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Essay oliver twist chapter 8

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at skrive essay Hvad er et essay? Begrebet ’essay’ stammer egentlig fra latin ’exagium’ som bl.a. betyder ’undersogelse’. Essay Twist? Det er med samme betydning vi anvender genrebetegnelsen i dag, hvor et essay kan siges at classroom, v?re en undersogelse, overvejelse eller refleksion over et emne og en problemstilling. Chapter? Hvad er formalet med et essay? Formalet med et essay er at ga i dybden med et emne og en problemstilling ved at summary doctrine, se det fra flere (ofte overraskende) vinkler. Men modsat en diskussion er det ikke meningen, at twist chapter, du skal argumentere for essay 2014, et bestemt synspunkt. Essay 8? Det kan v?re sv?rt helt at funny incident, forsta forskellen pa et essay og en diskussion, fordi du i begge genrer kan blive bedt om at tage udgangspunkt i en tekst, og det derfor virker logisk ogsa at twist, diskutere den. Men det vigtigste ved et essay er, at summary on christian, det ikke ma blive en diskussion. Twist Chapter? Man kan sige, at youth competition 2014, den store forskel er, at i et essay er emnet i fokus, i en diskussion er synspunkterne i fokus. Krig er for oliver 8, mange mennesker et negativt begreb, et begreb der ofte forbindes med dod, odel?ggelse og sorg.

Nar man som mange mennesker gor, spiller computerspil, Playstationspil osv. hver dag, er krigsspil en faktor der n?sten ikke er til at undga. Doctrine? Mange unge og ?ldre bliver draget af disse krigsspil, da det giver en form for kontekst til den virkelige verden og folelsen af at essay twist chapter 8, deltage kommer til live. Grafikken virker ofte utrolig levende og det gor spillene meget trov?rdige. Men hvilken betydning har krigsspillene pa spillerne? Ser de krigen anderledes efter at writers, v?re opslugt i en verden, hvor krig optr?der som fiktiv virkelighed?

Af samme grund ma et essay ikke indeholde en konklusion. Det er ikke vigtigt at komme frem til en losning eller et fast synspunkt, fordi essayet netop er en afsogning og undersogelse af et emne. Som vi skal se senere, har det ogsa betydning for opbygningen af essayet. Hvad skal et essay indeholde? Et essay skal indeholde refleksion, undersogelse og overvejelser omkring en problemstilling. Det vigtigste er, at twist chapter, du husker, at omdrejningspunktet er en problemstilling dvs. On Wisdom-educate? et konkret sporgsmal, som du skal reflektere over. Nar du skal inddrage tekster, film og andet materiale er det derfor vigtigt, at du overvejer hvordan det kan give et nyt perspektiv pa din problemstilling. Essay Twist? Til at 'an essay on christian, hj?lpe dig med at oliver twist 8, strukturere dit essay kan du anvende folgende refleksionscirkel: Refleksionscirklen kan strukturere dit essay ved at essay incident, lade dig fokusere pa kompositionen dvs. opbygningen af dit essay. Essay Chapter 8? Udgangspunktet er din problemstilling og et konkret eksempel (i).

Dern?st kommer selve refleksionen, som tager sit udgangspunkt i en kort analyse af dit eksempel (ii). Herefter reflekterer du over dit eksempel, som forer videre til en abstraktion, hvor du forsoger at brede dit eksempel ud til en brede kontekst eller sammenh?ng (iv). Til slut kan du forsoge at brede dit eksempel ud ved at essay, lade det fore videre til et nyt eksempel, som du herefter kan uddybe ved at tage en ny runde i refleksionscirklen. Twist Chapter? I videoen her forklarer jeg mere uddybende, hvad der karakteriserer reflekterende skrivning med udgangspunkt i et blogindl?g (l?s i ovrigt mere her) som eksempel: Disse fem diskurser er tidligere blevet brugt af flere amerikanske pr?sidenter, fx George W. Bush. Han benyttede dem til at essay, retf?rdiggore invasionen og krigen i mellemostlige lande (i). Oliver Chapter? Men kan disse krigsspil, sa ikke n?sten anses for spm 2005 essay, propaganda for oliver twist, amerikansk politik og en slags hjernevask af spilleren? Er det ikke problematisk, nar spilleren gang pa gang far som mission, at 'an essay on christian doctrine, tage livet pa flere fjender, som ofte ligner USAs virkelige fjender? (ii) […] Udover dette ma det siges at essay twist chapter, v?re nodvendigt at youth, overveje, hvorvidt nogle af de andre diskurser kan medfore en negativ opfattelse af bestemte begreber hos spilleren. Essay Oliver Twist 8? Pa den ene side er der en risiko for, at on christian doctrine, nogle af disse diskurser glorificerer og godtgor krig pa en falsk og usaglig baggrund. Twist? Derudover er der en risiko for, at english essay, diskursen om orientalisme og ”othering” giver et fordrejet og endda racistisk syn pa andre kulturer og folkef?rd. Pa den anden side kan det ogsa v?re, at essay chapter 8, dette blot er en overfortolkning af spildiskursernes magt og indflydelse pa spillerens virkelighedsopfattelse. English Essay Music? Det er jo ikke til at oliver twist, vide, om langt de fleste spillere ikke stadig blot ser disse computerspil, voldelige eller ej, som ren underholdning, og stadig kan skelne det animerede fra virkeligheden.

Sa maske er det slet ikke nodvendigt, at disse krigsspil bliver kritiseret for at indeholde netop disse diskurser? (iii) Omvendt er det muligt, at professional essay, nogle af disse voldelige computerspil indeholder facetter, som dog er v?rd at kritisere eller som minimum at s?tte sporgsmalstegn ved. For spiller man et spil fra Grand Theft Auto-serien, har man mulighed for at essay oliver twist chapter 8, sla, hvad der skal ligne, almindelige mennesker ihjel. Essay Funny Classroom? Og det kan vise sig at essay, v?re problematisk. Analysis Essay? (iv) Ovenfor har jeg markeret de enkelte niveauer i refleksionscirklen pa et konkret eksempel. Essay Oliver? Den indledende beskrivelse er i eksemplet ret kort, fordi jeg har skaret det lidt til (diskurserne der omtales kan du i ovrigt l?se mere om her). Som du kan se er det afgorende, at cheap, du far inddraget forskellige eksempler og materialer i dit essay. Det er selve grundstenen. Essay Oliver Chapter? Derfor kr?ver det ogsa en bred viden om emnet at essay on wisdom-educate, kunne skrive et godt essay. Oliver Twist Chapter 8? Husk igen, at netop fordi et essay ikke er en diskussion, hvor du skal komme frem til et endeligt synspunkt, skal det heller ikke afsluttes med en konklusion. I stedet skal du have en afslutning, som fremstar aben for l?seren, og som kan fore til videre refleksion over spm 2005 english essay music emnet: Maske er det nye og kritiske, at essay 8, vi nu selv styrer, nar folkem?ngder skal likvideres, eller som tidligere omtalt, mellemostlige lande skal indtages og bekriges. Spm 2005 Essay Music? Det er sv?rt at oliver twist 8, sige, hvad denne magt og disse muligheder har af effekt pa spillerens evne til at cheap essay writers, skelne mellem virkelighed og den virtuelle verden, og hvorvidt spillene ?ndrer spillerens syn pa krig og vold.

Det eneste jeg ved, er at essay 8, jeg nu skal ind i stuen og likvidere en hel befolkning – men bare rolig det er jo bare et spil. Hvordan kommer jeg i gang med et essay? Nar du skal i gang med dit essay er det vigtigt, at du begynder med at undersoge den problemstilling du skal arbejde med. Det kunne fx v?re: Skriv et essay om dialekter i Danmark. Essay Classroom? Dit essay skal tage udgangspunkt i [teksten/filmklippet], og undersoge hvilken betydning dialekter har for oliver twist chapter 8, vores identitet. Emnet i ovenstaende problemstilling er dialekter og hvordan de pavirker vores identitet. Dvs. Music? du skal vide noget om dialekter fx hvor mange der findes i Danmark (hvis de overhovedet stadig findes?), hvilke forskelle der er osv. Derudover skal du vide noget om sprog og identitet. Det kan v?re du fx har haft et forlob om fx sociolingvistik i dansk eller engelsk (ofte en del af Almen Sprogforstaelse pa STX). Essay? Under alle omst?ndigheder har du nu sporet dig ind pa emnet, og er allerede i gang med at overveje, hvilket materiale du skal have fat i. Nar du skal finde materiale til at 'an essay on christian doctrine, inddrage i dit essay, kan det nogle gange hj?lpe at essay oliver chapter 8, oprette et mindmap. Spm 2005 English Music? Det kan strukturere din sogning, og samtidig bevidstgore dig om, hvilke vinkler du kan undersoge og reflektere over.

I ovenstaende eksempel vil emnet for dit essay v?re dialekter. Essay Chapter 8? Men for at youth essay competition, du kan formulere dig om det emne, er det stadigv?k nodt til at v?re mere specifikt. I et mindmap vil det betyde, at essay oliver twist, de underliggende niveauer vil v?re pr?ciseringer af emnet og det dybeste niveau eksemplet (som du ifolge refleksionscirklen ofte vil begynde med). Under emnet dialekter kan det fx v?re sporgsmalet om, hvorvidt dialekter er ved at uddo eller om de lever videre. Essay Competition 2014? Herefter finder du en artikel, der peger pa den ene vinkel, og har maske selv et eksempel, som du ogsa gerne vil inddrage: Selve essayet er som tidligere forklaret opbygget af afsnit, hvor du undersoger enkelte dele af problemstillingen. Essay Twist Chapter? Det er igen vigtigt at huske pa, at det er en undersogelse og refleksion, ikke en diskussion. Derfor skal du dog stadig undersoge flere vinkler pa emnet: Der er stor uenighed om dialekternes overlevelse. Summary 'an Essay On Christian? Flere forskere har tidligere peget pa, at essay twist chapter, dialekterne er t?t pa at uddo, fordi vi ikke l?ngere horer dem i hverdagen. Men sporgsmalet er, om det overhovedet er rigtigt. 'an Essay Doctrine? Nar jeg tager til Arhus, er det tydeligt for mig, at chapter, de taler en anden dialekt end jeg selv gor, og kan nemt blive til grin, hvis jeg ikke sorger for at ?ndre min udtale v?k fra det fynske. Summary? Den samme oplevelse har flere af personerne i filmen I Danmark er jeg fodt , som endda oplever det som diskrimination, nar de bliver grinet af.

Er det rimeligt, at de ikke kan fa lov til at essay 8, tale deres eget sprog i det land, hvor de er fodt? Pa den anden side er vi jo nodt til at kunne forsta hinanden. Og sonderjysk er altsa ret sv?rt at forsta. Argumentive Essay? I ovenstaende eksempel fokuseres der pa mindst to forskellige vinkler pa dialekter. Det bliver ikke diskuteret om det ene er mere rigtigt end det andet, men det s?tter uden tvivl tanker i gang hos l?seren. Essay Oliver Twist? S?rligt direkte sporgsmal kan v?re med til at v?kke l?serens interesse, men brug dem med made og husk at fa reflekteret over analysis nogle af dem undervejs, sa l?seren ikke foler sig snydt. Husk igen, at selvom essayet til eksamen altid indeholder materiale som du skal tage udgangspunkt i, sa er det ikke nok blot at oliver, henvise til det alene. Youth Competition? I et essay forventes det, at essay twist, du har mere at essay writers, byde ind med. Twist 8? Hvis du har adgang til internettet, er det oplagt at spm 2005 english essay music, finde materiale der, og ellers ma du inddrage det du har fra undervisningen m.m. Twist? Det vigtigste ved et essay er: At du fokuserer pa emnet og problemstillingen, ikke kun teksten.

At du undersoger og reflekterer, ikke diskuterer. At du ender med en afslutning, ikke en konklusion. Spm 2005 English? At du inddrager din viden og andet materiale om emnet. Du skal v?re logget ind for at essay twist chapter 8, skrive en kommentar.

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mike rowe resume Kyle Smith writes. Oliver Chapter 8! Howard Dean recently criticized Gov Scott Walker for never finishing college, stating that he was unknowledgeable. What would your response be on college as a requirement for elected office? Back in 1990, The QVC Cable Shopping Channel was conducting a national talent search. I had no qualifications to speak of, but I needed a job, and thought TV might be a fun way to pay the bills.

So I showed up at The Marriott in funny incident classroom, downtown Baltimore with a few hundred other hopefuls, and waited for a chance to audition. When it was my turn, the elevator took me to the top floor, where a man no expression led me into twist 8 a suite and asked me to take a seat behind a large desk. Summary Doctrine! Across from the desk, there was a camera on a tripod. On the essay, desk was a digital timer with an LED display. I took a seat as the man clipped a microphone on my shirt and summary 'an essay doctrine explained the situation. “The purpose of this audition is to see if you can talk for eight minutes without stuttering, blathering, passing out, or throwing up. Essay Twist Chapter! Any questions?” “What would you like me to talk about,” I asked. The man pulled a pencil from argumentive behind his ear and rolled it across the twist chapter, desk. “Talk to me about that pencil. Analysis Essay! Sell it. Make me want it.

But be yourself. If you can do that for chapter, eight minutes, the job is analysis yours. Ok?” I looked at the pencil. It was yellow. It had a point on one end, and essay oliver twist an eraser on funny classroom, the other. On the side were the words, Dixon Ticonderoga Number 2 SOFT. The man set the essay twist 8, timer to 8:00, and walked behind the tripod. Leadership Analysis! He pressed a button and essay twist chapter 8 a red light appeared on the camera.

He pressed another button and essay the timer began to essay, count backwards. “Action,” he said. I picked up the pencil and essay incident started talking. “Hi there. My name’s Mike Rowe, and I only have eight minutes to tell you why this is finest pencil on Planet Earth. So let’s get right to it.” I opened the desk drawer and found a piece of oliver twist chapter 8 hotel stationary, right where I hoped it would be.

I picked up the pencil and wrote the word, QUALITY in capital letters. I held the paper toward the summary doctrine, camera. “As you can plainly see, The #2 Dixon Ticonderoga leaves a bold, unmistakable line, far superior to the thin and wispy wake left by the #3, or the fat, sloppy skid mark of the unwieldy #1. Best of all, the essay oliver chapter, Ticonderoga is not filled with actual lead, but “madagascar graphite,” a far safer alternative for anyone who likes to chew on their writing implements.” To underscore the youth 2014, claim, I licked the point. Twist! I then discussed the many advantages of the Ticonderoga’s color. “A vibrant yellow, perfectly suited for an object that needs to stand out on christian from the clutter of a desk drawer.” . Posted by gerardvanderleun at essay oliver twist February 17, 2015 10:37 PM. Rats. 'an Essay! After the damage that !@#$%*#@+$#-book and its ilk did to my children, I won't go anywhere near the joint. I'd eat @#$% first, and still wouldn't go.

Anybody know where I can get a transcript? Posted by: John A. Fleming at February 18, 2015 2:10 AM. The ultimate resume. Essay Oliver 8! Either you can do it or you can't. Screw a degree in pud pounding and prevaricating. Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at February 18, 2015 7:24 AM. I have sat at cheap professional many job interviews and later in the meetings to essay twist, select an employee. In the beginning the effort is all about finding a reason to weed someone out. Summary On Christian Doctrine! Anything will do, lack of degree, lack of twist 8 experience, too much post secondary schooling, too much experience, whatever. Later it comes down to how the candidate knows, personal impressions, a word or two on the resume, what the person looks like or acts like. In general everything is essay 2014 done wrong if the intent is to select the best candidate for the job.

The best advice for a candidate short of being a relative to the boss is something, anythng that makes you stand out in 8, a positive way. Posted by: GoneWithTheWind at February 18, 2015 7:29 AM. Here is the rest, John: I commented on the comfort of it’s design. “Unlike those completely round pencils that press hard into the web of your hand, the Ticonderoga’s circumference is spm 2005 english music comprised of twist 8 eight, gently plained surfaces, which dramatically reduce fatigue, and on christian doctrine make writing for extended periods an absolute delight.” I pointed out the “enhanced eraser,” which was “guaranteed to still be there - even when the pencil was sharpened down to an unusable nub.” I opined about oliver, handmade craftsmanship and American made quality. I talked about the cheap professional, feel of oliver twist chapter 8 real wood. “In a world overrun with plastic and high tech gadgets, isn’t it comforting to know that some things haven’t evolved into something shiny and gleaming and completely unrecognizable?’” After all that, there was still five minutes on the timer. So I shifted gears and considered the pencil’s impact on Western Civilization.

I spoke of Picasso and Van Gogh, and their hundreds of priceless drawings - all done in pencil. I talked about Einstein and Hawking, and their many complicated theories and english essay music theorems - all done in pencil. “Pen and ink are fine for memorializing contracts,” I said, “but real progress relies on the ability to oliver, erase and start anew. Archimedes said he could move the world with a lever long enough, but when it came to proving it, he needed a pencil to make the point.” With three minutes remaining, I moved on to some personal recollections about the leadership, role of pencils in my own life. My first legible signature, my first book report, my first crossword puzzle, and of course, my first love letter. I may have even worked up a tear as I recalled the innocence of my youth, scribbled out on a piece of looseleaf with all the hope and passion a desperate 6th grader could muster. courtesy of a #2 pencil.

With :30 seconds left on the timer, I looked fondly at the Dixon Ticonderoga, and sat silently for five seconds. Then I wrapped it up. “We call it a pencil, because all things need a name. But today, let’s call it what it really is. A time machine. A match maker. A magic wand.

And let’s say it can all be yours. for just .99 cents.” The timer read 0:00. The man walked back to twist chapter 8, the desk. He took the pencil and wrote “YOU’RE HIRED” on youth essay 2014, the stationary, and essay oliver twist 8 few days later, I moved to West Chester, PA. And a few days after that, I was on essay, live television, face to face with the never-ending parade of trinkets and chotchkies that comprise QVC’s overnight inventory. I spent three months on the graveyard shift, five nights a week. Technically, this was my training period, which was curious, given the conspicuous absence of essay oliver chapter 8 supervision, or anything that could be confused with actual instruction.

Every few minutes a stagehand would bring me another mysterious “must have item,” which I’d blather about nonsensically until it was whisked away and replaced with something no less baffling. In this way, I slowly uncovered the mysteries of my job, and forged a tenuous relationship with an audience of chronic insomniacs and narcoleptic lonely-hearts. English Essay Music! It was a crucible of confusion and ambiguity, and in hindsight, the best training I ever had. Which brings me to the point of your question, Kyle. I don’t agree with Howard Dean - not at all.

Here’s what I didn’t understand 25 years ago. QVC had a serious recruiting problem. Oliver 8! Qualified candidates were applying in droves, but failing miserably on the air. Polished salespeople with proven track records were awkward on TV. Professional actors with extensive credits couldn’t be themselves on camera. And seasoned hosts who understood live television had no experience hawking products. So eventually, QVC hit the reset button. They stopped looking for “qualified” people, and started looking for anyone who could talk about a pencil for youth competition, eight minutes. QVC had confused qualifications with competency.

Perhaps America has done something similar? Look at how we hire help - it’s no so different than how we elect leaders. Essay Chapter 8! We search for work ethic on summary 'an essay, resumes. We look for intelligence in test scores. We search for character in references. And of course, we look at a four-year diploma as though it might actually tell us something about common-sense and leadership. Obviously, we need a bit more from our elected officials than the instincts of a home shopping host, but the business of determining what those “qualifications” are is completely up to us. We get to decide what matters most.

We get to decide if a college degree or military service is somehow determinative. We get to decide if Howard Dean is correct. Anyone familiar with my foundation knows my position. I think a trillion dollars of student loans and a massive skills gap are precisely what happens to a society that actively promotes one form of education as the best course for the most people. I think the stigmas and chapter 8 stereotypes that keep so many people from pursuing a truly useful skill, begin with the mistaken belief that a four-year degree is 2014 somehow superior to all other forms of learning.

And I think that making elected office contingent on oliver chapter 8, a college degree is argumentive on wisdom-educate maybe the worst idea I’ve ever heard. But of course, Howard Dean is not the real problem. He’s just one guy. And he’s absolutely right when he says that many others will judge Scott Walker for not finishing college. That's the real problem. However - when Howard Dean called the Governor “unknowledgeable,” he rolled out more than a stereotype. He rolled a pencil across the desk, and oliver twist gave Scott Walker eight minutes to cheap professional writers, knock it out of the park. It’ll be fun to see if he does. Posted by: Leslie at February 18, 2015 7:42 AM. If I was doing the hiring he wouldn't have gotten the job.

A #1 pencil is much harder than a #3 and they have 6 sides not 8. I went through the utterly humiliating process of *applying* for twist chapter 8, a job 33 times by essay the time I was 27 years old and I said enough was enough and never went through demoralizing event again. For your enjoyment, I present the timeless, I, Pencil.: by Leonard E. Read. I am a lead pencil—the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that's all I do. You may wonder why I should write a genealogy. 8! Well, to begin with, my story is doctrine interesting. And, next, I am a mystery—more so than a tree or a sunset or even a flash of essay oliver chapter 8 lightning. But, sadly, I am taken for granted by those who use me, as if I were a mere incident and without background. This supercilious attitude relegates me to the level of the commonplace. This is a species of the grievous error in which mankind cannot too long persist without peril.

For, as a wise man observed, We are perishing for want of wonder, not for want of wonders. I, Pencil, simple though I appear to be, merit your wonder and awe, a claim I shall attempt to prove. In fact, if you can understand me—no, that's too much to ask of anyone—if you can become aware of the miraculousnesswhich I symbolize, you can help save the freedom mankind is analysis essay so unhappily losing. Essay Twist 8! I have a profound lesson to teach. And I can teach this lesson better than can an automobile or an airplane or a mechanical dishwasher because—well, because I am seemingly so simple. Simple? Yet, not a single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me. This sounds fantastic, doesn't it?

Especially when it is realized that there are about essay, one and one-half billion of my kind produced in the U. 8! S. Youth Essay Competition 2014! A. each year. Pick me up and essay oliver twist chapter look me over. What do you see? Not much meets the eye—there’s some wood, lacquer, the printed labeling, graphite lead, a bit of metal, and an eraser. Just as you cannot trace your family tree back very far, so is it impossible for me to writers, name and explain all my antecedents.

But I would like to suggest enough of them to essay, impress upon you the richness and complexity of my background. My family tree begins with what in fact is a tree, a cedar of straight grain that grows in Northern California and Oregon. 'an Essay! Now contemplate all the saws and trucks and essay chapter rope and the countless other gear used in harvesting and carting the cedar logs to summary 'an essay on christian doctrine, the railroad siding. Think of all the persons and the numberless skills that went into their fabrication: the mining of ore, the making of steel and its refinement into saws, axes, motors; the growing of essay hemp and bringing it through all the essay, stages to heavy and strong rope; the logging camps with their beds and mess halls, the cookery and the raising of all thefoods. Why, untold thousands of persons had a hand in every cup of coffee the loggers drink!

The logs are shipped to twist, a mill in San Leandro, California. Can you imagine the individuals who make flat cars and rails and railroad engines and who construct and youth essay competition 2014 install the communication systems incidental thereto? These legions are among my antecedents. Consider the essay twist chapter, millwork in San Leandro. The cedar logs are cut into small, pencil-length slats less than one-fourth of an summary inch in thickness. These are kiln dried and then tinted for essay twist chapter, the same reason women put rouge on their faces. People prefer that I look pretty, not a pallid white. The slats are waxed and kiln dried again. How many skills went into the making of the argumentive essay on wisdom-educate, tint and chapter the kilns, into supplying the heat, the light and power, the belts, motors, and all the other things a mill requires? Sweepers in the mill among my ancestors? Yes, and included are the cheap professional essay, men who poured the concrete for the dam of essay 8 a Pacific Gas Electric Company hydroplant which supplies the mill's power!

Don’t overlook the ancestors present and distant who have a hand in transporting sixty carloads of spm 2005 english essay music slats across the nation from California to Wilkes-Barre! Once in the pencil factory—$4,000,000 in machinery and building, all capital accumulated by thrifty and saving parents of mine—each slat is essay twist given eight grooves by a complex machine, after which another machine lays leads in every other slat, applies glue, and places another slat atop—a lead sandwich, so to speak. Seven brothers and I are mechanically carved from this wood-clinched sandwich. My lead itself—it contains no lead at all—is complex. Analysis! The graphite is mined in Ceylon. Consider these miners and those who make their many tools and the makers of the paper sacks in which the graphite is shipped and those who make the string that ties the sacks and those who put them aboard ships and those who make the ships. Even the essay twist chapter, lighthouse keepers along the way assisted in my birth—and the harbor pilots. The graphite is mixed with clay from Mississippi in which ammonium hydroxide is used in the refining process. English Essay Music! Then wetting agents are added such as sulfonated tallow—animal fats chemically reacted with sulfuric acid. After passing through numerous machines, the essay oliver 8, mixture finally appears as endless extrusions—as from a sausage grinder—cut to size, dried, and baked for several hours at 1,850 degrees Fahrenheit.

To increase their strength and smoothness the leads are then treated with a hot mixture which includes candelilla wax from Mexico, paraffin wax, and hydrogenated natural fats. My cedar receives six coats of lacquer. Do you know all of the essay competition 2014, ingredients of essay oliver lacquer? Who would think that the growers of castor beans and the refiners of leadership analysis castor oil are a part of it? They are. Essay Twist Chapter! Why, even the processes by which the lacquer is made a beautiful yellow involves the skills of more persons than one can enumerate! Observe the labeling. That's a film formed by applyingheat to carbon black mixed with resins. How do you make resins and what, pray, is essay carbon black?

My bit of metal—the ferrule—is brass. Think of all the persons who mine zinc and copper and those who have the skills to make shiny sheet brass from twist these products of nature. Those black rings on my ferrule are black nickel. What is black nickel and how is it applied? The complete story of why the center of my ferrule has no black nickel on it would take pages to explain. Then there's my crowning glory, inelegantly referred to incident classroom, in the trade as the plug, the part man uses to erase the errors he makes with me. An ingredient called factice is oliver chapter what does the erasing. It is a rubber-like product made by reacting rape seed oil from the Dutch East Indies with sulfur chloride. Rubber, contrary to the common notion, is only for binding purposes.

Then, too, there are numerous vulcanizing and accelerating agents. The pumice comes from Italy; and english essay music the pigment which gives the plug its color is cadium sulfide. Does anyone wish to challenge my earlier assertion that no single person on the face of this earth knows how to make me? Actually, millions of human beings have had a hand in my creation, no one of whom even knows more than a very few of the oliver twist chapter 8, others. Now, you may say that I go too far in relating the analysis, picker of twist a coffee berry in far off Brazil and food growers elsewhere to my creation; that this is an extreme position. I shall stand by cheap essay writers my claim. There isn't a single person in all these millions, including the essay twist 8, president of the pencil company, who contributes more than a tiny, infinitesimal bit of know-how. From the standpoint of know-how the only difference between the miner of graphite in Ceylon and the logger in Oregon is in the type of argumentive know-how.

Neither the miner nor the logger can be dispensed with, any more than can the chemist at the factory or the essay twist, worker in english essay music, the oil field—paraffin being a by-product of petroleum. Here is an astounding fact: Neither the worker in the oil field nor the chemist nor the digger of graphite or clay nor any who mans or makes the ships or trains or trucks nor the twist chapter, one who runs the machine that does the knurling on my bit of metal nor the president of the company performs his singular task because he wants me. Each one wants me less, perhaps, than does a child in the first grade. Indeed, there are some among this vast multitude who never saw a pencil nor would they know how to summary on christian doctrine, use one. Their motivation is essay oliver chapter 8 other than me.

Perhaps it is something like this: Each of these millions sees that he can thus exchange his tiny know-how for the goods and youth essay competition 2014 services he needs or wants. I may or may not be among these items. There is a fact still more astounding: The absence of a master mind, of anyone dictating or forcibly directing these countless actions which bring me into being. No trace of such a person can be found. Instead, we find the Invisible Hand at work. This is the mystery to which I earlier referred. THE INVISIBLE HAND.

By directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain. . . Essay Oliver Twist Chapter 8! . He is in essay competition 2014, this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an oliver twist end which was no part of his intention. . . Summary On Christian Doctrine! . By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it. adam smith, The Wealth of twist chapter 8 Nations. It has been said that only God can make a tree. Why do we agree with this? Isn't it because we realize that we ourselves could not make one? Indeed, can we even describe a tree? We cannot, except in superficial terms. We can say, for instance, that a certain molecular configuration manifests itself as a tree. Leadership Analysis Essay! But what mind is oliver there among men that could even record, let alone direct, the constant changes in molecules that transpire in the life span of a tree?

Such a feat is utterly unthinkable! I, Pencil, am a complex combination of miracles: a tree, zinc, copper, graphite, and so on. But to these miracles which manifest themselves in essay 2014, Nature an even more extraordinary miracle has been added: the configuration of essay oliver chapter 8 creative human energies—millions of tiny know-hows configurating naturally and spontaneously in response to human necessity and essay funny desire and in oliver twist chapter, the absence of any human master-minding! Since only God can make a tree, I insist that only analysis essay God could make me. Man can no more direct these millions of know-hows to bring me into being than he can put molecules together to create a tree. The above is oliver twist chapter 8 what I meant when writing, If you can become aware of the miraculousness which I symbolize,you can help save the freedom mankind is summary 'an essay so unhappily losing. For, if one is aware that these know-hows will naturally, yes, automatically, arrange themselves into essay chapter creative and productive patterns in response to human necessity and professional demand—that is, in the absence of governmental or any other coercive master-minding—then one will possess an absolutely essential ingredient for freedom: a faith in free men. Freedom is impossible without this faith. Once government has had a monopoly of essay twist 8 a creative activity such, for instance, as the delivery of the mails, most individuals will believe that the mails could not be efficiently delivered by men acting freely. And here is the reason: Each one acknowledges that he himself doesn't know how to do all the things incident to mail delivery.

He also recognizes that no other individual could do it. These assumptions are correct. No individual possesses enough know-how to perform a nation's mail delivery any more than any individual possesses enough know-how to make a pencil. Now, in the absence of a faith in essay, free men—in the unawareness that millions of tiny know-hows would naturally and miraculously form and cooperate to satisfy this necessity—the individual cannot help but reach the erroneous conclusion that mail can be delivered only by governmental master-minding. If I, Pencil, were the only item that could offer testimony on what men can accomplish when free to chapter, try, then those with little faith would have a fair case. However, there is testimony galore; it's all about us and on every hand. Mail delivery is exceedingly simple whencompared, for instance, to the making of an automobile or a calculating machine or a grain combine or a milling machine or to tens of thousands of on wisdom-educate other things. Delivery? Why, in this area where men have been left free to try, they deliver the human voice around the world in less than one second; they deliver an event visually and in motion to any person's home when it is happening; they deliver 150 passengers from Seattle to Baltimore in less than four hours; they deliver gas from Texas to one's range or furnace in New York at unbelievably low rates and without subsidy; they deliver each four pounds of oil from the Persian Gulf to essay chapter 8, our Eastern Seaboard—half-way around the world—for less money than the essay funny, government charges for delivering a one-ounce letter across the street!

The lesson I have to teach is oliver twist chapter 8 this: Leave all creative energies uninhibited. Merely organize society to act in harmony with this lesson. Let society's legal apparatus remove all obstacles the best it can. Permit these creative know-hows freely to youth competition 2014, flow. Have faith that free men will respond to the Invisible Hand. This faith will be confirmed. Essay Oliver Chapter 8! I, Pencil, seemingly simple though I am, offer the miracle of my creation as testimony that this is a practical faith, as practical as the sun, the rain, a cedar tree, the good earth.

This work is in the public domain. Posted by: ghostsniper at doctrine February 18, 2015 11:42 AM. Hey GS, I think you have that backwards. #1 is softer, #3 is harder. Posted by: John A. Fleming at February 18, 2015 5:05 PM. Koh-i-noor offers twenty grades from 10H to 8B for essay twist chapter 8, its 1500 series;[33] Mitsubishi Pencil offers twenty-two grades from 10H to 10B for its Hi-uni range;[34] Derwent produces twenty grades from competition 9H to 9B for its graphic pencils[35] and Staedtler produces sixteen from 6H to 8B for its Mars Lumograph pencils.[36] The main market for essay twist, such wide range of grades are artists who are interested in creating a full range of tones from light grey to black.

Engineers prefer harder pencils which allow for a greater control in the shape of the youth competition 2014, lead. This is reflected in the way pencils are packaged and marketed. For example, for essay oliver chapter, its Graphic pencils Derwent offers three packages of argumentive on wisdom-educate 12 pencils each: Technical (with hard grades from 9H to B), Sketching (with soft grades H to 9B), and Designer (with medium grades 4H to 6B).[citation needed] Pencils graded using this system are used to measure the twist chapter, hardness and resistance of varnishes and essay paints. The resistance of a coating (also known as its pencil hardness) is determined as the grade of the essay chapter, hardest pencil that does not permanently mark the coating when pressed firmly against it at spm 2005 english a 45 degree angle.[37][38]

Another method uses numbers to designate the grade of a pencil. It was originally created by essay twist Conte and adopted in leadership analysis, the US by John Thoreau, father of Henry Thoreau, in the 19th century.[40] Although Conte/Thoreau's system is widely accepted, not all manufacturers follow it; for example, Faber-Castell uses a different equivalence table in its Grip 2001 pencils: 1 = 2B, 2 = B, 2. The various graphite pencil grades are achieved by altering the proportion of graphite to clay: the more clay the harder the pencil.[41][42][43] Two pencils of the same grade but different manufacturers will not necessarily make a mark of identical tone nor have the same hardness.[44] Posted by: Van der Leun at February 18, 2015 6:36 PM.

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Oliver Twist Chapters 8-14 Summary and Analysis | GradeSaver

What to do When Your Word Count is Too Low. When I completed the first draft of my first-ever novel last December, I promptly did a little victory dance. And then I sat back down and took the word count, which completely killed my buzz. Oliver Chapter? My manuscript rang in at leadership analysis essay little over essay 45,000—half the length of spm 2005 music your average novel. Eep!

I had a minor freakout. What was I going to chapter 8 do? Adding up the words. Notice the english essay music, calculator on the left? Photo by mpclemens. But fortunately, rationality eventually returned. This was only a first draft, after all.

Surely there was some room for development. Turns out, there was tons. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here are five of the best ways I’ve discovered to beef up your word count without diluting your story: It didn’t take me long to notice a recurring issue with pacing in my first draft. There were many scenes where I had a big moment in my head itching to get out, and rushed the buildup. Now that it was all on essay twist chapter 8, paper, it was much easier to go back and fill in professional essay writers the missing pieces. Over the course of the fifteen months that it took me to map out the essay oliver twist 8, plot and write my first draft, I’d managed to forget a few pieces of my original plan. Reviewing my outline was a helpful refresher.

And it triggered some new ideas, too, pulling together the original concept and the story it matured into. I took some time to funny incident classroom think about essay oliver, elements that could complement and enrich what I’d already gotten on paper. Professional? There were a few stand-alone scenes that I loved, and when I took the time to chapter think about why, I realized there was a lot of unexplored potential in them that could serve the story well many times over. My first draft drew a pretty straight line start to funny incident finish. A happens, then B, then C. It lacked complexity. Where’s the fun in 8 that? Close review and some brainstorming gave me new ways to add obstacles into analysis it with smaller events in between the chapter 8, major ones. 5. Summary? Create a Crowd with Minor Characters. My hero’s a bit of a loner. He’s alone for almost all of the story, as told in my first draft. It kept the story tight… too tight, I realized.

Some parts of the plot pretty thin with just one character. By forcing him into more interactions with some of my side characters, I was able to make those scenes more dynamic. It also created more conflicting motivations for my hero, upping the tension. By the time I got through assessing all these different ways to beef up my story, I was psyched about the stronger story that was going to emerge from it, and couldn’t wait to get started. It’s taking me about as long to essay oliver twist chapter 8 build out as it took to write my entire first draft. Argumentive On Wisdom-educate? Doubling my word count and making all the changes to churn out my story into a full novel is requiring a lot of restructuring. Some scenes have been so cut up and messy they’ve become full demolition zones.

But when I look back over essay oliver twist chapter 8 my reconstructed work, it’s clear that a stronger story is emerging, and professional writers, it’s all worth it. Have you ever come up well short of oliver twist your word count goal? How did you handle it? Is there a place in summary 'an essay your work in progress that’s reading a little thin? Take fifteen minutes and review it carefully. Essay Oliver 8? What’s missing from it? Are the stakes high enough? Is the pacing off? Does it require more buildup? What can you do to make it stronger? Share your observations in the comments to get the feedback of the community.

i’m working on camp nanowrimo so i’m avoiding editing right now… but i KNOW that i have places that need to be worked on… like the places where i wrote *random stuff happens here* instead of writing out the real scene… #guilty. I know what you mean! I have mixed feelings about Nanowrimo, because of what you’re saying about returning to cheap essay polish up your work after. Better write twice as much again… because I can see your editor now rubbing her hands with glee in preparation for some serious slash and burn. Essay Twist Chapter? Ain’t writing fun!

This is an summary, expanded scene from a story I started earlier this week. Adam ordered the lasagna and wine and coconut cream pie. Essay Chapter? He wondered what Laurie would think, if she. saw him here, a month’s worth of carbs in front of spm 2005 him, a bottle of chapter 8 wine. But she was nowhere near; she was where he. left her, at home in Crowley, Arkansas. He. looked at essay his watch. It was six at. night, on essay oliver twist chapter, the money. Laurie would be.

driving home from work. He wondered if. There were only argumentive essay on wisdom-educate, three payments left on the engagement ring he put in. layaway at Chesterfield’s down on the town square. When it was paid off, he was going to take her. to the Lighthouse Inn down by the river, where they had tablecloths and. crystal, and he was going to drop the ring in her champagne glass.

Classic, he thought. Essay Twist Chapter? Only, he didn’t get the leadership analysis essay, chance. Essay Oliver Twist? He’d walked in on Laurie the night before, wel,l almost walked in on doctrine, her. opened their bedroom door, just barely, and then stopped. She was sitting on the bed, whispering into. “If he was like Daddy,” she said. “If he got mad and oliver, happy like Daddy did, I.

could take it. I really could. But he’s not like Daddy. He’s not like any man I ever met. He’s broody, like an old hen. He’ll sit across from cheap professional me at essay oliver breakfast and look. out the window till his coffee gets cold, and essay incident classroom, when I ask him what’s wrong he’ll. say something like, ‘I was thinking about the essay oliver chapter 8, hopelessness of man.’

“What the spm 2005 english music, hell does that even mean?” Whoever was on oliver chapter, the other end of the professional essay, phone, a man Adam. suddenly realized, said something that made Laurie laugh. “Now, that’s just mean,” she said. She listened for a few seconds and then her. voice turned to velvet. “Yeah,” she. said, “I miss you.

Of course I do.” It felt like he was in the trailer of his Peterbilt, and the. door had been slammed shut, the air cut off. He walked down the hall. The. light fixture in chapter the kitchen was orange, and it glowed like an announcement. from Florida. Essay Competition? Inside the cookie jar on oliver 8, top.

of the refrigeration was a thousand dollars in cash. Mad money. He realized he wasn’t mad at all, but seared. like a steak on the grill. He burned. with shame, he was soaked in sorrow.

The hopelessness of man was a concept he’d worked on since. he was in the seventh grade. He soothed. him in a way nothing else did. Once you. gave up the ideal of spm 2005 english true happiness, you were set free to essay twist 8 seek it. Essay Funny Incident? He hadn’t gone to essay oliver chapter 8 college, but he could see. himself in spm 2005 essay a classroom explaining his theory to a professor, who would nod and. rub his beard and praise Adam for his brilliance, for his insight into twist chapter 8 the heart. of the human spirit. Adam reached up and leadership, grabbed the oliver twist chapter 8, cookie jar; it was a fat.

policeman holding a sign that read Stop, and he took the money, ten 100 dollar. bills. He walked out the youth competition, front door, closed. it behind him, and climbed into his old Chevy truck. When he gunned the engine, he came alive. He could feel the blood in his temple, the. way his lungs took in air, the way his fingers vibrated on the steering. wheel. The money now was on the.

dashboard, below the rearview mirror with a figurine of. Mother Mary dangling. from a string. Essay? He turned on the radio to. the country station, where they played the old stuff, music Laurie hated. Loretta Lynn was singing, and then Hank Williams, and 'an essay on christian, then Porter Wagoner. In Mt. Chapter 8? Judea, the on wisdom-educate, rain started. It hadn’t rained at oliver twist 8 home in three long months, and the essay funny incident, land was suffering, the essay oliver chapter, temperature reaching 105 for leadership analysis essay, 60 days straight.

On the TV, famers cried, ranchers were selling. cattle for next to nothing, since they couldn’t find hay to feed them. But. here, in oliver chapter Mt. Judea, the rain fell, leaving muddy tracks across Adam’s windshield. He rolled down his window to smell it, the. creek water smell filling his lungs.

He. let it splash across his face, and soak his shirt. Writers? He wanted it to wash him. I usually write short, so I can really relate to this. You’ve given great ideas of handling the problem – thanks Emily! I recently read an article about how certain pieces of essay oliver twist chapter work feel right and on christian, should be left as they are, regardless of the word count and the category they should be classified in. If it feels like you’ve said everything and that any changes will just ruin the work, sometimes it may be wise to leave it as it is. Great post! I’m a little shorter than I’d like to be at the end of my first draft, just over 65,000 words.

I’ve debated whether I should add to it. Emily’s tips are great. But I agree with your thoughts on sometimes knowing you’ve said what you need to say. Oliver Twist Chapter 8? I wonder if I would make a mess if I change it too much. Perhaps consulting with someone will be the best thing to do in competition 2014 that situation.

An objective eye is chapter always helpful. English Music? Good luck Beck! That’s true. I have a friend who has said they would look over my book, I’ll ask her what she thinks. 8? Thanks Sophie!

When I reviewed my manuscript and decided to make the kinds of changes I list here, this did occur to me. Absolutely, some manuscripts are just done when they’re done. Then there’s others, like mine, where the first draft wasn’t nearly the whole story. Spm 2005 Music? I’d say if you’re only one draft in, you likely are underdeveloped with a short word count, but with any addition you make at any stage in a WIP, the essay twist chapter, key question to ask is, Does this enhance my story, or dilute it? I’ve got a first draft of a story on hold that will be improve greatly when I go back to summary 'an essay on christian develop it further, as much fun as I had with it the first time around.

It’s one re-write (actually, I’ve got two stories like this) that I am looking forward to.—-I’m just trying to get my two year old through his extended rough spot so that I can spend the essay chapter 8, time I need to spend on it. :S. Thanks Emily! This is a much needed discussion. I try to give my students similar strategies for reaching their word count in academic essays. It’s amazing how advice like pace yourself, review your original outline, and essay competition 2014, support your scenes (main ideas), all work for multiple types of writing, not just novels. Oliver 8? Great advice!

Absolutely! Much of how I approach my fiction writing is rooted in my career in magazines and spm 2005 essay, marketing writing. Great advice, Emily. This was a gift of a post for 8, me. Leadership Analysis? I have a wee story that needs a good edit and oliver twist chapter 8, rework. Essay 2014? The voice is spartan, thinking in terms of oliver twist 8 a fifteen year old girl.

The word count is about right but the youth 2014, words aren’t the right ones yet. I am letting this one go, letting her off into essay oliver twist 8 the world, I hope she makes it #128578; Thanks for the great tips! My first novel was SO easy to write that the 80,000 words just flowed. Now that I’m working on leadership analysis essay, the sequel, I find myself in this boat. I plan to use you suggestions to beef up my current novel.

Thanks again. Low word count, for me, is never a problem. Cutting down overblown word count, now there’s a sticky issue!! #128578; Hi Joe, great post. I can certainly use these tips for my music posts. The techniques you are mentioning can go together with educational writing. Oliver Twist Chapter 8? With friendly greetings, Hans.

Heh, I never have this problem…I’m always the opposite! WAY too long, even overwritten. I kind of admire you, actually. #128539; I find this to be a big problem when I go totally by classroom the seat of my pants and do no pre-planning. Keeping some things spontaneous helps the story stay fresh. However, doing some work in advance of oliver twist writing allows you to see where dead ends can occur and lets you plan on how to avoid them.

These tips are great Emily. I’ve finished the first draft of my novel and professional, it is essay chapter 8 a bit shorter than I would have liked, just over 65,000 words. I’ve question whether if I should mess with it too much. It feels pretty complete to me. As I work on the first edit I’ll certainly keep these tips in mind. Oh yea, been there. I fret- then remind myself, I haven’t started the essay classroom, edits yet. “Escape to Big Fork Lake.” Inspirational Romantic Suspense. I always run short by at least half.

It’s a horrible nightmare trying to oliver twist chapter 8 get the word count up — because the entire story has to be pulled apart and problems fixed. Youth Competition? And there’s the very real danger of adding to be adding, on getting too focused on getting the word count up and losing site of the story. I seriously messed up my existing story because I ended up having to do work around after work around after work around, and while I was adding more words, revisions would take out others. Twist Chapter 8? There’s nothing more demoralizing than watching your word count bounce up and then bounce down, then bounce down again, even words are being added. Right now, I’m pulling the first subplot out, separating it from the story and focusing on getting that to work right.

I wouldn’t know if I usually tend to youth 2014 write short or not, because I’m one of those people who have problems finishing what they start. i get really excited about a story and essay oliver, then get 15k in… and then real life happens and I have to step away from it for a while, and then I never go back to it…. #128577; I know! I do that too. 'an Essay? I’m getting better as I get older though. Maybe it just comes with time. #128578; Congrats on oliver 8, your first novel, Joe – victory dance again, just so you don’t forget how big of writers a deal it is #128578; You can check your word count using this tool: Chapter 8? It’s handy and reliable. First of all, thank you for a great article. Essay Competition? I was very relieved to see that I’m not the only writer struggling with overly short first drafts. Secondly, you could add another dimension to you fifth point (‘Create a crowd with minor characters’): make sure all you characters have a goal.

Even the minor characters should have a reason for interacting with you main character – if their only purpose is to advance the plot, adding them could do more harm then good. All in all, a great post! It helped me get motivated to start my second (hopefully longer) draft. The Noveling Novice. Thank you so much! I am smack dab in the middle of writing a novel and I can see already that I am coming up short! This article is a blessing! Haha I’m trying to get my word count to 750 lol I feel stupid. How do you know the difference between useful reflection and just “padding” to fill the twist chapter, word count? The character has to change internally throughout the story, so I want to youth essay competition 2014 document my protagonist’s internal growth but I’m worried it might get boring at times.

Does anyone have tips or experience on preventing that? Thanks for the tips and advice, but now im all worked up. You see, im a young teenager (13) and im writting a novel fit for my age group. The overall word count is about 49,500, but now that I read this article, I feel like im comming up very, very short. I’ve done most of the filling in, and have little left to do. The manuscript is currently being edited by my father and will more than likely be published sometime next year.

With that being said, should I be worried? I mean, I can add more to essay oliver chapter 8 my story but I dont want to over complicate it for the reader or myself, you know? Do you have any advice? (The book is fantasy by the way, im not sure if that helps) Seems like this post has a few years on its back now, so I don’t know if this comment is of interest. But if it is, I’d like to say, that I am so happy I found this! I face the same problems with every single one of my manuscripts and for a long time I didn’t know, what I did wrong. Thanks to you, dear author, I now see some of the problems.

Some things you say hit me so cold (I don’t know how to on wisdom-educate say it in English, but I hope you understand, what I mean) that it feels like I was blind for years. So thank you for this.

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Essay Oliver Twist Chapter 8 - MBLC

50 things you need to know about Dubai Metro. How many stations will there be on the Red Line? Initially there will be 10 open but by February 2010, there are 29 stations on essay twist chapter, the Red Line, 24 elevated, 4 underground and 1 at grade (street level). The stations open on launch are Rashidiya, Airport Terminal 3, Deira City Center, Al Rigga, Union, Khaleed bin Al Waleed, Al Jafiliya, DIFC, Mall of the leadership analysis essay, Emirates and Nakheel Harbour and essay Tower. English Essay Music? What type of facilities are available at the stations?

The stations on the Dubai Metro line will offer many facilities such as retail outlets and kiosks, such as coffee shops, boutiques, places to eat and tourist information. Which stations have car parking facilities? Currently on the Red Line, car parking facilities areas are available at twist Rashidiya and spm 2005 essay Jumeirah Islands, both having 3,000 spaces each. There are only a few car parking spaces available at the other Metro stations. However, these stations have good integration with other forms of transport such as taxis, buses and water taxis. Are there any facilities for left luggage at 8 the stations? There are no facilities for left luggage at argumentive essay on wisdom-educate the stations, there are however, on board temporary storage facilities which can be used while travelling between stations to essay twist, your destination. Are the stations air-conditioned and will washrooms, toilets be provided? Yes all the stations and the trains are fully air-conditioned to a mean temperature. All stations will have washroom and toilet facilities for the public.

Will there be prayer rooms made available for the public? Due to cheap professional essay writers, the size of the stations, there are no provision for prayers made for chapter, the public. Are there any special facilities to essay 2014, help the essay twist 8, disabled passengers? For the visually impaired, there are tactile guide paths, Braille on TVMs; lifts and passenger equipment. For the mobility impaired, there are lifts and ramps. Wheelchair spaces are provided in every compartment. Are there first aid and passenger care systems? Yes. Station staff are trained as first aiders and spm 2005 english essay music there are first aid rooms in stations. Essay Oliver 8? Our staff will work closely with ambulance and hospitals for passenger care service whenever necessary. How many passengers per car and per train?

How many are sitting and how many are standing? Design for 643 per 5-car train. Can carry up to 'an essay on christian, 897 passengers at peak capacity and has structural design for up to 1,150 passengers. There are 142 seats per train. How fast can the Dubai Metro trains go?

The speed of the trains in automatic mode can run from 45-90 kph depending on oliver twist, the track section. Red Line: Average speed 42 km per hour. Green Line: Average speed 32 km per hour. How many people are expected to ride on the Dubai Metro? In the initial stages, it has been forecast that 11,000 passengers will use the Dubai Metro every hour during peak times with an estimated 74,319 passengers per day. Youth Competition 2014? How many classes of train service are there? What are the twist, differences in the service between classes?

Women Children (special car for women children; more space to allow strollers and cheap professional essay bags); 12 seats 3 flip up chairs. Gold (more spacious; higher level of privacy; luggage space, leather seating; 18 deluxe seats situated at the front of the train). Silver (standard; 25 to 27 seats). Essay Oliver Chapter 8? How long is each five car train? Each of the first and last car measure 17.55m in length. Youth Essay Competition 2014? Each of the middle 3 cars measure 16.8m in oliver chapter 8, length.

The total length of the train is 85.5m. What are the special facilities that you will have inside the trains? Elderly, injured, special needs people and pregnant women will have the choice of priority seating. The compartments will be equipped with audio visual devices, passenger information display and public address in Arabic English. Clear signage will show the cheap writers, route map of the metro and other directions for passengers. Closed circuit television in oliver, all trains will ensure a safe journey. There is also wireless internet coverage inside train. Leadership Essay? Who built the Dubai Metro?

The first phase of the network (Red and Green Line) is twist chapter being built by Dubai Rapid Link (DURL) Consortium which comprises Japanese companies including Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Corporation, Obayashi Corporation, Kajima Corporation and the Turkish company Yapi Merkezi. Can the Metro reduce the traffic jam in funny incident classroom, Dubai? What is the time saving we can expect to bring to the travelling public? It will reduce traffic jams in Dubai, in particular Sheikh Zayed Road, Bur Dubai and Deira. Time saving: depends on the destinations of the passengers but it can be as high as 50 percent saving in journey time. Serco as the concessionaire is responsible for the operations and maintenance of the Red Line and Green Line of Dubai Metro for the first seven years and an option of a further five years. Why is the RTA so confident that the Dubai Metro will help save travelling time? The Metro will be run on dedicated guide way; hence no traffic jam. It is designed with a high level of reliability and essay oliver twist chapter punctuality so passengers can plan their journey time. The experience in cheap professional essay, other cities also confirms this assumption. What is Serco’s experience in managing Metro/rail?

Experience includes Dockland Light Rail, Copenhagen Metro, Mersey Rail in Liverpool, Manchester Metro link, Northern Rail in UK, Great Southern Rail. What does the RTA expect in terms of how much of the Metro capacity will be used? Depends on essay oliver 8, the time of the day - at peak hour it is expected that more than 50 percent of the capacity will be used initially. Essay Writers? The utilisation will increase over essay 8 time. A maximum of four people per sq m loading will be maintained. Youth Competition? Are you permitted to eat and twist chapter 8 drink on board the on christian, trains? No, eating and chapter 8 drinking on board a train is leadership a byelaw offence.

When do you expect that the capacity will be saturated? The planned network will be expanded when demand increases. Is smoking allowed within the Metro facilities? Smoking is not allowed within the essay, Metro facilities. Is there any plan to link with Sharjah or Abu Dhabi? The Integrated Transport Master Plan is being developed by essay incident, RTA. Oliver Twist? What other lines besides Red Green does the youth, RTA hope to essay oliver, introduce? The Red Line would be extended from the Jebel Ali Free Zone to the Dubai-Abu Dhabi border. RTA is argumentive on wisdom-educate also studying options to extend the oliver twist chapter, Red Line from Jebel Ali to on christian, the Jebel Ali Airport, which is under construction at the moment. The extension of the Green Line has been approved already, with the line extended to essay chapter 8, 4.9 km from the Healthcare City to Jaddaf. Initially, the Green Line was to be 17.6 km long.

Similarly, the Purple and the Blue Lines would be catering to the commuters between the Dubai International Airport and the Jebel Ali Airport and the Emirates Road. A tram Line, Al Sofooh Line, has also been approved and spm 2005 english music will be a feeder to the Red Line. Will pets be allowed in stations and trains? For hygiene and safety reasons, pets are not allowed in the stations and trains. Will there be an expansion plan for the train fleet? The train fleet will increase over oliver twist 8 time to meet passenger demand and cheap professional service standard. Does the Metro operate extra services for special events? We take into essay twist account special events when planning our services in advance and wherever possible we will always endeavour to provide additional services to cope with passenger demand. Will the frequency of the services increase in the future?

We will closely monitor customer travel patterns and will adjust the timetable/frequency accordingly if it becomes necessary. How frequent are the trains? The trains will operate every 3 minutes and 45 second during peak times. How long does the train take from Rashidiya to Jafza? Why are there 3 peak services each day? We operate 3 peak services to cater for passenger demand - 6.30-8.30am, 12.30-2pm and 5.30-9pm - this is when the system will be at its busiest with commuters using the system to get to and from their place of business and for customers wishing to leadership analysis essay, make use of the Metro at lunch time.

Will the service get heavily overloaded during special festivities/special events - making it unsafe to travel on? Serco always put customer safety first. Serco prepares special safety plans for essay twist 8, events which will attract more passengers including crowd control measures, provision of additional trains, increase train frequency, and deployment of additional frontline and security staff. How will Serco/RTA ensure that the trains run on time? The most sophisticated train control system is cheap writers used to oliver 8, monitor and funny incident classroom control train movement which will ensure punctuality. A state-of-the-art Operations Control Centre overseeing train movement by well trained controllers will also ensure train run on schedule. Redundant design and condition monitoring alarms for safety critical equipment will also be used as well as proactive preventive maintenance. What are the service hours? Every station will have the train service hours stated at chapter the entrance. Normal operating hours will be 6am to 11pm, except Fridays, when it will operate from 2pm.

How can I make a complaint about the Dubai Metro? If you have a complaint, the easiest way to register this would be to call the RTA on 8009090, alternatively, you can visit the RTA website at and english music submit your complaint via the website. We endeavour to respond to all correspondence within 14 days. Can I take large items on board the train such as a surf board? No you cannot. You are able to take on board smaller items, such as hand luggage. What are the Key Performance Targets that Serco need to achieve for managing the Dubai Metro? Train punctuality (99%), Train availability (99%), Equipment availability (99%). Will there be any penalty in the case that the service targets are not met.

Yes; there will be penalty. Essay Oliver Twist 8? Serco will be putting in every effort to make sure that targets will be met. How will Serco/RTA ensure that the staffs are helpful and the services are of good quality? Through careful selection of staff. Provision of customer service training to all service staff, building a service culture and essay incident classroom monitoring performance through customer satisfaction surveys. How many languages will the essay oliver chapter 8, train and station attendants speak? There will be staff able to speak Arabic and English at the stations and onboard. Serco is also looking at providing multi-language support through the Customer Service Call Centre. What are the job opportunities and the percentage of summary 'an essay on christian UAE nationals to be recruited for essay oliver, the Metro when it operates? The current target of Emiratisation is 30-50 percent of positions at music and above manager level at essay oliver twist initial years of Red Line and Green Line operations. 50-60 percent of positions at manager and above levels by 2015.

Can you tell us the total number of staff for the Metro? 2,200 staff will be recruited for the opening of Red Line, building up to 3,000 staff when both Red Line and Green Line open. What about english essay, security on trains at and near stations? Professionally trained security staff will be recruited to perform the following tasks: Patrolling of stations and trains, 24/365 access control, management of security risks, enforcement of essay oliver twist chapter 8 railway bye-laws, cooperation with Police on law and english music order enforcement. There will be a dedicated Police team in managing security issues in Dubai Metro. State-of-the-art safety equipment will be used such as CCTV in essay chapter 8, stations, trains, depots, track-side and sub-stations, Emergency Call Points (ECP) on station platforms trains, intrusion alarm systems and smart card operated access control system. Is the train safe to ride as we see a lot of english essay music swerving curves in the track? Yes.

Dubai Metro is designed to meet international safety standards and its safety is assessed by an Independent Safety Assessor (ISA). The Metro can run up and down the viaduct safely and up to essay twist 8, 3-4 percent gradient. Is there any chance of a train breaking down. If so, do you have any contingency plans? The probability of such event will be very low. In the unfortunate event if that happens, Serco has prepared contingency plans to ensure passenger safety and comfort.

Will the railway make a lot of noise and prevent me and my family from sleeping at night? Noise mitigation measures include low noise motors and air-conditioning equipments, viaduct enclosure designs to reduce noise propagation while anti-vibration measures are included in 'an essay doctrine, the track system to minimise noise. What is the forecast patronage for oliver, the Metro? Year 1: about 600,000 per day; 1.8 million per year. By 2020: about english music, 1.8 million per day; over 650 million per year. What will be the expected market share? Eventually achieving 30 percent when the full network opens.

How will Serco handover the concession to RTA at the end of contract and will that guarantee that the oliver twist 8, operation and management of the Metro will not be affected? Serco is obliged to hand back the essay, Dubai Metro to RTA in a similar condition as received at the outset, and is subject to a rigorous regime for care and maintenance of the assets of the railway. (Information supplied by the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority) Subscribe to twist chapter, Arabian Business' newsletter to receive the latest breaking news and music business stories in Dubai,the UAE and the GCC straight to your inbox. Uber to target Saudi female drivers after driving ban lifts. Thousands of Saudi cabbies 'face struggle' as women get mobile. How Google Maps can deliver $550m annual boost to chapter 8, UAE consumers. Oman's SalamAir set to launch DXB flights. Dubai's DP World in talks to develop Mali trade master plan. Revealed: Emirates', Flydubai's 29 codeshare routes under tie-up. Emirates predicts India will be 'third largest aviation market' Auto manufacturers to launch 12 zero-emission vehicles in argumentive essay, UAE by 2022.

Saudi university to open driving school for women. Oliver Chapter 8? Published by 2017 ITP Digital Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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ADN: quand les experts se trompent. Souvent paree de toutes les vertus, l’ADN n’est pas la reine des preuves : erreurs de manipulation, d’analyse ou de conservation, faux positifs … les annales policieres et judiciaires ont d’ors et deja repertorie plusieurs cas de personnes, accusees et incarcerees, a tort, parce que leur ADN les designait comme suspectes (voir Quand les experts se trompent). Essay Oliver Twist 8? Plusieurs scientifiques tirent aujourd’hui la sonnette d’alarme: les taux d’erreurs seraient bien trop importants. En juin 2010, plusieurs utilisateurs de 23andme, l’une des entreprises proposant de decoder son propre ADN (voir L’avenement de la genomique personnelle), decouvrirent, stupefaits, qu’ils n’avaient pas le meme ADN que leurs enfants, freres, soeurs, parents, ou bien qu’ils etaient noirs, ou asiatiques (alors qu’ils etaient blancs)… Quelques jours plus tard, 23andme decouvrit qu’il s’agissait d’une erreur, une plaque comportant 96 empreintes genetiques ayant ete retournee, a 180 degres, entrainant une confusion dans les noms de ses clients. En decembre 2009, la societe deCODE genetics, qui cherchait a concurrencer 23andme en proposant a ses clients une autre interpretation de leur ADN, avait explique a certains d’entre eux, a tort, qu’ils encourraient un risque eleve d’etre atteint par la maladie d’Alzheimer: 23andme avait change le format de ses donnees, mais deCODE ne s’en etait pas apercu, et continuait a utiliser une ancienne grille d’analyse… En aout 2009, un journaliste du New Scientist , qui avait demande a deCODE d’analyser son ADN, recu quant a lui cette etonnante reponse, par e-mail: La question va peut-etre vous paraitre etrange, mais etes-vous bien sur qu’il s’agit d’un Homo sapiens? En l’espece, il s’agissait d’un bug logiciel affectant la facon d’extraire les informations de la base de donnees de deCODE… Mais l’erreur peut aussi etre humaine, et avoir des repercussions d’autant plus graves lorsqu’elle permet de suspecter, voire de condamner, a tort, un innocent.

11 erreurs judiciaires (au moins) imputables a l’ADN aux USA. En 2004, un procureur du New Jersey annonca ainsi que le viol et le meurtre d’une etudiante, 36 ans auparavant, venait enfin d’etre elucide: Grace a l’ADN, nous avons enfin pu mettre un visage sur le meurtrier de Jane Durrua, et ce visage appartient a Jerry Bellamy . Deux ans plus tard, Bellamy fut libere apres que les enqueteurs decouvrirent que l’echantillon genetique issu de la scene du crime avait en fait ete contamine, dans le laboratoire de la police technique et scientifique, au contact de l’ADN de Bellamy, qui devait y etre egalement expertise, mais dans un autre dossier… Gregory Turner, un Canadien, avait ainsi ete accuse de meurtre, au motif qu’on avait trouve l’ADN de la victime sur sa bague, et que la probabilite qu’elle n’emane pas de cette femme de 56 ans etait de 1 sur 163 trillions (soit 163 milliards de milliards). Cheap Professional Essay? On decouvrit, en fait, que l’ADN etait celui de l' experte qui avait analyse sa bague… Il risquait la prison a vie, et avait deja passe 27 mois en detention. L’affaire dite du Fantome d’Heilbronn est probablement la plus connue des erreurs liees a l’ADN. Twist 8? Qualifiee sur TF1 de plus grande enigme criminelle de l’Histoire , elle mobilisa plus de 100 policiers, sur plus de 1400 pistes differentes, entrainant 2400 analyses genetiques, afin d’identifier une tueuse en serie a qui les polices allemande et autrichienne imputait une dizaine de meurtres, et des dizaines de cambriolages, depuis 1993. En mars 2009, on argumentive essay, decouvrit que l’ADN de la tueuse en serie etait en fait celui d’une employee de la societe de materiel medical qui fournissait les cotons-tiges de prelevement genetique utilises par la police, et qu’il n’existait donc pas de Fantome d’Heilbronn . Ce meme mois de mars 2009, un homme, mis en examen en 2004 pour le meurtre de sa femme apres analyse de son ADN, etait definitivement mis hors de cause: une consultation du fichier d’empreintes genetiques revela qu’il avait le meme profil genetique qu’un autre homme, connu pour des faits de proxenetisme, mais decede depuis. Brandon L. Oliver Twist? Garrett est professeur a l’ecole de droit de Virginie, Peter J. English? Neufeld, cofondateur de l’Innocence Project qui a permis, a ce jour, d’innocenter 261 personnes en demontrant que leur ADN ne correspondait pas a celui du veritable coupable de ce pour quoi ils avaient ete condamnes (plus de la moitie d’entre eux avaient pourtant ete, notamment, condamnes sur la foi de preuves apportees par la police technique et scientifique qui, par la suite, se sont en fait averees erronees). Sur les 137 cas qu’ils ont analyses, en 2009, pour leur etude qu’ils ont consacree aux erreurs des experts de la police scientifique et technique, Garrett et Neufeld ont decouvert 11 erreurs judiciaires imputables, en partie, a une mauvaise interpretation ou exploitation de la preuve par l’ADN . L’une des victimes de ces erreurs judiciaires fit les frais d’une grossiere erreur dans l’analyse de son ADN. Oliver Twist Chapter 8? Trois autres furent condamnes sur la base de faux temoignages des experts ayant analyse leur ADN.

Pire: l’ADN de sept d’entre eux avaient precisement demontre leur innocence, en vain. Josiah Sutton, un noir americain de 16 ans, fut ainsi condamne pour viol, en 1999, a 25 ans de prison (il n’en fit que 4 ans 1/2). Cheap? Son ADN ne correspondait pas au sperme trouve sur le lieu du viol, mais cet aspect ne figura pas dans le rapport officiel, et l' expert declara, a contrario, qu’il correspondait bien au sien, avancant un taux de probabilite de 1 sur 694 000 personnes. Essay Chapter 8? Dans les faits, un homme noir sur 16 partageait ses caracteristiques genetiques, et le laboratoire de Houston, implique dans plusieurs centaines d’autres cas litigieux, fut finalement ferme. Gilbert Alejandro fut de meme condamne pour viol sur la base du temoignage de l' expert , qui declara etre sur a 100% que l’ADN du violeur etait le sien. Leadership? Il s’avera que cet expert , Fred Zain, avait non seulement menti sur son diplome, et qu’il ne possedait aucune qualification a meme de justifier ce pour quoi il travailla pourtant pendant 20 ans pour la police scientifique et technique du Texas, mais egalement qu’il n’avait pas proprement effectue l’analyse en question.

Zain fut finalement implique dans 134 condamnations douteuses, et plusieurs dizaines de personnes, qu’il avait contribue a condamner, furent ensuite innocentes. 1 chance sur 1M, sur 40 000, ou bien sur 3. En aout dernier, Linda Geddes, journaliste au New Scientist revenait de son cote sur le calvaire traverse par Richard Smith, accuse de viol, et qui risquait 25 ans de prison. Le prelevement genetique effectue sur son penis lors de son arrestation comportait deux ADN meles. Essay Oliver Twist Chapter 8? L’expert qui temoigna a son proces estima que la probabilite que l’autre ADN ne soit pas celui de la victime etait de 1 sur 95 000. Essay Classroom? Son superieur hierarchique estima quant a lui que la probabilite etait de 1 sur 47. Chapter 8? Une expertise ulterieure avanca qu’elle etait plutot de 1 sur 13. Essay? En changeant de methode statistique, elle n’etait plus que de 1 sur 2… Une etude du National Institute of essay oliver chapter 8, Standards and incident, Technology (NIST), qui avait envoye une seule empreinte genetique a 69 laboratoires americains revela que les methodes utilisees etaient tellement variees que les resultats obtenus variaient d’une magnitude de 10. Oliver Twist? Les resultats emanant de laboratoires utilisant les memes methodes statistiques n’etaient guere plus rassurants: en fonction des analyses, la probabilite d’identification de l’ADN variait de 1 sur 100 000 a 1 sur un quadrillion (10 puissance 15, soit mille milliards). On pense souvent que l’expertise genetique releve de quelque chose de scientifique.

Dans les faits, c’est aussi et surtout de la statistique ou, plus exactement, un calcul de probabilites, comme le soulignent Elie Escondida et Dante Timelos, auteurs d’un guide de self-defense juridique , Face a la police / Face a la justice, qui notent qu' on spm 2005, a rarement rappele le fait que la preuve par l’ADN n’est, tout simplement, pas infaillible : Pour profiler quelqu’un, les experts analysent en effet generalement 13 marqueurs (ou locis , regions chromosomiques) de l’echantillon ADN qu’ils expertisent, dans la mesure ou l’analyse de ces marqueurs suffit generalement a distinguer l’empreinte d’un individu, avant d’estimer la probabilite de concordance de profils ( random match probability , RMP, en anglais), a savoir le risque de voir cet ADN correspondre a une ou plusieurs personnes. Essay Oliver Twist Chapter? Des lors, l’objectif n’est donc pas tant de determiner l’ empreinte ADN d’un individu, mais son profil , et ca change tout, pour Escondida et Timelos: Deux ADN differents peuvent donner deux profils ADN semblables justement parce que le profil n’utilise qu’une fraction de l’ADN et non l’ADN dans sa totalite. Pour pallier ces difficultes, les experts vont se livrer a un calcul de probabilites. Essay Funny Incident? L’idee est simple. Oliver Twist? Meme si on funny incident classroom, ne peut certifier que deux profils ADN identiques representent bien un ADN unique, il est toujours possible d’essayer d’estimer la probabilite d’une coincidence fortuite. Oliver Twist 8? Autrement dit, le resultat d’une expertise ADN n’est pas, contrairement a ce qu’on croit, une affirmation du type « l’ADN retrouve dans cette trace appartient a telle personne » mais bien une affirmation du type « il y a x probabilites pour que l’ADN retrouve dans cette trace appartienne a telle personne ». Argumentive Essay? Si on chapter, peut refuter, avec une certitude absolue, l’identite entre deux profils, on analysis, ne peut en revanche jamais confirmer celle-ci avec une certitude de 100%. Oliver? En mai 2008, le Los Angeles Times revenait ainsi sur le cas de John Puckett, un Americain qui, en 2004, a l’age de 70 ans, se vit inculpe d’un meurtre commis 30 ans auparavant, parce que son ADN correspondait partiellement au sperme preleve sur la victime. Lors de son proces, les experts de l’accusation avancerent que la probabilite d’une coincidence de profils ADN etait de 1 sur 1,1 millions.

Les experts de la defense, utilisant d’autres methodes de calcul, avancerent les chiffres de 1 sur 40 000, et de 1 sur 16 400. Leadership? Apres 48h de delibere, les jures le declarerent coupable. Or, d’apres le LA Times , la probabilite que l’ADN de Puckett et celui du meurtrier soient les memes etait en fait de 1 sur 3… Car le fichier genetique repertoriait, a l’epoque, 338 000 profils ADN, et qu’il convenait donc, pour affiner la probabilite, de diviser 338 000 par 1,1 million, soit une probabilite de concordance de profils de 1 sur 3… Interroge par le LA Times , l’un des jures expliqua que le taux de probabilite de 1,1 million etait ce qui leur avait finalement permis de conclure a la culpabilite de Puckett. Oliver Twist Chapter 8? Et que s’ils avaient eu vent de ce taux de 1 sur 3 seulement, le verdict aurait tres certainement ete tres different. Condamne par un expert , innocente par 16 autres. Aux Etats-Unis, la fascination exercee par la police scientifique et technique porte un nom: le CSI Effect, du nom de la serie tele ( Les experts , en VF) qui cartonne en terme d’audience, et qui a bouleverse la facon de presenter le travail de la police a la television.

Or, cette vision, comme toute fascination, est une representation glamour, romancee, exageree et inexacte, pour ne pas dire faussee, de la realite, comme l’ont note plusieurs sociologues et juristes americains: Par exemple la place de la preuve ADN est grandement exageree tout comme sa pertinence. Leadership? Les procureurs sont pousses a produire toujours plus de preuves scientifiques meme si cela ne presente aucun interet pour l’affaire a priori. Bien que les technologies presentees par la serie et ses derives existent dans les laboratoires criminels, elles demandent bien plus de temps et sont souvent bien plus equivoques dans la realite. Les analystes craignent que les gens en viennent a croire que les sciences legales sont aussi efficaces que dans les series et s’attendent donc a des effets plus spectaculaires dans les cours de justice. Oliver? Pour comprendre pourquoi un seul et meme prelevement genetique pouvait ainsi etre interprete de facon si differente, le New Scientist a demande a 17 experts d’analyser un prelevement genetique ayant permis la condamnation d’un homme, Kerry Robinson, pour viol.

Comme le resume sobrement Le Matin , dans un article intitule Crime: peut-on faire confiance a l’ADN?, les avis sont apparus etonnamment divergents : Quatre ont affirme que les resultats n’etaient pas probants, douze ont etabli que la presence de l’homme en question sur le lieu du crime pouvait etre ecartee, et un seul s’est rallie a l’avis qui avait prevalu lors du jugement, concluant qu’il n’etait pas possible d’exclure sa presence sur les lieux. On Christian Doctrine? Autrement dit: pour pres des 3/4 des laboratoires, le prelevement genetique permettait d’etablir l’innocence du prevenu, pour 1/4 d’entre eux, qu’il ne permettait d’etablir rien du tout. Essay Oliver? Et le seul laboratoire qui s’est range a l’avis de l’expert ayant contribue a faire condamner cet homme n’a pas affirme qu’il etait le coupable recherche, mais que sa presence sur les lieux ne pouvait pas etre exclue… Pour le New Scientist , la technique est subjective et faillible . Youth? Or, il suffit de l' opinion d’un seul individu pour finir en prison. Oliver Twist 8? De fait, Richard Smith et Kerry Robinson, bien qu’innocentes par une grande majorite des laboratoires ayant contre-expertise les echantillons genetiques leur ayant valu condamnations, sont toujours en prison. Pour Raphael Coquoz, charge de cours a l’Ecole des sciences criminelles de l’universite de Lausanne et specialiste de l’ADN, interroge par Le Matin , ces divergences d’expertises ne sont pas tres etonnantes: Un profil ADN n’est pas quelque chose d’univoque : On lui accorde trop de valeur. 'an Essay? L’analyse ADN donne une probabilite que telle ou telle personne ait ete presente a un endroit.

Le concept de probabilite est parfois difficile a entendre quand on chapter 8, aimerait voir les choses en blanc ou en noir. En presence d’un profil faible , lorsque les traces sont infimes ou melangees, la probabilite diminue. Youth Competition? Lorsque le profil est de bonne qualite, les certitudes sont elevees, mais on essay oliver twist chapter, n’est jamais sur a 100%. L’ADN n’est qu’un outil parmi d’autres, qui peut mener a des erreurs judiciaires. Professional Essay? Il faut le reconnaitre. Essay Chapter? Tout depend en effet d’abord de la qualite de l’echantillon recueilli. Doctrine? Parfois, il est trop petit, ou abime, degrade, pollue, quand il ne comporte pas plusieurs ADN, qui peuvent se masquer les uns les autres… rendant son analyse encore plus ardue. Oliver Chapter 8? Le mythe de l’infaillibilite des experts , et la pression de la hierarchie et de la justice sont tels que, par ailleurs, les policiers procedent de plus en plus a des prelevements d’echantillons genetiques sur les scenes de crimes. Un rapport de l’autorite de controle britannique de la genetique (HGC) avait ainsi revele, en 2009, que la police arretait de plus en plus de gens aux seules fins de les ficher genetiquement: alors que la delinquance baissait, les arrestations, et le fichage ADN, progressait, au point que 1 million d’innocents figuraient dans la base de donnees policiere britannique (forte de 6,3 millions de profils, dont 282 000 mineurs de moins de 18 ans), ainsi que 75% des Noirs de 18 a 35 ans.

Dans son rapport sur le projet de loi de finances francais pour 2011, le depute UMP Guy Geoffroy rappelait ainsi que le fichier national automatise des empreintes genetiques (FNAEG) continuait sa montee en puissance, avec 1 582 595 traces genetiques enregistrees au 1er juillet 2010 : Rien que sur l’annee 2010, pres de 375 000 traces supplementaires devraient avoir ete inserees. Depuis la constitution du fichier, de tres nombreux rapprochements d’affaires ont ete realises: 5548 avec une trace non identifiee, 25 884 avec l’empreinte genetique d’une personne mise en cause et 8796 avec celle d’une personne condamnee. Argumentive Essay? Visitant en octobre dernier un laboratoire de la police technique et scientifique, Brice Hortefeux a ainsi rappele l’objectif fixe par son ministere de l’Interieur: realiser des prelevements d’empreintes genetiques sur 100% des cambriolages et des voitures volees retrouvees . Dans le meme temps, et consequemment, ceux qui sont transmis aux laboratoires d’analyse sont de moins en moins bonne qualite. Essay? De plus, il existe plusieurs techniques et methodes statistiques pour expertiser un echantillon genetique. Essay? Et moins l’empreinte est de qualite, plus il faut recourir a des techniques complexes, mais donc egalement plus compliquees a apprehender par un juge, et a fortiori par des jures, qui n’ont jamais ete formes aux subtilites de la statistique ni de la genetique.

La confiance populaire dans la preuve par l’ADN est telle que, sous la pression des juges, victimes, avocats, procureurs ou encore de l’opinion publique, les experts sont bien souvent sommes de parler, sinon de prendre parti, alors meme que certaines empreintes ou prelevements sont tellement abimes, partiels ou complexes a analyser qu’il est tres difficile de distinguer ce qui releve du signal de ce qui releve du bruit ou encore des artefacts techniques, au point qu’il est impossible d’esperer pouvoir en tirer une expertise veritablement fiable. Mais au lieu d’expliquer la methodologie statistique utilisee, afin de permettre a ceux qui vont juger de le faire un connaissance de cause, nombreux sont les experts et les laboratoires qui se contentent d’expliquer qu’ils pensent que l’ADN est (ou pas) celui du suspect, ou de la victime, entrainant juges et jures a condamner quelqu’un en accordant une confiance aveugle a une expertise qui, d’un point de vue scientifique ou statistique, pourrait pourtant etre contestee par un autre expert… Or, comme le rappelle le New Scientist dans son editorial, les jures americains estiment, a 95%, que la preuve par l’ADN est fiable, et un prevenu est plus susceptible d’etre condamne si le dossier comporte une preuve ADN que s’il n’en comporte pas… John Butler, responsable du groupe de genetique appliquee au National Institute of essay twist 8, Standards and essay competition 2014, Technology (NIST), a ainsi examine 5000 echantillons ADN de 14 laboratoires differents, et decouvert que 34% d’entre-eux comportaient l’ADN de deux personnes, et 11% celui de trois voire quatre personnes differentes. Parallelement, une etude de Dan Krane, de l’universite de Wright, parue dans le Journal of chapter 8, Forensic Sciences , a demontre que 3% des echantillons comportant trois ADN differents pouvaient etre interpretes comme ne comportant que deux ADN seulement, et que 70% des echantillons de quatre ADN pouvaient, pareillement, etre analyses comme ne comportant que deux ou trois ADN differents. Or, comme le resume Dan Krane qui, en tant que consultant, effectue regulierement des contre-expertises, si vous ne pouvez determiner combien de personnes etaient presentes sur les lieux, il est ridicule de suggerer que vous pouvez etre en mesure d’identifier le profil ADN ou l’identite de ceux qui y etaient vraiment. Professional? Itiel Dror, professeur de neuroscience au college universitaire de Londres, qui a contribue a l’experimentation du New Scientist , en appelle a la conscience professionnelle des experts : Ceux qui travaillent dans l’analyse des empreintes digitales, et autres disciplines de la police technique et scientifique, ont desormais accepte que la subjectivite et le contexte pouvaient affecter leurs jugements et decisions. Il est desormais aussi temps que les experts genetiques acceptent que, dans certaines conditions, la subjectivite, voire meme certains biais, puissent affecter leur travail.

Le probleme se double du fait que, comme le souligne Linda Geddes dans le New Scientist , les experts n’utilisent pas forcement tous les memes procedures. Essay Oliver Twist Chapter? Un questionnaire, auquel ont repondu 19 laboratoires americains, canadiens, britanniques et australiens, a revele que 11 d’entre eux interdisaient a leurs analystes d’interpreter les resultats de maniere subjective, mais que 4 d’entre eux l’autorisaient regulierement, et deux autres de maniere exceptionnelles. L’ADN, une preuve essentiellement a charge Si la genetique permet souvent d’accuser, ou d’innocenter, quelqu’un sans trop de difficultes, David Balding, un geneticien et statisticien anglais, n’en estime pas moins que juges et jures sont trop frequemment confrontes a des preuves exploitees essentiellement a charge , pour confondre tel ou tel suspect, et non pas seulement de maniere neutre et scientifique. Il est ainsi courant qu’un laboratoire se voit demander si l’ADN de tel suspect, qui a ete apprehende, se trouve aussi sur l’echantillon preleve sur la scene du crime. Essay? Ce qui est tout a fait different que de demander au laboratoire d’identifier le ou les ADN du prelevement, sans faire de lien, d’emblee, avec tel ou tel suspect. Dan Krane et William Thompson, professeur de criminologie a l’universite de Californie, ont ainsi soumis un echantillon de salive preleve sur le sein d’une femme qui avait ete violee a 1000 experts , repartis en quatre categories.

Trois hommes avaient ete suspectes, un seul fut condamne. Essay Twist Chapter? Les trois premiers groupes devaient estimer si l’ADN de chacun de ces trois suspects pouvait etre identifie, ou non, dans l’echantillon, le quatrieme etant charge d’y rechercher l’ADN de la victime. Tous ont estime que l’ADN de la personne qui leur etait presentee pouvait etre identifie dans l’echantillon de salive en question. Professional? Or, souligne Dan Krane, pres du tiers des affaires qu’il a a traiter, au quotidien, comportent de tels biais d’interpretation subjective… Le New Scientist explique egalement que les experts sont souvent trop proches de la police, et qu’ils en savent souvent trop sur l’affaire, ou les suspects, au point que cela pourrait constituer un biais dans leurs analyses. Essay Oliver Twist Chapter 8? Un expert americain, temoignant de facon anonyme, denonce ainsi les risques de partialite de ses confreres: Les laboratoires criminels ne devraient pas etre places sous le controle de l’institution policiere. Essay Funny Incident Classroom? Nous sommes des scientifiques, pas des policiers, ni des procureurs. Twist 8? Avec Peter Gill, co-inventeur de la preuve par l’ADN avec Sir Alec Jeffreys, et ancien responsable du laboratoire de police scientifique britannique, David Balding a ainsi elabore une methode, le ratio de probabilite ( likehood ratio , LR) , dont l’enonce suffit a mettre a mal l’infaillibilite supposee de la preuve par l’ADN:

Il s’agit de se demander quelle est la probabilite que cette preuve puisse etre utilisee par l’accusation, et quelle est la probabilite qu’elle puisse etre exploitee par la defense. Essay Competition 2014? Ensuite, vous faire un ratio des deux. 8? Aussi surprenante qu’elle puisse paraitre pour un profane, cette methode a officiellement ete recommandee, l’an passe, par l’International Society for essay funny classroom, Forensic Genetics (ISFG), et le Scientific Working Group on essay oliver twist chapter, DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM), un laboratoire du FBI charge d’effectuer des recommandations aux laboratoires de police scientifique et technique americains, des lors que l’empreinte genetique s’avere complexe a expertiser. Pour Peter Gill, qui deplore le mythe de l’infaillibilite de l’ADN, le manque de comprehension de la part du public, mais egalement des juges et des avocats, est considerable . Leadership Essay? Ainsi, aux Etats-Unis, il estime que seuls 10 a 15% des avocats dont les clients ont pourtant ete, en tout ou partie, incrimines sur la base de leur empreinte genetique, effectuent une contre-expertise… Dane Krane, lui, estime que le taux serait plutot inferieur a 1%, soulignant la croyance aveugle qu’accorderait les avocats dans la preuve genetique… Bruce Budowle, ancien responsable du laboratoire genetique du FBI, plaide ainsi pour que les laboratoires generalisent la contre-expertise, et la verification, de leurs analyses, et pour que toutes ces donnees et conclusions soient aussi confiees aux avocats et defenseurs des personnes dont l’ADN a ete identifie. 18 des 19 laboratoires interroges par le New Scientist procedent a de telles contre-expertises, mais dans la majorite des cas, le second analyste a prealablement pris connaissance des conclusions de son predecesseur, faussant ainsi potentiellement leurs resultats. Si 15 de ces laboratoires expliquent qu’en cas de desaccord, c’est le superieur hierarchique qui tranche, seuls deux d’entre eux declarent mentionner, dans leurs rapports, l’existence d’une divergence d’analyses… Il ne s’agit pas pour autant de jeter l’opprobre sur l’utilisation judiciaire de l’ADN, ni de conclure que les expertises seraient systematiquement sujettes a caution. Par contre, le fait que l’on ait d’ores et deja autant d’erreurs, et les biais et problemes de subjectivite souleves par le New Scientist , plaident pour une vigilance accrue en la matiere, d’autant que la police et la justice exploitent de plus en plus la genetique dans leurs enquetes.

L’expertise genetique est une discipline encore relativement nouvelle, mais nous disposons egalement de suffisamment d’elements pour ne plus lui accorder la confiance aveugle qu’on lui prete generalement. Dans son rapport, tres critique (voir Quand les experts se trompent), sur le caractere non scientifique des techniques utilisees par la police technique et scientifique, le conseil national de la recherche americain soulignait ainsi que les methodes developpees dans les laboratoires afin d’aider les forces de l’ordre pourraient grandement beneficier des contributions des chercheurs et scientifiques. Et c’est precisement pour renforcer la confiance que l’on peut accorder au systeme judiciaire, et a la facon qu’ont les experts d’exploiter traces et identifiants genetiques, que Dan Krane a publie dans la revue Science , en decembre 2009, un appel cosigne par 40 autres scientifiques et professeurs de droit, intitule Time for 8, DNA disclosure (.pdf) (Il est temps de liberer l’ADN), appelant a liberer la base de donnees de profils genetiques de la police americaine, afin que d’autres chercheurs et scientifiques y aient eux aussi acces: Nous pensons que le temps est venu pour le FBI de permettre aux scientifiques d’acceder aux profils genetiques anonymises de sa base de donnees afin qu’ils puissent y effectuer des recherches qui profiteront a l’ensemble de la justice criminelle. Les forces de l’ordre devraient honorer les normes scientifiques et ouvrir leurs bases de donnees ADN au regard scientifique independant. On Christian Doctrine? Cela ne pose guere de risque significatif, et ne peut que renforcer la qualite de l’exploitation judiciaire de l’ADN.

Comme le souligne egalement le New Scientist dans l’editorial qu’il consacra a cette demande, si le FBI s’est trompe dans ses statistiques, les consequences sont tellement profondes que nous devrions pouvoir le savoir. Chapter? S’il ne s’est pas trompe, les recherches ne pourront que renforcer la preuve par l’ADN. Essay? Dans les deux cas, la justice en sortira gagnante . Essay Oliver? Cette evaluation serait d’autant plus pressante, mais egalement pertinente, que ladite base de donnees est de plus en plus exploitee par la police et la justice, et qu’elle repertorie plus de 9 millions de profils genetiques, augmentant d’autant la probabilite de voir une ou plusieurs personnes partager le meme profil ADN, et donc deboucher sur des erreurs judiciaires. English Essay? Comme l’expliquent Escondida et Timelos, plus un fichier augmente en taille, plus il est cense etre efficace, mais plus sa fiabilite theorique est en chute libre . Interroge par le LA Times , Jonathan Jay Koehler, professeur de droit specialiste des sciences du comportement, et notamment de ce qui preside aux decisions judiciaires basees sur les expertises de la police technique et scientifique, estime que le taux d’erreur, dans les laboratoires, est de l’ordre de 1 pour 1000, qu’il s’agisse d’ADN identifie, a tort, ou bien, a contrario, non identifie alors qu’il aurait pu l’avoir ete: Personne ne voudrait prendre l’avion s’il devait s’ecraser une fois tous les 1000 vols. 8? William Thompson, considere comme l’un des meilleurs specialistes des erreurs en matiere de genetique criminelle, se rappelle que lors de la creation des premieres bases de donnees d’ADN, on youth competition 2014, estimait que les innocents n’avaient rien a craindre, et qu’ils ne devaient donc pas avoir peur d’etre fiches. Mais aujourd’hui, quand on chapter 8, regarde la somme d’erreurs repertoriees de par le monde – et nous ne connaissons que la partie emergee de l’iceberg -, le probleme se pose vraiment de savoir combien de personnes nous voulons ainsi ficher. Analysis Essay? Et je n’aimerais certainement pas etre l’une d’entre elles. Essay Oliver 8? 77% des personnes fichees, en France, sont innocentes En 1994, la loi qui avait cree le fichier genetique americain avait expressement anticipe le fait que des chercheurs pourraient y effectuer des controles qualite dans la mesure ou les informations personnelles et identifiables en seraient retirees , ce qu’il est d’autant plus facile a faire que les identifiants genetiques fiches sont non-codants , et donc non susceptibles de reveler d’informations sensibles (une affirmation cela dit contestee par Catherine Bourgain, chargee de Recherches de l’Unite INSERM 535 Genetique epidemiologique et structures des populations humaines , pour qui il n’y a pas d’ADN neutre ).

Si le FBI s’est deja illustre en essayant de camoufler les erreurs identifiees par certains experts dans son fichier genetique, il refuse d’acceder aux demandes des scientifiques precisement (ou, plutot, officiellement ) en raison de considerations liees a la protection de la vie privee, et des caracteristiques genetiques de ceux qui sont fiches dans sa base de donnees. Ces derniers voudraient ainsi verifier le taux d’erreur, au moment de la saisie manuelle des fichiers. Summary On Christian? Une etude portant sur 15 021 profils genetiques contenus dans une base de donnee gouvernementale australienne avait ainsi revele un taux d’erreur de 1 sur 300, ce qui souleve un certain nombre de questions au regard des opportunites manquees d’aboutir sur certaines enquetes . A contrario, l’article que Linda Geddes, du New Scientist , a consacre a cette lettre ouverte, met plutot l’accent sur les risques d’erreurs judiciaires. Essay Oliver? Elle cite ainsi plusieurs experiences, menees sur pres de 300 000 profils genetiques extraits de trois bases de donnees ADN americaines. Essay Competition? A la grande surprise des scientifiques, plus de 2000 profils partageaient des caracteristiques qui, normalement, auraient du rendre leurs profils uniques . Interroge a ce sujet, Bruce Budowle, ancien responsable scientifique du fichier genetique du FBI, explique que selectionner le profil d’un suspect afin de le comparer a un echantillon preleve sur une scene de crime est a peu pres aussi pertinent que de tenter d’identifier un suspect a partir de sa seule date de naissance: plus la base de donnees contient de profils genetiques, plus grandes sont les chances d’en voir un certain nombre partager certaines caracteristiques. En decembre 2008, la Grande-Bretagne etait condamnee par la Cour europeenne des droits de l’homme a detruire les profils ADN de 850 000 personnes, soit pres de 13% des 6,3 millions d’individus presents dans le fichier genetique de la police britannique. Les juges avaient en effet estime que leur fichage genetique etait une atteinte disproportionnee au respect de la vie privee , au motif que leur casier judiciaire etait vierge, et qu’ils n’avaient pas ete condamnes dans l’affaire qui leur avait valu d’etre fiches, et qu’ils devaient donc toujours etre presumes innocents. Le Fichier national automatise des empreintes genetiques, son equivalent francais, ne comporte, lui, que 1,6 million de profils. Oliver 8? Cree en 1998 afin de ficher les criminels sexuels, et lutter contre la recidive, il a depuis ete elargi a la quasi-totalite des personnes a l’??encontre desquelles il existe des raisons plausibles de soupconner qu’??elles aient commis un crime ou un delit (a l’exception notable de la delinquance routiere et financiere). En decembre 2009, alors qu’il n’en recensait que 1,2 million de profils, le nombre de personnes condamnees enregistrees etait de 280 399, soit 23%.

Dit autrement: 77% des personnes fichees genetiquement, en France, n’ont ete que mises en cause et suspectees, mais jamais condamnees. Leadership Analysis? Elles sont donc toujours presumes innocentes … Comme le soulignait l’an passe Matthieu Bonduelle, secretaire general du Syndicat de la magistrature, au sujet du FNAEG, “ Il faut reconnaitre qu’il permet de resoudre des affaires, mais on oliver twist chapter, est maintenant dans une logique d’alimentation du fichier. Competition? Personne ne prone le fichage generalise, mais, de fait, on essay oliver, est en train de l’effectuer “ (voir Objectif: ficher l’ADN de toute la population). Condamnes par le code: l’immunite logicielle en question. Les algorithmes sont-ils une nouvelle forme de bureaucratie? Les donnees suffisent-elles pour piloter la ville?

Ou en est le Nudge (1/3)? Tout est-il nudgable ? Bodyware: pour une augmentation ordinaire. Les correlations en leurs limites. La toute petite bonne nouvelle de cet article, c’est que 77% des empreintes genetiques contenus dans le fichier francais des empreintes genetiques sont illegales. Mais il faudrait qu’un avocat, ou une association porte l’affaire devant les tribunaux europeens pour que ces empreintes soient effacees. Merci pour cet article d’une densite, d’une clarte et d’une precision rares.

Je suis epoustouflee par la qualite de ce que je viens de lire. Essay? J’ai appris enormement de choses et en suis d’autant plus choquee par ce que j’ai compris du danger du fichage generalise. tres bel article! Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces informations et mises en lumiere.

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Chapters 8-9 - Cliff Notes

English 430: Literature the Visual Arts. Courtney H. Stern. October 29, 2009. The Man (Behind the Bowler Hat) The images and ideas of Rene Magritte are known to millions of people who do not know him by essay twist 8, name. . .This accounts for the faint feeling of deja vu that even non-Magritteans sometimes get when looking at his work. Spm 2005 English Essay! Magritte died in 1967, but for the best part of a half-century his images — or variants on them — have been used to advertise everything from the French state railroad system and chocolates to wallpaper, cars and political candidates. . . Chapter 8! no modern artist has had more effect on advertising itself than Magritte (Hughes. “Art: The Poker-Faced Enchanter”). [A brief word of caution for anyone sensitive to profanity: The following clip does include some cursing.

Viewing the clip is not essential to understanding the remainder of this introduction to funny incident Magritte.] The son of essay twist 8, man (Le fils de l’homme), 1964. (Read more about Magritte’s Son of analysis, Man painting here: Rene Magritte was born on November 21, 1898, in Lessines, Belgium. If you want to find out oliver twist 8 more about his life (there are some interesting tidbits worth knowing), you can read about it here: or here

In case you were wondering why Magritte has so many paintings of essay on wisdom-educate, men in bowler hats…well, he wore them all the time. Get a glimpse of the man in this “Life” magazine article Magritte was a very prolific painter and I’m a great admirer of his work but I want to focus on the paintings and ideas that make Magritte relevant to our discussions of essay, literature and the visual arts: Magritte and mimesis, his use of titles, and his word paintings. Magritte on Magritte: I suppose you can call me a surrealist. But one should really say I am concerned with realism, even though that usually refers to daily life in the streets. It should be that realism means the real with the summary on christian, mystery that is in essay chapter 8, the real.

I want to show reality in such a way that it evokes the on wisdom-educate, mystery. (“The Enigmatic Visions of Rene Magritte”). If you ask most people what they think “surrealism” is they’re likely to tell you that it’s like the equivalent of science fiction or fantasy because surrealist paintings don’t resemble like the real world. Contemporary surrealist painters, and oliver twist chapter 8, even those in doctrine, Magritte’s own time, played with reality in ways that would justify this understanding of surrealism. Here are some contemporary surrealist paintings: Vladamir Kush Book of books Vladamir Kush Fiery Dance Vladamir Kush Chess Another Jacek Yerka painting. A third example of Jacek Yerka. These paintings by twist, contemporary surrealists contain objects and figures that echo the summary doctrine, reality in which we live but look very little like it. (To read more about Surrealism in essay oliver, general:

Magritte had a different take on surrealism. “His images were stories first, paintings second, but the stories were not narratives in the Victorian manner, or slices of 2014, life or tableaux of history. They were snapshots of the impossible, rendered in the dullest and most literal way: vignettes of twist chapter, language and reality locked in mutual cancellation. As a master of puzzle painting, Magritte had no equal and, although his influence on the formation of images (and on how people decode them) has been wide, he has had no real successors. . .With his dry, matter-of-fact technique, Magritte painted things so ordinary that they might have come from a phrase book: an spm 2005 english music, apple, a comb, a derby hat, a cloud, a birdcage, a street of prim suburban houses, a businessman in essay oliver twist, a dark topcoat, a stolid nude. . .it is on wisdom-educate, their encounter [with other objects]. . Essay Oliver Twist 8! .that is argumentive on wisdom-educate, so arresting. Essay Chapter 8! Magritte’s best images have more in common with reporting than with fantasy.” (Hughes, “Art: Enter the Stolid Enchanter”). I show things that are unknown,and yet, they are very familiar things. I look for poetry in the world of familiar objects. (“The Enigmatic Visions of Rene Magritte”). This familiar unfamiliarity can be seen in paintings like these where the objects look they way we’d expect them to look but they are either placed unexpectedly or painted in essay, unexpected proportion to essay twist the rest of the painting: Le Tombeau des Lutteurs, 1960.

The Listening Room. The pictorial language, like other languages, evokes mystery de facto if not de jure. I try—insofar as possible—to paint pictures that evoke mystery with the precision and charm necessary to the realm of leadership essay, thought. Twist! It’s obvious that this precise and charming evocation of mystery is composed of images of familiar objects, brought together or transformed in such a way that they no longer satisfy our naive or sophisticated notion. Essay! In coming to know these images, we discover the precision and charm that are lacking in oliver twist, the ‘real’ world in which they appear. Rene Magritte, preface to exhibition catalogue, Rene Magritte, Musee d’lxelles, April 19, 1958 . (Torczyner 132).

Perspective, Madame Recamier de David, 1951. Les valeurs personnelles (Personal Values), 1952. Empire of Light (L'Empire des lumieres), 1953–54. Read more about essay competition 2014, Empire of Light (L’Empire des lumieres) here: The art of painting—which actually should be called the art of resemblance enable us to twist 8 describe in essay, paint a thought that has the potential of becoming visible.

This thought includes only those images the world offers: people, curtains, weapons, stars, solids, inscriptions, etc. Resemblance spontaneously unites these figures in an order that immediately evokes mystery. Rene Magritte, statement in exhibition catalogue Rene Magritte in America , the Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts and essay chapter, The Museum of Fine Arts of analysis essay, Houston, 1960 (Torczyner 132). Voice of Space (La Voix des airs), 1931. Read more about Voice of Space (La Voix des airs) here: Take a look at this site to essay twist read more about Time Transfixed: La condition humaine (The human condition), 1933. Do you see the competition, painting within the painting? Take a look at essay twist 8, this site:

AN INTERESTING SIDE NOTE: Wander on over to these two links and see poet Mark Young’s ekphrastic interpretations of our mimetic painter: from Series Magritte and more from Series Magritte. The titles of my paintings are conversational commodities rather than explications. Competition! The titles are chosen in oliver twist chapter, such a way that they also impede their being situated in some reassuring realm that automatic thought processes might otherwise find for them in order to underestimate the cheap professional essay writers, significance,. The titles should provide additional protection in discouraging any attempt to essay chapter reduce real poetry to an inconsequential game. Rene Magritte, Lecture given November 20, 1938 at the Musee Royal des Beaux-Arts, Antwerp (Torczyner 121). “Once painted, [Magritte’s] image has to essay music be given a name, like a newborn child that must be baptized. A strange and indissoluble bond exists between each newborn and its name. A name is annunciatory, revelator, serving neither to define nor to interpret its bearer. So it is with the titles given Magritte’s pictures. Sometimes he asked advice by letter, or he would convoke actual family council. His circle of close friends would then gather under his presidency to decide on a name.

Sometimes Magritte would decree that a work was to bear the title of one of his favorite books.” (Torczyner 110) “Magritte was not a “literary” artist, and his work was more about situation than narrative. Nevertheless, his titles were important to him, and they are never neutral. They were, so to speak, pasted on the image like another collage element, inflecting its meaning without explaining it. They reflected his browsing in high and popular culture. The Glass Key comes from Dashiell Hammett, and references to the Fantomas thrillers (on which Magritte, along with the rest of the Surrealists and chapter, everyone else in France and Belgium, doted) are everywhere. Analysis Essay! On the essay twist, other hand, The Man from the Sea is professional essay writers, Balzac’s title, and The Elective Affinities Goethe’s. Then there was Edgar Allan Poe.

Magritte used him repeatedly. The Domain of Arnheim, Magritte’s image of a vast, cold Alpine wall seen through the broken window of a bourgeois living room, with shards of glass on the floor that still carry bits of the sublime view on essay oliver 8 them, is the title of Poe’s 1846 tale about a superrich American landscape connoisseur who creates a Xanadu for himself.” (Hughes “Art: The Poker-Faced Enchanter”). “Between 20 and 25 per cent of the paintings Magritte did in Paris (between September 1927 and July 1930) were word pictures. The actual number was in excess of forty, some of which are destroyed or untraced, leaving thirty-six that re known. The pictures can be classified into three categories according to what other kinds of form coexist with the words. There are those in which words are accompanied by representational forms, those in which they are accompanied by abstract and/or semi-abstract forms, and essay on wisdom-educate, those in which they are accompanied by both.” (Sylvester 170).

Magritte’s concerns, “were with language itself, the way that meanings are conveyed or frustrated by symbols. The manifesto of essay oliver, this was Magritte’s painting of a pipe, inscribed Ceci n ‘est pas une pipe (This is not a pipe). Essay Funny Incident Classroom! Precisely: it is a painting, a work of art, a sign that denotes an object and triggers memory. No painter had ever put this fundamental fact about art and its operations so clearly before. When Magritte, in The Use of the 8, Word, 1928, labeled two virtually identical and amorphous blobs of paint “Mirror” and youth competition 2014, “Woman’s Body,” he was not making a joke about narcissism; he was showing the essay oliver chapter, extreme tenuousness with which language may cling to spm 2005 english essay music what it describes. This sense of slippage between word and thing is, of course, one of the sources of modernist disquiet. Oliver 8! In finding image after image for it, Magritte became one of the artists whose work is central to an understanding of modernist culture; and his visual booby traps go off, over and over again, precisely because their trigger is argumentive essay on wisdom-educate, thought itself.” (Hughes. Oliver Twist! “Art: Enter the Stolid Enchanter”). The Treachery Of Images. This is Not an Apple, 1964. “What an argumentive on wisdom-educate, image is not has a bearing on what it is.

The proposition that a representation is as alien as a word to oliver 8 the real object is taken by Magritte to indicate that the cheap writers, image functions as though it were a word. . Chapter! .The comparability which Magritte’s work establishes between words and images is based, essentially, on their respective correlation with a third entity, the real object. The painter makes the case that both types of signifier operate identically in relation to the notion which they signify. . .Words in essay funny incident classroom, Magritte’s work are primarily negators of the pictorial. Almost without exception words contest the signification of what is shown.” ( Levy, “Magritte and words”). The use of speech. Les Mots Et Les Images (Words and Images), 1929. to Magritte: “An object is not so wedded to its name that one cannot find another which suits it better.” ( Les Mots et les images is essay oliver twist 8, key to understanding Magritte so here’s the translation of what was written (start reading at the top of the leftmost column and read down then go to the middle column, etc.): As object is not so linked to its name that we cannot find a more suitable one for it. Some objects can do without a name. Youth Competition! Often a word is only self-descriptive An object encounters its image, an objects encounters its name It can happen that the object’s name and its image encounter each other Sometimes an essay oliver twist chapter, object’s name can replace an image. A word can replace an object in reality.

An image can replace a word in a statement An object makes one suppose there are other objects behind it. Everything leads us to think that there is little relation between an object and what it represents. Cheap Professional Writers! Words that serve to designate two different objects do not reveal what can separate these objects from each other. In a picture, words have the essay twist chapter, same substance as images. In a picture we see images and words differently. An undifferentiated form can replace the image of an object. An object never performs the same function as its name or its image.

Now, in argumentive essay on wisdom-educate, reality the essay oliver twist chapter, visible outlines of objects touch each other, as if they formed a mosaic. Vague figures have a necessary meaning that is as perfect as precise figures. Written words in a picture often designate precise objects, and funny classroom, images vague objects. Or the oliver 8, opposite. Whew! So now back to youth competition 2014 the words pictures… Le miroir vivant (The living mirror), 1928. The empty mask, 1928.

Le Miroir magique (The Magic Mirror), 1929. “Magritte’s word and image paintings, such as The Interpretation of Dreams (1952), often appropriate the style of elementary school textbooks that present spelling or grammar lessons. According to Andre Breton, Magritte used this ‘object-lesson’ format in order to ‘put the visual image on trial.’ They are similar in style to the linguistic models used by essay oliver twist, Ferdinande de Saussure in his Course in essay, General Linguistics (1915), who was the first to put forth the essay 8, concept that signs and symbols of language are arbitrary constructs, meaning that the word ‘tree,’ a sign built from youth competition 2014 letters, has no physical resemblance to the actual object of a tree, and is related to it merely through context and oliver chapter, associations imposed by the social construction of written language.” For several of Magritte’s other word paintings: If you’re inclined to read an in-depth and essay 2014, very scholarly analysis of Magritte and semiotics, I highly recommend this article Sylvester, David. Magritte: The Silence of the World . New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc: 1992. Oliver Twist! Print. Torczyner, Harry. “Toward Pleasure.” Magritte: The True Art of Painting Trans. On Wisdom-educate! Richard Miller.

New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.: 1979. Print.

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