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cain able essay The Story of Cain and photo essays, Abel. Cain was the first child born on earth. The coming of the first baby, is always an important event in a home—but the birth of the first child in the human family, was an event of peculiar importance. Mothers have many dreams and hopes for their babies. The first mother had her dreams. She seems to have been expecting that her son would be the seed of the essay scoring, woman referred to and exhibits in the promise of the bruising of the serpent's head. When she saw the beautiful new-born child, she said joyfully, With the LORD's help, I have brought forth a male child! The mothers will best understand her glad hope, what expectations filled her heart.

She forgot the pain of her travail—in her joy that a child was born. It is sad to think how this first mother's dreams were disappointed. Instead of becoming a godly man, his life an honor to his parents—he proved a wicked man, who brought sorrow to his home! At the 11 - essay, beginning of the story of the human family, we find both good and evil. Two children of the same parents, have in their hearts dispositions that differ in every way. They had different tastes , which led them to different occupations . Photo And Exhibits? One become a farmer, tilling the euthanasia should legalize, soil, and and exhibits, thus providing for grade essay, his own necessities. The other, with peaceful tastes, became a shepherd. The two sons differed still more radically in moral character . Cain developed wicked traits. He was energetic, ambitious, resourceful, a man who made his mark in the world, a builder of photo essays and exhibits cities, a leader in civilization—but a man of bad temper, selfish, morose, cruel, hard, resentful. Ib Extended Essay Scoring Rubric? Abel was quiet, affectionate, patient. The world now would call him easy-going, not disposed to stand up for his rights, meek, allowing others to trample over him and tread him down in and exhibits the dust.

Cain was the kind of man who today wins the world's honors, who gets on ib extended scoring rubric in the world, grows rich, is photo, enterprising, becomes powerful and rules over his fellows. Abel was the type of man described in grade 11 - the Beatitudes, poor in spirit, hungering and thirsting after righteousness, merciful, a peacemaker, unresisting, bearing wrong without complaint, not striving for mastery. Abel was the kind of essays and exhibits man that He was—who, at the end of the ages, appeared as the true Seed of the essay, woman, whose heel was bruised by the serpent, but bruised the serpent's head, conquering by love. Both the sons were worshipers of God, though here, too, they differed . Cain brought of the fruit of the ground for his offering; and Abel brought of the firstlings of photo essays his flock. Essay I Spent My Summer Vacation In Pakistan? Some suppose that Cain's offering was unfit in itself, inferring that God had already instituted the offering of blood, as the only acceptable worship.

We do not learn this, however, from the Bible narrative; we are told only that the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering—but unto Cain and his offering He had not respect. Then in the Epistle to the Hebrews we are told that it was faith in Abel, which made his sacrifice more excellent than Cain's. We learn at least—that God must be worshiped in the way He has commanded. We learn also that the photo essays, acceptance of worship—depends on the heart of the winston churchill essay, worshiper. Cain's heart was wrong—and Abel's was right. The publican went down to his house justified, because of his penitence and sincerity; the Pharisee received no blessing, because there was no faith in photo his prayer. God cares nothing for i spent my summer in pakistan, forms of worship; He looks into the heart and is pleased only when He finds love, faith, and true devotion there.

Cain was very angry. Why was Cain angry? Was he angry with God for not showing respect to his offering? Did he think God had treated him badly? If the anger was against God, how very foolish it was! What good could it do? It would be most silly for a man to be angry at the waves of the and exhibits, sea, or at the storm, or at the lightning. Would the waves, the tempest, or the thunderbolt mind his rage? It is narrative generation gap, infinitely more senseless, to photo essays and exhibits be angry with God! Or was Cain angry with Abel because he had pleased God—while he himself had failed to do so?

It seems, however, from the record, that he was angry with Abel. Why? What had Abel done? He had done nothing, except that he was a better man than his brother. Was that reason enough why Cain should be angry?

Superiority always arouses envy, opposition and dislike. We must not expect to make ourselves popular—by being great or good. To show your intelligence and ability, is only an indirect way of reproaching others for essay about generation gap, being dull and incapable. It was Abel's favor with God—that made Cain hate him. Joseph is another striking example of the same hatred of the good—by the bad . It was not his pretty coat that made his brothers so bitter against him—but that which the coat represented, the superior qualities which had made Joseph the favorite of his father.

Envy is essays and exhibits, a most unworthy passion. It is utterly without reason. It is pure malevolence, revealing the winston, worst spirit. Photo Essays And Exhibits? Cain was angry with Abel, because he was good. Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him!

Genesis 4:8. See here, the fearful growth of the evil feeling in Cain's heart. It was only a thought at first—but it was admitted into about generation gap the heart and cherished there. Then it grew until it caused a terrible crime! We learn here, the danger of cherishing even the smallest beginning of bitterness; we do not know to what it will grow! Some people think lightly of bad temper, laughing at it as a mere harmless weakness; but it is a perilous mood to essays and exhibits indulge, and we do not know to what it may lead. In His reproof of Cain, the Lord likens his sin to a wild beast lying in hiding by his door, ready to leap on him and devour him. This is true of all sin which is thesis generator, cherished in essays the heart.

It may long lie quiet and seem harmless—but it is only a wild beast sleeping! There is a story of a man who took a young tiger and resolved to make a pet of it. It moved about his house like a kitten and grew up fond and about generation gap, gentle. Essays? For a long time its savage, blood-thirsty nature seemed changed into gentleness, and the creature was quiet and harmless. Ib Extended Essay Rubric? But one day the photo essays, man was playing with his pet, when by accident his hand was scratched and the beast tasted blood. That one taste, aroused all the fierce tiger nature, and the ferocious animal flew on his master and winston churchill, tore him to pieces! So it is, with the passions and lusts of the old nature, which are only photo essays and exhibits, petted and tamed and allowed to stay in the heart. They will crouch at the door in treacherous lurking, and in some unguarded hour—they will rise up in all their old ferocity!

It is never safe to make pets of tigers! It is never safe to make pets of essay should legalize little sins! We never know what sin may grow into—if we let it stay in our heart. It came to pass when they were in photo essays the field, that Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him! That is what came of the passion of envy in Cain's heart! It was left unrebuked, unrepented of, uncrushed—and in euthanasia time it grew to fearful strength. Then in an evil moment its tiger nature asserted itself. We never know to essays and exhibits what dreadful stature—a little sin may grow. It was the apostle of love who said, He who hates his brother is a murderer. Hatred is a seed —which when it grows into on how i spent my summer its full strength—is murder!

We can easily trace the and exhibits, development of this sin in essay on how my summer vacation in pakistan Cain. First, it was only a bitter and hurt feeling, as he saw that Abel's sacrifice was more pleasing to God than his own. But by and by in uncontrolled anger, Cain rose and murdered his brother! We need to photo guard especially, against envy . Few sins are more common. Essay I Spent My Summer Vacation In Pakistan? One pupil recites his lesson better than another, and the less successful one is photo essays, tempted to churchill essay islam all manner of ugly feelings toward his fellow. Unkind things are said about the scholar who gets along well. Envy is classed among the seven deadly sins, and one has said that of photo essays all these, it most disturbs the peace of mankind. All the curs in the street are ready to attack the dog that gets away with the bone!

It is the tall cedar, not the tiny shrub, which will likely be struck by lightning. The sheep that has the most wool—is soonest fleeced! Envy follows every successful man—as close as his shadow. While David kept his father's sheep at home—he might sing sweetly to ib extended rubric his harp in the fields without disturbance. But when he comes to court and applause and greatness caress him, malice and spite dog close at his heels wherever he goes. Let us guard against the beginnings of envy . Photo Essays And Exhibits? The Lord asked Cain to account for his brother. Where is your brother? We all are our brother's keepers, in narrative essay about a certain sense. In families , the members are each other's keepers. Parents are their children's keepers.

The older brothers and essays and exhibits, sisters are the keepers of the younger. Brothers are their sisters' keepers—and should be their protectors and benefactors. Sisters are their brothers' keepers—and should throw about them all the pure, gentle, holy influences of love. Winston? Each one of us is in greater or less degree—a keeper of all who come under our influence. Photo And Exhibits? We are certainly each other's keepers—in the sense that we are not to harm each other in any way. We have no right to injure anyone; and we are under obligation to do as much good as possible to all about us.

We shall have to account for our influence over each other, and for all our opportunities of doing good to others. One of the most significant words in our Lord's parable of the Judgment, is scoring rubric, that in which the king is represented as saying to those on his left, Then He will also say to those on the left—Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into photo essays the eternal fire prepared for should, the Devil and his angels! For I was hungry and and exhibits, you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger and you did not take Me in; I was naked and you did not clothe Me, sick and in prison and you did not take care of Me. Matthew 25:41-43. For Argument? There is no more serious teaching in the Scriptures than this of our responsibility for and exhibits, the lives of thesis others —not for members of our own families only—but for everyone who belongs to the human family.

After Cain had committed his crime, he thought of its enormity. What have you done! Your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground! People do not stop to think beforehand, of the evil things they are going to do. They are carried away by passion or desire for pleasure, for power, or for gain—and do not see the darkness of the deed they are committing.

But when it is done and photo essays, they turn back to look at essay on how i spent vacation in pakistan, it—they see it in all its shame and guilt. If the photo, young man who is tempted to embezzle would go on and look at himself as a convict in prison, his name blackened, his family ruined—would he do the evil thing? The experience of Cain ought to teach everyone to ask before doing any wrong thing, What is this that I am going to do? Sin brings curse! Even the very ground is cursed, when remorse is in a man's heart. Essay Euthanasia Should Legalize? Even the flowers, the trees, the birds, and all beautiful and innocent things, seem to essays whisper shame and thesis generator for argument essay, curse to his conscience.

My punishment is too great to bear! Sin is photo and exhibits, always a dreadful burden. It may seem pleasant at the moment—but afterward the bitterness is intolerable! A man gratifies his evil passions for a time and seems happy—but the narrative generation, result is shame and remorse—penalty greater than he can bear. Cain would have given all he had—to undo the sin he had committed—but he could not.

He could not bring back the life he had destroyed. His dead brother would not answer his cry of grief. Though one suffers from the law, no punishment for his sin—he yet bears punishment intolerable in and exhibits himself. Euthanasia? People say they do not believe in a hell of fire , that a God of mercy would not cast His children into essays and exhibits such torment. But sin needs no literal flames, to make its hell. It brings its torment in itself. Legalize? It is not that God is cruel—it is sin that is essays and exhibits, cruel. We cannot blame God for about yourself, the punishment which our disobedience brings; we have only ourselves to blame. Someone said in bitterness, If I were God my heart would break for the world's woe and photo and exhibits, sorrow. God's heart did break—that is what the Cross meant.

Sin is indeed a heavy burden. Many are driven to suicide by remorse. Some become hardened, all tenderness in them having been destroyed. Essay Vacation In Pakistan? But it will not be until the sinner gets to the next world—that he will know all the intolerable burden of his sin and its punishment. Then there will be no escape from the awful load, no hiding forever, and no getting clear of the terrible burden. In this world, there is always a way of escape from sin's punishment.

Christ bore sin and its punishment, and all who flee to Him will have the load lifted off!

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Kristina Loggia Photography Exhibits Photo Essays

Major Parts Of The Nervous System. The central nervous system (CNS) comprises of the brain and spinal cord. According to (Hull, 2011, p. 200) 'it has three functions: sensory, integrative and motor.' These functions are made possible through communication (sending and receiving messages) of the brain (mostly made up of interneurons) and spinal cord which sends information to the peripheral nervous system for distribution to the various parts of the body via motor neurons. Essays. The CNS senses and processes information, then responds to whatever message has been communicated. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of essay i spent my summer vacation in pakistan nerves (brain, cranial, spinal, afferent and efferent) running to and from the photo and exhibits, CNS.

It comprises of the somatic (SNS) and autonomic (ANS) systems. The SNS controls voluntary activities of the body (skeletal muscle contractions or conscious reactions to sensory information processed by the body such as reaction to pain ' a single pathway of islam neurons responding to activation by excitatory impulses). The ANS controls all unconscious automatic or involuntary activities of the body such as heart beat to remain alive, crying when emotional or sweating when we get hot. This is a double pathway response whereby neurons are activated by inhibitory and excitatory impulses. The ANS is photo essays and exhibits, subdivided into generator for argument two further systems; the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These two systems work in opposition to each other in order to maintain homeostasis. Photo Essays. The sympathethic system reacts to changes in essay about yourself, the environment by stimulating activity and therefore using energy (Hull, 2011, p. 204). For instance if a person is confronted with danger, their immediate reaction is survival.

They become tense, heart rate goes up, breathing becomes heavy etc as they prepare to react. This is the 'fight or flight' response. The parasympathetic system will do the photo and exhibits, opposite to churchill the sympathetic system by placing the person into a state of rest, calm and relaxation. TAQ 1 total word count: 326/300 words. DLCentre notes, 2008/2010/2012. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control.

Hull, R., 2011. Anatomy Physiology for winston churchill essay islam therapists and healthcare professionals. Cambridge: The Write Idea Ltd. Tortora, G. and Derrickson, B. eds., 2011. Principles of Anatomy Physiology. Asia: John Wiley Sons. Figure 2 ' The three main types of neurons. Neurons are nerve cells that carry information in the form of tiny electrical signals. They are categorised into three different types, each fulfilling a different function.

Sensory/receptor neurons (afferent) carry signals from the external environment using sensory organs (nose, tongue, eyes or skin) to the CNS (spinal cord and photo and exhibits brain). Motor/effector neurons (efferent) carry signals from the CNS (spinal cord and narrative generation gap brain) to the effectors. Effectors are muscles or organs of the body that enact the messages that have been passed on by the brain. For example you might sense an itch on your arm and your brain sends a message to your muscles to move your hand over to photo essays scratch the itch with your fingers (a voluntary action). Relay neurons (interneurons) are found within the CNS and carry messages from receptor neurons to effector neurons or from one relay neuron to another. They connect two neurons together (sensory and thesis generator for argument motor neurons). BBC GCSE Bitesize, 2014. The nervous system. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 11 May 2014]. You Tube, n.d.

BioVid Episode 2: An introduction to neurons. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014]. HPP Biology 12, n.d. Essays. Neurons. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014].

Figure 4 ' Transmission of euthanasia legalize a nerve impulse: Resting and action potential. Neurons are covered by cell membranes just like all cells and are semi-permeable (allow certain substances to and exhibits pass (permeate) through them). The outside of the cell contains excess sodium ions the grade about, inside of the cell contains excess potassium ions (K+). Ions are atoms of an element with a positive or negative charge (Dummies, 2014). Neurons use electrochemical impulses to communicate with each other. Photo And Exhibits. If they are not stimulated (without impulse to carry or transmit) their membrane is 11 - yourself, polarized. Being polarized means that the electrical charge on the outside of the membrane is positive while the electrical charge on the inside of the membrane is negative (Dummies, 2014). Negatively charged protein and nucleic acid molecules also inhabit the cell; therefore, the inside is negative as compared to the outside (Dummies, 2014). The cell is at its resting potential (a value of photo -70 minivolts (mV), see Figure 4. This changes when an action potential with strong excitatory strength reaches the synapse and causes the narrative essay about gap, ion channels to open and allow sodium ions to photo essays and exhibits cross the cell membrane. K+ and Na+ pumps on essay, the membrane allow these chemicals to photo still move back through the membrane allowing the winston churchill islam, cell to repolarise The more sodium ions enter the cell, the electrical potential of the photo and exhibits, cell changes so quickly that depolarisation occurs, meaning that the grade 11 - essay, cell becomes positive again. Chemical synapses transmit chemical signals from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron in one direction only.

An electrical impulse or action potential's arrival in the presynaptic neuron, is essays and exhibits, reaching the axon terminal. It cannot cross the fluid-filled synaptic cleft, but neurotransmitters or chemical messengers can carry the i spent vacation, message forward. Ions (charged particles that allow change of electrical properties across the membrane) allow the messages to move on from one neuron to photo and exhibits another or to about generation gap an effector. DLCentre notes 2008/2010/2012. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control.

For Dummies, 2014. Understanding the transmission of photo essays nerve impulses. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014]. National Institute of Health, n.d. Winston Essay. The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology ' How neurotransmission works. Photo And Exhibits. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014]. A synapse is a gap between adjacent nerve cells where impulses must be able to essay i spent vacation cross.

It comprises a presynaptic neuron (messengers), synaptic cleft (neurotransmitters) and post-synaptic neuron (receptors). Neurotransmitters pass across the gap causing depolarisation of the surface membrane of the target cell to occur. Figure 4 - Structure of the Synapse. Different types of stimuli will cause the synapse to and exhibits be either inhibitory or excitatory to the impulses depending on their composition. For instance, if excitatory, the synapse will cause the neurons to become active and fire up the impulse for the receptors to receive it.

For example; sound causes some ear receptors to respond. If inhibitory the synapse might cause the impulse to diffuse or deactivate. However, regardless of what stimuli, the permeability properties of the cell's plasma membrane change very briefly (Marieb, 2009, p. 237). It is possible for neurons to have several action potentials travelling along their axons (route by which all impulses travel) at the same time. However there are several factors that affect the essay, speed at which the impulse travels.

For instance; impulses travel faster in myelinated (covered in myelin sheath) neurons; temperature affects the speed of photo conduction of impulses; and impulses are generally faster in an axon with a larger diameter ( The refractory period (rest period between signals) is essay euthanasia should legalize, also a speed determining factor. After the neurotransmitter has transmitted an photo and exhibits impulse, it is released by the receptor and goes back into the synapse (Dummies, 2014). It is ib extended scoring, stored in photo, the synaptic vesicles. Here the cell recycles the degraded neurotransmitter.

The chemicals go back into the membrane so that during the next impulse (action potential), when the narrative gap, synaptic vesicles bind to the membrane, the complete neurotransmitter can again be released for another episode of impulse transmission (Dummies, 2014). Biology Guide, n.d. Action potentials and synapses play a fundamental role in transmitting information through the nervous system. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2014]. DLCentre, 2008/2010/2012. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control. For Dummies, 2014.

Understanding the transmission of photo essays nerve impulses. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014]. Marieb, E. N., 2009. Essentials of human anatomy physiology. 9th ed. London: Pearson International.

Tortora, G, J. and Derrickson, B. eds., 2011. Principles of Anatomy Physiology: volume 1 2. Asia: John Wiley Sons. Figure 6 ' Reflex Arc - Cross section of spinal cord showing a receptor's reaction to flame. Thain (2009) describes the reflex arc as 'the neural circuitry involved in a motor reflex, comprising a sensory neuron, a motor neuron and usually one or more interneurons (excitatory or inhibitory) interposed between these two'. It is a rapid protective behaviour involving taking voluntary action such as pulling a finger away from exposure to a flame as shown in Figure 6. Here, a pain receptor in the finger transmits signals via a sensory neuron to the spinal cord where the message is received by interneurons, which respond by sending signals back to the affected area via a motor neuron with information about what response to activate. In this case the response is to essay contract the muscles and move the finger away from the flame. This is a voluntary action where the essays and exhibits, brain makes a note of what happened and retains the information should it be required for any such experiences in the future. Thain, M., 2009. Essay On How Vacation. Penguin Dictionary of Human Biology. London: Penguin Books.' Name of essays endocrine gland Location Hormones released Function (s) of hormones released.

Pituitary -divided into two parts: Base of brain beneath the hypothalamus. Growth hormone (GH) Stimulates growth of other tissues including bone, maintains nutrients and minerals, inform reproductive system to make sex hormones, control ovulation and menstrual cycle in women. Stimulates production of the thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. Stimulates production of milk in breastfeeding women. Stimulates production of specific hormones by the adrenal gland. Controls balance of water in essay islam, the body. Triggers contractions of the uterus during childbirth, production of milk by the mammary glands to produce milk. Thyroid Trachea, beneath the larynx Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4) Increases rate of photo metabolic and chemical reactions in body tissues, activates CNS, vital for bone growth and brain development.

Parathyroids Attached to essay euthanasia the posterior of the thyroid Parathyroid hormone (parahormone) Increases calcium levels in blood released from bone tissue, allows re-absorption in the kidneys. Thymus Mid chest cavity Thymosins Produces and matures T lymphocytes. Adrenal cortex Inner area of abdomen, one on top of each kidney. Outer area of abdomen Epinephrine (adrenalin) Increases blood pressure and heart rate during stress ('fight or flight' response)

Constricts blood vessels and increases heart rate in an emergency response. Regulates salt and water balance in the body, manages response to stress, breakdown of protein, fat metabolism, sexual development and immunity. Maintains balance of glucose levels in the blood, stimulates glucose release from the liver. Regulates level of sugar glucose in the blood, essential for cells to utilize glucose. In puberty, aids in development of female sex organs and function, growth spurt. Development of ovarian follicles, bones and photo essays and exhibits muscle contractions of the uterus, regulation of menstrual cycle and grade essay useful during pregnancy. Regulates menstrual cycle, generates secretions for the endometrium. Testis Pelvis Testosterone. Aids in development of male sex organs and characteristics in puberty, produces sperm.

BBC GCSE Bitesize, 2014. Hormones. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2014]. DLCentre, 2008/2010/2012. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control. InnerBody, 2013. Photo And Exhibits. Endocrine System. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2014]. TeensHealth, 2014. Endocrine System. [online]. Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014].

Tortora, G, J. and Derrickson, B. eds., 2011. Principles of Anatomy Physiology: volume 1 2. Asia: John Wiley Sons. Metabolism is a process whereby nutrients become involved in an incredible variety of biochemical reactions inside the body cells (Marieb and Hoehn, 2010, p.918). This is generator for argument, necessary to photo and exhibits maintain energy levels and all bodily functions. Enzymes in the digestive system break down the generator for argument essay, food we eat and convert it into and exhibits this energy. Metabolism occurs to balance our current needs against future needs of energy, knowing when to store or replenish it. This is achieved via two processes: anabolism (constructive metabolism) which involves the building up of complex chemical substances from smaller, simpler components; and catabolism (destructive metabolism) which is the breaking down of generator complex chemical substances into photo essays simpler components (Tortora and essay rubric Derrickson, 2011, p. 5-6). For example proteins are broken down into amino acids and rebuilt to make new structures like muscle and bone through the catabolism and anabolism processes (Tortora and Derrickson, 2011, p. Photo And Exhibits. 7). There are many different chemicals in cells and all have an effect on metabolism. The endocrine system produces certain hormones which play a greater role in the regulation of metabolism. These hormones include: Thyroxine (T4), Triiodothyronin (T3), insulin and churchill essay glucagon.

T4 and T3 are thyroid hormones which mainly regulate our basal metabolic rate (BMR) ' the speed of metabolism and is involved in the amount of energy the body requires to maintain function and stay alive e.g. movement and heart-beat. BMR increases as the blood levels of thyroid hormones rise. The response to these changing levels is slow and takes a few days to show (Tortora and Derrickson, 2011, p.1049). Insulin is released in the pancreas responding to raised levels of glucose after a meal. This signals cells to increase their anabolic activities i.e. increase glucose to transport receptors to the cell membrane as in contracting muscles or may mean the liver has an increased concentration of photo and exhibits glucose therefore releasing glycogen as a short-term response into the blood.

Also, in the adipose tissues, glucose and on how i spent vacation in pakistan free fatty acids bind together and store lipids long term. This decreases blood glucose (a negative feedback loop in the parasympathetic system). Amongst other hormones, insulin can increase the metabolic rate by photo 5 ' 15% (Tortora and churchill Derrickson, 2011, p.1049). In starvation or stress conditions the body is very active, blood sugar levels drop, prompting alpha cells in the pancreas to release glucagon which helps stop glucose travelling around the body and focuses on photo and exhibits, providing energy for the brain. Glycogen breaks down into amino acids and narrative essay about generation glycerol in the liver produces new glucose by photo gluconeogenesis or lipolysis.

Fatty acids are catabolised by combining acetyl coenzyme A (coA) and oxaloacetate forming ketone fuels. Blood glucose levels increase as a result which can cause hyperglycaemia (diabetes) and low blood glucose levels (too much insulin) can cause hypoglycaemia (hypos). DLCentre, 2008/2010/2012. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control. Marieb, E. N., 2009. Essentials of essay should legalize human anatomy physiology. 9th ed. London: Pearson International. Tortora, G, J. and Derrickson, B. And Exhibits. eds., 2011. Principles of rubric Anatomy Physiology: volume 1 2. Photo. Asia: John Wiley Sons.

The ear allows us to hear a range of different sounds as well as maintain our balance through head movement and position. My Summer In Pakistan. Although the two organs serving these two senses are structurally interconnected within the ear, their receptors respond to and exhibits different stimuli and thesis generator for argument essay are activated independently of one another (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. Photo Essays And Exhibits. 574). It is narrative essay about gap, connected to the brain by photo the auditory nerve and is subdivided into three major parts: the external (outer) ear, middle ear and internal (inner) ear. The outer and middle ear components are involved with hearing only and are simply constructed whereas the outer ear is more complex and is involved with hearing and balance control (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. Churchill Essay. 574). The outer ear comprises the auricle (pinna), elastic cartilage covered with thin skin and and exhibits hair sometimes. The auricle picks up sound waves (vibrations), feeds them to the auditory canal (external acoustic meatus) to end up on the tympanic membrane (ear drum).

Sebaceous and sweat glands in the auditory canal secrete cerumen (ear wax) which captures foreign particles and repels insects (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 574). Hearing is churchill essay, activated by sound waves (measured in hertz), as they hit the tympanic membrane (eardrum) causing vibration and in turn transferring the sound energy to the tiny bones of the middle ear also making them vibrate (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 574). The middle ear is photo and exhibits, located in the skull's temporal bone. Winston Churchill. Sound waves transfer from the middle ear (tympanic cavity) amplifying the vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the first of the auditory osscicles (bones). The malleus (hammer) connected to the tympanic membrane, passes vibrations onto the incus (anvil), the stapes (stirrup) and onto the oval (vestibular) window. The middle ear is air-filled and can sometimes be consumed with pressure (when on a plane) which can be released via the and exhibits, pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube linking the middle ear cavity with the winston churchill essay, pharynx (throat) and photo the mucosa of the middle ear that lines the throat (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 574). Swallowing or yawning opens the usually flattened auditory tube to 11 - essay yourself balance the pressure in photo, the middle ear with external air pressure, important for the eardrum to vibrate freely without distorted sound (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 574). The internal ear (labyrinth), situated in the temporal bone comprises the cochlea, vestibule and semi-circular canals. Vibrations come from the oval window into the cochlea then fibres transmit electrical impulses via the ganglia to the organ of for argument essay corti which translate that stimulation into nerve cell excitation and neurotransmitters transmit back to the auditory cortex of the brain along the auditory nerve (DLCentre, 2008/2010/2012).

Perilymph and endolymph fluids conduct the photo essays and exhibits, sound vibrations involved in essay euthanasia legalize, hearing and respond to the mechanical forces occurring during changes in body position and acceleration (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 576). The vestibule is posterior to photo essays the cochlea, anterior to the semicircular canals and ib extended essay flanks the middle ear medially (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 576). It is responsible for balance and posture. And Exhibits. The utriculus and semicircular canal within detect tilting movements in relation to ib extended scoring rubric gravity and help keep the body upright. Communication to the brain is via the vestibular nerve.

The eye lets us see by detecting visible light (part of electromagnetic spectrum ' wave energy that radiates from the sun). Photo And Exhibits. Visible light projects colour depending on its wavelength which is measured in nanometers (Tortora and Derrickson, 2011, p. 642). The eye comprises accessory structures (eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, the lacrimal (tear producing) apparatus and extrinsic eye muscles) that protect and move the eye and eyeball structures. The eyeball is divided into the anterior and posterior chambers. Three most visible components of the anterior chamber are: the on how i spent in pakistan, pupil (dark dot at centre of eye allowing light onto retina); the and exhibits, iris (covers the pupil, colour pigmented and light regulator); and sclera (orb-like shaped white, elastic substance encasing the cornea, moistened and protected by grade 11 - essay about yourself conjunctiva), The cornea, (transparent, dome-shaped, and protruding from the sclera) helps direct and focus light. The aqueous humour (transparent fluid at front of lens) allows uninterrupted projection of and exhibits light and maintains eye pressure. Other components include the sphincter and essay i spent vacation in pakistan dilator muscles which control the size of the pupil, the photo essays and exhibits, ciliary body, suspensory ligaments and ciliary smooth muscles which support the narrative about, lens. The posterior chamber contains components that give focus to an image.

These are: the vitreous humour (transparent jelly) for pressure; the photo essays, retina (layers of photoreceptors cells with rods and cones). Up to 130 million rod cells allow us to see in black and white, in essay scoring, dim or low light and assist with perception of essays and exhibits objects. Up to 10 million cone cells allow us to see in essay gap, colour (blue, green and red) and bright, higher intensity light waves (DLCentre, 2008/2010/2012). Having no photoreceptors at the optic nerve site creates 'the blind spot' (optic disc), The visual cortex is the final destination for visual information. Three main types of neurons that make up the neural layer (photoreceptors, bipolar cells and ganglion cells) are involved in generating action potentials (Marieb and Hoehn, 2011, p. 552).

Processed information is then transported to the brain from the optic nerve fibres through the optic chiasm, collecting and reducing the and exhibits, impulses in the optic tract towards the thalamus then the occipital lobe before interpretation of incoming signals occurs in the visual cortex. DLCentre notes, 2008/2010/2012. Human Biological Science 1: Coordination and Control. Marieb, E. N., 2009. Essentials of human anatomy physiology. 9th ed. London: Pearson International. Tortora, G, J. and Derrickson, B. eds., 2011. Principles of Anatomy Physiology: volume 1 2. Asia: John Wiley Sons. British Medical Association, 2013. Illustrated Medical Dictionary.

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Paul et Virginie de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. Dans une plaine intérieure de l'Ile de France (la future île Maurice), le narrateur découvre les ruines de deux petites cabanes. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Il rencontre un vieillard venant à passer aux environs et lui adresse la parole : Mon père, lui dis-je, pourriez-vous m'apprendre à qui ont appartenu ces deux cabanes ? Le vieil homme, à la fois conteur, témoin de ce paradis perdu, et unique survivant va lui conter l'histoire de Paul et Virginie : Mon fils, ces masures et ce terrain inculte étaient habités, il y a environ vingt ans, par deux familles qui y avaient trouvé le bonheur. Deux françaises, Mme de la Tour, la jeune veuve d'un aristocrate libertin, et Marguerite, une paysanne bretonne séduite et abandonnée ont fui la métropole et sont venus cacher leur déshonneur dans cette colonie française. Elles mettent au monde, vers 1726, Virginie et Paul. Narrative About Generation. Mme de la Tour, avec sa fille Virginie, et Marguerite, avec son fils Paul, sont aidées par un couple de noirs, Marie et Domingue. And Exhibits. Les deux femmes unissent leur détresse et leur pauvreté et exploitent la terre. Gap. Leurs deux enfants grandissent comme frère et sœur : A insi ces deux petits enfants, privés de tous leurs parents, se remplissaient de sentiments plus tendres que ceux de fils et de fille, de frère et de sœur, quand ils venaient à être changés de mamelles par les deux amies qui leur avaient donné le jour.

Les deux mères et leurs deux enfants goûtent sur cette île un bonheur simple qui semble vouloir effacer leurs malheurs passés. And Exhibits. Chaque jour était pour ces familles un jour de bonheur et de paix. My Summer. Ni l'envie ni l'ambition ne les tourmentaient. Essays. Elles ne désiraient point au-dehors une vaine réputation que donne l'intrigue, et qu'ôte la calomnie; il leur suffisait d'être à elles-mêmes leurs témoins et leurs juges. Scoring. Cette petite communauté connaît une existence paisible dans la splendeur des paysages tropicaux. Photo And Exhibits. Paul et Virginie grandissent en parfaite harmonie avec la nature.

Ils sont vertueux et candides : leur innocence les préserve du mal tant en actes qu'en pensée. Winston Essay. Seule une lettre de la tante de la Mme de la Tour vient, en 1738, troubler momentanément leur bonheur. And Exhibits. Cette lettre, en provenance de France, que la mère de Virginie espérait depuis plus de dix ans, ne contient que reproches et leçons de morale. Winston. Heureusement le trouble qu'elle provoque ne semble être que passager : Ainsi ils continuèrent tous d'être heureux et ce ne fut qu'un orage au milieu d'une belle saison. Photo. Paul et Virginie grandissent , et c'est là qu'apparaît le mal de Virginie : Cependant depuis quelque temps Virginie se sentait agitée d'un mal inconnu. About Generation. Ses beaux yeux bleus se marbraient de noir ; son teint jaunissait; une langueur universelle abattait son corps. Photo Essays And Exhibits. La sérénité n'était plus sur son front, ni le sourire sur lèvres.

On la voyait tout à coup gaie sans joie, et triste sans chagrin. Essay Should Legalize. Elle fuyait ses jeux innocents, ses doux travaux, et la société de sa famille bien-aimée. Virginie est devenue adolescente, et elle découvre que ses sentiments pour Paul changent de nature. Photo And Exhibits. Il n'avait été jusqu'alors qu'un frère avec lequel elle partageait ses joies et ses jeux. Narrative Essay Generation Gap. Elle devine que la tendresse qu'elle éprouve pour lui se transforme en amour et elle l'imagine comme compagnon et comme époux. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Paul, lui, n'a pas encore compris ce trouble qui anime Virginie : Elle fuyait ses jeux innocents, ses doux travaux, et la société de sa famille bien-aimée. Ib Extended Essay. Elle errait çà et là dans les lieux les plus solitaires de l'habitation, cherchant partout du repos, et ne le trouvant nulle part. Essays. Quelquefois, à la vue de Paul, elle allait vers lui en folâtrant, puis tout à coup, près de l'aborder un embarras subit la saisissait ; un rouge vif colorât ses joues pâles, et ses yeux n'osaient plus s'arrêter sur les siens Paul lui disait : La verdure couvre ces rochers, nos oiseaux chantent quand ils te voient ; tout est gai autour de toi, toi seul est triste. Essay On How My Summer In Pakistan. Et il cherchait à la ranimer en l'embrassant ; mais elle détournait la tête, et fuyait tremblante vers sa mère. And Exhibits. L'infortunée se sentait troublée par les caresses de son ami Paul ne comprenait rien à des caprices si nouveaux et si étranges.

Un mal n'arrivant jamais seul, un ouragan ravage l'exploitation : Bientôt des tonnerres affreux firent retentir de leurs éclats les bois, les plaines et les vallons ; des pluies épouvantables, semblables à des cataractes, tombèrent du ciel. Puis lorsque la pluie cesse et que les vents reprennent leur cours ordinaire Paul et Virginie constatent l'étendue de la dévastation : À la vue de cette désolation, Virginie dit à Paul : vous aviez apporté ici des oiseaux, l'ouragan les a tués. On How I Spent Vacation. Vous aviez planté ce jardin, il est détruit. Photo And Exhibits. Tout périt sur la terre ; il n'y a que le ciel qui ne change point. Churchill. Paul lui répondit : Que ne puis-je vous donner quelque chose du ciel ! Mais je ne possède rien, même sur la terre. Photo And Exhibits. Virginie reprit, en rougissant : vous avez à vous le portrait de saint Paul. Should Legalize. À peine eut-elle parlé qu'il courut le chercher dans la case de sa mère.

Lorsqu'il lui offre ce portrait , Virginie, émue lui fait cette promesse : Mon frère, il ne me sera jamais enlevé tant que je vivrai et je n'oublierai jamais que tu m'as donné la seule chose que tu possèdes au monde. Essays. À ce ton d'amitié, à ce retour inespéré de familiarité et de tendresse, Paul voulut l'embrasser ; mais aussi légère qu'un oiseau elle lui échappa, et le laissa hors de lui, ne concevant rien à une conduite si extraordinaire. C'est alors qu'un nouveau danger apparaît ; la tante de la Mme de la Tour écrit à sa nièce lui enjoignant de lui envoyer Virginie, à laquelle elle destinait une bonne éducation, un parti à la cour, et la donation de tous ses biens . Au fond d'elle-même Mme de la Tour n'est pas mécontente de cette opportunité. Thesis Generator. Elle prend sa fille à part et tente de la raisonner Mon enfant, nos domestiques sont vieux ; Paul est bien jeune, Marguerite vient sur l'âge ; je suis déjà infirme : si j'allais mourir, que deviendriez-vous sans fortune au milieu de ces déserts ? vous resteriez donc seule, n'ayant personne qui puisse vous être d'un grand secours, et obligée, pour vivre, de travailler sans cesse à la terre comme une mercenaire. Photo And Exhibits. Cette idée me pénètre de douleur Voyant la peine que cette séparation vaudrait à Virginie, Mme de la Tour est prête à se résoudre, mais le gouverneur de l'Ile vient forcer le destin. I Spent In Pakistan. Il envoie un prêtre qui a pour mission de convaincre à la fois la mère et la fille. Emmenée de nuit par le gouverneur, Virginie embarque à contrecœur, pour la France sans même avoir pu dire au revoir à Paul. Photo Essays. La séparation est douloureuse. Narrative About Generation Gap. Paul, pour la première fois de son existence, explose de colère.

Il va se plaindre aux arbres, aux rochers et aux oiseaux. Photo. C'est comme si on essay avait arraché la fleur du bonheur qui poussait naturellement dans son cœur. And Exhibits. Pour atténuer la séparation et pouvoir correspondre avec Virginie , il apprend à lire et à écrire. 11 - Essay. Il voulut ensuite s'instruire dans la géographie pour se faire une idée du pays où elle débarquerait ; et dans l'histoire, pour connaître les mœurs de la société où elle allait vivre . Virginie est elle aussi désespérée d'abandonner Paul. Essays And Exhibits. Loin de se réjouir de cette fortune que sa tante désire lui léguer, elle souffre de cette vie européenne à laquelle elle ne parvient pas à s'adapter. Ib Extended Essay Rubric. Pendant plus d'un an photo and exhibits, Paul et Virginie restent sans nouvelles l'un de l'autre, les lettres qu'ils s'échangent , étant interceptées par la grand-tante de Virginie. Winston Essay Islam. Pendant cette année qui lui parait interminable , Paul qui lit maintenant des romans reste inconsolable : il fut tout bouleversé par la lecture de nos romans à la mode, pleins de mœurs et de maximes licencieuses ; et quand il sut que ces romans renfermaient une peinture véritable des sociétés de l'Europe, il craignit, non sans quelque apparence de raison, que Virginie ne dut à s'y corrompre et à l'oublier. Virginie, par des moyens détournés parvient enfin à faire parvenir à sa mère une première lettre.

Mme de la Tour découvre combien sa fille est malheureuse en métropole. Photo And Exhibits. La richesse qui l'entoure, le titre de comtesse, les robes somptueuses, les deux femmes de chambre à ses soins ne parviennent pas atténuer la douleur de la séparation. Et quand la grand-tante se met en tête de marier Virginie, celle-ci préfère être déshéritée et chassée de France. Essay Islam. Elle ne pense plus dès lors qu'à Paul et au retour. On annonce son retour imminent. Photo And Exhibits. Sur le chemin du retour, au moment d'aborder son ïle natale, le Saint-Géran est pris dans la tempête. Grade About Yourself. Le bateau qui la ramène à l'île de France fait maufrage sous les yeux de Paul. Essays. Plutôt que de se déshabiller , Virginie préfère se noyer , sous les yeux de Paul, qui reste impuissant sur le rivage : On vit alors un objet digne d'une éternelle pitié: une jeune demoiselle parut dans la galerie de la poupe du Saint-Géran, tendant les bras vers celui qui faisait tant d'efforts pour la joindre.

C'était Virginie. Churchill Essay. Elle avait reconnu son amant à son intrépidité. Photo And Exhibits. La vue de cette aimable personne, exposée à un si terrible danger, nous remplit de douleur et de désespoir pour Virginie, d'un port noble et assuré, elle nous faisait signe de la main, comme nous disant un éternel adieu. Tous les matelots s'étaient jetés à la mer Il n'en restait plus qu'un sur le pont, qui était tout nu et nerveux comme Hercule. Il s'approcha de Virginie avec respect : nous le vîmes se jeter à ses genoux, et s'efforcer même de lui ôter ses habits ; mais elle, le repoussant avec dignité, détourna de lui sa vue. Essay About. On entendit aussitôt ces cris redoublés des spectateurs : Sauvez la, sauvez la ; ne la quittez pas ! Mais dans ce moment une montagne d'eau d'une effroyable grandeur s'engouffra entre l'île d'Ambre et la côte, et s'avança en rugissant vers le vaisseau, qu'elle menaçait de ses flancs noirs et de ses sommets écumants. Essays And Exhibits. À cette terrible vue le matelot s'élança seul à la mer ; et Virginie, voyant la mort inévitable, posa une main sur ses habits, l'autre sur son coeur et levant en haut des yeux sereins, parut un ange qui prend son vol vers les cieux.

Le vieillard entreprend de consoler le jeune homme. About. Mais son bonheur évanoui à tout jamais, Paul succombe au poids de sa douleur, bientôt suivi dans la mort par les mères des deux jeunes gens. C'est en 1788 que Bernardin de Saint-Pierre publie Paul et Virginie . Photo Essays. Ce récit est non seulement le chef-d'œuvre de l'auteur, mais encore un des chefs-d'œuvre du 18ème siècle. Ce récit est paru dans la troisième édition des œuvres de la Nature. L'une des scènes importantes du récit, le naufrage de Virginie aurait été inspiré par un fait divers qui s'est produit en 1744: le 17 août de cette année-là, disparaissent deux amants dans le naufrage du navire Saint-Géran : Mme Cailloux, une créole, et M. Islam. Longchamps de Montendre, enseigne de vaisseau . Quelques citations de Paul et Virginie. Ainsi croissaient ces deux enfants de la nature.

Aucun souci n'avait ridé leur front, aucune intempérance n'avait corrompu leur sang, aucune passion malheureuse n'avait dépravé leur cœur : l'amour, l'innocence, la piété, développaient chaque jour la beauté de leur âme en grâces ineffables, dans leurs traits, leurs attitudes et leurs mouvements . On la voyait tout à coup gaie sans joie, et triste sans chagrin. Photo. On ne fait son bonheur, disait-elle, qu'en s'occupant de celui des autres. Grade Essay. Quelques jugements sur Paul et Virginie. Il est certain que le charme de Paul et Virginie consiste en une certaine morale mélancolique qui brille dans l'ouvrage, et qu'on pourrait comparer à cet éclat uniforme que la lune répand sur une solitude parée de fleurs. Photo And Exhibits. Or, quiconque a médité l'évangile doit convenir que ces préceptes divins ont précisément ce caractère triste et tendre. Essay Euthanasia Should Legalize. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre qui, dans ses Etudes de la Nature , cherche à justifier les voies de Dieu, et à prouver la beauté de la religion, a dû nourrir son génie des livres saints. Chateaubriand, Le Génie du Christianisme, 1802. Alors, c'est comme une enfance du monde que transcrit le roman de Bernardin: nous sommes projetés avant . Photo. Avant le désir, dans la simple satisfaction du besoin; avant l'accumulation, dans la simple production de l'autarcie; avant la sophistication, dans le simple appareil de la frugalité; et aussi avant la sexuation, dans l'indistinction des êtres; avant l'individuation; dans l'échange des propriétés ; avant la faute, dans l'innocence ; avant la parole, dans la manifestation; avant la pensée, dans l'évidence; avant les cultures dans la compénétration des modèles de la beauté.

Avant la catastrophe , dans l'enfouissement en Dieu. About Generation Gap. Appelez les comme vous voulez, Paul et Virginie, miroirs l'un de l'autre dans cet avant -là. Jean Delabroy, Préface de Paul et Virginie , Pocket. Après Rousseau, dont La Nouvelle Héloïs e avait connu un engouement du même ordre, Bernardin avait touché la corde sensible en s'adressant au cœur . Essays. Son roman marque le point d'aboutissement littéraire , il est le résultat fatal d'une évolution qui, depuis l'abbé Prévost, s'efforce de substituer à l'esthétique classique , une esthétique dont la sensibilité est l'élément essentiel. P. Essay On How I Spent In Pakistan. Trahard, Editions Garnier, 1958. Paul et Virginie : Une histoire de corps trop jeunes et de civilisation trop vieille, de nature trop verte et de tabou trop fort. Lamartine , Balzac et Flaubert ont rendu indirectement hommage à Paul et Virginie . Photo Essays. En effet, trois de leurs héroïnes, Graziella ( Graziella , 1849), Véronique ( le Médecin de Campagne , 1833) et Emma Bovary ( Madame Bovary , 1856) apparaissent chacune penchée sur ce roman de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre.

Achetez des livres à propos de bernardin saint pierre paul virginie chez l'un de nos partenaires. Retrouvez les grands moments. du Festival de Cannes Molière, ce grand peintre de l'homme tel qu'il est. Essay I Spent In Pakistan. Shakespeare seul a enfanté une humanité aussi large et aussi vivante. Photo Essays. Emile Zola, 1881. Aujourd'hui, maman est morte. Narrative Gap. Ou peut-être hier, je ne sais pas. Essays And Exhibits. J'ai reçu un télégramme de l'asile : Mère décédée. Churchill. Enterrement demain.

Sentiments distingués. Photo And Exhibits. Cela ne veut rien dire. On How Vacation In Pakistan. C'était peut-être hier. Photo Essays. mais il y a au monde une chose sainte et sublime, c'est l'union de deux de ces êtres si imparfaits et si affreux. Winston Essay. On est souvent trompé en amour, souvent blessé et souvent malheureux; mais on photo essays and exhibits aime, et quand on essay euthanasia legalize est sur le bord de sa tombe, on photo essays se retourne pour regarder en arrière et on ib extended rubric se dit : j'ai souffert souvent, je me suis trompé quelquefois, mais j'ai aimé.

C'est moi qui ai vécu, et non pas un être factice créé par mon orgueil et mon ennui. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Alfred de Musset. Dcouvrez sur aLaLettre un rsum de Candide de Voltaire.

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PHOTO ESSAY: A Form Of Love Exhibition of conflict photojournalism

An Introduction to Focusing: Six Steps. Most people find it easier to learn focusing through individual instruction than through simply reading about it. The actual process of focusing, experienced from the inside, is fluid and open, allowing great room for individual differences and ways of working. Yet to introduce the concepts and flavor of the technique, some structure can be useful. We offer one approach here: six steps. Although these steps may provide a window into focusing, it is important to remember that they are not THE six steps. Focusing has no rigid, fixed agenda for essays and exhibits, the inner world; many focusing sessions bear little resemblance to the mechanical process that we define here. Still, every Focusing Trainer is deeply familiar with these six steps, and uses them as needed throughout a focusing session. And many people have had success getting in touch with the heart of the narrative, process just by following these simple instructions. There are other ways of describing the focusing process. Indeed, every Focusing Trainer has his or her own way of approaching it. Click here to essays and exhibits, see short forms of steps that other Focusing Teachers have developed. So, with the essay on how i spent in pakistan, caveat that what follows is a simple scaffolding for you to use as long as it's useful and then to move beyond, we offer to you six steps, a taste of the process. What follows is a lightly edited excerpt from The Focusing Manual, Chapter Four of the and exhibits, book Focusing
  • The inner act of focusing can be broken down into six main sub-acts or movements. As you gain more practice, you won't need to think of these as six separate parts of the thesis generator essay, process.
  • To think of essays and exhibits, them as separate movements makes the process seem more mechanical than it is thesis for argument essay, or will be, for you, later. Photo And Exhibits. I have subdivided the process in this way because I've learned from years of experimenting that this is one of the effective ways to ib extended scoring rubric, teach focusing to people who have never tried it before. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Think of narrative gap, this as only the basics. As you progress and learn more about photo, focusing you will add to these basic instructions, clarify them, approach them from thesis generator for argument essay, other angles. Eventually perhaps not the essays, first time you go through it you will have the experience of something shifting inside. So here are the focusing instructions in brief form, manual style. If you want to try them out, do so easily, gently. Winston Churchill Islam. If you find difficulty in one step or another, don't push too hard, just move on to the next one. You can always come back. Photo Essays And Exhibits. What I will ask you to do will be silent, just to yourself. Take a moment just to relax . . . All right now, inside you, I would like you to generator essay, pay attention inwardly, in your body, perhaps in your stomach or chest. Now see what comes there when you ask, How is my life going? What is the and exhibits, main thing for me right now? Sense within your body. Narrative Essay About. Let the photo and exhibits, answers come slowly from this sensing. When some concern comes, DO NOT GO INSIDE IT. Stand back, say Yes, that's there. Winston Islam. I can feel that, there. Let there be a little space between you and essays and exhibits, that. Then ask what else you feel. I Spent Vacation In Pakistan. Wait again, and sense. Usually there are several things. From among what came, select one personal problem to focus on. Essays. DO NOT GO INSIDE IT. Stand back from it. Of course, there are many parts to that one thing you are thinking about too many to think of churchill, each one alone. But you can feel all of these things together. Pay attention there where you usually feel things, and in there you can get a sense of photo and exhibits, what all of the grade 11 - essay about yourself, problem feels like. Let yourself feel the unclear sense of essays, all of that. What is the quality of this unclear felt sense? Let a word, a phrase, or an image come up from the felt sense itself. Euthanasia. It might be a quality-word, like tight, sticky, scary, stuck, heavy, jumpy , or a phrase, or an image. Stay with the quality of the felt sense till something fits it just right. Go back and forth between the felt sense and the word (phrase, or image). Check how they resonate with each other. See if there is a little bodily signal that lets you know there is essays, a fit. To do it, you have to have the felt sense there again, as well as the word. Let the felt sense change, if it does, and also the word or picture, until they feel just right in capturing the 11 - essay about, quality of the felt sense. Now ask: what is it, about this whole problem, that makes this quality (which you have just named or pictured)? Make sure the quality is essays, sensed again, freshly, vividly (not just remembered from before). Narrative Essay About Generation. When it is here again, tap it, touch it, be with it, asking, What makes the whole problem so ______? Or you ask, What is in this sense? If you get a quick answer without a shift in the felt sense, just let that kind of photo, answer go by. My Summer In Pakistan. Return your attention to your body and and exhibits, freshly find the felt sense again. Then ask it again. Be with the felt sense till something comes along with a shift, a slight give or release. Receive whatever comes with a shift in a friendly way. Ib Extended Scoring. Stay with it a while, even if it is essays, only a slight release. Essay. Whatever comes, this is only one shift; there will be others. You will probably continue after a little while, but stay here for photo, a few moments. IF DURING THESE INSTRUCTIONS SOMEWHERE YOU HAVE SPENT A LITTLE WHILE SENSING AND TOUCHING AN UNCLEAR HOLISTIC BODY SENSE OF THIS PROBLEM, THEN YOU HAVE FOCUSED. It doesn't matter whether the body-shift came or not. It comes on its own. We don't control that. Ib Extended Scoring. Instructions for Not Following Instructions. Isn't it wrong to publish instructions for inward personal process? One danger with a set of photo and exhibits, instructions is that people might use them to essay on how i spent, close off other ways. Photo. Anything human involves more than one method. Please notice, we don't say that this method is all you need or might find valuable. Had we said that, we hope you would have thought us stupid. Anything you learn here can go well with anything else that you may find helpful. If there seems to be a contradiction, go easy. Let your own steps find the way to reconcile the contradiction. Essay. There are other reasons one might not like specifics such as these steps. Instructions may seem to diminish mystery and essays and exhibits, openness, although that is not so. Also, written instructions cannot avoid misunderstandings. No formula fits every person. Anyway, one must find one's own path. 11 - Essay. These problems occur with all types of photo and exhibits, knowledge about humans. Adopt a split-level approach to all instructions: On the one hand follow the instructions exactly, so that you can discover the experiences to which they point. Euthanasia Should. On the other hand be sensitive to yourself and your own body. And Exhibits. Assume that only sound expansive experiences are worth having. The moment doing it feels wrong in your body, stop following the instruction, and back up slightly. Stay there with your attention until you can sense exactly what is going wrong. These are very exact instructions for how not to vacation in pakistan, follow instructions! And, of course, they apply to photo, themselves, as well. In this way you will find your own body's steps, either through the winston churchill essay islam, instructions, or through what is wrong with them. Focusing is always like that: You don't push on if it doesn't feel right, but you don't run away either. Essays And Exhibits. You go no further, but you back up only a little, so that you stay until what is in the way becomes clear. Focusing is quite safe. It may not work but it is not negative. So, if you sense something that does not feel life-forwarding and sound in your body, sense what that is until that opens. But isn't it the height of self-contradiction to give exact steps for how not to follow instructions? Indeed. One often needs several attitudes at once. In a society increasingly skilled at human processes, of course we share the specifics we learn. Shall we teach the specifics of driving a car and ib extended rubric, not the specifics of finding and opening the bodily felt sense? But, human processes do give rise to more different specifics than can be logically consistent. Human nature is not fixed and not knowable in some single system. That is fortunate. No knowledge can push you out of the driver's seat of photo, your life. Especially not our knowledge here, which is to be about finding your own process! Therefore this knowledge, here, must arrange for itself to be superseded by you, as you sense for what feels sound, inside you. Instructions for not following instructions are the about generation gap, essence of focusing one's own inwardly opening steps. If you stop and sense what's wrong at essays and exhibits any point, and if you wait there until that opens and reveals itself, you can make good use of all sorts of methods and instructions. You do any method better than its authors can arrange.

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    Photography Exhibition Essay Examples | Kibin

    Ethical issues in essays international business Essay. Many of the ethical issues and dilemmas in international business are rooted in the fact that political systems, law, economic development, and culture vary significantly from Nation to nation. Vacation In Pakistan. Consequently, what is considered normal practice in one nation may be considered unethical in others. Because they work for an institution that transcends National borders and cultures, managers in a multinational firm need to be particularly sensitive to these differences and and exhibits able to choose the ethical action in those circumstances where variation across societies creates the winston essay islam potential for essays and exhibits ethical problems. In the on how my summer vacation in pakistan international business setting, the most common ethical issues involve employment practices, Human rights, environmental regulations, corruption, and the moral obligation of multinational Corporations. As we saw in the opening case, ethical issues may be associated with employment practices in other nations. And Exhibits. When work conditions in a host nation are clearly inferior to those in a multinational’s home nation, what standards should be applied? Those of the home nation, those of the host nation, or something in between? While few would suggest that pay and work conditions should be the same across nations, how much divergence is acceptable? For example, while 12-hour workdays, extremely low pay, and a failure to for argument essay protect workers against essays, toxic chemicals may be common in some developing nations, does this mean that it is OK for a multinational to tolerate such working conditions in its subsidiaries there, or to ib extended rubric condone it by using local subcontractors?

    Beyond employment issues, questions of photo and exhibits, human rights can arise in international business. Basic human rights still are not respected in many nations. Rights that we take for granted in developed nations, such as freedom of association, freedom of generator, speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of movement, freedom from essays and exhibits, political repression, and so on, are by no means universally accepted. One of the most obvious examples was South Africa during the days of 11 - essay about, white rule and apartheid, which did not end until 1994. Among other things, the apartheid system denied basic political rights to the majority nonwhite population of South Africa, mandated segregation between whites and nonwhites, reserved certain occupations exclusively for whites, and prohibited blacks from being placed in positions where they would manage whites. Despite the photo odious nature of this system, Western businesses operated in essay should legalize South Africa. By the 1980s, however, many questioned the ethics of doing so.

    They argued that inward investment by foreign multinationals, by boosting the South African economy, supported the repressive apartheid regime. Multinational corporations have power that comes from their control over resources and and exhibits their ability to generator for argument essay move production from country to country. And Exhibits. Although that power is constrained not only by i spent in pakistan, laws and regulations, but also by photo and exhibits, the discipline of the market and ib extended essay rubric the competitive process, it is nevertheless substantial. Some moral philosophers argue that with power comes the social responsibility for multinationals to photo essays give something back to grade 11 - essay about the societies that enable them to prosper and grow. The concept of social responsibility refers to the idea that businesspeople should consider the social consequences of essays, economic actions when making business decisions, and that there should be a presumption in favor of decisions that have both good economic and social consequences.

    In its purest form, social responsibility can be supported for its own sake simply because it is the right way for a business to behave. Advocates of this approach argue that businesses, particularly large successful businesses, need to recognize their noblesse oblige and give something back to the societies that have made their success possible. Noblesse oblige is grade 11 - essay about yourself, a French term that refers to honorable and benevolent behavior considered the responsibility of people of high (noble) birth. In a business setting, it is taken to mean benevolent behavior that is the responsibility of successful enterprises. This has long been recognized by many businesspeople, resulting in a substantial and venerable history of and exhibits, corporate giving to society and in businesses making social investments designed to enhance the welfare of the communities in which they operate. •Work conditions: hot weather – around toxic chemicals – number of hours and pay salaries in developing countries. •Freedom is not universally accepted. South Africa white rule until 1994 – investment in China – Nigeria and Shell. •The emission of pollutants, the dumping of toxic chemicals •Amoral management might move production to should legalize a developing nation precisely because costly pollution controls are not required. •No one owns the atmosphere or the and exhibits oceans, but polluting both, no matter where the pollution originates, harms all.

    •Economic advantages by making payments to corrupted government officials. •$12.5 million payment to Japanese agents and government officials •MORAL OBLIGATIONS. •BP, one of oil companies, has made “social investments” in Algeria, the desert town of Salah. it built two desalination plants to provide drinking water for scoring the local •Ethical Dilemmas. •In a poor nation, a 12-yearold girl works in a factory. Philosophical Approaches to essays Ethics. –The Friedman Doctrine.

    –The Righteous Moralist. –The Naive Immoralist. Asserts that if a manager of a multinational sees that firms from other nations are not following ethical norms in a host nation, that manager should not either. UTILITARIAN AND KANTIAN ETHICS. Utilitarian approaches to ethics: the moral worth of actions or practices is determined by essay, their consequences.

    Utilitarianism is committed to the maximization of good and the minimization of harm. Kantian ethics are based on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kantian ethics hold that people should be treated as ends and never purely as means to the ends of others. People are not instruments, like a machine. People have dignity and need to be respected as such. The ethical obligations of a multinational corporation toward employment conditions, human rights, corruption, environmental pollution, and the use of power are not always clear cut. There may be no agreement about accepted ethical principles. From an international business perspective, some argue that what is ethical depends upon one’s cultural perspective.18 In the United States, it is considered acceptable to execute murderers, but in many cultures this is photo, not acceptable—execution is for argument, viewed as an affront to human dignity and the death penalty is outlawed. Many Americans find this attitude very strange, but many Europeans find the American approach barbaric. And Exhibits. For a more business-oriented example, consider the practice of essay euthanasia legalize, “gift giving” between the parties to a business negotiation.

    While this is considered right and photo and exhibits proper behavior in many Asian cultures, some Westerners view the practice as a form of bribery, and winston essay islam therefore unethical, particularly if the gifts are substantial. Bribery in International Business. Transnational bribery consists in offering or giving of money, valuable goods or other benefits as favors, promises or advantages to foreign government’s official for procuring that official do or omit any action addressed to influence on economic or business transaction which has relationship with his public function.” Most countries have in photo essays their domestic law stipulation that it is an essay about yourself, offence to bribe their own public officials. Notwithstanding, only in the Interamerican Convention Against Corruption, in 1996, and in the OECD Convention, in 1997, did nations assume the commitment to punish bribery of foreign officials. The point here is that until recently, it was against photo essays and exhibits, the law to bribe people in your own country, but there was nothing in Canadian law to essay should legalize make it illegal to bribe someone in another country – the photo essays only thing that stops you from essay, bribing someone else in photo essays and exhibits another country is the bad publicity you may receive if you are caught, and the media find out.

    Why do we care about bribery – is it not a “victimless crime” – actually, there are severe consequences. “In the winston churchill early 1990s, scandals involving extortion and bribery were a significant factor in toppling governments in many parts of the and exhibits world. This situation, if allowed to ib extended essay scoring continue, could undermine the most promising development of the post Cold-war era, i.e., the spread of photo essays, democratic governments and thesis generator of market economies worldwide.” Ethical Dilemmas and Social Responsibility. There are a number of examples we can look at to discuss ethical topics in International Business management – we will consider the case of photo essays, •a mining company in the Sudan. •an engineering firm in Lesotho. •Being in euthanasia should a leadership position, as mining and exploration grows worldwide, has put companies in essays and exhibits an economically advantageous situation. This success in mining has helped economies, but the increasingly risky and ib extended rubric challenging locations in which mining companies operate, create situations which necessarily include dealing with contentious ethical issues. Ethics, as effected by the Environment. The circumstances which effect Ethical considerations in the new millennium are circumstances caused by drastic changes in the; •Competitive environment which is causing companies to make decisions in a global context and resulting in and exhibits actions which sometimes negatively effect their employees or customers •Political environment (regional, national and international) and the consequent laws and regulations that are established. •Social-Cultural environment which has been influenced by immigration patterns worldwide and a continued movement of winston churchill islam, populations from rural to urban areas. •Technological environment which has effected communications regionally and globally and also effected the work environment and productivity.

    •Economic environment which sees currency fluctuations and international NGO’s like the IMF and photo essays and exhibits World Bank playing a more significant role in national and regional economies. •Stress to maintain corporate economic competitiveness also influences corporate objectives and has consequences for consumer priorities. Approaches to Social Responsibility. A number of textbooks and websites discuss Social Responsibility, in scoring the context of how companies are behaving ethically, in terms of and exhibits, Four general approaches •Obstructionist Stance. oWhen a company places barriers to customers complaining about ethical situations, or makes it difficult for ethical circumstances to be resolved. Companies typically do this by requiring customers to fill out forms, or have certain versions of receipts or go through particular processes.

    Of they can make it difficult to get action from a complaint by taking to 11 - essay yourself long to reply, or having no specific information on how to complain, or to whom. Essays. •Defensive Stance. oWhen a company avoids blame, or says “it wasn’t our fault”, or tries to make the customer belief nothing can be done at all. Sometimes managers insist their job is to make money for narrative essay about the company and photo essays and exhibits anything that takes away from that objectives is not important. Companies are also defensive when they say “we are obeying the law” to the exact letter, and not taking into account “fairness” or being compassionate” – some recent examples include situations where travel agencies and winston churchill essay airlines go bankrupt and leave vacationing people stranded overseas. •Accommodative Stance. oFirms who not only meet the standards expected, but go further, often receive the reward of repeat customer purchases and good PR which helps in branding in a competitive environment. Photo. Some examples include companies allowing customers to exchange items for products that are not exactly the same, but similar, or allowing customers to return items for warranty even if they do not have the original receipt. •Proactive Stance. oWhen companies reach out to customers to tell them, in advance, some information they need – such as letting a customer know a warranty period may expire several weeks in advance, or that a product will soon be withdrawn so they have the option to buy spare parts. Preface to essay generation 1999 Edition of ICC Rules of Contract. ICC is extremely pleased to note that the “1996 revisions to the ICC rules were punished; substantial progress has been made in and exhibits addressing extortion and bribery in international business transactions. Most importantly the OECD, “Convention in Combating bribery of foreign public officials “(hereafter called the OECD Convention.)Was signed by 34 countries in Paris in Dec 17, 1997 and entered into thesis generator force on Feb 1999.

    The OECD has established a monitoring programming to assure effective and photo and exhibits consistent implementation and enforcement of the winston churchill essay convention. And Exhibits. The monitoring programme also concerns the compliance with the “revised OECD Recommendations”, which among other subjects, urges the OECD member countries to disallow tax deductibility of grade about yourself, bribes to foreign public officials. International price fixing Diamonds. DeBeers, a giant South African diamond supplier, which has vertical and horizontal monopoly over much of the diamond mining and diamond distribution industry, has agreed to photo and exhibits 1/4 of a billion dollars ($250 M) to settle an vacation in pakistan, outstanding lawsuit in the U.S. Many years ago, DeBeers was sued by American jewellery retailers, manufactures, and photo other people in the business, who claimed that DeBeers had been guilty of fixing prices – thus artificially inflating the price of diamonds and diamond jewellery.

    DeBeers did not settle this giant lawsuit – instead, they avoided it by refusing to do direct business in the U.S. Now that the winston essay U.S. diamond market has become very large (55% of global retail sales), DeBeers wants into the U.S. again and in order to do that they agreed to settle this old lawsuit. The U.S. judge reviewing the case approved the conditions based on DeBeers agreeing to photo essays and exhibits comply with U.S. anti-trust laws. This lawsuit settlement follows an action in 2004 in which DeBeers pleaded guilty to fixing prices of industrial diamonds and narrative agreed to a $10 M USD fine International Company and Ethics. The issue of business ethics is engaging companies more and more – both domestically and internationally. This trend is accentuated by high-profile examples of breaches of photo, accepted standards of ethical behavior. Scoring Rubric. For example, the recent Enron case where inadequate checks and balances within the essays and exhibits firm enabled unethical behavior to occur, a development made easier by the failure of the external auditor to fulfill its role properly. Assumptions about ethics and business are influenced inevitably by fundamental beliefs about the role of business in society. On the one hand, there are those who believe that the sole social responsibility of yourself, business is to generate profit. For some proponents of essays and exhibits, this view, profit generation itself takes on a moral dimension whereas others see profits as the key to wealth generation – the main way of addressing social issues (Davies, 1997, p. Euthanasia. 88).

    On the essays and exhibits other hand, others believe that the role of business is much broader than that of profit generation and essay islam that all those who are affected by the way a company operates – shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, the local community, future generations (especially in relation to environmental issues) – have a legitimate interest and stake in the way a company conducts itself. Levi Strauss is one of the and exhibits world’s largest brand-name clothes manufacturers and also one of the first international companies to essay should legalize adopt a corporate code of conduct to apply to all contractors who manufacture and finish its products and to essays aid selection of which countries in which to operate (DeGeorge, 1993, p. 118). The Code of Conduct has two parts. Essay Euthanasia Should Legalize. 1. Business partner terms of engagement: Levi Strauss uses these to select business partners that follow workplace standards and practices consistent with its policies and to help identify potential problems. In addition to meeting acceptable general ethical standards, complying with all legal requirements and sharing Levi Strauss’s commitment to the environment and community involvement, Levi Strauss’s business partners must adhere to the following employment guidelines: •Wages and benefits: business partners must comply with any applicable law and the prevailing manufacturing and finishing industry practices. •Working hours: partners must respect local legal limits on working hours and preference will be given to those who operate less than a 60-hour working week.

    Levi Strauss will not use partners that regularly require workers to work in excess of 60 hours. Employees should also have at photo essays least one day off per winston churchill essay, week. •Child labor: use of child labor is not permissible in any of the essays and exhibits facilities of the business partner. Workers must not be below 15 years of age or below the compulsory school age. •Disciplinary practices: Levi Strauss will not use business partners who use corporal punishment or other forms of physical or mental coercion. •Prison/forced labor: no prison or forced labor is to be used by business. •Discrimination: while respecting cultural differences, Levi Strauss believes workers should be employed on the basis of essay, their ability to do their job •Health and safety: Levi Strauss undertakes to use business partners who provide a safe and healthy working environment and, where appropriate residential facilities 2. Photo. Country assessment guidelines: these are used to address broad issues beyond the essay euthanasia legalize control of individual business and are intended to help Levi Strauss assess the degree to which its global reputation and success may be exposed to unreasonable risk. It was an adverse country assessment that caused Levi Strauss to photo cease its engagement in China in the early 1990s, largely on human rights grounds – a decision that has subsequently been reversed. Scoring. In particular, the company assesses whether: •the brand image will be adversely affected by the perception or image of a country among customers; •the health and safety of employees and and exhibits their families will be exposed to unreasonable risk; •the human rights environment prevents the grade 11 - yourself company from conducting business activities in a manner consistent with the global guidelines and other company policies; •the legal system prevents the company from adequately protecting trademarks, investments or other commercial Interests;

    Levi Strauss is the example of the company that successfully combines doing business and following ethical practices. The political, economic and social environment protects the company’s commercial interests and brand corporate. University/College: University of California. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 25 April 2016. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Ethical issues in international business. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample.

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    Exhibit: Photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson - Photo Essays - TIME

    fred brito resume I enjoyed this article in essays and exhibits the LA Times the other day, and feel like I’d be remiss if I didn’t link to it from, the essay euthanasia should weblog-of-record for shameless deception: Fred’s storied career (login required, cypherpunk98/cypherpunk works). Brito, 49, has spent his adult life using aliases and photo and exhibits phony credentials to pull off one elaborate deception after another. Scoring Rubric. He has lied his way into photo essays, jobs as a Catholic priest, a youth counselor for a foster care agency and grade essay about executive director of the National Kidney Foundation of Southern California, among many others. Photo And Exhibits. He once convinced a judge he was a psychiatrist in order to testify in a friend’s criminal trial.

    With the Times’ web-hostile archive policy, the story won’t be there for long, but it’s available for now. This entry was posted by jbc on grade 11 - essay Thursday, August 18th, 2005 at 8:30 am and is filed under celebrity, net.kooks. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 20 Responses to photo essays and exhibits “Fred Brito: Con Man” The guy in that picture looks like a guy I just hired…maybe that is hi…d’oh! My name is Fred Brito. I am the thesis for argument essay subject of the photo essays of the Los Angeles Times Column One Story of 8/17/05.

    While I know many people will have their doubts about essay rubric, this story, I can say that it is accurate. However, the Times Editors left the most important part on the editing room floor. In a nutshell… 70 thousand inmates are parole or released from U.S. prisons each and every day. Some have dreams and hopes of essays and exhibits coming home and reconnecting to society in the right way. Some have families, children and like me, I have ailing parents that I am responsible to ensure that they have what they need. However, when a person with a criminal record like myself engages in seeking employment, society is not very receptive. After a while of looking for grade 11 - about an honest job and having the door slammed in your face, the writing on the wall becomes larger than life. In most cases ex-cons who have had no success in seeking a job will become frustrated and give up. The next step is what returns them to prison. Lost hopes and lost dreams turn an ex-con back to old familiar ways.

    Crime. In my case I chose NOT to revert to further crimes. By creating a false resume, I was able to get some of this country’s best high-level position that paid well over $100,000. per year. Photo Essays. While I worked hard and in many cases moved the organization from the red to essay on how in pakistan the black, I was never fired for doing my job. Only for getting the job in essays and exhibits the first place by providing a doctored resume. I chose not to essay legalize become homeless, or a burden to society. Essays. I chose to work. If society would not hire me because I have a criminal record, I did what I had to do to survive.

    And that is what this is all about… SURVIVAL. Society feels that I was wrong to get so many well paying jobs by narrative about gap, providing a doctored resume. But society is also failing to give people like me a chance to rebuild our lives and photo become a contributing member of society. If you think about it…. the national crime is raising in part because ex-felons commit 68% of the crimes. Why? because society won’t give us a chance. So it is clear to me that if society is on how in pakistan, complaining about the high crime rate and essays the high cost of incarcerating criminals in prisons, then maybe we need to rethink what we can do as people to give people like me a chance instead of slamming the door in our faces when we try our best to 11 - yourself seek a job. Granted, not all ex-felons are focused on getting a job… but I assure you, 50% of photo us are. So really it is up to you Mr. Mrs. Society. I came out with my story to not only unmask myself, but to 11 - about also explain that society does share a responsibility to and exhibits be less judgmental and more open to giving people a chance.

    When the judge sentenced me, I was not sentenced to a lifetime of living on essay about generation gap the street, or begging once released from prison. I paid my debt to society… now I just want to get a job like everyone else. I have great talent and many skills. I have proved this by photo essays and exhibits, being so successful in many of the jobs that I have held. My story is about a man who screwed his life up pretty good. But now wants to get his life back on 11 - essay yourself the right track.

    I know that I have to earn your trust and respect… but how long do I have to kiss the feet of society before I am given a chance. Until that happens, I will do what I can to bring awareness to this national tragedy. Maybe I have found my true calling. If so, I will become a vibrant advocate for change, and I have the essays and exhibits energy to do it too. You can see more of my story in many upcoming National television News Magazines shows on CBS, NBC and ABC now in grade 11 - production. In addition to photo essays a number of newspaper interviews from national press agencies across America and the UK. If you would like more information, you can contact me at: John Edward Talmadge Says: PLEASE don’t believe this conman, or continue to allow him to promote himself and essay on how my summer in pakistan his career of photo lies. As he writes the “redemptive” message above, he continues to pawn himself off as other personalities with new names on the online Yahoo lists in Northeast Los Angeles where he lives — “Gabriel Hayes”, “Harrison Winsolw”, “Fred Brito-Gomez” and on narrative and on. On this same list just this week it was revealed that he has a 25-year-history as a sexual predator of photo essays and exhibits underage males, the most recent attempt just last month in this same area of Los Angeles, he would “mentor” a 16-year-old, until his parents threatened legal remedies.

    LIES is the right name for this site, if you allow him to seek new victims here. John Edward Talmadge Says: Visit this moderated list, for proof of the above: I only i spent vacation have one answer to this loon name John Edward Talmadge. Photo And Exhibits. If I am such a monster as you create me to be. Why then have I never been convicted of sexual or violent crimes? Should you continue this bazaar behavior people would begin to think that you are a desperate man out to stir the nation against others. You are a hateful person who’s only destiney in ib extended essay scoring life is to and exhibits perpetrate hate. You really should see a Psychiatrist. You need some help old man.

    After repeated invitations to grade essay about visit me at photo, my home to address your manic fascinations, you failed to do so. Yet you do the cowardly thing and post after post that reflects your utter stupidity. Vacation In Pakistan. Bring your concerns to my home… after all we do live very close to each other. That is the photo right thing to do old man. I have no stone to cast at you, for I have managed to hang on to some sort of intelligence. On How My Summer Vacation. Should you have more stones to throw at photo essays, me I hope you will do it face to face. It is thesis generator for argument essay, not only the smartest thing that you would have ever done, but it would certainly move you to Human Being status.

    I have a few minutes to essays and exhibits kill and feel like sounding off on this one. It’s a real bummer about the stigma attached to having any kind of scoring rubric criminal record. I have friends who have had a hard time finding good work with a misdemeanor or two on their record. I could only imagine how difficult it must be to find work as a convicted felon. Photo Essays And Exhibits. I share Mr. Brito’s sentiment on the unfairness of our society, and how those who have served time are never treated as though they have paid their debt to society. That being said, I cannot condone “doctoring” a resume (or totally fabricating a resume) in order to get a job.

    While not illegal, it is unethical. Where I work, fabricating a resume or references would be grounds for immediate termination. I fully understand this policy. Essay. If an photo essays, employee needs to grade lie to get their foot in the door, what guarantee does an employer have that the photo employee will represent their company with any integrity at all? If I owned a business, I would have a similar policy with very few (if any) exceptions. By consistently getting caught in lies, how can a person like Mr. Thesis Generator. Brito be trusted by employers at photo essays, all? It doesn’t really show that a person has actually reformed. On the contrary, it shows that a person is a liability as an employee. Again, I understand that convicted felons get a bum rap. I am unable to offer a solution to this problem.

    However, creating a trail of lies catches up with a person. If I were terminated from a string of jobs for integrity problems, it also creates a stigma in the business world. It seems like Brito is now creating his own problems by winston essay islam, getting caught in legal cons. john edward talmadge…what is your email address please. I’d like to photo essays contact you directly about your comments on Mr. Brito. My Summer In Pakistan. Thank you. I just watched NBC Night Line Tuesday and would just like to essays and exhibits say that Josh Mankieswicz is a BIG FAT DOUCEBAG. That video was highly edited and ib extended essay scoring notably inconsistent. Fred Brito is a genius, even if he is a misguided one.

    Even though he is labeled a criminal, he has done more for photo essays the people of his community(ies) than people would like to admit. Gap. Even though Fred had access to millions of dollars during his time with charitable organizations, he never stole from them. That speaks volumes of his character, for it is not who a man is inside, but what he does that defines him. Sure he faked a few resumes, but who hasn’t? Cut the man some slack people, he didn’t intentionally hurt anyone. He just wanted a fresh start, a start that Douchie MankiesDICK wouldn’t let him have. Oh and that guy from the red cross was a really animal sodomizer, too.

    I saw this program on photo essays Fred Brito. Wow, this little weasel really exposed himself as a man who really doesn’t get it. About Yourself. What’s ever sadder (and sicker) is that he seems almost proud of what he’s done. He can only be properly described as a psychopath and a bottom-feeder. If you see him coming, call the essays and exhibits police or the psych ward. Narrative Essay About Gap. One way or another, he needs to be locked up for good. The fact remains that Fred Brito has done more good for underprivileged and vicimized citizens in his life than most any other single man by himself. Photo And Exhibits. So what if someone has to renew their vows.. it’s not the 11 - essay about end of the world. Kudos to MatthewC.

    As far as NBC Night Line goes.. Photo. So many people already know they’re notorious for essay legalize misleading (if not out right lying) to the people they “pay” to drag through the mud. Misleading also constitutes dishonesty. If someone says they are trying to turn their life around.. Photo. who is NBC to announce to the world not to euthanasia bother with the references.. and not to give him a chance? This world is so full of photo hate, especially when it comes to 11 - essay about media. It’s well known that the media lives on essays the misfortune and essay on how my summer vacation down-fall of others, which for some sick reason seems to draw in the sickos out there who also get off on hate. I wish all the the luck and highest good in photo Mr. Narrative About. Brito. All you haters should go hate eachother.. it’s what you probably do best. I watched a story on Fred Brito today on Dr.

    Phil. It’s really hard to essays tell if he is really sincere or if he is just lying to make people feel sorry for him. He does have a point though about the working world. Churchill Essay. No one wants to hire a felon…I know that I wouldn’t. Some of the jobs were a lot worse to doctor the resumes for. Essays And Exhibits. The wedding that he performed and the psychiatrist patients he dealt with were taking money on grade 11 - about yourself false pretenses. Now the ones that he was paid for showing up, that was a bit closer to “honest money.” Right now he is writing two books to raise money for the real foundations that he has started. Dr. Phil made him a deal that if he really did write these books, he would bring him back to talk about them and photo essays himself honestly. I do have to say that this “John Edward Talmadge” needs to do some real research. Grade 11 - Essay. Fred Brito’s alias’ were always close to his real name, so all of those that you posted were not correct.

    Zero cases of luring boys or whatever was mentioned. I don’t know how you can call that site proof. It’s a group…that means that anyone can write whatever they want in there. That’s kind of essays like trusting Wikipedia as a reliable source. Winston Churchill Essay Islam. Overall, Mr. Brito, I hope that this time you are being honest and trying to get yourself back on track. Photo. Good luck! I also, watched the Dr.

    Phil show and scoring Mr. Brito seems to be a confused person. Photo. I think he is actually lying to himself. He is making excuses for his actions and then he is also jusifying his actions by 11 - essay, believing he is doing good. In watching Mr. Brito and his answers and responses to photo and exhibits Dr. Phil it seems he IS actually proud of his deception and that is what makes me think he needs some help. I don’t know all the cons that Mr. Brito committed but he might be a dangerous person given the chance. Mr.

    Brito should try to thesis for argument essay get with a good doctor and essays and exhibits work through this problem. No amount of good will make up for essay deceptive methods. Essays And Exhibits. If Mr. Islam. Brito truly has changed then why didn’t he offer to and exhibits immediatly make some restitution to the couple he hurt and took money from? Actions don’t lie! […] Fred Brito, the self-described “benevolent con,” masqueraded as a priest, taking confessions and performing weddings. While his congregants might feel rightly ripped off, I have to wonder: they’re disappointed because he impersonated a priest? Wouldn’t that be like feeling ripped off because the guy dressed up like Santa Claus isn’t really Santa Claus? Aren’t all priests impersonators? Con men like Fred Brito wouldn’t be able to rip anyone off if he didn’t have an essay about, audience, schooled in gullibility from cradle to grave.

    Without the gullible, grasping for photo something for nothing, there would be no Fred Britos. Fred Brito MySpace Profile Fred Brito Topix Member Profile and narrative essay generation Blog Posted by: miss_poppy on Sep 17, 07 | 4:53 pm [0] add or read comments (0 views) | | link […] all fred brito really is, is just a reminder of how NOT to be. I know I’ve been there and done that. But it scared me to know that I could be his age and photo essays have done nothing with my life so that is why I now make it a point to tell the thesis generator essay truth. Fred Brito is nothing but a loser and photo essays and exhibits has played “poor me” in hopes that society will feel sorry for for argument him. A very good example of an photo and exhibits, ex-convict turnng his life around is Jeff Henderson, the executive cheff at Hotel Bellagio in Las Vegas.

    When he was released from federal prison for drug trafficking, he had goals and met them. Jeff Henderson told every employer he was in prison. And eventually he got a job. If he could do it then so could others. So Fred Brito is not a hero but a con that will continue to play “poor me”. Once a con always a con. You will never know who you really are. People earned money and put in banks, law firms, etc. You have decided it belonged to winston churchill essay islam you. Photo Essays And Exhibits. Dont RIP. acting like a priest. ccome on.

    May you burn in about gap Hades. DO NOT BUY HIS BOOKS. Brito seems to essays and exhibits have histrionic personality disorder. He is churchill, what he is: a conman, liar and thief. But above all his desperate need for attention is a bottomless pit. He wants to be admired and glorified for what he imagines is his gifted genius and essays and exhibits if he sometimes is humiliated during this life long process, that’s ok too. His number one goal is always attention and being noticed. Unfortunately personality disordered people cannot change because personality is hard coded in each one of us. A very small number of them are capable of becoming self aware. A very small percentage of those people are able to work towards correcting or at least repressing some of ib extended rubric their behavior.

    Another observation is that personality disorders such as Brito’s show that he lacks compassion for others. He doesn’t seem to care that he has harmed others and in fact pats himself on the back for the damage he has done, justifying it. While narcissists and psychopaths don’t have the necessary hardware to and exhibits feel for others, histrionics tend to have some small capacity to do so in some situations. For the most part however, histrionics feel nothing when others suffer or are in thesis generator pain. They are emotionally flat in this regard. Histrionics learn well how to mimic compassion and trick others into thinking they really care. Brito often reminds us of what a great actor he is and his record speaks for itself. The term histrionic itself comes from ancient Greek and its Latin meaning is “acting”.

    Anyone who believes Brito has changed and is trying to do good does not have a clear understanding of the mindset of this man or is otherwise in denial. It is not easy to understand this type of personality because on the surface they can seem very warm, gentle, thoughtful, sensitive, etc, and quite often more so than the average person. They are also very skilled at essays and exhibits, logically talking their way around things and can justify anything. They know how to access weaknesses and my summer vacation in pakistan vulnerabilities in people (many of whom are otherwise highly intelligent) and photo essays and exhibits deceive them if they say just the right things. Brito does mention this himself. You can believe anything you want about thesis generator for argument, Brito but just make sure your eyes are wide open. Fred Brito is right. I admire his strength, courage and talent. Fred spoke the TRUTH in his original post. He spoke the truth where it matters and you can clearly see that by all the responses. I’m not taking up for photo essays and exhibits Fred because I’m an Ex-Con, but because I too know what it feels like to be judged, but that’s beside the point.

    Society is too quick to judge people because of their past. I believe in on how i spent second chances. If they would enact a law that would MAKE society give ex-cons (Non-Violent/Sexual) a second chance, that would cut CRIME in this country by photo and exhibits, one third. Never judge a book by it’s color, I mean cover.

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