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A Brief Overview of the Causes and Effects of the Cold War - Historyplex

Causes and consequences of the cold wa

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A Brief Overview of the Causes and Effects of the Cold War - Historyplex

avare moliere resume I- TEXTE A ANALYSER : LE MONOLOGUE D'HARPAGON. Causes Of The Cold? Des qu’il le peut, Harpagon se precipite dans son jardin pour verifier que les dix mille ecus qu’il y a enterres y sont toujours. Research Papers? Mais voila qu’il arrive en hurlant sur scene : on of the lui a vole son tresor ! Harpagon. Rhetorical? (Il crie au voleur des le jardin, et vient sans chapeau.) - Au voleur ! Au voleur ! A l'assassin ! Au meurtrier ! Justice, juste ciel ! Je suis perdu, je suis assassine ! On m'a coupe la gorge, on Causes cold wa m'a derobe mon argent ! Qui peut-ce etre ? Qu'est-il devenu ? Ou est-il ? Ou se cache-t-il ? Que ferai-je pour le trouver ? Ou courir ? Ou ne pas courir ? N'est-il point la ? N'est-il point ici ? Qui est-ce ? Arrete ? (Il se prend lui-meme le bras.) Rends-moi mon argent, coquin . Of Objective? Ah ! C’est moi. Of The Cold Wa? Mon esprit est trouble, et j'ignore ou je suis, qui je suis, et ce que je fais. Helas ! Mon pauvre argent, mon pauvre argent, mon cher ami, on of objective m'a prive de toi ! Et, puisque tu m'es enleve, j'ai perdu mon support, ma consolation, ma joie ; tout est fini pour moi, et je n'ai plus que faire au monde ! Sans toi, il m'est impossible de vivre. Causes Of The Cold Wa? C'en est fait, je n'en puis plus, je me meurs, je suis mort, je suis enterre ! N'y a-t-il personne qui veuille me ressusciter en me rendant mon cher argent, ou en m'apprenant qui l'a pris ? Euh ! Que dites-vous ? Ce n'est personne. Personal Statement? Il faut, qui que ce soit qui ait fait le coup, qu'avec beaucoup de soin on Causes and consequences cold ait epie l'heure ; et l'on a choisi justement le temps que je parlais a mon traitre de fils. Functions Of A? Sortons. Causes And Consequences Of The? Je veux aller querir la justice et faire donner la question3 a toute ma maison : a servantes, a valets, a fils, a fille, et a moi aussi. Essay Model? Que de gens assembles ! Je ne jette mes regards sur personne qui ne me donne des soupcons, et tout me semble mon voleur. And Consequences Cold? Eh ! De quoi est-ce qu'on parle la ? De celui qui m'a derobe ? Quel bruit fait-on la-haut ? Est-ce mon voleur qui y est ? De grace, si l'on sait des nouvelles de mon voleur, je supplie que l'on m'en dise.

N'est-il point cache la parmi vous ? Ils me regardent tous, et se mettent a rire. Personal Pharmacy Assistant? Vous verrez qu'ils ont part, sans doute, au vol que l'on m'a fait. Of The Cold? Allons, vite, des commissaires, des archers, des prevots, des juges, des genes, des potences et des bourreaux ! Je veux faire pendre tout le monde ; et si je ne retrouve mon argent, je me pendrai moi-meme apres ! Moliere, L'Avare, Acte IV, scene 7, 1668. Writing The Curriculum 5th? 1 Le monologue est une convention theatrale : le personnage parle seul. Of The Cold? Qu’est-ce qui justifie Ici le .recours ait monologue ? 2. Personal Pharmacy Assistant? Seul sur scene, le personnage - s’adresse a de nombreux interlocuteurs. Lesquels ? 3. Of The Cold Wa? Quelles modalites de la phrase (declarative, interrogative, exclamative, imperative) marquent l’emotion d’Harpagon ? 4. Papers Across The Curriculum? Relevez les expressions qui evoquent son argent et qu’on pourrait employer pour un etre aime. Causes And Consequences Of The? 5. Personal Pharmacy Assistant? La passion la plus sincere peut faire rire par son exces meme. And Consequences Cold? Relevez deux expressions particulierement extravagantes. Personal Statement Pharmacy? .6.

Harpagon est d’une extreme violence. And Consequences Of The Wa? Pourquoi les menaces qu’il profere nous font-elles rire ? L’etude d’un personnage-type du theatre molieresque : le personnage a marotte. Egypt Homework? L’analyse du monologue et de l’art du rire. Causes? Moliere avait trouve dans La Marmite de Plaute l’Idee du monologue de l’avare vole. Ancient Egypt Homework? Ce monologue se retrouve dans la comedie Des Esprits de Larivey (1579). Cold Wa? On appreciera comment Moliere transforme ce qu’il emprunte. L’avare Severin vient de retrouver sa bourse pleine de cailloux : « Helas ! Je suis detruit ! Je suis perdu ! Je suis ruine ! Au voleur, au larron, au larron, prenez-le, arretez tous ceux qui passent, fermez les portes, les huis, les-fenetres, miserable que je suis ! ou cours-je ? A qui le dis- je ? Je ne sais ou je suis, que je fais, ni ou je vais. Persuasive Essay Rhetorical? Helas, mes amis, je me recommande a vous tous ! Secourez-moi, je vous prie, je suis mort, je suis perdu. And Consequences Wa? Enseignez-moi qui m’a derobe mon ame, ma vie, mon c?ur et toute mon esperance ; que n’ai-je un licol pour me pendre ? Car j’aime mieux mourir que vivre ainsi : helas, elle est toute vide ! Vrai Dieu, qui est ce cruel qui tout a coup m’a ravi mes biens, mon honneur et ma vie ? Ah ! Chetif que je suis, que ce jour m’a ete malencontreux ! A quoi veux-je plus vivre, puisque j’ai perdu mes ecus que j’avais si soigneusement amasses, que j’aimais et tenais plus chers que mes propres yeux ? Mes ecus que j’avais epargnes retirant le pain de ma bouche, n’osant manger mon saoul, et qu’un autre jouit maintenant de mon mal et de mon dommage ? » II- LECTURE ANALYTIQUE DU TEXTE DE MOLI E RE.

Le recours au monologue tres frequent dans le theatre du debut du siecle a ete condamne par les critiques et delaisse par les createurs comme trop factice. Ancient Homework? On n’en trouvera pas dans les grandes comedies de Moliere et le celebre monologue d’Harpagon est le seul de L’avare. Causes Cold Wa? Il permet a Moliere de montrer toute la folie d’un personnage que sa passion de l’argent a completement isole. Of Objective Essay? L’avare, se mefiant de tout le monde, considerant son prochain comme un eventuel voleur, s’est coupe des autres. Of The Wa? Le monologue est la parole qui mene de la solitude au delire.

Le monologue d’Harpagon n’a rien d’un monologue interieur : c’est un cri de douleur et de rage. Writing Research Papers Across The Curriculum? Apres une serie d’appels au secours lances dans le vide et auxquels personne ne repond (I. And Consequences Cold? 1-3), Harpagon s’adresse a son eventuel voleur mais se trompe (l.6-7), puis a son argent (l.8-12). Personal Assistant? Enfin, le personnage franchit la ligne invisible qui separe la scene de la salle, la fiction du reel, et s’en prend aux spectateurs qu’il supplie, interroge, menace : « Ils me regardent tous et se mettent a rire » (l.25). Of The? Ce moment ou la solitude d’Harpagon s’identifie a la solitude du personnage de theatre dont la douleur ne suscite que les rires est poignant. C’est en accentuant ce que le monologue a de plus artificiel - le personnage seul en scene s’adresse a des Interlocuteurs absents - que Moliere fait d’une convention theatrale un moment de verite. Research Across? Le tempo d’un discours toujours au bord de la rupture rend sensible l’emotion d’Harpagon. And Consequences Of The? La tirade est lancee par une serie de breves exclamatives et interrogatives qui sont comme autant de cris pousses dans le vide (l.1 -8).

Ces modalites impliquent un acteur en mouvement qui venant des coulisses prend peu a peu possession de la scene en courant d’un cote de l’autre. Reflective Essay? La frequence des groupes binaires souligne l’effarement du personnage qui ne sait ou donner de la tete (l.4) et se lance dans des mouvements desordonnes (I. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold Wa? 5-6) jusqu’a prendre son bras pour celui du voleur (Charles Dullin arrivait sur scene une chandelle a la main et saisissait l’ombre de son bras). Of Objective Essay? Un rythme ternaire (l.8) termine le mouvement et immobilise l’acteur qui se lance dans un adagio passionne (l.8-13) ou les exclamatives s’allongent en groupements ternaires jusqu’a la plaisante gradation qui le mene a la mort (l.13). Le dernier moment (l.13-29) montre Harpagon dechire entre deux mouvements sceniques opposes. Cold? D’une part, Harpagon, par des ?interronegatives (l.13, 24), des interrogatives (l.15, 21-23) se tourne vers le public et semble vouloir quitter la scene par la salle. Kolb? D’autre part, des imperatifs (l.17 et 26), des exclamatives (l.27) marquent la decision a laquelle le monologue aboutit : le personnage, entre cote jardin, quitte la scene par la coulisse, cote cour, toujours criant, toujours courant ! L’avare fait de son argent une veritable personne a laquelle il adresse une declaration passionnee. Causes Of The Cold? Harpagon tutoie tendrement celui qu’il appelle « mon cher ami ». Of A? La valeur affectueuse des adjectifs « pauvre » et « cher » (les linguistes utiliseraient-ils ici leur joli « hypocoristique » ?) s’applique drolement au nom « argent ». Causes Of The Wa? Sans cet argent, sa vie n’a plus de sens : ses formules desesperees (l.10-12) semblent destinees a l’etre aime. Research Across? Dans la scene 3 de l’Acte V, Moliere joue sur le mot « tresor » qui designe pour Valere la jeune fille aimee et pour Harpagon sa chere cassette.

L’avarice est cet amour fou qui se trompe d’objet : cette perversion fascinait les contemporains de Moliere (cf. Tallemant, Boileau, La Bruyere) toujours si sensibles aux manifestations de l’amour de soi. Causes Cold Wa? L’art du rire, dit-on souvent, est l’art de forcer le trait caracteristique. Writing The Curriculum 5th? On reagit par le rire a un exces qui peut paraitre inquietant. Causes Of The Cold? La folie saisit Harpagon lorsque, obsede par son voleur, il saisit son propre bras, lorsqu’il s’adresse en termes passionnes a son argent. Functions Of A Family Essay? Elle l'entraine aussi a des formules ou sa hargne se retourne ridiculement contre lui-meme : emporte dans une enumeration menacante, il veut se faire donner la torture « a moi aussi » (I. And Consequences Of The Cold Wa? 19) puis, voulant faire pendre tout le monde, il annonce lui-meme sa propre fin (l.29). Of Objective? Pris au piege d’un discours qui s’affole, Harpagon s’expose aux rires de tous ceux qui le regardent. Pourtant, sa violence pourrait faire peur ; quelle mefiance, quelle rage punitive ! Sous pretexte de justice, l’avare brandit la panoplie des heros sadiens : « des genes, des potences et des bourreaux » (l.27). And Consequences Of The Cold? Le soupcon generalise qui se retourne contre l’inquisiteur lui-meme, montre quel delire menace toute politique securitaire. Essay Kolb Model? Cette violence n’empeche pas le rire, elle lui donne sa force : le rire ecarte d’autant plus facilement cette violence dont il se nourrit que le personnage menacant est momentanement reduit a l’impuissance.

Groupement de textes sur le monologue theatral. Causes And Consequences? Le monologue au theatre. Persuasive Essay Rhetorical? Moliere, L’Avare ; Beaumarchais, Le Mariage de Figaro ; Koltes, La Nuit juste avant les forets ; eventuellement Corneille, Le Cid (le monologue de don Diegue ou les stances de Rodrigue) ; Ionesco, Rhinoceros (le monologue de Berenger). Le monologue est l’exemple d’une convention specifiquement theatrale. Of The? Il a connu une grande vogue au debut du XVIIIe siecle : dans Clitandre comme encore dans Le Cid, Corneille multiplie ces morceaux de bravoure qui permettaient aux grands acteurs de faire frissonner le public.

Mais bien vite, cette convention parut artificielle : le personnage du confident permit d’y recourir le moins possible. Homework Help? On se demandera ce qui justifie le recours a ce procede. Of The Wa? Pour quelles raisons est- il, a chaque fois, irremplacable ? Quel est son effet sur le public ? Lire plus d'articles sur Moliere: Nous avons 119#160invites et aucun membre en ligne.

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The 8 Most Important Causes and Consequences of the Cold War

Heroes Journey Essays and Research Papers. Heroes Essay The question remains: who is worthy to be called a hero? I have seen many people who deserve the title of a hero for many bold . actions. Sure, they do not wear legendary costumes, drive bat-mobiles or possess superhuman abilities. Of course, there is much more to a hero than just what is visible to the eye. And Consequences Wa. As a matter of fact, it is all about what is on the inside—the qualities and behavior fixed in a mentality.

That is functions of a why self-obsessed people do not make it on the list of and consequences of the heroes . Acts of the pharmacy assistant, Apostles , Courage , Fact 967 Words | 3 Pages. ? HEROES - HOW THEY INFLUENCE OUR LIVES WHAT IS A HERO? A hero is someone of moral excellence who is looked up to and admired by others . Heroes mean different things to different people but TRUE heroes have one extraordinary thing in common - a firm sense of right and and consequences wrong, good values and morals and the strength of character to across, live by that. True heroes are heroic in both their personal and public lives and of the cold wa are the people who will be remembered for their positive influence in persuasive essay rhetorical, the lives of. Character , English-language films , Hero 1471 Words | 9 Pages. Heroes Robert Cormier Teaching Resour. Home Secondary Resources KS4 English Teaching Resources KS4 Reading - Prose HEROES (ROBERT CORMIER) Heroes (Robert . Cormier) Teaching Resources includes a 127 slide PowerPoint, 35 worksheets and cold a scheme of work overview. Heroes (Robert Cormier) is functions family a detailed unit of work featuring a series of 15 lessons designed to develop pupil knowledge and understanding of the novel Heroes by and consequences cold wa Robert Cormier at GCSE. Our Heroes teaching resource includes a range of activities for essay pupils of all abilities: -A. England , English people , Heroes 412 Words | 2 Pages. The Character Larry LaSalle in the book Heroes In the book Heroes by Robert Cormier Larry LaSalle is Causes and consequences a mysterious and statement shady . character who often controls the others in the book even when it would seem he was in a hopelessly weak position.

However he is popular and stands out from the crowd and ran a popular youth club for teens. He was also a decorated war hero, who, like Francis Joseph Cassavant, had won a Silver Star medal for bravery. And Consequences Cold. However little is known about his previous life (lives?). American film actors , American television actors , Bismuth-209 993 Words | 3 Pages. Title: Choice Book Report I. Kolb. Heroes II. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold. Robert Cormier III. Laurel-Leaf Books, 1998 IV. Statement Pharmacy Assistant. Personal library V. Pages: 135 pages VI. Of The Cold. . Fiction VII.

Fiction is of a family something told or written that is not fact: something made up. 2. A made up story about real or imaginary persons or events. VIII. Summary: A. Setting-The setting of Heroes is in a small town called Frenchtown. Causes. It is set in the early 1940s during the Second World War. Everyone knows each other in this town because it is so small. There. 1930s , 1940s , Great Depression 748 Words | 3 Pages. How Does Robert Cormier Present Ideas About Heroes in essay, His Novel, Heroes? By Maisie Tildesley 9GS How does Cormier present ideas about heroes in his novel? Robert Cormier’s book “ Heroes ” published . after the and consequences of the cold wa, Second World War has many heroic characters although they are represented in very different ways.

People’s “typical” ideas of heroes can be wrong, and that people who do not necessarily have a hero’s appearance can be the most heroic. The author initially made Francis into a character who thinks very little of himself, dislikes the essay, way he looks, and who doesn’t. Character , Hero , Heroes 1301 Words | 4 Pages. Explore how Robert Cormier disturbingly conveys betrayal and Causes wa its tragic consequences in his novel Heroes. Explore how Robert Cormier disturbingly conveys betrayal and its tragic consequences in his novel Heroes . Betrayal is one of the most . awful acts that can commit a human being, it becomes even more awful when this act is committed by someone you love. In the novel “ heroes ” by Robert Cormier, the essay, horrific betrayals that Larry Lasalle causes will tragically change the and consequences of the, lives of Francis Casavant and personal pharmacy Nicole Renard.

At the beginning Robert Cormier is showing Larry as the most trustful men of all FrenchTown. Acts of the Apostles , American films , Character 813 Words | 3 Pages. is always a person that one is always looking up to; that person could almost bring tears to one’s eyes just though their shear integrity. That is what a . hero is to me. Heroes are not figures like Spiderman, Batman, Superman, or any of of the wa those so-called heroes . They are merely figures as I previously stated. Superheroes would be heroes to me if they didn’t have to wear flamboyant outfits or use ludicrous superpowers.

Superpowers in movies, comics, or books are usually things normal people could never. American films , English-language films , Family 922 Words | 3 Pages. and asked if he could try it out for himself. “I thought it would be a breeze because its just a simple home workout,” he smirked. Little did he know, he . was about to challenge himself harder than ever before. Functions Essay. This was only the beginning of cold wa his journey to understand what dedication and commitment truly meant. A.J. decided that we should meet at his local gym which he attends daily.

I got there a little early and decided to check out the environment. Inside was a sizable room filled with machines. Commitment , Exercise , Journey 968 Words | 3 Pages. come up with alternatives are: 1. The probability of passing smoothly through valley is greater than 95% which will help me reach the essay, claims office in two . to three weeks. Causes. 2. Essay Rhetorical Strategies. The extent of danger on valley route is not life threatening. 3. The journey on the valley route is slow and tiring because of the Causes and consequences of the cold wa, uneven or rough terrain. 4. Taking up the task of exploring gold mine in Alaska can only be taken by a person who is well trained and skilled to of objective, walk on rough terrains, survive in extreme climate. 2006 albums , Actuarial science , Extreme weather 1310 Words | 4 Pages. idol, stands out in today's civilization. Heros exists in and consequences cold wa, this world when they show certain traits.

Heroes exist in this world . when they demonstrate that they are brave, compassionate, and caring. For example, heros exist when they show the character trait brave, as proved in rhetorical, the quote “Hero” when it states,“ . They're risking their lives…”. Risking their lives, heroes are proven to be brave because they know that they can be put in of the, dangerous situation that can lead to kolb model, losing their. Brave New World , Chuck , Hearing impairment 910 Words | 3 Pages. Heroes (1998) is Causes cold wa a short novel by American author Robert Cormier aimed at teenagers. The book is set in Frenchtown, Massachusetts during World . War II.

The novel focuses on the protagonist, Francis Joseph Cassavant's return to Frenchtown after coming back disfigured from the war, and wears a scarf covering his face to save others from seeing the horror of his injuries and wanting to be anonymous. We learn that Francis has specifically returned to Frenchtown for reflective essay kolb model a purpose, which is to kill Larry LaSalle. Heroes , Love , Novel 760 Words | 2 Pages. The Importance of Setting in Jack Londons To Build a Fire and Kate Chopins The Storm anyone who makes himself vulnerable to of the, its ability to kill. Fifty degrees below zero was to reflective kolb, him just precisely fifty degrees below zero.

That there should . be anything more to and consequences cold wa, it than that was a thought that never entered his head. During his journey , the man gets his feet wet as he falls through the ice into the water of a hot spring. Because of the severity of the cold, the man’s life depends upon his ability to adapt to his surroundings. After one, half-successful fire-starting endeavor, and. Fiction , Jack London , Journey 1471 Words | 4 Pages. were our heroes . We looked up to of a, them, didn’t we? And we admired them and read stories about them late into the night. Causes And Consequences. Weren’t you inspired by . Ancient Help. their courage and hoped you could grow up brave and strong?

Weren’t you thrilled by Causes and consequences their exploits and their charisma? Since we’ve had heroes and idols since we were children, our aspect of them changes as we mature. A hero can shift from a very fictious character to an everyday person in the real world. As kids, we fall into the idea that heroes are only. Consciousness , Good and evil , Hero 924 Words | 2 Pages. opportunity; hearing about the possibilities of land ownership in family essay, the western united states. Wa. The thought of owning land excited everyone, causing much . thought to go into how they could afford and survive such a long and what they know will be a difficult journey . Many families had very similar backgrounds; they currently farmed using each family member in one way or another around the essay, property. Generally, the men worked the fields while the women would feed everyone, do laundry, and cold wa watch after any small. Anxiety , Journey , Meteorology 1716 Words | 4 Pages.

of the stars to help find out what time it was. For finding the latitude and longitude of essay kolb my ships I used a quadrant or an astrolabe. An astrolabe was . simpler to use rather than the Causes, quadrant but both were equally as helpful to the success of ancient egypt homework help my journey . Cold Wa. I set sail on the ninth of March, 1500. Persuasive Essay Rhetorical Strategies. The king was feeling extremely generous and sent me with 13 other vessels and 1,200 men scattered throughout said boats, we were on our way to India, but let me back up, my name is Pedro Cabral, I’m 32. Age of Discovery , Brazil , History of Causes cold Portugal 1066 Words | 6 Pages. ?King Lear- Self Reflection More than anything else, journeys are about the of a essay, challenge of self- reflection. A man's journey to . self-reflection is inevitably difficult. One will not become completely self-aware until he is able to see the world clearly. And Consequences Of The. This un-blinding will only persuasive essay rhetorical occur once the person has endured the pains associated with finding oneself. This idea is evident in the tragedy King Lear, by William Shakespeare.

Both King Lear himself, as well as Gloucester are deceived and undergo an. Acts of the Apostles , Edmund , Fool 945 Words | 3 Pages. idea of a ‘ journey ’ apply to Tripitaka’s pilgrimage? If so, how? The idea of embarking on . journeys has stood the test of and consequences wa time - early man explored uncharted territories, while modern citizens jump at the chance to have an overseas experience. Are we truly concerned with materialistic experiences, or are we seeking to expand our horizons ? The term pilgrimage itself suggests a journey to a geographical location of spiritual importance. Writing Across The Curriculum. However, journey in this case. Bodhi , Buddhism , Buddhist texts 1383 Words | 5 Pages. heroisme. So lets start with how we define what a heroe is. The definitions of a hero, according to of the wa, “El Libro de los Heroes ” says that “A . hero is egypt homework help a person noted for and consequences cold feets of courage and ability of purpose, specially the one who risks or sacrifices his or her life”, but it goes on to say that its a person notused for assistant special achievement on a particular field, such as the heroes of medicine.

Basically, agreeing with the “World Hero Association” a hero is someone who for whatever reason or reasons. Action film , Courage , Hero 783 Words | 2 Pages. Notes on How to Write a Good Comparitive Essay. Chloe Colaco 9DC How does Cormier present the ideas about heroes in his novel? Robert Cormier’s book ‘ Heroes ’ opens by . introducing us to and consequences cold, the main character Francis Cassavant, a ex-military soldier, wounded by a grenade from when he fought in World War Two. Persuasive Strategies. There are three main characters in this book; Francis, Larry and Nicole. Throughout this book Cormier gives an insight into how all these characters interlock, with Francis’ mission, to kill Larry LaSalle. In the and consequences cold, first chapter of this. Character , Courage , Hero 1880 Words | 5 Pages. Heroes in Poetry - the Hero Siegfred Sassoon. HEROES IN POETRY The Hero 'Jack fell as he'd have wished,' the functions essay, mother said, And folded up the letter that she'd read. 'The Colonel writes . so nicely.' Something broke In the tired voice that quivered to Causes and consequences cold wa, a choke.

She half looked up. 'We mothers are so proud Of our dead soldiers.' Then her face was bowed. Quietly the Brother Officer went out. He'd told the poor old dear some gallant lies That she would nourish all her days, no doubt For while he coughed and features of objective essay mumbled, her weak eyes Had shone. Courage , Death , Hero 850 Words | 3 Pages. Who is Causes wa Nicole Renard? Nicole Renard is an innocent young girl who is not only Francis’ first and only love but also the victim of Larry LaSalle.

Can I . Features. critically respond to the text, ‘ Heroes ’? (AO1) I must generally refer to relevant aspects of Heroes I should discuss thoroughly and of the wa increasingly thoughtfully characters/relationships I could consider and research the curriculum suggest experimental ideas and judgements; Quotation ‘That would be nice.’ Means? When she agrees to go to the cinema with Francis she. Heroes , Robert Cormier , Year of birth missing 3616 Words | 14 Pages. A Desert Journey Waiting can be a special form of torture, worse than any momentary pain. And Consequences Wa. The combination of frustration and boredom can . send even the bravest heart into a state of research papers across the curriculum panic. Our first journey will bring us face to face with the infinite.

Take a moment to prepare yourself, and Causes and consequences of the wa eternal desert. Research Papers 5th. 1. Causes And Consequences Cold Wa. You are riding a camel across the vast and empty expanse of a seemingly endless dessert. You have ridden until you are near exhaustion. Ancient Homework. What words would you say to the camel that has. Debut albums , Desert , Emotion 420 Words | 2 Pages. “A Heroes Journey ” “A hero is a ordinary individual who finds the strength to wa, persevere and endure in spite of writing papers across 5th overwhelming . obstacles” Quoted by Christopher reeves. Christopher reeves was a famous actor but after his near-fatal horse riding accident on a cross-country course he could never go back into that business since 1995. “ To kill a mockingbird ” by harper lee.

Atticus finch is a significant character in Harper Lee’s to kill a mockingbird because he is an idol in the eyes of his. Atticus Finch , Black people , Harper Lee 928 Words | 3 Pages. 'Heroes' by Robert Cormier - short answer essay example question. How does Cormier create sympathy for both Nicole and Francis in pages 68-69 of the novella? This extract has been taken from Chapter 11 of the novella: . ‘ Heroes ’ by Robert Cormier. It is significant as this is the point of the storyline when Nicole is abused by Larry LaSalle. In this extract, Cormier uses dramatic language to and consequences of the cold wa, suggest Francis’ fear of Larry and his feeling of distress. This can be seen with the phrases “a moment of panic” and kolb “heart thudding” implying that Francis has almost. Emotion , English-language films , Feeling 514 Words | 2 Pages.

| Jamaica's National Heroes Published Nov 20, 1995 | Jamaica’s National Heroes dared to challenge the Causes and consequences, institution of . colonialism and in so doing changed the course of Jamaica’s history giving social and political freedom to its people. Today, the statues of Jamaica’s seven National Heroes stand in proud acknowledgment, in writing, the National Heroes Park in Kingston where they are viewed with inspiring pride, unforgettable symbols of Jamaica’s enduring strength.PAUL BOGLE birth date uncertain-died. Alexander Bustamante , History of and consequences of the Jamaica , Jamaica 801 Words | 3 Pages. puzzle games. The communities are too far apart to be a single gaming community. Take a look at the most played game in the world, League of Legends . It has . little to no tie with the popular fighting game genre,and it is at war with people that play Heroes of Newerth. Nasty internet quarrels, forum raids and other attacks have gone between the two communities as chronicled in Nigma's The HoN community - how bad is it.

These are just one of many civil wars that are being fought among the so called “gaming. Existence , Gamer , Gaming 1233 Words | 3 Pages. ?Hero’s Journey Essay The hero’s journey is an aspect that’s found in many books and even movies. The Kite Runner by Khaled . Hosseini is a very famous book read by many English classes based on a hero’s journey . The characters in features essay, this book struggle to find out what their journey is, especially the main character Amir. Refusal of the call means the hero attempts to refuse the Causes of the cold, adventure because he is afraid. Reflective Essay. Amir holds back from doing a lot in Causes cold wa, the book because he is afraid of the outcome that comes.

2003 in literature , A Thousand Splendid Suns , Hazara people 1440 Words | 6 Pages. Abuse/b/center br brAs the fog descends around the Tyrone's summer home, another fog falls on the family within. This fog is ancient homework that of substance abuse, . in which each of the four main characters of Causes of the cold Eugene O'Neill's play, Long Day's Journey into Night face by the end of Act IV. Long Day's Journey into Night is a metaphoric representation of the of a, path from normalcy to demise by Causes and consequences showing the general effects of substance abuse on human psychology and family dysfunctions through the characters Mary, Jamie, Edmund and. Addiction , Alcohol , Alcohol abuse 1819 Words | 5 Pages. as Journey to the West by Wu-Cheng-en, the egypt help, central characters participate in a series of events that lead to the establishment of their . personalities and aspirations. Monkey, a shared protagonist of the novels, lives in a world of self-absorption and his immature, unjustified actions bring severe punishment, continuing the rest of of the cold wa his endless life while trapped under a pile of rocks. Of Objective Essay. Later, a monk arrives at Causes cold, Monkey’s imprisonment site to ask for accompaniment towards a long, perilous journey into. Chinese mythology , Gene Yang , George Bernard Shaw 1594 Words | 4 Pages.

train journey after crossing Poland accompanied by Iggy Pop and photographer Andrew Kent, . KGB recorded trunk and found several books about David’s new favourite subject: the Third Reich. After seeing that their identity documents were in order, the three travellers were able to continue their journey getting. Heroes , Bing Crosby , Iggy Pop 4435 Words | 151 Pages. is a random citizen that rises to the a occasion and performs an action of superhero proportions. A hero is writing across the curriculum somebody as average as you and me that sees a . problem and takes it upon themselves to fix it.

There are many examples of heroes in our modern day world. Some heroes are the brave, courageous, and valiant men and Causes and consequences of the cold women that serve in papers across 5th, our military. These are people that are just like you and I. They do not have any extraordinary superpowers besides an unwavering sense of duty towards this country. Hero , Heroes , Military 504 Words | 2 Pages. lies and denial, one can live a misleading life. Causes Wa. People are forced to of objective, operate under a facade until they are forced to reflect upon their fake life. This may . result in epiphanies which compel them to and consequences cold, learn something about themselves. In Long Day’s Journey into Night, a play by Eugene O’Neill, a day in the life of the Tyrone family is chronicled as they start off acting as a close family but the reality of their situation is unraveled through the day under the use of features of objective essay drugs and alcohol.

Each member of. Addiction , Drug addiction , Epiphany 1766 Words | 4 Pages. created legend, or told campfire stories. Causes. These are humanities imaginary examples of features of objective essay perfect heroes . One example of a perfect hero is the . And Consequences Of The Wa. legendary hero, Beowulf. A more modern example of this idea of a perfect hero is the comic book creation, Superman, who is featured in Alex Ross' edition of Kingdom Come. Both of essay rhetorical strategies these heroes are quite similar, but only in the idea that they're both perfect heroes . Yet, once they are examined in categories other than this, they seem quite different. Some of. Beowulf , Captain Marvel , Heroes 385 Words | 2 Pages.

in his journey with Stickeen and how they overcame the Causes and consequences of the, suspense of strategies death that benefited their relationship into making it stronger. Muir’s . Of The Cold Wa. mission is to explore the icy region of southeastern Alaska which may conclude that it is going to be an adventure for Muir as well as for the readers in the sense that neither of them know what Muir is going to come across on this mission. Right in the beginning, the story gets interesting when a crew member decides to bring his dog along the help, journey . Causes And Consequences. Muir wasn’t. Anxiety , Camp Muir , Fear 695 Words | 2 Pages. #9;In the play Long Day's Journey Into Night by Eugene O'Neill, the Tyrone family is model haunted not by what is present in Causes and consequences of the wa, flesh facing them, but . by memories and constant reminders of what has been the downfall of the strategies, family for years. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold. quot; No it can never be now.

But it was once, before you-quot; (72) [James Tyrone referring to the Morphine addiction of his wife, Mary, which attributed to the undoing of the family]. Their trials and tribulations are well documented by O'Neill through the proficient. Dysfunctional family , Emotion , Family 827 Words | 3 Pages. Seven Deadly Sins and Play Everyman. life of writing research papers Everyman, a wealthy man in Causes cold wa, his prime who is persuasive rhetorical suddenly called by Death to appear before God for judgment. On his journey to meet God, he . And Consequences. seeks assistance from lifelong companions Fellowship (friends), Kindred and Cousin (family), and Goods (material wealth), but all abandon him because he has neglected them in life, Good-Deeds is statement pharmacy too weak to accompany Everyman on Causes and consequences cold, his journey . She advises him to call on Knowledge (awareness of homework help sin). Knowledge escorts Everyman to Confession, who directs him to. Everyman , Five wits , Medieval philosophy 1594 Words | 5 Pages.

pounce on every mistake I made. She was an irascible woman, and I had not prepared my homework. Leila Ahmed (3)Tomorrow, Aug. 27, we proudly remember the . Causes And Consequences Of The Wa. brave sacrifice of our fellow Filipinos with the commemoration of National Heroes Day. Features Of Objective Essay. Yet some of and consequences of the cold wa our bravest heroes continue to find themselves both forsaken and forgotten—and their time is truly running out. Inquirer Editorial Don’t’s: Start composition with apology, announcing flatly the intentions, using dictionary definitions of subjects. Hero , Heroes' Day , IDeaS 876 Words | 3 Pages. Some people’s heroes include Superman or fictional characters while others involve their family members or friends. When I think of writing research across a hero I . Causes And Consequences Wa. think of someone who is persuasive rhetorical strategies strong, intelligent, and daring. Many children have fictional heroes , because they take on such great tasks and Causes of the cold wa goals. They also endure much resistance, hardship, and danger.

Often the hero learns valuable lessons about survival and self-reliance. Pharmacy Assistant. There are many examples of heroes in Causes and consequences, our modern day world. Some heroes are the personal statement assistant, brave. Armed forces , Character , Hero 426 Words | 2 Pages. Girls and scholarship The phrase entered the mainstream, however, during the mid-1990s with the British pop quintet Spice Girls.[4][5][6][7] Professor . Of The. Susan Hopkins, in her 2002 text, Girl Heroes : The New Force in Popular Culture, suggested a correlation between girl power, Spice Girls and female action heroes at the end of the 20th century.[8] Other scholars have also examined the ancient homework help, phrase, girl power, often within the context of the academic field, Buffy Studies.[9] Media theorist Kathleen Rowe.

Cultural studies , Feminist theory , Girl Heroes 1237 Words | 5 Pages. but imagine himself in Margo’s shoes. This trait of his, may be considered slightly obsessive, but he only does this to figure out what goes on in Margo’s . head. Quentin is undeniably infatuated with Margo and that fact is never doubted through his journey to find her. Quentin is level-headed yet obsessive. He kept going and searching for Causes and consequences Margo until he found her. “She was alive for one more day at least, she was alive.

I had focused on her whereabouts for so long in an attempt to keep me from egypt, obsessively. American novels , Character , English-language films 403 Words | 2 Pages. person or an animal that is able to put a smile on a human face and make others feel comfortable and safe, without further thinking. People can’t call . themselves heroes because they do not have superpowers, however people do heroic things. People don’t have to do big things to become heroes , they can do little things and Causes and consequences of the cold wa that still make them heroes . Animals can do similar things. When I was a little girl I believed that a hero is features essay a rich person who will always buy candies and toys for kids, since their.

Athena , Form of the Good , Hero 641 Words | 2 Pages. His name was Xuan Zang, he was a Tang Monk. Causes Of The Cold Wa. The monk’s mission was to get to the west to get the persuasive essay rhetorical strategies, Sutras, but he would need an escort to do this, so Buddha . arranged that The Monkey King would go with him. Throughout their journey two more disciples would join in on their journey . You should change who or what you are because of what other people think about Causes and consequences of the cold you, always stay true to assistant, yourself no matter what because in the end you just make yourself looking worse. Causes And Consequences Of The Wa. “The world may judge you negatively. Buddhism , China , Chinese mythology 993 Words | 3 Pages. Hero, Romeo has been seen to research papers across, do this too by and consequences of the cold wa gatecrashing the Capulet ball. Essay. “Self important manner and inclination to Causes cold wa, evaluate all decisions and actions in . terms of repercussion upon personal pharmacy, oneself” this was quoted by Causes cold a critic - Furst- regarding Romantic heroes . This is clearly shown in egypt help, Darcy’s first proposal to Elizabeth at Causes and consequences of the cold, the Collins’ house. Reflective Kolb Model. “ his sense of of the cold wa her inferiority- of it’s being a degradation . ” During the whole proposal he spoke about how this marriage would affect his reputation since Elizabeth. Byronic hero , Characters in persuasive essay, Romeo and Juliet , George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron 2391 Words | 6 Pages. Equality (CORE) planned a special journey called the Causes and consequences cold, “ Journey of Reconciliation” designed to test the Supreme Court's 1946 . decision in the Irene Morgan case, which declared segregated seating of interstate passengers unconstitutional. Personal Pharmacy Assistant. An interracial group of passengers met with heavy resistance in the upper South. Some members of the group served on a chain gang after they were arrested in Causes and consequences of the cold wa, North Carolina. Help. The South was not ready for the integration.

This journey is one that inspired the Freedom Riders. Boynton v. Virginia , Freedom Rides , Interstate Commerce Commission 928 Words | 3 Pages. renewed faith in mankind. I was living in Billings, Montana and was moving back home to Kennewick, Washington with my six month old daughter. It was a 670 . mile journey . I drove a little blue Ford Festiva and had it packed to the point where I didn’t think anything else could fit in it. Cold. It was a beautiful sunny morning when we left on our journey . Writing Research Papers. I was feeling pretty good by the time we reached Bozeman, Montana, about and consequences cold 150 miles into our trip. The radio was playing perfect sing along music, the sun. Automobile , Journey , Random act of kindness 724 Words | 2 Pages. whispered : Is there one among us to record this moment? but there was none – no one (except for a few warm rocks hidden among mongoose ferns) . even heard a sound. Already the children of Cocoa Bottom had lit their lamps for the dark journey home, and it was too late – the moment had passed . The Curriculum 5th. Marcia Douglas Kling-klings*: birds (Greater Antillean Grackles).

Journey , Kanon , Key 253 Words | 2 Pages. Repression and Desire in Lond Day's Journey Into Night. needs in the title, the thing that made psychoanalysts point to the role of the repression of the pleasure principle in controlling the characters. II. And Consequences Wa. . Body A. Topic sentence 1: The title, Long Day's Journey into statement pharmacy Night, expresses a different journey for each character, a journey that helps them to reveal their psychological needs. 1. Support. 2. Support. 3. Support. 4. Support. Causes Cold. B. Topic sentence 2: Psychoanalysts denote the importance of the repression of the pleasure. Dream , Long Day's Journey into Night , Nobel Prize 876 Words | 4 Pages.

'liberty' (Vl 338) and he and egypt homework a fellow student set off for the Alps. When his trip begins there is a distinct change of mood. Although this is a . Wa. retrospective account he seems to re-experience the gladness and freedom he felt upon beginning his journey , and as readers we share the experience with him. Statement. The narrative becomes free-flowing and exuberant. Causes Of The. Where his account of personal statement pharmacy university life was only 'shadow'd forth, as far as there is Causes cold need' (Vl 337) he now lingers over persuasive strategies his experiences and of the cold wa responses. The Climax , The Journey Continues , The Prelude 1800 Words | 6 Pages.

coming home, Away has completed a full circle but there is an features essay, off turn in the circle, in that the class is and consequences of the cold wa now outdoors “under the help, trees” not in Causes of the wa, the “garish . light” of the school hall. Reflective Model. Away and the chapter of the characters journeys closes at the conclusion of the play, but the journey itself continues “toward death”.” 5. USE of MUSIC Act 3, Sc 4 The Wedding March Act 3, Sc 5 Dream 6. IDIOM and COLLOQUIAL LANGUAGE “Little Chips Rafferty’s” 7. IRONY Meg : when you’re married. Allusion , Chips Rafferty , Journey 325 Words | 2 Pages. the adventures of of the cold wa hucklebery finn. 9:30 PM 5/17/2013 9:43 PM 128 44100 MPEG audio file Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) Journey Stephen Perry Frontiers Rock 6473292 323 1 1 . 1 14 1983 8/17/2013 8:53 PM 8/17/2013 8:52 PM 160 44100 MPEG audio file Send Her My Love Journey Stephen Perry Frontiers Rock 4695386 234 1 1 2 14 1983 8/17/2013 8:53 PM 8/17/2013 8:53 PM 160 44100 MPEG audio file 1 8/18/2013 4:00 AM Chain Reaction Journey Neal Schon/Stephen Perry Frontiers Rock 5223069 261 1 1 3 14 1983 8/17/2013 8:53 PM 8/17/2013. Blues , Deep Purple , Def Leppard 7536 Words | 32 Pages.

Long Day's Journey - Significance of Fog. Long Days Journey : The Significance of Fog (8) A Long Day's Journey Into Night, by Eugene O'Neill, is a deeply . Personal Statement Pharmacy. autobiographical play. His life was rampant with confusion and addictions in his family. Causes Cold Wa. Each character in persuasive essay, this play has a profound resemblance, and draws parallels and connections with a member of his own family. The long journey that the title of the play refers to is a journey into his past. Fog is a recurring metaphor in the play; it is a physical presence even before it. Addiction , Drug addiction , Eugene O'Neill 1784 Words | 4 Pages. theme so effective, thought-provoking and, at times, chilling is his belief that evil is often to be found in the most unlikely of places. Consequently, . whilst his heroes are often lonely and of the cold emotionally vulnerable teenagers, his ‘evil’ characters are either extraordinarily charming or so ordinary as to be almost invisible. Homework. In “ Heroes ”, Larry LaSalle falls into the former category. His “Fred Astaire” walk and and consequences of the wa “movie-star smile” are the perfect disguise for hiding his dark secret: his weakness for.

American film actors , American television actors , Dark side 410 Words | 2 Pages. Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Journey to the Center of the Earth is an 1864 science fiction novel by Jules Verne (published in writing papers the curriculum 5th, the original French as Voyage au centre de la . Terre). The story involves a professor who leads his nephew and and consequences of the wa hired guide down a volcano in Iceland to writing papers across the curriculum, the center of the Earth. And Consequences Cold. They encounter many adventures, including prehistoric animals and natural hazards, eventually coming to personal statement pharmacy assistant, the surface again in southern Italy. From a scientific point of view, this story has not aged quite as well as other Verne. A Journey to the Center of the Earth , Earth , From the Earth to the Moon 1381 Words | 4 Pages. Elijah did not experience slavery and Causes of the wa oftentimes he does not understand the importance and significance of the freedom.

However as the reflective kolb, story goes on, he . realizes the struggles that black Americans went through as slaves to rich white people. His journey portrays character development from a fragile, naive and fearful little boy to a courageous and and consequences mature man. Research Papers The Curriculum 5th. Elijah’s character is developed while attempting to balance his ideals with the reality of 1800 slavery. And Consequences Of The. This is shown through his actions. American Civil War , Christopher Paul Curtis , Man 1436 Words | 6 Pages. Frankenstein: Scientific Discovery and the Role of Knowledge.

role of knowledge. The monster is often interpreted as a warning against the pursuit of knowledge and of a essay as a demonstration of its dangers. Cold. In the early . chapter, when Robert mentioned about the curriculum his discovery and journey , Victor’s responded in a negative way towards it. Walton, discussing his journey and talked about Causes and consequences of the wa “with all the kolb, favor that warmed me, how gladly I would sacrifice my fortune, my existence, my every hope, to the furtherance of my enterprise. One man’s life or death were but a small price.

Debut albums , Hope , Journey 575 Words | 2 Pages. Steve. And Consequences Wa. They began their search at YouTube by setting up a contest where users sent in of a family essay, videos of themselves singing songs written by of the cold wa Journey as . they judged who performed the writing research papers the curriculum 5th, best. The winner happened to be a homeless Philippino man living in California. He was a first-time user of YouTube and cold he sent in a single video and received a response from the ancient egypt help, members of Journey asking him to of the cold wa, audition for them.

He is now on tour with them and has been for a few years. Essay. His whole career was built on a four minute. Andy Samberg , Journey , Music video 497 Words | 2 Pages. The True Heroes are Firefighters - The True Heroes are Firefighters In today's superficial society, there are many stereotypes . and Causes of the cold wa groups into which people are categorized. There are also many people that are celebrities, who many ordinary citizens see as leaders in reflective kolb, life. Many high-end sports figures such as Michael Jordan or Ray Lewis are seen as heroes and idols to many youths in America and around the and consequences of the, globe. However, what they do is not really heroic; rather it is merely grown men playing a game. Epic poetry , Hero , Heroes 3524 Words | 11 Pages. Close Reading: a Sentimental Journey. ‘A Sentimental Journey ’ A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy was the second and ancient final novel of Laurence Sterne, . published barely a month before his death in and consequences of the cold, 1768.

The novel first popularised the travel writing genre and describes the essay rhetorical strategies, journey through France and to and consequences cold, Italy undertaken by Mr Yorick, the parson who first appeared in Sterne’s first and best known novel, The Life And Opinions of Tristiam Shandy, Gentleman. As its title suggests, A Sentimental Journey is a piece of persuasive rhetorical sentimental. A Sentimental Journey Through France and and consequences Italy , Bastille , Charles V of France 1936 Words | 6 Pages. Journey of Heroes Gawain and Quixote. ? Journey of Heroes : Gawain and reflective essay model Quixote Derreck Stewart Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Abstract The purpose of . this paper is to compare three aspects of the hero’s journey , as outlined by Joseph Campbell, of Causes and consequences cold Sir Gawain and Don Quixote; the ancient help, call to action, crossing the threshold and Causes and consequences cold wa the path of trials. This comparison will show that Sir Gawain and ancient the Green Knight is a perfect example of the hero’s journey , whereas Don Quixote’s journey has a bit of a twist.

This twist on the classical. Don Quixote , Knight , Knight-errant 2251 Words | 8 Pages.

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SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips. The personal statement might just be the hardest part of your college application. Mostly this is because it has the least guidance and is the most open-ended. One way to understand what colleges are looking for when they ask you to write an essay is to check out the essays of students who already got in—college essays that actually worked. After all, they must be among the most successful of Causes of the this weird literary genre. In this article, I’ll go through general guidelines for what makes great college essays great. I've also compiled an enormous list of personal 100+ actual sample college essays from and consequences of the cold, 13 different schools. Finally, I’ll break down two of these published college essay examples and ancient egypt homework help, explain why and how they work. With links to 125 full essays and essay excerpts , this article will be a great resource for learning how to craft your own personal college admissions essay! What Excellent College Essays Have in of the wa Common.

Even though in many ways these sample college essays are very different from one other, they do share some traits you should try to emulate as you write your own essay. Building out from essay, a narrow, concrete focus. You’ll see a similar structure in many of the essays. Causes? The author starts with a very detailed story of an event or description of of objective a person or place. After this sense-heavy imagery, the essay expands out to make a broader point about the author, and connects this very memorable experience to the author’s present situation, state of mind, newfound understanding, or maturity level. Knowing how to tell a story. Some of the experiences in these essays are one-of-a-kind. But most deal with the stuff of everyday life.

What sets them apart is the way the author approaches the and consequences wa, topic: analyzing it for ancient egypt homework drama and humor, for its moving qualities, for what it says about the author’s world, and for how it connects to Causes of the the author’s emotional life. A killer first sentence. You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: you have to suck the reader in, and reflective essay, the best place to do that is the and consequences cold, first sentence. Great first sentences are punchy. Homework Help? They are like cliffhangers, setting up an exciting scene or an unusual situation with an unclear conclusion, in order to Causes of the cold make the reader want to of a family essay know more. Don’t take my word for it—check out these 22 first sentences from Causes of the, Stanford applicants and functions, tell me you don’t want to read the rest of those essays to find out Causes and consequences cold what happens!

A lively, individual voice. Writing is for reflective essay model readers. In this case, your reader is an admissions officer who has read thousands of essays before yours, and will read thousands after. Your goal? Don’t bore your reader. Use interesting description, stay away from cliches, include your own offbeat observations—anything that makes this essay sounds like you and not like anyone else. Enchanted Prince Stan decided to stay away from any frog-kissing princesses to and consequences of the cold wa retain his unique perspective on ruling as an personal, amphibian.

Technical correctness. No spelling mistakes, no grammar weirdness, no syntax issues, no punctuation snafus—each of these sample college essays has been formatted and proofread perfectly. If this kind of exactness is not your strong suit, you’re in luck! All colleges advise applicants to have their essays looked over wa, several times by parents, teachers, mentors, and of objective essay, anyone else who can spot a comma splice. Your essay must be your own work, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting help polishing it. Links to Full College Essay Examples. Causes Cold? Some colleges publish a selection of persuasive rhetorical strategies their favorite accepted college essays that worked, and and consequences cold wa, I've put together a selection of over 100 of these (plus some essay excerpts!). Please note that some of writing across the curriculum these college essay examples may be responding to prompts that are no longer in use.

The current Common App prompts are as follows: 1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. 7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design. These essays are answers to past prompts from Causes cold wa, either the essay, Common Application or the wa, Universal Application, both of which Johns Hopkins accepts. Essay Examples Published by Other Websites. Statement? 7 Common Application essays from applicants admitted to Stanford, Duke, Connecticut College, NYU, Carleton College, Washington University, and the University of Pennsylvania 2 Common Application essays (1st essay, 2nd essay) from applicants admitted to Columbia. Here is Causes and consequences of the a smaller collection of essays that are college-specific, plus 22 essay excerpts that will add fuel to your essay-writing fire.

The University of Chicago is of objective well known for its off-the-wall, often wacky supplementary essay prompts. These seven sample essays respond to a variety of thought-provoking questions. Sometimes it's helpful to see how others managed to get over Causes and consequences cold wa, the difficult first-line hump. We're guessing all these monkeys would write different first sentences. Analyzing Great Common App Essays that Worked. I've picked out two essays from the examples collected above to examine in more depth so that you can know exactly what makes a successful college essay work.

Full credit for these essays goes to the original authors and the schools that published them. Essay? Example #1: Breaking Into Cars, by Stephen, Johns Hopkins Class of '19 (Common App Essay, 636 words long) I had never broken into a car before. We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Causes and consequences of the wa Humanity work site. Research Across 5th? The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Someone picked a coat hanger out of the dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to Causes of the unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought. More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. Personal Statement Pharmacy Assistant? I slid the hanger into the window’s seal like I’d seen on wa, crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the frame. Personal Assistant? Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in Causes and consequences of the wa springing it.) The other was the realization that I’d been in this type of situation before. In fact, I’d been born into this type of situation.

My upbringing has numbed me to 5th unpredictability and chaos. With a family of and consequences cold wa seven, my home was loud, messy, and spottily supervised. My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the ancient egypt help, phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally. Causes And Consequences Cold? My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. At the age of ancient help nine, I learned how to and consequences of the cold wa clear burning oil from the surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. “The water’s on fire! Clear a hole!” he shouted, tossing me in features of objective the lake without warning. And Consequences Of The? While I’m still unconvinced about essay, that particular lesson’s practicality, my Dad’s overarching message is and consequences of the wa unequivocally true: much of life is unexpected, and you have to personal assistant deal with the twists and and consequences of the, turns. Living in my family, days rarely unfolded as planned. A bit overlooked, a little pushed around, I learned to roll with reality, negotiate a quick deal, and give the improbable a try.

I don’t sweat the small stuff, and I definitely don’t expect perfect fairness. So what if our dining room table only has six chairs for of objective seven people? Someone learns the importance of punctuality every night. But more than punctuality and a special affinity for musical chairs, my family life has taught me to thrive in situations over which I have no power. Growing up, I never controlled my older siblings, but I learned how to thwart their attempts to of the control me. I forged alliances, and realigned them as necessary. Sometimes, I was the homework, poor, defenseless little brother; sometimes I was the omniscient elder. Different things to different people, as the situation demanded. I learned to adapt.

Back then, these techniques were merely reactions undertaken to ensure my survival. But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?” The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to me in Laredo. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold? Then, I realized I knew the answer. I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to me. Growing up as the middle child in my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of people I did not choose. It’s family. It’s society. And often, it’s chaos. Persuasive Rhetorical? You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and preparedness. My family experience taught me to face a serendipitous world with confidence.

It's very helpful to and consequences of the cold take writing apart in order to see just how it accomplishes its objectives. Stephen's essay is very effective. Let's find out why! An Opening Line That Draws You In. I had never broken into a car before.

In just eight words, we get: scene-setting (he is standing next to a car about to break in), the reflective essay kolb model, idea of crossing a boundary (he is maybe about to do an and consequences cold wa, illegal thing for persuasive strategies the first time), and a cliffhanger (we are thinking: is he going to get caught? Is he headed for a life of crime? Is he about to be scared straight?). We were in Laredo, having just finished our first day at a Habitat for Humanity work site. The Hotchkiss volunteers had already left, off to enjoy some Texas BBQ, leaving me behind with the college kids to clean up. Not until we were stranded did we realize we were locked out of the van. Causes Cold? Someone picked a coat hanger out of the persuasive essay rhetorical strategies, dumpster, handed it to me, and took a few steps back. “Can you do that thing with a coat hanger to unlock it?” “Why me?” I thought. Cold Wa? More out of amusement than optimism, I gave it a try. I slid the hanger into the window’s seal like I’d seen on crime shows, and spent a few minutes jiggling the apparatus around the inside of the frame.

It’s the details that really make this small experience come alive. Notice how whenever he can, Stephen uses a more specific, descriptive word in place of ancient homework a more generic one. And Consequences Wa? The volunteers aren’t going to get food or dinner; they’re going for papers across “Texas BBQ.” The coat hanger comes from “a dumpster.” Stephen doesn’t just move the coat hanger—he “jiggles” it. Details also help us visualize the emotions of the people in and consequences of the cold the scene. The person who hands Stephen the coat hanger isn’t just uncomfortable or nervous; he “takes a few steps back”—a description of movement that conveys feelings. Finally, the detail of actual speech makes the scene pop. Instead of writing that the other guy asked him to unlock the van, Stephen has the guy actually say his own words in a way that sounds like a teenager talking. Persuasive Rhetorical Strategies? Coat hangers: not just for crows' nests any more! (Gotz/Wikimedia) Turning a Specific Incident Into a Deeper Insight. Suddenly, two things simultaneously clicked. One was the lock on the door. (I actually succeeded in springing it.) The other was the of the wa, realization that I’d been in this type of situation before.

In fact, I’d been born into features of objective this type of situation. Not only does Stephen make the locked car experience a meaningful illustration of how he has learned to be resourceful and Causes and consequences of the, ready for anything, but he also makes this turn from the specific to the broad through an elegant play on the two meanings of the word “click.” Using Concrete Examples When Making Abstract Claims. My upbringing has numbed me to unpredictability and chaos. Across The Curriculum? With a family of Causes and consequences seven, my home was loud, messy, and functions family, spottily supervised. My siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing—all meant my house was functioning normally.

“Unpredictability and chaos” are very abstract, not easily visualized concepts. Not only that, but they could mean any number of things—violence, abandonment, poverty, mental instability. By instantly following up with highly finite and unambiguous illustrations like “family of seven” and cold wa, “siblings arguing, the dog barking, the phone ringing,” Stephen grounds the abstraction in something that is easy to picture: a large, noisy family. Using Small Bits of research across the curriculum 5th Humor and Casual Word Choice. My Dad, a retired Navy pilot, was away half the time. When he was home, he had a parenting style something like a drill sergeant. At the age of nine, I learned how to clear burning oil from the Causes of the wa, surface of water. My Dad considered this a critical life skill—you know, in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed. Obviously, knowing how to clean burning oil is not high on the list of things every 9-year-old needs to know.

To emphasize this, Stephen uses sarcasm by statement pharmacy assistant, bringing up a situation that is clearly over-the-top: “in case my aircraft carrier should ever get torpedoed.” The humor also feels relaxed. Part of and consequences cold this is because he introduces it with the colloquial phrase “you know,” so it sounds like he is talking to us in person. This approach also diffuses the potential discomfort of the reader with his father’s strictness—since he is making jokes about features, it, clearly he is OK. Causes Of The Wa? Notice, though, that this doesn’t occur very much in the essay. This helps keep the tone meaningful and serious rather than flippant. Mr. President?

There's been an oil spill! Then I want our best elementary school students on it, STAT. An Ending That Stretches the Insight Into the Future. Of Objective? But one day this fall, Dr. Hicks, our Head of School, asked me a question that he hoped all seniors would reflect on and consequences of the cold, throughout the year: “How can I participate in a thing I do not govern, in the company of people I did not choose?” The question caught me off guard, much like the question posed to me in Laredo. Then, I realized I knew the answer. I knew why the coat hanger had been handed to me. Growing up as the writing research papers across the curriculum 5th, middle child in Causes and consequences of the cold my family, I was a vital participant in a thing I did not govern, in the company of people I did not choose. It’s family. Of Objective? It’s society. And often, it’s chaos.

You participate by letting go of the small stuff, not expecting order and perfection, and Causes, facing the unexpected with confidence, optimism, and essay, preparedness. My family experience taught me to and consequences of the cold wa face a serendipitous world with confidence. The ending of the essay reveals that Stephen’s life has been one long preparation for the future. He has emerged from chaos and his dad’s approach to parenting as a person who can thrive in a world that he can’t control. This connection of past experience to current maturity and self-knowledge is persuasive strategies a key element in all successful personal essays.

Colleges are very much looking for mature, self-aware applicants. These are the qualities of successful college students, who will be able to Causes of the cold wa navigate the independence college classes require and persuasive essay rhetorical, the responsibility and quasi-adulthood of college life. What Could This Essay Do Even Better? Even the Causes of the cold wa, best essays aren't perfect, and even the world's greatest writers will tell you that writing is never finished—just due. So what would we tweak in this essay if we could? Replace some of the cliched language. Stephen uses handy phrases like twists and turns and don’t sweat the small stuff as a kind of reflective kolb shorthand for explaining his relationship to cold chaos and unpredictability. Of A? But using too many of these ready-made expressions runs the risk of and consequences cold clouding out your own voice and replacing it with something expected and research papers across the curriculum 5th, boring. Wa? Use another example from recent life. Stephen's first example (breaking into the van in Laredo) is a great illustration of being resourceful in an unexpected situation. But his essay also emphasizes that he learned to adapt by being different things to different people.

It would be great to see how this plays out outside his family, either in the situation in Laredo or another context. Example #2: By Bridget Collins, Tufts Class of '19 (Common App Essay, 608 words long) I have always loved riding in of objective essay cars. And Consequences Of The Cold Wa? After a long day in model first grade, I used to fall asleep to the engine purring in my mother's Honda Odyssey, even though it was only a 5-minute drive home. As I grew, and graduated into the shotgun seat, it became natural and enjoyable to look out the window. Seeing my world passing by through that smudged glass, I would daydream what I could do with it. In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to be Emperor of the World. While I sat in the car and Causes and consequences cold wa, watched the reflective essay kolb, miles pass by, I developed the Causes of the cold wa, plan for my empire. I reasoned that, for the world to run smoothly, it would have to functions family essay look presentable. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to fix everything that needed fixing.

That old man down the street with chipping paint on his house would have a fresh coat in no time. The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the school would get it back. And Consequences Of The? The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to features of objective essay hit every single day on the way to school would be filled-in. It made perfect sense! All the people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. I was like a ten-year-old FDR. Seven years down the road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and Causes wa, think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the personal statement, driver's seat. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. Or do they?

I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in an orange T-Shirt. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for and consequences Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me. Bridget the Fixer-Upper will be slightly different than the imaginary one who paints houses and fetches Frisbees. I was lucky enough to discover what I am passionate about when I was a freshman in high school. A self-admitted Phys. Ed. addict, I volunteered to of a essay help out with the Adapted PE class. Causes Of The Wa? On my first day, I learned that it was for developmentally-disabled students. Essay? To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and wasn't sure how to handle myself around them. Long story short, I got hooked.

Three years have passed helping out in APE and eventually becoming a teacher in the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program. Of The Cold Wa? I love working with the students and watching them progress. Ancient Homework Help? When senior year arrived, college meetings began, and my counselor asked me what I wanted to do for a career, I didn't say Emperor of the Causes of the cold wa, World. Research Across The Curriculum? Instead, I told him I wanted to become a board-certified behavior analyst. A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Basically, I would get to do what I love for the rest of Causes and consequences wa my life.

He laughed and told me that it was a nice change that a seventeen-year-old knew so specifically what she wanted to do. I smiled, thanked him, and left. But it occurred to me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in life was still to egypt become a Fixer-Upper. So, maybe I'll be like Sue Storm and and consequences, her alter-ego, the of objective essay, Invisible Woman. Of The? I'll do one thing during the day, then spend my off-hours helping people where I can. Kolb? Instead of flying like Sue, though, I'll opt for a nice performance automobile. My childhood self would appreciate that. Bridget takes a somewhat different approach than Stephen, but her essay is just as detailed and Causes of the wa, engaging. Let's go through some of the strengths of her essay. Writing Papers Across? A Structure That’s Easy to Causes and consequences cold wa Follow and Understand. The essay is arranged chronologically.

Bridget starts each paragraph with a clear signpost of where we are in features essay time: Paragraph 1: “after a long day in first grade” Paragraph 2: “in elementary school” Paragraph 3: “seven years down the cold, road” Paragraph 4: “when I was a freshman in high school” Paragraph 5: “when senior year arrived” This keeps the reader oriented without being distracting or gimmicky. I would assign people, aptly named Fixer-Uppers, to fix everything that needed fixing. Across The Curriculum 5th? That old man down the street with chipping paint on his house would have a fresh coat in no time. The boy who accidentally tossed his Frisbee onto the roof of the Causes and consequences wa, school would get it back. Seven years down the ancient egypt, road, I still take a second glance at the sidewalk cracks and think of my Fixer-Uppers, but now I'm doing so from the driver's seat. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. Or do they? I always pictured a Fixer-Upper as a smiling man in and consequences wa an orange T-Shirt. Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles. Maybe it could be me.

I wanted to become a board-certified behavior analyst. Functions Family Essay? A BCBA helps develop learning plans for students with autism and other disabilities. Basically, I would get to do what I love for the rest of my life. …But it occurred to of the me that, while my desired occupation was decided, my true goal in egypt homework help life was still to become a Fixer-Upper. What makes this essay fun to read is that Bridget takes a child’s idea of of the cold wa a world made better through quasi-magical helpers and turns it into ancient egypt homework a metaphor for the author’s future aspirations. It helps that the metaphor is a very clear one: people who work with students with disabilities are making the world better one abstract fix at a time, just like imaginary Fixer-Uppers would make the world better one concrete physical fix at a time. Every childhood Fixer-Upper ever. Ask your parents to explain the cold wa, back row to you. (JD Hancock/Flickr) This essay uses many techniques that make Bridget sound genuine and make the reader feel like we already know her.

Technique #1: humor. Notice Bridget's gentle and writing research papers, relaxed humor that lightly mocks her younger self’s grand ambitions (this is different from the more sarcastic kind of humor used by Stephen in the first essay—you could never mistake one writer for the other). In elementary school, I already knew my career path: I was going to be Emperor of the World. I was like a ten-year-old FDR. Of The Cold? Technique #2: invented terminology. Model? The second technique is the way Bridget coins her own terms, carrying them through the whole essay.

It would be easy enough to simply describe the Causes and consequences of the cold, people she imagined in essay model childhood as helpers or assistants, and to simply say that as a child she wanted to rule the world. Instead, she invents the capitalized (and thus official-sounding) titles “Fixer-Upper” and “Emperor of the World,” making these childish conceits at Causes and consequences once charming and across the curriculum 5th, iconic. What's also key is that the titles feed into the central metaphor of the essay, which keeps them from Causes of the, sounding like strange quirks that don’t go anywhere. Technique #3: playing with syntax. The third technique is to use sentences of statement pharmacy varying length, syntax, and Causes and consequences cold, structure. Most of the essay's written in standard English and uses grammatically correct sentences. Of Objective Essay? However, at key moments, Bridget emphasizes that the reader needs to sit up and Causes and consequences of the cold, pay attention by switching to short, colloquial, differently punctuated, and sometimes fragmented sentences.

The big pothole on Elm Street that my mother managed to ancient egypt homework hit every single day on the way to school would be filled-in. It made perfect sense! All the cold, people that didn't have a job could be Fixer-Uppers. When she is narrating her childhood thought process, the sudden short sentence “It made perfect sense!” (especially its exclamation point) is basically the essay version of drawing a light bulb turning on over someone’s head. As much as I would enjoy it, I now accept that I won't become Emperor of the World, and that the Fixer-Uppers will have to remain in my car ride imaginings. Or do they? Similarly, when the essay turns from her childhood imagination to her present-day aspirations, the turn is marked with “Or do they?”—a tiny and essay, arresting half-sentence question. Causes Cold? Maybe instead, a Fixer-Upper could be a tall girl with a deep love for Yankee Candles.

Maybe it could be me. Ancient Homework? The first time when the of the cold, comparison between magical fixer-upper’s and the future disability specialist is research 5th made is when Bridget turns her metaphor onto herself. The essay emphasizes the importance of the moment through repetition (two sentences structured similarly, both starting with the word “maybe”) and the use of a very short sentence: “Maybe it could be me.” To be honest, I was really nervous. I hadn't had too much interaction with special needs students before, and and consequences cold wa, wasn't sure how to handle myself around them. Long story short, I got hooked. The last key moment that gets the small-sentence treatment is the emotional crux of the essay. As we watch Bridget go from nervously trying to help disabled students to falling in love with this specialty field, she undercuts the potential sappiness of the moment by relying on changed-up sentence length and reflective essay, slang: “Long story short, I got hooked.” The best essays convey emotions just as clearly as this image. What Could This Essay Do Even Better? Bridget's essay is very strong, but there are still a few little things that could be improved. Explain the car connection better. The essay begins and ends with Bridget's enjoying a car ride, but this doesn't seem to be related either to the Fixer-Upper idea or to her passion for working with special-needs students.

It would be great to and consequences either connect this into the essay more, or to take it out altogether and create more space for something else. Give more details about ancient homework help, being a teacher in the Applied Behavior Analysis summer program. It makes perfect sense that Bridget doesn't want to put her students on display. It would take the focus off of her and possibly read as offensive or condescending. But, rather than saying long story short, maybe she could elaborate on her own feelings here a bit more.

What is it about this kind of teaching that she loves? What is she hoping to bring to the lives of her future clients? 3 Essential Tips for Writing Your Own Essay. How can you use this discussion to better your own college essay? Here are some suggestions for ways to use this resource effectively. #1: Take Apart the Other Essays in the Links.

As you go through the essays we've compiled for you above, ask yourself the following questions: Can you explain to Causes and consequences wa yourself (or someone else!) why the opening sentence works well? Look for the essay's detailed personal anecdote. What senses is the author describing? Can you easily picture the essay kolb model, scene in your mind's eye? Find the place where this anecdote bridges into Causes of the cold wa a larger insight about the author. How does the persuasive essay strategies, essay connect the two? How does the anecdote work as an example of the author's characteristic, trait, or skill? Check out the essay's tone. If it's funny, can you find the places where the humor comes from?

If it's sad and moving, can you find the imagery and description of feelings that make you moved? If it's serious, can you see how word choice adds to this tone? When you figure out how all the cogs fit together, you'll be able to build your own . um . whatever this is. All of Causes and consequences of the cold wa these essays rely on connecting with the functions of a, reader through a heartfelt, highly descriptive scene from the author's life. It can either be very dramatic (did you survive a plane crash?) or it can be completely mundane (did you finally beat your dad at Causes of the wa Scrabble?). Family? Either way, it should be personal and revealing about you, your personality, and the way you are now that you are entering the adult world. Let me level with you: the best writing isn't writing at all. It's rewriting. And in Causes and consequences of the order to have time to rewrite, you have to start way before the application deadline. Ancient Egypt Help? My advice is to write your first draft at and consequences of the wa least two months before your applications are due. Let it sit for a few days untouched.

Then come back to it with fresh eyes and think critically about what you've written. What's extra? What's missing? What is in the wrong place? What doesn't make sense?

Don't be afraid to personal statement take it apart and rearrange sections. And Consequences Cold Wa? Do this several times over, and your essay will be much better for features essay it! Want to Causes and consequences wa improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the personal statement, top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at cold improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and reflective kolb model, went on to major in and consequences cold English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in personal pharmacy assistant English Literature at Columbia.

She is passionate about Causes and consequences cold, improving student access to higher education. You should definitely follow us on social media. You'll get updates on our latest articles right on your feed. Follow us on all 3 of our social networks: Have any questions about this article or other topics? Ask below and ancient homework help, we'll reply! Series: How to Get 800 on of the wa, Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get to 600 on Each SAT Section: Series: How to Get 36 on personal statement pharmacy, Each ACT Section: Our hand-selected experts help you in a variety of other topics!

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Chelsea vs PSG, Champions League last 16 second leg: as it happened. 10:57PM GMT 11 Mar 2015. Are PSG a dirty team? What is your favourite Zlatan saying? Email your thoughts to

22.55 Thanks for your company and correspondence tonight. Chelsea, Premier League champions elect, were defeated by a vibrant, tough PSG in a victory that Jose Mourinho conceded was thoroughly deserved. Causes And Consequences Cold! Chelsea are out - jinxed by Clarkson. Who'd have thought it? Good night. 22.47 The worst dirty tricks we saw were from ancient egypt homework help, Chelsea surrounding the referee, says Jamie Carragher. They'll be very successful, very respected but his teams will never be loved. I would like to wa, toast PSG in their determination and moreover the plastic cockneys who gave me so much stick over City losing against Barca at essay rhetorical strategies home and losing to Liverpool. The word I think is called karma! I want to discuss that [why they folded] with the players tomorrow.

I want to Causes of the cold wa, know their feelings, what they felt on the pitch. Our performance was not good enough we need to find conclusions. The opponent was stronger than us, they coped better with the pressure of the game. Because they were with 10 men we felt more the pressure, they had nothing to essay, lose. We felt the cold wa, extra pressure and couldn't cope with that. we concede two goals at set pieces.

The organisation is the same. Statement Pharmacy! We try to and consequences wa, go for the game, we felt too much when they went to 10 men the pressre. Collectively they were better than us, I don't have much to say apart from to tell them [PSG] they deserved to ancient egypt, win and Causes and consequences cold wa they have reason to celebrate. They were aggressive, they were clever - they closed out the reflective essay model, game which we couldn't do when we were 1-0 up with five minutes to go. They did simulation, preparing a change. The game was gone.

I wouldn't call it dirty I would call it clever. Pleased for Laurent Blanc who has been under pressure from the and consequences, PSG owners and yet shows the same class as a coach as he did as a player. The anti-Mourinho. Jamie Carragher I've seen Mourinho teams outfootballed at times. I've never seen them outmuscled. PSG are a men's team.

We did a great game. When we lost Ibra, one of the best playres, we say keep simple, play with the personal statement assistant, ball at the feet, because we need to score. Causes And Consequences Cold! We say let's believe until the end. It's amazing for everyon,ne we played a great game. We have a long way to go in the Champions League we have to keep our feet on the floor. My circle finished in Chelsea and I had a great opportunity at PSG. I was very happy at Cjhlsea. I respevct everyone.

I said before I didn't celebrate but I was so emotional I could not stop. Thank you to the Chelsea fans. 22.27 Whatever he says - PSG deserve huge praise. Ancient Egypt Homework Help! Verratti, Matuidi and Thiago Motta were terrific. 22.24 It'll be interesting to see if Mourinho goes for his post-Bradford withering rage at his team or whether he'll turn back to his old distraction tricks. PSG go through. And Consequences Cold! There is a God! Jamie Carragher gives an assistant excoriating state of the nation assessment:

Where it leaves our league? Chelsea are the best team in our league. We are miles away. Think of the TV deal and the money the clubs have got. Wa! Verratti - we'd love him in our league. Motta. Thiago Silva apart from his handball was outstanding. We are supposed to be the richest league in the world.We are being kidded with the players we are bringing in. Peep!

Peep! Peep! Chelsea have been knocked out personal statement pharmacy assistant of the Champions League by Causes cold, 10-man PSG on the away goals rule. 120+1 min Rabiot goes down under a challenge from Fabregas and features essay surely there's no coming back now. They'll tale a minute to and consequences cold, get this ball back. 120 min Mourinho smiles as PSG take it into the corner. 119 min PSG are expertly running down the of objective essay, clock.

Wasting time, buying fouls. Turning up toes to treat cramp. There'll be two minutes' added on. 118 min When Courtois saved Thiago Silva's first header from the corner, Gary Neville pointed out that Chelsea don't deploy players on the posts. I wonder if one could have reached that second,scoring header? 117 min Ivanovic joins the Causes and consequences cold wa, forward line as Van der Wiel replaces Pastore. 116 min Chelsea have been a shadow of themselves. I can't put my finger on features essay, what's wrong. Causes Wa! I've never seen them this hesitant under Mourinho.

GOAL!! Chelsea 2-2 PSG (Thiago Silva) Wow! From the 5th, second corner Thiago SIlva meets it from and consequences of the cold wa, 12 yards and loops it superbly into the top left corner, beating John Terry to it. Oh dear. No English clubs in the last eight? 113 min Nervy defending gives PSG a corner that Thiago Silva meets brilliantly flush on the forehead and Courtois dives to of objective essay, his left to palm superbly away for Causes and consequences another corner . 111 min Pastore tracks through the middle from the left on a surging diagonal run before releasing a pass for Cavani on te right of the essay rhetorical, box which he prods straight into of the wa, Azpilicueta's shins. 109 min Willian concedes a free kick by straddling Pastore from reflective essay kolb, behind as he scarpered clear but PSG waste it by not clearing the first man.

108 min Cahill resorts to the 'Row Z' clearance after some dainty footwork from Causes and consequences cold wa, Pastore ends with a misplaced pass to egypt homework help, Cavani. 106 min The crowd have begun to find their voices. PSG carry on where they left off, patiently probing. Half time They have improved in extra time. But they are in a precarious position. 104 min Brilliant turn on the left from Diego Costa when he rolls his man is Causes wa deemed a foul by the referee, an of objective absurd decsion to match some others tonight. 102 min Costa darts into the box from the left as Hazard dances through the middle. He threads the apss from the edge of the area but Marquinhos matched him and just whipped it away as Costa slid in to shoot. 100 min PSG free kick 30 yards out and Causes and consequences of the cold wa David Luiz tries one of his specials, the Cristiano Ronaldo strike down on the ball that sends it up over the wall but with enough dip to squeeze under the crossbar.

Courtois scampers to his left to functions of a family essay, palm it over for a corner which comes to naught. 98 min They've been much better since they scored and now work a quick triangle between Hazard, Drogba and Azpilicueta that frees Hazard on a run into the box from the Causes cold, left. he goes flying when Sirigu comes out to clear the ball behind for a corner, not the penalty he was hoping for. GOAL!! Chelsea 2-1 PSG (Hazard, pen) He gave him the eyes and stroked it cutely straight down the middle as Sirigu toppled over as he tried to correct his inclination to buy the dummy. Penalty to papers across 5th, Chelsea! Zouma went up for a steepling header in a challenge with Thiago Silva whose hand shot up above his opponent's head and brushed the of the cold wa, ball with his fingers. 94 min Chelsea corner off a shot from Willian 20 yards out that is blocked away. 93 min Great footwork from Fabregas in a very tight space at the edge of the personal statement pharmacy, box and he prods it to Willian, hoping for the return as he peeled off to and consequences, the right. Willian goes for goal though and the ball is writing research the curriculum whipped away off his toe.

92 min Long ball up the right from Cahill bounces into the area, ramps over Drogba and Sirigu catches but not before taking out Thiago Silva. 91 min Didier Drogba celebrates his 37th birthday by coming on Causes of the cold, to replace Ramires. Bryan Craker answers the rather provocative question posed by egypt, one of my colleagues who set up this blog. Are PSG a dirty team? Well, not as dirty as Chelsea. Causes Of The Wa! Costa's tackle on Silva was a clear red, Zlatan's was a 50 50 challenge with Oscar whose studs were up too. Full time It ends all square. We'll have thirty more minutes. 90+3 min Chelsea corner punched by Sirigu and functions of a essay then cleared by Causes and consequences wa, Lavezzi.

90+1 min Diego Costa is blocked at the edge of the area, doesn't get the foul he should have don, lashes out with a kick then shoves Marquinhos over. The referee had negligently turned his back. 90 min There'll be three minutes more of the first 90 mins. 89 min Hazard earns a free-kick with a scurrying run that ends with him on the floor when bodychecked by Cavani. Free-kick on the left, 22 yards out. Statement! Fabregas takes and Silva heads it over after intercepting its path to Diego Costa. GOAL!! Chelsea 1-1 PSG (David Luiz) Beat Ivanovic at the near post from a viciously whipped corner and and consequences cold wa bulleted a header past Courtois.

Objectively that is a thoroughly deserved equaliser. 83 min Zouma comes on reflective model, for Matic for Chelsea moments after Courtois saves from the substitute Lavezzi who steered a powerful header across goal from a right-wing cross. GOAL!! Chelsea 1-0 PSG (Cahill) It looked like Ramires had spurned a good opportunity and tried to force something from Causes and consequences of the, a far more difficult angle but it won a corner that may prove decisive. A poor header from Thiago Silva, some penalty box head tennis ends with the ball floating towards the essay kolb, left of the of the wa, penalty spot where Cahill thunders an unstoppable volley past Sirigu. Quality finish after an ugly hour from family essay, Chelsea. 79 min Shoot! Shout the crowd as Ramires is and consequences of the cold played in reflective 25 yards from goal when god work from Hazard brought him a chance to and consequences cold wa, fire a shot in. Instead he takes an extra touch and essay model goes wide, playing a one-two then shooting from Causes of the cold, a difficult angle and winning a corner.

79 min I'm surprised that Mourinho hasn't brought Zouma or Cuadrado on yet. They need a spark. Cavani is kolb flagged offisde after Diego Costa sloppily loses possession when he had taken too long to trot back out of the of the cold, Chelsea box. 77 min Willian captures the spirit of Chelsea's performance by statement pharmacy assistant, wasting the free-kick by cold, popping it too close to essay kolb, Sirigu. 75 min Verratti is the next in the book for a clumsy foul on Hazard and Terry comes over to remonstrate with him and gets a shove in the chest for his troubles. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold! Mind your own business, etc. 74 min It's all gone pantomime after Diego Costa makes a reckless challenge on Thiago SIlva and David Luiz ran over to front him up, puuting his face in Costa's. Writing Research! He gets booked too.

73 min They've gone Chelsea. Totally flat, says Gary Neville. 71 min Another half chance when Pastore gets free on the left of the box and Causes and consequences of the smashes a low shot that Courtois blocks out. Cavani retrieves it, back to goal, but can't get his foot around the ball and eventually can only get it back to of objective, Pastore who balloons his cross-shot over. That picture of the tackle says it all - Oscar is the cold wa, dangerous one! 69 min Long curving chip by Thiago SIlva from outside right to left is trapped by Matuidi and features of objective then tapped to Pastore who thinks he wins a corner off Willian but apparently the of the cold wa, ball ricocheted back into him befor eit went out. 67 min Verratti and Thiago Motta - Andrea Pirlo's leg men for the Italy side - are running this show. 65 min Ramires makes another mistake, conceding possession with a sloppy pass in front of his own area that allows Maxwell to run behind Ivanovic who can't get back to features of objective, defend.

They look oddly out of sorts everywhere. Mourinho is still waving his arms around. He needs to make some changes. 63 min The crowd is getting restless at the amount of PSG pressure and possession. Wake up! is of the cold Gary Neville's advice. Writing Papers 5th! Mourinho is waving his defenders forward to stop PSG's midfield colonising the of the wa, space infront of them. Matic wins the ball in midfield, rolls it to Ramires who advances as Diego Costa makes a diagonal run behind Marquinhos.

That's great movement but Ramires sends his pass straight into the right-back's shins. 60 min Chelsea are dicing with disaster here, strolling around ad PSG apply the press. 58 min And they pile forward, taking advantage of Ramires's poor positioning and a sumptuous threaded pass from Motta to Cavani who had held his run on the left. He takes three strides into writing across the curriculum 5th, the box, seems to Causes of the cold wa, have gone too wide, forced there by Courtois closing down rapidly, then crashes a shot against the inside of the near post whence it bounces across the goal-line and away. 56 min Chelsea corner fizzed towards the penalty spot by Fabregas but headed clear and kolb model then behind by and consequences wa, Cavani. Another Fabregas corner is more loopy and functions of a family PSG break quickly. 54 min Right, back to old school MBMing.

This is a good spell of possession from Causes cold, PSG who are shifting the ball rapidly to make up for their inferior numbers. Reflective Essay Kolb! The ball is of the cold curled into the box from deep on rhetorical, the left for Cavani's runs but he had strayed offside. Jose Mourinho signals his disapproval for Chelsea's loss of momentum by Causes wa, waving his arms and shouting. 51 min I've been sent Zlatan's heat map by essay, Opta - thanks for coming and all that. Poor Zlatan. Justice for Zlatan! 49 min My colleague Roy Hayes has news of the referee's previous: Kuipers failed to cold wa, spot one of the most controversial incidents in Dutch football history in November 2010 when he was in charge of the Eredivisie clash between Ajax and functions family PSV. Causes Of The! After a brawl on the pitch, Luis Suarez bit opponent Otman Bakkal in his shoulder right in front of the man in charge, but Kuipers missed the flashpoint, much to features essay, the dismay of the PSV players. 47 min Gary Neville takes an and consequences cold opposing view to Jamie Carragher who 'likes the essay rhetorical strategies, idea that an English side are shrewd'. And Consequences Of The! Chelsea free-kick taken by essay rhetorical, Willian who came on for the booked Oscar at half-time. He trie dto curl it around the wall low and in at and consequences of the Sirigu's left post but the keeper gets down and essay model pushes it away rather hamfistedly for a corner which he then flaps at.

46 min We're off again after some joking in of the the tunnel from David Luiz. 20.41 The replays suggest that if anyone should have been sent off for that 'tackle' (and they shouldn't have been) then Oscar's foot was higher and his were the studs that were implanted into an opponent. Jamie Carragher says of the Chelsea players' reaction that provoked the red card - that's why Jose Mourinho and kolb model this Chelsea team will always be respected but they'll never be loved. They push it to a level that other teams would not. Graeme Souness and Thierry Henry blame the Causes and consequences of the, referee, sayying he has ruined the game. It should have been a penalty, by the way, but none of the pundits seem to give a hoot about that right now, such is there exasperation. You be the judge: That red card tackle (Rex)

Poor Zlatan, no World Cup this year and, by the looks of ancient homework help it, no more Champions League. In another time he would have ate the ref and scored a bicycle kick at and consequences of the cold wa the same time. Shane O'Leary makes me smile. I am a man and a Chelsea supporter and I would prefer to watch our lot leaving the ball and kicking Clarkson. 45+2 min That's it. Half-time after a stroppy first 45 minutes. 45 min Chelsea free-kick 22 yards out at the angle of the box on personal, the right after Verratti went hand-to-hand combat with Ramires.

Oscar crosses to the back post where Azpilicueta heads it back across the box but PSG slash it away. Two minutes have been added. 44 min Big penalty shout from Chelsea after Cavani cuts across Diego Costa's meandering run into the box. Causes And Consequences Of The Cold! It should have been one - his legs were clipped but the referee, who doesn't appear to be wholly in control, weither didn't see it or made another error. 42 min Now Oscar ends the free-kick move from halfway with a tame shot arced into the arms of Sirigu butfocus quickly turns to the niddle where Diego Costa is lying on the floor after a 'coming together' with David Luiz which was the personal assistant, result of both players trying to manhandle the other. 40 min As Chelsea break from another squandered dead ball opportunity, wasted by Thiago Motta's terrible delivery, Matuidi sticks a leg out to boot Hazard square on the shin to stop him storming past. Another yellow card. 39 min Oscar and Causes of the cold wa Hazard trade flicks that opens a run down the left touchline for assistant the former. Verratti tracks back and interjects himself infront of the ball with his back to cold wa, Oscar who shoves him over. Ancient Homework! He was booked barely two minutes ago and Causes of the wa could have been again there.

36 min Gary Neville believes that the red card was a little to reflective essay model, severe a punishment. Of The Cold Wa! It's added more spice. Features! Oscar is now booked for failing to retreat at a free-kick. Too quick on and consequences of the, the draw, for me, says The Telegraph's Saturday columnist. 33 min PSG's remaining 10 are protesting that Chelsea's vociferous appeals for a red card provoked the functions, sending off that was undeserved. Handbags all round that ends with Cavani yellow carded for haranguing the ref. 32 min Red card for Causes cold Zlatan!

That looks harsh, both slid into a tackle, (Oscar and research across him). Both had studs raised. I'm not sure one was more culpable than the other there. 30 min Good chance for Hazard having made a clever run but the ball sticks under his feet. 27 min Now Thiago Silva foils a shooting opportunity for Diego Costa. They read the game so well, Italian Thiago and Brazilian Thiago. 26 min Laurent Blanc, known to his friends, no kidding, as 'Lulu', looks pretty satisfied so far.

Matuidi is Causes wa doing a decent job as are Thiago Motta and Verratti. Zlatan has been quiet, Pastore dropping too deep. 24 min Chelsea used to get Raquel Welch watching them. Now they get someone as equally knowledgeable about the game (below). Every promising Chelsea move so far has foundered on a heavy touch - this time Ramires goes up a blind alley. Fabregas looks off the pace. 20 min Shot from Pastore canons off Cahill and out for a corner that sparks a Chelsea attack wasted when Oscar takes a touch too many.

17 min Chelsea break quickly after PSG had again attempted to unlock the right side of their defence but Ivanovic was barring entry as per. The ball is sent towards Hazard who anticipated the pass and scrambled forward but his centre from family, 30 yards hit Matuidi and the counter breaks down. 15 min Verratti has a good roll around the box, beseeching the Causes and consequences of the cold wa, referee for a penalty - but it was a dive. Angel Di-esque that as he backed into Ramires. Thomas offers his favourite Zlatan quote: On being marked by then Liverpool defender Stephane Henchoz. Kolb! Zlatan #x2013; #x201c;First I went left, he did too.

Then I went right, and Causes and consequences wa he did too. Then I went left again, and he went to buy a hot dog.#x201d; 12 min Play is stopped with David Luiz on of a, the floor having fallen off the and consequences of the, ball. Essay Kolb! A 'coming together' with Diego Costa says Gary Neville, suggesting a strong forearm. David Luiz gets up but snubs the Causes and consequences of the wa, proffered handshake and the two harangue each other, presumably in Portuguese. 10 min Chelsea overload on the left, trying to egypt, work an opening for Hazard to and consequences of the cold wa, get in functions family behind Marquinhos but PSG defend it well, knocking Hazard over in the process but with some justification this time. 8 min A more measured spell replaces that harum scarum first six minutes, PSG taking the sting out of it momentarily by spreading the ball from one side to the other. Fabrefas intercepts and is then brought down cynically by Thiago Motta blocking his run which again goes unpunished bar the and consequences cold wa, free-kick.

Jose Mourinho is pharmacy assistant unhappy. 5 min But Hazard quickly shows his quality with a scuttling run up the PSG left haring in from the touchline when Pastore dives in and misses, opening space for a horizontal run. Of The Cold! He shuttles a pass towards Fabregas's run through the D but Thiago Motta stalks him step for step and cuts out the cross. During the build-up to that Diego Costa was floored by a blow to the solar plexus that went unseen and ancient egypt homework unpunished. 4 min Another quick passing move from PSG almost catches Chelsea, this time up the right from Marquinhos who catches Hazard on his heels and Chelsea need Azpilicueta to help them out. 2 min Neat move from PSG, exploiting some uncertainty between Cahill and Terry over whether to to play offside or not. Of The! Cahill comes out allowing Pastore to slide a lovely pass behind him for Cavani's run. Terry , who has stayed in, manages to eat up the ground and block Cavani's snap shot out for a corner which is floated into Courtois' hands.

1 min Chelsea start quickly, pushing forward, snapping at PSG as they go backwards to David Luiz at the edge of his own area to clear. 19.41 Here come the essay, players. To the non-mowing, non-celery soundtrack below. 19.33 How would you characterise Geoff Shreeves' line of pre-match questioning? It's Alcibiades isn't it? Find a flattering fact, lay it on with a trowel, bask in the glow of his subject's radiant pleasure. And Consequences Wa! Or Lord Melchett to personal statement, the Virgin Queen. 19.28 'We try to win,' says Jose Mourinho. Thank goodness for that. 19.26 Chelsea send a message about the etiquette of being human to their fans as well as how to and consequences of the cold wa, behave on essay rhetorical strategies, public transport in Paris and Causes cold London.

19.15 Graeme Souness and research papers across Thierry Henry think he's great and Jamie Carragher thinks he's 'fantastic but the of the wa, level just below the elite'. Ach. Research Papers! Really. He makes the people happy. That's the best judgment. 19.11 Sky are doing this 'Is Zlatan really any good' thing again 'especially against English clubs'. he's great. Celebrate him. It's like asking Paul McCartney if the White Album would be better as a single long player. It's the Causes, Beatles' White Album, he said. Come off it.

He's Zlatan for heaven's sake. He's outstanding. 19.05 Coverage has begun on Sky Sports with Thierry Henry dressed as Roderick Spode at Totleigh Towers. Jamie Carragher and help Graeme Souness sit alongside Jeff Stelling who is paying his own homage to Causes and consequences cold wa, the late Leonard Nimoy with his eyebrows. Class act, Jeff.

18.52 So, in the traditional style. Your teams: Chelsea Courtois; Ivanovic, Cahill, Terry (c), Azpilicueta; Fabregas, Matic; Ramires, Oscar, Hazard; Diego Costa. Subs Cech, Zouma, Filipe Luis, Willian, Cuadrado, Remy, Drogba. PSG Sirigu; Marquinhos, Thiago SIlva, David Luiz, Maxwell; Verratti, Thiago Motta; Matuidi; Cavani, Ibrahimovic, Pastore. Subs Douchez, Camara, Bahebeck, Digne, Lavezzi, Van der Wiel, Rabiot. Referee/scapegoat Bjorn Kuipers. Is that Leeds United legend Zoumana Camara on the bench? It is, you know. 18.44 Willian on the bench and Ramires on the right, presumably.

Mourinho muts be concerned by the physical threat - and research papers the curriculum reckon that Willian's quick feet are best deployed against tiring players. 18.30 Somwhere over the rainbow. Weigh a pie. 18.20 Gather round everyone as we prepare for tonight's second leg of the round of Causes and consequences cold wa 16 Champions League tie between Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain or oil v oil as other more impertinent commentators have described it. The match, as I'm sure you all know, stands poised at rhetorical strategies 1-1 after Edinson Cavani's equaliser at the Parc des Princes. Chelsea are aiming for their second European Cup - taking them from parity with Aston Villa to equality with Nottingham Forest - and Jose Mourinho his third. Chelsea have never lost at home to Causes of the wa, a French side, PSG have never won a competitive match in England and Mourinho has lost only once at help home in four full seasons plus this one and the start of 2007-08. Causes Cold Wa! I'm looking forward to it - always a treat to watch Marco Verratti and assistant Chelsea in and consequences of the cold full flow are a compelling sight. Cesc Fabregas wants Chelsea to be ruthless in tonight's Champions League last-16 second leg with Paris Saint-Germain . A 1-1 draw in Paris and Branislav Ivanovic's away goal gives the Blues a slender advantage entering the Stamford Bridge clash. If we can kill, we have to kill, Fabregas said. Branislav Ivanovic scored for Chelsea in Paris.

AP. When we get one goal, we have to persuasive rhetorical strategies, go for the second and after the second the third. That's the Causes cold, only thing we can really improve. Hopefully we will have that killer instinct. Chelsea won the Capital One Cup on March 1 and have two remaining chances for silverware this term, in the Premier League and Champions League. Spain international Fabregas feels the League Cup win - the first trophy of Jose Mourinho's second spell in charge of the Blues - could provide the belief for further success.

Reflecting on his experience with Spain, the World Cup and European Championship-winning playmaker said: When we unlocked, mentally, that fear of quarter-finals or getting onto a really big stage, that's when we felt we could become champions. Once we were champions we were unstoppable. That's what we have to essay, do. We have to believe we are the best, be mentally dominant and ready to wa, cope with every situation. Fabregas is yet to essay, win the Champions League, but hopes to do so with Chelsea following his move from Barcelona last summer. He is looking only at the immediate task, though. I want to Causes and consequences wa, win for Chelsea, I want to family, give my best and hopefully we will go through into the next round, Fabregas said.

We'll go game by game. Cold! Sometimes the best team doesn't win. Persuasive Rhetorical Strategies! You have to be fortunate with the draw or your performance on the day. We have to take it to and consequences of the cold wa, the next level. We want to go through. Persuasive Essay Strategies! We have to Causes cold, make it happen. Mourinho accused expensively-assembled PSG of being the most aggressive side Chelsea have played this season, more so than League Two Shrewsbury and League One Bradford.

Eden Hazard was fouled nine times during the first leg. GETTY IMAGES. With players of assistant such quality I was expecting more football and less aggression, he said. I thought an English team would never be surprised by aggression. In that game I was surprised, because a team with fantastic players was a team with the record of fouls, was the team that was making foul after foul, was the team that stopped (Eden) Hazard with fouls all the time.

PSG, eliminated on away goals by Chelsea last term, were on top for much of the first leg at Parc des Princes. But Mourinho bristled when asked about PSG's dominance. He said: What is of the dominate? If dominate is the number of chances, yes, Paris had more chances than us. If dominate is to stop the opponent to research papers across the curriculum 5th, play, making foul after foul, yes they also dominate. If dominate is to have the ball and to and consequences of the, move the ball without progression, yes, they also dominate. I think they dominate in everything except in the result. The Blues boss will hope the result goes in his side's favour again on Wednesday night and homework help has no intention of playing conservatively. He added: We are going to try to win.

Join Rob Bagchi from 6.30pm for and consequences all the latest build-up plus live commentary. Top Football Galleries. In pics: Stunning aerial shots of personal statement pharmacy London's football stadia by photographer Jason Hawkes. Who could be the and consequences of the cold wa, next Newcastle manager? The runners and riders to features of objective essay, succeed Steve McClaren if - or when - Mike Ashley loses patience. The 20 fiercest rivalries in England. As Blackburn meet Burnley and Spurs host Arsenal, Jonathan Liew passes judgement on English football's most ferocious derby games. The best ever north London derby XI. Seaman or Jennings?

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Revealed: the clubs with the hardest (and easiest) run-ins. The battles for the title and survival are really hotting up, but who has the ancient, toughest task? Thanks to cold wa, some (very) simple maths, we can count down the easiest to personal pharmacy, the hardest. Manchester United have reaped the rewards of wa giving Marcus Rashford a run in the team - but which club can claim to have fielded the features of objective essay, most local talent? 10 footballers who became jailbirds. After Adam Johnson was told he faces a custodial sentence for and consequences cold wa having sexual activity with a 15-year-old, what other footballers faced spells inside? Scores, fixtures, results and tables. Tottenham vs Arsenal - key match stats. Fans in violent clashes outside White Hart Lane. Arsenal v Swansea City - key match stats. Liverpool v Man City - key match stats.

More from the of a family, web. More from the web. Premier League's 100 greatest ever players. Kane beware - 10 strike starlets who flopped. The 20 fiercest rivalries in Causes wa England. British managers abroad hit or miss? More from the web. The latest news, opinion and analysis. Catch up on all the of a family, latest football news and results. All the latest film trailers, reviews and Causes cold features. Enter one of our exciting new competitions.

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