1558, resumait ainsi la nouvelle 30, qu’il placait en dernier dans sa collection [15] [15] Sur l’edition de Boaistuau, voir supra, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 269 et note. Up For Summer! : D’une femme que son filz engrossa, dont elle eut une belle fille, laquelle depuis son pere espousa et de la penitence qu’en feit la mere. Quand on wwi essay, n’en retient que cette trame, rien de neuf dans cette nouvelle : j’ai pu le montrer jadis, en 1978, et Jean-Claude Arnould y est revenu en 1990 [16] [16] N. How I! Cazauran, « La trentieme nouvelle (…) ou la meditation. Wwi Essay! . Sfia Thesis! Le schema s’enracine, pour son debut, dans une tradition tres ancienne et il prend sa forme plus complexe, ou un deuxieme inceste succede au premier, precisement au temps de Marguerite de Navarre, dans les annees 1540, sous la plume d’un chanoine italien comme dans une lecon de Luther sur un chapitre de la Genese.

Marguerite a pourtant voulu, avec plus d’obstination qu’ailleurs, ancrer son recit dans un temps et un milieu tout proches d’elle, comme le fait aussi Bandello en italien, dans ses Nouvelles publiees en 1554, qu’il ait suivi quelque manuscrit d’un Heptameron encore inedit ou qu’il ait eu, comme il le pretend, son propre garant [17] [17] Plusieurs nouvelles de L’Heptameron ont leur pendant. Wwi Essay Prompts! . Sfia Thesis! Et quand le dialogue moral ou, pour mieux dire, religieux qui suit l’etrange histoire d’Hircan se suspend pour faire place a un recit en raccourci, ce recit se situe encore, et, cette fois, sans que l’on puisse soupconner le moindre double-jeu, dans le temps vecu par l’auteur et ses devisants. D’abord, et seulement dans L’Heptameron , l’action est situee « au temps du Roy Loys douziesme ». Wwi Essay! On rencontre beaucoup de debuts analogues [18] [18] Voir, entre autres, les N. Sfia Thesis! 1,15,16,19,26,52,62. Prompts! Les. Affairs Studies! , mais il s’y joint ici une reference plus precise et moins attendue au Legat en Avignon, alors « de la maison d’Amboise nepveu du Legat de France nomme Georges » (p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 338). Sfia Thesis! Autant de details exacts et pas si gratuits qu’il semblerait. Wwi Essay! Le texte suggere une date, ou du moins un moment et distingue, comme il convient, le legat en Avignon et le legat en France, dont les roles ne se confondent pas. Essay Writing! Aupres d’un prince chretien le legat represente le pape et, en France, des le debut du siecle jusqu’a sa mort en 1510, c’est bien le cardinal Georges d’Amboise [19] [19] Pere Anselme, Histoire de la Maison Royale de France. Wwi Essay! . Mba Essay! En Avignon, depuis que le siege de la papaute est revenu a Rome, tandis que la ville et le comtat venaissin restent propriete du pape (jusqu’en 1791), des legats les administrent en son nom et y exercent d’importants pouvoirs temporels et spirituels. Prompts! Ainsi, dans les dioceses du Midi, ils ont en charge dispenses et absolutions dans les cas graves [20] [20] Histoire d’Avignon, Aix-en-Provence, Edisud, 1979. Summer! : rien de surprenant si la dame qui vit « au pays de Languedoc » s’en va au denouement se confesser au legat en Avignon qui prend rang alors parmi les personnages du recit (p. Wwi Essay! 342-343). Mba Essay Writing Services In India! Un neveu de Georges d’Amboise y fut-il bien legat pendant que son oncle l’etait en France ? A proprement parler, non. Prompts! En 1503, quand le legat en Avignon Julien de La Rovere devient le pape Jules II, c’est Georges d’Amboise lui-meme, deja legat aupres du roi de France et desormais nomme legat a vie, qui se voit en outre nomme legat en Avignon.

Mais il joue un role politique trop important aupres de Louis XII pour resider et il delegue aussitot ses pouvoirs : ce sont deux de ses neveux qui vont successivement les exercer en son nom. Anarchism And Other Essays Amazon! Le premier, Francois-Guillaume de Clermont, archeveque de Narbonne, fils de sa s?ur Catherine, pour quelques semaines seulement, jusqu’au 10 fevrier 1504, le second Louis de Rochechouart, abbe de Moustier-Neuf a Poitiers, aussitot apres [21] [21] Leon-Honore Lalande, Avignon au XVe siecle, Monaco-Paris. Prompts! . Review Business! Enfin, quelque temps apres la mort de Georges d’Amboise, c’est Francois Guillaume de Clermont qui sera en 1513 officiellement legat en Avignon jusqu’a sa mort en 1541 [22] [22] Voir la liste des legats dans Gallia Christiana, t. Wwi Essay! , et rien n’interdit de supposer que c’est lui, deja evoque dans la phrase initiale, qui intervient au denouement. Quant a la dame qui vit « au pays de Languedoc », apres la premiere peripetie qui a fait d’elle une mere incestueuse, elle peut envoyer son fils a la guerre « dela les monts » aupres d’un « parent » qui sert avec le grand maitre de Chaumont et, disent les manuscrits, « se nomme le capitaine de Montoson ». Affairs Relations Studies! Boaistuau et Gruget a sa suite ont eu soin, dans leurs editions, de couper la precision, comme ils l’ont fait partout quand il s’agissait d’un nom connu — et c’en etait bien un. Wwi Essay! Philibert de Clermont, seigneur de Montoison en Dauphine fut chambellan de Charles VIII et de Louis XII, compagnon de Bayard et prit part a diverses batailles pendant les campagnes d’Italie : il etait deja a Fornoue en 1495, et il meurt en 1511 a Ferrare ou il commandait, la meme annee que Charles d’Amboise seigneur de Chaumont, qui gouverna le duche de Milan des 1501. Essay! La devise de sa maison reprenait l’appel de Charles VIII a la bataille de Fornoue « A la rescousse Montoison » et Brantome fait son eloge en le disant d’une « bonne et ancienne maison, dont sont sortis beaucoup de gens de bien et d’honneur et y en a encore aujourd’hui qui ne font pas deshonneur a leurs devanciers » [23] [23] Brantome, ?uvres completes, ed.

Lalanne, Paris, Renouard. Wwi Essay Prompts! . And Other Essays! La dame anonyme etait ainsi pourvue d’un parent qui ne l’etait pas du tout et qui ne joue pourtant aucun role dans l’histoire. Prompts! Etait-ce seulement pour attester la verite de « l’estrange cas » annonce par le devisant-narrateur ? D’ordinaire, Marguerite de Navarre prefere alors placer ses references, trompeuses ou non, en tete du recit pour preciser la position, la fonction du personnage principal qu’elle relie souvent au roi son frere, a son pere, a son premier mari, voire a elle-meme. Review Business! La precision, ici, reste insolite, un peu hors de propos. S’y ajoute, encore au fil du recit, le role de « la Royne de Navarre nommee Catherine ». Wwi Essay Prompts! C’est a sa cour, nous dit-on, qu’est elevee la petite fille nee de l’inceste et c’est elle qui consent au fatal mariage. Services In India! Son prenom, evidemment, suffit a la faire identifier comme Catherine de Foix [24] [24] La premiere edition annotee, celle de P. Wwi Essay! L. Relations Studies! Lacroix. Wwi Essay! , reine en 1483 apres la mort de son frere, mariee en 1484 avec Jean d’Albret, morte a Mont de Marsan au debut de 1517 [25] [25] Pere Anselme, op. Anarchism And Other Essays! cit., t. Wwi Essay Prompts! III, p. Essay Writing Spent My Holidays! 376, et VI, p. Wwi Essay! . Affairs Government Relations Studies! et qui aurait ete, si elle avait vecu, belle-mere de Marguerite. Prompts! Quand elle favorise le mariage de sa protegee avec celui qui est, en fait, a la fois son pere et son frere, et qui est revenu d’Italie parce que les guerres y ont cesse, celle-ci est agee dit le texte de « douze ou treize ans ». Tous ces details apparemment oiseux esquissent, en arriere-plan, une possible chronologie : au tout debut de 1504, quand l’un ou l’autre des neveux de Georges d’Amboise fait fonction de legat en Avignon, premiere peripetie et depart du jeune homme pour l’Italie aupres de son parent a un moment ou Charles d’Amboise y commande ; douze ans plus tard, vers 1516-1517, au moment ou, apres Marignan, divers traites ont retabli pour un temps « paix et tranquillite » [26] [26] Texte tire du journal de Jean Barillon, cite par J. Mba Essay In India! , deuxieme peripetie avec le retour du jeune homme et son mariage, juste avant la mort de la reine de Navarre; puis reapparition au denouement d’un legat en Avignon qui est bien desormais, en titre, un neveu de Georges d’Amboise. Enfin, dans la nouvelle italienne de Bandello qui suit le meme schema, la Navarre et sa reine sont plus presentes encore [27] [27] Pour l’analyse de cette version, voir Beatrice Rima. Wwi Essay Prompts! . Review Business! Toute l’action s’y situe, sans reference au Languedoc, et Catherine de Foix y a un role actif : c’est elle qui a fait venir la petite fille a sa cour, c’est elle qui a favorise un mariage juge avantageux pour sa jeune protegee, et, dans un denouement qui n’est pas exactement celui de L’Heptameron , quand l’eveque a qui la mere incestueuse s’est confessee avant de mourir lui a revele la verite, c’est elle encore qui veut la garder secrete pour proteger le bonheur du jeune couple coupable d’inceste sans le savoir. Mieux encore, Bandello pretend tenir l’histoire d’une certaine Marie de Navarre qui l’aurait racontee, en sa presence, dans le cercle de sa protectrice Costanza Fregosa, au chateau de Bazens, ou, a l’en croire, elle venait souvent [28] [28] Bandello, ed. Prompts! citee, t. Review Business! I, II, 35, p. Prompts! 1018. Sign Up For School! . Wwi Essay Prompts! On a pu montrer que les garants invoques par Bandello dans ses dedicaces sont parfois fictifs : peu importe ici. Mba Essay Services! Mais il importe qu’il s’autorise d’une Marie de Navarre, qu’il dit ailleurs sorella d’Enrico oggidi re di Navarra [29] [29] Bandello, t. Wwi Essay! II, III, 61, p. Essay My Holidays! 563. Wwi Essay! , autrement dit belle-s?ur de Marguerite. Essays! Sa narratrice commence en effet par situer l’aventure au temps de son pere le roi Jean — nel tempo de la felice memoria del re Giovanni di Alebret, mio padre e signore e re di Navarra [30] [30] Bandello, t. Wwi Essay! I, p. Writing How I Spent My Holidays! 1019. Wwi Essay! . How I! Il est difficile, il est vrai, de preciser qui etait cette Marie de Navarre dont les erudits ne disent rien — pas meme le Pere Anselme dans ses deux notices sur Catherine de Foix et sur Jean d’Albret, ou il enumere leurs filles, Anne et Isabel, mais aussi les religieuses Catherine, Quitterie et Madeleine [31] [31] Pere Anselme, op. Prompts! cit., t. School! II, p. Wwi Essay! 376 et t. Public Affairs Government Relations! VI, p. Prompts! tandis que le testament de Jean d’Albret, cite par Charles Dartigue-Peyrou, ignorant Madeleine, n’en a mentionne que quatre [32] [32] Charles Dartigue-Peyrou, La Vicomte de Bearn sous le. Affairs Government Case! . Wwi Essay Prompts! Une Marie de Navarre, dont l’origine n’est pas precisee, fut, elle, vicaire a l’abbaye de Sainte-Claire a Nimes depuis 1526 : serait-ce cette mysterieuse belle-s?ur , [33] [33] M. Review Business! Menard dans son Histoire civile, ecclesiastique. Prompts! ? La vicaire d’un couvent de clarisses venait-elle si souvent se divertir dans un cercle mondain ? Comment savoir ?… Enfin, pour expliquer le silence des documents a son sujet, on mba essay services, l’a ingenieusement supposee fille illegitime de Jean d’Albret : dans le recit de Bandello, en effet, elle parle bien du roi son pere, mais n’appelle jamais la reine Catherine sa mere [34] [34] A. Wwi Essay Prompts! Durengue, Bandello, Agen, 1938, p. Public Affairs Government Relations Case! 232-238, cite. Wwi Essay! . Sign Up For Summer School! Il n’est pas impossible que Bandello ait bien entendu raconter l’histoire et — pourquoi pas ? — par cette Marie de Navarre.

Quoi qu’il en soit, plus encore chez lui que chez Marguerite, cette tres vieille histoire, avec ses deux peripeties, se trouve ainsi liee a ce qui se disait dans la famille royale de Navarre. Ce n’est certes pas assez pour soutenir que l’aventure soit reellement advenue, mais c’est assez peut-etre pour admettre que Marguerite l’ait tiree d’une tradition toute recente encore, mettant en cause une dame connue, et conservee dans la famille d’Albret : Hircan qui la raconte ne passe-t-il pas, avec vraisemblance, pour etre l’image d’Henri d’Albret ? Quant aux propos des devisants, ils ne tournent pas en debat polemique : ils s’accordent pour opposer radicalement confiance en soi et « confiance de Dieu » (p. Prompts! 344) et c’est pour rencherir sur la critique des cordeliers qui pretendent possible de se rendre par soi-meme « impeccable » que Longarine a recours a une petite histoire. Anarchism And Other Amazon! A vrai dire, elle ne lui donne pas d’abord l’allure d’une histoire : elle ne la situe nulle part, elle use d’un present de generalite et parle comme si elle depeignait les m?urs habituelles en tout temps chez ces cordeliers assez fous pour vouloir triompher de la « concupiscence » en essayant des tentations de plus en plus fortes jusqu’a coucher sans « emotion » avec les belles religieuses qui partagent leurs epreuves de chastete. Wwi Essay! Mais soudain, au denouement, la perspective se restreint dans le temps et le lieu avec l’intervention de l’« Archevesque de Milan ou ceste religion s’exercoit » (p. Review Business! 344) et nous voila face a une anecdote precise qui semble surgie, dans la memoire de Longarine, d’un passe proche. Les notes a ce passage n’en renvoient pas moins, jusqu’ici, a un passe lointain, sans lien avec Milan, et cela s’explique. Wwi Essay Prompts! Il y avait longtemps que les proces d’Inquisition avaient reproche des pratiques de ce genre a des sectes proches des fraticelli , ainsi aux « pseudo-apotres » groupes en Italie, au XII e siecle, autour de Segarellus : erant dicentes quod quilibet homo et qualibet mulier nudus cum nuda possunt sine peccato in public affairs government case studies uno eodemque loco jacere et licite se tangere in wwi essay prompts omni parte sui (…) ut tentatio cesset [35] [35] Guy de Perpignan, Summa de heresibus, 1521, chap. And Other Essays! V. Wwi Essay Prompts! . Sign Summer! Memes accusations en France, au XIV e siecle, contre des beguins provencaux : non reputabant esse perfectum aliquem nisi possit se ponere nudum cum nuda [36] [36] Interrogatoire a Toulouse en 1322 du beguin provencal. Prompts! . And Other! C’est pourtant bien l’actualite milanaise qui donne la clef des propos ironiques de Longarine.

Dans les annees 1530-1540, on prompts, retrouve a Milan de tels soupcons autour de deux nouvelles congregations, les Chierici (futurs Barnabites) et les Angeliche , fondes sous l’influence du dominicain Fra Battista da Crema (1460-1534) et avec l’appui de sa disciple la comtesse Guastalla [37] [37] Sur ces personnages, voir Orazio Premoli, Fra Battista. Sign Up For Summer! . Prompts! Les seigneurs et dames qu’elles regroupaient s’y distinguaient par leurs austerites et par des mortifications publiques qui surprenaient les Milanais. Sign Up For Summer School! Un chroniqueur populaire notait des reunions a jours fixes dans certains lieux ou il ne sait ce qui se passe — e li fanno quello che non so [38] [38] Cite par O. Wwi Essay Prompts! Premoli, Storia…, p. Review Business! 21-22. Wwi Essay Prompts! . Anarchism! Il est difficile de demeler le vrai et le faux dans les ondit, d’autant que les historiens de Fra Battista et de ses disciples tiennent pour calomnies toutes les accusations et defendent l’orthodoxie des ouvrages de Fra Battista. Wwi Essay! Reste qu’il fut l’auteur d’un traite Della cognitione e vittoria di se stesso ou il insistait sur la puissance de la volonte humaine : — l’uomo (…) e quasi omnipotente nel vincere se stesso [39] [39] Cite par L. Sfia Thesis! Bogliolo, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 34, note 7. Sign Up For Summer School! — et parmi les signes de la victoire sur la luxure il note l’impassibilite face aux tentations : e quando l’uomo si trova potente di stare fra la compagnia di meretrici (…) di persone belle e lascive et maxime quando alcuni di quelli sollicitasseno tal persona, co’parole e gesti, a qualche cosa mancho honesta [40] [40] Chap. Prompts! XXIII, p. Affairs Government Case Studies! 52, texte cite par O. Wwi Essay Prompts! Premoli, Fra. Anarchism! et dans l’apologie qui fut faite de son traite, on wwi essay prompts, crut necessaire de commencer par le justifier sur ce point. Sign Up For Summer School! A Milan, ses ennemis eurent beau jeu de pretendre qu’il conseillait a ses disciples des epreuves de continence comme celles que les beguins passaient pour avoir pratiquees. Wwi Essay Prompts! A preuve, en 1536, le bref du pape Paul III qui exigeait une enquete diligente sur les reunions « de nobles des deux sexes, appartenant a une secte placee sous le patronage de Battista da Crema, ou se trouvaient beaucoup d’heresies condamnees par l’Eglise notamment celles des Beguins et des Pauvres de Lyon », praesertim Beghinarum et Pauperum de Lugduno [41] [41] En 1534, un premier proces avait seulement reproche. Writing! . L’Inquisiteur et l’Archeveque de Milan, charges de l’affaire disculperent les accuses et l’on ne sait rien sur le detail de la procedure puisque les actes ont ete detruits, avec d’autres, sur ordre des autorites, au XIX e siecle [42] [42] O. Prompts! Premoli, ibid., p. Sign! 36. Wwi Essay! . Review Business! Mais en 1551, quand Paola Antonia Negri, qui dominait alors les deux communautes, provoqua par ses manquements a la regle de nouvelles accusations sur leur conduite peu prudente et ambigue [43] [43] Ce sont les termes de L. Wwi Essay! Bogliolo, op. Public Relations Case Studies! cit. Wwi Essay Prompts! (note 37). And Other Amazon! , le bref du pape Jules III en juillet 1552, en condamnant la doctrine de Fra Battista comme « scandaleuse sur la plupart des points (…) et souvent heretique », eut soin, pour mettre fin aux racontars et aux causes des desordres, d’ordonner une rigoureuse separation des deux congregations [44] [44] L. Wwi Essay Prompts! Bogliolo p. Mba Essay Writing! 13. Wwi Essay! Les ?uvres de Battista da Crema. Public Relations Case Studies! : selon Longarine, c’est ce qu’aurait fait, sans doute apres 1536, l’archeveque de Milan, d’avis de « mettre les hommes au couvent des hommes et les femmes en ceulx des femmes ». Quant aux rumeurs on prompts, ne peut douter ni de leur nature ni de leur persistance. Writing My Holidays! Fantaisistes ou non, elles avaient pris corps, et pour longtemps.

Des 1546, dans une de ses Satire alla Carlona , Pietro Nelli ironisait contre « certaines sectes nouvelles » et leur maniere d’aller au ciel et de vaincre les appetits : alcune sette novelle / Che in prompts letto sperimentan lor fortezza [45] [45] Andrea da Bergamo (pseudonyme de Pietro Nelli), Satire. Review Business! . Wwi Essay Prompts! En 1548, Ortensio Landi reprit l’histoire dans ses Notabili et mostruose cose d’Italia , a sa rubrique sur Milan, en denoncant une secte dirigee par une grande dame : Si forza di riduri i suoi seguaci alla battismale purita e innocentia et del tutto mortificarli e per writing in india quanto m’e stato rifferito da persone degne di fede, per prompts far prova della mortificatione fa coricare in studies un medesimo letto un giovane di prima barba e una giovane… [46] [46] Ortensio Landi, Commentario delle piu notabili e mostruose. Prompts! . En 1567 le calviniste auteur de L’Histoire de la Mappemonde papistique n’hesite pas a vouer a cette meme secte une de ses « republiques » allegoriques qu’il baptise « Pauline » — il se refere surement a Paola Negri — ou « guastalienne » : Voici la quatriesme Republique (…) fondee (…) par le conseil d’un certain architecte et ingenieux nomme frere Baptiste de Creme, Moine, Jacopin prescheur. Sfia Thesis! Le but et la fin de ceste Republique s’appele, victoire de soy-mesme contre la chair. Prompts! Les peuples de ceste cite, sont meslez d’hommes et de femmes, demi hommes et l’autre moitie femmes toutes jeunes, belles, grasses et bon poinct. Apres quoi vient la description de l’epreuve « dedans le lict » avec l’eloge ironique des « combattants », si souvent vainqueurs « qu’en peu de temps ils sont multipliez comme mousches » [47] [47] Glose de la note 67. Sfia Thesis! Comme me l’a precise F. Wwi Essay Prompts! Lestringant. Essay Writing How I Spent My Holidays! . Wwi Essay Prompts! Bien plus tard, Bayle, dans son Dictionnaire critique , se plait encore a citer, et tres exactement, cette virulente Mappemonde pour faire echo a cette meme tradition satirique [48] [48] Bayle, Dictionnaire critique, Rotterdam, 1702, t. Anarchism And Other Essays! IV. Wwi Essay! . A coup sur, des les premiers proces, autour de 1535, s’etaient repandus les soupcons et rumeurs dont le bref du pape Paul III faisait deja mention. Affairs Government Relations! Marguerite avait bien assez de liens avec l’aristocratie, les lettres, les prelats d’Italie pour avoir eu vent de l’histoire. Rien d’insolite, dans des propos entre seigneurs et dames de la cour de Francois I er , a evoquer, plutot que des proces d’inquisition, un pretendu scandale a Milan tout recent, et qui n’etait pas sans lien avec l’aristocratie de la ville. Prompts! L’irruption de details historiquement exacts inscrits dans cette histoire de double inceste est plus inattendue. Summer School! Mais j’hesite a y voir un jeu delibere, obstinement poursuivi au fil du recit pour lui preter les couleurs de la verite : ce n’est guere la maniere de Marguerite qui se contente d’ordinaire alors de faire commencer la nouvelle par une breve mention qui la situe en temps et lieu. Wwi Essay Prompts! J’y verrai bien plutot, et d’autant que c’est Hircan, comme je l’ai note, qui parle, le signe qu’elle est de bonne foi et fonde la tres austere lecon qui oriente le recit sur un « cas » presume vrai et qu’elle a entendu raconter dans la famille de son mari.

On aurait mauvaise grace a la taxer d’un exces de naivete : au XX e siecle, l’expert en droit canon qui statuait au Vatican sur les questions matrimoniales examine un cas exactement identique qui serait advenu apres la guerre de 1914-1918 et dont il ne conteste nullement la realite [49] [49] D. Essay How I My Holidays! Gerardus Oesterle, O.S.B., Consultations de jure. Wwi Essay! . Ainsi, pour l’histoire de la mere incestueuse comme pour la satire des epreuves de chastete, un double arriere-plan d’actualite ou quasi : des lieux, des personnes surgissent avec assez de precision pour mettre a proximite des auditeurs et des premiers lecteurs des recits qui s’enracinaient dans des traditions deja lointaines. Universite de Paris-Sorbonne. Sur ces deux editions, voir N. Spent! Cazauran, « Boaistuau et Gruget editeurs de L’Heptameron : a chacun sa part », Travaux de Litterature , XIV, L’ecrivain editeur , I, p. Prompts! 149-169. La version en « beau langage » fut reeditee jusqu’en 1827. Review Business! En 1841, le Bibliophile Jacob (Paul-Louis Lacroix) revient au texte de Gruget. Il le dit dans sa dedicace a la fille de Marguerite, Jeanne d’Albret, en definissant son ambition d’editeur. Voir l’article cite note 1, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 157-159. P. Review Business! Chilton, « The Epaves of the wwi essay Heptameron . Anarchism And Other Essays! Some quantitative and wwi essay prompts qualitative clues to sfia thesis, their attribution », Studi Francesi , 1985, p. Wwi Essay! 449-467. Des deux concordances, l’une est inutilisable pour mon propos.

L’index de Suzanne Hanon se refere a la version d’Adrien de Thou qui ne comprend pas ces nouvelles « Gruget » ( Le vocabulaire de « L’Heptameron »… Index et Concordance , Paris, Geneve, Champion-Slatkine, 1990, avec 15 micro–fiches). And Other Essays! J’ai utilise l’index etabli en 1991 a Clermont-Ferrand par le groupe d’etudes quantitatives interdisciplinaires sur la langue du XVI e siecle. Prompts! Il n’est pas lemmatise, mais il se refere a l’edition de M. How I Spent My Holidays! Francois, ou les nouvelles « Gruget » sont donnees en appendice et dont le texte suit un des manuscrits appartenant a ce qu’on peut appeler la « vulgate » de L’Heptameron . Gruget avait ses raisons pour supprimer l’authentique N. Prompts! 11 : voir N. Services In India! Cazauran « Sur trois recits de L’Heptameron : de l’importance des arriere-plans », Nouvelle Revue du Seizieme siecle , 2003, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 5-11. Amourettes , employe par Gruget au titre de la N. Review Business! 58, l’est aussi par Saffredent (debat N. Wwi Essay! 29, p. Case! 337), mais dans une citation de Jean de Meung qui semble passee en proverbe, puisqu’on la trouve dans la liste des proverbes francais de Jean Gilles de Noyers (Johannes Aegidius Nuceriensis) reprise en appendice dans l’edition du Thresor … de Jean Nicot, Paris, Douceur, 1606, p. Prompts! 3. On trouve bien coquin dans le sens courant de gueux, mendiant (N. And Other! 59) mais, pas coquine , avec connotation erotique. Wwi Essay! Dans les Contes et Discours d’Eutrapel , Eutrapel dit, dans le meme sens, « que nature estoit trop coquine » (Noel du Fail, ?uvres facetieuses , ed. Affairs Government Relations Studies! Assezat, Bibl. Wwi Essay! elzevirienne, 1874, t. Review Business! I, chap. Wwi Essay! XI, p. Studies! 8). Elle met en scene le meme cordelier que la nouvelle 46 qu’elle remplace.

Voir Henri Estienne, dans l’Apologie pour Herodote , 1566, chap. Wwi Essay! 15 : « Un stratageme (puis que ce mot grec depuis quelque temps a trouve lieu au langage francois) » (texte cite dans le dictionnaire Huguet) et le titre d’un ouvrage, aujourd’hui perdu, qui explicite le sens du mot, Stratagemes, c’est a dire proesses et ruses de guerre du preux et tres celebre chevalier Langey… traduit du latin de Fr. Case! Rabelais par Claude Massuau , Lyon, Sebastien Gryphe, 1542. Wwi Essay Prompts! Le TLF cite pour premiere attestation de la forme stratageme un emploi au feminin dans un ouvrage de Jean d’Auton de 1503 et, pour premiere attestation de l’emploi au masculin, le texte precite d’Estienne. Sfia Thesis! Dans le texte de Gruget, le mot est au masculin. Nenny est peut etre plus vif et familier que non dans la replique amusee du personnage qui invite a repondre a ses questions par « ouy ou nenny ». Dialogues de Sperone Speroni : Dialogo d’amore , traduit par Claude Gruget, La Licorne, coll. Wwi Essay Prompts! Textes rares, UFR Langues, Litteratures, Poitiers, 1998, annexe I, p. Writing Services! 211. La matiere des recits peut venir aussi de sources orales. Prompts! Ainsi s’expliquerait que les « deux » nouvelles 46 aient un meme protagoniste, le cordelier de Vale — a moins que Claude Gruget ait emprunte le nom propre a Marguerite de Navarre. Sur l’edition de Boaistuau, voir supra , p. Writing Spent My Holidays! 269 et note 1.

N. Wwi Essay! Cazauran, « La trentieme nouvelle (…) ou la meditation d’un exemple », Melanges Jeanne Lods , Paris, collection de l’ENS de jeunes filles, 1978, t. Sfia Thesis! II, p. Prompts! 617-652 ; J. Sfia Thesis! C. Wwi Essay! Arnould, « Recits d’inceste, 1516-1635 », Studi Francesi , 1990, p. How I Spent! 443-453). Plusieurs nouvelles de L’Heptameron ont leur pendant dans celles de Bandello († 1561) dont les trois premieres parties ont ete imprimees en 1554 et la quatrieme, posthume, en 1573 seulement. Wwi Essay Prompts! La comparaison s’impose pour les nouvelles 3,23,30,70 d’une part et IV, 10, II 24, II 35, IV 5, d’autre part. Affairs Government Studies! Sur les rapports entre les deux recueils et les polemiques a ce sujet, voir P. Prompts! Jourda, Marguerite d’Angouleme , Paris, Champion, 1930, t. Essay Spent! II p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 708-722. Sfia Thesis! Bandello semble avoir rassemble quelques nouvelles de jeunesse et poursuivi la composition de son recueil, en France, a partir de 1541 : voir l’edition de F. Wwi Essay Prompts! Flora, Tutte le Opere , reimpr. Sfia Thesis! 1972, Verone, chronologie, t. Wwi Essay Prompts! I, p. Essay Writing How I Spent! LIII - LX. Wwi Essay! Mes references renvoient a cette edition. Sfia Thesis! Ici, a la difference de la N. Prompts! 70, il n’y a guere de ressemblances textuelles. Voir, entre autres, les N. Essays Amazon! 1,15,16,19,26,52,62. Wwi Essay Prompts! Les references a L’Heptameron renvoient a l’edition de N. Government Relations Case Studies! Cazauran et S . Wwi Essay Prompts! Lefevre, coll.

Folio, Gallimard, 2000. Pere Anselme, Histoire de la Maison Royale de France, des Pairs, Grands Officiers de la Couronne (…) et des Anciens Barons du Royaume , 1726-1733, t. Relations Studies! I, p. Prompts! 843, t. Sfia Thesis! VII, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 124-125. Histoire d’Avignon , Aix-en-Provence, Edisud, 1979, p. Review Business! 290-291. Leon-Honore Lalande, Avignon au XV e siecle , Monaco-Paris, 1920 ; Laffitte Reprints, Marseille, 1975, p. Prompts! 541-542. Writing! Sur la famille d’Amboise, voir Pere Anselme t. Wwi Essay! VII, p. Review Business! 124-125, et aussi t. Prompts! I, p. Mba Essay Writing Services In India! 469 et t. Prompts! IV, p. Review Business! 678 pour les mariages de Catherine et de Marguerite d’Amboise. Voir la liste des legats dans Gallia Christiana , t. Wwi Essay Prompts! I, Paris, 1716, col. Anarchism Amazon! 842-843.

Brantome, ?uvres completes , ed. Prompts! Lalanne, Paris, Renouard, t. Affairs Government Relations Studies! II, 1866, p. Prompts! 408-410. Amazon! Voir aussi ce qu’en dit l’Histoire du gentil seigneur de Bayart… par le Loyal Serviteur, Paris, Societe de l’Histoire de France, 1878, t. Prompts! I, chap. Mba Essay In India! XL, XLIV, XLV. Wwi Essay Prompts! Les notes jusqu’ici ne l’identifiaient pas. Sign! Sur Chaumont d’Amboise, voir Brantome, ibid. Wwi Essay! , t. Sfia Thesis! III, p. Prompts! 2-5 et Pere Anselme, op. Anarchism And Other Essays Amazon! cit. Wwi Essay! , t. Review Business! VII, p. Prompts! 119. La premiere edition annotee, celle de P. Sign School! L. Wwi Essay Prompts! Lacroix en 1841 ( Les Vieux Conteurs francais , Paris, Pantheon litteraire) le precisait deja. Pere Anselme, op. Affairs Relations Case! cit. Wwi Essay! , t. Review Business! III, p. Prompts! 376, et VI, p. Review Business! 215. Texte tire du journal de Jean Barillon, cite par J. Wwi Essay Prompts! Jacquart, Francois I er , p. Essays! 88.

Pour l’analyse de cette version, voir Beatrice Rima, « La novella in wwi essay pulpito. Essay Writing How I Spent! Tre exempla di Matteo Bandello », Filologia critica , mai-aout 1999, p. Wwi Essay! 219-232 et pour les differences avec L’Heptameron , voir Delmo Maestri « Due questioni bandelliane : l’autenticia delle dedicatorie e le fonti delle novelle », L’Arte dell’interpretare. Anarchism And Other! Studi (…) a Giovanni Getto , Turin, 1984, p. Prompts! 187 et 203, note 12. Bandello, ed. Public Studies! citee, t. Wwi Essay! I, II, 35, p. Writing Spent! 1018. Bandello, t. Prompts! II, III, 61, p. Sfia Thesis! 563. Bandello, t. Wwi Essay Prompts! I, p. Relations Case! 1019. Pere Anselme, op. Wwi Essay Prompts! cit. Affairs Government Relations Case Studies! , t. Wwi Essay Prompts! II, p. Summer School! 376 et t. Prompts! VI, p. Anarchism And Other Essays Amazon! 215. Charles Dartigue-Peyrou, La Vicomte de Bearn sous le regne d’Henri d’Albret , publication de la Faculte des Lettres de Strasbourg, fasc. Wwi Essay! 67,1934, « Pieces justificatives », p. Summer School! 500-501. Wwi Essay! Dans son texte l’auteur mentionnait cinq filles survivantes sur sept, mais n’en nommait que quatre, p. Writing! 159. M. Wwi Essay! Menard dans son Histoire civile, ecclesiastique et litteraire de la ville de Nimes (Paris, 1753, t. Public Studies! IV, p. Wwi Essay! 412) cite un document date de 1526 ou l’abbesse donne procuration a la vicaire Marie de Navarre et A. Review Business! Puech, qui s’y refere ( La Renaissance, et la reforme a Nimes , Nimes, 1983 p. Wwi Essay! CXLIV ), cite une lettre du juge-mage Jean de Montcalm ou il recommande de faire ecrire par cette vicaire, pour obtenir une faveur de la reine de Navarre : il en deduit que cette Marie de Navarre est bien la belle-s?ur de la reine et il l’identifierait volontiers avec Madeleine religieuse, citee par Pere Anselme et des 1612, sans precision, par Andre Favyn ( Histoire de Navarre , l. Sfia Thesis! XII, t. Wwi Essay Prompts! 703).

A. Up For School! Durengue, Bandello , Agen, 1938, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 232-238, cite par A. Review Business! Fiorato, Bandello… , Florence, 1979, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 494. Anarchism! Il n’est pas question, en tout cas, de supposer qu’il s’agirait de Marie d’Albret fille de Jean d’Albret sire d’Orval et comtesse de Nevers. Prompts! Bien qu’elle recoive en 1526 de Louise de Savoie un don « en faveur de la proximite de lignage », ce n’est qu’une cousine issue de germain de Jean d’Albret (Pere Anselme, t. Affairs Government Relations! VI, p. Wwi Essay! 215). Guy de Perpignan, Summa de heresibus , 1521, chap. Sign Up For Summer! V, f. Prompts! XCI v° Secta et errores pseudo apostolorum . Mba Essay Services In India! Voir aussi Duplessis d’Argentre, Collectio judicorum de novis erroribus , Paris, 1728, t. Wwi Essay Prompts! I et I. Up For Summer School! Laurentii a Mosheim, De Beghardis et Beguinabus Commentarius , Leipzig, 1790, p. Wwi Essay! 424.

Interrogatoire a Toulouse en 1322 du beguin provencal Guillaume Ruffi. Writing Services! Texte cite d’apres Philippe de Limburch ( Historia Inquisitionis , Amsterdam, 1692, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 382 et sq.) par Romana Garnieri, Il movimento del libero Spirito… Archivio Italiano per sign up for summer school la Storia della Pieta , IV, Rome, 1965, p. Wwi Essay! 428. Sur ces personnages, voir Orazio Premoli, Fra Battista da Crema , Rome, 1910 et Storia dei Barnabiti nel Cinquecento , Roma, 1913 ; voir aussi Luigi Bogliolo, Battista da Crema , S.E.I., 1952. Cite par O. Government! Premoli, Storia… , p. Wwi Essay! 21-22. Cite par L. Sfia Thesis! Bogliolo, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 34, note 7.

Chap. Writing! XXIII, p. Wwi Essay Prompts! 52, texte cite par O. Sfia Thesis! Premoli, Fra Battista… , p. Wwi Essay! 95, qui en retient la suite ou il est recommande de ne pas rechercher cette victoire, mais de preferer la fuite quand elle est possible. Review Business! Mais, dans l’Apologie du traite, c’est le premier point debattu parce qu’on peut en deduire que l’homme peut se rendre impassible — erreur deja reprochee a Climaque d’apres son chapitre « De la chastete » dans son traite Des degres pour monter au ciel (degre XV). Wwi Essay! Voir O. Sfia Thesis! Premoli, « L’Apologia di Fra Baptista da Crema », Estratto del Periodico Il Rosario. Wwi Essay! Memorie Domenicane , janvier-mars 1918, « Dubbio primo », p. How I Spent! 9. En 1534, un premier proces avait seulement reproche a ces communautes milanaises des nouveautes dangereuses pour l’ordre public (O. Wwi Essay Prompts! Premoli, Storia , p. Anarchism And Other Essays! 25). Prompts! Le texte du bref de 1536 est donne par O. Essay Spent! Premoli, ibid… , p. Wwi Essay! 464 : Pervenit ad aures nostras quod nuper Mediolani (…) nonnulla conventicula quorumdam nobilium utriusque sexus inventa sunt quamdam sectam, quondam Batista da Crema nuncupatam, tenentes et actualiter observantes, inqua multe hereses ab Ecclesia damnate praesertim Beghinarum et pauperum de Lugduno nuncupate continentur . Review Business! Les « pauvres de Lyon » sont les disciples reunis par Pierre Valdes vers 1170 et dits vaudois. Ce sont les termes de L. Wwi Essay! Bogliolo, op. Affairs Government Case! cit. Prompts! (note 37), p. Public Affairs Government Case! 12 et O. Wwi Essay! Premoli ( Storia… , p. Writing Services In India! 113), s’agissant des liens entre les deux communautes, parle aussi de pozitione ambigua . L. Prompts! Bogliolo p. Sfia Thesis! 13. Wwi Essay! Les ?uvres de Battista da Crema sont alors mises a l’index : voir O. Government Relations Case Studies! Premoli, La Storia… , p. Prompts! 109 et s. Andrea da Bergamo (pseudonyme de Pietro Nelli), Satire alla Carlona , Venise 1546, satire VII, p. Summer! 32.

Ortensio Landi, Commentario delle piu notabili e mostruose cose d’Italia , Venise, 1548, f° 26. Glose de la note 67. Wwi Essay! Comme me l’a precise F. Anarchism And Other Essays! Lestringant, l’Histoire de la Mappemeonde papistique developpe les breves legendes numerotees, inscrites en bas de la Mappemonde proprement dite qui se presente comme une carte. Wwi Essay! Sur la carte, son texte et l’auteur voir F. Sfia Thesis! Lestringant, « L’Histoire de la Mappemonde Papistique », communication faite a l’Academie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Comptes rendus des seances de l’annee 1998 , juillet-octobre, p. Wwi Essay! 699-730. Case! L’ Histoire ironisait aussi sur les dames entrant « dedans les chambres de leurs beaux peres confesseurs » et dont le ventre devenait « si enfle ». Bayle, Dictionnaire critique , Rotterdam, 1702, t. Wwi Essay Prompts! IV, article Vayer (La Mothe), p. Anarchism And Other Essays! 2929 a. Wwi Essay Prompts! A noter que dans ces trois versions, il n’est pas question de la gradation des epreuves dont parle Longarine et qu’il doit y avoir entre l’homme et la femme un baton (mieux vaudrait dit Nelli, une branche d’orties) voire, dans L’Histoire de la Mappemonde un crucifix « afin qu’ils ne se donnassent des coups de pied, tout ainsi qu’on met des perches ou barres entre les chevaux ». D. My Holidays! Gerardus Oesterle, O.S.B., Consultations de jure matrimoniali, Rome, 1942, « Casus ad canonem 1076 », Pater propriam filiam simulque sororem in wwi essay prompts matrimonium ducit , p. Review Business! 253-261. utilise des cookies a des fins de statistiques.

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POLITICO 44: A Living Diary of the Obama Presidency. After nearly five years, we’ve decided to wwi essay prompts, close down the 44 blog and review business will feature all White House coverage directly on wwi essay, the POLITICO homepage. Thank you for public affairs government studies, your readership, and we look forward to seeing you in 2014. Valerie Jarrett: Obama to buy health insurance by end of the day. President Barack Obama plans to sign up for wwi essay, health insurance through an Affordable Care Act exchange before the end of the public affairs government relations case studies day Monday, senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said. Monday is the last day to wwi essay, sign up for coverage that begins on Jan. 1, though the state and federal exchanges remain open through March. The White House has not yet said whether Obama will buy insurance as a resident of the District of Columbia, which has its own exchange, or as a resident of Illinois, which is part of the federal exchange. Obama speaks out against more Iran sanctions. President Barack Obama urged Congress Friday not to enact new sanctions on Iran in the near future and he suggested lawmakers advancing such measures are making political hay of the issue. I've said to members of sfia thesis, Congress: Democrats and Republicans. there is no need for new sanctions legislationnot yet, Obama declared during a year-end press conference at the White House.

The president said he wasn't shocked that some on wwi essay, Capitol Hill were advancing new sanctions legislation aimed at Iran's nuclear program. In what appeared to be a thinly-veiled reference to the pro-Israel lobby, he attributed those moves to a desire to please anti-Iran political forces in U.S. I'm not surprised that there's been some talk from some members of Congress about sanctions. I think the essay writing how i politics of trying to look tough on wwi essay prompts, Iran are often good when you're running for officeor if you're in review business, office, Obama said. The president urged lawmakers to give a six-month deal with Iran over its nuclear program time to wwi essay, work and to allow more in-depth negotiations on a permanent pact. If Iran suddenly tries to accelerate its nuclear capabilities, it's not going to be hard for us to review business, turn the dials back or strengthen sanctions even further, Obama said. I'll work with members of Congress to put even more pressure on Iran, but there's no reason to do it right now, he said. We've lost nothing during this negotiation period, precisely, because there are verification provisions in place. Wwi Essay? We'll know if they're violating the terms of the review business agreement, Obama said.

Let's test them. Wwi Essay? Now's the time to writing how i, see if we can get this thing done. Obama's comments came a day after White House press secretary Jay Carney warned for the first time that Obama would veto any new sanctions legislation Congress enacts before the prompts interim deal with Iran expires. The president did not personally reiterate the veto threat Friday. However, Obama did suggest that shunting aside the current prospect for a diplomatic resolution would increase the chances of a military conflict over the issue. And he warned lawmakers that the war-weary American public is in no mood for that. It is my goal to prevent Iran from review business obtaining a nuclear weapon. But I sure would rather do it diplomatically. I'm keeping all options on the table, but if I can do it diplomatically, that's how we should do it, and wwi essay prompts I would think that would be the preference of review business, everybody up on Capitol Hill, because that sure is the prompts preference of the American people, the review business president said. Obama to hold news conference at 2 p.m.

EST. President Barack Obama will close out the year with a news conference at the White House on Friday. He is set to take questions at 2 p.m. ET in the Brady Press Briefing Room, the White House said in wwi essay, updated guidance. It's a chance for the president to reflect on the year, to look ahead and to respond to sfia thesis, pressing issues including changes to the health care mandate and reform of the National Security Agency.

Later Friday, he and the first family will leave Washington for prompts, a two-week vacation in Hawaii. Obama commuted sentence of Deval Patrick kin. One of the eight federal prisoners granted sentence commutations by mba essay writing services in india, President Barack Obama Thursday is a first cousin of Gov. Deval Patrick (D-Mass), one of the wwi essay president's most devoted supporters on the national political scene. Reynolds Allen Wintersmith Jr. was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted in Illinois federal court in 1994 of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute and review business distribute cocaine and cocaine base and possession with intent to distribute crack. He was 19 at the time of wwi essay prompts, his arrest and 17 at the time he got involved running drugs for the Gangster Disciples gang. He is 39 today and has spent the past 19 years in prison. A spokeswoman for Patrick confirmed that the 57-year-old Massachusetts governor and Wintersmith are cousins but denied any invovement in the drive to writing how i my holidays, get the federal prisoner a rare commutation one of only nine Obama has granted as president. The Governor has no recollection of meeting Mr.

Wintersmith (they are quite far apart in age), and believes that if they did meet, it would have been when Mr. Wintersmith was a small boy. The Governor was not involved in wwi essay prompts, any application for a commutation of Mr. Wintersmith’s sentence, and sfia thesis only learned of the commutation through today’s media reports, said the wwi essay prompts Patrick aide, who asked not to be named. Wintersmith is essay writing spent, a first cousin on Patrick's mother's side, the spokeswoman added. Patrick's 2011 book, A Reason to Believe: Lessons from an Improbable Life, discusses his upbringing on the South Side of Chicago, an uncle's addiction to heroin and the involvement of others in the neighborhood with drugs and prompts gangs.

A White House spokesman, who also asked not to be named, said Wintersmith's tie to Patrick had no impact on anarchism and other, the commutation decision and wwi essay officials do not believe Patrick ever had any contact with the affairs government relations feds over the matter. Wintersmith's case went to the Supreme Court in wwi essay, 1996, on a challenge to essay how i spent my holidays, how his sentence and those of his co-defendants were arrived at wwi essay prompts based on distribution of both powdered and crack cocaine. The justices upheld the sentences without any noted dissent two years later in an opinion written by Justice Stephen Breyer. The lawyer who led the drive for Wintersmith's pardon, MiAngel Cody of the review business federal public defender's office in Chicago, declined to comment when asked about her client's family tie to Patrick. However, she said she was confident Obama would act when he learned about Wintersmith's story. We always felt like President Obama would correct this injustice with a clemency pen, Cody said in an interview Thursday. We just needed to give him the best clemency brief we could that would finally tell Reynolds's story . Prompts? We always felt like Obama will do this and we hope it is a sign of what is to come. Wintersmith's story drew attention from national groups like Families Against Mandatory Minimums because he was a very youthful offender who got a life sentence and was not convicted of a violent crime. His crime began and ended when he was a teenager, said Cody. It was his first offense. He had no priors, but under the then-mandatory federal sentencing guidelines the judge had no discretion.

He could only impose a life sentence. The defense attorney said changes in and other essays amazon, sentencing guidelines and the reduction in the so-called crack-powder disparity didn't help Wintersmith. The real problem is this 18-to-1 disparity in prompts, crack versus powder sentences, which currently has rendered him and others ineligible for relief, Cody said., estimating that hundreds of essay writing spent, inmates are in a similar predicament to her client. Even the reduced disparity is prompts, still a disparity that, for some serving lengthy sentences, makes them ineligible for judicial relief, she said. Writing Services In India? This certainly illustrates what we hope is a crack in the dam. Under the commutation granted Thursday, Wintersmith is wwi essay, set to sign up for school, be released on April 17. W.H.: Obama would veto Iran sanctions bill.

President Barack Obama would veto an prompts Iran sanctions bill with Democratic co-sponsors, White House press secretary Jay Carney said Thursday. “We don’t think this action is necessary, we don’t think it will be enacted. If it were enacted, the president would veto it,” Carney said of the Iran sanctions bill sponsored by, among others, Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez. Carney said the Senate bill would greatly increase the chances that the United States would have to take military action against Iran. Review Business? He said it would also be bad for attempts at negotiating with Iran and defy the will of the nation and the Congress.

“Doing so would derail negotiations just when diplomacy is making progress,” Carney said. “It would potentially divide the international community and wwi essay obviously would suggest bad faith on the part of the United States.” He added: “I think that there is affairs government relations case, overwhelming support in the country and in wwi essay, the Congress for a diplomatic solution to this conflict.” Update : An aide to one of the co-sponsors of the bill responds that the anarchism essays White House is presenting a false choice. The supporters of the wwi essay prompts bill believe it makes war less likely sanctions brought us this far, and the threat of additional sanctions can help us force Iran to essays, get rid of their nuclear weapons in the negotiations, the wwi essay aide said. W.H.: Sochi Olympic delegation not intended to be snub. President Barack Obama wasn’t trying to send a message about Russia’s anti-gay laws when he named an Olympic delegation with two lesbians and, for sfia thesis, the first time since 1988, no president, vice president or first lady. “That’s not a message we would wait to send through this manner,” Carney said Wednesday.

The delegation was largely viewed as a snub of prompts, Russia and its President Vladimir Putin, with whom Obama has been at odds on a range of writing in india, issues. Carney said a half-dozen times that the delegation, headed by former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and including tennis star Billie Jean King, former figure skater Brian Boitano and ice hockey medalist Caitlin Cahow, “represents the diversity of the United States.” “We have made no bones about the fact that we oppose and are offended by the anti-LGBT legislation in Russia,” Carney said. “We have not pulled any punches.” White House to release NSA task force report Wednesday. The White House will on Wednesday release the full electronic surveillance report from wwi essay President Barack Obama’s task force, press secretary Jay Carney said. The White House had said it would release the report, which carries 46 recommendations for Obama in response to revelations by former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden in January, after Obama decided which recommendations to follow. Obama received the report Dec. Sign? 13. “It’s a substantive, lengthy report, and it merits further assessment,” Carney said. Obama met Wednesday morning with the surveillance task force, known formally as the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies. “While we had intended to prompts, release the review group’s full report in January, as I said earlier, given inaccurate and incomplete reports in the press about the report’s content, we felt it was important to allow people to see the full report to draw their own conclusions,” Carney said. “For that reason, we will be doing that this afternoon.”

Obama will speak about the report in January, Carney said. PHOTOS: Morning Money Breakfast with Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett: 'I'm not the shadow chief of staff' Valerie Jarrett says she has very specific responsibilities in the Obama White House and focuses on them, rather than on an all-encompassing portfolio. I'm not the shadow chief of staff, she said, responding to school, the use of the term by POLITICO's Ben White at a Morning Money breakfast. Wwi Essay Prompts? She mentioned her roles in review business, outreach to women and girls, and to prompts, the business community and up for summer school local government officials. Various accounts have detailed Jarrett's role in swaying Obama's views as she leverages her personal relationship with him, but she said that their private time isn't spent discussing work. We do compartmentalize, she said. Later on, pressed about what she and wwi essay prompts the president talk about as friends, she responded with a smile.

Just stuff, she said, just stuff. She elaborated a bit, saying they discuss our families and writing the same things that everybody else talks about. Jarrett also said she expects to stay in prompts, the White House through the end of the Obama presidency. Mba Essay Services? I have the wwi essay best job that I have ever had and anarchism will ever have, she said. I serve at the pleasure of the president . I'll be there as long as he'll have me. Jarrett: Obama won't fundraise for library while in office. President Barack Obama won't fundraise for his presidential library while in office, White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett said Wednesday, as she downplayed a recent report that planning for the library is well under way. He is not raising any money for it whatsoever, nor will he while he’s in office, Jarrett said at prompts POLITICO's Morning Money breakfast.

A Tuesday report in The New York Times detailed early-stage meetings about the library, but Jarrett said the process is not very far along. It's absolutely in the embryonic stages, she said. Jarrett was also dismissive of the suggestion that she's trying to push her way into the planning process. I have a big plate of responsibilities to handle at the White House, she said. You can't believe everything you read, even if it's in the New York Times. A Chicagoan like the mba essay president, Jarrett said that it's up to the president to decide whether his library will be there, in prompts, Hawaii, or elsewhere. Who knows where it's going to sfia thesis, be, she said. As she closed out her response, she again hit the prompts Times story, saying: The New York Times piece was not very accurate.

Valerie Jarrett: No W.H. and tech 'disconnect' There's no disconnect between the sfia thesis White House and wwi essay the tech community, Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett said Wednesday, responding to complaints from review business some companies that the president was too focused on in wwi essay, a recent meeting, Ninety-nine percent of President Obama's time in the room for Tuesday's meeting with tech executives including Apple CEO Tim Cook and case Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer was spent discussing the companies' concerns about the National Security Agency's surveillance programs, Jarrett said at POLITICO's Morning Money breakfast. There was a presentation on wwi essay prompts, the health care site for the executives by Jeff Zients, but that was before Obama joined the meeting, Jarrett said. Sources at companies that attended the writing how i spent my holidays meeting have told various news outlets that they felt like there was too much discussion of health care and that it seemed as though the White House didn't realize their primary concern was the wwi essay NSA. But, Jarrett said, there was no confusion.

I don't think there was a disconnect at all, she said.

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How to Write a Great Essay for Different A-Level Subjects. In previous articles, we’ve given you lots of advice on wwi essay prompts how to write the perfect essay. However, the skills we’ve discussed up to now have been generic, and have not taken into account the fact that different subjects require different skills when it comes to up for, writing excellent essays for them. In this article, we look at the particular skills needed to wwi essay prompts, write great essays for individual A-level subjects, so that you can familiarise yourself with what you need to summer school, do to excel in whatever A-levels you happen to be studying. The tempestuous landscape in which Wuthering Heights is set is reflected in the mood of the text. Good English literature essays revolve around intelligent interpretation. The problem many students have with this is organising their interpretations into wwi essay, a tightly structured essay that flows well; many simply let their ideas run wild and flit aimlessly between one point and the next. To combat this problem, you need to consider the writer’s overall aims and then show how they have conveyed those aims, paragraph by paragraph, with each paragraph devoted to a particular technique or focus.

A good structure to public affairs government relations case, use is as follows: Point make a statement, such as “Bronte uses the bleakness of the moorland setting to prompts, reflect Heathcliff’s temperament.” Explanation elaborate on the statement in more detail. In this example, your explanation would involve explaining the parallels between Heathcliff and the moors their unpredictability and anarchism essays amazon, wildness, for instance, and the violence of the weather mirroring Heathcliff’s violent personality. Prompts. Evidence now provide quotes from the text to back up what you mean. In the Heathcliff example, you could quote specific words and phrases that show similarities in the way Heathcliff is described and the way in which the moorland landscape and weather are described. Reiterate close off the paragraph by reiterating the point, and perhaps developing it a little further or introducing the mba essay writing idea you’re going to carry into the next paragraph. Prompts. For example, “This ties in with a wider theme running through the public affairs relations book as a whole, which is that nature parallels human emotions.” Good English essays pay close attention to detail, noting specific words, phrases and literary devices a writer has used, and to wwi essay, what effect.

They quote liberally from the text in order to support each point, deconstructing the writing and analysing the use of language; they look at different interpretations, seeing beyond the surface and picking up on possible deeper meanings and connotations. But they also consider the how i spent my holidays meaning of the wwi essay prompts piece as a whole, and the overall effect created by the specific details noted. All this should be considered within the framework of the genre and context of the anarchism and other essays piece of writing. Wwi Essay Prompts. For instance, a poem by review business, William Wordsworth would be considered within the prompts context of the Romantic poets, and might be compared with work by contemporary poets such as Shelley or Keats; the historical background might also be touched upon where relevant (such as the Industrial Revolution when discussing the poetry of William Blake). This painting by Hermann Wislicenus of Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms was painted more than 350 years after the events it depicts. Though it’s also a humanities subject, History requires its own very particular set of skills that differ to an appreciable degree from those expected of anarchism essays amazon, you in wwi essay prompts English.

A history essay is unequivocal about its writer’s opinion, but this opinion must be based on anarchism essays a solid analysis of evidence that very often can’t be taken as fact. Evidence must be discussed in terms of its reliability, or lack thereof. The good historian considers what biases may be inherent in prompts a source, what vested interest the source might have, and what viewpoint that source was written from. For instance, you might analyse a source by studies, discussing whether or not the person was present at prompts the events they are describing; how long after the events they were writing (and therefore whether they are remembering it accurately if they were there, or whether they are getting their information second or third hand from someone else; and if so, how reliable the sfia thesis original source is); whether they are trying to show evidence to support a particular political view; and so on. Wwi Essay Prompts. So, each time you make a point, back it up with evidence, and consider the strengths and weaknesses of that evidence. A good history essay makes connections between what’s been written about, considering how issues interrelate, so think about how what you’re writing about ties in with other things; what was the impact of the event you’re discussing, did it happen in isolation, and public affairs case, what were the wwi essay events that led to essay spent my holidays, it? The term proletariat, derived from Roman law, is used in Marxist theory to mean the social class that does not have ownership of the means of production and can only sell their labour. It’s vital to look at both sides of the argument or, where many possible viewpoints exist, to wwi essay prompts, acknowledge these nuances. It’s fine to contradict yourself, provided you do so consciously; that is, you can build up an argument and then turn it on its head, observing that you are doing so (for example, “So far, so compelling; but what about the less well-known evidence from such and essays, such?”).

You can use quotes from wwi essay prompts, historians you’ve read, but use these in the context of discussing scholarly opinion. Don’t quote a historian’s words as evidence of something, because this is only someone’s opinion it’s not proof. Finally, where possible, use specialist terms to show that you know your stuff (“proletariat” instead of “workers”, for example). The primary task that lies ahead of how i spent my holidays, you in writing a French essay is, of course, to prompts, demonstrate your superior language skills. How I. Keep the wwi essay content itself very even-handed, sitting on the fence rather than presenting a forceful opinion that could distract attention away from the quality of your use of French. Focus on using as wide a variety of vocabulary and tenses as you can. It will help your essay if you can learn how to say more sophisticated phrases in French, of the writing my holidays sort you would use if you were writing an essay in English. This useful document from, Writing Essays in wwi essay prompts French, will give you numerous useful French phrases to help you put together an impressive essay, including the vocabulary you need to present a balanced argument.

Case studies are crucial in Geography essays. Affairs Relations. Geography is a subject that crosses the divide between the prompts sciences and the humanities, considering both physical processes and human activities (and their effects on the world around us). Essays for Geography may differ depending on which of these focuses the essay is discussing, and the evidence you might include in your essay could vary from phenomena observed and data gathered in and other amazon the natural world to the results of population censuses. To write a good Geography essay, you’ll need to wwi essay, include both theory and detailed, real-world case studies to support your answer. Mba Essay Services. Mention specific places by name, and communicate the facts accurately. Your teacher will be assessing not just your knowledge, but your ability to support what you say with relevant information that proves it. You shouldn’t just rattle off everything you know about a particular case study; you should deploy relevant facts from the wwi essay case study to support a specific point you’re trying to make. Keep linking each point back to the question, so that you’re always working towards answering it; this also helps you ensure that everything you include is actually relevant to the question. Showing that you’ve thought about an issue from multiple perspectives, and that you appreciate how they interrelate, is important in Geography.

You can do this by organising the content of review business, your essay into categories, considering different factors in turn, such as the prompts scale of the issue, and the timeframe and environment involved. Discuss the various factors involved logically, one by one, such as the environmental impact of climate change or a natural disaster (such as a tsunami or volcanic eruption), followed by its physical, economic, social and sfia thesis, political implications. Acknowledging the numerous nuances of the situation will demonstrate your appreciation of wwi essay prompts, its complexity and show that you are thinking at a high level. Sign Up For Summer. You can study art and sculpture to learn more about the civilisations that produced them. As the study of the ancient world (primarily ancient Rome and Greece), Classical Civilisations combines archaeology and history, looking both at what survives materially (from small finds, to prompts, art and mba essay writing, sculpture, to temples) and what survives in the way of texts by ancient authors. A good essay for this subject analyses, evaluates and interprets. The historical elements of the wwi essay subject will require the same set of skills we discussed for sfia thesis, History earlier, while the archaeological components of this subject require slightly different skills.

With your archaeologist hat on, your job becomes similar to that of a detective, piecing together clues. Prompts. Archaeology crosses over into anarchism amazon, science, and wwi essay, with that comes scientific considerations such as how archaeological evidence has been gathered the methods used, their reliability, whether or not they could have been tampered with, how accurately they were recorded, and sign up for summer, so on. You’ll look at a variety of different types of evidence, too, from the finds themselves to prompts, maps of the local topography. As with Geography, for which you’re required to learn lots of detailed case studies and names, you’ll need to learn plenty of services in india, examples of sites and finds to use as sources of evidence in building up a picture of the ancient world. And, as with any subject, looking at both sides of any argument is crucial to good grades. If the evidence you’re discussing could show one thing, but it could also show another, don’t just present one possibility show that you’ve thought in depth about it and consider all the possible interpretations. Wwi Essay. It would not be appropriate to mention how fantastic you think the Hubble Space Telescope is. The sciences Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics are generally less essay-focused, so we’re grouping them together here because the essay skills required for each of these subjects are very similar. While the fundamentals of anarchism essays amazon, scientific essay writing are the wwi essay prompts same as any other subject having a logical structure, well-developed argument, and so on there are a few subject-specific considerations to bear in mind, and anarchism and other essays, some common pitfalls to watch out for. Wwi Essay. The first is anarchism and other, that there is no room for opinion in prompts a scientific essay; unless you’re specifically asked for it, leave your own thoughts out of review business, it and focus instead on a completely objective discussion of the wwi essay prompts evidence gathered through scientific research, which will most probably be quantitative data.

Avoid vague language such as “it is thought that…”; be as precise as possible. Start with a hypothesis, and relations case, then discuss the research that supports or disproves it. Back up every statement you make with solid data; it’s not enough simply to prompts, drop in the name of the research, so briefly describe what the findings were and why they prove the statement you’ve just made. Another mistake many students make is to confuse cause and effect; this arises because of the anarchism and other essays tendency to assume that correlation implies causation, which is wwi essay prompts, a common logical fallacy. Just because two things appear to be related, it doesn’t mean that one caused the other, and committing this error in an essay is sign summer, a major faux pas that will lose you marks. It’s also a good idea to ensure that you’ve included every piece of research that could be relevant; if you don’t, you could be leaving out wwi essay, a crucial piece of evidence.

Finally, mention any limitations there may have been with the methodology used to gather the data you discuss. Psychology, though a science subject, has some overlap with the humanities some Psychology degrees are BAs rather than BScs. Psychology essays are best approached with a scientific mindset, but it’s far more difficult to prove anything in this subject and this should be acknowledged in your essay. The task becomes one of assessing which theory is the more probable one, based on an analysis of the data from various studies. Make liberal reference to named and dated psychological experiments and research, but acknowledge the fact that there may be more than one theory that could account for the same set of results. When these experiments are quoted as evidence, this should be done with reference to any possible limitations of how the experiment was conducted (such as a small sample size). If you’ve reached the end of this article, you’re now equipped with the knowledge to write fantastic essays guaranteed to review business, impress your teachers.

You’re also well on prompts the way to thinking in the right way for university-level essays, so keep working on these skills now and you’ll find it much easier to make the leap from mba essay, sixth former to undergraduate. 3 Responses to #8220;How to Write a Great Essay for wwi essay, Different A-Level Subjects#8221; October 31, 2015 at 2:21 am, the poet said: Thanks for such fabulous tips on up for summer school essay writing. October 31, 2015 at 2:21 am, the poet said: Thanks for such fabulous tips on essay writing. Blessed are you who can share! January 22, 2017 at 2:02 pm, Neeva said: Very useful tips to improve us, students writing skills, thank you.

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Cosmetics Manufacturing Business Plan. Bluespa distributes quality personal care products, fitness apparel and related accessories. Wwi Essay? This is accomplished through a combination of company-owned retail outlets and wholesale distribution. The initial launch for skin care products will be our Water range. Review Business? The products in this range have been developed in prompts our labs in Brittany.

The Brehat archipelago is how i unique in wwi essay prompts the entire world for sign up for summer, its wide range of sea algae and seaweed. Wwi Essay? For four billion years the warm waters of the Gulf Stream have been flowing north along the French coast creating a unique ecosystem. The details of mba essay services in india our product development and the relationship between the sea and the human body will be explained in greater detail in the marketing section. In this section we intend only to define the initial product range, each products benefits and our pricing strategy. Our methodology in wwi essay prompts choosing the water range for affairs government relations case studies, our initial launch is wwi essay prompts based on two primary issues: The benefits of thalasso treatment are just coming to services light in America.

Our name and logo make this launch of products from the sea a natural. We will be able to develop a meaningful and wwi essay prompts, moving product story through this relationship. Purpose: Finishes cleansing and sfia thesis, leaves skin perfectly clean. Relieves, soothes and softens skin. Reactivates the wwi essay physiologic epidermis' functions. Prepares the skin for make up. Hydrates the anarchism essays entire upper layer of epidermis. Primary ingredients: Corallina officinalis contains trace elements of marine minerals and in excess of wwi essay prompts 300 enzymes. They promote elasticity of the dermis' structural fibers (keratogenesis). Sfia Thesis? This ingredient prepares the skin for cosmetics. Critmum maritimum extract adds purifying and regenerating properties.

Rose water contributes a relaxing effect. Use: Spray on nightly after make up removal and prompts, before applying night creams or during the day to relieve stress and brighten the complexion. Eye makeup remover. Purpose: Removes eye make up. Soothes and relieves sensitive skin in eye area. Review Business? Fortifies eyelashes. Primary ingredients: Rhodophycea extract promotes remineralization and hydration of wwi essay prompts skin while fortifying eyelashes. Rose water to tone sensitive skin while soothing and relieving eye shadows. Use: Soak on cotton ball lightly and public affairs relations case, gently apply on eyelids to remove make up. Purpose: Soothes skin during make up removal. Gently removes impurities from the skin without damaging the epidermis hydrolipidic film.

Primary Ingredients: Crithmum maritimum extract is rich in wwi essay essential oils with regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Relations? Shea butter to nourish the skin and add suppleness. Wwi Essay Prompts? Palm oil and Groundnut oil act as cleansing agents and studies, soothe the skin. Skin types: Sensitive, delicate and mature skins--gentle enough to be suitable for use as a baby cream. Use: Apply on face and neck nightly to remove make up.

Finish with Biocatalyst Tonic. Multi protection day cream. Purpose: Acts like a second skin. Penetrates deep into epidermis to insure protection, promote elasticity and improve suppleness. Clarifies skin while soothing and hydrating.

Primary ingredients: Ulva lactuca extract, a fragile green algae that can resist wave pressure up to 20 tons per wwi essay, cubic centimeter because of an elastic fiber network similar to elastin. This extract provides hydrating and protective properties that protect against our increasingly aggressive environment. Shea butter nourishes skin and mba essay in india, acts against dehydration. Skin types: Dry and Normal. Use: Gently massage a few drops onto prompts, clean and anarchism, toned skin each morning. Regenerating facial scrub (micro marbles) Purpose: Cleans off dead skin cells to prompts promote regeneration of healthy new cells. Enlightens complexion and imparts radiance to the skin. Softens and purifies the epidermis.

Primary ingredients: Spherical micro-marbles exfoliate without causing irritation. Sign Summer School? Crithmun maritimum extract purifies epidermis and boosts cell regeneration. Use: Every other week for dry and sensitive skins, weekly for oily and normal skin types. Apply gently on clean skin, rinse with water and apply Biocatalyst Tonic. Hydrating Cream Mask. Purpose: Softens skin. Provides equilibrium for cutaneous functions.

Regenerates, while providing firmness. Maintains hydration of the epidermis. Primary ingredients: Ulva lactuca extract is efficient in fighting skin slackening. Codium tomentosum extract provides long-lasting deep hydration of the upper epidermal layer. Prompts? Enriched vitamin A, for skin regeneration. Skin types: Is suitable for government relations, all skin types but most beneficial for sensitive skin. Use: Apply on face, around eye contour area and on the neck after a gentle exfoliation. Allow to settle for three to five minutes, then wipe off excess with a soft tissue.

Purifying Cream Mask. Purpose: Smoothes skin. Regenerates, enlightens and firms the skin. Deep cleans the skin, while purifying and balancing the sebaceous functions. Maintains hydration of the upper layers of the epidermis. Primary ingredients: Laminaria digitata extract. This brown algae has anti-lipasic and sebostatic activities to fight against inflammation and regulate sebaceous secretions. Critmum maritimum extract rich in essential oils that purify the wwi essay epidermis and boost cellular regeneration. Sfia Thesis? Vitamin A palmitate, to reinforce suppleness.

Skin types: Oily and combination skins. Use: Apply on face (except eye area) and neck after a peeling or when skin is tired. Allow to settle for prompts, five to seven minutes, then gently remove excess. Purpose: Forms a polymeric mask that cleans the skin and lightens the and other amazon complexion. Primary ingredients: Diatomaceous micro algae, Corallina officinalis and Laminaria sp. Wwi Essay Prompts? combine to increase cell metabolism. Use: Apply to face weekly. Leave on the face approximately ten minutes then peel off starting from the neck. Royal sea cream (remineralizing face, body and hair algae mask) Purpose: Toning, relaxing, remineralizing and detoxifying for the face, body and hair. Used as a hair mask it nourishes the bulb, soothes the scalp and strengthens the essay writing spent hair shaft. Applied on prompts, the body it becomes a remineralizing source.

Primary ingredients: Rhodophycea and Pheophycea provide minerals necessary to anarchism improve metabolism and elasticity of skin fibers. Wwi Essay Prompts? In addition they aid in the elimination of skin toxins. Red seaweed adds hydrating properties to the upper epidermal layer that are essential to skin suppleness. Use: Weekly apply product in thick layers, leave on for ten to fifteen minutes. Finish with a shower or a shampoo. Body lotion (intensive hydration) Purpose: Fights dryness, restores and maintains hydrolipidic film, nourishes, regenerates, prevents aging and improves elasticity.

Protects skin from the public government relations harsh environment. Leaves the prompts skin firm and smooth. Primary ingredients: A powerful marine osmoregulator extracted from green seaweed and Chondrus crispus extract maintain an in-depth long-term hydration rate of the epidermis. Carraghenans work on how i my holidays, the skins surface with the skins natural proteins to create a protective film. Vegetable oil from Karite butter increases cell regeneration and insures suppleness. Use: Apply daily on dried skin all over wwi essay the body with a soft circular motion. Super firming gel (algae firming gel) Purpose: A firming and toning effect on the skin combined with a lipolytic action to support the acceleration of the elimination of fat cells. Primary ingredients: Laminaria Digitata extract provides the lipolitic properties. Mba Essay Services? Pelvetia Canaliculata improves blood circulation.

Use: Gently massage the gel into belly, hips, and buttocks. For legs and thighs apply with an upward motion. Tensing and regenerating cream. Purpose: Smoothes and tenses the epidermis. Prevents dehydration of dry skin areas. Re-enforces cutaneous elasticity. Creates an instant lifting effect.

Primary ingredients: Algae oil from Laminaria digitata is rich in wwi essay prompts vitamin A to sfia thesis protect from free radicals and aid in fiber regeneration, vitamin E which promotes hydration, vitamin C to speed up the healing process and vitamin F (from the Omega 6 family) to promote suppleness and wwi essay prompts, nourish the skin. Use: In morning and evening apply a small amount of the active serum on arms, tummy, legs, bust and/or buttocks. Slightly massage until fully absorbed into the skin. Sparkling sea pebbles. Purpose: Relaxes and soothes the skin. Re-mineralizes the writing how i spent my holidays skin by wwi essay prompts, providing trace elements and minerals required for the body's natural balance. Public Government Relations? Delicately perfumes the skin. Primary ingredients: Atomized sea water extracted from the Gulf Stream is combined with Patchouli (anti-inflammatory), lemon zest and wwi essay, mint (invigorating) and essential oils for aromatheraputic benefit.

Skin type: Hypoallergenic for all skin types. Use: After stepping into the bath place the pebble in the small of the back to benefit from the Jacuzzi effect. It can also be used for a very relaxing footbath. Soothing after-sun gel. Purpose: Quickly calms the epidermis after sun exposure. Instantly stops the heat sensation. Rehydrates the epidermis. Primary ingredients: Enteromorpha compressa extract and green algae create a soothing and hydrating action. Spent? This combination of ingredients has a peptide action that has been proven excellent in fighting problems caused by over-exposure to the sun (tightening, stinging, itching and heat sensation). It also reduces the intensity and duration of sunburn.

Codium tomentosum extract is a powerful marine osmoregulator that helps in wwi essay maintaining the epidermis hydration rate at the optimal level. Use: Apply generously on face and mba essay services, body. Within two hours of applying after-sun gel apply the hydrating milk to preserve and enhance the skins beauty. Sun care hydrating milk (SPF 8) Purpose: Protect the skin from the wwi essay suns harmful rays.

Ensure a uniform tan. Soften and smooth skin. Preserve the epidermis hydration. Primary ingredients: A mix of three algae extracts to obtain protection against writing how i spent, UVA and UVB rays while still allowing the skin to tan. A vegetable oil cocktail, rich in vitamins A and E to reinforce the skins hydration capacity and nutrients to ensure the skins suppleness. Glycerin provides a natural dampener to wwi essay soften and smooth the skin. Use: Apply in an even layer all over the body. Renew application frequently during extended periods of sfia thesis sun exposure. Anti-aging protective sun cream (SPF 12) Purpose: Ensure a safe and rapid suntan. Wwi Essay Prompts? Preserve epidermal hydration.

Fight against premature aging of the skin caused by the sun. Primary ingredients: Chritmum Maritimum and Phaeodactylum Tricornotum phylo plankton combine to create a natural synergy rich in and other essays amazon the essential fatty acids EPA/DHA. This ensures cellular regeneration and the formation of ceramids that are essential to the balance of the hydrolipidic film. Oil of Karite butter ensures the wwi essay prompts skin will maintain a supple texture and appearance. How I My Holidays? Palm oil (nourishing and softening), liquorice extract (anti-inflammatory) and a insaponifiable of Soya and Avocado extract aide in maintaining the skins fiber and give the cream its total care capacity.

Use: During or before sun exposure. Apply frequently during extended periods of exposure to the sun. Our pricing strategy for this range is to position our products with a shelf price that is in the mid to lower quadrant of high-quality products and brands. We have accomplished this by making careful market comparisons and adjusting our packaging size. Our initial apparel launch will be very tight and well focused. The range will include seven styles. Three of the styles will be offered in three colors with the remaining four offered in black.

Sizing will be S-M-L in all items. The total number of stock keeping units will be 39. This creates a very manageable and understandable assortment. Wwi Essay? Each of the bodies has been inspired by proven silhouettes and then improved upon. Long sleeve poly pique V-neck. Fabric: High tech poly blend specially designed to keep the wearer dry even during the most strenuous activity. Activity: Medium to high activity workout. Colors: Three (Black, plus two seasonal fashion colors) Suggested Retail: $78.

Long sleeve poly pique mock. Fabric: High tech poly blend specially designed to keep the wearer dry even during the most strenuous activity. Activity: Medium to high activity workout. Colors: Three (Black, plus two seasonal fashion colors) Suggested Retail: $78.

Lycra jacket - hip length. Fabric: Mid-weight stretch sport Lycra. Activity: Wear to and from the gym. Suggested Retail: $128. Fabric: Mid-weight stretch sport Lycra. Activity: Special loose fit designed for yoga. Public Affairs Studies? Also excellent fit for the over 40 woman who no longer wants to wear tights to the gym. Suggested Retail: $98. Fabric: Mid-weight stretch sport Lycra. Activity: Heavy aerobic exercise where a looser fit would be impractical.

Suggested Retail: $98. Fabric: Mid weight stretch sport Lycra. Activity: Heavy aerobic exercise. Suggested Retail: $68. Lycra long sleeve crew top. Fabric: Lightweight, breathable stretch sport Lycra designed to wick moisture away from the body. Activity: Post workout top designed to keep muscles warm and loose. Suggested Retail: $88. Rib cotton crew. Fabric: Lightweight ribbed cotton. Activity: To and from the gym.

Colors: Black and two seasonal colors. Suggested Retail: $38. Bluespa will occupy a unique market position. Wwi Essay Prompts? No other brand offers a specialty line that includes skin care, cosmetics, fitness apparel and accessories. However, within each category significant brands do exist. Sign Summer? Quality and wwi essay, price vary widely within each group. Essays Amazon? Bluespa will be positioned as a quality brand. We have eliminated the drugstore and discount brands from this comparison. In the skin care and cosmetics category the competition can be divided into three groups: Commercial--i.e.

MAC, Origins, Philosophy, Erno Laslo and Shesheido; Clinical--i.e. Kiehl's, Clinique, Clarins and wwi essay, Dr. Hauscha; Spa--private label brands associated with spas. The commercial brands are primarily sold through department stores. They vary widely in essay quality from Origins to Shesheido. They also vary widely in price. Their major advantage is wwi essay their financial strength and their department store relationships. The clinical brands are perceived to sign up for school be authentic. Their image is based upon the perception of treatment qualities verses purely cosmetic benefits. These brands are sold through their own retail outlets, specialty stores, department stores and/or health food stores.

Kiehl's is perceived as one of the most authentic of the clinical brand. The spa brands are sold almost exclusively at the spas they are associated with. This close affiliation provides a validation for prompts, the products but limits their ability to achieve wide market distribution. Bliss and Aveda are notable exceptions. These two brands have achieved wide market distribution and brand recognition. In fitness apparel and accessories the female customer has been grossly overlooked.

Reebok and services in india, Avia had the best chance of capturing her at one time. Wwi Essay? However Reebok abandoned her to sfia thesis try to become a legitimate sports brand and acquired Avia. Avia has since been sold and has all but disappeared. Prompts? Meanwhile the big two brands (Nike and Adidas) have ignored her. Recently Nike announced the formation of a women's division as a separate business unit. While this offers the possibility of affairs government case studies a major competitor in the women's fitness category, it also highlights the opportunity. Puma is the only brand that has developed a line of wwi essay fitness apparel focused specifically at this consumer. Their Nuala line has been developed with Christy Turlington. They have positioned this line to sell through women's specialty stores rather than traditional sport retailers. Early sales have been exceptional, further highlighting the mba essay writing services potential within this category. Bluespa will develop our market position by prompts, combining a retail strategy that includes a day spa with a wholesale distribution strategy.

Bluespa will acquire the sfia thesis validity afforded the spa brands and access to broad distribution. Bluespa skin care and cosmetic products will offer therapeutic benefits to the user based upon the principles of Thalasso therapy in our water line and Botanical treatments in our earth line. Wwi Essay Prompts? Our color cosmetics will be mineral based and provide the user with esthetic benefits while nourishing the skin. In addition to providing retail appropriate packaging we will develop bulk sizes for distribution within the spa trade. Most day spas use generic products and do not have the ability to develop a private label line. Anarchism Essays Amazon? The apparel and accessory lines will combine the prompts newest in technical fabrics with fit specifications that allow the wearer full range of movement.

We have developed affiliations with select yoga and fitness facilities for our apparel. Sign Up For Summer? All of our products will be positioned at prompts, the quality conscious consumer. Our marketing campaign and PR positioning will reinforce the Bluespa image. Our message will be to identify the benefits of our products and to review business develop an wwi essay, image that makes Bluespa products highly desirable. Meanwhile, our pricing strategy will be to maintain retail price points in the lower quadrant of the public affairs relations case studies top quality brands. A detailed comparison of our pricing as it relates to our target market is in the appendix. Our skin care creams and lotions are manufactured in three OEM facilities. Two are in France, one is in Southern California. Our primary facility is located in Brittany, on prompts, the north coast of France. They are considered one of the top algae specialists in the world.

They process in excess of essay writing how i spent my holidays 500,000 tons of algae per year (30% of the prompts current dry weight production world wide) for both agrochemical and cosmetic use. Sfia Thesis? Founded in 1957, the company has grown to $300,000,000 in annual sales with 300 employees. Our partnership gives us access to the following critical resources: The ability to produce both small run (10 kg) and large volume (10,000 kg per day) of creams and lotions. An innovative RD department with a strong technical background. An experienced quality control department. Managed compliance with Government rules and regulations.

Our laboratories in France for marine biotechnology will work with us in developing and producing Bluespa's signature range of products from the sea. Our second facility is located in wwi essay prompts the South of France. This region produces some of the finest essential oils and herbal compounds in the world. The facility gives us access to the latest developments in aromatherapy, skin care, fragrances and essential oils. Our third factory is located in southern California. Biomedics is and other a small lab specialized in reverse engineering and wwi essay prompts, small run production.

We will utilize this resource to sfia thesis develop and test items in prompts our own stores. Packaging for the skin care products is being purchased from Luxepack. They manufacture in Europe and have distributors in the United States. Sign School? This combination allows us to have access to the needed packaging at each of our production facilities without the need to purchase or warehouse large quantities. We have selected packaging from Luxepack stock production and developed multi-use parameters for prompts, various packages. This strategy will enable us to have only five different containers over the entire range. We will label each product with a self-adhesive label rather than screen-printing the packages, further leveraging the cost and efficiency of the packaging.

Labels will be printed and applied at each production facility from digitized art produced by our graphic director in Portland. This will provide us with complete creative control while allowing us to review business maximize efficiency at wwi essay prompts, the factories. Our apparel manufacturing is being managed through a contract facility in Portland, Oregon. Writing? AMG currently operates a 50,000 square foot facility for the production of high quality sports apparel from technical fabrics. They have complete pattern making and prompts, sewing facilities for services in india, cut and sew products as well as knit goods.

The availability of their technical knowledge and production capability provides Bluespa with significant flexibility in prompts developing our assortments and managing inventory demands. During the early phases of development AMG will also handle fulfillment of apparel orders. Pricing structure - skin care. The pricing for essay writing how i spent my holidays, skin care products is a bit more complex than for apparel. Since we are purchasing all the components separately and collecting them centrally we must include all of the individual costs in the process to determine landed cost. The table associated with this subject defines these individual segments. Pricing structure - apparel. Our apparel pricing structure positions Bluespa as a quality brand. We will attempt to provide the retailer with a margin opportunity above 50% for branded apparel. Our price points will compare well with Nike, Nuala and other quality sport brands. We will be very well priced in comparison to wwi essay prompts Prada sport, Polo sport and the other designer brands venturing into sign up for school this area.

A corner stone of our strategy is the creation of sustainable growth through a combination of wwi essay new product launches and sign up for summer, replenish-able basics. In skin care our first five launches will consist of added ranges to the line. Bluespa's product line is based on five elements of the universe. Its character, properties and related color(s), will define these elements. Body care products will be scented with essential oils that are known to create or improve the related character. All body and bath products, except after sun care, will ultimately be offered in five ranges.

Sun care will only be offered in balancing, calming and soothing. Because face creams and wwi essay, lotions are meant to rebalance and moisturize the skin, face care will be unscented and sign up for school, will only be offered in the Water range. Our skin care launches will occur at four-month intervals starting in August of 2001 with Water. Followed by wwi essay, the Earth range in the spring of 2002, Air in mid 2002, Fire in anarchism and other August 2002 and Metal in spring of 2003. The colors associated with each range will allow us to create a line of wwi essay cosmetics that works for all skin tones and an apparel assortment that covers the basics and can respond to color trends. The initial apparel launch will be August 2001. Our cosmetic launch will occur in spring 2002. These dates are for wholesale. Our retail stores will have the respective groups available by Spring 2001. Future products will be tested in our retail stores four to six months prior to their wholesale launch.

In addition we will develop product that is sign intended only for our retail stores (i.e. brushes and sponges). As our capabilities grow we may add these products to the wholesale line as well. Bluespa is launching a brand. The successful execution of wwi essay prompts this strategy will provide us with the ability to transcend into other categories in the future, as long as we define our image and stay true to the base precepts. (Much like Ralph Lauren has done with his tie business.) For example, properly executed these five precepts can be applied to home products. We believe our ability to create new product opportunities and growth will only be limited by our imagination and our ability to public government relations case studies attract talented people who understand the concept of branding. Your business plan can look as polished and professional as this sample plan. It's fast and easy, with LivePlan. Business planning has never been easier. With 500 complete sample plans, easy financials, and access anywhere, LivePlan turns your great idea into a great plan for success. You can download this complete sample plan as a text document for wwi essay prompts, FREE. Bplans is owned and operated by writing spent my holidays, Palo Alto Software, Inc., as a free resource to help entrepreneurs start and run better businesses.

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How to Email Your Resume to Get More Job Offers (Examples) Figuring out wwi essay prompts, how to summer email a resume sounds like child's play. Prompts? It's like sending any other email, right? If you're emailing a resume in reply to a random job offer and clicking send without a second thought, you are doing it wrong. If you want to mba essay in india know how to send a resume that will result in prompts, an interview, then you have to sfia thesis start thinking about personalization . The best way to get the wwi essay interview is to take a targeted, personal approach from the amazon beginning. Because wouldn’t it be nice if you could figure out how to email your resume to a real person who cared? Impossible? No way. In this article, I will show you the three-step process behind emailing a resume: How to establish contact with the right person when emailing a resume. How to find email addresses and what to write in wwi essay, an email with your resume attached.

How to clean up your online presence before emailing a resume. Want to save time and have your resume ready in essay how i spent my holidays, 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. Prompts? It’s fast and easy. Plus, you'll get tips while writing your resume. See templates and mba essay in india create your resume here. Almost No One Makes a Personal Connection, But It Works So Well. If you apply to a large company, your resume could end up in oblivion among an prompts, average of 250+ other identical resumes . And if you’re applying online, there is a good chance that your resume will end up being processed by Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software. That means R2D2 will scan your resume for writing how i spent keywords before it ever falls into human hands. The good news is prompts that if you take a moment to essay writing think about how to prompts email a resume to an employer, you can avoid both the sfia thesis bots and the curse of the wwi essay prompts general inbox. And the answer is simple:

Send your resume directly to the hiring manager. But it's not that simple. Let’s say you are among the 80% of Americans that start their job search by relations case visiting job boards or the 70% who apply via social media. Online job offers don’t always reveal who is wwi essay prompts going to read your resume. Review Business? Even though (81%) of job seekers say that they want to know, it just isn’t there. And that’s a shame because you are much more likely to get hired if the hiring manager knows of you beforehand.

So, how do you get in touch with a hiring manager? Pro Tip: If you've always wanted to work somewhere, don't wait for open positions or haunt the job boards. Reach out now by emailing a resume. Prompts? Position yourself now so you'll be in the right place later . Want to know what kind of keywords will please both the bots and human recruiters? Don't know where to sfia thesis put skills on a resume?

Read our guide: +30 Best Examples Of What Skills To Put On A Resume (Proven Tips) How to Get in Touch With a Hiring Manager. I’m sure you’ve heard about six degrees of separation. The idea that you are only separated from Brad Pitt, The Queen of England, and Honey Boo Boo by six other people? Well, that’s why networking is prompts important. You may not know the hiring manager, but you may know someone who does . Reach out to friends, alumni, and former colleagues to sfia thesis see if they can put you in touch with the right person. Realize that you've never networked and turn on Netflix. Networking is a lifelong process. If you’re just starting, you may not have any connections. That’s okay. You can still reach out to hiring managers in a personal way once you know how to wwi essay email a resume. Even if you're using job boards.

In the writing how i spent meantime, focus on making contact with people who work for companies that interest you. This brilliant guide will show you how to make connections in wwi essay prompts, any company. Pro Tip: Keep in mind that many companies offer referral bonuses to mba essay services employees that bring in a candidate. If you’re applying to a company where you know people, you should ask your friend to check if they have such a program. Not sure how to make a resume that will attract the attention of a hiring manager? We've got you covered. Read our guide: How To Make A Resume: A Step-By-Step Guide (+30 Examples) Bonus: Download FREE ultimate checklist of wwi essay 54 things you need to mba essay writing services do before you send your resume. “Resume 101 Checklist.” How to wwi essay prompts Find (Almost) Anyone’s Email Address.

Okay, let’s say that you can’t find any person who could connect you with a hiring manager. Or you found a great job offer, but there is no contact information. Now, what? First, you’ll need to mba essay do some research to find the internal recruiters or HR personnel responsible for wwi essay prompts processing resumes where you want to work. Start with the company’s website to find the name of the hiring manager and move to LinkedIn to see if you can find their email address. If you are trying to find out how to affairs government relations email a resume to wwi essay a hiring manager responsible for a particular job offer, LinkedIn is your best bet.

In-house recruiters often post positions they are currently trying to fill on their LinkedIn profiles. In either situation, you are trying to find the name of the hiring manager and their email address. While finding a name is public studies easy, finding an email address can be hard. Start by using an wwi essay, app called Email Hunter . Once you've found a promising LinkedIn profile, click on the app and writing in india it will generate an email address for you. If that doesn't work, you can try the old school way and use Google. Start your search with the wwi essay prompts company’s email domain: The search may not lead you to public affairs case the hiring manager’s personal email address, but what it can do is show you what formula the wwi essay company uses for all of its email addresses. See, most companies use the sign up for same formula: If you can find that formula, all you need to do is plug in the hiring manager’s name. Let’s say you can’t find the wwi essay prompts address formula either.

You’ve simply got the names of the company and the hiring manager. You’ve still got enough information. Here is an Email Permutator that automatically generates all possible combinations of the hiring manager’s name and the company’s domain. Pro Tip: If you’ve used the permutator, you might want to verify the addresses to see if they're active. Run them through a free email verification tool like MailTester . MailTester isn’t flawless, but it’s a good way to lower your bounce rate. Here’s How to Connect with Hiring Managers on review business, LinkedIn.

Now, armed with a name and prompts an email address you can send a personalized resume email. Note, not all hiring managers will appreciate receiving unsolicited resumes. Which is why you will want to start the process by sending the hiring manager an invite via LinkedIn. By making a connection on LinkedIn first, the hiring manager has the chance to become familiar with you . Otherwise, emailing a resume may come across as unprofessional soliciting. They may also disregard your email as spam. Julie Dossett, Communications Lead at LinkedIn Canada, says : First, you will need to sfia thesis tell LinkedIn how you know them. You’ve got three choices. If you’re sure about their email, choose “ other .” Otherwise, choose “ we’ve done business together .” It’s safe as long as it’s plausible.

You can also select “ I don’t know so-and-so .” Keep in mind that if the wwi essay prompts hiring manager ignores your invite, you will not be able to review business send another in the future. As for the message, LinkedIn invitation messages are only 300 characters , which is prompts slightly longer than two tweets, so, you don’t have much space. You need to review business write a message that has a purpose and prompts is personal. The templates above let the affairs relations case studies hiring manager know who you are, how you found them, and why you want to add them. Also, show them that you pay attention to what’s happening in your field. Once you’ve made initial contact with them, you can move on to figuring out prompts, how to email a resume. Pro Tip: If you’re engaging with the company via social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook), it will show the hiring manager that you have an active interest in the company. How to review business Email a Resume to Attract a Hiring Manager’s Attention.

Okay, so you’ve gotten the hiring manager’s attention on LinkedIn. But before you jump to wwi essay emailing a resume, you’ve got to create an email that’s going to get opened. Start with an attention-grabbing subject headline . Up For? Remember, a typical inbox reveals about 60 characters of an email's subject line. And that gets reduced to only 25 to 30 characters via mobile. Try opening with a solution: Subject: I can boost XYZ’s growth. If you don’t feel comfortable offering such an ambitious solution, you can start by wwi essay pitching yourself. Subject: Award-winning HR Director Interested in public affairs relations, XYZ. The more you personalize your message, the better. Wwi Essay Prompts? Consider adding achievements , skills, details about how you fit in with the essay spent company’s culture, knowledge of prompts their competition, and knowledge of their brand.

Use a natural and likable style. More companies are hiring based on personality , so don’t be afraid to show who you are. Of course, keep in mind that some companies will appreciate a more formal tone than others. It's up to you to decide what level of formality to use when considering how to email your resume. Also, notice where the candidate wrote “ our possibilities ,” it displays a level of solidarity with the employer and what they do . Of course, emailing a resume this personable is only possible if you research the writing how i spent company beforehand. At the wwi essay end, you can add a postscript. Adding a postscript to an email allows you to emphasize particular information, like a certification or achievement. Also, don't forget to include one of the following phrases: Please find my CV attached. Please find my resume attached. Please find my CV attached for your consideration.

Please find my resume attached for your consideration. It is government case also important to mention referrals at this point if relevant. Pro Tip: Save your files using your name - “ Han Solo Resume. Wwi Essay? ” That's how your resume remains easy to review business find among others with similar file names. Have you considered saving your resume as a PDF? Sending your resume as a PDF guarantees that you formatting won't glitch. Want to know more? Read our guide: Word Vs PDF Resume: What Is The Best Resume Format? What Comes Next? Secret Ways to Track Your Resume. Okay, so you’ve finally gotten to the point in wwi essay, the emailing a resume process where you’ve clicked send. Now, what?

Somewhere, either in your cover letter or in public government relations, the email, you’ve probably written that you will contact the prompts hiring manager within a given amount of up for time. But, how do you know if the hiring manager has read your email? It might be a bit awkward if you make that call and they haven’t read your email yet. Mixmax is an wwi essay prompts, online tool with email tracking capabilities. If you download a free trial version, you will be able to see if a hiring manager has opened your email. It’s a small thing, but it will help you keep tabs on your resume. Pro Tip: You can set up reminders in Mixmax that will automatically alert you to the fact that you have not received a reply after emailing a resume.

Mixmax will also tell you if the receiver clicked on and downloaded your resume. Having this knowledge allows you to know when and if you should send a follow-up email. If your campaign isn't working, it's time to find an alternative email address and try again. How to Clean Up Your Online Image. After figuring out how to email a resume to an employer, you need to sign school check your general online presence and wwi essay do some housekeeping. That's because there could be things lurking on review business, the Internet that you didn't know where out there.

And you may not have had anything to do with putting them there in the first place. Type your name into wwi essay prompts, Google and other search enginges to review business see what comes up in the results. Set all your social media profiles to private and assume hiring manager's won't find you. Most of you will find nothing more than links to wwi essay your social media profiles. As long as you’ve updated your LinkedIn profile to anarchism and other match your resume , and checked to see what content can be seen by the public on your Facebook and Twitter profiles, you should be good to wwi essay prompts go. Just make sure no unprofessional content is visible to the general public. If you happen to have a more common name like Jane Smith, for example, you may not show up in up for summer, the results at wwi essay prompts, all. On the anarchism amazon other hand, some of you might be disturbed to find extremely personal content such as your bank account number, an image of your signature, or sexually explicit images that have been posted without your consent.

If you find embarrassing content about wwi essay prompts, yourself on a particular web page, Google suggests that the best solution is to contact the webmaster (owner) and ask them to sign summer remove the content. Bonus: Download FREE ultimate checklist of 54 things you need to do before you send your resume. “Resume 101 Checklist.” Would you rather apply for 50 random positions and end up with a mediocre job? Or would you rather pinpoint 10 positions and spend 10 minutes figuring out how to send a resume that will result in a job that interests you? Choosing the second option means taking the time to do research, tailor your resume , and prompts contact a hiring manager. At the same time, until you take the sfia thesis time to think about how to email a resume and personalize your approach , a girl is prompts no one. And a man will not hire a girl who is affairs no one. Besides making yourself known to a hiring manager, taking a personal approach to emailing a resume also makes a lasting impression. Wwi Essay? The hiring manager is and other going to know that you have what it takes to get where you want to be. Natalie is a writer at wwi essay prompts, Uptowork.

She loves writing about resumes and eating tacos more than life itself. She spends her free time reading complicated novels and and other amazon binge watching TV series.

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