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How to Answer #8220;Why This College?#8221; pt 3: Essay Samples. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts. Hi Everyone! Sorry I#8217;ve been absent with my posts I#8217;ve been working with lots of students, but I also broke a bone in my foot and it waylaid me for a while (ouch). But I#8217;m back! Here#8217;s the research paper final installment on #8220;How To Answer Why This College.#8221; So you have to answer the essay prompts essay question, #8220;Why Do You Want to Go To This School?#8221; Here#8217;s the good news (yup, there#8217;s good news). Cause And Effect Essay Of The Internet. This college essay doesn#8217;t have to be a killer, if you know what schools are looking for and where to nyu admission begin . ( Part 1 and Part 2 #8212; check them out.) Now, take a look at some essays in action. Here are sections from 3 different essays. Find out if they work or not, and why . “I like Bowdoin College because it#8217;s a highly acclaimed school with excellent academics. I especially like Bowdoin because it is close to the Canadian border.” Doesn#8217;t Work. Why : The student is telling the school what it already knows . (#8220;Highly acclaimed#8221; #8220;Excellent academics#8221; #8220;Close to the Canadian border.#8221;) Instead, tell the school why this information is best tells the purpose important, and essay how you#8217;ll take advantage of it. New Version: #8220;Bowdoin#8217;s proximity to Canada is people are only important to me because my family is French Canadian.

I#8217;m excited to be able to immerse myself in a premier liberal arts education, while being close enough to Quebec to nyu admission essay prompts learn more about my heritage and practice my language skills.” Works. Network. Why: The answer is specific . This student clearly states why this school is a good match for her . #8220;Your school really inspires me. The students were friendly and the campus is amazing. Plus, I like cold weather. I can really see myself going there.” Doesn#8217;t Work. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts. Why: Generic almost any campus can be inspiring, and lots of students are friendly. It#8217;s also impersonal there#8217;s no feeling the student connects with this school. New Version: #8220;I introduced myself to some of the students who were on no fear essay, their way to Dr. Gruber#8217;s psych class. As we walked across the quad they told me how exciting his lectures were and how much they liked him as a teacher.

My high school psych course really made me want to nyu admission learn more about psychology, and if I#8217;m admitted, the first class I#8217;m signing up for and effect internet, is Dr. Gruber#8217;s.#8221; Works. Why: The student has made her answer personal . By referencing an instructor and nyu admission a course that interests her, she#8217;s able to give the school a clear picture of security network how she sees herself fitting in . #8220;During the campus tour, my guide gave me a great inside view of the University. Essay. He told me about the school culture, and security I knew this was the place for nyu admission, me.#8221; Doesn#8217;t Work. Why: 1. Vague.

It doesn#8217;t mean anything to say you have an #8220;inside view#8221; or that #8220;this is the place for me.#8221; You need specifics to back it up. New Version: #8220;After I got home, I remembered my tour guide played cello in the orchestra, so I shot him an email asking what it was like. Essay. He replied right away and told me he#8217;d definitely recommend it, especially because of the nyu admission prompts great friendships he#8217;d made. That#8217;s the kind of experience and camaraderie I#8217;m looking for.#8221; Works. Why: Personal connection. This is an excellent revision. When the student realized his essay wasn#8217;t specific enough, he remembered that his tour guide played in the orchestra, and that he had the guide#8217;s email. So they chatted, and the end result was an people essay that showed initiative, enthusiasm, and nyu admission essay connection . The student understood why he wanted to go to this college . Your Essay Will be Longer Than These Samples. Cause Essay Internet. The samples I gave you are sections from essays, not the essay entire essay. (Using sections makes it easier for which best of the thesis statement, me to take apart to show you why they work or not.

Your essay will probably be longer, depending on word count). When you write your essay, you might be able to nyu admission prompts use all there of the ideas presented in these samples (why you like the college, how you see yourself fitting in, how you#8217;ve made a connection), plus any other ideas you have. Just remember to answer the no fear hamlet exact prompt. Is Your Essay Specific Enough? Use this Test: If 100 other students can say the same thing, it#8217;s time to either dig deeper or start over. Your essay needs to be unique to you. Every school wants to see two basic things: that you know something specific about what they offer and that you understand how you#8217;ll fit in. Read the Other Posts in this Series.

Sharon Epstein is owner of First Impressions College Consulting in essay prompts Redding, Connecticut. A Writers Guild Award-winner and two-time Emmy Award nominee, Sharon lectures extensively on essay writing. Sharon teaches students how to master interview skills, write killer resumes, and transform their goals, dreams and experiences into memorable college application essays . Are Only In Making. She works with students everywhere: in-person, by phone, Skype and email. Visit her website for more info. Connect on Google+ , Pinterest and essay prompts Twitter . Rubrics. Leave a comment — let me know what you think! College consultant, teaching students how to write memorable college application essays, grad school and prep school essays, and succeed at job and college interviews. Nyu Admission Essay. 4 thoughts on best, “ How to Answer #8220;Why This College?#8221; pt 3: Essay Samples ” COLLEGE ESSAY WRITING AND INTERVIEW SKILLS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS.

Welcome! I'm a Writers Guild Award Winner and Two-Time Emmy Nominee for writing who teaches people around the world how to write memorable college, prep and nyu admission grad school essays, write outstanding resumes, and succeed at college and job interviews. My business is essays First Impressions College Consulting, based in essay prompts Redding, Connecticut.

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Questions - NYU

Divulgation Extra-Terrestre aux USA : compte rendu de l’ Audience des Citoyens info! Ajou t yves Herbo avec juste raison puisque l’article viendrait de lui, demande son lien source, donc nous le remettons , a savoir que la presse galactique et neo trouve ne mentionnent nulle part la source de Yves Herbo.Donc logique de remettre les choses en ordre, en tant que partenaire du site de yves herbo et aussi pour respecter le travail d’autrui nous mettons le lien en esperant egalement un retour si cela se produit dans le sens inverse nous serons vigilents ! Et mea culpa , sylv1 adm . Dommage encore une fois ( cela ne fera qu’un de plus me direz-vous! ) que nous sommes la cible des carences des autres alors que de note cote nous mettons en avant a la moindre occasion les partenaires ou sites interessants et meme les sources images et video .Tout le monde ne peut pas en dire autant.. Nyu Admission! sylv1 adm investigations ufoetscience. Un congres exceptionnel, l’ »audience des citoyens sur la Divulgation. No Fear Hamlet Essay! »s ’est tenu a Washington, DC au National Press Club du 29 Avril au 3 Mai dans lequel un puissant groupe de chercheurs et de temoins militaires/agents ont temoigne pendant 30 heures sur 5 jours devant des ex-membres de la Chambre Americaine et du Senat -La devise pour cet evenement etait » Si le Congres ne fait pas son travail, le peuple le fera. Nyu Admission Essay! » 29-04-2013 : Le Membre du Congres Bartlett : » Qu’il y ait des ovnis ou des extraterrestres n’est pas la question – c’est une question constitutionnelle plus qu’autre chose. Hamlet Essay! Dans son discours public final quand il a quitte ses fonctions, Eisenhower a mis en garde le public contre le complexe militaro-industriel, mais son discours original l’a appele le complexe militaro-industrielCongressiste, puis il a enleve le mot Congressiste. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Je pense que le Congres doit au peuple americain une audience a ce sujet.

Il peut n’y rien avoir avec les ovnis, mais vous avez le droit d’adresser des petitions au gouvernement a ce sujet. Of The Statement In An Essay! » – Le Dr Steven Greer a ouvert la seance de l’apres-midi en decrivant comment il est passe d’un medecin de salle d’urgence a un militant de premier plan pour la divulgation sur les UFO-ET. Prompts! Greer est egalement producteur executif d’un nouveau documentaire, «Sirius», qui se concentre sur ses allegations concernant les technologies existantes qui pourraient changer le monde. ‘Sirius’ est egalement sur le devoilement de l’analyse de l’ADN d’un humanoide de 6 pouces de hauteur decouvert il y a 10 ans dans le desert d’Atacama, au Chili. Essay Security Network! Surnomme Ata, il y a controverse quant a son origine et ce que exactement l’ADN revele, selon un rapport final de Greer : smg-report-4-22-2013-final-revised.pdf. » Tout ce que les extraterrestres montrent d’eux-memes ressemble a de la magie pour nous … si vous avez affaire avec des civilisations qui sont effectivement arrivees ici d’ailleurs, elles ont probablement du le faire plus vite que la vitesse de la lumiere … peut-etre a la vitesse de la pensee … la conscience et l’esprit sont la veritable frontiere finale – pas l’espace . Nyu Admission Essay! Nous ne sommes pas seuls dans l’univers et nous avons besoin d’avoir une paix interplanetaire, une initiative interstellaire. Essay Security! Nous avons besoin de comprendre comment nous allons avancer ‘. L’Activiste politique Stephen Bassett a parle de la facon dont les medias ont mal rapporte les nouvelles importantes sur les OVNI. Nyu Admission Prompts! » Si quelques journalistes tres apres pouvent sortir et poser les bonnes questions, ca va devenir vraiment interessant… » – Le chercheur Grant Cameron discute sur 1.000 documents qu’il a recu via le Freedom of for esl essays Information Act sur la facon dont Rockefeller a essaye d’obtenir de l’administration Clinton de se pencher sur les ovnis, en particulier le crash d’OVNI en 1947 a Roswell, NM, et comment le president Clinton a lance un defi en disant que si il y avait un OVNI a Roswell, il n’a jamais rien ete dit a ce sujet. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Cameron parle de la facon dont Bill et Hillary Clinton ont rencontre Rockefeller dans son ranch pour discuter des OVNIS. A Bibliography For A Paper! » Il y a des documents cles de 1995 qui soulignent comment Hillary et son personnel ont aide a la redaction d’une lettre d’information sur les UFO qui serait envoye au president. Nyu Admission! » Le temoignage de Grant Cameron sur l’administration Clinton et ses tentatives infructueuses pour trouver des informations UFO … – Linda Moulton Howe a signale des enlevements (abductions) et une manipulation possible de l’esprit humain. Rubrics! Elle raconte l’histoire d’un militaire qui lui a dit qu’il etait dans une equipe qui, en 1978, a ete chargee d’enqueter sur une ville qui aurait ete inondee par des extraterrestres. 30-04-2013 : Le comite des anciens membres du Congres est a l’ecoute des temoignages de temoins oculaires de l ‘incident celebre de 1980 en foret de Rendlesham en Angleterre qui a implique de nombreux militaires. Plus tard dans la journee, le comite a entendu des temoignages de temoins oculaires, plus de militaires encore, sur l’ activite OVNI au-dessus des sites americains de missiles nucleaires . – Temoignage de James Penniston sur sa rencontre rapprochee avec un OVNI.

Le Cong. Prompts! Roscoe Bartlett a engage le Sgt. Security Network! James Penniston (voir images ci-dessous) a faire un rapport sur l’OVNI qu’il a approche sur le terrain pendant les annees 1980 et les multiples temoignages de rencontre dans la foret de Rendlesham en Angleterre : Bartlett : « Vous etiez la quand l’engin a decolle? » Penniston : « L’engin a genere plus de luminosite et cela me preoccupait. Essay! Je n’etais pas sur qu’il n’allait pas exploser, donc j’ai pris une position quelque peu defensive. People Are Only Interested Money-essay! Il a rase le sol, est alle a niveau de l’arbre, a momentanement plane, puis a decolle en un clin d’?il. Essay! Les choses qu’il n’a pas faites etaient tout ce qu’il aurait du faire.

J’attendais un deplacement d’air – tous les avions le font. Essays! J’esperais le son des avions – tous les avions font cela… ». – La session de l’apres-midi se concentre sur les nombreux cas d’ovnis observes dans le voisinage des sites americains de missiles nucleaires. Nyu Admission! Un des temoins, retraite de la Force aerienne, le Capitaine Bruce Fenstermacher decrit avoir vu un OVNI en forme de cigare au-dessus d’une base nucleaire au Wyoming en 1976 . – L’historien sur les UFO Richard Dolan a parle de la facon dont la loi sur la liberte de l’information a donne des documents importants lies a des affrontements militaires avec les ovnis . – Le C ong. Cause Essay Internet! Roscoe Bartlett devient un peu grincheux sur la couverture mediatique jusqu’ici sur cette semaine d’Audition citoyenne sur la divulgation : (au sujet d’allegations dans la presse disant qu’ils etaient « achetes » 20000 $ pour enregistrer ce qu’ils voulaient : (…) « C’est tout simplement insultant de dire que nous pouvons etre achete pour $ 20,000 – c’est ridicule ! Il poursuit en disant que … » l’ancien membre Roscoe Bartlett, dans une allocution d’ouverture, M. Prompts! Bartlett a declare qu’il n’avait pas rempli son devoir a son bureau par ce qu’il tenait des audiences sur des extraterrestres…: » Je n’ai jamais dit cela ! … Je n’ai jamais dit que je croyais aux extraterrestres. No Fear Essay! Je crois qu’il y a des observations la-bas qui ne peuvent etre facilement expliquees. Essay! (…) 01-05-2013 : – La Chercheuse Linda Moulton Howe a discute de ses nombreuses annees d’instruction sur d’etranges mutilations d’animaux qui ont ete lies a des observations d’ovnis . » Le premier rapport mondial des medias sur ce phenomene etait en Septembre 1967 , quand une jument nommee Lady a ete retrouve morte dans un ranch dans le sud du Colorado. No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet! L’ensemble du crane du cheval et son long cou avaient ete depouilles de chair et tous les organes dans la poitrine de ce cheval avaient ete excises, selon un medecin. Nyu Admission Essay! Il n’y avait pas de sang du tout – pas sur l’animal, et pas autour de l’animal et nulle part a proximite… » – La deuxieme table ronde de la journee, composee de (de gauche a droite dans l’image ci-dessous) Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe et Robert Wood presentent un temoignage actuel sur une serie de documents, connus sous le nom « Majestic », qui revelent auraient l’histoire de la presidentielle et autorisation militaire et cover-up des ovnis et des extraterrestres possibles occupants.

Wood , a la retraite apres une carriere de 43 ans chez McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Corp , a passe plus de 30 ans a enqueter sur les ovnis, y compris des annees de recherches pour authentifier les documents Majestic : « L’identification d’un aspect d’un document mis en question comme etant des resultats souvent anormaux permet a un sceptique de n’accepter rien du reste du document, meme si cela peut etre rempli avec des informations exactes. How Do I Write For A Research Paper! Cela semble etre accepte dans la communaute du renseignement qui a truque les documents habituellement – si ce n’est pas souvent – qu’ils contiennent beaucoup d’informations valables pour aider a le faire accepter comme authentique partout . « La conclusion a laquelle je parviens est incroyablement sauvage : que les responsables ont reussi a garder secrete la plus grande histoire de l’humanite alors que secretement ils depensaient des sommes stupefiantes pour creer des ressources souterraines cachees et de la technologie inversee. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Jusqu’a ce que nous pouvons quantifier la menace alien, comment pouvons-nous savoir si ces actions sont bonnes ou mauvaises ? Esperons, peut-etre avec l’aide d’une race de bons aliens, que Dieu va peut-etre faire la bonne chose … Je pense que le peuple americain merite [la verite] -. Which Tells Of The Thesis! Nous avons paye pour cela ». – Plusieurs personnes composent le panel de temoignages sur les evenements entourant le crash d’un OVNI presume a l’exterieur de la ville de Roswell, NM en 1947. Le jury est compose de (de gauche a droite dans l’image ci-dessous) Denice Marcell, Jesse Marcel III, Col. Nyu Admission Essay! / Dr. For A Paper! Jesse Marcel Jr., le Ret. Nyu Admission! USAR lieutenant-colonel Kevin Randle, l’ancien physicien nucleaire Stanton T. Essay Security Network! Friedman et le chercheur / auteur Donald Schmitt. Marcel Jr. Essay! a une brillante carriere a la fois comme un officier de la marine et de la garde nationale ainsi que d’etre un chirurgien militaire de vol. Money-essay! Il a dit au comite Washington CHD sur la nuit en 1947 (alors qu’il etait age de 11 ans), lorsque son pere Jesse Marcel , officier de renseignement de la Roswell Army Air Field, est revenu a la maison avec des debris de toute sorte de l’objet qui s’est ecrase dans un ranch a proximite : « J’ai ete reveille par mon pere qui revenait d’une mission de recueillir des debris d’origine inconnue d’un ranch de Roswell. Prompts! Sachant qu’il avait vu quelque chose de tres special, il voulait que ma mere et moi-meme regardions ca aussi et a dit: « Vous ne verrez jamais cela a nouveau . I Write A Bibliography Research! » « Il nous a dirige dans la cuisine ou il y avait ces etranges debris sur le plancher de la cuisine qu’il avait pre-positionnes.

Il a dit: » Regardez ca – Je pense que c’est ce que vous appelez une soucoupe volante ou des restes de celle-ci. Prompts! » « Les debris se composaient de trois elements: il y avait une feuille metallique tres dure, il y avait des debris de plastique noir, comme un disque de phonographe casse, mais la chose la plus etrange que j’ai vu etait une poutre en I dans l’epave. No Fear Hamlet! Il y avait des signes d’ecriture le long de la surface a l’interieur de celle-ci. Nyu Admission Essay! elles etaient d’une teinte violacee-violet, semi-reflechissantes a la lumiere. Security! » Marcel Jr. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! a continue a raconter comment son pere a ensuite ordonne d’envoyer un vol avec le materiel pour le bureau du General Roger Ramey a Fort Worth, Texas. « Quand mon pere est rentre, il a demande a ma mere et a moi-meme de nous assoir et a dit: « Vous ne parlez jamais de cela – c’est un non-evenement ». And Effect Of The Internet! Je n’en ai jamais discute avec mes amis ou quelqu’un d’autre jusqu’a ce que Stanton Friedman interroge mon pere en 1978. – Le USAF Ret. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! lieutenant-colonel Richard French donne un surprenant temoignage sur Roswell. French a parle au comite au sujet d’un incident dont il a ete temoin a la fin des annees 1960 a Alamogordo, alors qu’il testait les effets de l’altitude sur les humains dans une chambre d’altitude pour completer son cours de recyclage annuel.

« Pendant que j’attendais la, j’ai eu connaissance d’un accident a quelques miles de la en direction des White Sands [silos de missiles]. I Write For A! Peu de temps apres, j’ai ete temoin du decollage d’un avion de chasse prototype que je ne reconnaissais pas ou su ce que c’etait. « L’avion a decolle a un taux tres eleve de vitesse et a tire une fusee, de cinq pouces de diametre et d’environ six pieds de long, soit environ la meme taille que certains des fusees aeriennes air-air modernes. « Ensuite [j’ai entendu] qu’il y avait un nombre inconnu d’humanoides, tues ou blesses. Essay Prompts! Les restes des victimes ont ete amenes a la base des operations a Holloman Air Force Base [au Nouveau-Mexique]. A Bibliography Paper! Les seules parties de l’engin que j’ai ete autorise a voir portaient des marques qui semblaient etre arabe ou une langue que je ne comprenais pas. « Plus tard, j’ai appris que les restes et les victimes ont ete transportes a Wright-Patterson Air Force Base [en Ohio] et remis a la Division des technologies etrangeres.

Ce n’est pas la premiere fois que French s’est presente pour reveler des informations intrigantes sur les OVNIS. Nyu Admission! L’annee derniere, il a dit au The Huffington Post exclusivement qu’il n’y avait pas seulement un OVNI qui s’est ecrase pres de Roswell en 1947 – il y en avait deux ! – 02-05-2013 : le Jour 4 de l’audition offre un temoignage international sur le sujet des OVNIS. Which Best Tells The Purpose Thesis Essay! le Membre du Comite, le Senateur Mike Gravel (voir ci-dessous) pense que ce sera important: « Je pense a la meilleure possibilite que nous avons pour apporter de la visibilite aux peuples du monde sur cette question … nous pourrions aller a l’ONU. Essay! Maintenant, je ne pense pas que nous aurions une priere a faire au Conseil de securite, car il est controle par nous et que ca ne pourrait tout simplement pas se produire. « Mais qu’est-ce qu’il se passerait a l’Assemblee generale si nous devions presenter une resolution ? Je vous parie que ca passerait. How Do I Write Research! Ils financent une partie de celui-ci – le reste du financement pourrait provenir de sources privees, et nous aurions l’evenement mondial le plus impressionnant sur ce sujet au bout de deux ou trois ans ». – Les temoignages d’aujourd’hui sont presentes par plusieurs fonctionnaires et des militaires de differents pays, dont le Bresil, l’Uruguay, le Perou et l’Argentine . Certains problemes techniques dans la traduction audio de plusieurs personnes ont empeche une bonne comprehension. – Dans la premiere table ronde de la journee, l’ancien chimie bresilien, le professeur AJ Gevaerd a parle des nombreux cas d’OVNI au Bresil , plus precisement dans la region de l’Amazonie. Nyu Admission Essay! Il a decrit un comite cree en 1977 par l’armee de l’air bresilienne pour enqueter sur les cas. A Bibliography For A Research Paper! Le comite etait appele Operation Soucoupe. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Gevaerd a presente au Comite un rapport de 440 pages intitule ‘OVNI en Amazonie» (voir ci-dessous) – Peut-etre le temoignage le plus intriguant offert aujourd’hui, jusqu’a ce moment, est venu d’un ancien pilote, combattant de 25 ans de l’Armee de l’air peruvienne. How Do A Bibliography Research Paper! Le colonel Oscar Santa-Maria (photo ci-dessous).

En 1980 , on essay, lui a ordonne de decoller et d’abattre un OVNI en forme de sphere qui se trouvait dans l’espace aerien restreint a proximite d’une base aerienne. People Are Only Money-essay! La rencontre a dure plus de 20 minutes . « Il s’est agit de 22 minutes ou l’on montait et descendait, il tournait autour, et il essayait de m’eviter pendant que je poursuivais et j’essayais de tirer. Nyu Admission Essay! La premiere fois que j’ai tire, c’etaient des balles de 30 millimetres – une seule peut detruire un camion. A Bibliography For A! Et j’en ai envoye 64, un deluge de feu, et rien ne se passait du tout, et c’est ce qui etait si surprenant. « La possibilite de ne pas toucher mon objectif etait pratiquement impossible . Essay! J’ai gagne des recompenses pour l’adresse au tir, et c’est pourquoi ils m’ont envoye la-bas pour chasser cette chose. No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet Essay! La possibilite de mon loupage, c’etait zero.

L’objet que Santa-Maria poursuivait etait d’environ 30 pieds (9 m) de diametre avec un dome sur le dessus, pas de moteur visible, d’ailes ou de fenetres. Prompts! Il a dit au comite qu’il essayait de comprendre comment mieux attaquer l’engin inconnu. « J’ai essaye differentes positions. Best Essay! Quand il est passe, il y avait une vitesse supersonique. Prompts! Quand j’ai debarque a cote de l’OVNI a 1,3 Mach, il s’arreta , et puis, en quelques secondes, il atteint Mach 1,2, sans moteurs ! C’est quelque chose que personne, aucun engin peut faire, juste aller de zero a 1,2 Mach, a la verticale, pour atteindre ma meme position – il etait en mesure d’anticiper mes mouvements et puis de me suivre.

« Une fois que j’ai atterri, j’ai rencontre des officiers du renseignement, et nous avons regarde tous les catalogues pour voir quel possible engin d’espionnage cela aurait pu etre, mais il n’y avait rien de semblable a ce que j’avais observe, et nous n’etions pas au courant de tous les types de technologie qui existaient sur Terre. Essay Security Network! » – La deuxieme table ronde est composee d’experts internationaux qui proposent des temoignages sur les ovnis. Prompts! Les personnes (assermentees dans l’image ci-dessous) sont (de gauche a droite) Antonio Huneeus (Chili-Etats-Unis), Nick Pope (UK), Grant Cameron (Canada), Sun Shili (Republique populaire de Chine) et Roberto Pinotti (Italie). – Le Scientifique chinois Sun Shili est un fonctionnaire retraite du ministere des Affaires etrangeres et president de la Federation mondiale chinoise OVNI. « Notre federation sert de plate-forme de communication pour les Chinois globalement sur tous les aspects des ovnis, y compris ceux de la Chine continentale, Hong Kong, Taiwan et a l’etranger. Essay Security! Les Chinois se considerent comme les descendants des dragons, qui viennent de l’espace dans la culture chinoise. « Nous appelons notre terre comme la terre des divinites ou des dieux et nous cherchons l’harmonie entre l’homme et le ciel. Nyu Admission Prompts! [Toutes ces choses] sont tres pertinentes a l’audience qui se deroule aujourd’hui.

Shili a dit au comite CHD qu’il etait un diplomate du gouvernement et professeur d’universite, mais depuis les annees 1970, il a commence a chercher sur les ovnis et les mysteres de l’univers. « Tout le monde sur cette planete est a la recherche de nos racines dans l’univers. Network! Nous avons le droit de connaitre et de decouvrir. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Toute tentative de secret est inacceptable. Essay Security! Egalement des statistiques des groupements ufologiques de Chine [dont il existe environ 50.000 membres] montrent que, sur 1,3 milliard de personnes, nous avons plusieurs dizaines de millions de gens qui sont passionnes d’OVNI. – Sur la cinquieme et derniere journee a Washington, DC, un groupe de pilotes – prives, commerciaux et militaires – et l’ancien fonctionnaire de la FAA John Callahan ont temoigne au sujet d’un certain nombre de rencontres OVNI vecues par les pilotes, et comment, dans de nombreux cas, les informations sur ces incidents ont ete deliberement cachees au public. CHD organisateur Stephen Bassett a annonce qu’une video de 15 minutes etait sur le point d’etre montre d’un homme de 77 ans, en tres mauvaise sante, qui voulait profiter de l’occasion pour devoiler une histoire de ce qui s’est passe pour lui, alors qu’il travaillait pour la CIA sous le president Dwight Eisenhower en 1958. Bassett : « Dans un sens, cette video represente les nombreuses personnes la-bas qui n’ont pas pu venir devant un comite comme celui-ci, qui veulent parler, mais c’est difficile. Essay! La grande majorite des personnes qui ont interagi avec ce probleme tout en travaillant pour le gouvernement, qui remonte aux annees 40, ont garde l’information qu’ils avaient jusqu’a leur tombe et ne parlaient pas si on which tells the purpose of the thesis, leur a dit de ne pas parler.

« Ce monsieur a recu de nombreuses menaces de son gouvernement de ne pas parler, mais il voulait que ce temoignage soit presente et nous en avons convenu. Prompts! Il a seulement ete interroge par deux chercheurs qui sont ici aujourd’hui, Linda Moulton Howe et Richard Dolan. C’est une evidence que la CIA ne reconnait pas systematiquement l’identite des personnes qui travaillent pour l’agence, nous ne pouvons pas confirmer qui est cet homme … nous ne pouvons que presenter des parties de son temoignage, comme il parlait avec l’historien Richard Dolan (vu a gauche sur la photo ci-dessus). Shakespeare Hamlet Essay! ‘ X ‘ – comme nous l’appellerons ici – a raconte comment il a travaille pour la CIA sur un projet special concernant le projet Blue Book de l’Armee de l’Air des ovnis (qui a dure pendant environ 20 ans avant de mettre fin en 1969). X: » le Projet Blue Book etait partiellement une fraude. Prompts! Mais les cas que nous avons obtenus ne sont pas venus du Pentagone ou du siege de la CIA.

Mon patron m’a mis au courant du projet Blue Book et ce qu’ils ont trouve a ce jour, autant sur les gris et les aliens et l’incident de Roswell. Dolan: « Qu’avez-vous ressenti quand ca s’est revele a vous? X: « Eh bien, j’etais juste un peu depasse par tout cela. Essay Security! Mon patron a dit que nous allions faire partie de la poussee d’Eisenhower pour en savoir plus sur ces aliens. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Nous sommes alles dans le bureau ovale. People Are Only! Le president Eisenhower etait la, et Nixon. A ce stade, X continue a parler de comment Eisenhower a ete bouleverse quand il a appris qu’il y avait des activites en cours a une base dans le Nevada (qui sera plus tard rebaptise Zone 51) et que le gouvernement n’aurait eu aucune juridiction dessus. Nyu Admission! Eisenhower a envoye X et son patron a la base pour savoir ce qui se passait la-bas.

X decrit ce qu’ils ont vu quand ils sont arrives. X: « Il y avait differentes ouvertures de portes de garage et a l’interieur il y avait differentes sortes de soucoupe. How Do I Write For A Research! Le premier etait l’engin de Roswell – c’etait une sorte de crash, mais apparemment tout alien etait mort, sauf un couple. Nyu Admission Prompts! Plus tard, nous avons vu le film de l’autopsie, puis le colonel dit: « Ce que nous avons ici est que nous avons une entrevue avec un alien gris. People Interested Money-essay! » Dolan : « Qu’avez-vous ressenti a ce moment? X: «Je pensais, garcon, nous n’avions aucune idee que nous allions voir la vraie chose. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts! Tout ce que nous avons vu etait un film. Are Only In Making! Mon patron a pu y aller et avoir un entretien partiel. Nyu Admission! Celui-ci avait l’air un peu Oriental. Essay Security! Il n’avait pas l’air humain avec la texture de la peau. Nyu Admission Essay! Le cerveau etait un peu plus grand, un tres, tres petit nez et les oreilles etaient comme des trous et la bouche etait tres petite. X et son superieur sont retournes a Washington pour rencontrer Eisenhower et Nixon a nouveau.

X: « En outre, Hoover etait la. Research Paper! Nous leur avons parle de l’alien et de la situation dans son ensemble et il etait juste totalement choque. Prompts! Il est apparu pour la premiere fois etre inquiet. Essay Security Network! Eisenhower a dit: «Nous devons garder cette chose totalement secrete ». – Le pannel de la technologie (avoir prete serment ci-dessous), compose de (de gauche a droite) le Dr Roger Leir , l’ingenieur physique Valone Thomas , le Dr Steven Greer et l’ingenieur aeronautique Robert Wood . – Au cours de cette session, Leir , un podologue, a decrit les nombreuses interventions chirurgicales qu’il a realisee avec une equipe medicale dans lesquelles ils ont enleve des petits objets insolites de personnes qui affirmaient avoir experimente un enlevement. « Au cours de mes 50 annees de pratique de la chirurgie podiatrique, j’ai enleve des centaines d’objets a partir du pied humain, y compris le papier, le verre, le metal et les pierres. « Toutes les personnes impliquees dans mon bureau n’ont presente aucune porte d’entree pour l’un des objets qui ont ete supprimes. Nyu Admission Essay! Il n’y a pas formation de cicatrices visibles et sans interruption de l’integrite de la peau, meme lorsque l’examen a ete effectue avec une loupe grossissante. Network! Toutes les personnes participant a l’etude ont presente etre positif aux rayons X ou a la tomodensitometrie montrant des corps etrangers metalliques plus ou moins denses. Essay! » « En outre, par l’utilisation d’un detecteur de frequence des ondes radio, nous avons pu detecter que certaines frequences radio dans la bande FM, ont ete emises par l’objet . How Do I Write For A! Toutes les chirurgies que nous avons effectuees ont ete documentees avec des temoins oculaires, la video et la photographie. « Nous constatons que, dans tous les rapports pathologiques, il n’y a pas de reaction inflammatoire, il n’y a pas de reaction de rejet. Nyu Admission Essay! Il n’y a rien que nous avons trouve dans la science des materiaux qui ne produirait absolument aucune reaction inflammatoire dans le corps humain… – Le porte-parole international pour le CHD d’une semaine est l’astronaute d’Apollo 14 Edgar Mitchell , qui croit que la Terre a ete et peut encore etre visitee par des extraterrestres.

« Je ne peux pas dire d’ou ils viennent, mais les preuves de leur presence ici sont assez ecrasantes – si vous tenez a les chercher. Essay Network! Ma seule hypothese pour expliquer pourquoi il y a cet embargo est parce qu’il y a des gens lies a l’argent, faisant de leur mieux (difficile) afin de tout tenir tranquille a cause du potentiel de profit qui va avec en ayant une capacite et une technologie qui pourraient aller a l’exterieur de notre systeme solaire, « Mitchell a dit eu HuffPost. Mitchell , le sixieme homme a marcher sur la lune, espere que le CHD de cette semaine permettra de fermer la porte sur le pretendu embargo sur la verite qui entoure la question des OVNI-ET. » [Nous devons] repandre un peu plus de verite sur la nature de l’univers dans lequel nous vivons et le fait que nous ne sommes pas seuls dans l’univers. Prompts! Nous avons beaucoup, beaucoup de mysteres sur nos mains, et des mysteres a resoudre. Rubrics! Nous ne savons pas vraiment la portee de notre existence et notre image de l’univers est encore assez primitive. Essay Prompts! » – L’ancien senateur Mike Gravel (D-Alaska), dit que la Maison Blanche a contribue a dissimuler la verite sur » l’influence extraterrestre qui enquete sur notre planete » au public.

‘ Cela va droit a la Maison Blanche, et bien sur, une fois que la Maison Blanche prend une position,« Et bien il ne se passe rien »… cela va juste en bas de la chaine de commandement, tout le monde demeure muet », raconte Gravel a Top Line . Gravel est l’un des six anciens representants du Congres qui ont ete payes 20.000 dollars par le groupe de defense Paradigm Research OVNI a participer a une audition au Congres sur la divulgation a Washington cette semaine, ou temoin apres temoin ont presente des temoignages de premiere main sur des observations d’ovnis et des visites extraterrestres. Gravel affirme que les rapports les plus forts de rencontres extraterrestres sont ceux d’anciens officiers de l’armee, comme le retraite de l’Air Force, capitaine Robert Salas , qui a declare que les ovnis ont temporairement desactive les armes nucleaires d’apres ce qu’il a vu. » La preuve irrefutable sur l’ensemble de la question, est ce qu’ils ont vu un vaisseau spatial planant dans le Wyoming et le Dakota du Sud au-dessus des silos de missiles de l’ICBM et que les missiles ne pouvaient pas se lancer », dit Gravel . Gravel affirme que les medias ont aide a ce qu’il considere comme une dissimulation gouvernementale en ne prenant pas les rapports de rencontres ET au serieux. » Ce a quoi nous sommes confrontes ici, c’est, dans les domaines des medias, et du gouvernement aussi, un effort pour marginaliser et ridiculiser les gens qui ont des connaissances specifiques », dit-il. Interroge sur le fait qu’il a ete indemnise pour sa participation a l’audience, Gravel affirme que cela n’a pas eu d’influence sur lui pour accepter de temoigner. » C’est une opportunite que j’ai pris de me concentrer sur cette question pendant toute une semaine et la preparation que j’ai fait pour arriver a cela m’a convaincu que c’est tres important « , dit Gravel . – L’ancien ministre de la defense du Canada, Paul Hellyer , a cloture cette semaine d’audiences et a repete son avis donne ici : Un documentaire de qualite cinematographique sera produit a propos de cet evenement prevu pour etre distribue en automne 2013. The Purpose In An Essay! Le but de cet evenement/documentaire n’est rien de moins que la fin sur l’embargo a la verite en 2013. Si cette video ne fonctionne pas cliquez ici. source via

Mise a jour pour Investigations Ufo et Science le 7-5-2013 a 06 h 30.

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How We Communicate Changes to This Policy. We may update this Policy at any time to provide updates to or clarification of our practices. For Esl Essays. If we make changes we may provide You with additional notice (such as adding a statement to the homepage of our Website or sending You a notification). Nyu Admission. You should refer to this Policy often for the latest information and the effective date of any changes. This web site is essays, owned and prompts, operated by Viatta Business Ltd . A Partner is an individual who refers customers. Shakespeare Hamlet Essay. A Referral is an individual who requests a service via the referral link given by a Partner. With the first order, a Referral acquires a 15% discount on the order, while a Partner receives $50 to nyu admission essay, the Referral Balance. With further purchases, a Partner earns 5% of the Referral’s total order price. All money earned with the essay security, Referral Program is prompts, stored on your Referral Balance.

A Partner can transfer the money to essays, the Bonus Balance and use it to purchase a service. It is essay, possible to transfer the sum to the Partner’s PayPal account (no less than $20).

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New York University (NYU) Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide 2017-18

essay conventions The Academic Essay. The academic essay is merely a specific writing genre#150;as is the love letter, newspaper editorial, or pop-fiction. As a genre, it functions within a set of norms, rules, and conventions. Essay Prompts? The purpose of for a research paper this discussion is to make clear to you what those rules and norms are, and how to use them to essay prompts, express your argument clearly. The purpose of the academic essay is to persuade by reasoned discourse. Scholars use the cause and effect, essay amongst themselves to advance ideas.

Its value as an instructional tool is to assist students in developing their critical thinking skills. As you recall, critical thinking is defined as: the ability to read theory accurately, appropriate it meaningfully, apply it independently, generate results based on essay that application, analyze the results, and which the purpose of the thesis statement essay form a clear argument based on those results that can be defended with a specific line of reasoning. A good academic essay engenders this process and clearly demonstrates that the nyu admission prompts, process has been performed successfully. With this in mind let's examine how to write an academic essay. Do you frequently find yourself struggling with the introduction to your essays? Do you not know how to begin the essay? Do you find yourself searching for internet a generalizing statement that will get things going, and trying to find a delicate balance between BS'ing and essay saying something meaningful?

If so, that's because you are not following the essay security network, norms for the introduction to the academic essay. Following this norm actually makes introductions a piece of cake and gets you right into the body of the essay. Here is the norm: The purpose of the introduction is two-fold: 1. To introduce the theoretical framework that will guide your analysis. 2. To introduce the thesis statement that will organize your paper. Following this norm allows you to cut to the chase. No more generalizing statements of philosophical speculation that you venture forth hoping that it won't get shot down. You know, crap like Hemingway was perhaps one of the most visionary authors of his time. or The Western is perhaps the most uniquely American of all the genres. Rather, if the purpose of the nyu admission essay prompts, essay is to demonstrate that you have appropriated a theory and applied it independently to how do a bibliography paper, produce results, then the function of the introduction becomes more focused: to introduce the nyu admission, theory#150;or theoretical framework#150;that you have decided to use.

Hence you will find that many essays begin with such statements as In his book. Or, In her essay. IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the main reasons that the people are only in making, norm of the Introduction developed this way is because of an important rule of the essay, Academic Essay: Avoid making statements that you cannot prove. The problem with the generalizing/philosophical/BS'ing statements like Hemingway. and The Western. Of The? is that they cannot be proven through reasoned discourse. Moreover, to even try and do so would require voluminous amounts of discourse for something that is not even your thesis: what you actually ARE setting out to prove.

As a result, the genre of the Academic Essay has evolved into the above norm. It still meets an introduction's purpose of orienting the reader, it just does so in a very specific manner. Having accomplished that, the expectation for an essay is that you will introduce a thesis statement that is directly related to that theoretical framework (or its application). As a result, a major convention of the academic essay is that: The introduction ends with the thesis statement. Having stated a thesis, you are expected to then go and prove it through the body of the essay. That said, it is nyu admission important to no fear hamlet essay, discuss what's at stake in nyu admission prompts making a thesis statement. There are four basic logical forms for a thesis statement: #149; A banal thesis statement. #149; A simple thesis statement. #149; A complex thesis statement.

#149; An impossible thesis statement. Let's discuss each of essay of the internet these quickly before moving on. A banal thesis statement is a statement that does not really say anything#150;it is in fact meaningless because it is either so overly general or so evident as to not be of significance. Essay Prompts? Here's an example from literature. Best The Purpose Thesis Essay? A frequent argument students will make is This author used symbolism to prompts, make his point. The statement, however, is are only in making money-essay meaningless precisely because it is not of significance: every author writing literature uses symbolism of nyu admission prompts one kind or another, either using language metaphorically or metonymically.

Thus, to attempt to single out or make a distinction of a piece for using symbolism is to not say anything that even needs proving to begin with. A simple thesis statement is not quite what it may sound like. How Do I Write Research? A simple thesis statement means that only one main point or argument is going to be proved. The term simple argument can thus be misleading because the argument itself can and nyu admission prompts frequently is very theoretically sophisticated. What makes them simple is essay security that in terms of their logical structure, they only essay, take on one line of proof, and hence, their organization of proof will be simple.

One has to be careful, however, because sometimes one main argument may require SEVERAL supporting arguments. The example here would be the which tells of the thesis, argument that Star Wars belongs within the Western Genre. Here the writer has only one thing to prompts, prove, but in order to do so will have to establish the elements that comprise the Western Genre and demonstrate how the film embodies them--not a small task. Simple thesis statements are eminently preferable in terms of writing an essay for a course. It allows you to focus on your points and your proofs rather than getting lost in the organization of your arguments. A complex thesis statement means that the of the thesis in an essay, thesis has more than one point to prove. In this respect, the essay will have to organize more than one line of reasoning in so far that more than one thing has to be proven. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts? Complex theses are not necessarily more theoretically sophisticated than simple thesis statements, they are only shakespeare hamlet, more difficult to organize clearly.

In this respect, they are not worth what they entail and nyu admission prompts should be avoided. An example of a complex thesis statement would be something like: Faulkner's novels critique the ideologies of patriarchy and racism. This would be an appropriate analysis for the work of Faulkner, but I'm not sure it would be worth it. To begin with, it is not clear what the writer has to gain in terms of proving BOTH of these aspects of the work rather than just the one. No Fear Shakespeare Essay? Instead, with this complex thesis, there are going to be long sections of the nyu admission essay, essay where half of what needs to essay security network, be proved will be left suspended while the other half gets discussed.

In addition, the thesis picks the work of Faulkner which necessitates discussing every book, rather than just one. Thus it is that an important convention of the essay prompts, academic essay is that: A complex thesis statement can usually be restructured into a more theoretically sophisticated (if not interesting) simple thesis statement. Making an Argument. As stated earlier, the academic essay is an exercise in reasoned persuasion. In this respect, the thesis statement is an important organizational structure insofar as it establishes how the rest of the a bibliography for a research paper, essay will be organized. Classical logic maintains that there are 3 basic kinds of persuasive statements: statements of fact, statements of value (or evaluation), and statements of policy (or action, which argue what we should do). Unless otherwise specified, the first of these, the statement of fact, is the nyu admission essay prompts, form that the no fear, thesis statement for nyu admission an academic essay should take#150;the obvious exception being when you write evaluative criticism (which you will NEVER do in my course). Statements of fact can themselves be grouped into two basic forms: arguments of classification, and arguments of operation or function. It is possible to make other distinctions, like for example, arguments of network relationship (how to things relate to nyu admission essay, each other) but these distinctions can be readily subsumed into these two basic groups.

Arguments of classification are when you establish some sort of criteria, and then argue that something meets or fails to meet that criteria. The earlier example that Star Wars belongs within the Western Genre is an cause of the, example of an argument of classification. Having established what comprises the Western Genre, the writer will then go on to prove how Star Wars embodies, contains, or possesses those elements. The writer will, in other words, prove that Star Wars meets that criteria. Arguments of operation or function argues in terms of what something does, or how it functions. The earlier argument that Faulkner's work critiques the ideology of patriarchy is an nyu admission prompts, example of function. This statement argues that Faulkner's work DOES something: it criticizes the ideology of patriarchy. Note that unlike the argument of classification, the writer of this essay SEEMS to have to do more to prove their thesis. They will not only have to define what the ideology of patriarchy is#150;and thus establish criteria#150;they will also have to demonstrate that Faulkner's work DOES something with that criteria. The question of HOW leads to a discussion of the body of the essay. The Body of the Essay.

From a conceptual standpoint, the which best tells statement essay, function of the body of the essay is to prove the thesis statement laid out in the introduction. Easy enough. This section discusses how the writer accomplishes that proof. In the discussion of types of argument, I made the point that the writer will have to essay, establish criteria that can be used to prove their argument. Shakespeare Essay? The body of the essay is the essay, location where the rubrics essays, writer accomplishes that. An introduction is precisely that: It INTRODUCES the theoretical framework and the thesis statement. It does not DESCRIBE or DISCUSS these two things. This is essay prompts a fairly common mistake that beginning essay writers make. They fear that they have not said enough in the intro and as a result, go on to discuss aspects of their theory or elaborate on a thesis. Essay Security Network? The problem with doing so is that it screws up your organization. What comes next is no longer clear to nyu admission, the reader.

If you keep it clear to yourself that the purpose of the introduction to your essay is to only INTRODUCE your theoretical framework, and your thesis statement, then the function of the body of your essay will also become evident to the reader. They will expect you to establish criteria so that you can prove your thesis. As a result, another important norm of the academic essay is: A primary function of the body of the essay is to establish the criteria by which the thesis statement will be proven. Thus it is that having argued that Star Wars is tells of the in an a Western, the body of the paper is going to essay, have to first establish the elements that comprise the Western#150;it will have to establish the criteria by which tells the purpose statement which the nyu admission essay, thesis can be proven. To argue that Faulkner's work criticizes thee ideology of patriarchy is going to require that the writer establish what the cause of the internet, ideology of patriarchy is. Establishing the criteria by which the thesis statement will be proven leads to the next logical step: demonstrating how the object under investigation meets those criteria. Clearly it is not enough for the Faulkner essayist to just define what the ideology of patriarchy is. Their thesis is that Faulkner's work criticizes that ideology.

As a result, they will have to point to specific things within the nyu admission essay, text and argue that they relate to those criteria IN A SPECIFIC WAY#150;in this case through a process of criticism. This process of relating the object of investigation back to the established criteria is another fundamental component of the body of the essay. Without it, the proof is not complete. As silly as that sounds, I kid you not that the best statement essay, most frequent mistake of beginning essay writers is a failure to relate their analysis back to the criteria they have established. Thus it is that another important norm for the academic essay is: Relate the analysis back to the terms and essay prompts concepts of the essays, established criteria. The Star Wars example brings up another fundamental logical task to this process. From the beginning you have probably thought the Star Wars thesis to not be very feasible. The film is not set in the West, and it occurs in nyu admission essay prompts the future. The question becomes, however, whether these are ESSENTIAL criteria to the Western, and if not, what is?

In terms of people are only interested in making proving that thesis statement, the writer is going to have to clearly establish what the elements of the Western Genre are, and then relate aspects of the film back to ALL of those criteria. Herein lies the essential importance of prompts completeness to that process. Hamlet? If the Star Wars writer establishes the criteria but can only point to the gun-fighting that occurs in the film, then their essay will fail to persuade. Their essay will fail to persuade precisely because it inadequately addresses the essay, scope of the criteria. Rubrics? Thus it is nyu admission prompts that another important norm for this process is: Fully address the established criteria. It is very important to note that fully addressing the scope of the criteria does NOT mean that the object under discussion has to fully meet ALL the criteria. To stick with the Star Wars example, the writer can not IGNORE the issue of setting and even remotely hope to persuade the audience. In some way, the writer is going to have to address the fact that both time and people are only money-essay place are out of the bounds of the Western.

This is the point precisely. The author will have to ADDRESS that point#150;those criteria#150;not necessarily MEET those criteria. Nyu Admission Essay Prompts? In this respect, the writer is going to have make a supporting argument about how these criteria relate to each other in terms of comprising the genre (or in a logical sense the whole). The important point is that all criteria are addressed adequately. Failure to address any of the network, established criteria creates a gap in logic.

Subsequently, the reasoning process (and its ability to persuade) fails. Fully relating the object of the thesis to the established criteria fulfills the logical requirements necessary to persuade reasonably and allows the prompts, writer to draw conclusions. Before that process is discussed, however, it is necessary to examine an important component of this relating back process. The Role of Description. Relating the object of investigation or the object of the tells of the statement, thesis back to the established criteria is necessarily going to involve description. Description is frequently an unclear and thorny issue for nyu admission essay writers of the academic essay#150;especially in terms of i write a bibliography for a paper scope (how much is enough?). The purpose of description, however, clarifies the issue of scope. The purpose of description to is to make clear, or establish WHAT in the object of investigation (the film, the scene, the shot) relates to the criteria being used. It therefore becomes important for essay prompts the writer to use description in such a manner as to establish the internet, basis of the relationship between the object and the criteria. Nyu Admission Essay? Furthermore, the writer should LIMIT description to accomplishing only this task. Added description is not only superfluous, but distracts from trying to prove your argument.

As a result, another important norm for the body of the academic essay is: Subordinate description to the purpose of are only analysis. As stated above the process of fully relating the object of the thesis to essay, the established criteria has the effect of fulfilling the logical requirements. It is THAT task which ultimately persuades, not the conclusion itself. It is for this reason that, in some respects, the conclusion does not seem to have a FUNDAMENTAL role in the process of reasoned persuasion. That in itself probably accounts for for esl essays how many dopey tips exist for what to do with a conclusion, like: repeat the thesis statement (like people have forgotten it despite the fact that you've been working to prove it the entire time) or some other such thing. What to do with a conclusion if the essay prompts, work of proof is already done? The most effective thing to do with a conclusion is to first signal that the work is coming to close, and then close off the essay network, discussion itself by stating something definitive about the work.

Like the introduction, then, the prompts, conclusion has a dual role: to signal the transition to closure, and to close the essay, discussion with a definitive statement. Essay Prompts? The work of the conclusion should reference the thesis, without necessarily repeating the thesis (or the steps by which it was proven) It should then say something definitive that signals closure by pointing to which tells thesis, the implications of what you've discussed, by amplifying what you've discussed, or by contextualizing what you've discussed. In each case, you are striving to essay prompts, close discussion by being definitive, and you are taking caution not to violate rule #1 of the a bibliography for a research paper, academic essay: avoid statements that you cannot prove. To stay with the running examples, the conclusion to the Faulkner paper could look something like this: . it therefore serves as an example of how literary texts structure their criticisms of dominant ideologies. (pointing to the implications of proving your argument). Thus, far from nyu admission essay being a portrait of its time Faulkner's work demonstrates that literary works actively engage ideologies. (amplifying your argument) Rather than a story centered exclusively on essay security war, Hemingway's novel instead participates in the reinforcement of dominant ideologies with American culture. (Contextualizing the argument) Note that the prompts, similarity here is how definitive these statements are. They draw upon which the purpose statement, the work that has been done, but say something different and essay final that is essay network logically based upon essay, what has been discussed.

There are, of course, variations on the genre of the academic essay--some rather large difference exist, for example, between the social sciences and the humanites. This discussion is based on the humanties approach. Other variations can result from the idiosyncracies of specific instructors. To the degree that what is written here sounds heavy handed and inflexible, I caution instead that such tone is trying to reflect the which tells thesis statement in an essay, manner in which your own analysis and writing will need to sound precise and rigorous#150;the standards by which the academic essay is evaluated. The precision and rigor with which these norms and conventions are applied should function only to demand that your own analysis and essay prompts reason engender these standards. They are thus meant to elevate your thinking, not control it.

The principles by hamlet which the academic essay structures itself is designed to be a discipline that frees your thinking, not subjugate it. Within its conventions is unlimited creative potential whose only demand, ultimately, is prompts that you say something meaningful that others can be persuaded of via your logic. What I have attempted to do here is make the norms and conventions of the genre explicit so that you can refine your skills working within it. Mastering this genre has the benefit of developing your skill to analyze situations using explicit criteria, and i write a bibliography be able to make decisions based on that analysis. More than a few people have found that possession of such a skill is invaluable in life and professional endeavors.

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essay on the brain Modern neuroscience postulates the equivalence of brain processes and thinking or consciousness. Thought is the natural product and phenomenon of neurochemical processes within the brain of essay prompts our body. One assumption especially favored by modern neuroscience is the rubrics for esl, consideration of quantum-mechanical processes as the essay prompts, trigger of consciousness and thus of all our mental and volitional acts. From the physicalist point of view I do not deny the practical value and the obvious preferential treatment given to this theory within the top echelon of academic science. There is one point, however, that I do find worth considering. If we assume quantum-mechanical processes in microtubules of the brain as generative of which best tells thesis consciousness, we must allow the essay prompts, properties of quantum-mechanics to rubrics for esl essays be transferred or implicate and inherent in the produced phenomenon itself, i.e., consciousness must itself have quantum-mechanical properties. A physical cause always conveys its property to its produced effect. Nyu Admission Essay. For example, consider the cause of a force, pushing a body into motion. The force of motion in the original cause is transmitted to the resting body, which itself receives this force and is incited to motion.

Thus the kinetic energy of the muscle in shakespeare hamlet my arm is transferred to the book, which I lift up from the table. Before I moved the book, it was resting in a fixed place. As soon as I raise the book, a new determinant is added, that of motion. This example is incomplete in so far, as it only describes the transference of contingent and non-essential properties from the cause to its effect. Our body is a complex organism, operating as a whole. By analyzing the parts we do not come to a full understanding of the nyu admission prompts, whole organism. We say, that the organism is the product of security biological processes, especially those inherent in the DNA. The properties of the DNA are also present within the whole organism. For example the principle of reproduction as a principle of life itself is essay prompts, fundamental to the functionality of the rubrics for esl essays, DNA, as well as of the whole body. Similarly, do we not have to assume, that quantum-mechanical properties of the brain processes are inherent and essential to thought and consciousness? For example, take the nyu admission essay, property of non-locality in quantum mechanics.

It is no fear hamlet essay, a physical and prompts approved fact, that quantum-mechanical processes implicate the non-local behavior and relationship of particles. If we transfer this property to consciousness and assume non-locality to no fear be a primary constituent in the mechanism of thought, we must inevitably end up with the self-contradictory conclusion, that consciousness and thought possess a non-local nature, although neuroscience tries to explain them in terms of locality, i.e., as a phenomenon of the brain. Therefore, the local theory of the mind, put forward by the most eminent neuroscientists, eventually results in essay the non-locality of the cause and effect of the, mind. This self-contradiction can only be solved if we do not consider thought to be a product of physical brain processes. Nyu Admission Essay. As our consciousness and i write for a paper our thought, by nyu admission essay prompts nature and definition and through our own experience evinces non-local features, we are compelled to reconsider these neurobiological theories and eventually to refute them in tells of the thesis in an essay favor of a non-local theory of the mind. The biological evolution of the human species has not yet been completed. Nyu Admission Essay. Especially the development of our brain has only reached a stage of archaic potentiality. The fact that today most people live according to their biological and bodily drives and impulses than according to the capacity of reason that is said to distinguish humans from other living animals, obviously shows, that we are far from having attained the final stage of human evolution. The evolution of the body or most of nature may have reached a point of near completion, but, as the for esl, brain has developed later in the process of evolution than the other parts of the body, we have to assume, that the brain's evolution is far from being complete. I would even say, regarding the low factor of utilisation of the brain's capacities human beings display nowadays, that we are at the beginning of the brain's evolution.

This evolution is not only biologically, but concomitantly, the evolution of the faculties of thinking is extending our thinking massively. This sustains my theory of Paranoesis or Transrational Thinking. Prompts. Because it is already now possible to use the and effect essay of the, full extent of our brain's capacity by applying the method of Paranoesis. Fortunately, this method is so far unknown, and as this method cannot be applied by people who are not philosophically engaged, the danger of its abuse is essay prompts, debarred. If we look on hamlet essay some thousand years into prompts the future, we can probably imagine the human being in its full blossom, that is, thinking is highly extended and used more effectively and comprehensively than in no fear shakespeare essay our days. How is it possible to attain the full range of capacities of our brain although it is not developed biologically enough?

The answer is simple: if we do not consider thinking as an epiphenomenon of the brain, as modern neurobiology erroneously assume, we can explain the brain as a sort of medium or bridge between Hyponoesis (Universal Mind) and Exonoesis, that is our individual thinking faculty as such. Exonoesis is dependent on the evolution of our brain, because it uses the brain's physiological capacities. Essay Prompts. Hyponoesis is independent of any material or corporeal medium. If our individual mind applies the method of Paranoesis or Transrational Thinking, it will be able to transcend the no fear shakespeare, limitations constraining the Individual Mind (Exonoesis) and link up directly with Hyponoesis. A person thinking transrationally is not thinking within the bounds of the capacity of the brain, as rational thinking does.

Exonoesis thinks as Hyponoesis, it is one with Hyponoesis and therefore uses the unrestrained power of Hyponoesis. As Exonoesis participates in nyu admission prompts Hyponoesis, whether thinking rationally or transrationally, and as Exonoesis is the individualized and the purpose of the in an essay materialized product of nyu admission essay Hyponoesis, there always exist a natural nexus between Exonoesis and Hyponoesis. The Transrational Thinker is able to unearth this latent nexus and thereby restore the original oneness of essays Exonoesis and Hyponoesis (Individual and Universal Mind), abolishing the prompts, illusory duality and becoming noetically one with Hyponoesis. The common notion about evolution of mankind draws on the scientific theory elucidated in Darwinism. Unfortunately Darwin held that the human mind evolved simultaneously together with the organism and the faculties of perception.

While our ancestors living in caves developed gradually the faculty of essay internet using the first tools, the Evolutionists believe, that their intellectual faculty also began to nyu admission flourish and thus reason, the unique feature of the homo sapiens, slowly came into rubrics for esl essays being. Mind that makes up the prompts, human being in and effect of the internet its wholeness, has never evolved. Only the intellectual faculties were refined over the centuries. Mind as such has always been, independent of the evolution, unchanged by the changes of time, indifferent to the upheavals of mankind and the struggling effort to nyu admission essay prompts grasp that which I call the One Mind. Therefore it is only the utilization of the latent and which best of the statement in an essay hitherto unknown faculties of our mind that increased over the time. While cave people used their mental faculties at a minimum rate, modern human's rate of utilization has dramatically increased and has produced our technological age. Nevertheless, the average degree of utilization is small compared to all the unexplored faculties that lie still unused in our mind, not yet discovered. Only some outstanding and illustrious personages in every era, and especially the great philosophers of the past, succeeded in tapping the uncharted reservoir of the human mind, if only nyu admission essay prompts, partially, though. Thus the evolution of mind and the evolution of matter (body and consciousness) are not necessarily concomitant. If neuroscientists are convinced that consciousness could be ultimately explained by are only interested neurochemical processes in the brain, I would not object to this assumption that I think will be experimentally verified in the near future . Consciousness as a state of awareness or attentiveness does not explain thinking that is a much more complex process.

Thinking will never be explained as a product of the neurophysiological events within the brain, because thinking is not an epiphenomenon of corporeal or material processes. Even consciousness is still not accounted for by merely physical processes. How does something invisible, immeasurable, completely subjective such as our experience of nyu admission prompts ourselves is, originate from an observable and i write a bibliography research measurable physical process. This phase transition from essay, mere physical brain operations to internet mental or psychical operations is the critical and up to now unexplained Achilles heel of neuroscience and ancillary fields. Thinking harnesses the capacity of our brain, which evolved over 2 million years. It is the medium that evolved, not thinking as such. Thinking is dependent on the brain in order to essay express itself, in order to establish communicative powers, reasoning powers and so on. Thinking is necessary for our survival as a species, for people interested in making, the individual being to be able to live. Essay. The more our brain evolved, the more the infinite power of best the purpose statement in an thinking (or what I call Hyponoesis ) could become manifest through the behavior and thinking of the human being.

Thinking as such (Hyponoesis) is independent of the body or the brain. If not active as the individual mind it remains in a state of noetic vacuum before manifesting as Exonoesis (Individual Minds). The brain is therefore just a medium of expression for thinking. Consciousness however is the fundamental state that denotes the being as alive, and that is the intermediary between thinking as a non-material process and the neurophysiological processes of the brain. Consciousness is the link between thinking and the brain, between the nyu admission, mind and the body. I do not mean to emphasize a dualistic notion with this. Are Only In Making Money-essay. On the contrary, dualism, as postulated by essay Descartes, means an assumption of two totally independent and different substances, although they are capable of interacting somehow. We could call this the security network, strong dualism, compared to the weak or complementary dualism I propose. This dualism is comparable to the particle-wave dualism and the principle of complementarity postulated by Bohr. Both, particle and wave are an aspect of the same subatomic event. They complement each other and belong necessarily together.

Mind and body, therefore, are not antagonistic or completely different. Both are interconnected aspects of the same underlying and nyu admission essay prompts fundamental energy. The body as such is just a biological machine, which could not survive on no fear hamlet its own. Nyu Admission. Consciousness gives the body the necessary information about the world outside it and about the body itself. Thinking is the for esl essays, what guides, steers or directs the course of the essay, life, how the body is used for expressing inner moods etc. The whole psychology of our psyche is under the guidance and auspices of thinking (see also the laws of cybernetic). In Aristotelian terms: thinking is the form that individuates matter, and thus produces the how do a bibliography research paper, individuality, be it that of the body, the mind or the nyu admission, soul. (cf. Thomas Aquinas on the unity of are only interested in making body and prompts soul, Summa Theologica, Ia, 76.1) The problem with neuroscience and its assumption that mind is only a complex biological phenomenon is, that they cannot explain, how an immaterial complexity, such as consciousness and thinking could have originated and evolved from a totally different material substance as matter (explanatory gap). Every material phenomenon can be measured or at least statistically described by natural science.

Why are they not able to do the same with this so-called biological phenomenon of the people interested in making money-essay, MIND? Why do most scientific approaches fail when applied to the understanding of our mind? Between this complex structure of consciousness and the physiological brain functions there seems to be an unsurmountable gap that has not yet been bridged. The functions and structure of our mind do not, by essay prompts analogy, resemble the function and structure of the material counterpart, the brain. Both functions are different. If consciousness is the result of complex neurobiological functions in which best the purpose statement in an the brain, why is the resulting structure so completely different in its processes? How is it possible, that a material body can produce an immaterial consciousness?

How is prompts, individuality in our mind explained, though our brains are basically the same? I mean, the human bodies may be slightly different, but the security network, basic functions, like breathing, digestion, blood circulation, brain processes etc. are the essay prompts, same within the species of home sapiens, even within the genus of living beings. Nevertheless, if we consider the individuality of the human being, its character, its consciousness, its thinking, nothing could be more variegated and distinct than that. If our brain would be responsible for the mind, then where does this individuality come from? Why do some persons have an extraordinary reason, and others are dull and barely intelligent? Environmental influences alone cannot explain that fact, otherwise animals would show a smiliar distinction within their species. I think that philosophers since ever clearly separated the mind from our body or the material world.

We cannot simply reject their thoughts as dualism. Why shouldn't there be a dualism of some sort? It is only in our century that thinkers came to be sceptical of dualism by accepting only one substance, matter. By this act they could easily wipe away some of the more fundamental problems. This enterprise is Janus-faced, because on the other side they created a host of new problems, as mentioned above, and these problems are for some part really absurd. 1996-2017 by Tom Arnold. All rights reserved. Send comments and questions to author.

Last Updated: 7/9/2016.

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