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Good descriptive essays about food

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Best Resume Examples for a Variety of Jobs. Do you need to descriptive, write a resume? Knowing how to start can be the biggest challenge and looking at examples can be very helpful. The following samples are among the best resumes and you can use them as a starting point for creating your own resume. They vary greatly in business insurance skill level, profession and format and are filled with inspiration.

Take notes as you browse the good descriptive essays about examples, this will help you remember what you like and dislike and which elements you want to include when you begin writing your own. The first step to writing a great resume is to choose the best type of four essay resume for your work history, experience and descriptive food the jobs you#39;re applying for. Browse these examples to get a sense of your options before choosing the right format for you. Chronological Resume - A very traditional resume format that focuses on your work experience and lists previous jobs in order. Functional Resume - Focus on your skills and expertise with a minor emphasis on the companies you worked for.

Combination Resume - Combine the elements of chronological and functional resumes to highlight both your skills and previous employment. Condoms Be Distributed In High Schools Essay? Targeted Resume - Write a resume tailored to about food, the specific position you#39;re applying for. Mini Resume - Everyone in your job search does not need to see a full-length resume, use the example to write one that#39;s brief and to the point. Nontraditional Resume - From a video to should be distributed in high, an online portfolio, discover how to essays food, create and use a resume that is unique. Resume Examples with Specific Highlight Sections. Every job seeker#39;s experience and paragraph goals are different and good descriptive essays food it#39;s important to add sections to your resume that highlight what makes you the business best candidate. In these resumes, you will find examples of specific sections that can help you direct a hiring manager#39;s attention to what you feel is good about, most important. Resume with Profile Statement - Give a brief and essay memoir specific overview of your skills. Resume with Accomplishments Section - Highlight your career accomplishments at the top of your resume to show off your biggest achievements. Descriptive About? Resume with a Branding Statement - Create a short, catchy statement that sells you and your skills. Business Plan? Resume Example with Headline - Add a headline to bring attention to about, your value as a candidate.

Resume with Summary of essay memoir Qualifications - Summarize your entire resume in a well-written paragraph that gets to the heart of your work experience and good about food skills. Resumes for Executive and Management Positions. The following resumes are good examples for individuals in essay revisor management and executive positions. They can be used when applying for other office and business jobs as well. The highlights of these resumes are the supervisory experience and good about business management.

These are skills that employers are looking for when hiring business professionals and it is best to include concrete facts and examples of should be distributed schools your achievements. The world of business is vast and there is a great variety of good descriptive about positions available in it. The examples below are a sampling of great resumes used by business professionals. No matter your skill level or the position you#39;re applying for, these resumes should provide inspiration while writing your own. Romeo Essay Themes? They include various skill sets and experience, which will help you along the descriptive about way. Positions in the tech industry are particularly competitive and it is extremely important that your resume stands out from your competition. You need to be specific about your skills, the programs you#39;re proficient with, and it#39;s good if you can give examples of end results as well. Many resumes in the technology space include a #39;Technical Skills#39; section in which you list every program, language, etc. you know. It gives your prospective employer the plan chance to quickly understand where your skills lie.

Resumes for Education and Human Services Positions. Descriptive Food? If your career is in be distributed in high schools essay education or any field related to human services, your resume needs to highlight both your work experience and certifications. Be sure to good about, include any professional licenses or affiliations you have as well. You will notice that a number of these sample resumes feature volunteer experience. What you do outside the workplace can have an business insurance plan, impact in landing a great job in these fields, so it#39;s worth noting any volunteer work you do. Careers in about food healthcare are filled with technical skills as well as patient interaction and both should be highlighted in your resume. Nurses, therapists and medical specialists should include any certifications and licenses you hold as well as details of your work experience. Volunteer experience is also a nice addition to essay memoir, healthcare resumes because it shows the hiring manager that you have compassion off the job as well.

If possible, include how you went above the good descriptive essays call of duty or add any significant career achievements. Every trade position has a specific set of romeo themes skills that are required on the job and it is good descriptive essays about food, important that you highlight your technical training in your resume. Include any certifications, licenses, affiliations and achievements that are relevant or necessary to your field. Notice how the example resumes are very specific when it comes to technical skills. Many also include supervisory and management experience as well as the adherence to codes and the ability to troubleshoot technical problems. Resumes for Writers, Creatives, and Freelancers. Freelancers, writers, and other professionals in creative fields may have the most difficult time writing a resume. Your jobs may be varied, your experience and skills vast, and it can be difficult getting it all on insurance paper. There are many ways to approach these types of resumes and the examples should help you find a direction that#39;s right for you.

You are a creative, so you need to put some of good essays about that ingenuity into writing the most effective resume you can. You might also consider developing a curriculum vitae (CV) and have that available as well. Resumes for Customer Service Jobs. Customer service is essay revisor, a key element in many jobs and it is important that you focus on that in good essays food your resume. Business Insurance? Whether you are applying at a restaurant, a hair salon or a local store, the hiring manager will want to know that you will put their customers first.

Some of good essays these resume examples also include specific skills required for the position. For instance, a chef may choose to highlight the insurance plan presentation and good about food speed involved in serving meals to customers. A stylist will want to focus on special treatments they have learned and a retail associate may want to show off their merchandising expertise. Also, be sure to and juliet, include any special honors or achievements you have received. Were you the employee of the month? Did you reach a high sales goal? Teenagers and recent college graduates may need to write a resume as well and this can be tricky because of your limited work history. You will need to supplement your resume with other achievements.

Include volunteer work and accomplishments at school in your resume and use these examples to learn how to feature them. Employers understand that you are young and looking to add to your experience, so give them as much as you can that shows you#39;ll be a valuable employee.

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What are some tips for writing a descriptive essay about food? - Quora

nmap resume xml Alle Sicherheitswerkzeuge sind nur so gut wie die Ausgabe, die sie erzeugen. Komplexe Tests und Algorithmen haben einen geringen Wert, wenn sie nicht auf ubersichtliche und verstandliche Weise dargestellt werden. Descriptive Food. Da Nmap auf vielfaltige Weise von verschiedenen Leuten und anderer Software benutzt wird, kann kein Format allein es allen recht machen. Essay Revisor. Daher bietet Nmap mehrere Formate, darunter den interaktiven Modus, den Menschen direkt lesen konnen, und XML, das von Software leicht geparst werden kann. Zusatzlich zu verschiedenen Ausgabeformaten bietet Nmap Optionen zur Steuerung der Ausfuhrlichkeit dieser Ausgabe sowie Debugging-Meldungen. Descriptive Food. Die Ausgaben konnen an essay revisor, die Standardausgabe oder an good essays about, benannte Dateien gehen, die Nmap uberschreiben bzw. an essay revisor, die es seine Ausgabe anfugen kann. Essays About. Mit den Ausgabedateien konnen au?erdem abgebrochene Scans fortgesetzt werden. Nmap erzeugt seine Ausgabe in essay funf verschiedenen Formaten.

Das Standardformat hei?t interaktive Ausgabe und wird an good, die Standardausgabe (stdout) gesendet. Brookes Writing. Es gibt auch die normale Ausgabe , die ahnlich zur interaktiven Ausgabe ist, au?er dass sie weniger Laufzeitinformation und Warnungen ausgibt, weil man davon ausgeht, dass sie erst nach Abschluss des Scans analysiert wird und nicht, wahrend er noch lauft. Die XML-Ausgabe ist eines der wichtigsten Ausgabeformate, da sie einfach nach HTML konvertiert, von Programmen wie Nmap-GUIs geparst oder in good essays about food Datenbanken importiert werden kann. Die zwei verbleibenden Ausgabeformate sind die einfache grepbare Ausgabe , in schools essay der die meiste Information uber einen Zielhost in essays about einer einzigen Zeile enthalten ist, und sCRiPt KiDDi3 0utPUt fur Benutzer, die sich selbst als |-r4d sehen. Die interaktive Ausgabe ist standardma?ig vorgegeben und verfugt uber keine eigenen Kommandozeilenoptionen, aber die anderen vier Formate benutzen dieselbe Syntax. Sie erwarten ein Argument, den Namen der Datei, in condoms be distributed essay der die Ergebnisse gespeichert werden sollen. Descriptive Food. Es konnen mehrere Formate angegeben werden, aber jedes nur einmal. Essay Memoir. Vielleicht mochten Sie z.B. Good Essays Food. eine normale Ausgabe fur eine eigene Untersuchung speichern und eine XML-Ausgabe desselben Scans fur eine programmbasierte Analyse. Four Paragraph. Das erreichen Sie mit den Optionen -oX myscan.xml -oN myscan.nmap . Descriptive Essays About. Auch wenn in essay memoir diesem Kapitel der Kurze wegen einfache Namen wie myscan.xml benutzt werden, empfehlen sich im Allgemeinen aussagekraftigere Namen. Welche Namen Sie wahlen, ist Geschmackssache, aber ich benutze lange Namen, die das Scandatum und ein oder zwei Worte uber den Scan enthalten, in essays einem Verzeichnis, das den Namen der gescannten Firma enthalt.

Auch wenn diese Optionen Ergebnisse in should be distributed in high Dateien speichern, gibt Nmap weiterhin die interaktive Ausgabe wie ublich auf die Standardausgabe aus. Essays About Food. Zum Beispiel speichert der Befehl nmap -oX myscan.xml target XML in myscan.xml und fullt die Standardausgabe mit demselben interaktiven Ergebnis, wie es auch ohne Angabe von -oX der Fall ware. Oxford Writing. Das konnen Sie andern, indem Sie ein Minuszeichen als Argument fur eines der Formate angeben. About. Dann schaltet Nmap die interaktive Ausgabe ab und gibt stattdessen Ergebnisse im gewunschten Format auf den Standardausgabestrom aus. Should Be Distributed Schools. Das hei?t, der Befehl nmap -oX - target schreibt nur die XML-Ausgabe auf die Standardausgabe. Essays About Food. Ernste Fehler werden weiterhin auf den normalen Standardfehlerstrom, stderr, ausgegeben. Anders als bei anderen Nmap-Argumenten ist das Leerzeichen zwischen dem Options-Flag fur eine Ausgabedatei (z.B. Romeo. -oX ) und dem Dateinamen oder Minuszeichen obligatorisch. Descriptive. Falls Sie die Leerzeichen weglassen und Argumente wie z.B. Oxford Brookes Creative. -oG- oder -oXscan.xml angeben, erzeugt Nmap aus Grunden der Ruckwartskompatibilitat Ausgabedateien im normalen Format , die jeweils die Namen G- und Xscan.xml haben. All diese Argumente unterstutzen strftime -ahnliche Umwandlungen im Dateinamen. Essays About. %H , %M , %S , %m , %d , %y und %Y sind alle exakt gleich wie in romeo essay strftime . Good Descriptive Essays About. %T entspricht %H%M%S , %R entspricht %H%M und %D entspricht %m%d%y . Essay Revisor. Ein % , dem ein anderes Zeichen folgt, ergibt nur genau dieses Zeichen ( %% ergibt ein Prozentzeichen). Good Descriptive Essays Food. Also erzeugt -oX 'scan-%T-%D.xml' eine XML-Datei in essay memoir der Form scan-144840-121307.xml . Nmap bietet auch Optionen zur Steuerung der Scan-Ausfuhrlichkeit und Optionen, um an Ausgabedateien anzuhangen, statt sie zu uberschreiben. Good Essays About. All diese Optionen werden unten beschrieben.

Verlangt, dass eine normale Ausgabe in romeo essay der angegebenen Datei gespeichert wird. Essays. Wie oben erwahnt, unterscheidet sich das leicht von der interaktiven Ausgabe . Verlangt, dass eine XML-Ausgabe in paragraph essay der angegebenen Datei gespeichert wird. Good Essays Food. Nmap fugt eine DTD (Document Type Definition) hinzu, mit der XML-Parser Nmaps XML-Ausgabe validieren konnen. Four. Diese ist vor allem fur die Benutzung durch Programme gedacht, kann aber auch Menschen bei der Interpretation von Nmaps XML-Ausgabe helfen. Good Descriptive Essays. Die DTD definiert die gultigen Elemente des Formats und zahlt an romeo essay, vielen Stellen die dafur erlaubten Attribute und Werte auf. Good Descriptive About Food. Die neueste Version ist immer unter verfugbar. XML bietet ein stabiles Format, das man mit Software leicht parsen kann. Business. Solche XML-Parser sind fur alle wichtigen Programmiersprachen wie C/C++, Perl, Python und Java gratis verfugbar.

Manche Leute haben sogar Anbindungen fur die meisten dieser Sprachen geschrieben, um speziell die Ausgabe und Ausfuhrung von Nmap zu steuern. Good. Beispiele sind Nmap::Scanner und Nmap::Parser fur Perl in plan CPAN. Good Essays Food. In fast allen Fallen, in plan denen eine nicht-triviale Anwendung eine Schnittstelle zu Nmap benutzt, ist XML das bevorzugte Format. Die XML-Ausgabe verweist auf ein XSL-Stylesheet, mit dem man die Ergebnisse als HTML formatieren kann. Am einfachsten benutzt man das, indem man einfach die XML-Ausgabe in descriptive essays food einem Webbrowser wie Firefox oder IE ladt. Essay Memoir. Standardma?ig funktioniert das nur auf dem Rechner, auf dem Sie Nmap ausgefuhrt haben (oder auf einem, der ahnlich konfiguriert ist), weil der Pfad zu nmap.xsl darin festkodiert ist. Good About. Um portable XML-Dateien zu erzeugen, die auf allen mit dem Web verbundenen Rechnern als HTML angezeigt werden, konnen Sie die Optionen --webxml oder --stylesheet benutzen. -oS filespec (ScRipT KIdd|3-Ausgabe) Die Script-Kiddie-Ausgabe ist ahnlich zur interaktiven Ausgabe, mit dem Unterschied, dass sie nachbearbeitet ist, um die 'l33t HaXXorZ besser anzusprechen! Vorher haben sie wegen dessen konsistent richtiger Schreibweise und Buchstabierung auf Nmap herabgesehen.

Humorlose Menschen sollten wissen, dass diese Option sich uber Script Kiddies lustig macht, bevor sie mich dafur angreifen, dass ich „ ihnen helfe “ . Dieses Ausgabeformat wird zum Schluss beschrieben, weil es als uberholt gilt. Essay Themes. Das XML-Ausgabeformat ist wesentlich leistungsstarker und fur erfahrene Benutzer fast genauso bequem. Descriptive About. XML ist eim Standard, fur den Dutzende hervorragender Parser verfugbar sind, wahrend die grepbare Ausgabe nur mein eigener einfacher Hack ist. XML ist erweiterbar und kann neue Nmap-Eigenschaften unterstutzen, die ich beim grepbaren Format aus Platzgrunden oft weglassen muss. Dessen ungeachtet ist die grepbare Ausgabe immer noch recht beliebt.

Es ist ein einfaches Format, das pro essay, Zeile einen Host auflistet und das mit Unix-Standardwerkzeugen wie grep, awk, cut, sed, diff und auch mit Perl auf triviale Weise durchsucht und geparst werden kann. Essays About. Selbst ich benutze es fur einmalige schnelle Tests in essay memoir der Kommandozeile. Good Food. Zum Beispiel kann man alle Hosts, auf denen der SSH-Port offen ist oder auf denen Solaris lauft, auf einfache Weise mit einem grep bestimmen, das die Hosts findet, umgeleitet in business plan einen awk- oder cut-Befehl, der die gewunschten Felder ausgibt. Die grepbare Ausgabe besteht aus Kommentaren (Zeilen, die mit einem # anfangen) sowie aus Zielzeilen. Good Essays. Eine Zielzeile enthalt eine Kombination aus sechs benannten Feldern, durch Tabulatoren getrennt, gefolgt von einem Doppelpunkt. Business. Diese Felder lauten Host , Ports , Protocols , Ignored State , OS , Seq Index , IP ID und Status . Das wichtigste dieser Felder ist im Allgemeinen Ports , das Details zu einem interessanten Port enthalt. Good. Es ist eine mit Kommata getrennte Liste von Port-Eintragen, wobei jeder Eintrag einen interessanten Port darstellt und aus sieben mit Schragstrichen (/) getrennten Unterfeldern besteht. Should In High. Diese Unterfelder lauten: Port number , State , Protocol , Owner , Service , SunRPC info und Version info . Wie bei der XML-Ausgabe kann diese Manpage auch hier nicht das vollstandige Format dokumentieren.

Eine detailliertere Betrachtung des grepbaren Ausgabeformats in good Nmap finden Sie from in high schools essay, -oA basename (Ausgabe in good descriptive essays allen Formaten) Aus Grunden der Bequemlichkeit konnen Sie Scan-Ergebnisse mit -oA basename gleichzeitig in should be distributed in high normalem, in good essays about food XML- und in essay memoir grepbarem Format speichern. Descriptive Essays Food. Sie werden jeweils in romeo essay basename .nmap , basename .xml und basename .gnmap , gespeichert. Descriptive. Wie in essay memoir den meisten Programmen konnen Sie vor den Dateinamen ein Prafix mit einem Verzeichnispfad darin setzen, z.B.

/nmaplogs/foocorp/ unter Unix oder c:hackingsco unter Windows. Optionen fur Ausfuhrlichkeit und Debugging. -v (gro?ere Ausfuhrlichkeit) Erhoht die Ausfuhrlichkeit, d.h. Good Descriptive About. Nmap gibt mehr Informationen uber den laufenden Scan aus. Romeo Essay Themes. Offene Ports werden angezeigt, direkt nachdem sie gefunden werden, und es werden Schatzungen fur die Dauer bis zur Fertigstellung angegeben, falls Nmap meint, dass ein Scan mehr als ein paar Minuten benotigt. Good Descriptive Food. Noch mehr Information erhalten Sie, wenn Sie diese Option zweimal oder noch ofter angeben. Die meisten Anderungen betreffen nur die interaktive Ausgabe, manche betreffen auch die normale und die Script-Kiddie-Ausgabe. Paragraph. Die anderen Ausgabearten sind fur die Weiterverarbeitung durch Maschinen gedacht, d.h.

Nmap kann in diesen Formaten standardma?ig alle Details angeben, ohne einen menschlichen Leser zu ermuden. Good Essays About. Allerdings gibt es in themes den anderen Modi einige Anderungen, bei denen die Ausgabegro?e durch Weglassen einiger Details erheblich reduziert werden kann. Essays. Zum Beispiel wird eine Kommentarzeile in creative writing der grepbaren Ausgabe, die eine Liste aller gescannten Ports enthalt, nur im wortreichen Modus ausgegeben, weil sie ziemlich lang werden kann. -d [level] (erhohe oder setze Debugging-Stufe) Wenn nicht einmal der wortreiche Modus genug Daten fur Sie liefert, konnen Sie beim Debugging noch wesentlich mehr davon bekommen! Wie bei der Ausfuhrlichkeits-Option ( -v ) wird auch das Debugging mit einem Kommandozeilen-Flag eingeschaltet ( -d ), und die Debug-Stufe kann durch eine mehrfache Angabe gesteigert werden. Alternativ dazu konnen Sie eine Debug-Stufe auch als Argument an good essays about food, -d ubergeben. Essay Themes. So setzt z.B. Good Essays. -d9 die Stufe neun. Romeo Themes. Das ist die hochste verfugbare Stufe, die Tausende von Zeilen produziert, sofern Sie keinen sehr einfachen Scan mit sehr wenigen Ports und Zielen ausfuhren.

Eine Debugging-Ausgabe ist sinnvoll, wenn Sie einen Fehler in good descriptive essays Nmap vermuten oder wenn Sie einfach verwirrt daruber sind, was und warum Nmap etwas genau macht. Essay Revisor. Da dieses Merkmal uberwiegend fur Entwickler gedacht ist, sind Debug-Zeilen nicht immer selbsterklarend. Descriptive About Food. Vielleicht bekommen Sie etwas wie: Timeout vals: srtt: -1 rttvar: -1 to: 1000000 delta 14987 == srtt: 14987 rttvar: 14987 to: 100000 . Wenn Sie eine Zeile nicht verstehen, ist Ihre einzige Zuflucht, sie zu ignorieren, im Quellcode nachzuschauen oder Hilfe auf der Entwicklerliste ( nmap-dev ). Insurance. zu erfragen. Good Descriptive. Manche Eintrage sind selbsterklarend, aber je hoher die Debug-Stufe ist, desto obskurer werden die Meldungen. --reason (Grunde fur Host- und Portzustande) Gibt die Grunde an, warum ein Port auf einen bestimmten Zustand gesetzt wurde und warum ein Host als ein- oder ausgeschaltet betrachtet wird. Diese Option zeigt die Paketart an, die einen Port- oder Hostzustand ermittelt hat, z.B. Four Essay. ein RST -Paket von einem geschlossenen Port oder ein Echo Reply von einem eingeschalteten Host. Descriptive About Food. Die Information, die Nmap angeben kann, hangt von der Art des Scans oder Pings ab.

Der SYN-Scan und der SYN-Ping ( -sS und -PS ) sind sehr detailliert, aber der TCP-Connect-Scan ( -sT ) wird durch die Implementierung des connect -Systemaufrufs beschrankt. Essay. Dieses Merkmal wird automatisch von der Debug-Option ( -d ) aktiviert, und die Ergebnisse werden auch dann in descriptive about food XML-Protokolldateien gespeichert, wenn diese Option gar nicht angegeben wird. --stats-every time (periodische Timing-Statistik ausgeben) Gibt periodisch eine Timing-Statusmeldung nach einem Intervall der Lange time aus. Essay Memoir. Dabei kann diese Zeitangabe beschrieben werden, wie in essays about „Timing und Performance“ dargestellt, d.h. Business Insurance. Sie konnen z.B. Good About Food. --stats-every 10s benutzen, um alle 10 Sekunden eine Statusaktualisierung zu erhalten.

Diese erscheint in four essay der interaktiven Ausgabe (auf dem Bildschirm) und in good descriptive essays about food der XML-Ausgabe. --packet-trace (gesendete und empfangene Pakete und Daten mitverfolgen) Bewirkt, dass Nmap fur jedes gesendete oder empfangene Paket eine Zusammenfassung ausgibt. Business Insurance Plan. Das wird bei der Fehlersuche oft gemacht, ist aber auch eine willkommene Methode fur Neulinge, um genau zu verstehen, was Nmap unter der Oberflache macht. About. Um zu verhindern, dass Tausende von Zeilen ausgegeben werden, mochten Sie vielleicht eine beschrankte Anzahl zu scannender Ports angeben, z.B. Essay Memoir. mit -p20-30 . Good Essays About Food. Wenn Sie nur wissen mochten, was im Versionserkennungssubsystem vor sich geht, benutzen Sie stattdessen --version-trace . Essay Memoir. Wenn Sie nur an good descriptive, einer Script-Mitverfolgung interessiert sind, geben Sie --script-trace an. Insurance Plan. Mit --packet-trace erhalten Sie all das zusammen. --open (zeige nur offene (oder moglicherweise offene) Ports an) Manchmal interessieren Sie sich nur fur Ports, mit denen Sie tatsachlich eine Verbindung herstellen konnen ( offene Ports), und wollen Ihre Ergebnisse nicht mit anderen Ports uberhaufen, die geschlossen , gefiltert und geschlossen|gefiltert sind. Good Essays About Food. Die Ausgabe wird normalerweise nach dem Scan mit Werkzeugen wie grep , awk und Perl angepasst, aber dieses Merkmal wurde auf uberwaltigend vielfachen Wunsch hinzugefugt.

Geben Sie --open an, um nur offene , offene|gefilterte und ungefilterte Ports zu sehen. Essay Memoir. Diese drei Ports werden ganz wie gewohnlich behandelt, d.h. Descriptive Essays Food. dass offen|gefiltert und ungefiltert in essay revisor Zahlungen zusammengefasst werden, wenn es eine sehr gro?e Anzahl davon gibt. --iflist (liste Schnittstellen und Routen auf) Gibt die Liste der Schnittstellen und Systemrouten aus, die Nmap entdeckt hat. Good Descriptive About. Das ist hilfreich bei der Fehlersuche bei Routing-Problemen oder fehlerhaften Geratebeschreibungen (z.B. Plan. wenn Nmap eine PPP-Verbindung als Ethernet behandelt). --log-errors (protokolliere Fehler/Warnungen in descriptive essays food eine Datei im normalen Ausgabeformat) Von Nmap ausgegebene Warnungen und Fehlermeldungen gehen normalerweise nur auf den Bildschirm (interaktive Ausgabe), was die Ordnung aller Ausgabedateien im normalen Format (ublicherweise mit -oN angegeben) nicht stort. Four Paragraph. Wenn Sie diese Meldungen in descriptive essays about den angegebenen normalen Ausgabedateien wirklich sehen mochten, konnen Sie diese Option benutzen. Oxford Brookes Writing. Diese ist dann hilfreich, wenn Sie die interaktive Ausgabe nicht ubersehen oder wenn Sie Fehler beim Debugging speichern mochten.

Die Fehlermeldungen und Warnungen werden auch im interaktiven Modus weiterhin erscheinen. Good Essays Food. Bei den meisten Fehlern bezuglich schlechter Kommandozeilenargumente wird das nicht funktionieren, da Nmap seine Ausgabedateien eventuell noch nicht initialisiert hat. Romeo And Juliet Essay Themes. Au?erdem benutzen einige Nmap-Fehlermeldungen und -Warnungen ein anderes System, das diese Option noch nicht unterstutzt. Eine Alternative zu --log-errors ist die Umleitung der interaktiven Ausgabe (inklusive des Standardfehlerstroms) in descriptive essays food eine Datei. Brookes Creative Writing. Die meisten Unix-Shells machen einem diesen Ansatz leicht, aber auf Windows kann er schwierig sein. --append-output (an Ausgabedateien hinzufugen, statt sie zu uberschreiben) Wenn Sie einen Dateinamen fur ein Ausgabeformat wie z.B. Descriptive Essays. -oX oder -oN angeben, wird diese Datei standardma?ig uberschrieben. Four. Wenn Sie deren Inhalt lieber behalten und die neuen Ergebnisse anhangen mochten, benutzen Sie die Option --append-output . Good Essays About Food. Dann wird bei allen angegebenen Ausgabedateinamen dieses Nmap-Aufrufs an brookes creative writing, die Dateien angehangt, statt sie zu uberschreiben.

Mit XML-Scandaten ( -oX ) funktioniert das nicht so gut, da die erzeugte Datei im Allgemeinen nicht mehr sauber geparst wird, es sei denn, Sie reparieren sie von Hand. --resume filename (abgebrochenen Scan fortsetzen) Manche umfangreichen Nmap-Laufe benotigen sehr viel Zeit – in good essays about der Gro?enordnung von Tagen. Essay Revisor. Solche Scans laufen nicht immer bis zum Ende. Descriptive Essays About. Vielleicht gibt es Beschrankungen, die verhindern, dass man Nmap wahrend der normalen Arbeitszeit ausfuhren kann, das Netzwerk konnte absturzen, der Rechner, auf dem Nmap lauft, konnte einen geplanten oder ungeplanten Neustart erleben oder Nmap selbst konnte absturzen. Four. Der Administrator, der Nmap ausfuhrt, konnte es auch aus irgendeinem anderen Grund abbrechen, indem er ctrl-C eingibt. Good About Food. Und den ganzen Scan von vorne neu zu starten, ist eventuell nicht wunschenswert. Should Be Distributed Essay. Wenn ein normales ( -oN ) oder ein grepbares ( -oG ) Protokoll gefuhrt wurde, kann der Benutzer Nmap jedoch bitten, den Scan bei dem Ziel fortzusetzen, an descriptive essays food, dem es beim Abbruch gearbeitet hat. And Juliet. Geben Sie einfach die Option --resume an essays food, und ubergeben Sie die normale/grepbare Ausgabedatei als Argument. Insurance Plan. Andere Argumente sind nicht erlaubt, da Nmap die Ausgabedatei parst, um dieselben Argumente zu benutzen, die zuvor benutzt wurden. Descriptive About Food. Rufen Sie Nmap einfach als nmap --resume logfilename auf.

Nmap fugt neue Ergebnisse dann an essay memoir, die Datendateien an, die im vorherigen Lauf angegeben wurden. Essays About. Diese Fortsetzung funktioniert nicht aus XML-Ausgabedateien, weil es schwierig ware, die zwei Laufe in essay memoir einer gultigen XML-Datei zu kombinieren. --stylesheet path or URL (setze XSL-Stylesheet, um eine XML-Ausgabe zu transformieren) Die Nmap-Distribution enthalt ein XSL-Stylesheet namens nmap.xsl zum Betrachten oder Ubersetzen einer XML-Ausgabe nach HTML. Good Descriptive Essays About. Die XML-Ausgabe enthalt eine xml-stylesheet -Anweisung, die auf nmap.xml an should condoms schools essay, der Stelle verweist, wo es von Nmap ursprunglich installiert wurde (oder im aktuellen Arbeitsverzeichnis unter Windows). Essays. Laden Sie einfach Nmaps XML-Ausgabe in essay memoir einem modernen Webbrowser, und er sollte nmap.xsl im Dateisystem finden und benutzen, um die Ergebnisse darzustellen. Wenn Sie ein anderes Stylesheet benutzen mochten, geben Sie es als Argument fur --stylesheet an.

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rowing essay Friends of Rowing History. Why Rowing Is Unique Among Team Sports [1] Rowing is America’s oldest intercollegiate sport, and one of its least understood. In 1876, it was the only college sport that had a place at our national Centennial celebration in Philadelphia, and, in those days, it drew more spectators to its contests than any other team sport in the country. The story of its rise as the first modern sport is closely tied to the story of its significant decline in relative popularity beginning in good food, the late nineteenth century.

Rowing became one of the first team sports because rowing was already a part of everyday adult life when organized sport began to essay, take hold. It wasn’t very hard to get a boat race going when major cities were sited on rivers or coasts, and watermen provided one of the descriptive essays food principal means of transport. Rowing was a sport drawing tens of condoms be distributed, thousands to regattas long before most of the other team sports [3] had developed the adult interest and good essays food organized competition infrastructures that eventually put them ahead of rowing in the public eye. Though overshadowed today by the game sports, rowing is very much alive, and playing its unique role in developing the and juliet characters of those who take up the oar. Rowing’s unique history and gifts give us reason to good descriptive essays food, value and support it to a much greater extent than is currently appreciated. Essay Revisor. [4] We have very good reason to be proud of what our rowing community does for this country. Another summer Olympics is soon upon us, in Beijing, and descriptive the competition will be tough, especially because the Chinese have chosen to focus on rowing to harvest medals. How do we stand?

Thanks to the coaches, the creative writing athletes, and good descriptive food the support of the U.S. Olympic Committee, the National Rowing Foundation and U.S. Rowing, not too badly. Essay. At the descriptive about 2004 Olympics, the U.S. men’s eight won gold, and the U.S. women’s eight won silver. At the world rowing championships last year, the women won gold, and the men came in fourth. So we’re right there in the hunt, and insurance plan we owe a large debt of gratitude to good essays about, those athletes and coaches who have devoted so much of themselves to showing the world what Americans are made of. And what are we made of? Let’s take a quick poll. Do you work for a living? Do you play games for a living – not in the metaphorical sense, which we all do sometimes, but actually play games for a living? Well, it may come as a surprise to you that you have much more in common with rowers than you do with baseball, football or basketball players.

Why? Because baseball, football, soccer and basketball, and every other team sport is, in its origins and appearance, a game, and rowing is, in its essence, work. I am not here to criticize the game sports. They have many more participants and fans than rowing, but that is because of the fundamental difference between games and rowing. Entertainment always trumps work when you’re looking for fun, and the game sports, above all, are entertaining to play and essay revisor fun to watch. They’re meant to be like that. There is nothing in descriptive about food, rowing to compare to a goal scored with a bicycle kick, a no-hitter, a 3-pointer from mid-court or a dazzling catch in the end zone. The best game players have unparalleled skills and coordination. Many are in excellent physical shape, and some play hard enough to be exhausted by the end of the game. But if you are looking for a team sport that values and essay memoir requires above all else some of the most difficult qualities to teach or instill in a person, and some of the best personal qualities to carry into one’s life – the capacity for descriptive about food, hard, unrelenting, exhausting work, and the disciplines and virtues that attach to that, including dedication, sacrifice, courage and selflessness - nothing does this better than rowing. Period.

No argument. Because, in its essence, rowing is, more than any other team sport, based predominantly upon the disciplines and values of work, and not upon the eye-catching moves or intricate plays of games. You need go no further than the origins of the various team sports to essay memoir, see the basic truth in this insight. Good Essays About Food. Each of the games that we’ve mentioned originated in children’s activities that were taken up by adults for exercise, for fun, for essay memoir, the entertainment of others, and, eventually, for profit. Good Descriptive About. They came to showcase an individual’s athletic skills, and condoms be distributed schools essay the more skilled the individual athlete at throwing, hitting, catching, passing, running, dribbling, kicking, or shooting, the more fame, and, ultimately, fortune, he could demand. That these game sports could be cribb’d, cabin’d and confined in arenas to which spectators could gain entrance only by essays about paying a fee gave rise to an increasingly commercial pyramid of sporting empires, ranging from the brookes writing sales of games equipment and fan memorabilia to the ownership of teams and the revenues generated by broadcasting games. The popularity of these game sports has two significant bases, the high school and college athlete base, and the fan base, and it is the fan base that provides the overwhelming support for good essays about food, these games. Why? Because games are entertaining. It is a perfectly natural objective to want to be entertained.

There is nothing wrong with watching great athletes perform extraordinary individual feats, with cheering for a favorite team, or with taking a turn at bat in a picnic pick-up game. All provide welcome breaks from the hard slog of real life, and, for that very reason, while the game player may learn many valuable lessons from his sport, no team sport is oxford brookes writing as fitted to preparing us for the daily grind as rowing. Indeed, if anything, the game sports would remove us from reality. I find it telling, and descriptive essays food modestly troubling, that acts that would not be tolerated in real life are encouraged and applauded in game sports. Stealing? We praise game athletes for stealing balls and insurance bases. Faking?

We laud those who can “fake out” the opposition. Essays Food. We rhapsodize over “curveballs.” and “change-ups.” One of our favorite scoring plays is the business insurance “quarterback sneak.” But, in the lives to about, which we then return, none of insurance plan, us want to be thrown a curveball, or to essays about, be the victims of stealing, fakes or sneaking. Why do we accept this behavior on the playing field? Because it’s only a game. Rowing is not, and has never been, a game. Rowing was not designed to be entertaining. Rowing was brutally hard life and death work before it was ever a sport, and, even as it became a sport, it lost little of that single minded quality. Rowing has been an integral part of human activity since before recorded history.

It moved and defended empires in the Mediterranean and the North Sea for over a millennia, and it provided the essay revisor critical power for naval mobility as late as the early nineteenth century in descriptive about food, some venues. Wherever winds, tides and currents conspired to defeat the paragraph use of the sail, whether across lakes, harbors, bays or oceans, until the advent of the steam engine and the internal combustion engine, rowing provided the prime manner of transport for people and goods in the pre-Industrial Age. It was the mainstay of the descriptive essays food waterman who ferried passengers across rivers without a handy bridge, the lighterman who off-loaded cargo ships at anchor that could not manoeuvre into the docks and wharves of its destination, and the pilot craft that raced to meet incoming vessels. Whether fishermen with nets, or hunters with harpoons, rowing was also the essay revisor means of livelihood for those who harvested the seas. From the story of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee to Moby Dick, the hard life of the oarsman has been a staple of western culture and literacy. And for those in peril on the sea, well into the twentieth century, no sight could be as welcome as an oared lifeboat butting through breaking waves to about food, rescue a shipwrecked crew. For all of its hardscrabble nature, rowing had a few bright spots, at least for essay revisor, the spectators in the early days of organized sport. The oldest continual recorded sporting event in England is the sculling race for Doggetts Coat and Badge, established in 1715 for London’s watermen. Descriptive Essays About. The most spectacular annual waterborne events of two of the world’s principal waterside cities, Venice and London, featured great barges with crews of festively costumed oarsmen.

Venice gave the term regatta to rowing. But these celebrations of an activity that was embedded in the daily routine were not the norm. Given the life and death quality that often attached to essay revisor, the hard living of those who rowed, their place at the bottom of the working (not to mention social) ladders, and their own inability or desire to glorify in descriptive food, any way their desperately poor and creative fragile way of life, it is somewhat amazing that rowing ever appealed to anyone as a way to good about, spend one’s leisure time. And, indeed, when it first captured the fancy of the newly rich and urbanized yuppies of London, Boston, New York and Philadelphia at four paragraph essay the beginning of the 19 th century, the pleasure found in rowing was more about social outings than competition. Essays About. But competitive rowing soon overtook the social excursions, and the first modern sport was on its way. Rowing, the legacy of romeo and juliet, working men, demands the unremitting dedication of body and mind, heart and soul in a way required by descriptive essays about no other team sport. The seeming ease of the four paragraph essay rower is an illusion compounded by good essays the extraordinary grace and efficiency of motion of a good crew. In fact, rowing requires the most intense simultaneous expenditure of effort and endurance in team athletics. Added to the repetitive full pressure use of every major muscle group and the heroic testing of aerobic and business insurance lactic limits is the need to descriptive essays about, perform in perfect synchronicity with every teammate on every stroke, to be exquisitely aware of the boat’s pace and timing, to adjust one’s blade and stroke to essay revisor, the vagaries of wind and wave, and to about, do all this while perched on a moving seat in essay revisor, a craft that may be rocking from side to side. And during a race there is no relief. Unlike the game sports, in which plays last for seconds, there are no time outs, or halves, or quarters, or innings, there are no substitutions or water breaks and, for better or worse, there is no coaching.

Few athletes from other team sports could keep up with the work of a rower. It makes you wonder why anyone would row. There may be as many reasons as there are rowers. Certainly, there is great appeal in achieving the extraordinary moment when the boat reaches perfect harmony and seems to flow effortlessly. Good Descriptive About Food. Or in the setting of lake or river, in and juliet essay, the morning fog, in the twilight or moving over a soft blanket of late spring snow. Or in good essays, the unparalleled sense of team-ness given by eight rowers moving in perfect unison. These are some of the joys unique to rowing . And then there are the essay principal lessons that are taught by good essays rowing, which give some sense of oxford writing, what gets put into about food, a rower. Other team sports study playbooks and work individuals out on their particular roles and romeo when they may expect to good essays about food, get into a game, and practice trick plays to take advantage of an opponents vulnerabilities. Rowing utilizes few of these practices, and all are secondary to the focus on building a fantastically hard working, courageous, enduring, dedicated, selfless, team player, with each individual going through the oxford brookes creative same workout as any other. You couldn’t prepare better to descriptive about, be a great a partner in business or in life. Start, and do your best ceaselessly, without let up or rest, stretching yourself to should condoms be distributed schools essay, your physical and mental limits, knowing that you are relying on every other teammate to do the essays about same on every stroke, as they are relying on you.

That’s it. There is a reason that the Chinese are putting so many of their marbles in the rowing ring. These are some of the very qualities that are driving the insurance plan incredible achievements of that nation today, as they have driven the best of what America has accomplished over its history. So the next time you see a racing shell on the river, be glad for what that means for the rowers and their community. And when a resume crosses your desk with “rowing” on it, keep it handy. It marks an individual who knows and practices the value of pure, hard teamwork without playing games. [1] This essay was adapted from remarks made by the author initially on December 8, 2006 at the Joy of Sculling 14th Annual Coaches Conference in Saratoga Springs NY, and further developed in remarks made at the 4 th Rowing History Forum on March 9, 2008 at Mystic Seaport CT, and at good about the annual Yale-Harvard lane draw regatta luncheon on June 12, 2008 in New London CT. The author thanks Bill Miller for his thoughtful comments on this work.

[2] Author, Beauty and the Boats – Art and Artistry in Early Rowing (2006); founding member and director, Friends of Rowing History; Visiting Curator for Rowing History, Mystic Seaport; Trustee, River and and juliet essay themes Rowing Museum, Henley-on-Thames; life member, North American Society for Sport History; director, Yale Crew Association. [3] The only team sport that can contest with rowing for being the good descriptive essays food first modern sport is cricket, in which organized regular cricket play predates most organized competitive rowing, but cricket did not make any substantial headway outside the boundaries of the British Empire, as rowing did, and rowing had more early international competition than cricket, including being on the program in essay memoir, the first modern Olympic Games. Both cricket and rowing could boast of organized regular competition from the early 1700’s (Doggett’s Coat and Badge race for novice watermen, the good descriptive essays food oldest continual organized and recorded annual sport contest, was established in 1715), but team sport rowing did not become organized until the early 1800’s. Rowing was embedded at English schools and universities and in rowing clubs by essay the 1820’s, with British open regattas and professional championships being contested continuously from the descriptive 1830’s. Canadian and Australian regattas date back to the 1810’s. Though some very famous rowing races took place earlier, organized American boat clubs, associations and essay memoir racing date to the 1830’s.

None of the other game sports reached critical mass in form and good essays about function before the 1840’s in romeo essay, England and about the 1850’s in the United States.

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Performs enhanced due diligence on Customers designated by regulators as high risk, such as international and large cash Customers. •Reviews and validates rules, guidance and other pertinent information issued by the relevant jurisdictional financial intelligence unit such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) or the Financial Transactions Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC). •Performs additional research as needed to supplement background information. •Utilizes various vendor information databases, general internet and other research sources to good food find useful material. •Contacts branches if needed for additional Customer information •Notifies stores of recommendations to close Customer accounts based on research conducted on customer activity. •Coordinates with supervisor/Team Leader and branches to close accounts. •Assists/coaches branch personnel, when deemed necessary and/or requested, to conduct Customer interviews to address certain specific AML alerted transactional issues. 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We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customers and communities in which we live in essay revisor, and serve, and creating an environment where every employee has the opportunity to good essays reach her/his potential. If you have a disability that requires an essay memoir accommodation to complete the application process, please e-mail TD Bank#39;s HR Compliance Department at Please include your full name, contact information and details about your request within the e-mail. Essays? EOE/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. Essay Revisor? ****Province/State (Primary)** South Carolina **City (Primary)** Lexington TD Bank Lexington SC. Good Essays? AML Investigator I High Risk Customer Group.

Posted 12 days ago. VIEW JOBS 9/21/2017 12:00:00 AM 2017-12-20T00:00 Job Description The AML Investigator I is responsible for independently performing analysis of complex financial transactions to include confidential research and investigations. Oxford Brookes Creative? Evaluates suspicious and/or questionable account activity. Recognizes and good food, evaluates high risk accounts and activity and makes recommendations regarding account retention. Utilizes a variety of four essay analytical techniques and computer systems to make informed decisions concerning Customer account status. Takes referrals from internal support groups, reviews transaction background and information, conducts additional research and investigation as needed and decides whether to conclude inquiry or forward to applicable authorities for further review. Performs enhanced due diligence on descriptive essays about, Customers designated by regulators as high risk, such as international and large cash Customers.

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Job Requirements Recognizes and evaluates high risk accounts and activity and makes recommendations regarding account retention. br Conducts due diligence for high risk accounts that may include interfacing with Customers and Employees in order to essays about food obtain operational and financial information. br Utilizes a variety of analytical techniques and computer systems to make informed decisions concerning Customer account status. br Works independently with supervision inside a team environment. br Plans and prioritizes daily workload to meet department objectives. br Communicates with branch staff to obtain information needed for supporting documentation, reports and risk mitigation. br Takes referrals from internal support groups, reviews transaction background and information, conducts additional research and investigation as needed and brookes creative writing, decides whether to conclude inquiry or forward to applicable authorities for further review. Performs enhanced due diligence on Customers designated by regulators as high risk, such as international and large cash Customers. br Reviews and good descriptive essays food, validates rules, guidance and essay revisor, other pertinent information issued by the relevant jurisdictional financial intelligence unit such as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) or the Financial Transactions Reports Analysis Centre of good descriptive essays about Canada (FINTRAC). Oxford Brookes? br Performs additional research as needed to supplement background information. br Utilizes various vendor information databases, general internet and descriptive essays about food, other research sources to find useful material. br Contacts branches if needed for additional Customer information br Notifies stores of recommendations to close Customer accounts based on research conducted on customer activity. br Coordinates with supervisor/Team Leader and branches to business insurance close accounts. br Assists/coaches branch personnel, when deemed necessary and/or requested, to conduct Customer interviews to address certain specific AML alerted transactional issues. br Provides branch and business line personnel with clear understanding of Customer#39;s transactional history as related to good money laundering concerns thus mitigating possible monetary and oxford creative, reputational risks. br Maintains updated information on various systems as well as required files and documentation. Ensures that records are complete and available for review and good descriptive about food, audit as needed. br Maintains knowledge of Company products and services and current trends and essay revisor, developments in the industry affecting area activities, including legal and regulatory requirements. br Analyzes, makes determinations and either concludes inquiries or forwards for further investigation potential money laundering transactions in support of the regulations, such as, the good descriptive, Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA) and oxford writing, all other Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations designed to prevent financial-related crimes against the government according to established TD Bank policies, procedures and regulatory guidelines. Qualifications Bachelor#39;s degree or progressive work experience in addition to good food experience below. br 1-2 Years of related experience. Essay? br Knowledge of CIP and/or KYC, and/or AML and ATF regulations, requirements and procedures an asset. Descriptive About? br Familiarity with regulations, such as the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA). br Inquisitive nature, with ability to pursue potential investigative leads until resolved. br Research skills, with ability to paragraph diligently look for and uncover material useful to the evaluation. br Organized, with ability handle multiple cases simultaneously. br Basic investigative and business sense to distinguish between typical transactions and suspicious activity. br Good communication skills, including verbal phone skills and writing skills. Good Essays Food? br Ability to use various searchable databases. br Basic computer skills/knowledge of Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Hours 8-4:30 Inclusiveness pAt TD, we are committed to fostering an essay memoir inclusive, accessible environment, where all employees and good descriptive food, customers feel valued, respected and supported. We are dedicated to building a workforce that reflects the diversity of our customers and essay revisor, communities in which we live in and serve, and creating an environment where every employee has the opportunity to reach her/his potential./p pIf you have a disability that requires an accommodation to complete the application process, please e-mail TD Bank#39;s HR Compliance Department at . Please include your full name, contact information and essays about food, details about essay memoir, your request within the essays food, e-mail./p pEOE/Minorities/Females/Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. /pbr/ Associated topics: crime scene, detective, fingerprint, inspector, investigate, investigation, investigative, investigator TD Bank US Lexington SC.

AML Investigator II High Risk Customer Group. Posted 34 days ago. VIEW JOBS 8/30/2017 12:00:00 AM 2017-11-28T00:00 Job Description The AML Investigator II independently performs analysis of complex financial transactions to essay revisor include confidential research and investigations. Food? Evaluates suspicious and/or questionable account activity. Recognizes and evaluates high risk accounts and activity and condoms schools, makes recommendations regarding account retention. Utilizes a variety of analytical techniques and computer systems to make informed decisions concerning Customer account status. Takes referrals from internal support groups, reviews transaction background and information, conducts additional research and investigation as needed and descriptive about food, decides whether to conclude inquiry or forward to applicable authorities for further review. Handles complex Anti-Money Laundering (AML) investigations for four essay, the Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) department of the bank. Job Requirements Evaluates suspicious and/or questionable account activity using a variety of analytical techniques. Recognizes and evaluates high risk accounts and activity and good descriptive about, makes recommendations regarding account retention notifying stores as applicable.

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essay press dom Freedom of Expression on the Internet. By William Fisher. Last Updated June 14, 2001. The Internet offers extraordinary opportunities for speakers, broadly defined. Political candidates, cultural critics, corporate gadflies -- anyone who wants to good descriptive food express an opinion about essay memoir, anything -- can make their thoughts available to a world-wide audience far more easily than has ever been possible before.

A large and growing group of Internet participants have seized that opportunity. Some observers find the resultant outpouring of speech exhilarating. They see in good descriptive essays, it nothing less than the revival of democracy and the restoration of community. Other observers find the amount -- and, above all, the kind of speech -- that the essay revisor Internet has stimulated offensive or frightening. Pornography, hate speech, lurid threats -- these flourish alongside debates over the future of the Democratic Party and descriptive food, exchanges of views concerning flyfishing in Patagonia. This phenomenon has provoked various efforts to limit the kind of speech in which one may engage on essay revisor the Internet -- or to develop systems to filter out the more offensive material.

This module examines some of the good descriptive legal issues implicated by the increasing bitter struggle between the advocates of free speech and four, the advocates of filtration and control. Before plunging into the details of the proliferating controversies over freedom of expression on the Internet, you need some background information on two topics. The first and more obvious is the Free-Speech Clause of the essays about First Amendment to the United States Constitution. The relevance and authority of the essay First Amendment should not be exaggerated; as several observers have remarked, on the Internet, the First Amendment is about, just a local ordinance. However, free-expression controversies that arise in the United States inevitably implicate the Constitution. And the and juliet essay arguments deployed in good descriptive food, the course of American First-Amendment fights often inform or infect the handling of free-expression controversies in other countries. The upshot: First-Amendment jurisprudence is worth studying. Unfortunately, that jurisprudence is large and arcane. The relevant constitutional provision is simple enough: Congress shall make no law . . Insurance Plan? . abridging the descriptive essays food freedom of essay memoir speech, or of the press . . Good Descriptive Essays About? .. But the case law that, over the course of the twentieth century, has been built upon this foundation is essay revisor, complex. An extremely abbreviated outline of the principal doctrines would go as follows:

If a law gives no clear notice of the kind of speech it prohibits, it?s void for descriptive essays, vagueness. If a law burdens substantially more speech than is necessary to advance a compelling government interest, it?s unconstitutionally overbroad. Themes? A government may not force a person to endorse any symbol, slogan, or pledge. Governmental restrictions on the time, place, and manner in which speech is descriptive essays, permitted are constitutional if and only if: they are content neutral, both on their face and as applied; they leave substantial other opportunities for speech to take place; and they narrowly serve a significant state interest. On state-owned property that does not constitute a public forum, government may restrict speech in any way that is reasonable in paragraph essay, light of the nature and purpose of the property in question. Content-based governmental restrictions on speech are unconstitutional unless they advance a compelling state interest. To this principle, there are six exceptions: 1. Good Essays Food? Speech that is likely to lead to imminent lawless action may be prohibited. 2. Essay Revisor? Fighting words -- i.e., words so insulting that people are likely to fight back -- may be prohibited. 3. Obscenity -- i.e., erotic expression, grossly or patently offensive to an average person, that lacks serious artistic or social value -- may be prohibited. 4. Child pornography may be banned whether or not it is legally obscene and whether or not it has serious artistic or social value, because it induces people to good about engage in lewd displays, and the creation of it threatens the welfare of children.

5. Defamatory statements may be prohibited. (In other words, the making of such statements may constitutionally give rise to civil liability.) However, if the target of the defamation is essay revisor, a public figure, she must prove that the defendant acted with malice. If the target is not a public figure but the statement involved a matter of good essays public concern, the plan plaintiff must prove that the defendant acted with negligence concerning its falsity. 6. Good Essays About Food? Commercial Speech may be banned only condoms be distributed essay, if it is misleading, pertains to illegal products, or directly advances a substantial state interest with a degree of suppression no greater than is reasonably necessary. If you are familiar with all of these precepts -- including the various terms of art and ambiguities they contain -- you're in good shape. If not, you should read some more about the First Amendment. A thorough and insightful study of the field may be found in good descriptive essays about, Lawrence Tribe, American Constitutional Law (2d ed.), chapter 12. Good, less massive surveys may be found at the websites for The National Endowment for the Arts and the Cornell University Legal Information Institute.

The second of the essay memoir two kinds of background you might find helpful is a brief introduction to essays about the current debate among academics over the character and desirability of what has come to be called cyberdemocracy. Until a few years ago, many observers thought that the Internet offered a potential cure to the related diseases that have afflicted most representative democracies in the late twentieth century: voter apathy; the narrowing of the range of oxford brookes political debate caused in descriptive food, part by the inertia of a system of political parties; the growing power of the media, which in turn seems to reduce discussion of complex issues to a battle of sound bites; and the increasing influence of private corporations and other sources of wealth. Essay Revisor? All of these conditions might be ameliorated, it was suggested, by the ease with which ordinary citizens could obtain information and then cheaply make their views known to one another through the descriptive essays about Internet. A good example of this perspective is a recent article by brookes Bernard Bell, where he suggests that ?[t]he Internet has, in many ways, moved society closer to the ideal Justice Brennan set forth so eloquently in New York Times v. Sullivan. It has not only made debate on public issues more 'uninhibited, robust, and wide-open,' but has similarly invigorated discussion of good descriptive about food non-public issues. By the should be distributed essay same token, the good descriptive essays about food Internet has empowered smaller entities and even individuals, enabling them to widely disseminate their messages and, indeed, reach audiences as broad as those of essay revisor established media organizations.? Recently, however, this rosy view has come under attack. Food? The Internet, skeptics claim, is not a giant town hall. The kinds of information flows and discussions it seems to foster are, in oxford writing, some ways, disturbing. Essays Food? One source of oxford trouble is that the Internet encourages like-minded persons (often geographically dispersed) to descriptive essays about cluster together in bulletin boards and other virtual clubs.

When this occurs, the participants tend to reinforce one another's views. Business Plan? The resultant group polarization can be ugly. More broadly, the Internet seems at least potentially corrosive of something we have long taken for granted in the United States: a shared political culture. When most people read the same newspaper or watch the same network television news broadcast each day, they are forced at food least to glance at essay revisor stories they might fight troubling and become aware of persons and groups who hold views sharply different from descriptive, their own. Oxford Writing? The Internet makes it easy for good essays, people to avoid such engagement -- by enabling people to select their sources of information and their conversational partners. The resultant diminution in should condoms in high essay, the power of a few media outlets pleases some observers, like Peter Huber of the Manhattan Institute.

But the concomitant corrosion of community and shared culture deeply worries others, like Cass Sunstein of the University of Chicago. An excellent summary of the literature on this issue can be found in descriptive about food, a recent New York Times article by Alexander Stille. If you are interested in digging further into these issues, we recommend the following books: Cass Sunstein, (Princeton Univ. Press 2001) Peter Huber, Law and Disorder in Cyberspace: Abolish the F.C.C. and Let Common Law Rule the Telecosm (Oxford Univ. Press 1997) Andrew Shapiro, The Control Revolution (Public Affairs 2000)

To test some of these competing accounts of the character and potential of discourse on the Internet, we suggest you visit - or, better yet, participate in - some of the should condoms be distributed sites at which Internet discourse occurs. Good? Here's a sampler: 1. Restrictions on Pornography. Three times in the past five years, critics of pornography on the Internet have sought, through federal legislation, to prevent children from gaining access to it. The first of these efforts was the Communications Decency Act of 1996 (commonly known as the four CDA), which (a) criminalized the good essays about food knowing transmission over the Internet of obscene or indecent messages to and juliet any recipient under 18 years of age and (b) prohibited the knowin[g] sending or displaying to a person under 18 of any message that, in context, depicts or describes, in terms patently offensive as measured by good essays about contemporary community standards, sexual or excretory activities or organs. Persons and organizations who take good faith, . . . effective . . . actions to restrict access by minors to the prohibited communications, or who restricted such access by requiring certain designated forms of age proof, such as a verified credit card or an adult identification number, were exempted from these prohibitions. The CDA was widely critized by civil libertarians and essay revisor, soon succumbed to a constitutional challenge. In 1997, the United States Supreme Court struck down the statute, holding that it violated the First Amendment in several ways: because it restricted speech on food the basis of romeo essay its content, it could not be justified as a time, place, and manner regulation; its references to indecent and patently offensive messages were unconstitutionally vague; its supposed objectives could all be achieved through regulations less restrictive of speech; it failed to exempt from its prohibitions sexually explicit material with scientific, educational, or other redeeming social value. Two aspects of the Court's ruling are likely to good have considerable impact on future constitutional decisions in oxford writing, this area. First, the Court rejected the Government's effort to analogize the Internet to traditional broadcast media (especially television), which the Court had previously held could be regulated more strictly than other media.

Unlike TV, the Court reasoned, the Internet has not historically been subject to extensive regulation, is not characterized by good essays about food a limited spectrum of available frequencies, and is not invasive. Consequently, the Internet enjoys full First-Amendment protection. Second, the Court encouraged the business insurance development of technologies that would enable parents to block their children's access to Internet sites offering kinds of material the descriptive essays food parents deemed offensive. A year later, pressured by essay revisor vocal opponents of Internet pornography -- such as Enough is Enough and the National Law Center for descriptive food, Children and business insurance plan, Families -- Congress tried again. The 1998 Child Online Protection Act (COPA) obliged commercial Web operators to restrict access to material considered harmful to minors -- which was, in turn, defined as any communication, picture, image, graphic image file, article, recording, writing or other matter of any kind that is obscene or that meets three requirements: (1) The average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find, taking the material as a whole and with respect to minors, is designed to good food appeal to, or is designed to pander to, the prurient interest. (2) The material depicts, describes, or represents, in a manner patently offensive with respect to minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual conduct, an business insurance plan, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual act or a lewd exhibition of the good food genitals or post-pubescent female breast. (3) The material, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. Title I of the statute required commercial sites to evaluate material and to enact restrictive means ensuring that harmful material does not reach minors.

Title II prohibited the collection without parental consent of personal information concerning children who use the Internet. Affirmative defenses similar to those that had been contained in the CDA were included. Once again, the courts found that Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority. Romeo Themes? In the judgment of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, the critical defect of descriptive about COPA was its reliance upon the criterion of paragraph essay contemporary community standards to determine what kinds of speech are permitted on the Internet: Because material posted on good essays the Web is accessible by all Internet users worldwide, and because current technology does not permit a Web publisher to essay revisor restrict access to its site based on the geographic locale of a each particular Internet user, COPA essentially requires that every Web publisher subject to the statute abide by the most restrictive and conservative state's community standard in order to avoid criminal liability. The net result was to impose burdens on essays about permissible expression more severe than can be tolerated by business insurance the Constitution. The court acknowledged that its ruling did not leave much room for constitutionally valid restrictions on about food Internet pornography: We are forced to recognize that, at present, due to technological limitations, there may be no other means by should in high essay which harmful material on the Web may be constitutionally restricted, although, in light of rapidly developing technological advances, what may now be impossible to regulate constitutionally may, in the not-too-distant future, become feasible.

In late 2000, the anti-pornography forces tried once more. At their urging, Congress adopted the Children's Internet Protection Act (CHIPA), which requires schools and libraries that receive federal funding (either grants or e-rate subsidies) to install Internet filtering equipment on library computers that can be used by children. This time the Clinton administration opposed the law, but the outgoing President was obliged to sign it because it was attached to a major appropriations bill. Opposition to CHIPA is intensifying. Opponents claim that it suffers from all the good essays about food constitutional infirmities of the essay memoir CDA and COPA. In addition, it will reinforce one form of the digital divide -- by subjecting poor children, who lack home computers and about, must rely upon paragraph essay public libraries for access to the Internet, to restrictions that more wealthy children can avoid. The Electronic Frontier Foundation has organized protests against the statute. In April of this year, several civil-liberties groups and public library associations filed suit in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania seeking a declaration that the statute is good food, unconstitutional.

It remains to writing be seen whether this statute will fare any better than its predecessors. The CDA, COPA, and CHIPA have one thing in common: they all involve overt governmental action -- and thus are subject to challenge under the First Amendment. Some observers of the Internet argue that more dangerous than these obvious legislative initiatives are the descriptive essays about food efforts by private Internet Service Providers to install filters on their systems that screen out kinds of content that the ISPs believe their subscribers would find offensive. Because policies of this sort are neither mandated nor encouraged by the government, they would not, under conventional constitutional principles, constitute state action -- and thus would not be vulnerable to constitutional scrutiny. Such a result, argues Larry Lessig, would be pernicious; to avoid it, we need to essay revise our understanding of the state action doctrine. Charles Fried disagrees: Note first of all that the state action doctrine does not only limit the power of courts to protect persons from private power that interferes with public freedoms. It also protects individuals from the courts themselves, which are, after all, another government agency. By limiting the First Amendment to protecting citizens from government (and not from each other), the state action doctrine enlarges the sphere of unregulated discretion that individuals may exercise in what they think and say. In the name of First Amendment values, courts could perhaps inquire whether I must grant access to my newspaper to opinions I abhor, must allow persons whose moral standards I deplore to join my expressive association, or must remain silent so that someone else gets a chance to reach my audience with a less appealing but unfamiliar message.

Such inquiries, however, would place courts in the business of deciding which opinions I would have to about food publish in my newspaper and which would so distort my message that putting those words in my mouth would violate my freedom of speech; what an organization's associational message really is and insurance plan, whether forcing the organization to accept a dissenting member would distort that message; and which opinions, though unable to attract an audience on their own, are so worthy that they must not be drowned out by more popular messages. I am not convinced that whatever changes the Internet has wrought in our environment require the courts to mount this particular tiger. The United States may have led the way in seeking (unsuccessfully, thus far) to restrict the descriptive essays about food flow of pornography on the Internet, but the governments of other countries are now joining the fray. For the status of the struggle in a few jurisdictions, you might read: Joseph C. Rodriguez, A Comparative Study of business insurance Internet Content Regulations in the United States and Singapore, 1 Asian-Pacific L. Pol'y J. 9 (February 2000). (Singapore) Mark Konkel, Internet Indecency, International Censorship, and Service Providers' Liability, 19 N.Y.L. Sch. J. INt'l Comp. Descriptive About Food? L. 453 (2000). (Canada, Maylasia, and China) In a provocative recent article, Amy Adler argues that the effort to curb child pornography online -- the kind of pornography that disgusts the business most people -- is fundamentally misguided. Far from descriptive essays, reducing the incidence of the sexual abuse of children, governmental efforts to curtail child pornography only increase it.

A summary of her argument is available here. Oxford Brookes Writing? The full article is good essays food, available here . When does speech become a threat? Put more precisely, when does a communication over the Internet inflict -- or threaten to inflict -- sufficient damage on its recipient that it ceases to be protected by the First Amendment and properly gives rise to criminal sanctions? Two recent cases addressed that issue from different angles. The first was popularly known as the Jake Baker case. In 1994 and 1995, Abraham Jacob Alkhabaz, also known as Jake Baker, was an undergraduate student at business insurance the University of Michigan.

During that period, he frequently contributed sadistic and essays about, sexually explicit short stories to a Usenet electronic bulletin board available to essay revisor the public over the Internet. In one such story, he described in detail how he and a companion tortured, sexually abused, and good descriptive essays about, killed a young woman, who was given the name of romeo one of Baker's classmates. (Excerpts from the story, as reprinted in the Court of descriptive Appeals decision in paragraph, the case, are available here. WARNING: This material is very graphic in nature and may be troubling to descriptive essays about food some readers. It is presented in four paragraph essay, order to good about provide a complete view of the essay revisor facts of the good food case.) Baker's stories came to the attention of essay revisor another Internet user, who assumed the name of Arthur Gonda. Baker and Gonda then exchanged many email messages, sharing their sadistic fantasies and discussing the methods by which they might kidnap and torture a woman in Baker's dormitory. When these stories and email exchanges came to light, Baker was indicted for violation of 18 U.S.C. 875(c), which provides:

Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both. Federal courts have traditionally construed this provision narrowly, lest it penalize expression shielded by the First Amendment. Specifically, the good food courts have required that a defendant's statement, in order to trigger criminal sanctions, constitute a true threat -- as distinguished from, for example, inadvertent statements, hyperbole, innocuous talk, or political commentary. Baker moved to quash the indictment on four essay the ground that his statements on the Internet did not constitute true threats. The District Court agreed, ruling that the class of women supposedly threatened was not identified in Baker's exchanges with Gonda with the degree of specificity required by the First Amendment and that, although Baker had expressed offensive desires, it was not constitutionally permissible to infer an good essays about, intention to essay revisor act on a desire from a simple expression of desire. The District Judge's concluding remarks concerning the character of threatening speech on the Internet bear emphasis:

Baker's words were transmitted by means of the Internet, a relatively new communications medium that is itself currently the subject of much media attention. Essays About Food? The Internet makes it possible with unprecedented ease to achieve world-wide distribution of material, like Baker's story, posted to its public areas. When used in such a fashion, the schools essay Internet may be likened to a newspaper with unlimited distribution and good essays about food, no locatable printing press - and with no supervising editorial control. Should Be Distributed? But Baker's e-mail messages, on which the superseding indictment is based, were not publicly published but privately sent to Gonda. While new technology such as the Internet may complicate analysis and descriptive food, may sometimes require new or modified laws, it does not in this instance qualitatively change the analysis under the essay memoir statute or under the First Amendment. Whatever Baker's faults, and he is to be faulted, he did not violate 18 U.S.C. § 875(c).

Two of the three judges on the panel that heard the appeal agreed. In their view, a violation of 875(c) requires a demonstration, first, that a reasonable person would interpret the communication in question as serious expression of an intention to inflict bodily harm and, second, that a reasonable person would perceive the communications as being conveyed to descriptive essays about food effect some change or achieve some goal through intimidation. Baker's speech failed, in their judgment, to rise to this level. Judge Krupansky, the third member of the panel, dissented. In a sharply worded opinion, he denounced the majority for compelling the oxford writing prosecution to meet a standard higher that Congress intended or than the First Amendment required.

In his view, the pertinent inquiry is whether a jury could find that a reasonable recipient of the communication would objectively tend to about food believe that the speaker was serious about romeo, his stated intention. A reasonable jury, he argued, could conclude that Baker's speech met this standard -- especially in light of the fact that the good essays woman named in essay revisor, the short story had, upon learning of it, experienced a shattering traumatic reaction that resulted in recommended psychological counselling. The second of the two decisions is popularly known as the Nuremberg files case. In 1995, the American Coalition of Life Activists (ACLA), an anti-abortion group that advocates the use of force in their efforts to curtail abortions, created a poster featuring what the ACLA described as the Dirty Dozen, a group of doctors who performed abortions. The posters offered a $ 5,000 [r]eward for information leading to good essays food arrest, conviction and revocation of essay license to practice medicine of the doctors in descriptive, question, and listed their home addresses and, in some instances, their phone numbers.

Versions of the condoms in high schools essay poster were distributed at anti-abortion rallies and later on television. In 1996, an good food, expanded list of plan abortion providers, now dubbed the Nuremberg files, was posted on the Internet with the good essays about assistance of an anti-abortion activist named Neil Horsley. The Internet version of the list designated doctors and business insurance plan, clinic workers who had been attacked by anti-abortion terrorists in two ways: the names of people who had been murdered were crossed out; the good descriptive about names of people who had been wounded were printed in business plan, grey. (For a version of the Nuremberg Files web site, click here. WARNING: This material is very graphic in nature and may be disturbing to many readers. It is presented in order to provide a complete view of the facts of the case). The doctors named and described on the list feared for good descriptive about food, their lives. In particular, some testified that they feared that, by condoms publicizing their addresses and essays about food, descriptions, the ACLA had increased the ease with which terrorists could locate and attack them -- and that, by business publicizing the names of doctors who had already been killed, the ACLA was encouraging those attacks. Some of the descriptive essays doctors sought recourse in the courts. They sued the ACLA, twelve individual anti-abortion activists and an affiliated organization, contending that their actions violated the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act of 1994 (FACE), 18 U.S.C. §248, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 18 U.S.C. Essay? §1962.

In an effort to avoid a First-Amendment challenge to good descriptive about food the suit, the trial judge instructed the jury that defendants could be liable only if their statements were true threats. The jury, concluding that the romeo essay themes ACLA had indeed made such true threats, awarded the descriptive essays plaintiffs $107 million in actual and punitive damages. And Juliet Essay? The trial court then enjoined the good essays defendants from should condoms be distributed, making or distributing the posters, the webpage or anything similar. This past March, a panel of the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit overturned the good descriptive essays about food verdict, ruling that it violated the First Amendment. Judge Kozinski began his opinion by likening the anti-abortion movement to other political movements in American history, such as the oxford brookes writing Patriots in the American Revolution, abolitionism, the labor movement, the anti-war movement in descriptive about, the 1960s, the animal-rights movement, and essay, the environmental movement. All, he argued, have had their violent fringes, which have lent to the language of their non-violent members a tinge of menace. However, to avoid curbing legitimate political commentary and agitation, Kozinski insisted, it was essential that courts not overread strongly worded but not explicitly threatening statements. Specifically, he held that: Defendants can only be held liable if they authorized, ratified, or directly threatened violence. If defendants threatened to commit violent acts, by working alone or with others, then their statements could properly support the verdict.

But if their statements merely encouraged unrelated terrorists, then their words are protected by the First Amendment. The trial judge's charge to good descriptive essays the jury had not made this standard adequately clear, he ruled. More importantly, no reasonable jury, properly instructed, could have concluded that the standard had been met. Business Insurance? Accordingly, the trial judge was instructed to dissolve the injunction and enter judgment for good essays food, the defendants on all counts. In the course of his opinion, Kozinski offered the should condoms be distributed essay following reflections on the fact that the defendants' speech had occurred in public discourse -- including the Internet: In considering whether context could import a violent meaning to ACLA's non-violent statements, we deem it highly significant that all the good descriptive about food statements were made in the context of public discourse, not in essay, direct personal communications. Although the First Amendment does not protect all forms of good descriptive essays food public speech, such as statements inciting violence or an imminent panic, the public nature of the speech bears heavily upon whether it could be interpreted as a threat. As we held in McCalden v. California Library Ass'n, public speeches advocating violence are given substantially more leeway under the First Amendment than privately communicated threats. Romeo And Juliet Essay Themes? There are two reasons for this distinction: First, what may be hyperbole in a public speech may be understood (and intended) as a threat if communicated directly to the person threatened, whether face-to-face, by telephone or by letter.

In targeting the recipient personally, the speaker leaves no doubt that he is sending the recipient a message of some sort. In contrast, typical political statements at rallies or through the media are far more diffuse in their focus because they are generally intended, at least in part, to shore up political support for the speaker's position. Second, and more importantly, speech made through the normal channels of group communication, and descriptive about, concerning matters of public policy, is given the maximum level of protection by the Free Speech Clause because it lies at the core of the First Amendment. The First Amendment forbids Congress to make any law ?abridging the freedom of speech.? The copyright statute plainly interferes with certain kinds of business insurance plan speech: it prevents people from ?publicly performing? or ?reproducing? copyrighted material without permission. In other words, several ways in which people might be inclined to ?speak? have been declared by Congress illegal. Does this imply that the copyright statute as a whole ? or, less radically, some specific applications of good essays about food it ? should be deemed unconstitutional?

Courts confronted with this question have almost invariable answered: no. Two justifications are commonly offered in support of the compatibility of copyright and ?freedom of speech.? First, Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution explicitly authorizes Congress ?To promote the Progress of Science and the useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries,? and there is no indication that the drafters or ratifiers of the First Amendment intended to nullify this express grant of lawmaking power. Second, various doctrines within copyright law function to ensure that it does not interfere unduly with the ability of condoms be distributed in high persons to express themselves. Specifically, the principle that only the particular way in which an idea is ?expressed? is copyrightable, not the idea itself, ensures that the citizenry will be able to discuss concepts, arguments, facts, etc. without restraint. Even more importantly, the fair use doctrine (discussed in the first module) provides a generous safe harbor to people making reasonable uses of copyrighted material for educational, critical, or scientific purposes. These considerations, in essays food, combination, have led courts to turn aside virtually every constitutional challenge to the enforcement of four essay copyrights. Very recently, some of the ways in which copyright law has been modified and then applied to activity on the Internet has prompted a growing number of scholars and litigants to suggest that the conventional methods for reconciling copyright law and the First Amendment need to be reexamined. Two developments present the issue especially sharply: (1) For reasons we explored in the second module, last summer a federal court in New York ruled that posting on a website a link to another website from which a web surfer can download a software program designed to break an encryption system constitutes ?trafficking? in anti-circumvention technology in violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The defendant in the case contended (among other things) that the DMCA, if construed in this fashion, violates the First Amendment.

Judge Kaplan rejected this contention, reasoning that a combination of the Copyright Clause and an generous understanding of the Necessary and good, Proper clause of the Constitution provided constitutional support for the DMCA: In enacting the DMCA, Congress found that the restriction of technologies for the circumvention of technological means of protecting copyrighted works facilitate[s] the robust development and world-wide expansion of electronic commerce, communications, research, development, and creative writing, education by good descriptive about mak[ing] digital networks safe places to disseminate and exploit copyrighted materials. That view can not be dismissed as unreasonable. Section 1201(a)(2) of the DMCA therefore is a proper exercise of romeo themes Congress' power under the Necessary and Proper Clause. This conclusion might well dispose of descriptive defendants' First Amendment challenge. Given Congress' justifiable view that the DMCA is instrumental in carrying out the objective of the Copyright Clause, there arguably is romeo and juliet themes, no First Amendment objection to good prohibiting the dissemination of means for romeo and juliet essay themes, circumventing technological methods for controlling access to copyrighted works. But the Court need not rest on this alone. In determining the essays constitutionality of governmental restriction on oxford brookes speech, courts traditionally have balanced the public interest in the restriction against the public interest in good descriptive essays food, the kind of speech at issue. This approach seeks to determine, in light of the goals of the First Amendment, how much protection the speech at issue merits. It then examines the underlying rationale for the challenged regulation and assesses how best to accommodate the relative weights of the interests in free speech interest and the regulation. As Justice Brandeis wrote, freedom of speech is important both as a means to achieve a democratic society and as an end in itself.

Further, it discourages social violence by permitting people to seek redress of creative writing their grievances through meaningful, non-violent expression. These goals have been articulated often and consistently in the case law. The computer code at issue in this case does little to serve these goals. Good About Food? Although this Court has assumed that DeCSS has at least some expressive content, the expressive aspect appears to be minimal when compared to its functional component. Computer code primarily is a set of instructions which, when read by the computer, cause it to function in a particular way, in this case, to render intelligible a data file on a DVD. It arguably is best treated as a virtual machine . . . Business Insurance? . On the other side of this balance lie the good about interests served by the DMCA. Copyright protection exists to encourage individual effort by personal gain and thereby advance public welfare through the promot[ion of] the Progress of Science and useful Arts. Essay Revisor? The DMCA plainly was designed with these goals in mind. Good Food? It is a tool to protect copyright in the digital age. It responds to the risks of technological circumvention of access controlling mechanisms designed to protect copyrighted works distributed in digital form. It is designed to further precisely the goals articulated above, goals of unquestionably high social value.

This is quite clear in the specific context of this case. Plaintiffs are eight major motion picture studios which together are largely responsible for the development of the American film industry. Their products reach hundreds of millions of viewers internationally and doubtless are responsible for a substantial portion of the revenue in the international film industry each year. To doubt the contribution of plaintiffs to the progress of the arts would be absurd. DVDs are the newest way to distribute motion pictures to the home market, and their popularity is growing rapidly. The security of DVD technology is central to the continued distribution of motion pictures in this format. The dissemination and use of circumvention technologies such as DeCSS would permit anyone to make flawless copies of DVDs at little expense. Without effective limits on these.

technologies, copyright protection in the contents of DVDs would become meaningless and the continued marketing of DVDs impractical. Paragraph? This obviously would discourage artistic progress and undermine the good descriptive essays goals of copyright. The balance between these two interests is brookes, clear. About Food? Executable computer code of the type at issue in essay memoir, this case does little to further traditional First Amendment interests. The DMCA, in contrast, fits squarely within the goals of copyright, both generally and as applied to DeCSS. Descriptive Essays About? In consequence, the balance of interests in this case falls decidedly on the side of plaintiffs and the DMCA.

One of the axes of debate in the ongoing appeal of the lower-court ruling concerns this issue. For a challenge to Judge Kaplan's discussion of the First-Amendment, see the amicus brief submitted to the Second Circuit by a group of law professors. (2) Some scholars believe that the should in high ambit of the fair use doctrine should and will shrink on the Internet. Why? Because, in good descriptive essays, their view, the essay revisor principal purpose of the doctrine is to enable people to use copyrighted materials in ways that are socially valuable but that are likely, in good descriptive, the absence of a special legal privilege, to be blocked by transaction costs. Oxford Brookes? The Internet, by enabling copyright owners and persons who wish access to their works to negotiate licenses easily and cheaply, dramatically reduces those transaction costs, thus arguably reducing the need for the fair-use doctrine. Recall that one of the justifications conventionally offered to explain the compatibility of copyright law and good essays about, the First Amendment is the safety valve afforded critical commentary and educational activity by the fair use doctrine. If that doctrine does indeed shrink on the Internet, as these scholars predict, then the question of whether copyright law abridges freedom of expression must be considered anew. 1. Are you persuaded by the judicial opinions declaring unconstitutional the CDA and COPA?

Should CHIPA suffer the oxford brookes creative same fate? Are there any ways in which government might regulate the good essays about food Internet so as to shield children from pornography? 2. Should Schools Essay? Some authors have suggested that the best way to respond to essays about pornography on the Internet is through zoning. For example, Christopher Furlow suggests the use of ?restricted top-level domains? or ?rTLDs? which would function similarly to area codes to identify particular areas of the Internet and make it easier for parents to insurance plan control what type of good descriptive essays food material their children are exposed to online. See Erogenous Zoning on The Cyber-Frontier, 5 Va. J.L.

Tech. 7, 4 (Spring 2000). Do you find this proposal attractive? practicable? effective? 3. Elizabeth Marsh raises the following question: Suppose that the Ku Klux Klan sent unsolicited email messages to large numbers of African-Americans and essay revisor, Jews. Those messages expressed the KKK's loathing of blacks and good food, Jews but did not threaten the recipients. Under the laws of the United States or any other jurisdiction, what legal remedies, if any, would be available to the recipients of such email messages? Should the First Amendment be construed to essay shield hate spam of this sort?

More broadly, should hate spam be tolerated or suppressed? For Marsh's views on the matter, see Purveyors of Hate on the Internet: Are We Ready for good about food, Hate Spam?, 17 Ga. Brookes Creative? St. U. L. Essays About Food? Rev. 379 (Winter 2000). 4. Essay Revisor? Were the Jake Baker and Nuremberg Files cases decided correctly? How would you draw the line between threats subject to criminal punishment and good, speech protected by the First Amendment? 5. Insurance Plan? Does the First Amendment set a limit on the permissible scope of copyright law? If so, how would you define that limit? 6. Lyrissa Lidsky, points out that the ways in which the essays food Supreme Court has deployed the First Amendment to limit the application of the tort of defamation are founded on the assumption that most defamation suits will be brought against oxford creative relatively powerful institutions (e.g., newspapers, television stations).

The Internet, by enabling relatively poor and powerless persons to broadcast to the world their opinions of essays about food powerful institutions (e.g., their employers, companies by which they feel wronged) increases the likelihood that, in the future, defamation suits will be brought most often by formidable plaintiffs against weak individual defendants. If we believe that [t]he Internet is . . . a powerful tool for equalizing imbalances of power by giving voice to the disenfranchised and by allowing more democratic participation in public discourse, we should be worried by this development. Lidsky suggests that it may be necessary, in writing, this altered climate, to reconsider the shape of the good descriptive essays about food constitutional limitations on defamation. Essay Revisor? Do you agree? If so, how would you reformulate the descriptive about food relevant limitations? 7. Like Lessig, Paul Berman suggests that the Internet should prompt us to reconsider the traditional state action doctrine that limits the and juliet essay themes kinds of interference with speech to good descriptive essays which the First-Amendment applies. Berman supports this suggestion with the following example: ??an online service provider recently attempted to take action against an entity that had sent junk e-mail on its service, a district court rejected the e-mailer's argument that such censorship of business plan e-mail violated the good descriptive food First Amendment. The court relied on the state action doctrine, reasoning that the service provider was not the essay memoir state and therefore was not subject to the commands of the First Amendment.? Such an outcome, he suggests, is essays about food, unfortunate. To avoid it, we may need to rethink this fundamental aspect of Constitutional Law. Do you agree?

See Berman, Symposium Overview: Part IV: How (If At All) to Regulate The Internet: Cyberspace and the State Action Debate: The Cultural Value of insurance plan Applying Constitutional Norms to Private Regulation, 71 U. Colo. L. Rev. 1263 (Fall 2000). ACLU offers various materials relating to the Reno v. ACLU case. Electronic Frontier Foundation (Browse the Free Expression page, Censorship Free Expression archive and the Content Filtering archive.) The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) offers links to various aspects of CDA litigation and discussion. Platform for Internet Content Selection (PICS) (Skim the PICS and Intellectual Freedom FAQ. Essays About? Browse What Governments, Media and Individuals are Saying about and juliet themes, PICS (pro and con).) provides a guide to cyberstalking that includes a very helpful definitions section. Cyberstalking: A New Challenge for Law Enforcement and Industry ? A Report from the Attorney General to the Vice President (August 1999) provides very helpful definitions and explanations related to cyberstalking, including 1 st Amendment implications; also provides links to additional resources.

The Anti-Defamation League web site offers a wealth of resources for essays about, dealing with hate online, including guides for parents and filtering software. The filtering software, called Hate Filter, is essay themes, designed to give parents the ability to make decisions regarding what their children are exposed to online. The ADL believes that ?Censorship is not the answer to hate on the Internet. ADL supports the free speech guarantees embodied in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, believing that the good descriptive about best way to combat hateful speech is with more speech.?

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lawyer skills resume Take advantage of. our free job bank. The Listserv is a free, e-mail discussion group. It provides legal professionals with the chance to network and ask profession-related questions. This long-running column examines ethics in the paralegal profession. Do you have an good descriptive about food ethical dilemma or question?

E-mail us today. Writing Paralegal Resumes. Tips for experienced and new paralegals. By Linda T. Chin. Many paralegal students who have just graduated from college or who have completed a paralegal studies program most likely are searching for their first paralegal jobs. Experienced paralegals also might be looking to change jobs. This article will assist both new and experienced paralegals in drafting resumes and cover letters that will be concise but comprehensive, appealing but not overwhelming to prospective employers. Sample paralegal resumes and cover letters also are included. Resumes for New Paralegals.

Let’s begin with some general pointers. Romeo Essay! Your name, home address, phone number and e-mail address should be on top of the resume. Use more common computer fonts, such as 12-point Times New Roman. Your name can be bold and a larger font than the rest of the about food content in the resume. Try to keep the resume to one page, if possible. Prospective employers receive numerous resumes so they might not read resumes beyond the first page. Many resumes usually contain four to five sections. Some resumes might include sections such as Honors and Awards or Achievements.

For the purpose of in high schools, this article, I have concentrated on these sections: Career Objective, Education, Experience, Skills and good descriptive essays about, Other Relevant Experience, if applicable. Career objective. This is essay memoir important for several reasons. It’s the first paragraph after you provide your personal information and it immediately lets the essays prospective employers know what your career goal is, and encourages them to continue reading the resume. Should Schools! You should express your career objective by writing a 1-sentence description of the job you are seeking. If you are unsure of the area of legal practice in which you want to specialize, focus your objective to a general practice of law. Some examples of descriptive, career objectives are: “To secure an entry-level position as a paralegal in a real estate law firm,” or “To secure a position in four a law firm that can use a legal professional with outstanding research and writing skills.” Education. This section is an important part of the resume for those new paralegals who have just completed their education. If you are a new paralegal with limited or no work experience, this is the essays section on which you should focus. Indicate your degree or the paralegal certificate you completed, your major, the college from which you graduated, and the date of essay revisor, your graduation.

List the courses that are relevant to the jobs for about, which you are applying. Paragraph Essay! In general, law firms seek prospective employees who have skills in areas of legal research and writing, litigation and law office management. You also should expand on your leadership and academic activities in this section. Good Descriptive Essays About Food! List your membership in all student and academic organizations. Emphasize your leadership positions and highlight your respective duties and achievements while serving in those leadership roles. If you were a member of the organization but didn’t hold a leadership position, specify your contributions to the organizations. Writing! For example, you might have arranged for a speaker, publicized an descriptive essays about food event or coordinated a social event for the organization. Did you write for a college newspaper, or contribute or edit an article for essay revisor, a newsletter or the college yearbook? If so, these activities should be included in your resume since they show initiative and leadership qualities — characteristics that all employers seek in a prospective employee. Finally, if you have received academic achievements such as being on essays about the dean’s list or graduating with various honors, emphasize these awards and honors in your resume. Experience.

This section is the meat of a resume. While your work history as a new paralegal is minimal, there are other areas besides employment that can be classified as experience. Four Paragraph! Serving in an internship program is an descriptive essays food excellent way to highlight your duties and responsibilities as well as the skills you obtained. Under this section, list the romeo themes duties you performed, as well as the good essays about skills that were enhanced during this internship. If you have participated in more than one internship, list the most recent internship first with the relevant dates. Another type of experience is the Academic Service Learning component that many colleges have incorporated into four paragraph their academic curriculum. Good Descriptive Essays! St. John’s University in New York, for example, defines Academic Service Learning as a teaching method in which students learn and plan, develop through organized service that reinforces course content.

This organized service takes place in nonprofit organizations such as bar associations, senior citizen centers, Legal Aid offices or other organizations that provide legal services at reduced fees or at descriptive essays about, no cost to the clients. If you have participated in an Academic Service Learning program, you should indicate the organization in which you served, and your duties while serving in that capacity. Condoms Be Distributed In High Schools Essay! For example, if you helped draft health planning documents in an Elder Law Clinic as part of the Elder Law course you took, you should incorporate these duties in the Experience section of your resume. Skills. This section of the resume focuses on special skills you have that you might not have highlighted in other sections of the good descriptive about resume. Are you familiar with Microsoft Word? Do you have skills in other software applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Excel? Are you an expert in using Westlaw and/or Lexis as a research tool?

Are you proficient in essay revisor a foreign language? If you have any of these skills, include them in descriptive essays about food the skills section of the resume. However, be honest in assessing your proficiency. For example, don’t indicate fluency in should condoms in high essay Spanish if you can only read it, but not speak it. Other relevant experience. The last section of the resume is for other relevant experience that you might have but was not addressed in the other sections of the descriptive essays about food resume. For example, if you demonstrated leadership skills while serving in a civic or community project or activity, then certainly include this experience.

The Cover Letter From New Paralegals. The cover letter should have the following information: your name, address, and the date, name and title of the person to whom you are writing, the company or organization and the relevant salutation. Try to get the should condoms be distributed schools essay exact name of the person to whom you are writing since this will be more personal. The first paragraph of the cover letter should explain why you are writing and indicate how you found out good descriptive essays about food, about the available position. For example, “I am writing to essay revisor, apply for the position of paralegal as advertised in the June 20 New York Times,” or “We met last month at the paralegal conference and I am following up on my interest to obtain a paralegal position in descriptive about food your law firm.” The next few paragraphs are where you want to highlight and discuss your qualifications, achievements and experience. Essay Revisor! Summarize your experience rather than repeat what already is in the resume. Discuss why your qualifications and experience are a good fit with the company and what you can contribute to that company. The final paragraph closes the letter by thanking the good essays employers for their consideration of your application and notifying them where they can contact you for an interview. Also indicate that your resume is enclosed and business insurance plan, that references are available upon request. Resumes for Experienced Paralegals.

Many of my recommendations for good descriptive, resumes for experienced paralegals are similar to resumes for essay revisor, new paralegals. Your name, home address, phone number and e-mail address should be on the top of the resume and about, it should be limited to one page, if possible. Essay Revisor! Resumes for experienced paralegals should contain the following or similar sections: Career Objective, Professional Experience, Skills, Other Relevant Experience and Education. Career objective. Essays Food! This is important for experienced paralegals. It signals to business, the prospective employer whether the applicant is seeking a career change, a position with greater responsibility or a lateral move to a different company. For example: “To secure a senior level paralegal position with supervisory responsibilities” indicates to the employers that the applicant has prior paralegal experience and is seeking further professional growth. Education. The experienced paralegal should indicate the relevant information under the Education section. You should provide your degree or the certificate completed as well as your major, the college from where you graduated and the date of your graduation.

List any awards and honors you received upon food graduation. Since prospective employers will focus more on the work history of experienced paralegals, the plan education information can be included either at the beginning or at the end of the resume. Experience. For the descriptive food experienced paralegal, this section of the essay memoir resume is the most important information provided by the applicant in engaging the interest of the prospective employers. The most common form of presentation is to list jobs in reverse chronological order; therefore, you should list your most recent job first. Indicate the essays about food company’s or law firm’s name, list your job titles and dates of oxford writing, employment. Essays About! Use active verbs to oxford brookes, describe your duties and responsibilities, and be consistent in descriptive essays food the use of the verb tense. For examples: “Developed systems for billing clients,” “Conducted extensive research for essay revisor, class action lawsuit” and “Maintained and updated court dates.”

Skills. This section is where you can highlight your technological skills. Good Descriptive About! At a minimum, employers expect their experienced paralegals to be proficient in essay revisor word processing, and to about food, be able to plan, navigate e-mails and prepare spreadsheets using Excel. Do you have computer-assisted research skills using Westlaw or Lexis? Are you proficient in other software applications such as CaseMap, LiveNote or Abacus Law? If so, don’t hesitate to list them. Prospective employers always are seeking applicants who are technologically savvy to help make their law offices become more efficient. Other relevant experience.

If you have had relevant experience other than work experience, you can describe it under this section. Were you an active member of descriptive essays food, a national or state paralegal organization? Did you volunteer to participate in your firm’s pro essay revisor, bono program in descriptive essays food providing legal service to those who could not afford to hire a legal professional? Perhaps you volunteered in events related to law that were sponsored by your community or civic groups. Essay Memoir! These all are activities to stress in good descriptive essays about your resume. They demonstrate initiative, leadership and commitment to should be distributed in high essay, the legal profession. The Cover Letter from Experienced Paralegals. The cover letter is food your initial introduction to the prospective employer. The purpose of the essay themes cover letter is to encourage the employer to read your resume and invite you for an interview. Therefore, like the resume, it has to be error-proof, neat and well-written.

The first paragraph of the cover letter should explain why you are writing and what position you seek. For example: “I am writing to good essays about, apply for the position of essay revisor, Senior Paralegal that was advertised on your Web site.” Also explain why you are interested in the position, such as seeking greater and/or more diverse responsibilities. In the next few paragraphs, summarize your qualifications, experience and good descriptive essays about food, achievements. For example: “As the enclosed resume indicates, I have had over 10 years of oxford, paralegal experience in good descriptive about employment law” or “My 10 years of experience include working with cases involving bankruptcy law.” Follow up as to why this experience will benefit the essay memoir law firm. You also can highlight specific skills, such as the ability to use computer-assisted research or software applications that help with the management of a law office. The final paragraph closes the good descriptive essays letter by thanking the four essay employers for their consideration of your application and notifying the employers where they can contact you for an interview. Also indicate that your resume is enclosed and that references are available upon request. SAMPLE COVER LETTER FOR NEW PARALEGALS.

345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671. Tobin and Dempf, LLP. I am writing to apply for descriptive essays about, the position of essay revisor, Paralegal in your litigation department as advertised in good essays the New Jersey Times , dated June 25, 2008. I have just completed the ABA Approved-paralegal program at romeo and juliet, Gainsville State University . My coursework and my internship experience have given me the skills to qualify for this position. As you can see from my resume, in addition to coursework in the areas of civil litigation and trial practice, I have enhanced my skills in the practice of litigation through my internship experiences. Good About! I have had practical experience in legal research, writing complaints and legal memoranda, and filing pleadings. I am highly proficient and comfortable in the use of in high, technology. I am proficient in good descriptive essays food using Westlaw to perform research. I am also skilled in using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook.

Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you further regarding my qualifications for this position. Enclosed in my resume and I will be happy to provide you with references upon plan request. SAMPLE RESUME FOR NEW PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. To secure a position as a paralegal in a law firm that specializes in litigation. June 2008: Gainsville State University , Smithtown , New Jersey.

Paralegal Certificate Program, ABA Approved. Coursework: Introduction to Law, Civil Litigation, Legal Research and Writing, Tort Law, Family Law, Elder Law, Real Estate Law, Trial Practice. Leadership and Academic Acitivities: President of Legal Society (2007-2008) – Organized activities for. students in the Paralegal Program; arranged for speakers on legal issues; coordinated visits to good descriptive about, courts. Feb. 2008-May 2008: Paralegal Intern, Smith Smith, Smithtown , New Jersey.

Assisted with scheduling meetings with clients. Helped with filing pleadings. Performed legal research using Westlaw and in essay memoir the library. Wrote legal memoranda. Prepared demand letters. Sept.

2007-Jan. Good Essays! 2008: Academic Service Learning in conjunction with Elder Law course, Senior Legal Clinic, Newtown , New Jersey. Assisted in drafting advance health planning documents. Interviewed clients for case intake. Assisted with drafting complaints. Assisted in drafting health proxies and living wills. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Westlaw. Coordinated Annual Fund-Raising Event for the Homeless since 2000.

SAMPLE COVER LETTER FOR EXPERIENCED PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671. Tobin and four essay, Dempf, LLP. I am writing to apply for the position of supervising paralegal in your litigation department as advertised in descriptive essays about food the New Jersey Times , dated June 25, 2008. After more than 10 years of experience as a litigation paralegal, I am seeking a new position that can provide me with additional responsibilities and essay memoir, an opportunity to use my supervisory skills. As you can see from food, my resume, I have had extensive experience as a litigation paralegal and essay revisor, my responsibilities have increased over the years. Recently, I was given the additional responsibility of good descriptive about food, supervising and training secretarial staff and student interns. Brookes Writing! In that capacity, I have developed my mentoring and supervisory skills. I am highly proficient and comfortable in the use of technology. I am proficient in good essays about using Westlaw and Lexis to perform research.

I have assisted the attorneys in oxford brookes writing my firm in descriptive about food making presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint and have created spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. I have become skilled in the use of software applications to assist with the management of essay revisor, complex litigation cases. As a result, I can offer your firm a high level of expertise in using Concordance, Summation and CaseMap. I believe I can contribute much to your firm. Descriptive About Food! Thank you for taking time from your schedule to consider me for this position. I look forward to essay revisor, speaking with you further regarding my qualifications. Enclosed is my resume and I will be happy to about food, provide you with references upon request. SAMPLE RESUME FOR EXPERIENCED PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671. To secure a position as a senior-level paralegal with supervisory responsibilities.

July 2000-Present: Paralegal, Kleinsmith Associates, Newark , N.J. Provide legal and essay revisor, administrative support for civil litigation firm. Supervise and train secretarial staff and student interns. Implement an descriptive about food online billing system for clients. Draft legal memoranda and client correspondence. Conduct research employing online resources such as Westlaw and Lexis. Assist with document production and trial preparation.

July 1998-June 2000: Paralegal, Smith Smith, Smithtown , N.J. Assisted with scheduling meetings with clients. Assisted with filing pleadings. Performed legal research using Westlaw and in the library. Wrote legal memoranda. Prepared billings for clients. Feb. 1998-June 1998: Paralegal Intern, Legal Aid of New Jersey , Newtown , N.J. Interviewed clients for case intake. Assisted with drafting complaints. Assisted with document production.

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Westlaw, Lexis, Concordance, Summation and CaseMap. Member of the American Alliance of oxford writing, Paralegals and the Legal Assistants Association of New Jersey; organized workshops on technology for paralegals. Participated in the pro bono program initiated by Kleinsmith Associates. June 1998: Gainsville State University , Smithtown , N.J. Bachelor of Arts, Legal Studies, ABA-Approved Paralegal Program. Linda T. Chin is an assistant professor at St.

John’s University in good descriptive essays food New York City. She teaches in oxford creative the American Bar Association-approved legal studies program, which prepares students to about food, work as paralegals in oxford writing the legal profession. About Food! Professor Chin’s field of expertise is employment and creative, elder law.

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