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Ap Biology Study Reading Guide Chapter 6 Essay. Concept 6.1 Biologists use microscopes and the tools of biochemistry to statement on medicine study cells 1. The study of cells has been limited by their small size, and so they were not seen and described until 1665, when Robert Hooke first looked at dead cells from an oak tree. His contemporary, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, crafted lenses and administration statement with the improvements in optical aids, a new world was opened. Statement. Magnification and resolving power limit what can be seen. Explain the difference.

Magnification is the ratio of an salve regina essay, object’s image size to its real size. Resolution is thesis on medicine a measure of the person clarity of the image; it is the minimum distance two points can be separated and still be distinguished as two points. 2. The development of thesis, electron microscopes has further opened our window on the cell and its organelles. What is considered a major disadvantage of electron microscopes? The methods used to prepare the specimen kill the cells. 3. Study the electron micrographs in your text. Describe the fay the origins of the world different types of images obtained from: scanning electron microscopy (SEM): Answers may vary, but should describe the 3-D component of the specimen image. transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Answers may vary, but should mention that this type of microscopy profiles a thin section of a specimen, resulting in various views of the cells prepared.

4. In cell fractionation, whole cells are broken up in thesis statement a blender, and union college this slurry is centrifuged several times. Each time, smaller and smaller cell parts are isolated. This will isolate different organelles and allow study of their biochemical activities. Statement. Which organelles are the smallest ones isolated in this procedure? Ribosomes Concept 6.2 Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that compartmentalize their functions 5. Which two domains consist of prokaryotic cells? Bacteria and Archaea 6. Union. A major difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is the location of thesis on medicine, their DNA. Describe this difference. In a eukaryotic cell, most of the DNA is in an organelle called the nucleus, which is bounded by a double membrane. In a prokaryotic cell, the DNA is concentrated in a region that is not membrane enclosed, called a nucleoid.

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. -1- On the sketch of a prokaryotic cell, label each of these features and give its function or description. See page 98 in your text for the labeled figure. cell wall: rigid structure outside the plasma membrane plasma membrane: membrane enclosing the cytoplasm bacterial chromosome: carries genes in the form of DNA nucleoid: region where the cell’s DNA is located (not enclosed by a membrane) cytoplasm: interior of cell flagella: locomotion organelles of some bacteria. Why are cells so small? Explain the relationship of surface area to volume. Cells are small because a high surface-to-volume ratio facilitates the exchange of materials between a cell and its environment. Business Thesis Statement. As a cell (or any other object) increases in size, its volume grows proportionally more than its surface area. (Area is proportional to a linear dimension cubed.) Thus, a smaller object has a greater ratio of surface area to volume. What are microvilli? How do these structures relate to the function of intestinal cells?

Microvilli are long, thin projections from the thesis cell surface, which increase surface area without an appreciable increase in volume. A sufficiently high ratio of surface area to volume is especially important in cells that exchange a lot of materials with their surroundings, such as intestinal cells. Concept 6.3 The eukaryotic cell’s genetic instructions are housed in the nucleus and business carried out by statement, the ribosomes 10. Bradshaw Fay The Of The. In the following figure, label the nuclear envelope, nuclear pores, and pore complex. See page 103 of your text for the labeled figure. 11.

Describe the nuclear envelope. How many layers is it? What connects the layers? The nuclear envelope encloses the nucleus, separating its contents from the cytoplasm. The nuclear envelope is. a double membrane, meaning that there are two lipid bilayers. The nuclear lamina, a netlike array of on medicine, protein filaments, connects the layers of the nuclear envelope. 12. What is the nuclear lamina? Nuclear matrix?

The nuclear lamina is the netlike array of protein filaments that maintains the person shape of the nucleus by mechanically supporting the nuclear envelope. The nuclear matrix is a framework of statement on medicine, protein fibers extending throughout the nuclear interior. The nuclear matrix and nuclear lamina may help organize the genetic material so it functions efficiently. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Application Essay. Found within the nucleus are the chromosomes. Thesis On Medicine. They are made of a lab in third, chromatin.

What are the two components of chromatin? When do the thin chromatin fibers condense to become distinct chromosomes? Chromatin is composed of proteins and DNA. Thesis Statement On Medicine. Chromatin fibers condense to become distinct chromosomes as a cell prepares to divide. When are the nucleoli visible? What are assembled here? Nucleoli are visible in a nondividing nucleus and in cells active in protein synthesis. Within the essay nucleoli, proteins imported from the cytoplasm are assembled with rRNA into large and small subunits of ribosomes. What is the function of ribosomes? What are their two components?

Ribosomes are the cellular components that carry out protein synthesis. Their two components are a large subunit and a small subunit. Ribosomes in any type of organism are all the thesis statement on medicine same, but we distinguish between two types of ribosomes based on where they are found and the destination of the protein product made. Complete this chart to demonstrate this concept. Location Suspended in the cytosol Product. Thesistools. Type of Ribosome Free ribosomes Bound ribosomes. Proteins that function within the cytosol Attached to the outside of the Proteins for insertion into thesis, endoplasmic reticulum or membranes nuclear envelope. Concept 6.4 The endomembrane system regulates protein traffic and report in third performs metabolic functions in the cell 17. List all the structures of the endomembrane system. Thesis Statement. Nuclear envelope Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes Vesicles Vacuoles Plasma membrane 18.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) makes up more than half the union college application total membrane system in many eukaryotic cells. Use this sketch to explain the lumen, transport vesicles, and the difference between smooth and rough ER. See page 104 of your text for the labeled figure. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. The ER lumen is the cavity, or cisternal space.

Because the ER membrane is continuous within the nuclear envelope, the thesis space between the two membranes of the envelope is continuous with the lumen of the ER. Transport vesicles bud off from a region of the regina application essay rough ER called transitional ER and travel to the Golgi apparatus and other destinations. Smooth ER is so named because its outer surface lacks ribosomes. Rough ER is studded with ribosomes on the outer surface of the membrane and thus appears rough through the electron microscope. 19. On Medicine. 1. 2. 3. 20.

List and describe three major functions of the essay smooth ER. Synthesis of lipids: Enzymes of the smooth ER are important in the synthesis of lipids, including oils, phospholipids, and thesis on medicine steroids. Detoxification of drugs and poisons: Detoxification usually involves adding hydroxyl groups to drug molecules, making them more soluble and easier to flush from the body. Storage of calcium ions: In muscle cells, the smooth ER membrane pumps calcium ions from the cytosol into the ER lumen. Why does alcohol abuse increase tolerance to other drugs such as barbiturates? Barbiturates, alcohol, and many other drugs induce the proliferation of smooth ER and its associated detoxification enzymes, thus increasing the thesistools rate of detoxification. This, in turn, increases the tolerance to on medicine drugs, meaning that higher doses are required to achieve a particular effect, such as sedation.

21. The rough ER is studded with ribosomes. As proteins are synthesized, they are threaded into the lumen of the rough ER. Plan. Some of thesis on medicine, these proteins have carbohydrates attached to them in the ER to form glycoproteins. What does the ER then do with these secretory proteins? After secretory proteins are formed, the ER membrane keeps them separate from proteins that are produced by free ribosomes and regina application essay that will remain in the cytosol. Secretory proteins depart from the ER wrapped in the membranes of vesicles that bud like bubbles from thesis statement on medicine, a specialized region called transitional ER. 22.

Besides packaging secretory proteins into transport vesicles, what is another major function of the rough ER? The rough ER grows membrane proteins and in third person phospholipids for thesis statement on medicine, the cell by adding them to its own membrane. The ER membrane expands, and portions of it are transferred in the form of writing a lab report person, transport vesicles to other components of the endomembrane system. 23. Thesis. The transport vesicles formed from the rough ER fuse with the Golgi apparatus. Use this sketch to label the cisternae of the Golgi apparatus, and its cis and trans faces. Describe what happens to a transport vesicle and its contents when it arrives at the Golgi apparatus.

See page 106 of your text for salve regina, the labeled figure. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. What is a lysosome? What do they contain? What is the on medicine pH range inside a lysosome? A lysosome is application essay a membranous sac of hydrolytic enzymes that an animal cell uses to digest (hydrolyze) macromolecules.

The pH range inside a. lysosome is acidic. 25. One function of lysosomes is intracellular digestion of thesis on medicine, particles engulfed by phagocytosis. Describe this process of digestion. What human cells carry out phagocytosis? Amoebas and many other protists eat by engulfing smaller organisms or food particles, a process called phagocytosis. The food vacuole formed in this way then fuses with a lysosome, whose enzymes digest the food. Union College Application. Digestion products, including simple sugars, amino acids, and other monomers, pass into the cytosol and become nutrients for the cell. Some of the human cells that carry out phagocytosis are macrophages, a type of white blood cell that helps defend the body by engulfing and destroying bacteria and other invaders. 26.

A second function of thesis statement, lysosomes is to recycle cellular components in a process called autophagy. Describe this process. During autophagy, a damaged organelle or small amount of cytosol becomes surrounded by a double membrane, and a lysosome fuses with the outer membrane of writing report in third, this vesicle. The lysosomal enzymes dismantle the enclosed material, and the organic monomers are returned to on medicine the cytosol for reuse. With the help of the essay lysosomes, the cell community renews itself. A human liver cell, for example, recycles half of statement, its macromolecules each week. Writing A Lab Report. 27. What happens in Tay-Sachs disease? Explain the role of the lysosomes in Tay-Sachs. In Tay-Sachs disease, a lipid-digesting enzyme is missing or inactive, and the brain becomes impaired by an accumulation of lipids in thesis the cells.

In Tay-Sachs, the lysosomes lack a functioning hydrolytic enzyme normally present. 28. There are many types of vacuoles. Briefly describe: food vacuoles: Food vacuoles are formed by phagocytosis. Essay Plan And Structure. contractile vacuoles: Contractile vacuoles pump excess water out of the cell, thereby maintaining a suitable concentration of ions and molecules inside the cell. central vacuoles in plants: Central vacuoles in plants develop by the coalescence of smaller vacuoles, contained in mature plant cells. Solution inside the central vacuole, called cell sap, is the plant cell’s main repository of statement, inorganic ions, including potassium and chloride. The central vacuole plays a major role in the growth of plant cells, which enlarge as the vacuole absorbs water, enabling the cell to become larger with a minimal investment in new cytoplasm. (give at least three functions/materials stored here)

Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. 29. Use this figure to explain how the elements of the endomembrane system function together to secrete a protein and to digest a cellular component. Writing Report In Third Person. Label as you explain. See page 108 in thesis statement on medicine your text for the labeled figure. Nuclear envelope is connected to rough ER, which is also continuous with smooth ER. Membranes and proteins produced by the ER flow in the form of transport vesicles to the Golgi apparatus. Golgi apparatus pinches off transport vesicles and other vesicles that give rise to lysosomes, other types of specialized vesicles, and vacuoles. Lysosome is available for fusion with another vesicle for digestion. Transport vesicle carries proteins to plasma membrane for secretion.

Plasma membrane expands by fusion of vesicles; proteins are secreted from cell. Concept 6.5 Mitochondria and person chloroplasts change energy from one form to thesis on medicine another 30. What is an college, endosymbiont? An endosymbiont is a cell living within another cell. 31. What is the thesis statement endosymbiont theory?

Summarize three lines of evidence that support the model of endosymbiosis. The endosymbiont theory states that an early ancestor of eukaryotic cells engulfed an oxygenusing nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell, and over the course of evolution, the host cell and thesistools its endosymbiont merged into a single organism, a eukaryotic cell with a mitochondrion. At least one of these cells may have taken up a photosynthetic prokaryote, becoming the ancestor of eukaryotic cells that contain chloroplasts. Three lines of evidence that support the model of endosymbiosis: 1. Rather than being bound by a single membrane, like organelles of the endomembrane system, mitochondria and typical chloroplasts have two membranes surrounding them. 2. Like prokaryotes, mitochondria and statement on medicine chloroplasts contain ribosomes, as well as circular DNA molecules attached to their inner membranes. 3. Also consistent with their probable evolutionary origins as cells, mitochondria and chloroplasts are autonomous organelles that grow and reproduce within cells. 32. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are not considered part of the endomembrane system, although they are enclosed by membranes.

Sketch a mitochondrion here and label its. outer membrane, inner membrane, inner membrane space, cristae, matrix, and ribosomes. See page 110 of war thesis, your text for the labeled figure. 33. Now sketch a chloroplast and label its outer membrane, inner membrane, inner membrane space, thylakoids, granum, and stroma. Notice that the mitochondrion has two membrane compartments, while the thesis on medicine chloroplast has three compartments. See page 111 of your text for statement, the labeled figure. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. What is the function of the mitochondria? Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration, the metabolic process that uses oxygen to generate ATP by extracting energy from sugars, fats, and other fuels.

What is the function of the chloroplasts? Chloroplasts are sites of photosynthesis. These organelles convert solar energy to statement on medicine chemical energy by absorbing sunlight and fay the of the war thesis using it to drive synthesis of organic compounds such as sugars from thesis statement on medicine, carbon dioxide and water. Recall the relationship of structure to function. Why is the inner membrane of the mitochondria highly folded? What role do all the individual thylakoid membranes serve? (Notice that you will have the same answer for a lab, both questions.) As highly folded surfaces, the cristae give the inner mitochondrial membrane a large surface area, thus enhancing the productivity of cellular respiration. As in mitochondria, thylakoid membranes serve to increase the surface area and thesis statement thus the function of the chloroplasts. 37. Explain the important role played by peroxisomes. Peroxisomes contain. enzymes that remove hydrogen atoms from various substrates and transfer them to a lab oxygen, thus producing hydrogen peroxide as a by-product. SUMMARY On these diagrams of plant and animal cells, label each organelle and give a brief statement of its function.

See pages 100–101 of your text for the labeled figures and a brief statement of each organelle’s function. Concept 6.6 The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities in the cell 38. What is the cytoskeleton? The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers extending throughout the cytoplasm. 39. What are the thesis statement three roles of the cytoskeleton? 1. Maintenance of cell shape 2. Mechanical support 3. Cell motility (movement) both of the cell as a whole and more limited movement of parts of the business administration thesis cell 40. Thesis Statement. There are three main types of business statement, fibers that make up the cytoskeleton. Name them. Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate Filaments Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. 41.

Microtubules are hollow rods made of a globular protein called tubulin. Each tubulin protein is a dimer made of two subunits. These are easily assembled and disassembled. Thesis Statement. What are four functions of salve, microtubules? 1. Maintenance of cell shape 2. Cell motility 3. Chromosome movement in cell division 4. Organelle movement 42. Animal cells have a centrosome that contains a pair of centrioles. Plant cells do not have centrioles. What is another name for centrosomes? What is believed to be the statement role of centrioles?

Another name for centrosome is “microtubule-organizing center.” The centrioles function as compression-resisting girders of the cytoskeleton. 43. Describe the organization of microtubules in a centriole. Make a sketch here that shows this arrangement in cross section. See page 114 of your text for the labeled figure. The two centrioles are at right angles to each other, and each is made up of nine sets of three microtubules.

44. Cilia and flagella are also composed of microtubules. The arrangement of microtubules is said to plan be “9 + 2.” Make a cross-sectional sketch of a cilium here. Statement. (See Figure 6.24b in your text.) See page 115 of your text for union college essay, the labeled figure. 45. Compare and contrast cilia and flagella. Cilia and flagella are both microtubule-containing extensions that project from some cells. Cilia. and flagella share a common structure, each having a group of microtubules sheathed in thesis statement an extension of the sidney fay the of the war thesis plasma membrane. Flagella and cilia differ in their beating patterns. A flagellum has an undulating motion that generates force in the same direction as the flagellum’s axis, like the tail of a fish. In contrast, cilia work more like oars, with alternating power and statement on medicine recovery strokes generating force in a direction perpendicular to essay the cilium’s axis.

46. How do motor proteins called dyneins cause movement of cilia? What is the role of ATP in this movement? This figure might help you explain. See page 116 of your text for the labeled figure. Dyneins are responsible for the bending and movements of the organelle. A dynein molecule performs a complex cycle of movements caused by changes in the shape of the protein, with ATP providing the energy for these changes. 47. Microfilaments are solid, and they are built from a double chain of actin. Thesis. Study Figure 6.27 in your text, and explain three examples of movements that involve microfilaments. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc.

1. Myosin motors in college application muscle cell contraction: The “walking” of myosin projections (the so-called heads) drives the thesis parallel myosin and actin filaments past each other so that the actin filaments approach each other in the middle. This shortens the muscle cell. Muscle contraction involves shortening of business statement, many muscle cells at the same time. See also Figure 6.27a on thesis, page 117. 2. Amoeboid movement: Interaction of salve, actin filaments with myosin causes contraction of the cell, pulling the cell’s trailing end forward. See also Figure 6.27b on page 117. On Medicine. 3. Cytoplasmic streaming in regina application essay plant cells: A layer of cytoplasm cycles around the cell, moving over a carpet of parallel actin filaments. Myosin motors attached to organelles in the fluid cytosol may drive the streaming by interacting with the actin. See also Figure 6.27c on page 117. 48.

What are the motor proteins that move the microfilaments? Myosin 49. Intermediate filaments are bigger than microfilaments but smaller than microtubules. They are more permanent fixtures of cells. Give two functions of intermediate filaments. Possible answers include: 1. Maintenance of thesis statement on medicine, cell shape (tension-bearing elements) 2. Bradshaw Fay The Of The War Thesis. Anchorage of nucleus and thesis statement on medicine certain other organelles 3. Formation of nuclear lamina Concept 6.7. Union College Application Essay. Extracellular components and thesis on medicine connections between cells help coordinate cellular activities 50. Administration Thesis. What are three functions of the cell wall? 1. Protects the plant cell 2. Maintains its shape 3. Prevents excessive uptake of water 51.

What is the statement on medicine composition of the cell wall? Microfibrils made of the polysaccharide cellulose are synthesized by an enzyme called cellulose synthase and secreted to the extracellular space, where they become embedded in a matrix of other polysaccharides and proteins. 52. What is the relatively thin and flexible wall secreted first by a plant cell? Primary cell wall 53. What is the middle lamella?

Where is it found? What material is it made of? The middle lamella is a thin layer of sticky polysaccharides called pectins, located between the primary walls of adjacent cells. 54. Explain the plan deposition of on medicine, a secondary cell wall. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. The secondary wall, often deposited in several laminated layers, has a strong and durable matrix that affords the cell protection and support. 55. Thesistools. On this sketch, label the primary cell wall, secondary cell wall, middle lamella, plasma membrane, central vacuole, and thesis on medicine plasmodesmata.

See page 119 of your text for the labeled figure. 56. Animal cells do not have cell walls, but they do have an extracellular matrix (ECM). On this figure, label the elements indicated, and give the essay plan role of thesis on medicine, each. See page 120 of your text for a lab report in third person, the labeled figure. Statement On Medicine. 57. What are the intercellular junctions between plant cells? What can pass through them?

Plasmodesmata are the a lab in third intercellular junctions between plant cells. Cytosol passes through the plasmodesmata and joins the thesis statement internal chemical environments of adjacent cells. 58. Animals cells do not have plasmodesmata. This figure shows the three types of business thesis statement, intercellular junctions seen in animal cells. Label each type and summarize its role. See page 121 of your text for the labeled figure. There is an excellent chart of page 123 of your text that summarizes Concepts 6.3–6.5. Be sure study it, and answer the three questions there. Testing Your Understanding Answers Now you should be ready to test your knowledge.

Place your answers here: 1. Thesis. b 2. d 3. b 4. e 5. a 6. d 7. c cytosol, Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. University/College: University of Chicago. College Essay. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 27 March 2016. Thesis Statement. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Ap Biology Study Reading Guide Chapter 6. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample.

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Thesis - Dissecting Renaissance Medicine

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role in family essay Gender roles play a significant role in the evolution of how far the United States has come. Females and males have not always held the on medicine, same rights, nor have they upheld the same presumptions pasted on them by sidney origins of the world war thesis society’s view. Many observations have shown the wide variety in treatment, pay, household responsibilities, parental obligations, and thesis on medicine, needs. As from the time of the 19 th Amendment in 1920, women were granted the right to vote. Union Essay! Decades after, a substantial amount of studies prove that a gender gap exists in statement many ways of life.

How do gender roles affect each family? After reading “I just had a baby” and “With more equity, more sweat,” I realized that all families are different yet the same. Whether you come from a two income house hold or a one income house hold, there will always be struggles and issues. Deciding, whether its more beneficial to have both a father and sidney bradshaw fay the, mother figure at work during the day is the thesis statement on medicine, big decision most families have to essay plan and structure make. In both articles it discusses how the thesis statement on medicine, women are seeking to have fulfilling jobs and help provide for the family.

The problem with this is, are families home lives suffering? Both articles discuss in different ways, how children, housework and family time suffers when both parents are absent from the house all day. Trying to find a happy medium, so both parents can be providers at home and at work is the key to the success of happy families. In “I just had a baby,” the lady has a very successful job, which she loves and spends all of her days focusing on that. After having a child, her priorities change. She realizes having a child is not only fay the origins of the war thesis stressful but puts a strain on working life, after realizing this she goes forward of starting her own business that makes it easier for working parents. Both articles are very interesting to read, both discussing families everyday problems. Each family is different; all have different expectations, jobs, and thesis statement, lifestyles. Administration! Finding a family schedule along with a work schedule that fits your family right is the key to these problems. It is thesis statement, possible to have a two income family house hold, and I think it is becoming more and more popular with the economy rises, figuring out how to and structure make it work with your family is thesis on medicine, what is business administration thesis, important and the ending result.

Gender Roles and Family. In each family gend er roles are perceived differently. In some families the man is the main provider while the mother stays home and takes care of the thesis statement on medicine, family, in others the man can take on the role of Mr. Mom while his wife works, and in other families both parents have a career. The way people view gender roles has a great deal of how that person grew up. For example in “The Men We Carry In Our Minds” the and structure, writer believes woman take on thesis statement on medicine, an easy role at home and woman like staying home and doing whatever they want, but in the article “Work-Family Role Conflict” it is believed that stay at home moms are more depressed and woman that take on multiple roles have higher self-esteem and are just generally happier.

Also in the essay “Once More At the Lake” the son and father take a fishing trip and not once does he mention his wife which gives the impression that she was just left at home to thesistools take care of the house. In the essay “The Men We Carry in statement Our Minds” the author Sanders talks about depending on your background and family is how you see the roles of men. In Sanders family and the families around him, the father was the one doing the back breaking work causing weak hearing, knees, ankles and union essay, many other issues, while the thesis statement on medicine, woman stayed at home took care of the kids and got to application read books, visit neighbors and just relax. Statement! This is why Sanders did not understand why woman would ever be envious of men in thesistools fact he didn’t come to the realization that woman had anything of men until he went to college. There he was called out on being a male and taking away privileges from woman. The girls that were doing this were the type of girls that have fathers that had suit and tie jobs and basically ruled there wives and thesis statement on medicine, daughters lives and salve regina essay, futures. In conclusion, the study of thesis on medicine, family and union college, gender roles is a major attribute in what society uses to advance. Statement On Medicine! Men and women have revolutionized in progression with the evolution of world. Through time, women have gained the right to vote while men are engaging in what society defines as ‘female occupations.’ By doing so, men, women, girls and world, boys of all ages have molded what was considered to be the norm into an evolution of what use to be an expression of taboo.

Families have empowered themselves to accomplish many goals in statement evolving in all aspects of society. Changes have permitted acceptance of gender role reversal and application essay, different roles a family member plays in a unit. Together, the world has seen many resolutions, and will have many more to come. Gender role: the image of being man or woman that a person presents to statement on medicine others. Thesistools! A woman’s role is in the kitchen. “Turkeys in the Kitchen” is a sexist essay that talks about the role of a woman in the kitchen. Men are still the thesis on medicine, same “scums” they were back in administration statement the days when it comes to helping woman in statement on medicine the kitchen.

Men are no good when it comes to helping in thesistools the kitchen. Thesis Statement On Medicine! They do no know what pots to use, what vegetable is what, or how to even prepare a meal. But according to men, women do not make it easy to plan and structure learn how to thesis on medicine cook. If asked to help in thesistools the kitchen men have no idea what they are doing so the woman will just take over anyways. Men are about thesis statement on medicine, as useful as an ill-trained Labrador retriever. All they are good for is watching the Detroit Lions on and structure, Thanksgiving and fixing up cars. Dave Barry’s essay “Turkeys in the Kitchen” is a piece of writing that exhibits the defined roles surrounding sexism. In a comical piece of writing, Barry’s essay is easy relatable to his readers.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that most people celebrate, allowing for readers’ imaginations to run wild. He starts off by stating that men are of no help in the kitchen; this statement as been proven on many instances. Thesis On Medicine! Barry brings up the sidney bradshaw fay the origins war thesis, connection between men and football while the women are slaving away over ovens to prepare a feast for thesis statement on medicine everyone. Gene, Barry’s friend, and himself were asked to watch the origins, children and were distracted by the Detroit Lions game on television. This is thesis on medicine, a relatable example that many people experience on a day to day basis. Barry makes a point of not taking a side on this issue, but expresses interest on how roles of a man and woman vary while remaining consistent over time. In the reading Rational versus gender role explanations for work-family conflicts, being discussed is the difference between the gender roles who have jobs or whose job is administration, maintaining a home. The more I read into this article I found more information such as one parent household, 2 parent households, one income households and two income households. Thesis On Medicine! After reading this I discovered the many challenges all families face. It breaks down information of thesistools, separate expected gender roles, whether it has to deal with the thesis on medicine, working aspect or the at home family aspects.

I really enjoyed reading this because it felt like it really broke down all the expectations of each different type of families there are. Not all families have the same expectations, or same obligations. This is a good article about finding what is salve regina application essay, needed by your family, and figuring out which lifestyle works best for your family. Kay, Katty. “I Just Had a Baby, I’ll Call You Back.” Newsweek 02 Jun 2009. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. Kay tells the story of a woman, Christine Heenan, whom in thesis on medicine her twenties worked in the Clinton White House.

Heenan says “I loved being at the office at 7, working with smart, fast thinking people till 10 at business thesis statement night, going out after work, talking about work, and getting up and doing it again.” In 1995 Heenan switched jobs to work in Rhode Island at thesis Brown University. The pace was much slower than that of the White House and sidney fay the of the world, she missed that but after her babies were born she had a wakeup call in thesis statement what was important and quit her job to start her own company. The company she opens offered the flexibility to its employers, the same flexibility that Heenan wished she had had at her old jobs. Men are hard workers, composed of sweat and consisitency in administration thesis statement work ethic. Men are also looked at as the provider for the family and on medicine, if a man were to lose his job, he would feel guilt. Essay Plan And Structure! As men's expectations have remained fairly consistent throughout decades of hard labor, women's roles have slowly changed. Women are a main component of the every day nine to five job. Thesis Statement! Alongside, women give birth and do house chores. What Sanders female companion was stating was semi false. Essay! Many women feel the thesis, day to day pressure of new expectations and feel that pressure alone.

Men are defined as victims in writing in third person Sanders' article. This statement is thesis statement on medicine, entirely false. Men and and structure, women are expected to fill certain roles in society, these different roles filled with different pressures. Statement! In an economy where both partners of a marriage have to salve regina application essay work for a bigger income to thesis make ends meet are fairly common nowadays. Women are not entirely composed of hard drive and work ethic. Many women find themselves wrapped in time management and a lab report in third, struggle.

However, Sanders focus lies on the definition of men. Over the ages men worked hard hours late into the night to provide for their family. Men were soldiers, warriors, fighting for countries. Sanders has a strong admiration for men over the years, as well as the obstacles they overcame. Some men are business employees and CEOs. These men were not quite as appealing to Sanders; furthermore, he believed that those men did not have the same struggle as the men who worked long hours in the grueling hot sun. Sanders goes on to state that men are essentially allies of women in the business industry. Back to a previous statement, men and on medicine, women face different obstacles and pressures.

The climb to the top appeared much more easier to women. Sanders disagreed with this statement. For example, his father worked hard in a tire factory and thesistools, eventually ended up as a business man himself working up the ladder. Women have to accomplish obstacles to climb up the ladder as well. However, women were not granted the same rights early on, allowing for on medicine a set back. In conclusion, Sanders' The Men We Carry in Our Minds states that there are many different definitions of men. Thesistools! Men have overcomed a variety of thesis statement on medicine, struggles to the 21st century, as they have high expectations to live up to.

Sanders' states that men and women are allies of each other against and structure, those that are born into a family with certain advances in on medicine the working world. Men are soldiers, hard laborers, warriors, income focused people who drive themselves for the well being of their families. Men are looked down upon as those who look down upon women. Sanders argues that men are just as weak as females in and structure a world filled with high expectations. The definition of a man has been objectified by thesis society, and will remain defined for centuries to come.

The first story I read was The Men We Carry In Our Minds. Sidney Origins Of The! After reading this, I found myself looking at different perspectives of not only how men portray woman, but also how woman, myself included, portray men. Each person has a different opinion on how woman and men are portrayed, and who has “the tougher job.” In this reading, Sanders does a good job of looking at not only the male/female gender, but also the different social classes. He starts off discussing his childhood, and the only type of men and woman he saw. He then continues on describing these men, and how as he grew up, he continued seeing men of statement on medicine, a lower working class and union college application essay, how they lived and worked. After Sanders grew up he looked more into on medicine, the roles of woman and men, trying to thesistools describe the lives that they live and work. At the very end he gets into the argument with college females, ones from upper class families, on how the roles that men play are not as efficient as the ones that females have to play daily. Sande’rs see’s himself as more of an on medicine, alley with the females than an enemy. He tries to focus his attention to helping woman’s roles be more noticed. I thought this reading was very well wrote, because it hit both genders at all class levels. Wolfson, Joshua. “After Suicide, A Family’s Journey Towards Grace.” Star-Tribune.

Star-Tribune, 18 Sept. 2011. Web. 16 Oct. 2011. Junod, Tom. “My Mom Couldn’t Cook.” Esquire. 21 Mar. Report! 2011: Web. 19 Oct. 2011. In Tom Junod’s paper he basically comes to the conclusion of thesis statement on medicine, why his mom disliked cooking so much.

In Junod’s current family he is the head chef and cooks for his wife and daughter 300 days a year, which is considered to be unconventional since most gender roles are for the woman to cook for her family. In his childhood family his mother was the main cook and cooked 300 days a year, but according to salve regina application Junod her food was less than perfect, and thesis on medicine, he noticed his mother hated cooking. It took Junod to basically become an adult before realizing these two things. Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s “Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions” is an essay published facing the concern of women’s rights. Stanton was a woman who was an advocate for the American women’s rights movement. She expresses concern towards equal opportunity in the United States based upon essay gender.

Women were seen merely as people who were below men, their husbands, as well as government. Stanton states that if a woman were to marry, her husband would become her master. A man would make decisions within the marriage as to how his wife would live, how she would obey him. She goes on further to say that in the law of divorce; men also have the upper hand, including custody battles over children. Statement On Medicine! What does this say about the United States history on the uprising right of women?

Women have overcome many obstacles in the course of history. Essay Plan And Structure! Women were expected to cook, clean, care for the children, and attend church. Women were not working in “male professions” such as law, medicine, and theology (381). Now, women are still expected to cook, clean, take care of children, and work in many homes across the United States. By doing so, this evidence inadvertently declares the power of women in their ability to succeed at anything they try to on medicine accomplish.

Stanton’s main concern was that if women do not have the right to vote, they do not have the right to accomplish any sort of task in American society. The voting franchise controls the operation of government; furthermore, the government had control over essay and structure, women without women’s input. On Medicine! Stanton’s passion towards equal rights was a gateway along with many other female activists to work hard in accomplishing, at the time, what was thought to be impossible. Staples, Brent. “Just Walk on By: Black Men and Public Space.” 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Ed. Samuel Cohen. Thesistools! Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011. 72-75. Print.

Sojourner Truth. “Ain’t I a Woman?” 50 Essays: A Portable Anthology. Ed. Samuel Cohen. 2011. 410-411. In her essay, Sojourner Truth talks about the unfairness between men and woman, and also blacks and whites. She says “That man over statement, there says that women need to be helped into carriages and lifted over ditches and to thesis have the best place everywhere.” But, Truth has never got these luxuries even though she is in fact a woman.

She also discusses the hard ships that she has had to go through because at one point in her life she was a slave. At the end of this essay Truth dismisses any argument men may make about men being better because Christ was man. Thesis Statement On Medicine! She asks “where did your Christ come from?” and that answer would be of course a woman. Sojourner Truth is a woman who has dealt with the hardships African Americans have experienced over decades of time. She is a woman who has been disrespected as a person. In earlier times, men would open carriages for thesistools women and to have the best place everywhere. Women were upheld in society, or were they?

Sojourner Truth questions the respect that society has portrayed as positive towards women. On Medicine! She as a woman, have beared thirteen children, all of essay and structure, which were sold to statement on medicine slavery. Why is it that she loses her children, while others are upheld with gifts and tidings? Sojourner Truth questions the racism and sexism that drives this country. Now being the 21st century, women are still objectified, especially African American women. She clearly states she has worked just as hard as a man, working in the fields under a hot, dreary sun. Sojourner played the role of man but is looked down upon because she is a woman, a person with feelings and struggles as much as the salve regina application essay, next. Her essay questions the assumptions society has portrayed for so long.

Has time truly changed the outlook on women? Many would argue yes, evidence being the right to statement vote and being able to essay obtain male professions such as doctor and lawyer. Those people who are much more aware of the truth in thesis towns and cities everywhere would argue no. The reason behind this being that women are now struggling with bearing children, having a full time job, cooking, cleaning, running errands, etc. Women are expected to achieve so much that they often are not recognized for their hard effort. Sojourner argues that in the assumption that women are not looked upon as people, men try to justify their actions by a lab person assuming gender roles. Time is evidence that preconsumed notions of the way women are expected to live have not changed. Ain't I A Woman? opens up doors in on medicine the fight against sexism and racism. Sojourner advocated for thesistools the women's rights in a nation where equality will never exist. Trask, Bahira. Traditional Gender Roles (2006).

The Sloan Work and Family Research Network . Sloan Family Network, 26 Aug. 2006. Web. Aug.-Sept. 2006.

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A Level Art Project: Obesity #038; Junk Food 98% February 8, 2017 by Amiria Gale. On Medicine! This outstanding A Level Art project (A2 Painting Coursework, CIE 9704) was completed by college application essay, Nikau Hindin in 2009, while studying at ACG Parnell College, Auckland, New Zealand. Nikau achieved a final A Level Art result of 98%. Thesis On Medicine! An example of two A Level Art sketchbook pages analysing the work of artist Janet Fish. Nikau began her A2 Painting Coursework by selecting the sidney fay the world topic of junk food, focusing in particular on the excessive consumption of junk food by young people and the health risks that are linked to the consumption of additive-laden, calorie-rich products. Nikau’s initial sketchbook pages (visible in thesis, the video at the bottom of this post) are filled with notes and drawings exploring this theme. These include mixed media drawings of junk food items and children as well as an analysis of the visual potential of her theme.

Here, Nikau clarified her ideas and established the ‘starting point’ of her project. Following this, Nikau analysed the artwork of Janet Fish. Business Thesis! Nikau was drawn to statement on medicine her paintings of thesistools bright, reflective surfaces (something that would be particularly helpful when painting glossy, seductive junk food packaging) and for her ability to create busy, vibrant works that are successful, despite an overload of thesis on medicine sensory information. Nikau completed diagrammatic sketches of compositional structure and imitated parts of paintings by Janet Fish, as in the sketchbook page shown above (note that copying parts of an artwork is often all that is needed for a student to gain an essay understanding of technique…slavishly copying an entire work wastes precious time; note also the thesis statement use of ‘I’ within the text and the inclusion of personal viewpoints and opinions, linking of comments to her own project – this reassures the examiner that the thesistools writing is the student’s own and is not simply copied from a textbook). Using a mottled mid-tone acrylic ground on on medicine, heavy wet strength cartridge paper, Nikau created realistic drawings of people: children enjoying a gluttonous feast of unhealthy food. With Janet Fish as inspiration, Nikau set up a picnic in a local park, providing a group of young children from her local primary school with junk food such as hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and essay plan, lollies. Nikau then documented these children as they gorged themselves, taking hundreds of thesis statement on medicine photographs (additional photos were taken throughout the year, as required). A selection of these were analysed in her sketchbook, discussed in terms of their visual potential and how they might lead to paintings that successfully communicate ideas.

Indian ink techniques: Using another mottled acrylic mid-tone as a ground, Nikau used Indian ink and white paint to fay the origins of the world add dark and light tone to her second drawing. Statement On Medicine! The works on Nikau’s first A1 preparatory sheet are observational drawings and paintings of this picnic scene, giving Nikau ample opportunity to demonstrate her outstanding ability to accurately render shape, proportion and form. Application! Extremely detailed, these images provided a wealth of thesis statement on medicine visual material which Nikau is able to explore within her project. Of particular importance are the reaching hands, which support the idea of hunger, desire and the addictive ‘needing’ that accompanies the administration thesis statement consumption of junk food; the expression of joy on thesis on medicine, the children’s faces as they eat, unaware of the health afflictions that may befall them later; the sharp, clear, enticing images of junk food (with attention given, for example, to the shine on the ketchup snaking across the hot dog) and the sense of distance and depth that is achieved in the images due to the use of foreground / background and overlapping of forms. Plan And Structure! These initial drawings and thesis, paintings were completed with the aid of a grid to thesistools ensure a very high level of realism. As the A1 sheet progresses, the thesis statement grid and pencil sketch lines take on greater importance, in the style of portraits by artist Raymond Ching, who, at times, leaves pencil lines visible in college application, his paintings, with tone applied only in certain areas of the work.

This balance of ‘complete’ and thesis, ‘incomplete’ areas, allows Nikau to application create emphasis within the painting, as well as providing visual relief (a break for the eyes) in the busy, detailed works. The first of these A Level Art sketchbook pages shows analysis of the work of thesis statement on medicine New Zealand artist Kelcy Taratoa. Salve Application! The second page shows composition development for on medicine works on thesistools, the larger A1 preparatory sheets: collaged photographs, drawn and painted over, with the bottom work manipulated digitally. The third artist that influenced Nikau’s A2 Art Coursework project was Kelcy Taratoa. He was an important artist, as he was the one that Nikau based her Personal Study on. Nikau visited and interviewed him in person, and statement on medicine, was able to union essay see many of his critically acclaimed artworks in the flesh. After analysing his artwork within her sketchbook, Nikau created composition studies that were a combination of hand cut and glued photographs (see the sketchbook page above).

She drew onto these and thesis on medicine, painted over and structure parts, blocking out areas and playing with scale in the style of Kelcy Taratoa. Some of these were scanned and then digitally manipulated further. A small composition study, completed using black biro and acrylic on an coloured ground. The hand (to the left) was cut from a separate piece of paper and glued on top. This painting of children eating junk food was created on an acrylic ground, with tape used to create the sharp edges. Areas of flat tone (in colours that echo that of the lollies and bottles) are interspersed with varied surfaces (such as smeared and thesis on medicine, dripped paint), to provide a visually interesting backdrop for the children and junk food.

Nikau continued to develop her work, learning from artist model Bill Barminski, who was probably the most influential artist model in her project. This led Nikau to embrace space in her work, as well as to extensively explore surface texture. Administration Statement! Bill Barminski paints on peeling wooden surfaces; Nikau began to paint over disassembled fast food packages, with the cardboard shapes and text upon thesis statement on medicine them remaining visible through layers of paint. Much of the text on the packages contains lists of writing a lab report in third person artificial ingredients; these words became integral to statement on medicine her compositions. Nikau smears paint over realistic figures, obscuring children’s eyes, as if to indicate that they are blind to the health risks that are linked to what they are eating. These two paintings have paint smeared across them using the flat edge of a piece of salve card, with a MacDonald#8217;s fries packet featuring prominently in the background. As her work develops, Nikau experiments with stencils and on medicine, cardboard cut-outs, mimicking the text on packages, enlarging ingredients and flavouring codes, as well as writing almost invisible words such as FAT in sidney bradshaw of the world, the background layers (text is thesis statement on medicine, also an regina essay integral component of many of Bill Barminski’s works). Many of these words are only visible when the paintings are viewed closely. With an oddly beautiful fat-stained hamburger package and a portrait that trails away into bare pencil lines, this understated work is one of the most successful in thesis on medicine, the whole submission. The A Level Art Sketchbook is a place for essay media trials and composition development.

On the second sketchbook page, a semi-complete work is photographed, analysed and experimented upon, prior to completion. A Level Art sketchbook ideas: a mixed media collage and painting, experimenting with stencils and integration of thesis on medicine text. Mixed media sketchbook pages, showing the integration of collaged fast food packages. One of the most technically competent works in this art project, this painting depicts a child devouring unhealthy food, the bottom half of a hot dog dripping away in a mess of writing report in third person tomato sauce. Painted onto a textured ground of glued on fast food packages (the outlines of these are faintly visible in the photograph), this is an exciting and creative work. This image has beautiful textures created by thick, painterly layers.

The fast food packages showing through the paint (listing processed high energy ingredients, flavourings and artificial additives) help to reinforce the need for healthy eating and the risks associated with eating junk food. On Medicine! Eating MacDonalds: Fat Art. This small experimental work has a good balance of college application essay rough, irregular texture with tight, controlled painting. Thesis Statement On Medicine! Five x A1 sheets of college application essay supporting work plus an A1 final piece for Nikau#8217;s A2 Coursework project. A level Art Final Piece! A1 in size. When viewing Nikau’s A Level Art project you are immediately struck by the joyful images of children eating…however closer examination of the work brings a slow unease and eventual horror as you see the names of artificial additives and ingredients leaching through the painting surface. Conveying a message cleverly, while retaining absolute attention to the production of aesthetically pleasing images: an excellent A Level Art project. The following video showcases Nikau’s A2 Coursework project in its entirety: If you enjoyed this article, you may also be interested in viewing Nikau’s AS Art Coursework and AS Controlled Test. This article was written by Amiria Gale. Amiria has been a teacher of Art Design and a Curriculum Co-ordinator for seven years, responsible for the course design and assessment of Art and Design work in thesis statement, two high-achieving Auckland schools.

Amiria has a Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Bachelor of Architecture (First Class Honours) and a Graduate Diploma of Teaching. She is a CIE Accredited Art Design Coursework Assessor. Follow Student Art Guide on Pinterest. Join over 15,000 people who receive our free newsletter. You will be notified first when free resources are available: new art project ideas, teaching handouts, printable lesson plans, tips and advice from essay and structure, experienced teachers.

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Free Essays on Pittsburgh Steelers Culture. Pittsburgh versus Cincinnati Living in Pittsburgh for the whole eighteen years of my life so far has been an amazing experience all around, especially since I only live fifteen minutes away from downtown. I have so many great memories from when I was growing up. My favorite memory is the when I watched. Does pro football have a positive or negative effect on thesis, society? National Football League, without a doubt has a huge impact on American society. This impact however, can have many positive or negative effects on our culture . It can bring people together with a common interest, raise or lower the and structure, morale of a city, and influence the statement, economy. In Third Person! However, either the good or the. this paper, I will apply the functionalist theory to answer the question: “Why are people fanatically interested in playing and watching sports?” Culture , social structure, and social interaction play major roles in contributing to the reasons why people are fanatically interested in sports. Statement! Sport fans. Compare and Contrast Essay Patriots/ Steelers.

season Games played on a lab in third person, Sunday, also Monday and Thursday nights are on every television. Many football teams have rivalries with other teams. Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns. With 120 meetings it is the oldest rivalry and the most storied in the AFC, surpassing any other rivalry in the. ? Pittsburgh Philadelphia The Pittsburgh Steelers and the Philadelphia Eagles are the two Pennsylvania teams in the NFL. Thesis Statement! The Steelers are six time Super Bowl Champions and they have a history no one can touch. The Eagles have rocky seasons but they normally end up in the playoffs under the reign of. 232 countries will either attend or tune-in by way of television, webcast or radio to witness the Arizona Cardinals go head-to-head with the writing a lab report in third person, Pittsburgh Steelers in thesis on medicine, the National Football League’s (NFL) Super Bowl XLIII. Kickoff time for the NFL’s biggest game of the year will take place at 6:30 pm EST. finally made his Major League debut on opening day on April 8, 1963.

Rose was held hitless for the first couple of games until April 13. Against the application essay, Pittsburgh Pirates and pitcher Bob Friend, Rose collected his first Major League hit, a triple. Rose went on to log 4,256 hits in his illustrious playing career. techniques today. The flute is considered in thesis on medicine, the woodwind insturments of application essay which the sound is created from thesis on medicine air vibrations. Throughout the world, different cultures have interpreted their own types of flutes according to their needs. The history of the flute can be divided into plan and structure, five sections: Primitive (Middle.

some of the greatest defenders in football history. “You really have to search to thesis on medicine find a good game when you watch the NFL these days,” former Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Joe Green said. “You usually get one when you’re watching that team play.” Chadiha’s purpose is to highlight the Seahawks’ defense. African American culture to the European American audiences (Mahar 1998). A Lab In Third Person! “Oh! Susanna” is one of the initial songs which had been published by thesis statement, Steven Foster. It was an original minstrel song which had incorporated African American and European American elements of music and culture . “Oh! Susanna” is. operations.

Consequently, they face creating corporate compliance programs that are effective in operation and relevant to employees in countries whose cultures , languages and systems of law may contrast starkly with the situation prevailing in the United States. Report In Third Person! As far back as 1939, the New York Stock. out onto the field and thesis are captured by writing a lab, the cameras prepared to follow the intense scenes that are about to take place. Thesis On Medicine! It is clear that the Pittsburgh Steelers are back in town and ready to rip apart the next team that stands along their path to salve victory. It is time to forget about the all-star members. from Denver to Pittsburgh . In 1910, Indianapolis has the statement, cross road for 8 railway system, which led and thesistools helped Walker greatly in her distribution of her product. She moved her headquarters, factory, and training facility to Indianapolis and called the company Walker College of Hair Culture and Walker Manufacturing. Radio Communication and Media in America. of updates on things such as banking, and war. Thesis Statement! People became so excited about it such as sports columnist Red Barber who exclaimed, “‘A man … in Pittsburgh said it was snowing there. Thesistools! … Somebody sang in thesis, New York … a banjo plunked in Chicago … it was sleeting in administration thesis statement, Atlanta’ Barber walked home at dawn filled.

throughout dramatic and literary history, with particular emphasis on thesis statement, his entire dramatic canon, and especially on the drama Fences. Thesistools! Set in the Pittsburgh Hill District in statement, 1957, Fences con?rmed Wilson’s presence in American mainstream theatre, and continued his journey towards Broadway immortality. pic and no one is and structure worried about the fact that the picture will make its way into a well know magazine and statement on medicine leave a foot print in the history of pop culture . Even Gerald Malanga claims that the photo had absolutely nothing to do with art. He simply to took a spontaneous picture of a group of friends using. a website as well as print advertising.[2] Contents [hide] 1 Members of the Square Table 2 Television advertisements 3 Demise 4 Popular culture 5 References [edit] Members of the Square Table This section does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this section. colonizers came to settle in the area. The French Creoles became the dominant population in the region, effecting trade and implementing French Creole culture in the region.

The French would not be the last group trying to and structure develop and profit from the American Bottom. When the United States gained control. the Pittsburgh Steelers . For the first three quarters of the game, the Cardinals made only one touchdown. So, I was really disappointed with how the Cardinals performed, because I thought that Kurt Warner would throw to Larry Fitzgerald and that they would score a few touchdowns. But the Steelers who. standing on one foot or hopping around (Morris, C Maisto, A 2005). The action would be repeated. One thing that I do is when there is a Pittsburgh Steeler game on I will not watch it as I feel like it brings them bad luck.

That is my superstition in which I repeat every time there is a game on. new rule had several players questioning whether or not they should play the sport anymore. James Harrison, an thesis statement on medicine outside linebacker for the Pittsburg Steelers quoted in an ESPN article, “Why even play the sport if I can’t do what I do best, I never thought I my abilities would be restricted.” Fans argue. Although greatly criticized and application immensely underestimated, Keller rose against her most fierce opponents and advocated a positive change in the American culture . The early decades of the twentieth century proved to illustrate times of on medicine wage inequality between the sexes in America. Despite the idealistic. and there. I usually watch football every Sunday and root for thesistools my team the Pittsburgh Steelers . Being a fan of the Steelers lets me share my fan ship with other Steelers fans which is thesis statement on medicine a fun experience. I’ll watch the Steelers play either on Sunday, Monday or the late into the season Thursday night games. single game for the Brooklyn Dodgers, and was signed by the Pittsburgh Pirates on November 22, 1954. Clemente had a solid rookie season batting .255 with five homers and 47 RBI's. From 1955 to 1972, Clemente played eighteen seasons for the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Clemente’s bat and base running. This is a crwative essay only A Steeler Game I harbor a lot of passion for the game of administration statement football. It’s more than just a game to statement on medicine me. Some people fish or do crosswords. What I do to relax and have fun in my spare time is watch or read about college essay football. Thesis! While engaged in report person, watching or reading about statement this particular. brain cells to stretch and sometimes even split (Mild Brain Injury and Concussion). College Essay! Michael Collins, a clinical psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center who specializes in sports-related concussions, states that “a concussion is basically an energy crisis to the brain cells” and he. directions all at the same time. c) Dance is a cardiovascular, aerobic, and on medicine challenging sport. Many professional athletes, including former Pittsburgh Steeler wide receiver Lynn Swann, dance to improve their flexibility. Dance fits all the requirements of a sport, and has the physical and mental challenges.

No pain, no gain for sidney bradshaw fay the origins world war thesis Ward Sunday, January 25, 2009 By Ed Bouchette, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette The Steelers cannot come close this week to duplicating the dramatic tale of Super Bowl XL, when they followed Jerome Bettis home to Detroit for his final game. Statement On Medicine! It's not the same. For one, Tampa, Fla., is. and no one ever expected NBA Live to launch on time anyway. Polygon SaveRemove Roethlisberger, Steelers top Panthers 37-19 Ben Roethlisberger spent Sunday night relishing in the return of Steelers football. ''We were physical on offense, defense, special teams,'' Roethlisberger said. Roethlisberger.

the time. Having such talent nearby molded his over-confidence in the sport of football. His parents met while his father played for essay the Pittsburgh Steelers and his mother was the football team's secretary. Soon after, Ed was born, practically with a football in his hand during the spring of 1967. suspension, yet Ray Rice earned an indefinite suspension for assault. Don't forget about Big Ben Roethlisberger, current quarterback of the Pittsburgh Steelers . Roethlisberger allegedly committed rape. What kind of punishment does a rape charge get you in the NFL? Only six games.

Michael Vick, quarterback. influence by society and culture yet the games also influence the society and culture . Scrutiny began in the late 19th century when psychologist observed the competition and the actions of the thesis statement, upper class, while anthropologist’s researched games and administration thesis statement their association to human culture . Society has always had. James Harrison Best Defenisve Player. James Harrison of the statement on medicine, Pittsburgh Steelers is the best defensive player in football right now. He is the best player on the best defense in the league. And Structure! He is an all around player who can do everything you would want from a defensive player. He recorded a Steelers record 16 sacks this season, which is. Essential Marketing Plan Elements. customers Lack of international cuisines offering authentic food Washington DC area being a melting pot with individuals from thesis statement on medicine diverse countries and cultures . 2.5.4 Threats Competition with other international restaurants Importation costs of international ingredients The present state of the economy.

Gratzmiller Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank Industry Analysis Key Competitive Factors Number of competitors Rivalry Collaboration Threat of Substitute Products Driving Forces Demographics Brief Description There aren’t any competitors (food banks) that serve the. Nfl’s Support of Player Safety: Good or Bad for the Game? delivering hard hits. These players were feared by their opponents, but beloved by their fans for their style of play. In the process, the essay plan and structure, league grew a culture of thesis on medicine toughness and was defined as a “grown man’s sport”. However, now the NFL wants to eliminate that toughness in order to make the game safer. Today.

The World Of Andy Warhol On august 6, 1928; in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania, a son of Slovak immigrants was born by the name of Andrew Warhola. Andy did not have a very good childhood. When Andy was about college eight years old he was diagnosed with St. Vitus, a nervous system disease causing involuntary movements. cheerleading, aquatic activities, auto racing, and other athletic and recreational uses. Nike is statement well known and popular in sidney fay the origins of the war thesis, youth culture ,chav culture and hip hop culture for statement their supplying of essay and structure urban fashion clothing. Nike recently teamed up with Apple Inc. to produce the Nike+ product that monitors.

to 49, who are most sought by advertisers. Thesis! While Sunday night’s edition of “60 Minutes” received a big lead-in from CBS’s broadcast of the Pittsburgh Steelers ’ 11-10 victory over the San Diego Chargers, it was hardly a fluke: “60 Minutes” was also the most-watched program on television the previous. a Sunday, everyone finds themselves at party or an event that is showing the game on that day. The key to union the Super Bowl is that attracts diverse cultures as its audience, along with finds ways to appeal to statement on medicine both men and bradshaw war thesis women. Have you ever heard someone say I’m excited to watch some commercials? Well. Dark Night Rises, they used the IMAX corporations to film the Batman film. Also, other company sets were used, the statement, American football team ‘’ Pittsburgh Steelers ’’ playing field was used.

This is an application example of statement horizontal synergy. There was an official website made for the film, which opened in May 2011. WPIAL Championship since 1975 and hasn’t been close in a long time. College Essay! It also just happened to thesis on medicine be that we get to play at Heinz Field, home of the Pittsburgh Steelers . I felt like a celebrity around this time. Business Administration Thesis Statement! Newspapers were writing about the statement on medicine, “Freshman Sensation, Matt Bradford” and administration statement I was the talk of the county. what it supports, namely norms, customs, traditions and institutions, allows for greater solidarity and thesis statement social cohesion, (Coakley, J. 2009). Fan culture is a way to find that. By identifying with a good team, an individual can associate themselves with greatness, with achievement, and with success. subject of football, the article relating dog fighting and football was a real eye opener to the brutality of the sport. Growing up in Pittsburgh in the early 90’s as a Steeler fan (what else can you be) all you heard about college application was the thesis statement on medicine, glory years in the 70’s.

How the team with Lloyd, Greene, and Woodson was. automakers looms over Wall Street Cost of gas is approaching a five-year low Sports Steelers stun Cowboys with wild rally in 4th Image: Mewelde Moore, Bradie James, Kevin Burnett Gene J. Puskar / AP Pittsburgh (10-3) scores its only TDs 24 seconds apart, claims 20-13 win. Full story All about. Kansas City Chiefs to make it to the AFC Championship Game to salve application essay play the Pittsburgh Steelers for the right to play in Super Bowl XXX. The game seemed to thesis statement flow in the same fashion as so many other Colts games that year, with the thesistools, Steelers taking a 13-9 lead into the 4th quarter.[21] Suddenly, in the 4th quarter. have to throw some testosterone into thesis, the equation to administration equal things out. I am a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan. Every year I pay an even huger sum of money to DirecTV for the NFL Sunday Ticket so I can watch the Steelers play every weekend.

DirecTV is the only company that can sell NFL Sunday Ticket so every. Susan Dunn, The EQ Coach, , offer coaching to make your transitions, transformations. Thesis Statement! Emotional intelligence coaching and EQ culture programs for business. EQ products for licensing. EQ Alive!-coaching school, Global:EQ Espanol. Email for FREE ezines.

Put. The Jehovah’s Witness founder name was Charles Taze Russell who was born in salve regina application, 1852. Upon Russell’s eighteenth birthday he began many bible classes in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. Statement! Seeking to essay gain attention for his deviant doctrine, he would soon co-published The Herald of the Morning magazine with founder N. telecast of Super Bowl XLIII with a new commercial featuring Pittsburgh Steelers safety Troy Polamalu playing the lead role in Mean Troy, which featured a surprising twist on the iconic 1979 Mean Joe Coca-Cola commercial starring Steelers legend Mean Joe Greene”. Coke Zero strongly point out “taste. the teams’ official websites draw, and how many times the teams are mentioned on the internet.

According to the survey the Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers , New York Giants, Chicago Bears, and Green Bay Packers were the top 5 most popular teams, respectively. When any one of these teams play they. speak the same language. But the passing years and thesis on medicine Kim Young’s undying devotion to her only child eventually forged such a bond that Ward, the Pittsburgh Steelers ’ leading receiver for six seasons, couldn’t help but grow emotional when talking about writing report in third her this week in advance of Sunday’s Super Bowl. Their. Our Region’s African American History Jan. Statement! 25, 2008, PITTSBURGH – In honor of application Black History Month, the Senator John Heinz History Center celebrates local African Americans and their wide-ranging contributions to business, sports, art and thesis culture throughout the thesistools, past 250 years. Thesis Statement! As a Smithsonian affiliate.

Women Athletic Trainers in sidney origins of the world war thesis, the NFL. injury and on medicine rehab to recuperate athletes (Summary). Currently there are no women employed in the NFL although one woman used to thesistools work for the Pittsburgh Steelers (Mihoces). There are many people that agree that women should be able to work in the NFL, but there are also many people that do not believe. All About Non-Verbal Communications. communicators during interaction.

History It appears that all cultures have written or oral traditions expressing the importance of thesis statement nonverbal communication to understanding human beings. Over thousands of years, Chinese culture has developed a set of rules about salve essay how to judge the character and personality. at a small high school in Atlanta, and statement then he went to The University of Georgia where he was drafted to the professional football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers . Ward was easily one of the essay plan, best receivers to play in the NFL by far. Thesis On Medicine! In an article written about one of Wards hits where he broke Keith Rivers. The Most-Lasting Impact of Obama's Victory. Obama's victory in sidney world war thesis, Tuesday's Presidential election upon American politics and culture ? I feel in the past three weeks, McCain has also mistaken Somalia for Sudan, and even football’s Green Bay Packers for the Pittsburgh Steelers . Ironically, the thesis, errors have been concentrated in thesistools, what should be his area. run.

But 2 years later, Bettis had injuries and thesis statement had a bad year and union essay he was traded to Pittsburgh Steelers . His first game with the Steelers , Bettis ran an all-time record of a 43-yard touchdown for the Steelers . Fans quickly nicknamed him “The Bus” for his running style. After the thesis statement, 2000 season. Barack Hussein Obama: the First African American President. multiracial heritage Reflecting later on his formative years in Honolulu, Obama wrote: The opportunity that Hawaii offered—to experience a variety of business administration cultures in a climate of mutual respect—became an thesis statement on medicine integral part of my world view, and thesistools a basis for the values that I hold most dear. Obama has also written. What Makes the statement, Super Bowl so Super? being able to thesistools appeal to a broader group of vastly unique viewers is the ultimate reason why, in my mind, the Super Bowl has become such a popular culture icon. Entertainment in the early days almost always was put on by university band programs.

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Make sure to clearly read the thesistools, instructions (all of them) and clarify by on medicine, asking questions. For example, some common things to look out for sidney of the world war thesis, include: (ii) Required number of sources; (iii) Essay type (argumentative, comparative, narrative…etc); Thoroughly read the original essay instructions and make a plan before even starting to write.

Strong Organization = Well-Written Essay. The structure of an essay can really make it or break it for you. Make sure that you have strong opening and closing paragraphs and body content that supports your original thesis. Thesis? The introduction should funnel down to essay plan and structure, your thesis and narrow down the specific argument you want to make. Body paragraphs must have strong topic sentences and reference credible sources appropriately using the right citation style.

Finally, conclusions should not introduce new information and must recap the main essay points that you presented previously. Adherence to Citation Style Guidelines. Finally, make sure to properly style your prepared essay in the appropriate citation style. For example, APA style has strict guidelines for thesis statement, cover pages and running heads while Chicago and Turabian require either footnotes or endnotes. Knowing how to cite properly and thesistools, format things accordingly can be worth upwards of thesis statement twenty percent of regina essay your entire grade. Following the thesis on medicine, formatting rules is an easy win, but you have to take the time to do it right. Also, always remember to plan and structure, credit another author’s work and don’t call it your own, especially if you bought an essay online. While writing good essays is time consuming and tedious, it all comes down to following best practices and being diligent. Thesis? Our writers follow a clear methodology that is sidney fay the origins of the world, both practical and thesis statement on medicine, efficient for plan, getting the best possible outcome. First, make sure to select a good topic that you can write easily about and make sure you can find scholarly materials about it.

Next, take some time to thesis on medicine, plan and make an salve regina application essay outline based around a clear thesis statement. Proceed to write the body while adhering to thesis on medicine, strict rules for paragraphs and inclusion of essay plan and structure references. Finally, complete your references page and review the draft before submission using quality audit tools. Here, we recommend the same tools that we use if you were to purchase an statement essay model from salve regina, us. Essay Topic Selection and Research. Strong topic selection is an on medicine important first step. Salve? If possible, pick a topic that has lots of available research materials or aligns with items you are studying in other classes. Try to avoid current events as there may be a lack of thesis on medicine available research materials. Sample Essay Topics. Death penalty Abortion rights Gun rights Gender inequality. When doing academic research, only trust reputable sources like JSTOR, Google Scholar, your campus library or academic search engines you have access to.

Lastly, collect the sources that you need first and salve application, go through them thoroughly. Now that you have picked a topic and thesis statement on medicine, collected some credible sources, it’s time to make a plan. Start by business statement, identifying common assumptions about the topic and thesis statement, find common themes. For example, if exploring the causes of essay poverty, you will inevitably find out that governments are the ones that control lots of statement on medicine food production and allocation to the people. And Structure? Once you have enough evidence to support a general theme, construct a thesis statement and make an outline of the core items that support that assertion. If you don't think this step is necessary, just remember that our writers are trained to follow this process on all purchased sample essay orders. You are ready to thesis, start writing. Start with an essay and structure introductory paragraph that funnels down from a broad issue to a specific time and place. Provide background details as necessary. Then, conclude the statement, introduction with your thesis statement. Body paragraphs should be 5-7 sentences long and start with a topic sentence.

Always introduce your quotes and union essay, avoid “dropping them” without context. Finish with a conclusion that recaps each main point and make sure not to introduce any new information. Essay References and Final Review. Finally, construct your works cited page using the right citation style guide. Depending on the format, you may also need a title page. Review your final essay by reading it out loud and make sure you addressed your original instructions! You should use EasyBib to quickly build citations in almost any format. Have a friend, teacher or trusted essay editing service review your final draft to make sure it is done properly (if you didn't already buy an essay). References and Considerations Before Buying an Essay.

While the previous section described summarized steps towards writing an essay, consider going through our extended 14-Step Essay Writing Guide for a more thorough look at on medicine, each section. It also includes template that you can download as well as color-coded visual aids. You can also learn about and see examples of essay related terms in our extensive glossary section. Whether you choose to use Ultius for buying essays online or not, we hope that our extensive walkthroughs have helped you in your journey to finding essay help. Not what you're looking for sidney bradshaw origins war thesis, or not convinced?

The links below may help. Search hundreds of statement services. Click to Verify. Ultius is proud to have strong verified reviews from essay plan and structure, different review vendors. Last updated on 16 January 2017 . With every order, you can count on the following: Delivered on on medicine, time 100% original Free revisions Awesome 24/7 support World-class writers. Every order comes with these free features: 275 Words Per Page Free Title Page Free Bibliography Free Revisions American Writers Plagiarism Scan. Connect with a professional writer by placing your first order. The entire order process takes roughly five minutes and we usually match you with a writer within a few hours. Enter code newcust during checkout and application, save money on your first order.

Have more questions? Get in touch with us or explore common questions. Ultius provides an online platform where we connect you with a freelance writer for thesis statement, sample writing, editing and business writing services. The company encourages and expects fair use of our services. Here are the thesistools, guidelines. Order Revisions i.

The company offers free revisions, but there are some limitations like the deadline and whether we met the original instructions. Sample Writing ii. Custom sample services are for model and reference use only. When referencing our work, you must use a proper citation. i Revisions are offered within seven (7) days of a completed order and are free with a three-day deadline. Statement On Medicine? For earlier deadlines and general changes to core instructions, costs may apply. Explore the full Revision Policy. ii The company does not condone plagiarism, copyright infringement or any form of academic dishonesty. All provided sample services must only be used for reference purposes while being cited properly. Please read the Fair Use Policy. Ultius is the trusted provider of thesis statement content solutions for consumers around the world.

Connect with great American writers and get 24/7 support. Ultius is on medicine, accredited with the Better Business Bureau and has an A+ rating. © 2017 Ultius, Inc. Before we chat, please tell us a bit about yourself.

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