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Lorenzaccio, Musset - Fiche de Lecture - Acte par Acte. Lorenzaccio d'Alfred de Musset est une oeuvre qui est souvent ©tudi©e pendant l'ann©e de premi¨re L en vue des ©preuves anticip©es de Fran§ais du Bac. Pro Life Choice? Avec ce r©sum© de Lorenzaccio sc¨ne par sc¨ne , cela vous permettra d'avoir rapidement une id©e globale de l'oeuvre et de l'Histoire. RESUME LORENZACCIO , Alfred de MUSSET (1834) Une nuit, dans un jardin de Florence, Lorenzo et Giomo accompagnent Alexandre de Me ?dicis. Essay? Ils attendent une belle jeune fille que le duc a paye ?e pour aller avec lui au bal de Nasi. Or Pro? Celle-ci se fait attendre, quand son fre#768;re - Maffio - la voit traverser le jardin.

Inquie ?te ? par sa fugue, il la poursuit et tombe nez a#768; nez avec le duc, Giomo et Lorenzo. Cause And Effect Essay Drug Addiction? Il leur demande ce que cela signifie. Pro Life Or Pro Choice? Il les menace de rapporter les faits au duc puis les attaque a#768; l’e ?pe ?e. Debt Of Gratitude? Rapidement contro#770;le ?, il apprend qu’il s’agit du duc en personne. Choice Essay? Ils ache#768;tent son silence et repartent. A travers les conversations des passants (le marchand, l’orfe#768;vre, le couple de bourgeois, les e ?coliers. Debt Essay? ), on pro life or pro essay, apprend qu’au petit matin, le bal masque ? des noces de la fille des Nasi bat encore son plein.

Les grands seigneurs et le duc y sont pre ?sents. Cause Essay About Drug? Leur train de vie est extravagant : costumes superbes, de ?bauche, fe#770;tes monumentales et alcoolise ?es. Or Pro Choice? Ceci contraste avec la vie du peuple : pauvrete ?, travail, re ?voltes contre les seigneurs et contre l’emprise allemande. Series Forecasting? En fin de sce#768;ne, Julien Salviati harce#768;le Louise Strozzi, qui de ?cline son offre. Le marquis de Cibo fait ses adieux a#768; sa femme, son fils et son fre#768;re : il part a#768; Massa.

La marquise est triste de ce de ?part, tant elle est amoureuse. Choice? Le marquis parti, elle se retrouve avec le cardinal de Cibo. Structure? Ils discutent du bal des Nasi et tre#768;s vite, la marquise montre son aversion pour le duc, qu’elle de ?crit comme un tyran provocateur. Or Pro? Lorsqu’elle sort, le cardinal appelle le page ( Agnolo ) de celle-ci. On Hills Elephants? Contraint, il lui tend une lettre (du duc) destine ?e a#768; la marquise. Pro Life Or Pro Choice? On apprend que le duc lui fait la cour depuis deux mois et qu’elle est partie le rejoindre, malgre ? le discours qu’elle a tenu. Le duc est dans une des cours de son palais, il est rejoint par le cardinal Valori et Sire Maurice.

Ceux-ci font part au duc des nouvelles du pape. Debt Of Gratitude Essay? Ce dernier pense que Lorenzo est un mauvais personnage pour le gouvernement. Or Pro Essay? Il n’a qu’un seul ro#770;le : de ?baucher le duc, mais celui-ci n’adhe#768;re pas a#768; cette ide ?e. Cause Essay About Drug? Lorsque Lorenzo les rejoint, Sire Maurice le provoque et le duc ame#768;ne les deux hommes a#768; se battre a#768; l’e ?pe ?e. Or Pro Essay? Lorenzo, apeure ? et mauvais soldat prend peur et fait un malaise. Extended Essay? Le duc intervient alors en expliquant qu’il a p ousse ? le vice pour leur montrer que Lorenzo n’est pas un mauvais garc#807;on. Des passants discutent a#768; Montolivet (lieu de foire). Or Pro? Lors de leurs e ?changes, un bourgeois s’indigne de la politique (arbitraire et absolue) du duc et de son comportement, alors qu’il n’est pas de sang royal (ba#770;tard). Essay? Deux dames de la cour, chez le marchand, demandent a#768; leurs officiers d’aller chercher Julien Salviati. Pro Life Choice? Entre alors le prieur de Capoue, puis Salviati (les dames sont parties entre- temps).

Celui-ci aperc#807;oit Louise Strozzi et raconte au prieur que cette femme est d’accord pour coucher avec lui. Series Thesis? Le prieur - fre#768;re de Louise - s’offusque et s’en va . Marie Soderini et Catherine Ginori sont sur les bords de l’Arno. Essay? La me#768;re de Lorenzo , qui a eu vent de son malaise (Acte I, sc.4), s’inquie#768;te de son avenir. Of Reflective? Elle relate a#768; Catherine que son fils e ?tait (avant de partir a#768; Florence) tre#768;s avenant et juste avec la volonte ? d’aider tout le monde. Or Pro Choice Essay? Elle le voit maintenant comme un homme corrompu, vil et malhonne#770;te. Degree Level? Elles sont remplace ?es par un groupe de bannis de Florence; Maffio les a rejoint (cf.

Acte I, sc.1). Pro Life Or Pro? On apprend que Philippe Strozzi est un fervent de ?fenseur d’une Florence libre et saine et qu’il lutte pour la chute du duc. Acte II, sce#768;ne 1. Philippe Strozzi, seul, regrette de laisser la corruption envahir la ville et bannir ses e ?le ?ments. Abstracts? Pierre et Le ?on Strozzi (le prieur de Capoue) entrent. Pro Life Choice Essay? Le ?on est accable ? par ce qu’il vient d’entendre a#768; Montolivet ; Pierre le voit et lui demande ce qu’il se passe. Degree? Avec appre ?hension il explique qu’il a entendu Salviati, dire qu’il allait coucher avec leur sœur (Louise) et qu’elle e ?tait consentante. Essay? Pierre est dans tous ses e ?tats : il de ?teste Salviati. Acte II, sce#768;ne 2. Lorenzo et Valori sont devant une e ?glise.

Valori fait un e ?loge de la beaute ? de cette e ?glise, lorsque Tebaldeo Freccia les interrompt. Thesis? Ce dernier, qui porte un tableau, est un modeste amoureux des arts. Pro Life Essay? Valori lui propose de venir travailler au palais. 3 Parts Of Reflective? Lorenzo, un peu provocateur, lui demande de montrer son travail (tableau). Or Pro Choice? Valori remarque le charme du tableau et Loren zo, lui, se moque de son œuvre et lui propose de peindre une courtisane. Debt Of Gratitude Essay? L’artiste refuse, Lorenzo le pousse dans ses retranchements en lui demandant d’expliquer son refus.

Tebaldeo explique. ensuite que l’e ?tat de de ?solation de Florence, cre ?e de grands artistes ; il aime Florence et ne la quitterait pour rien au monde (malgre ? la perse ?cution et la corruption qui y re#768;gnent). Or Pro Choice? Lorenzo lui demande de venir au palais le lendemain pour peindre un tableau pour « ses noces ». Acte II, sce#768;ne 3. Le cardinal Cibo, seul, attend la marquise de Cibo. Of Reflective Essay? Dans son monologue, il fait part de son engagement certain aupre#768;s de Charles Quint et du pape. Choice Essay? Aupre#768;s du duc, il fait en sorte d’appliquer les ordres de ces deux autorite ?s. 3 Parts Of Reflective? Cependant, il se me ?fie de l’influence de la mar quise sur le duc qui la courtise.

La marquise vient se confesser et le cardinal tente de recueillir des informations sur sa relation avec le duc. Or Pro Choice Essay? La marquise ne comprend pas son insistance, se fa#770;che et lui reproche de ne pas rester a#768; son ro#770;le de confesseur (il est son beau- fre#768;re). Cause And Effect Drug? Pique ? , il s’en va. Pro Life Essay? La marquise, seule, re ?fle ?chit a#768; cet e ?change et a#768; ses sentiments, quand Agnolo vient lui annoncer l’arrive ?e du duc. Acte II, sce#768;ne 4. Lorenzo, sa me#768;re et sa tante discutent litte ?rature. Degree Level? Bindo et Baptista Venturi les interrompt ; les femmes sortent. Pro Life Essay? L’oncle tente de savoir si Lorenzo - si proche du duc - est encore de leur co#770;te ? (re ?publicain) ou si son jeu de rapprochement lui a tourne ? la te#770;te. Time Series Forecasting Thesis? En effet, on or pro essay, apprend que Lorenzo est entre ? a#768; la cour du duc afi n de s’e n rapprocher, de renverser le pouvoir et d’amener a#768; une Re ?publique.

Mais ils ne sont plus tre#768;s su#770;rs de ses opinions. Extended Essay Abstracts? Lorenzo les rassure sur ses objectifs lorsque le duc parait. Or Pro Choice Essay? Lorenzo pre ?sente son oncle et son ami au duc et lui demande des faveurs pour ces derniers. Of Reflective? Le. duc et Lorenzo, sont seuls et Alexandre avoue avoir fait chavirer la marquise de Cibo. Pro Life Essay? Mais apercevant la tante de Lorenzo, il lui demande de la lui pre ?senter. Of Reflective? Enfin, Lorenzo explique au duc qu’il doit aller chez les Strozzi. Pro Life? Il lui fait cr oire qu’il va glaner des informations sur des complots, qu’il lui transmettra. Acte II, sce#768;ne 5. Lorenzo, Louise, Le ?on et Philippe Strozzi sont dans leur palais. Essay Structure? Philippe s’inquie#768;te pour son fils (Pierre) car il est parti tuer Salviati afin de venger leur honneur (suite de l’Acte II, sc.1).

Puis il re ?ite#768;re dans une tirade, la description de Florence : ville ensanglante ?e et corrompue. Pro Life Choice? Enfin, Pierre et les fre#768;res Pazzi (Thomas et Franc#807;ois) rentrent et annoncent qu’ils ont tue ? Salviati. Essay? Il reproche ensuite, a#768; son pe#768;re, d’accueillir Lorenzo au palais. Pro Life Essay? Philippe Strozzi mai#770;trise la situation, et propose a#768; Pierre de se cacher pour ne pas e#770;tre puni de son acte. Essay? Celui-ci refuse, question d’honneur. Acte II, sce#768;ne 6. Tebaldeo est au palais du duc, il fait son portrait. Pro Life? Alexandre a quitte ? sa co#770;te de maille pour l’occasion. Thesis? Tout en discutant, Lorenzo arrive, et empoigne la co#770;te de maille.

Puis il fait mine d’alle r chercher sa guitare proche du puits. Or Pro Essay? Tebaldeo a termine ? son portrait, et le duc se rhabille. Essay? Mais il ne retrouve plus sa co#770;te de maille. Pro Life Or Pro? Lorenzo, qui revient avec sa guitare feint de ne plus savoir ou#768; il l’ a pose ? et de ?tourne l’attention du duc en parlant de sa tante. Acte II, sce#768;ne 7. Salviati, agonisant arrive au palais du duc. Structure? Il accuse les fre#768;res Strozzi de l’avoir tue ? . Choice Essay? Il fait croire au duc, qu’ils l’ont agresse ? car Salviati les avait de ?shonore ?s en disant que le duc e ?tait amoureux de Louise. Time Series Forecasting Thesis? Le. duc veut alors, mettre a#768; mort les fre#768;res Strozzi. Acte III, sce#768;ne 1. Lorenzo s’entrai#770;ne a#768; l’e ?pe ?e avec Scoronconcolo . Pro Life Essay? Rapidement il se de ?chai#770;ne et Scoronconcolo lui demande la ve ?rite ? sur sa rage.

Lorenzo avoue, qu’il a un ennemi et qu’il va le tuer ici -me#770;me. Debt Essay? Il demande a#768; Scoronconcolo s’il pourra l’aider dans sa bataille (tenir les mains de l’ennemi), le jour venu. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? Celui-ci accepte. Acte III, sce#768;ne 2. Pierre est contrarie ? que Salviati ne soit pas mort. Essay? Il annonce a#768; son pe#768;re qu’il part chez les Pazzi, sie#768;ge de la re ?volte contre le duc. Or Pro Choice Essay? Philippe s’inquie#768;te de l’engagement de son fils et de ce qu’ils ont pre ?pare ? pour faire chuter le duc et mettre en place la re ?publique. White? Soucieux du sort de son fils, Philippe part avec Pierre. Acte III, sce#768;ne 3. Des officiers allemands, sous ordre du duc, ont arre#770;te ? Thomas Strozzi. Pro Life Or Pro Essay? Dans la rue, Pierre et Philippe Strozzi les rencontrent.

Pierre qui e ?tait recherche ?, est lui-me#770;me arre#770;te ?. Of Gratitude Essay? Ils rejoignent le tribunal des Huit. Philippe, seul dans la rue, pleure ses fils et l’injustice de Florence, lorsque Lorenz o intervient. Pro Life Choice Essay? Philippe lui demande s’il va aller jusqu’au bout et mettre fin au cauchemar engendre ? par les Me ?dicis. Degree Level? Philippe, aussi, a constate ? le changement d’attitude de Lorenzo (il n’est plus la personne loyale et juste qu’il e ?tait). Pro Life Or Pro Essay? Ce dernier demande a#768; Philippe de quitter Florence et de ne pas aller chez les Pazzi. Debt? Philippe refuse et Lorenzo le rassure en lui indiquant qu’il va tuer Alexandre. Pro Life? Mais il avoue que pour en arriver la#768;, il s’est transforme ? en un homme plein de vices, dont il ne peut, aujourd ’hui, se de ?faire. And Effect Essay About Drug Addiction? Sa soif de justice et de vengeance l’ont de ?route ?. Pro Life Or Pro? Le meurtre du duc est le dernier acte qui justifie sa transformation. Debt Of Gratitude? Il tente ainsi de montrer a#768; Philippe que la vie de Florence est complexe et peu ide ?ale. Or Pro? Lorenzo demande a#768; garder ses confessions secre#768;tes. Acte III, sce#768;ne 4.

Catherine Ginori a rec#807;u une lettre du duc qui lui fait la cour. Of Reflective? Dans ce mot, il fait allusion a#768; Lorenzo, son entremetteur. Pro Life Or Pro? Quand Marie Soderini entre, Catherine lui montre la lettre qu’elle ne comprend pas. Essays Like White Elephants? Marie est ane ?antie : elle n’accepte pas que son fils aille jusque-la#768; dans le vice. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? Catherine emme#768;ne Marie chez Lorenzo pour plus d’explications. Acte III, sce#768;ne 5. La marquise de Cibo, tre#768;s en beaute ?, attend la venue du duc. Debt Of Gratitude Essay? Le cardinal de Cibo entre et la complimente sur sa tenue. Choice? La marquise ne peut le recevoir et lui demande de repasser plus tard.

Seule, elle s’interroge sur le comportement du cardinal (il la surveille). Acte III, sce#768;ne 6. La marquise en compagnie du duc, le pre ?vient de la re ?volte populaire a#768; son e ?gard. 3 Parts Of Reflective Essay? Elle lui demande d’agir pour retrouver la confiance du peuple, malgre ? les ordres de l’empereur Charles Quint. Or Pro? Le duc s’appre#770;te a#768; partir lorsque le cardinal les surprend . Of Reflective Essay? La marquise, seule, s’adresse a#768; son mari en lui annonc#807;ant son de ?shonneur d’avoir succombe ? au duc. Acte III, sce#768;ne 7. Philippe Strozzi a invite ? sa famille (« les quarante Strozzi ») en son palais. Or Pro Choice Essay? Il fait un long discours qui traduit sa volonte ? de vengeance et de justice : il veut mettre fin a#768; la ligne ?e des Me ?dicis, responsables de son chagrin.

Mais, lorsque tous le#768;vent leur verre et boivent, Louise s’effondre. empoisonne ?e. Time Thesis? Philippe est ane ?anti et ne se sent plus en e ?tat d’aller libe ?rer ses fils, il veut fuir. Pro Life Or Pro Choice? Les convives sont side ?re ?es et veulent la mort du duc. Structure Level? Elles tentent en vain de convaincre Philippe de les accompagner, pour venger la mort de Louise.

Acte IV, sce#768;ne 1. Lorenzo et le duc sont dans son palais. Pro Life Or Pro? Le duc apprend la mort de Louise. 3 Parts? Puis, Lorenzo, demande au duc s’il a retrouve ? sa co#770;te de maille. Choice? Celui-ci lui re ?pond que non et qu’il ne p orte rien qui le prote#768;ge. Essay? Enfin assure ? de sa vulne ?rabilite ?, Lorenzo lui propose un rendez-vous avec sa tante. Choice Essay? La rencontre se fera dans la chambre de Lorenzo. Extended Essay Abstracts? Ce dernier lui a, en re ?alite ?, donne ? le rendez-vous de sa mort (cf. Or Pro Essay? Acte III, sc.1).

Acte IV, sce#768;ne 2. Thomas et Pierre Strozzi, relaxe ?s par le tribunal des Huit, arrivent chez eux. Series? Le portier les rec#807;oit et se rend compte qu’ils ne sont pas au courant de la mort de leur sœur. Pro Life Choice Essay? Les moines qui arrivent pour enterrer le corps, leur annoncent le de ?ce#768;s de Louise. And Effect About Addiction? Thomas est ane ?anti, Pierre, lui, veut comprendre et rejoindre leur pe#768;re. Pro Life Choice Essay? Il suspecte une vengeance de la part des Salviati. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 3. Lorenzo pre ?vient Scoronconcolo du rendez-vous du soir. On Hills Like Elephants? Puis, seul, il se demande comment il a pu en arriver a#768; pren dre du plaisir a#768; tuer quelqu’un qui lui a fait de ?couvrir une facette de la vie qui lui e ?tait inconnue et devenir un homme qu’il de ?teste aujourd’hui? Il s’en renvoie a#768; ses croyances, et se pense plus irre ?el qu’humain.

Acte IV, sce#768;ne 4. Chez la marquise de Cibo, le cardinal, lui indique qu’il sait qu’elle est la mai#770;tresse du duc, mais que cela ne rele#768;ve pas de ses confessions: il l’a vu. Pro Life Or Pro Choice? Cependant, le cardinal lui demande de rester proche du duc, de re ?pondre a#768; ses besoins pour conque ?rir son cœur, pluto#770;t que de lui parler politique. Cause Essay Drug? Si la marquise re ?ussit a#768; se rapprocher du duc, le cardinal, pense pouvoir en tirer profit (monter en grade). Pro Life? A cet instant le marquis rentre et le cardinal menace la marquise de tout de ?voiler si elle n’accepte pas de se rapprocher du duc. Cause And Effect Drug Addiction? Elle de ?cide, finalement, de tout avouer a#768; son mari. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 5. Lorenzo, a#768; l’aide de ses domestiques, arrange sa chambre pour le « faux » rendez-vous. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? Catherine vient lui annoncer que suite a#768; la lettre du duc, sa me#768;re, Marie, est souffrante. Forecasting? Mais incontro#770;lable, Lorenzo, lui demande ce qu’elle a pense ? du mot.

Lorsqu’il se ressaisit il demande a#768; Catherine de rejoindre sa me#768;re. Choice Essay? Seul, Lorenzo, regrette d’e#770;tre devenu (un peu malgre ? lui) un homme de ?pourvu de vertu. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 6. Philippe Strozzi est en train d’enterrer sa fille lorsque Pierre vient lui annoncer que les bannis se sont regroupe ?s pour aller faire tomber la citadelle (lieu de garde des allemands). Abstracts? Il compte sur Philippe pour commander les troupes et les ope ?rations. Or Pro Choice? Celui-ci refuse de se battre contre son pays.

Pierre, fa#770;che ?, repart. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 7. Lorenzo pre ?vient les hommes de te#770;te du mouvement re ?publicain, de la mort imminente du duc. Series Forecasting Thesis? Ils ne le croient pas. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 8.

Pierre Strozzi vient annoncer a#768; deux bannis que son pe#768;re ne viendra pas. Or Pro Choice? Mais il faut sa pre ?sence pour que la re ?volte commence. Time Forecasting? Les bannis refusent donc de se rendre a#768; Sestino pour annoncer le de ?part, sans l’aval de Philippe . Acte IV, sce#768;ne 9. Lorenzo, dehors, la nuit tombe ?e, re ?fle ?chit a#768; la mise en sce#768;ne de l’assassinat du duc. Choice? Son monologue est empreint de de ?mence : il passe d’un sujet a#768; l’autre sans aucune logique. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 10. Le duc di#770;ne avec Giomo, lorsqu’entre le cardinal Cibo. Essays Like White? Celui -ci l’interp elle et lui conseille de se me ?fier de Lorenzo qui a annonce ? a#768; plusieurs personnes qu’il tuerait le duc cette nuit. Or Pro Choice? Sire Maurice les rejoint, et confirme ces suspicions.

Le duc ne les croit pas. And Effect Essay Drug Addiction? Lorenzo arrive, et presse le duc pour son rendez- vous. Acte IV, sce#768;ne 11. Lorenzo ame#768;ne le duc dans sa chambre. Essay? Celui-ci se couche en attendant Catherine.

Lorenzo revient alors et frappe a#768; mort le duc. Cause About Drug? Scoronconcolo se pre ?cipite pour aider Lorenzo et se rend compte, que l’ennemi est le duc. Choice Essay? Ce dernier mort, Lorenzo refait une crise de de ?mence. Extended Abstracts? Scoronconcolo se charge de le faire quitter la chambre. Le palais du duc est rempli de courtisan, quand Giomo, vient informer les proches du duc de son de ?ce#768;s. Or Pro? La nouvelle doit rester secre#768;te, car le peuple re ?volte ?, est aux portes de la citadelle et menace les. hauts dignitaires de Florence. Time Forecasting? Giomo a ramene ? le corps dans la sacristie du palais.

Le cardinal Cibo, Valori, Rucellai#776;, Sire Maurice, Guicciardini, re ?fle ?chissent a#768; e ?lire un nouveau duc le plus rapidement possible. Pro Life? Co#770;me de Me ?dicis est pressenti pour cette place. Philippe Strozzi, a#768; Venise, se lamente en apprenant que son fils, Pierre est a#768; la te#770;te des troupes franc#807;aises, qui marchent vers Florence, pour la libe ?rer. Abstracts? Lorenzo arrive et lui annonce qu’il a tue ? le duc. Or Pro? Philippe est heureux de cette nouvelle (il n’en croit pas ses yeux) , et demande a#768; Lorenzo s’il a pre ?venu tous les re ?publicains de cet acte. And Effect Essay About Drug? Lorenzo acquiesce mais ne sait pas ce qu’ il en est (n’a pas grande confiance en eux), puisqu’il est parti pour Venise, quelques jours auparavant. Choice Essay? Cependant, un crieur, annonce a#768; qui veut l’entendre que la te#770;te de Lorenzo est mise a#768; prix. Extended? Philippe, entendant des bruits dans l’escalier, cache Lorenzo dans s a chambre. Dans une rue de Florence, le marquis de Cibo et sa femme se baladent. Pro Life Essay? Deux bourgeois conversent sur le fait que la marquise a e ?te ? la mai#770;tresse du duc.

Dans une auberge, Pierre rec#807;oit un message du roi de France. Abstracts? Il lui annonce q u’il le soutient dans sa re ?volte pour la « liberte ? de l’Italie » et veut l’enro#770;ler . Or Pro Essay? Pierre veut accepter la proposition et quitter son groupe de bannis qui ne suivent que son pe#768;re, malgre ? les conse ?quences. d’une emprise franc#807;aise sur Florence et l’Italie. A travers la conversation entre le marchand et l’orfe#768;vre, on structure degree level, apprend qu’apre#768;s la mort du duc, le de ?sordre est apparu : l’effervescence du peuple et la de ?sorientation du gouvernement. Choice? Le marchand indique aussi l’aspect surnaturel du meurtre du duc (« six Six ont concouru a#768; la mort »). Essay About Drug? A leur sortie deux petits Strozzi et Salviati, ainsi que leurs pre ?cepteurs, entrent et se chamaillent.

Dispute enfantine, qui traduit la re ?alite ? des adultes. Des e ?tudiants se re ?voltent, dans une rue de Florence, contre des soldats qui leur refusent le droit de vote (la de ?mocratie) pour l’e ?lection du nouveau duc. Lorenzo apprend le de ?ce#768;s de sa me#768;re, et propose a#768; Philippe de sortir en promenade avec lui. Pro Life Essay? Celui-ci, refuse afin de ne pas exposer Lorenzo a#768; ses de ?tracteurs. About Drug? On apprend qu’a#768; Florence, les re ?publicains n’ont pas eu le pouvoir et que Co#770;me est devenu duc. Pro Life Choice? Lorenzo, de ?sabuse ?, de ?cide de sortir.

Le temps que Philippe charge ses valets de le suivre pour le prote ?ger, Lorenzo se fait tuer. A Florence, Co#770;me est sacre ? duc par le cardinal Cibo. Of Gratitude? Il prononce son serment sur l’Evangile. Vous devez ªtre connect© pour pouvoir lire la suite. Merci pour cette fiche, elle est bien détaillée ! Votre site va me sauver pour le Bac, merci à vous :) ! Ce résumé de l'oeuvre est vraiment très bien fait , très compréhensible.Merci. Merci pour cette fiche.

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Top 10 Details to pro life choice, Include on a Nursing Resume. As healthcare recruiters, we reviewed thousands of nursing resumes. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them were missing multiple details that were important to the Nurse Managers and degree level, Nurse Supervisors who were largely responsible for making the hiring decisions. Moreover, missing these critical details can ultimately lead to a lower ranking within the or pro, Applicant Tracking Systems so prevalent in degree, today’s hiring process. We hope the information provided here will help you create an amazing resume! First, it’s important to pro life or pro, have an idea of how the hiring process typically works in order to thoroughly understand the importance of these critical details.

When a job opens up to on hills white elephants, the general public, the or pro, healthcare employer can sometimes receive hundreds of resumes. In some cases, the resumes are electronically ranked by Applicant Tracking Systems that award higher rankings for resumes that include the thesis, critical skills and experiences sought for the job. In any case, staffing office representatives, mostly recruiters, will review the pro life or pro choice essay, rankings and resumes and pass along the “best” candidates to the hiring managers. It’s important to note that being the “best” often means having a resume with all the critical details. If the information isn’t there, then the resume stands a far greater chance of cause essay about drug, being removed from the process. It’s important to note that missing these details is pro life or pro choice, not the nurse’s fault. Unfortunately, the vast majority of debt of gratitude essay, informational resources pertaining to resumes is very general in or pro choice, nature. General resources are useful only for people with very general careers like “Sales”. These resources are mostly useless for nurses. Meanwhile, many resources specifically related to nurse resumes offer insufficient detail.

Moreover, healthcare employers do a terrible job at extended essay conveying what they’re looking for in their job descriptions, so candidates have no clue what to include in their resumes. Skimming the list below may leave the pro life or pro choice, impression that everything on it is obvious. However, reading the debt essay, details provided for each item will most likely uncover items which are missing from your nursing resume . What to Include on or pro choice essay Your Nursing Resume. There are literally thousands of potential professional affiliations for essays on hills like nurses. In most cases, employers want to know if you belong to any. Pro Life. For example, if you belong to the American Association of Critical Care Nurses or the Emergency Nurses Association, then most employers would like to know this. Include the following information: Affiliation name Your date of essay abstracts, admission Offices held Brief description of your role or reason you chose this group over others.

9. Honors/Awards/Special Assignments: As with every other resume, a nurse’s resume should include any honors and awards they’ve received. Examples include honors and awards from school, work, volunteer work, professional affiliations, and even social clubs. Nurses should also include any special assignments they were given at work. Did you ever take charge duty? Did you do any scheduling or mentoring? You may choose to place these items under their own heading. However, this isn’t necessary.

You can also add them where applicable throughout the rest of pro life choice essay, your resume. 8. Specific Nursing Education Details: Including the degree you earned (ADN, ASN, BSN, MSN, etc.) is a must. Extended Abstracts. Not including it increases the chances that your resume will be removed from consideration. This is because the or pro, information is often required for the resume to move through the process and essay drug, it isn’t easily attainable by the staffing office. So, they’ll often pass on a resume that doesn’t include the or pro choice, information in favor one that does. Provide at least the following information about your education: Name of school Degree earned Beginning date Completion date City, and State. You might also consider adding a description that includes achievements, awards, scholarly organizations and activities, or your GPA if it was really high. Of course, scholastic achievements are more important the time series forecasting, earlier you are in your career, so keep that in mind when crafting the education section of your resume.

Finally, you may also wish to include details on any continuing education units you’ve taken within the last 2 years. Bonus: Are you bilingual? If so, be sure to include it on your resume! According to a recent study from Wanted Analytics, “bilingual” was the choice essay, second most commonly required skill listed on nursing job advertisements. 7. Nursing License and Certification Details: It is highly recommended that you include the following for your licenses: License type (LPN, RN, NP, CRNA, etc.) Licensing State/Body Name on license if different from 3 parts of reflective, name on resume License expiration date License number If the license is or pro essay, part of the Nurse Licensure Compact, then state it clearly. Many people argue that a nursing license number should not be included on a resume as a matter of privacy. However, nursing license numbers are a matter of public record. And Effect About Addiction. They can be easily obtained from or pro, each state’s Board of Nursing using the standard information included on your resume.

Providing the license number simply makes the recruiter’s job easier. And in a competitive job market, that could make all the difference in the world. When it comes to certifications, it is highly recommended that you include the following for every certification you hold: Certification name (BLS, ACLS, PALS, TNCC, etc.) Certifying body (AHA, etc) Expiration date, or date acquired if it has no official expiration date. Unlike most professions, nursing is conducted round-the-clock. Therefore, it’s best to convey the shifts you’re willing to abstracts, work on your nursing resume. Are you open to working 8, 10, and/or 12 hour shifts?

Are you open to working Days, Mids, PMs, and/or Nocs? You should include this information even if you’re applying for a specific job with a specific shift. You never know if the employer has another opening that is pro life choice essay, unadvertised which you maybe qualified for. Moreover, resumes aren’t always submitted to specific job advertisements. In fact, many sources indicate that 80% of on hills white, all jobs are filled through networking.

Including your availability is very helpful for general job inquiries. In addition, you should indicate your willingness to relocate when applicable. These statements regarding availability can be given their own heading, but it’s best to simply add them to your Professional Summary. The healthcare industry is pro life or pro choice essay, going electronic. Paper charting will soon be a way of the past. It’s imperative to essay abstracts, list any and all Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) experience you have. According to a recent study by choice essay, Wanted Analytics, “Electronic Medical Record” was the most commonly required skill for nurses listed in essay, nursing job advertisements. “Epic Software” and “Meditech”, popular EMR software packages, were also on or pro choice the list. Of course, billing codes are a big part of essay abstracts, EMRs. And both ICD10 and choice essay, ICD 9 are among the cause about, most commonly listed skills in job advertisements. So if your scope of practice deals with this in pro life, any way, then be sure to add these to your resume.

You may also want to include any other computer experience you have just in case it may be of debt essay, value to the employer, or to at least demonstrate that you have computer skills if you lack experience with EHRs and pro life or pro, EMRs. Signifying the type of facility you worked in tells the potential employer a ton about your experience with very few words. You should know the exact designation of all the essay degree, facilities you worked with and if you don’t, now is the time to pro life or pro essay, find out. Short term acute care? Long Term Care? Long Term Acute Care? Senior Nursing Facility? In addition, if you worked at abstracts a Trauma Hospital, then you should include this on your resume along with the trauma designation (1, 2, 3, etc).

If you worked at a teaching hospital, then you should include this information. Such information can be included under the specific job description in pro life, your resume’s Work History section, or in your resume’s Summary. For example, if the job listing you’re applying for lists trauma hospital experience as necessary or desired, then it’s a good idea to identify your trauma experience in essay abstracts, the resume Summary to make it stand out. Include the number of choice essay, total beds at the facilities you worked at, as well as the number of debt essay, beds in pro life or pro, the specific units on which you worked. Just like the facility type, providing the number of on hills like, beds tells the potential employer a ton about your experience with very few words.

We regularly saw resumes that listed things like “3 West” as the unit. Pro Life Or Pro Essay. Unfortunately, only people who work at that facility know what that means. Instead, include the type of unit (MS, TELE, ICU, CVICU, ER, LD, etc) in 3 parts of reflective, order to convey the message. We can’t stress enough how important this is. Also include your caseload. What was the nurse to patient ratio in this unit, and how much support was there in pro life essay, the form of LPNs, CNAs, or MAs? Include any other unit specific details as well. Did the unit take trauma patients?

Did the unit routinely deal with overflow from other units? If so, what types of structure degree level, patients were seen from overflow? 1. Pro Life Or Pro Essay. Specific Details/Duties and Accomplishments Regarding Your Nursing Experience: Up to this point, the focus has been on essay abstracts incidental, although very important, details. But what about the meat of your resume, the job descriptions and experiences that make up the bulk of your resume? When it comes to this, nurses are in the precarious position of balancing duties with accomplishments.

You see, the or pro choice, current standard recommendation for resumes is to make them accomplishment driven. The idea is that you should provide specific accomplishments, as opposed to duties, that illustrate how your work translated into extended essay abstracts quantifiable and tangible results for or pro choice your current and extended, previous employers. Choice Essay. Advocates of this approach advise against listing duties on your resume. However, healthcare employers need to know that you have experience with the highly technical duties that are integral to essays, the job you’re applying for. At the same time, they too want to know about your accomplishments. Therefore, it’s important to or pro choice, include details about the specific day-to-day duties you performed. However, at the same time, you don’t want to of gratitude, fall into the trap of creating a “duties-driven resume”.

Managing this challenge represents a key difference between nursing resumes and general resumes. Before we continue, it’s best to address the 800 pound gorilla in this conversation. Nurses sometimes have hundreds of duties and responsibilities. How do you choose which ones to essay, list because you certainly can’t list them all? We hate to say it, but including things like, “Provided patient care” is like white, a complete waste of space.

It’s simply too general. Our experience indicates that many nurses believe that nursing is very similar no matter where you go which may be the reason that such general statements are so often included in choice, nursing resumes. In reality, the differences are stark between various facilities. Forecasting. For example, the choice, Step-Down Unit at of gratitude essay one hospital may not work with Swan-Ganz Catheters while the SDU in another hospital may. With that in pro life or pro choice essay, mind, here are some general themes to consider when determining the types of duties to include on extended essay abstracts your resume. This list is pro life essay, not comprehensive, but it should help you understand the level of specificity that we’re talking about:

Did you start IVs? Did you administer medications? Which medications? What type of essays on hills like, patients did you care for? Renal? Cardiovascular? Neuro? Ortho? Rehab?

What was the age range of the patient population you cared for? What specific equipment do you have experience with? Did you read strips? Work with vents? Trachs? Balloon pumps? Swan-Ganz? da Vinci Surgical System? Which industry-wide protocols, processes and pro life or pro choice essay, procedures are you experienced with? For example, AIDET is among the most commonly listed requirements in nursing job advertisements. There are many similar protocols, processes and procedures throughout the industry, so be sure to make note of essays on hills, those that were used by your previous employers. Now, we’re still in the tough spot of determining exactly which skills and duties to pro life or pro choice, include on the resume.

First, start by including any duties specifically mentioned in the job description that you have experience with. Of Gratitude Essay. Next, do some research on the employer in pro life or pro essay, question to abstracts, find specific details that may help you decide which duties might be important to list. Use the company website, news, and any professional connections you have in pro life essay, an effort to determine the types of patients, processes and procedures common to the specific employer in question. Once you have the duties narrowed down, there are a couple of ways to convey them on your nursing resume. First, you can incorporate the duties into your “accomplishment statements”. Of Gratitude Essay. We discuss this approach below.

Second, you can simply list out the pro life choice, duties. While this is less preferred, it is sometimes not possible to accomplish any other way. Your summary is a good place for this. For example, you might include the following in your resume summary if you’re applying for a position in the CVICU: Proficient with starting IVs, Intra-aortic balloon pumps, 12-Lead Placements, 12-Lead Interpretation, AICD Insertion, Beta Blockers, Argotroban, Atropine and other cardiovascular medications. Bonus: Given the large number of skills and duties nurses are responsible for, you may consider utilizing a “Skills Checklist” during your job search. Series Forecasting. Skills Checklists are self assessment tools commonly used throughout the healthcare industry. BluePipes provides members with free access to over 100 comprehensive skills checklists that can be completed, saved and downloaded as PDF documents. You can view a sample here. They’re a great way to convey your skills to potential employers.

You might consider uploading them along with your resume when applying for jobs or you can bring them to your job interviews. Considerations for Accomplishments. Now that we’ve covered duties, let’s take a look at pro life or pro choice accomplishments. First, you can try to debt essay, frame duties inside “accomplishment statements” in order to knock them both out at pro life the same time. In other words, offer an and effect drug addiction, explanation about how you achieved results while performing your duties. Again, this isn’t always possible, but here are some considerations: Did you receive recognition or awards from your previous/current employer? Did your previous/current employer receive recognition or rewards? How did performing your duties contribute to that? When framing accomplishments, it’s also useful to know how your previous and current employers quantified their success as an organization. For example, patient satisfaction is typically tracked with programs like HCAHPS or Press Ganey.

Did your employer experience improvements with such indicators? How did performing your duties influence that? Next, it’s important to understand how your current and former employers measured your individual performance as this is very helpful when framing accomplishments. Nearly every healthcare employer conducts employee evaluations. Evaluations typically offer both qualitative and pro life, quantitative information that can be leveraged when framing accomplishment statements. Again, you may choose to list specific duties you’re proficient with separate from your accomplishments. Or, you may choose to essay, frame the duties within your accomplishment statements. Or you may choose a combination of the two approaches. Or Pro Essay. In any case, it’s important to provide both job-specific duties and accomplishments on your nursing resume. Bonus: Healthcare is essay structure, very diverse. Many hiring managers would also like to know what other skill sets you have outside of or pro essay, your primary area of essay about drug addiction, expertise.

Did you float to the ER or LD units when needed? If so, then you may want to provide some reference to the skills and accomplishments you achieved in these areas. General perspective on or pro choice nursing resumes. This may seem like a ton of information to incorporate into a standard resume. However, nursing is not a standard profession and concerns over resume length are becoming antiquated with the advent of Applicant Tracking Systems. Moreover, the push to essay about drug addiction, force nursing and healthcare resumes to conform to the standard format that serves general professionals, like salespeople, is a disservice to both healthcare professionals and employers. Healthcare professionals often miss opportunities to highlight skills and pro life or pro choice, experience that are highly sought after. As a result, healthcare employers often miss out on perfect candidates.

This push toward generalized conformity is even prevalent on extended essay abstracts the most popular job boards, like Monster and CareerBuilder, and pro life or pro, professional networking services like LinkedIn. Nurses and other healthcare professionals are better served by industry specific professional networking services like BluePipes. For example, BluePipes provides nurses with a profile builder capable of recording healthcare specific career details as well as the ability to print the profile to PDF as a resume formatted specifically for healthcare professionals. So it’s like a cloud based resume service. It also offers several other tools that help nurses manage their careers more effectively and efficiently. As always, your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please let us know what you think by posting a comment! 16 Tips To Prepare Your Nursing Resume For Applicant Tracking Systems We’ve spoken to countless nurses and other healthcare professionals who.

How to Write the Best Nursing Cover Letter A well crafted nursing cover letter can be just as. Essay. Nursing Resume Objective or Summary? Nurses often wonder if they should include an objective or. I am wondering how to list my experience as a maternal-child float RN of 2+ years. I worked 4 different units, all quite different, ranging from mom baby, to peds, peds ed/uc, and nicu. How do i go about pro life choice, addressing those different areas and responsibilities and skills, when they all fell under 1 position? Thank you for the information, its very helpful.

This site is of so much help to time forecasting, me. thank you, and it is also free. Its amazing, I just can’t appreciate it enough. I was wondering, i am a one year experience nurse at a step down ICU (PCU), I am now looking for a job in an ICU. The locations and facility i am looking at have nothing for pro life or pro essay experience nurses, but have a lot of series thesis, positions for essay new nurses that want to work in ICU. On Hills White. I just want to apply to the new nurse position and i really don’t mind the pay. Or Pro Essay. Now my question is, should i just use my new grad resume with my clinical experience or i should update my resume with my one year experience and essays on hills, apply although the position is for pro life choice essay new grads. please i will really appreciate any advise. Time Forecasting Thesis. thanks you. How can I include my Medical-Surgical Certification from ANCC on my resume. Can I include it on my credentials area on pro life or pro choice essay top of my resume – following my name and degree? I ask because the ANCC instructs to do so on their website. I’ll be honest it’s somewhat confusing though, at 3 parts of reflective essay least to me. I plan to include my Medsurg certification in certification section of my resume where BLS and RN licensure are, etc.

I just wanted it to stand out and pop so to choice, speak – as to not have to read on to notice it. On ANCC site, on a “How to Display Your Credentials” page they instruct you to of reflective essay, include RN- BC (Registered Nurse-Board Certified). Was hoping you could clarify or add something else. Great web site … thanks. Thanks for the inquiry, Jesse, and my sincerest apologies for the delay! Your Medical-Surgical Certification from ANCC is considered a “National Certification” and pro life or pro essay, should be listed after your name at the top of your resume and in the Licenses and degree level, Certifications section of your resume. The order for listing credential after your name is: Highest Degree Earned State License National Certification Nationally Recognized Honors and pro life or pro, Awards.

I hope this helps! I have been working out of the acute care setting in public health nursing for 7 years. I have heard over and over that because I have been out of the acute care setting for so long that I don’t qualify for essay a lot of the pro life or pro essay, positions that I have applied for. Admittedly, I have not used many nursing skills for the last 7 years, except for giving immunizations and occasionally drawing blood. I have gotten very weary and degree, feel like I will not be able to find another job, and or pro choice essay, I am really not happy with my current job. I am unsure of how to make my resume “pop” and have prospective employers want to give me a chance. I am not looking to get back into of gratitude areas that are highly skilled, but I would not mind getting back into acute care. Any ideas. Kurt, I am an RN at a VA hospital in cardiac telemetry. One of the pro life, biggest hurdles to applying at any VA facility is the fact that USA Jobs is a digital screening tool as much as it is an online application portal.

Matching as many keywords in the functional statements for debt essay your desired role in your application can be the difference between getting an interview and being passed over. Pro Life. Hope this helps! In your article you talked about whether or not your previous/current employer received recognition or rewards. I’m working on applying for a position that is open for an orthopedic nurse after quitting my previous orthopedic nurse job. Essay. The hospital that I previously worked received recognition for their total joint replacement program. I was wondering if this would be something that is good to include as part of my resume, considering I was a part of the unit during that time for the hospital’s certification/recognition.

If so, how would you go about including that in without making it seem just a random fact listed and make it more as an accomplishment for myself also since I was a part of pro life or pro, that unit/team during that time. Thanks for the inquiry, Jessica. Yes, this is definitely something you can include on your resume. Essays Like White Elephants. If you feel that you’re not able to expand in a way that adequately describes your role in pro life, the achievement, then you may want to series forecasting, expand in or pro choice essay, your cover letter. On your resume, you might want to couple this team achievement with one of your own that demonstrates you were a key contributor.

For example, you might have received an series thesis, individual award or a high employee evaluation score. You may also want to include this in your summary as opposed to the job description to make it stand out a little more. I hope this helps! I am an or pro, experienced OR nurse who has performed in just about every surgery setting from of gratitude, Open heart to Ophthalmology, outpatient as well as pre-op admitting and recovery In the pro life essay, past I have managed a surgery department at a busy hospital and also ran a surgery center. I have been fortunate to have been able to take off time to stay home and thesis, be with my children. That being said, I am worried about the pro life essay, years off and blank space on my resume. How would you go about filling in the gap? I have volunteered in multiple areas at their schools, from organizing an of reflective, Emergency Preparedness fair, fundraisers and essay, teaching Compression Only CPR. My license and continuing CEU’s have always rained current. Do you think this will make it difficult for me as I try entering the job setting? I appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Thanks for the inquiry. There is no steadfast rule on essays on hills like elephants how to handle this situation, but there are two fundamental approaches to consider. First, you can consider a “Functional Resume.” Functional resumes are resumes that focus on skills instead of experiences. In your case, you would focus on all of your OR experience. You might have a small section to list your previous employers. or you may even choose to or pro, leave it out entirely.

There are many examples of Functional Resumes available on the internet. Second, you could use a traditional chronological resume. In this case, you would list your experience raising the kids as one of the entries in your chronological work history. Extended Essay. You could include details on the experiences mentioned in or pro, your comment on this blog post. Again, there is no right or wrong way. Each has its advantages and disadvantages.

To answer your question, yes, this situation is always a bit of challenge. However, experienced nurses are in high demand at the moment, so you should be fine. Also, I’m personally inclined to cause and effect essay drug addiction, recommend the chronological format. The main advantage of Functional Resumes in or pro choice essay, this particular case is to draw attention to your skills and white, away from the pro life or pro choice, gap in debt essay, recent experience. However, employers are going to or pro choice essay, find the forecasting, gap no matter what. So, I think it’s best to embrace it. With the chronological resume, you can still include all the applicable skills. I hope this helps!

I have worked in home health and corrections for or pro essay about 5 years now. I have done a lot of basic nursing ranging from blood draws, interpreting labs, starting IVs, wound care, peritoneal dialysis, picc line care (including using clot busters) and removal. IV anti biotics, med passes small and large including mental health medication passes. I have responded to abstracts, chest pain calls, shortness of breath, hangings, falls, knife wounds, self inflicted wounds, and unresponsive patients. I have worked in pro life or pro essay, a corrections hospital with acute and long term patients as well as hospice patients, but it isn’t seen as ER work even though it seems from talking to other nurses that that isn’t so far different than those working in a hospital ER.. Trying to format my resume to make my experience fit into extended what the Veterans Administration would want/be attracted to.. I am a soon to be retiring Military Nurse and will be transitioning to the civilian workforce. How important are listing awards? I have numerous military awards based on my work ethics and pro life choice, performance on the job, but I am afraid that the general public is not going to have any idea what they are or mean. Also, any good tips on structure turning military missions into civilian language?

Thanks for pro life or pro choice your service!! I think it’s a great idea to extended, add the awards to your resume. You could do one of or pro choice, two things. Simply list them out by white, their official name. There’s a good chance that the reviewer will search for the award on the internet and find it. Or, you could add a very brief description of the award in parentheses. Pro Life Or Pro Essay. For example: X Award (earned for valor in 3 parts essay, action). Choice Essay. Either way, if you have a lot of awards, then you may want to include only the highest ranking awards. If you choose to 3 parts, list many of them, then put them in choice, columns or in a continuous stream separated by essays white elephants, commas to save space. Conveying your military experience in civilian language can be challenging if you did not work in pro life essay, a military hospital.

My apologies, but I lack the technical expertise to provide detailed recommendations. That said, I’d recommend reviewing the job descriptions for essay level the jobs you’re applying for use them to guide your efforts whenever possible. I hope this helps and thanks again! I have a position working in a “float pool” (we call it the Mobile Unit). The unit is split into two different tracks, med/surg (HV general acuity patients; ortho/urology/gen/gyn surgery; neuro/ENT; Onc [recent unit merge means I don’t float here anymore]; gen med; adult psych; child/adolescent psych; Postpartum (moms and babies); inpatient rehab) and pro life choice essay, critical care track (Onc/Med/Surg IMCU; ICU; HV high acuity patients; ER; Neonatal ICU). How do I discuss bed numbers for each unit and descriptions that highlight any specific training I have had to play into each patient population? It seems like there’s no way for series thesis me to cover all of this detail without leaving a lot out or getting too wordy. I also accepted a critical care position, but have not transitioned yet. Essay. My husband just got a job out of state, so we have to relocate, as much as I love my current employer.

This is a great question; thanks for posting it here! You’re right, you’re probably not going to be able to convey the broad spectrum of your experience without getting too wordy for your nursing resume. So, you’ll need to offer some general details as well as some specific details. When it comes to essays white, specifics, it’s best to tailor your resume to the specific job you’re applying for. Find out or pro what they’re looking for and be sure to convey that you have the skill set, or convey relevant details about your experience. Time Series Thesis. I believe this is the most important consideration for your resume. When it comes to generalizations, you could offer a description similar to the one you’ve provided here. For example: I worked on a Mobile Unit, or Float Pool, caring for Med/Surg patients 50% of the time and or pro, ICU patients 50% of the essay, time. The Med/Surg patients included Postpartum, PSYCH, general Med/Surg, and pro life or pro choice, Neuro/ENT.

The ICU patients included ER, NICU and general ICU. Unit sizes varied from 5 beds up to 25 beds. You might also try utilizing skills checklists to convey your experience, especially if you make it to series thesis, the interview stage. Pro Life Or Pro Essay. Also, many applicant tracking systems allow applicants to upload documents, so you might be able to upload skills checklists there. You can complete and save skills checklists on BluePipes and utilize them at essay structure degree level your convenience. I hope this information helps!

My husband was an ICU nurse for 5 years (18 months of that he was an ICU travel nurse) but took 2.5 years off to work in another field. Pro Life Choice. He’s now applying for nursing positions as we prepare to move. Should he address the clinical gap in degree level, his resume? With just his last RN job listed, it looks like he last worked in choice essay, 2013 though he’s been employed as a youth minister since then. How should he handle this? Yes, you should address the gap in the resume. It’s fairly common for hospitals to require the last 7 years of work history to be included on their job applications. A large percentage of the abstracts, hospitals I worked with had similar requirements for pro life or pro choice resumes.

Unfortunately, the of reflective, default assumptions when it comes to pro life choice, employment gaps are all negative. Do your best to tie the experience into series nursing. Pro Life Essay. I believe most career advisers would recommend the same. I hope this information helps! I am applying for cause essay RN jobs, but am still waiting to take my boards (will take them within the pro life essay, next 1-2 months). How should I address this on extended abstracts my resume? You may want to add an excerpt under Licenses and Certifications or your Summary (or wherever appropriate) that provides the date you’re scheduled to take the pro life or pro, exam. For example: RN: Scheduled for NCLEX on cause and effect July 9, 2015. I hope this helps! Thank you! I think that’s what i’ll do.

For a new graduate of a second-degree BSN program, would you recommend including GPA (3.9) on a resume? Thanks for the question, Emily! Yes, I recommend adding a great GPA to your nursing resume. We discuss this in our blog post on new grad resumes and in pro life or pro choice essay, our blog blog post on job search tips nurses should avoid. Many people argue that your GPA doesn’t matter. They say that all that matters is cause about, that you’re licensed. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay. If that were the case, then no details about 3 parts of reflective, you as a person, your work ethic, or achievements would matter either. And we know that’s not true. It is HIGHLY unlikely that your resume is passed over because you included your high GPA. Meanwhile, many hospitals and essay, hiring managers love to series forecasting thesis, see it, and assign value to or pro, it.

So yes, by all means, add it. I hope this helps! Great work, by the way! I am wondering if I should include phone numbers for 3 parts of reflective essay my previous employers? If yes, which number should I use – the pro life or pro choice, general number, the unit, or HR? Also, some of my employment history goes back many years and essay structure level, the identifying information(number of beds, etc.) has changed. I do not have the correct information from when I worked there. How should I list this information?

Is there a good way to find current identifying information for a hospital? Thanks in advance for your response. Thanks for posting these great questions! First, there are no set rules for essay nursing resumes, so you’ll find some disagreement on essays on hills elephants almost every resume recommendation. That said, the general rule is that you should not include the contact telephone numbers for your previous employers on pro life choice essay your resume. In fact, you don’t need to include the essays like elephants, complete address either.

The city and state will suffice for your resume. On a side not, chances are that you’ll be applying for most jobs on the company’s website through an applicant tracking system. Choice Essay. These online applications may allow you to enter the telephone numbers and addresses for your former employers. In this case, I always recommend adding every last bit of abstracts, information you can to or pro, your online applications. Cause And Effect Essay Addiction. Again though, that’s separate from your resume. On a another side note: If you are applying for travel nursing jobs, then you should include the telephone numbers and choice, the supervisor names for your previous jobs. In order to essay, find current information for your former employers, you can use a website like The American Hospital Directory. They have a free hospital profile lookup tool. I recommend using the “advanced search” for best results.

Please note that the links to these pages are underlined in blue. Here you will find the current contact information, number of or pro choice, beds, teaching hospital status, trauma status, etc. If you are unable to locate the information here or if your former employers are not hospitals, then you can simply try a google search for them or try the site. If your former employer does business with Medicare, then they should be in the database with current information…assuming they want to level, get paid :-). Now, about your older work history. Many resume experts recommend including only the last 10 years of work history on your resume. However, that assumes that your prior experience may no longer be applicable to your current job search.

Others argue that you shouldn’t include more than 10 years of work history because you don’t want to date yourself. They’re concerned about “ageism” in the hiring process. These same people recommend not to include the dates you attended college. Ultimately, it’s up to you to include this information, I just wanted to provide some considerations. I hope this information helps. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay. Please let me know if there are further questions! Help! I have over essay structure level, 22 years of clinical experience including ICU, hemodialysis, and outpatient surgery ctr (pre and pacu), and for the last 6 years (in addition to the 22 years) I’ve been reading electronic charts to extract data and support level of care (I’m told this is utilization review by a friend but we never called it that in work). Now Ive been laid off (it was a large comp layoff).

I’m trying to pro life or pro, get into essay QA, UR, pre cert or case managment. Pro Life. I was told I have a solid resume but I’ve gotten 3 calls in 3 months, I blew the essay degree level, first interview and the next 2, they said they wanted CM experience. What do I need to do to get into these fields? Any suggestions? We’re sorry to hear about your current situation! It’s always difficult to break into an entirely new field. However, it sounds as though you have some experience to build on. Typically, Case Management and Utilization Review require InterQual experience. If you have experience with that system, then be sure to include it on your resume. Otherwise, see if you can obtain some training in it.

Check with local and state agencies to see if there are any offerings for or pro choice essay people in your situation. Also, review the specific details of each job opening and essays elephants, tailor your resume to include the key requirements where applicable. Check to or pro choice, see if there is a local association that you can network with like the Case Management Society of America for example. Degree. Ask anyone you speak with if a Case Management Certification would improve your chances, perhaps even call the people you’ve interviewed with previously to see what they say. If so, look into certification. We hope this information helps! I have been reading through some of this thread and was wondering if you do any resume/cover letter revisions?

I can tell you put a lot of useful/productive feedback into your responses and pro life choice essay, would value your opinion if you were to review a copy of mine! P.S. When you mention Computer Experience in the article above, do you suggest adding these details under each individual job (under work experience/history) the comp. experience applies to or under a separate section such as the one you have listed as Comp. Experience? Thank you for all your time and effort! Thanks for reaching out! My sincerest apologies, but I do not do resume/cover letter revisions. Essay. Thanks so much for your interest though. Choice. As for the computer experience, you can add it with any of the methods you described.

The important thing is that it’s there. The resume builder on lists computer experience under a separate heading. We do this as way to like, ensure that members recognize and record it and or pro choice, perspective employers and recruiters are able to easily locate the details on about drug addiction the members’ profiles and resumes. Given that EMR experience is becoming such a prevalent requirement, it’s good to have it easily accessible on pro life or pro your resume. Essay Structure Degree Level. However, it’s also good to add these details under each individual job when creating your own resume. It may not be as easy to essay, locate, but it takes up less space, avoids redundancy, and essays white, still presents the information. We hope this information helps! I am currently an or pro choice essay, RN with 4 years solid experience in a 16 bed transitional care unit. Extended Abstracts. Now I’m trying to move to a more challenging position.

Prior to immigrating to America I was a medical doctor for 9 years in ER. Would it be wise to mention that experience? …maybe describing my duties and medical college? I work in a program that enrolls military medic and corpsman and pro life or pro choice, gives credit for their military experience towards an intensive BSN-RN program. My question is what should the graduates highlight on of reflective essay their resumes? Many have extensive trauma and nursing care experience.

Suggestions? Hi! I have a question / concern. I just finished my 2nd year of pro life choice essay, nursing and on a med Surg unit. I have been asked to apply to an ICU position and I need to update my resume. Degree Level. I don’t know what to or pro, include. Of Reflective Essay. Prior to nursing, I was a surgical tech for 16+ years and active duty for 10 years. I really enjoyed your blog and will refer to it when updating my resume! We’re glad to hear the information was useful.

Congratulations on being asked to choice, apply for an ICU position. That’s a good sign! #128578; Sounds like you have a lot of great experience to 3 parts, include on or pro essay your resume. We recommend focusing most attention on your recent experience in MedSurg as it is the debt essay, most applicable to the ICU role you’ll be applying for. However, you can also include brief descriptions of your surgical tech and active duty experience as they are certainly desirable experiences. Relate all your work history descriptions to the ICU position. To do so, find out as much as possible about the job and the unit.

We hope this helps!! Oh MY! I’m sooOOO grateful to have found your blog page! I was about to do my sister a grave disservice –as you’ve mentioned. Indeed, the day of the one page crammer is passe’. Especially with the value of the keyword in essay, electronic filing. Thanks so very much; you may have saved my Sis’s resume from becoming fodder for the shredder. [[shudder]]

We’re glad to white elephants, hear the information is useful. To be clear, 1 page resumes are still useful, particularly for job fairs or any other instance where the resume will be given directly to an individual. However, in most cases, people are attaching their resume in or pro choice essay, an Applicant Tracking System. In this case, it’s still good to be brief and choose your words wisely. Don’t be overly verbose and don’t “keyword stuff.” However, you also shouldn’t be worried about a 2-3 page resume if your background requires it. Degree Level. Be sure to tailor the resume’s wording to pro life or pro choice, the job posting where applicable based on your background. We hope this helps! Thank you for on hills like white this article! I realized that my resume was not up to or pro choice essay, par by reading this. I had many generalized statements, which I have replaced with information on what I really did on the day to day. I recently worked at a hospital for 4 months and on hills like elephants, resigned due to it not being a good fit.

It was a cardiac surgery step down unit, so it gave me experience with tele that I have not had in my 5 years as a nurse. Should I include it on my resume? You’re welcome! We’re glad to hear you found the essay, information useful. This is a tough question. I assume you’re asking because you’re concerned that the short employment duration might raise some questions in the minds of potential employers. Debt Of Gratitude. That’s a valid concern.

On the essay, flip side, you did gain some valuable experience that would be great to add to your nursing resume. There is another issue to consider. Cause Essay About Addiction. Hospitals often have strict policies requiring that healthcare professionals provide them with every last bit of the healthcare professional’s employment history. Omitting a previous job on your employment application could be grounds for dismissal depending on how they have their clauses worded. Of course, this depends on their ability to verify the omitted employment. This may not necessarily affect you during the candidate review process when your resume is pro life or pro choice essay, typically the document they’re working off of. However, if you land a job offer, then they’ll eventually require an application to completed. Like White Elephants. If you choose to add the omitted job at that point, then you’ll have some explaining to do. Utltimatly, the decision is or pro essay, yours. If you choose to cause and effect essay about drug, add the employment to or pro essay, your resume, then you may want to offer a brief explanation of on hills like white, why you left in your cover letter. Choice Essay. It’s all about the of gratitude, story you tell.

We hope this helps. This is all great information but I do have a question. I am a recent BSN grad and licensed RN trying to essay, land my first job. Cause Addiction. Would you recommend including my preceptorship under clinical experience or as work experience? I have seen it both ways in examples online. Thanks, Kristin. We’re glad to hear this information on was useful. You’re correct, you’ll find preceptorship experience displayed both ways…under clinical and work experience. To further confuse the issue, some people believe that clinical experience and work experience are one and the same while others believe they are two different things entirely. We view the preceptorship as something akin to a highly advanced internship.

For all intents and purposes, it is pro life or pro choice essay, work experience. However, it doesn’t constitute a traditional employment relationship. Therefore, feel free to include it under either category on essay abstracts your resume, but be sure to clearly indicate that it’s your preceptorship. On a side note, we cannot stress enough the importance of professional networking when landing your first job. 70%-80% of all jobs are obtained through networking. While your resume is important, networking is the or pro, key…especially for new grads. Of Reflective Essay. We hope this information helps. Best of pro life or pro choice, luck!! Great info – I could have used that for my last job application! Do you have any tips / strategies to prepare for job interviews?

I am finding these horribly stressful and hard to get my point across even when I know I’d be really good at the job I’m applying for. Thanks, Heidi! We don’t have any blog posts regarding interviews yet. Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll explore the topic soon. Thank you! This is very informative. Essay. Do you have any sample resume and pro life or pro essay, application letter? We’re glad to hear the debt of gratitude essay, information is useful, Meth! Yes, you can view our sample nursing resume which you can create for free as a member of BluePipes.

You can view our recommendations on writing a nursing cover letter. We hope this helps! I LOVE this information! Thank you. Here’s my question. I have had several careers, all with different education components, dating back to the mid 1980’s. How far back should I go? None relate to my current field (new nursing graduate). Pro Life. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually developed a resume and things have changed…Plus, this career doesn’t match those careers….

Is it appropriate to ask a nursing instructor to be a reference? Are references included now-a-days? Many, many thanks! We’re glad to abstracts, hear the information is essay, helpful!! Congratulations on your recent graduation from nursing school!

Yes, it’s a great idea to ask an instructor to be a reference. Unfortunately, your questions regarding what to include on your resume aren’t so cut and dry. I think it’s fair to say that the vast majority of career consultants would say you shouldn’t put references on a resume. Of Gratitude Essay. However, if you could get a redeeming quote from a strong reference, like an instructor, to put in essay, your resume summary, then it could be an eye catcher. You’re right, things have changed! We recommend reviewing our article on optimizing your resume for essay applicant tracking systems.

However, one thing is as true today as it ever has been…networking is the essay, single best approach to landing a job. We discuss the importance in essays like white, our article with recommendations for New Grad RNs. It’s tough to recommend that you leave off your past education. I’d say it would be good to add any College level education as well as healthcare related education. We hope this helps!! Best of luck! Excellent information! Nursing is a second career for me and trying to put together a winning nursing resume has been a challenge. You are right on the money….the resume I had for my corporate career doesn’t translate well into essay the healthcare field.

I am currently looking for a new position and realized what I had on series forecasting thesis my resume wasn’t going to work. I was destined to be one of those that got lost in the system. The tips you provided have been so helpful. I feel confident that I am submitting a resume that will get me noticed. Thank you again for essay providing such valuable information. Congratulations on cause addiction your new career path! We’re so glad you found this information useful. We wish you the best of or pro choice essay, luck in your job search. We hope you’ll consider joining where you can create a resume, access skills checklists for free, and build your healthcare professional network. 3 Parts Of Reflective Essay. Please excuse my shameless sales pitch #128578; Please let us know if we can help with any questions.

I have read this post with great interest. Due to a job opportunity for my husband, we moved from choice essay, KS to PA in 2012. Even securing an cause and effect essay, interview has been daunting! I have gotten some feedback from pro life, ‘ recruiters’ in a large hospital in Pittsburgh, which was to 3 parts essay, be sure to apply to the job requirements, which interestingly were two pages long. How is essay, that possible? The other problem I suspect I have is the fact I have more than 20 years as a registered nurse. It seems the practice of the three major ‘players’ in this area, is to lay off their experienced nurses, in favor of hiring new grads and of reflective essay, those with ‘ at least a year experience’. I did secure an interview which ended favorably; just short of or pro choice essay, a job offer. The next step at degree level this particular hospital required by the nurse recruiter, was to or pro, list ALL OF MY EXPERIENCE. 3 Parts Of Reflective Essay. I have been in pro life or pro choice, nursing since 1974!

LPN in like white elephants, 1977 and BSN in or pro, 1989. When she responded to my email outlining all this information, which took me more than 2 hours to complete, was ‘we want to make certain we give you recognition for all the years you have been a nurse. AND, that was the last I heard from them. Series Forecasting. I contend she realized I would have to start at the upper end of compensation for my experience. Do you know of pro life or pro essay, anyone who may be advocating for the ‘older nurse?’ Never thought I would use those words to describe myself… I am so much more than my age. I am effective, reliable, comprehensive in my assessments, professional role model and delightful as a team member.

Please give me some feedback relating to and effect essay about drug, these concerns. I am ready to pro life, consult with the department of labor regarding this ‘alleged practice’ to decrease costs per fte.I think it’s a shame! really good information here! I was updating my resume as I was reading your tips – will definitely share with friends and collegues. Thank you so much! Hello, This was very thorough advice.

I’ve yet to figure how to be concise yet detailed with these tips in mind. I have almost 2 years experience in In-Patient Psychiatry and SNF just because those were the two jobs I landed. However, I always wanted to do LD or NICU. I did my preceptorship in 2011 in 3 parts of reflective essay, LD. How can I use my experience and make it appealing for LD again? We’re glad to hear that you found the information useful!

You can view the pro life choice essay, BluePipes sample resume to cause and effect essay about drug addiction, get an idea for formatting yours. Please bear in mind that our site generates a PDF document and essay, you could get more compact results with a word processor like Microsoft Word. Of Gratitude Essay. Also, you might be interested in pro life, reading our post on resume length. You can find creative ways to degree level, translate your Psych and SNF experience to NICU and L#038;D. However, you most likely won’t be able to choice, address the time series forecasting thesis, unique technical skills required for these units. You could look for volunteer opportunities working with pregnant women and pro life essay, newborns in of gratitude essay, your community. While it’s always tough to pro life choice essay, find time to volunteer, you’ll be doing a great service for essays white elephants your community and getting some relevant experience to or pro, add to your resume.

Thank you for this very interesting article. I have been an debt of gratitude essay, RN for 9 years; 4 years at the bedside and 5 years in pro life or pro essay, a hospital-based surgical practice doing outpatient, telehealth and some inpatient care. I would like to transition back to the bedside but feel that my lack of direct patient care over the last 5 years may be hamstringing me. How can I turn this perceived negative into a positive and at least get through the front door of the interview process? You’re welcome, we hope you found the article useful. Yours is a legitimate challenge that many nurses share.

With respect to your resume, you should focus on demonstrating how your recent experience translates to bedside nursing. While we’re not familiar with your specific scenario, we’re certain that there are aspects of your experience with outpatient, telehealth and inpatient care that translate to bedside nursing. Carefully review the job duties and qualifications of bedside nurses, and not just those found in the job descriptions of online job postings, to get ideas for framing your recent experience in a way that applies to 3 parts, bedside nursing. Next, focus on or pro choice writing an excellent nursing cover letter in which you present yourself as a solution to the problems facing the employer in question. And Effect Essay About Drug Addiction. Of course, you’re still going to have some difficulties ranking highly in pro life or pro essay, the applicant tracking system due to the lack of recent bedside experience. Therefore, networking is a must. Of Reflective Essay. Nearly 40% of all new-hires are the result of employee referral. With 9 years of experience, you’re bound to pro life, have some connections and now is the time to thesis, leverage them. We realize this type of job searching can feel unorthodox, but its success rate is too good to neglect it. Use professional networking sites like BluePipes and choice essay, LinkedIn to enhance your networking efforts.

Finally, we’ve spoken to abstracts, many nurses who tout the benefits of or pro choice essay, refresher courses for bedside nursing. While we aren’t familiar with such courses, the fact that many nurses recommend them is an time series, indication that they should be further researched as a potential tool when facing your challenge. We hope this information helps…and Good Luck!! i have a question regarding applying to nursing positions. I am a new grad RN and have several nursing job applications that have been under review for over a month. Last week I became certified in ACLS and was wondering how to go about informing the hospitals that I am waiting to hear back from that I am newly certified in this skill, since it is not on my resume that they have on file (that I originally sent in). Congratulations on your recent achievements! This is a great question. Pro Life Or Pro Essay. You may be able to log in to the hospitals’ applicant tracking systems (the online system you most likely used to apply) and update your resume and/or profile. Either way, you may also want to give them a call, ask for the staffing office and pose this question to the representative you speak with.

We find that hospitals are quite responsive to candidate inquiries relative to cause, other employers. We hope these recommendations help, and pro life or pro choice, we’d love to hear back about essays on hills like elephants, what actions you take and how they work out. Choice Essay. Good luck! I completely disagree that availability should be included on the resume. When a nurse applies for a position it is usually clear what hours that he/she is applying to work. Essay Structure. I actually think it’s a bit juvenile to pro life or pro choice essay, put availability on your resume. What I do think that many nurses omit is a well-crafted cover letter to accompany their resume. The additional touch of a thoughtful and appropriate cover-letter can help give you an essay structure level, edge over other applicants who omit this step. I found some good details on cover letters for nurses here: . Thanks for the feedback, Brittney. Including availability on a nursing resume is important for many reasons. First, the job applied for pro life or pro choice isn’t the only job available, and most jobs are never advertised so candidates will never really know about time, all of the available jobs with a particular employer.

Second, job specs don’t always display every last pertinent detail. With respect to availability, this can mean that a job advertised for essay day shifts might in-fact be for mid shifts, or pm shifts. This happens frequently when the job board technology limits the employer’s ability to accurately display the time, shifts. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay. Third, job specs often change on essays on hills white elephants the back-end and are never updated on the front-end. So a job that’s advertised for days may have changed to nights without being updated on the job board. Choice. Fourth, due to the proliferation of applicant tracking systems, resumes are added to of reflective essay, a searchable database these days. So resumes are searchable for future job openings. Or Pro Choice. Finally, recruiters will almost always contact the candidate with the about, most attributes in common with any given job description.

So in all of the scenarios described above, a recruiter will be more prone to contact the candidate with matching availability assuming all else is equal. Finally, it’s true that nursing resumes should always be tailored for a specific job description when a specific job is choice, being applied for. Time Thesis. However, a plurality of jobs are filled via networking and referrals. In such cases, it’s rare that a specific job is being applied for. Instead, a candidate passes their resume along to a contact who has connections with the employer in question. The resume is reviewed for potential matches with available jobs and or pro, the candidate is contacted. Again, availability is one detail that recruiters and hiring managers are looking for.

Lastly, we agree that cover letters are important and related to this topic. However, they necessitate their own discussion and we plan on addressing this in a future blog post. This is great information! As a new graduate RN with no prior experience in the healthcare field what would you recommend? I have over 4 years in retail but I’m not sure if this would make much of a difference for recruiters.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks! Hi there! Wow this information is 3 parts, great! Although I’m still an undergraduate, I find this site very helpful for tips to keep in mind when applying for a job! I just had a concern that may affect my decision within the Nursing field… For a while, I was thinking of minoring in something in addition to pro life or pro essay, Nursing that I can apply to the work field. I know that computer knowledge is a great booster for a resume, but I wanted to know if there were any other skills hospitals are looking for in their RNs? Thank you again for structure level the detailed explanations! Thanks, Michele! We’re glad you found the information useful! Yes, computer knowledge is a great booster for pro life or pro essay the resume. Cause Essay Drug. You can look into Health Care Informatics as an option for a minor or additional coursework.

You may also consider Healthcare Management or Administration, Nutritional Sciences, Biology, Sign Language, or Spanish. In fact, Spanish is pro life or pro choice essay, a huge selling point these days. As a side note: make the essay structure degree level, absolute most of your preceptorship. Be at your best and use the choice essay, opportunity to time series forecasting, network with everyone you can. We hope this information helps!! Please let us know if you have any other questions. This is pro life choice, great information! Thank you! I am wondering though, as a RN with 1 year of debt essay, experience in the CVICU, trying to or pro, move, with most places wanting more experience than that for debt of gratitude hire, how should I market myself? I have done all of these critical care elements, but just not a ton of it. Before nursing school, I was a critical care telemetry tech for pro life or pro 3 years and a hospital pharmacy tech of 3 years as well as a SNE(student nurse extern) during school.

Because it is not nursing, but healthcare related, should I include it in my resume? It seems juvenile but pertinent to add some experience. Thanks! We’re happy to hear you found the information helpful, Dashia! You pose an excellent question regarding the inclusion of non-RN healthcare experience on your resume.

There isn’t a steadfast rule, unfortunately, and you’re going to find that some people will say yes and some people will say no. I fall in the yes camp and believe you should include all healthcare related experience on your resume for several reasons. First, it demonstrates progression within the debt essay, general field of healthcare. Second, it conveys additional experience within the field that other candidates may not have. Or Pro. Third, in many cases (and certainly in your case) the experience is related to the jobs you’re applying for. Time Series Forecasting Thesis. Fourth, it may help you stand out from pro life choice, other candidates with otherwise similar experience. Fifth, unbeknownst to many candidates, many hospitals require your last 7 to 10 years of work history regardless of whether or not it was healthcare related. Series Forecasting. While this requirement doesn’t factor into their candidate selection process, they will certainly collect the information at some point during the hiring process.

Finally, it may help your resume rank higher in applicant tracking systems. I hope this information helps! This information is very helpfull. Hi. I obtained an MD degree overseas before I even started getting licensed here as RN.

I was told it would not help or matter anymore if I include that in my resume. What would you suggest? Hey Liza, I hope all is well. I recommend including your overseas education. I agree that it most likely will not influence the initial resume screening process. However, it could have influence later in or pro choice essay, the process. You may not want to make it a significant part of your resume, but I think including it is better than not. Essay Structure Degree. It certainly enhances your personal story. Do you have an example resume?

Hey Michaele, My apologies for the delay. We’ve been busy transferring our blog to this new domain. Pro Life Choice. We do not have an example nurse resume that we’re able to publish to the blog at this time. However, we will work on and effect essay about drug getting one up soon. Also, I recommend becoming a member on essay BluePipes where your professional profile will allow you to record the top 10 details recommended for nursing resumes in this article. You can then print your BluePipes profile as a resume. Thanks so much!! This clarifies a lot for me. I am a new LPN attempting to 3 parts, start my career in choice essay, a new state and have read a lot of advice on that is wrong. I’ll take the advice of a recruiter over general opinions anytime. Most on time series forecasting thesis the other sites were saying NEVER to include your license # details until you actually get a job offer.

Then I just applied to one that specifically asked that I provide that info as well as any certifications on my resume in pro life choice essay, order to be considered. I was hesitant since all the threads warn of protecting it at all cost due to identity theft? I’m glad you clarified this and some other points. I do have one question that is structure degree level, not addressed in your article. If you are continuing your education to receive your BSN or MSN for example would mentioning that on or pro your resume make a candidate more desirable to potential employers or would you leave that off? Hey Aimee, I’m glad to essay about, hear that you’ve found the information useful. Great question!! I think it’s a great idea to add your education in progress to your resume. I recommend including an estimated completion date and perhaps even the choice essay, number of units completed to essay, date. Or Pro. There are several reasons adding your education in progress could be beneficial.

First, it could result in a higher ranking by the Applicant Tracking System. Second, it shows that you’re interested in advancing your knowledge and your career. Third, it demonstrates your own personal motivation. As for the identity theft claims: Your license number is a matter of time series thesis, public record already. Anybody can go to your state board of nursing and pro life or pro essay, search by name to verify your state license, which includes the license number. So, even letting someone know your name, that you’re a registered nurse, and the state you’re licensed in provides the means to easily obtain your license number.

Providing it on your resume simply allows the drug, human resources rep to skip this step. Which increases the chance that your resume will be passed up the chain. And remember, you’re attaching your resume in choice, secure Applicant Tracking Systems, many of structure degree, which also ask for your Social Security Number and Date of Birth (although some states prohibit employers from asking for SSN on job applications). I recently completed my ADN, passed the NCLEX, and now I am working on my resume. I already have a BA and MSW, which I will include on my resume, but I am wondering how I can state that I intend to pursue a BSN, although have not yet applied and don’t have credits towards the or pro, degree. Thanks for your advice. Congratulations on your recent achievements! You pose a great question regarding RN resumes, one for which there is no steadfast answer. My belief is that it wouldn’t be appropriate to abstracts, include the information in pro life essay, the Education section of your resume because you haven’t yet been accepted to a BSN program. However, you could certainly add it there once accepted to a program. Essay Degree. Until then, you could make brief mention of this information in your nursing resume summary.

We hope you find this response useful. Please feel free to post any follow-up or additional questions you may have. Good luck!! I have an additional question regarding previous education that I haven’t seen asked by pro life or pro essay, anyone. I’m an older new grad. I recently had someone look at one of my resumes and give me her input. She deleted all but my nursing education (Associates Degree). Essay Abstracts. In some ways I think it’s not a bad idea since the previous education dates me if I include the years I attended (which I don’t but suppose that omission might make HR wonder). Pro Life Essay. On the other hand, I attended highly regarded universities for undergrad and grad studies, not to mention it shows I have a Bachelors even though it’s not in the sciences.

It seems like the RN to BSN courses are more human and social science courses, rather than science courses, however, and that is the majority of my BA. OK… That’s some background info, now I’ll get to the point #128578; I know that resumes should cover only the last 10 years of of reflective, employment history. Choice Essay. Do you think this ‘rule’ also applies to education? Should I leave it to discuss in an interview (as recommended by on hills like white, the person who revised my resume)? I’m feeling very conflicted about this. The new resume doesn’t feel like me, my degrees can be related to the psycho-social aspect of choice, nursing, and when you fill in the online application portion they ask for all education (although you usually have to add on education). I would greatly appreciate your insight and recommendation. My sincerest apologies for the delay. Congratulations on your recent graduation! This is a tough situation. Extended Abstracts. Both sides of the pro life or pro choice essay, argument have merit.

Moreover, there really aren’t any steadfast rules about resumes…only staunch opinions. To me, your nursing resume and cover letter are all about 3 parts of reflective, telling your story in a way that convinces the reader you’re the right person for the job while providing them with the details they need. Personally, I’d keep the education details on the resume, and use a brief portion of the cover letter to pro life essay, tie that education into the story about you being the 3 parts, best candidate for the job in question. Pro Life Choice. Given the information you’ve provided about your previous education, it sounds as though you have a great opportunity to do just that. Again, there is no right or wrong answer here. You may even try it both ways. Some readers will appreciate it one way and other will appreciate it another.

However, I’m of the 3 parts of reflective essay, belief that all education is valuable. I hope this information helps. We’d love to hear back about how it all works out!!

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100 Words Essay On Myself Essays and Research Papers. Or Pro Choice! Hi, I am an abstracts, international student from Czech Republic and I am applying for college preparatory boarding school in or pro USA. Like White Elephants! This is my short essay . ( 100 -200 words ), topic is Tell us about yourself and why you would like to become a part of our school family. My story is similar like the story of thousand of pro life or pro choice, other children: My father struggled with alcohol and extended essay drug problems which caused him to leave my mother and pro life or pro essay me, so I grew up with only my mother. Nevertheless, I realized what I want from my. Boarding house , Boarding school , English language 971 Words | 3 Pages. nowadays. It is transparent. Most homes have connected computers or Internet-enabled devices and internet is essays like, available anywhere. As prices of technology . drop, computers and digital devices may replace television as we know it. As Jan Hawing said on his essay found on The World at Your Fingertips: Education Technology Opens Doors, how technology brings the choice empowerment into the hands of people using it.

Integration Integration is the process of forecasting, inter-connecting one system with another system in pro life or pro choice essay order. Extended Essay Abstracts! Data integration , Data management , Enterprise application integration 1228 Words | 6 Pages. ? Ambiguous Words Essay Question: “Southerners maintained that secession was the ultimate expression of democracy, while . Lincoln claimed it was rejection of democracy. How did they explain and justify their principles.” On December 20, 1860, the Confederacy was born when South Carolina seceded from the federal Union. The Union and the Confederacy severely clashed in their views on or pro essay the Constitution; the South felt that individual states should have the right to nullify. American Civil War , Confederate States of America , North Carolina 979 Words | 8 Pages. A Move to essays like white, a Better Life I always ask the question to or pro choice, myself , what would come of me if I would have stayed and lived in my “hometown”, the city . of of gratitude, Long Beach for pro life choice, the entirety of my juvenile life.

The populated city is north of San Diego and about twenty miles south of the city of Los Angeles. Common in most towns or cities anywhere in the world, there is what’s known as a friendly side of structure degree, town and a bad, sketchy, or ghetto side of town. In Long Beach it is or pro essay, no different with it having a well-known. Family , Father , High school 1351 Words | 3 Pages. in a more accurate way. WELL, that is how I feel about what I write.

Since coming home for the summer, I’ve revisited old papers and essays . for further refinement and fine tweaking just because I think it’s fun (and because I’m a perfectionist, whoops). So some of the essays I post are more loved and tended to than others, but today I am posting the first essay I wrote for the Nonfiction Writing class I took this past spring at KU. It’s come a long way since then, and I’m certain I will pay it. Microsoft Word , Political correctness , Word 2077 Words | 6 Pages. ?Assignment The student should complete a brief essay analysing the use of technologies to enhance your own learning and teaching. This should . also include the essay structure benefits and limitations of using technology in learning and teaching. (400 words minimum) Technology has moved on in leaps and bounds within the last thirty years and can be a great benefit but may also be frustrating for some that do not understand how to use it. Essay! From my own perspective the internet (computers, tablets and phones) has helped.

Learning 916 Words | 2 Pages. 1000 Word Essay On The Importance Of Accountability In The Army. 1000 word essay on the importance of essay level, accountability in the army Free Essays on 5000 Word . Essay On Accountability Responsibility for students. Accountability in the army is important because soldiers as well as equipment, ammunition, food, water and other various 1000 Words on Accountability. Free Essays on Military Gear Accountability for students. Pro Life Choice Essay! 310 Words / 1 Pages. Gear Accountability. GEAR ACCOUNTABILITY There are many important reasons to be checking your gear constantly to keep proper issued. Accountability , Army , Essay 1140 Words | 4 Pages.

COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS 100 ASSESSMENT ONE * Name | * Clarissa Stella Kurniawan | * Student number | * 17181785 | . * Email | * | * Tutor’s name | * Edith Yong | * Tutorial Day and Time | * Friday and 4pm | * Company | * Willmar International | * Semester and Campus Details | * Trimester 2A and Singapore | * Title * * ( Word Count : 1592 words ) | * An Examination of. Corporate social responsibility , Indonesia , Oil palm 1857 Words | 6 Pages. Time Series Forecasting! What if Everyone was 100% Responsible. What if everyone was 100 % responsible? Take one minute to think about what if everyone took responsibility for what they say, and for . what they do? If people were honesty, ethical and or pro essay treated people fairly, and the world would be a more pleasant place to live. Therefore, when we take responsibility for our actions, we could end bullying, discrimination and white elephants all discord in pro life essay the world.

Wow, World peace, can you image that? Personal responsibility for extended essay, me means to be 100 % responsible for my. Baronet , Individual responsibility , Respect 824 Words | 3 Pages. one needs to understand the origin of words . Etymology, according to essay, Yule(2006) is and effect essay about, “the study of the origin and history of a . Or Pro Choice Essay! word ” (p.35). And Effect Essay About Drug Addiction! This process is used in the evolution of words today, the internet is the building block of this process. Or Pro Choice Essay! The internet is a catalyst for a number of essays, new words that have become normal in everyday language. This has raised some fundamental questions about the nature of such words being included in the dictionary. This essay will argue that although change is inevitable. Or Pro Choice Essay! English language , Etymology , French language 1231 Words | 4 Pages. Mark G. Period 6 01.24.12 AP Literature Othello Words Essay The word “heaven” is one of the extended essay abstracts most frequently . used words in the play Othello.

Throughout the play, the word is used in various forms with numerous connotations, often including multiple ones in a single incident. “Heaven” is used in the first few acts mostly as a “power or majesty of heaven, or as God”(“Heaven” Def. 7a). The people refer to the heavens as a God or a divine being, such as when Cassio says “Oh, let the heavens Give him. Connotation , Dictionary , English language 887 Words | 3 Pages. ? Samar Khan Anthropology 100 October 25th, 2014 Post-Columbian European and American Thinkers Essay Our society’s progression . originates from the ideologies, principles, and pro life choice dogmas passed down through a succession of different philosophical thinkers. We will focus our attention upon the post-Columbian European and drug American thinkers who have implemented their beliefs to assess the origins of human nature. This essay will provide a greater understanding between Michel de Montaigne, Rousseau Jean-Jacques. Bellum omnium contra omnes , Civil society , Leviathan 2092 Words | 7 Pages. the Usage of the “N” Word When discussing the definition, effects, and the history behind the “N” word , it is interesting how . this word has managed to change over time from having a descriptive meaning, to a negative connotation, and to a positive controversial meaning. That is pro life or pro essay, why there are those who believe that the “N” word should and should not be used, and there are those that believe that only some (or the accepted ones) should use it in order to avoid conflicts.

This essay will go over some. Black people , Hip hop , Hip hop music 918 Words | 3 Pages. Water conflicts between Malaysia and Singapore From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Singapore and Malaysia have a long standing conflict over water . supplies. The first water agreement was signed between His Highness the Sultan and Sovereign Ruler of the essays on hills State and Territories of Johor and choice essay the Municipal Commissioners of the series forecasting Town of Singapore on 5 December 1927. This agreement is pro life choice, no longer in force. On 1 September 1961, the Federation of Malaya signed an agreement giving Singapore the right to. Desalination , Johor , Malaysia 803 Words | 3 Pages. ? The life and influence of Percy Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley, born on August 4th, 1792 in Broadbridge Heath, England, is essays like white, one of the worlds most . renown romantic poets. He influenced many in the ways of literature with his superb poetry and play writings including many modern poets. He had a hard life growing up but made the most of what he had, his imagination.

Shelley began attending the Syon House Academy 10 years old. After approximately two years of attending the academy Percy was. Fanny Imlay , Frankenstein , John Keats 743 Words | 3 Pages. ? My Visit to the Torpedo Factory Cherie Diggs Art Appreciation- Art 100 Adam Veil November 21, 2014 I decided to do my . museum visit essay paper on the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay! I chose this particular museum because it’s located in essay addiction Old Town Alexandria about pro life, ten minutes from my house. So when I dropped my son off for school I hopped on the bus and of gratitude went there early Friday morning.

During my visit to the Torpedo Factory Art Center on November 21, 2014 I got to essay, see many different. Essay! Aesthetics , Art , History of painting 902 Words | 4 Pages. The Odyssey Translations Essay WORD. Or Pro Choice! ?The Odyssey Translations Essay The Odyssey is an debt of gratitude, epic poem, written in classical Greek, describing Odysseus's adventures in pro life or pro choice essay his ten year . attempt to return to Ithaca after the Trojan War. 3 Parts Essay! Since this 2,500 year old book was written, there have been several English translations that are believed to be the closest interpretations to the original version of The Odyssey. Alexander Pope, Emile V. Rieu, Robert Fitzgerald, and Robert Fagles each wrote a translation of his own.

These translations are read. Aeneid , Cyclops , Homer 865 Words | 3 Pages. 100 words |Sl.No. | Word |Meaning . | | | | | |1. |Equivocal/Equivocate/Equivocation |Ambiguous, open to two interpretations | |2. |Tractable (Intractable) |Obedient, yielding. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay! Respect 699 Words | 6 Pages. Essays On Hills Like White Elephants! maybe connected to pro life choice essay, low self esteem and image, a clear example of this can be shown in the time it has taken for me to write this piece of work, I decided . that I would base what I had learnt on the course, theory and group work around my beliefs about myself and my abilities. Main I realised that I was not taught how to learn as a child and essay due to this I formed my own beliefs around. Or Pro Choice Essay! I decided that by having an understanding of different learning styles may help me find what approach works best.

Cognition , Essay , Mind 849 Words | 3 Pages. t100 ESSAY AND JOURNAL TOPICS Ken Stewart Chapel Hill High School Chapel Hill, North Carolina Journal writing is an informal approach to . developing students’ writing skills. Abstracts! The assessment is primarily based on improvement and completing a minimum number of pages (5 pages skipping lines) by pro life or pro essay, the established deadline. My feedback to on hills like white elephants, students is focused on interaction with what they have written as opposed to correcting syntax or orthography. Since this is choice, a dialogue journal, I respect the confidential. High school , School , Secondary school 1529 Words | 4 Pages. Some of the following content has been altered to maintain anonymity.

MSU standards for and effect essay, intellectual honesty apply to scholarship application . essays . Essays copied in or pro whole or in part from these samples or any other applicant’s work will be rejected and may result in disciplinary action. 3 Parts Essay! Essay #1 Score: 4.0 For as long as I can remember I’ve known what I wanted to do with my life. Science has always been a passion of mine, and medicine in particular has interested me for some time. Dedicating. College , Experience , German language 1196 Words | 4 Pages. Choice! TOEFL 100 Words For Chinese Students. research on children in the 1960’s. Series Forecasting Thesis! best ???,?? Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds . and fruits. intervals ?????? However, at intervals of 10 to pro life or pro choice, 100 years, these glaciers move forward up to 100 times faster than usual. the expense of sth ???…???? A multitude of on hills elephants, microorganisms make their livings directly at the expense of other creatures. the height of sth ?…????? The violin had reached the height of. Sediment , Torque 1812 Words | 8 Pages. Or Pro! The 500- word Essay : Some Thoughts Gordon Thompson The 500- word length is consistent with many other kinds of . professional writing, from blogs to book reviews. Moreover, if you want to of reflective, capture and or pro essay hold your audience's attention, the three-section statement maximizes your opportunity. Level! The statements below provide ideas on how you might successfully write. The short essays for this seminar have several goals. 1. Or Pro! They provide you with an opportunity to essay degree, explore a topic we have covered in our discussions. Essay! English passive voice , Essay , Grammar 1108 Words | 3 Pages.

EssayForum Unanswered [2] / Urgent [3] Home / Speeches / 'Good morning friends!'; Introducing Myself - college speech . answers: 2 Sarath Kumar Oct 31, 2013, 11:19am #1 Introducing Myself - college speech Good morning friends! My name is Sarath Kumar. I'm going to introduce myself.I have born and grown up in debt of gratitude Vizianagaram and I'm studying first year BSC computer science in pro life choice essay this prestigeous college, Vizianagaram. As for my family, I've just one brother older than me. My father. 1995 singles , Attention , Employment 746 Words | 3 Pages. Debt Of Gratitude! 800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today and in the . future.

Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the issues that society faces regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and choice essay safer world for our future. The food industry has a large impact on individuals and cause and effect about drug will affect wider communities in or pro choice essay the future. The rush of today’s society has pushed food production to become more commercialized with prepackaged/premade. Fast food , Food , Health 826 Words | 3 Pages. 346). In his essay , “Slurring Spanish,” Luis Rodriguez highlights the difficulties of bilingual speakers, specifically Spanish speakers, in debt . Pro Life Or Pro Essay! America.

He concentrates on the challenges that Spanish speakers face in school from essays white elephants having English forced as the or pro essay language to be spoken at all times, moreover Rodriguez points out two Spanish-speaking students that experienced the hardships of bilingual speakers in essay level an “English Only” education system. Although Luis Rodriguez could have written his essay in his native. Pro Life Essay! Bilingual education , English language , French language 1061 Words | 4 Pages. ?2000 Word Essay on Disrespecting an NCO by SPC BUTLER On November 21, I received a negative counseling for disrespecting a Non . Commissioned Officer, though it was warranted by a series of essay, events I didn’t agree with I should have found a more appropriate way to voice my concerns. Or Pro Essay! The online dictionary defines disrespect as an expression of lack of respect and essays white a fashion that is generally disrespectful and contemptuous. Pro Life Choice! I define disrespect as putting one down verbally, physical or emotionally. In. Corporal , Non-commissioned officer , Officer 2059 Words | 3 Pages. Reflective essay 0407203 In this essay the writer will describe an . About Addiction! incident they witnessed whilst on Placement 1A; and in so doing, they will reflect on that incident and link it to an aspect of professional pratice in or pro choice nursing. The writer will use Gibbs’ reflective cycle (1988).

Arguing on the basis of essay, Gibbs’ theory, Somerville and pro life or pro choice essay Keeling (2004:1) propose that Gibbs’ framework is merited for ‘examining personal thoughts and actions’ in. Nurse , Nursing , Writing 1427 Words | 4 Pages. Series Forecasting Thesis! A Definition Essay on the Word Romance. The Attraction of Romance Romance: the word the puts the pro life or pro art in heart, the word describes the actions that take place to imprint . Essay! your name in a girls head, the word that everyone thinks about when two people are madly in love with one another. The Oxford English Dictionary tells the word came from 1497 from a time when chivalry was the key to love.

In this time, the word meant to be chivalrous, but in modern times to romance someone is to “put your moves on them” to dazzle someone with your personality. English language , French language , Kid Rock 925 Words | 3 Pages. ?One word essay : HARMONY Confucius once said “Let the states of pro life or pro choice, equilibrium and extended Harmony exist in pro life or pro choice essay perfection, and a happy order . will prevail throughout heaven and earth, and all things will be nourished and flourish.” Harmony is defined as the state of being in structure agreement or concord. Singapore is essay, a bustling metropolis and a multi-racial society, where people of different ethnic groups co-exist and lived harmoniously. Singapore has thrived rapidly because of essays elephants, our openness to choice essay, international trade. Debt Essay! Ethnic group , Race 916 Words | 4 Pages. these images even when we know that they are unreal.

Be that as it may, the reality is so contradictory from pro life choice essay what can be expected. Truly, people are just . buying these cars because of their want; they want more, to conquer more, like there is always the word of God telling them to go. These SUVs are not only about the American dream or the gratefulness toward the frontier, they are the extended essay abstracts symbol of motivation, the desire of every American to pro life or pro choice, become a true “frontier”. Thus, according to Goewey, our belief. American Dream , Cherokee , Jeep 2093 Words | 6 Pages. Words are powerless when looked at individually but they have the potential for good or evil, when someone who can properly use them to his . or her advantage.

That is what Nathaniel Hawthorne quote means, and on hills like white elephants I fully agree with him. An example of words being used for evil could be a dictator trying to convince his people that he is best for the country. An example of pro life or pro choice, words being used for good could be a civil rights activist trying to debt essay, persuade people to get along and to treat everyone with respect. Core issues in pro life ethics , Evil , God 1292 Words | 4 Pages. on the use of time series forecasting, “forbidden words ” in the media, the pro life or pro choice essay individual responsibility of using curse words has increased. In this research . I have found that the use of curse words has heightened some people’s sensitivity to these words . Children are the most affected and the parents are not far behind.

The use of curse words in our media has changed our perspective; children and teens use them sometimes on cause about addiction the daily basis, but is this change a good thing? The common curse words , some starting with S’s and. Curse , Fuck , Minced oath 1426 Words | 5 Pages. ne. pas negative form, Descartes' extraordinary fondness for multiple negatives and the desire of many translators to render his words . Choice! exactly into English and you commonly get a text which is constructed of double, treble and at least one octuple negative. Essay Level! This does not make for easy reading. It has been an extraordinarily complex task to clean-up M.Descartes words , to correct his appalling syntax and remove his fondness for or pro, repitition and so squash the Meditations to essay degree, about 1/8th its original size. Cogito ergo sum , Concepts in pro life or pro metaphysics , Consciousness 910 Words | 3 Pages. to quickly identify problems, and to better assess client satisfaction. It is a business administration term used to time forecasting thesis, describe achievement in pro life service. Structure Level! It . Pro Life Choice! reflects at each service encounter.

Customers form service expectations from past experiences, word of mouth and advertisement. In general Customers compare perceived service with expected service in debt which if the or pro former falls short of the structure level latter the customers are disappointed. - The importance of Service quality: Service quality is very important. Customer , Customer relationship management , Customer service 715 Words | 3 Pages. How to pro life choice essay, Add 300 Words to essay degree level, Your Essay in 15 Minutes. How to Add 300 Words to essay, Your Essay in 15 Minutes Here’s the problem: you’ve typed a page or so, which amounts to about 250 . words or thereabouts. And now you’re staring at the blank piece of paper, thinking the following thoughts: • • • Why do I have to write this stupid essay ? ! I’m not even a Writing major – why do I have to do this? Why can’t the word requirement be one page? What, there’s not enough out there in the world for my professor to read? • When am I ever going to finish this? Hey. 2000s American television series , Caroline Botelho , Essay 1761 Words | 6 Pages.

?Sarah LaGross September 9, 2013 Narrative Essay English 100 Words , Sweet Words I never knew . Of Reflective! what it was like to choice, feel complete desperation. I never knew the emptiness of and effect essay about, loneliness and choice loss until she was gone. The moment when you feel your whole world crashing in around you, and your whole being shaken with remorse; the 3 parts of reflective essay sheer terror of heart-wrenching pain. I always thought moments like these were rare. That desperation and emptiness were not things I would ever have to or pro choice essay, experience. I would hear. Ayumi Hamasaki , Kumi Koda , Real life 1225 Words | 3 Pages. Essay! had passed away. We were all saddened by the death of Dylan.

We were informed that the tiger had fled from a lorry carrying a lot of animals in cages when it . accidentally skidded it down the cliff at or pro essay, a turn and now it had been caught. I kept blaming myself that I was the cause of this tragedy. White! It was my entire fault. Or Pro Essay! I regret for what I have done. Because of me, my best friend, Dylan, hadvanished off from this world. He will always be in the memories of essay structure level, my heart. Pro Life Choice! Bicycle , Cliff , Cliffs of Moher 866 Words | 3 Pages. For this assignment I chose to read A Loss for Words : A story of deafness in a family, by essay, Lou Ann Walker. She recounts growing up hearing with . two deaf parents. Once I started reading I was surprised to find that Walker grew up in Indiana!

Her father is from or pro choice Montpelier, her mother is from level Greencastle, and the author came of age in Indianapolis. Lou Ann’s story begins as her parents are driving her to Harvard. Essay! She went to Ball State for her first two years, but decided it was not enough of a challenge. Deaf culture , Deafness , Family 1866 Words | 5 Pages. Essay! thread? : ? How to Write a 12 Essay in Just 10 Days View Single Post 04­07­2011, 04:16 PM AcademicHacker Junior Member . Join Date: Jan 2009 Posts: 57 #? 421 100 Great Examples (SAT Essay ): 1. Steven Job (Apple Computers) 2. Michael Dell (Dell Computers) 3. Richard Branson (Virgin Records) 4. Donald Trump (Real Estate Mogul) 5. Howard Schultz (Starbucks) 6. Or Pro Essay! Jack Welch (General Electric) 7. The Google Guys: Larry Page and Sergey Brin 8. Andrew Carnegie 9. Nelson Mandela . Cuban Missile Crisis , Dell , Enron 510 Words | 3 Pages. on the creative arts as much as academics in order to keep creative ideas flowing in our society. The points he offers in his speech, about childhood and . losing site of our creativity by educating it out, is why I chose his talk to write this essay . Debt Of Gratitude! His reasoning hits home for me because I currently have four children in different stages of the education system.

It is clear to see that the education system falls short in challenging the creativity of our future society after a few years in the. Pro Life Choice Essay! CBC Radio One , Creativity , Education 765 Words | 5 Pages. ready to commence my meal. I ordered a 12 oz sirloin steak cooked well done to perfection. Of Reflective! The dark brown, nearly black strips running horizontally across . the steak let me know my order was followed precisely. Essay! I doused it with A1 steak sauce and cut myself a small, rectangular piece. Time Forecasting Thesis! I chewed it slowly and felt the juices and steak sauce ooze into choice essay, my mouth with every bite. Cause And Effect Essay Drug Addiction! It was so chewy and tenderly delicious that for a moment it was nearly forgotten that I had ordered an additional side dish.

I. A1 Steak Sauce , Eating , Food 1062 Words | 3 Pages. Pro Life Or Pro! ENGLISH-A CLASS XI Full Marks – 100 1. Prose – 20 marks 2. Verse – 20 marks Textual Grammar – 16 marks 1. Essay writing [350-400 . words ] – 12 marks 2. Rhetoric – 12 marks 3. Project – 20 marks Prose and Poetry – (40 m/40P) Prose 1. One of these Days-Gabriel Garcia Marquez 2. Essay Structure Degree Level! The Sunder-bans Inheritance- Bittu Sehgal 3. Making Writing Simple- J.B. Priestley 4. Through the Tunnel- Dorris Lessing Poetry 1. Or Pro Choice Essay! Stolen Boat – William Wordsworth 2. You who never arrived – Rainer Maria Rilke 3. Snake- D H Lawrence. And Effect Essay About Drug Addiction! Charles Lamb , John Keats , Poetry 1980 Words | 7 Pages.

Submit the essay to the Assignments page by going to the lefthand navigation bar of the main class page and or pro choice clicking on Essay #1. . Submit either as a .doc or .docx or .rtf file. The Essay is considered on debt of gratitude essay time or late depending on pro life or pro choice essay when it arrives in my Assignment inbox and not when you send it. Double space. The essay should have an introduction, a multiparagraph body, and a conclusion. You must use specific facts from the assigned textbook reading and you must cite those facts in the body of on hills like white, the. 18th century , Charles I of England , Charles II of England 1058 Words | 3 Pages. Essay about Red Nose Day The purpose is to entertain and change lives in pro life or pro choice the UK and Africa. The money spent to aid young who live on series forecasting the . street and protect people living with domestic abuse.

In Africa for vaccines etc. People make donations, people also do something fun as games, parties, karaoke night, contests and choice other things and it's like winning money. This program is great, I think there should be more people like them, generous y caring. Degree Level! This type of action I love. It is best to help and. Pro Life Or Pro! British Museum , Cardiff , Remembrance Day 678 Words | 3 Pages. Kerrigan Lebloch., 2014) I learnt how communication is linked to some of the domains in the professional capabilities framework (PCF) this domain . highlighted how communication is essential to social work professional practice when we were given an essay in essay abstracts professionalism at pro life or pro essay, the beginning of the module. The link are domain 1, 2, 3,4,5,7 and level 8. 1. Pro Life Essay! Professionalism: this domain identify and tell us to behave as a professional social worker, this mean I will need to and effect essay drug, make use of my skills as part of my. Communication , Nonverbal communication , Paralanguage 2125 Words | 6 Pages. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay! father's work; and thesis I also had the opportunity to live for pro life or pro, a year in North Adams, Massachusetts (US) where I completed a year in the local High School . allowing me to become fluent in English. My personal interests are very diverse and I have found myself constantly involved in 3 parts essay extra-curricular activities.

I am passionate about sports, whether it was swimming through school or kickball through college, or just enjoying a casual jog. I believe in team work and in my experience being in a team allows. Pro Life Choice Essay! Chemical engineering , Oil refinery , Petroleum 1029 Words | 4 Pages. Maria Cancino Lopez English 100 Instructor: Ted Shank July 3, 2013 Let’s Go to the Beach! It was summer, last year; in July 15th the . hotter day of the season made me took to my young son, my niece, and my mom to the beach. Essay Degree! It was noon, when I noticed that my mom to come from Mexico who was visiting me for some months was getting bore at home. Because she loves to be in Mexico, when she visited me I have to do fun thinks to extend her stay with me.

Thinking what should I do to make her happy. English-language films , Family , Left-handedness 1711 Words | 4 Pages. Muddle in pro life choice essay a Puddle: Comparison of Essay to My Life. Muddle In A Puddle: Comparison of Essay To My Life While reading the essay Muddle in a Puddle, some very colorful images . came to my mind about what I have done in my life that compare to time series forecasting, this particular piece. Of all the or pro times I have embarrassed myself by sticking my foot in my mouth, or by making a fool of extended abstracts, myself by playing with a strange toy in the toy department, only to my surprise, everyone in the toy department was laughing at pro life essay, me. As Robert Herrick mentions in his poem _O how that. Essay , Flag , Mind 804 Words | 3 Pages. ? Science Essay Evaluation Rubric assignment # __11________ Student Name:Julia Score: 100 This analytic rubric is used . to white elephants, verify specific tasks performed when producing an or pro, essay . If the task has been successfully completed, all points are awarded. No points are awarded if the task is essay, not complete. Category Scoring Criteria Points Student Evaluation Self Peer Teacher Evaluation Introduction 20 points A thesis statement makes the purpose of the essay clear. (Thesis. Education , Essay , Essays 406 Words | 4 Pages. Topics: Writing and Mark Word Number. some composition topics for the book.

Remember to use the correct structure for your Essay / E-mail / Letter, as seen in pro life choice essay class (first week in . April). Give them to me in class, then they will be corrected and of reflective essay given back also in class. Essay! Remember to leave a space between the lines for correcting. File 3. NEF Pre-Intermediate Write a composition, approximately 120 words in like elephants length. Choice! Count your words and mark word number 120 with an * (asterisk).

Try to use the main structures and vocabulary seen. Extended Essay! Language , Microsoft Word , Orthography 564 Words | 3 Pages. A friend of mine asked me to write an essay about myself ….and I wondered that I did experience many writings but none of them . were my own. Undoubtedly it’s difficult to tell you about me but let’s start from a scratch. I am Adeela Abbasi, born at pro life, Deena near Mangla in essay 1988. Pro Life Or Pro Choice! Being the elder of my family with two siblings a brother and a sister, I enjoyed the love of every relation at utmost level. My father belongs to a construction business and my mom is a house wife. Papa, having charismatic personality. Allah , Islamic banking , Management 809 Words | 2 Pages. Debt! ? Email Writing Essay Writing Professional Email Writing Effective Professional Emails are the result of choice essay, good thinking and careful . planning”. Steps: o Planning o Typing o Revising o Editing Important features Rules of Effective Professional Email Writing *Direct-The reader should be able to understand the message in the first reading.Meaning should be clear and straight. *. Essay Degree Level! Courtesy- Be respectful,polite,reasonable and use decent words.Courtesy creates goodwill,helps in essay making good relations. Essay , Maxima and minima , The Farewell 1746 Words | 22 Pages. must be stopped.” This quote from John Humphrys' essay “I H8 Txt Msgs: How Texting Is Wrecking Our Language” clearly shows where he stands on . the about subject of how “texters” are ruining our English language by abbreviating a lot of our words . How people, more specifically the young ones are being lazy with how they text these days because they believe it really saves them a sufficient amount of time.

They have transformed so many of our English words . Humphrys published “I H8 Txt Msgs: How Texting Is. Or Pro Choice! Dictionary , English language , Essay 1270 Words | 4 Pages. ?Example of the Narrative Essay Why I learned English Many families reflect diverse cultural backgrounds that come together. My family’s . roots are intertwined with several ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Of Gratitude! My mother’s parents are American, but her ancestors are originally from England and Germany. My father’s mother is pro life or pro choice, Peruvian, but his father is Egyptian. I grew up in Peru with my parents in cause a quiet neighborhood of Lima. Essay! My paternal grandparents lived down the street from us, but my maternal grandparents. Cat , Computer , E-mail 2464 Words | 7 Pages. 750 Word Ts1107 Learner Support Essay. ?DAVID GREENWOOD TS1107 TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT EXPLORATION OF PASTORAL AND ACADEMIC SUPPORT FOR LEARNERS This is my assignment . essay relating to pastoral and academic support within my role as a teacher here in the college. Essays On Hills White Elephants! There are many areas that provide academic support within the campus which I hope to choice, explain in more detail along with the methods used to support the students’ personal problems that may occur.

I will be explaining what happens in our organisation relating. Of Reflective! Education , Educational psychology , Learning 816 Words | 4 Pages. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay! ?FACULTY OF BUSINESS, ECONOMICS AND LAW INDIVIDUAL COURSEWORK COVERSHEET Coursework Details Module Name and Code Event Design and essay Production (MANM 312) . Coursework Title Assignment 3 - Reflective Essay Deadline 05/01/2015 Word Count 926 Student Details Student URN (7 digit number on Uni card) 6323428 Student Name Xinzhu Hu Programme MSc International Events Management Student Declaration To be agreed by Student Please refer to the University of Surrey Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations. Communication , Essay mill , Idea 1738 Words | 10 Pages. ? Myself as a Writer Gatphan Atassi 2nd Period AP Lang It is or pro choice, no surprise to anyone who has known me since my years as a wee-little first . Essay! grader that language is or pro, my Achilles Heel. 3 Parts Of Reflective! The inner confusion in an up-and-coming student's head when introduced to two languages since birth is pro life or pro choice essay, quite a mess. Having to series thesis, live in a world half dominated by pro life or pro essay, the colloquial English language that is spoken everyday while the other half is controlled by the strict rules of Arabic drives me insane at times. Lately. Educational years , Grade , High school 1194 Words | 4 Pages.

The Research Based Essay Assignment 1 Fall 2013 11. ?INQ 100 and cause and effect essay drug IWC 100 James and Kopperud Research-based Argumentation Essay Assignment #1: Topic Ideas Directions: . Carefully review the Research-based essay assignment for Feeding Hope, and then word process the following topic assignment. (Assignment #2 will follow, which is the or pro actual proposal, but it’s necessary to do some background preparation first.) This assignment is series forecasting thesis, worth 15 points, based on thoroughness. Essay! Please see either instructor for time forecasting thesis, any questions—we're always happy to help you. Desert , Nutrition , Question 766 Words | 2 Pages. disquisition, monograph; More 2. formal an attempt or effort. a misjudged essay synonyms: attempt, effort, endeavor, try, venture, . trial, experiment, undertaking his first essay in or pro telecommunications a trial design of a postage stamp yet to be accepted. verbformal verb: essay ; 3rd person present: essays ; past tense: essayed; past participle: essayed; gerund or present participle: essaying e?sa/ 1. Thesis! attempt or try. essay a smile Origin late 15th century (as a verb in the sense ‘test the.

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eureka business plan I’m no marathon runner, in or pro choice essay, fact I’ve never really been a runner at all. As a kid I had such severe asthma that even a relatively small amount of debt exercise would result in me requiring immediate rest and oxygen at or pro essay, home or even hospitalisation. My wife… she’s quite an of reflective essay, athlete, she’s run the London Marathon four times now and pro life or pro choice essay thinks nothing of a casual 10k run. Three years ago, I decided that I too should be able to run a 10K race. 10k, 6.2 miles, how tough could that be? I was about to find out!

Knowing the cross country route the local 10K run, I took off. I went for a solo trial run like “Macho Man” with, no warmup, training, or preparation. The disastrous result was inevitable. The next day I found myself in hospital not through asthma, I’m all done with that, thank goodness, but I found myself needing an essays on hills, emergency operation on a torn cartilage! The knee is now okay again, and I’m determined that this September I will complete my first official 10K run. I’ve been documenting my progress towards it quite openly on Facebook.

The support and choice essay encouragement has been fantastic. This time it’s been a slow, steady buildup to avoid injury; 2K, 3K, 5K, back to 2K and repeat… run walk, run, walk… In one post recently I mentioned the fact that I was getting numb toes during my run, in came lots of advice, all well-meaning and all appreciated. But I want to share two things that happened that you could benefit from in business too. Two things that ultimately invoked ‘the law of reciprocity.’

You do something for somebody – they reciprocate, but do it without expectation. The first was a post from Dan the owner at Pure Body Health. Dan is a physiotherapist, he’s someone who’s looked after me in the past through all manner of aches and pains. “Drop in for an MOT Steve, let’s see if we can work out what the problem is with the essays on hills like toes”. offered Dan. Another message was from Stu, he’s the owner of Flitch Bikes, a specialty bike shop in Great Dunmow.

Stu’s not only a mad keen cyclist, but has been an active and very competitive triathlete too. “ Drop-by the shop Steve let me check how you’re lacing your running shoes”. came the suggestion from Stu. Think about that, he owns a cycle shop, not a running shop, yet is pro life choice offering to help me lace my running shoes… (no, not because I can’t tie a lace as I’m used to structure degree level, Velcro, but there are special techniques apparently for running shoes, I never knew!) They were both genuinely looking after my interests, not expecting anything in return. When was the pro life or pro last time you did this for clients or contacts you have in 3 parts, business? Try this for yourself this week. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? Look for essays like elephants, someone in business who you could help with some advice or introduction no charge; but think of something that would help them not just serve you. I visited both Dan and Stuart. They both freely gave me their time, help and advice without expectation… or charge.

Dan gave me a full hours MOT, head to or pro choice, toe. He created an entire stretch routine to help loosen my muscles in extended essay abstracts, the hope of reducing the numb toes. As a really nice touch (no pun intended as he’s a great massage therapist too) he sent me a video message follow up with photographs of each stretch and pro life choice essay a message of debt essay encouragement too – brilliant. That’s when the law of pro life choice reciprocity kicked in. I called and booked a number of sports massages with Dan – full price. Did he advertise at me? No. Did he sell to essay addiction, me?

No… Did I buy, yes! I then dropped in on or pro, Stu too. He stopped what he was doing and checked out my running shoes before spending time lacing them in a way that would give me more room in the width of of gratitude essay my shoes. Again with no charge or expectation. Yesterday, I dropped off my road bike at pro life or pro choice essay, his shop for him to essay structure degree level, service whilst I’m on or pro choice essay, holiday. Did he advertise at me? No.

Did he sell to me? No… Did I buy? yes! Go on – see if you can invoke the debt of gratitude essay law of reciprocity this week too. Tell me in the comments section below, how you have applied it and the impact that its had on those around you. The Big Five Lessons from the choice Bush. After a truly stunning safari experience, (if you haven’t been you must)… I thought I’d sum up my lessons from the bush with my ‘Big Five’ business tips that I gleamed from safari. Quick trivia question: Could you name which animals are referred to as the time forecasting thesis ‘Big Five’ in South Africa? See if you can write them down now before you read on, go on, just for essay, fun… Don’t peak, answers are at the bottom! Here are my ‘big five tips’ for business – straight from my lessons from the bush. A “boma” is the name given to an enclosure built mainly from sticks and mud to extended, protect an african tribes precious livestock and people from predators.

Consider it a ‘ring fence’ to or pro choice essay, protect the things that are most valuable to them from outside dangers and to keep them from straying too. You must build a boma to protect your clients, key employees and team members from outside dangers. You do this today not with sticks and fire, but through showing you care. Build strong relationships, let clients and employees know you care about them, value them and degree level look after them. 2. Choice Essay? Listen, really learn to listen. In the bush it’s a matter of survival. Essays On Hills White? Not too dissimilar in choice essay, business too. Take time to stop, look and listen. Thesis? Listen to your clients and prospects. Understand what they are saying, how they say it and why they say certain things too.

Listen to your staff, your team, your peer group, what are they telling you? Understand what’s happening in their world not just your own. Listen to what the competition are doing and pro life or pro essay why they’re doing it. Listen to your environment and what’s happening in your market. Debt Essay? Don’t get so wrapped up in pro life choice, your world you fail to hear vital signs… good or bad. 3. Remain focused. Despite all the on hills like noise of the choice essay bush. Essay Drug Addiction? Predators must remain focused if they’re to pro life or pro, feed and survive.

Impala, Kudu, Wildebeest have all developed alarm calls to warn one another of the presence of 3 parts predators. Birds high in the skies or perched in the trees add to the chorus of alarm calls to pro life, warn of level imminent danger. Yet the lion successfully stalks it’s prey and feeds as it remains focused. OK, so don’t stalk and kill your prey… but do you get distracted by or pro choice essay all the nay sayers. Do you listen to the doom and gloom. Or are you focused on your goals and of reflective determined to choice essay, succeed? Do you get distracted by all the ‘stuff’ that needs doing every day that saps your time and energy… Or are you focused on success? 4. Debt Of Gratitude Essay? Build a network you can trust. The herd mentality in the bush is to look out for choice essay, each other, to help, protect and time thesis support one another.

They have a strong network they can trust. Who’s got your back? The herd also work as one guiding themselves to food sources and water sources. How does your network support and serve you? What do you do in terms of giving back and supporting others? A strong network of suppliers, clients and colleagues is vitally important in or pro choice essay, business. 3 Parts Of Reflective? The essence of or pro choice a strong network can be distilled down into 3 parts essay three words; Know, Like and pro life or pro choice Trust.

5. Be fit for essay, business. In the pro life choice essay bush it’s all about the of gratitude essay survival of the fittest. It’s not too dissimilar in the business world too. The herd as a network will support and pro life or pro choice essay nurture it’s young. At times it will also come to the aid of one of it’s own that has been injured… but only for so long. 3 Parts? For the welfare of the group, every member must remain fit and alert of they are to essay, thrive and not just survive. In business you must remain agile. Extended Essay Abstracts? You must be alert. Or Pro Essay? You must be on top of your game and essay wide awake when you are on the tools.

Are you fit for the business… or are you a ‘ready meal’ for your competitors? Did you get them right? The Big Five are… These short blogs and choice videos are not designed to ‘rub your nose in it” so to speak, not meant to just show off in the glorious sunshine and wonderful location, but whilst on safari recently each day I found some great lessons from the lodge and from the on hills elephants bush that represented great lessons for us in business too. In business as on or pro choice, safari – success is often about endurance and patience. Not about instant gratification and quick wins. Agreed? In business we often use a measure of extended ROI – Return On Investment, you’re no doubt familiar with that term.

Well in todays business world as in or pro choice, the bush – there’s a better measure to essay level, consider. I was reminded of choice essay a term I use a lot with clients, it’s about looking for the ROE instead of ROI – that’s Return On Engagement. Take your time. Have a plan. Of Reflective? Don’t just start your engine and pro life or pro essay rush in at full speed, attacking whatever is in front of you. You’re more likely to just scare them off.

I’m not saying procrastinate and put things off. I’m saying take your time, consider your clients needs first. Listen and learn to engage with your clients the abstracts way they want to engage, in a way they feel comfortable and relaxed. Pro Life Or Pro Essay? Meet on their terms when in their environment. That way you’ll both enjoy the encounter that much more and both get more out of the essay degree level situation too. It’s not all about you and pro life choice essay your sales targets. People are ready to buy when they’re ready to buy, not when you’re ready to sell. Cause Drug Addiction? Stop, look and listen. Or Pro? Think ROE not ROI.

Build quality, long lasting relationships. When more people know, like and trust you – business grows naturally. I would love for you to tell me in the comments section below, how you engage with your clients, what things you have found that have worked (or not worked). 6.00am – It’s raining outside. Essay? I’m leaving a friends house in central London and heading for choice, Paddington Station for my train to Cardiff to see one of my clients.

I could walk the streets and get soaked in the rain and hope to hail a black cab… the traditional black cab, the solution we’ve had in London for years and years without a change… or is there an alternative? Of course there is. Times change – things move on. In all areas of series our lives we see innovation. So – I open the Uber app on my phone.

It instantly knows where I am. I tap the screen and and in real time I can see where the or pro choice essay nearest cab is. I can see who my potential driver is, the registration of the essays white car and type of or pro vehicle. One more tap – he’s on his way and I can watch on my screen as he rounds the corner and pulls up at the front door. Yes – they may not have “the knowledge” after ages spent on the streets on their moped studying maps and routes (no wonder most black cabbies bitch and moan by nature)… but Uber taxis do all have sat nav’s. Times have changed.

When we pull up at Paddington – no cash changes hands – it’s all taken care of via the app and of gratitude essay the receipt hits my email Inbox – done. It all works for pro life or pro, the consumer, for the customer – it makes things simple and 3 parts essay efficient. Meanwhile at Paddington, the black cabs all wait in line getting ready for pro life or pro essay, their next customer to be handed to degree level, them… it will be a while, but at least then they’ll have more to complain about by the time they get their next passenger. How are you innovating in your industry? Are you just doing the pro life or pro essay same old things, the extended essay abstracts same old ways, just hoping for better results? Are you leaving it to pro life or pro choice, chance or making it happen? Are you innovating? Businesses that treat change like the enemy will hit the wall and cause about drug addiction will fail… it’s just a matter of time.

Share in the comments section below – how you are innovating your business. Discover The Simple 5 Minute Exercise That Will Show You How You Can Make More Money From Your Current Clients… Click on the button below to choice, find out extended essay, more: Tough decision to make? Try to use your BRAINS…

Not entirely sure of the source or accuracy of this story; sorry, but let’s agree to get over that for now! My recollection is that this acronym (BRAINS) was originally credited in Midwifery – feel free to confirm or point me in choice essay, another direction, but like I said – for now let’s get over that. I’ve used this little acronym as a framework to help numerous clients wrestle with some major decisions over recent months to great effect and so thought I’d share it here with you. Next time you have a tough decision to make – try using your BRAINS; B enefit – list the benefits for you or your company or those for time, your client or prospect. What are the benefits of the or pro essay product or service you are considering – don’t over essays on hills white elephants, analyse at choice, this stage, just list them all and keep writing until you grind to a halt. R isk – what could or would be put at risk by structure degree level your decision one way or the other?

A lternatives – what are alternative actions you could take or products you could use or purchase? I nstinct – again don’t over analyse – what is pro life your gut feeling? What do your instincts tell you? N othing – what are the forecasting thesis implications if you decide to simply do nothing? S mile – having worked your challenge through this simple yet effective decision making process – whatever you decide – smile knowing you’ve made a decision and move on. I can imagine this being used by a midwife, can you? What I know is, it could certainly help you in pro life choice, business. Try it out time series forecasting thesis, with the next decision you have to make, use it with your team – let me know how you get on by adding your comments below. Have you got an alternative simple process that helps you – I’d love to pro life choice, hear about it, please add it to the comments below or send me a message. Discover The Simple 5 Minute Exercise That Will Show You How You Can Make More Money From Your Current Clients…

Click on extended, the button below to pro life or pro essay, find out more: So chunky… is abstracts good? Yep – let me explain. Here’s a question for you; what’s one common denominator you can think of across all of mankind? What do all human beings have in common? You can probably think of a few things if you put your mind to pro life essay, it. Here’s one to consider. Irrespective of your age, sex, colour or creed, irrespective of your social standing, the job you do or anything else – we all have just 24 hours in a day.

We are all given the same time – just 1,440 minutes in each day. So how is essay about addiction it some people get so much more done in their day than others? I’ve always been fascinated by this. It turns out – there’s a science behind it. What do others, perhaps you… do that leaves you feeling drained, stressed and believing there’s never enough time in the day to get stuff done. What is it that all too often creates this sense of pro life or pro choice essay overwhelm and frustration? Does this strike a chord with you? If not you – it will with people that work for you so please read on. Do you work as well with your clients or colleagues consistently throughout the time forecasting day?

Do you think as creatively or clearly or produce a consistent quality of work all thought the day, or have you noticed peaks and troughs? This is because we, as human beings aren’t wired to operate like computers. Or Pro Choice Essay? We all have these ups and downs in our day, it’s normal. The question is – how could understanding and 3 parts essay harnessing this knowledge massively boost your productivity and production and well as satisfaction and sustainability? That would be good to know, wouldn’t it? So here’s what I’ve discovered through some research. Over 50 years ago, a leading pioneer in sleep research, a Russian my the name of Nathan Kleitman discovered something he called the choice essay “basic rest-activity cycle” – the extended 90 minute periods at night during which we move progressively through five stages of sleep, from light to deep, and then out again. Pro Life Essay? You may have heard of REM sleep – this is what I’m referring to – periods of deep rejuvenating sleep. Although it may be less well known, Kleitman also noticed that our bodies operate by the same 90 minute rhythm during the day. When we’re awake, the movement is from higher to lower alertness. Time Forecasting? This is called this our “ultradian performance rhythm.”

When we need a rest, our bodies sends us clear signals such as fatigue, hunger, drowsiness, and loss of focus and the fidgets. But mostly, we override them. Drink coffee, eat chocolate or energy bars and plough on regardless. There’s a better way – a far more effective way to get more done and not feel stressed. By this I mean – work in or pro essay, 90 minute chunks . Then rest for 20 and repeat. You might remember it like this “Work at the peak… rest in essays white elephants, the valley.” If you want to or pro choice essay, see some massive results in the growth and profitability of your business – how about this – make a commitment. Commit to essay level, what I call a “Power Hour Plus” Not all day. Just select your 90 consecutive minutes and or pro choice commit to working on like, business growth ideas and nothing else in that solid 90 minutes – your Power Hour Plus. Find the best time of day that suits you.

Create the pro life or pro right environment. Switch off phones and don’t even think about looking at email or Facebook! You are uninterruptible by anyone for any reason for 90 minutes! For me it’s usually 6.00 am – 7.30 am. During that time I commit my time and energy solely to focused business growth work. Of Reflective? Working on my business not in essay, it.

Activity that will get new clients or keep existing ones happy. No distractions, no excuses. This is one secret successful people in on hills white, business apply consistently to get more productive time in their day and to achieve incredible results – you can to. Try this for essay, a month, 90 minutes a day – create a new habit – the results are excellent. “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle. We just don’t care about the essays like white size of your widgets! My wife was due a replacement car. We tried to be sensible – really we did.

Inspired by pro life watching seemingly endless repeats of Grand Designs we’re about to take on white, a great project and build our own place. This will mean not only country living, but living a half mile down a roughish road and dealing with a building site for pro life or pro choice, quite some time. We have our second grand child on of gratitude essay, the way and need to be able to get them safely in and out of the car. And of or pro course there’s trevor… our dog. All this was pointing us towards a 4?4.

A chelsea tractor – but with the vague justification of living in the country, muddy tracks to drive down, safety for 3 parts, the grand children… and of course – Trevor! So – we tried to choice, be sensible, we really did. We whittled down the list. Mitsubishi – as they have an amazing hybrid. On Hills White? 149 miles to the gallon as it’s electric and diesel. Kia – not exactly top of the line, but they do have a 4?4. They also have their famous 7 year warranty. KIA Sportage – pronounced “ SportArrrrrrje” in pro life or pro, the vain hope of structure level making it sound sexy. Ranger Rover Evoke – because it just is sexy (according to pro life or pro, my wife). How do you position your business – your products and services? If you were a car – what kind of car would you be and thesis why?

Porsche, Range Rover, Mitsubishi or Kia? And so the showroom visits and test drives began. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? We sadly experienced the full spectrum of stereo typical sales people. Complete with ill fitting suits, loud ties, pointy and dirty shoes all wrapped up with cigarette breath. Lovely. (Not all of them, but we did encounter them and it actually made me cringe to think that these people are still employed in sales). Mitsubishi – just hung their hat on being eco friendly.

No questions about what we were looking for series forecasting, or why. Just boasting about the pro life or pro choice essay engine efficiency and extended essay ramming endless technical specs down our throats. All sausage no sizzle. It was the right car to buy for or pro choice essay, all the “green” reasons the level most economical 4x4x on the market. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? It was butt ugly inside and that gave us the excuse to walk away – oh and by the way – no follow up whatsoever from the garage after our visit. None. Kia – They arranged to get the model we wanted to test dive in for us especially. Essay Structure Degree? It was the choice top of their range and of gratitude essay we were ready to buy. Pro Life Choice Essay? We arrived for the test drive arranged a week earlier.

The salesman – (no let’s just call him the essay structure level man), saw us. “Hello, I’ll get the keys and see you outside” and proceeded to pro life or pro, leave us standing in the showroom like lemons. Or perhaps lepers more like. We went outside where I spotted a car of the same model and pointed out to my wife it would be like this – only without all the bird poo over the roof, bonnet and the door. And my guess was that you’d be able to see through the glass as it wouldn’t be covered in as much dust and time series forecasting thesis dirt. You guessed it – I was wrong, this was the one he’d arranged especially for us – and or pro choice essay even with a weeks notice hadn’t thought to clean a car he wanted to sell for over ?30,000!

He didn’t ask a single question about what we wanted it for, why we were changing – in 3 parts of reflective essay, fact he didn’t even ask what we where currently driving? We didn’t walk away – we ran! No sizzle – no sausage. Then came Range Rover. Pro Life Or Pro Choice Essay? Welcome Mr and Mrs Clarke – would you like a coffee or tea.

Please take a seat. (all the structure degree others knew our name and were expecting us too, yet failed to engage with us though, why was that?). The warm, friendly (not slippery or slimey) salesman opened a conversation with us. A conversation, not a presentation. The car’s all ready for pro life essay, you. What do you drive now? What is it you’re looking for in your next car. Why do you want to change it etc. Then he sold the essays on hills white elephants sizzle – not the sausage. How we’d feel driving it. How safe the grandchildren would be.

How easily Trevor could get in and out, how great it would feel bumping along the essay track to our new house and how exciting it must be to be building a new home… What was the brake horsepower of the engine – no idea, we didn’t ask and he didn’t say. He sold the sizzle not the sausage. Review your sales process – how do you treat customers and would be customers? Are you selling the sizzle or the of gratitude essay sausage – the features or the benefits. Or Pro? People buy benefits!

If you haven’t already done so, make a list of all the cause and effect essay about drug features (large and small) of your products and services and then put an choice essay, associated benefit against of gratitude essay each one. To turn a feature into a benefit, simply add the words “which means that..” and pro life complete the sentence – that’s the sizzle, that’s what you sell. The Eureka Business Operating System – The Eureka SAT NAV. If you had to of reflective essay, drive from or pro essay, Southampton to an address somewhere on the edge of the essay Manchester that you’d not visited before – would you just jump in pro life essay, the car and of reflective head off hoping for pro life, the best? “Roughly north – that’ll do”. Seriously, tell me you wouldn’t. So what would you do? Look the address up on Google maps? Maybe check out the route. You’d punch the postcode into your Sat Nav, most likely.

Select the best route – A roads, B roads or motorways… Check you have fuel and cause about drug addiction head off getting guidance and advice along the way from your Sat Nav. But what are you doing with your business? Have you set your destination and way points for choice essay, 2015 and debt of gratitude essay beyond? What about the next 90 days? Do you know where you’re going and have you got a plan to make it happen? Have you got enough fuel in the tank? Do you have all the vital information feeding back to your dashboard that tells you how you’re doing and even when and where to turn? I’m not talking about your PL, balance sheet or last months sales – that’s like trying to drive forwards looking in your rear-view mirror. What happens when you reach a cross roads, a dead end or diversion? Stop the madness!

Stop the guesswork! From my first hand experience of starting, and successfully growing my own businesses, (the last one to ?30m a year in or pro choice essay, revenues) – I’ve created The Eureka Business Operating System. It’s this powerful system that drives the extended essay Eureka SAT NAV. A Sat Nav for choice, your business. Giving you direction and guidance.

Keeping you on track, helping you achieve your goals and reach your destination as planned and all in 3 parts of reflective, one piece. I recently ran a webinar on pro life choice, this subject to watch a copy of the recording click here. Note this was a “Webinar” – not seminar – webinar saves everyone time and cause and effect drug money, no travel – any questions let me know. Where are you heading? Nowadays – most of us wouldn’t dream of leaving home and choice essay heading off to drive to a meeting without first looking up our destination on the computer, punching it into our phone or Sat Nav. Essay Structure Degree? Agreed? (Shhhh… Keep it to yourself if you’ve ever got in the car and just driven – hoping to reach a place you’ve never been to before…) We need to know where we’re heading, what does the traffic and maybe weather look like along the way. Perhaps consider alternative routes we could take or places we may want to stop along the or pro choice way. We’d decide how long it should take and plan accordingly. We’d check we’ve got fuel and keep an eye on our speed – or should…

So there’s a plan – and a dashboard to give us feedback and vital information. Think about the similarities with this scenario – and your business. Do you have a clear plan on where you’re going and 3 parts essay when you expect to pro life choice, get there? Who’s in the car with you? Are they back seat drivers… or is on hills white elephants their input actually valuable?

The wrong people in the wrong seats in your business will restrict your growth – could even be killing your business. What valuable information is being fed to you via your dashboard? I’m not referring to choice essay, your PL or last months sales results – that’s your rear view mirror. You can’t get to your destination looking in extended, the mirror. What does the pro life or pro essay road ahead look like for you and debt of gratitude essay your business? It’s just around the corner – don’t let it take you by surprise – contact me, let me help you install a simple, inexpensive, yet highly effective Sat Nav in your business…

The Eureka… Business Operating System. No more fingers crossed and guess work. No more sleepless nights worrying about pro life, where business is 3 parts of reflective coming from – or needing staff and having to pro life or pro essay, hire “the best of the bad bunch”… it doesn’t have to be that way – let’s talk. The world has changed – and were not going back. Sales is no longer exclusively “someones” job within a business… It’s fast becoming everybody ’ s job . Buyers are now more informed than ever before.

All the technical information, research, reviews and recommendations are available to them at the touch of a button. Moreover, the 3 parts essay answers they are seeking are often available right in the palm of their hands thanks to smart phones and tablets. No longer does the old school salesman have the upper hand in terms of information and pro life or pro choice essay knowledge. Gone are the old days of the old ABC of sales… Always Be Closing , and thats a good thing! We have moved from a world of Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) to one of cause about drug Caveat Venditor (seller beware). Or Pro Essay? Not only does the time series thesis customer have information available to them, but they have the means to communicate both good and bad experiences with the world in a heart beat. People today, want a fair deal from people they like and trust. Or Pro Essay? Getting people to exchange what they have for something we have is a very natural occurrence. To sell today – is to serve. To sell more – serve better, simple.

Today – to see an increase in time forecasting thesis, sales, we must improve all round communication . Pro Life Choice? All staff that have any contact with customers, no matter how remote, should learn the new ABC of sales – Always Be Caring . Every business as I see it, now has three distinct sales teams; For your business to thrive, not just survive, you must have a strategy and tactical plan for each of these very different “sales teams”. The Regular Sales Team ; This would be considered our traditional sales force. It may involve retail staff, perhaps business development consultants or telesales people. Debt Of Gratitude? You get the idea – the more traditional roles. I don’t believe we work in or pro essay, either the B2B or B2C space any more, (business to business or business to consumer). For sales to soar… try thinking about P2P instead… people to people. Sales teams who start to of reflective, find it tough to pro life or pro choice, compete and win business often point straight to pricing or fierce competition – rubbish. They need to extended abstracts, learn how to connect and pro life or pro choice engage with people at an emotional level. Very few people just buy on price.

Were price sensitive, sure… but its just one factor. The Reluctant Sales Team ; In this group we have any of your staff that have even the slightest contact with your clients or prospects including the finance team, admin staff or I.T support, these people are very much in essay, sales today, they probably dont realize it – but they can have a huge influence over sales… or worse – the pro life or pro choice lack of sales! People buy from debt of gratitude, people they like and trust. This group of people need to pro life choice essay, recognize that being in “sales” is not a dirty word. If they believe that your company, products and time series forecasting thesis services are great… would they suggest their own mum buys from you? Of course – they’d make a strong case and choice recommend the best thing for her, right? Again, this needs to 3 parts of reflective, be explained, taught and practiced, but the impact can be immense. The Referral Sales Team;

This is made up from your happy clients. These happy clients will give referrals and pro life essay recommendations. These can come in the form of essay degree written testimonials, video clips, posts on choice, social media… the essay list is pro life or pro almost endless, but it ’ s incredibly powerful, when worked with a strategy. If you want to see sales and profits soar irrespective of the economy or your competition you must create and implement a strategy and tactical action plan for each of these three key areas. If youd like help with this… just ask. No… not how long on the earth or anything deep like that or how long before dinner… But how long do you think you have to grab and keep the extended attention of your audience? (Before you tell me, I know that a few smart arses will now send me an email saying – you lost me three lines in…) On-line – it’s just a few seconds, I’m sure you’ve heard this before. It’s not that dissimilar when you meet people face to face either. Again, you’ve heard that “first impressions count”, right? Well here’s an interesting experiment that proved how important it is to grab and keep peoples attention… (don’t get on my case about animal cruelty… he was fine, just consider how the ad holds peoples attention)…

Let me set the scene; When you watch a Youtube video, often it will start with an choice, advert. Yet we are prompted to click “Skip Ad” the very second it appears on screen. Around 94 percent of preroll, as it’s called, is skipped shortly after the first five seconds (which are made unskippable). An American agency wanted to essays on hills like white, see if they could improve results and hold an audiences attention. What they came up with is not very subtle – granted – but over 26% of viewers did not skip the ad. Pro Life Essay? A massive improvement, and it helped an animal charity into the bargain. Be honest are you a control freak? In my last #SalesMadeSimple bulletin I explained the cause and effect essay about drug new meaning I’d like you to associate with – DOA… before it holds it’s original meaning…remember? You may know this as “Dead On Arrival”… well let’s change that. I’d like you to think of this as; Delegate, Outsource, Automate… So how easy do you find it to delegate tasks?

All too often I meet business owners who are pulling their hair out due to the lack of or pro choice essay performance of their team. When I ask what their biggest business frustration is, they will often say “finding the right staff!” Do you find yourself incapable of delegating based on degree, a past bad experience or perhaps just your own internal mind chatter and pro life or pro choice worry based on how it could go wrong? The past does not equal the future. Don’t be the bottle neck, move on… The past can be used for reference by essays on hills all means – but it’s not a place of residence, don’t live in pro life, the past. Don’t let past bad experiences stop you from essay, freeing up your time on more productive, valuable and fun tasks. It’s important that you delegate and don’t simply abdicate. What do I mean by that?

Don’t just dump tasks on people and or pro run away thinking you’re now free. Time Series? You’re setting them up for failure and yourself for frustration. Look to see who has the necessary skill set, who likes to rise to a challenge. Pro Life Choice? Involve them in a conversation around the task. Discuss it’s importance for the company, for extended essay, your clients… for them.

Engage them in setting the do’s and don’ts – the choice KPI’s, time frames, roles and responsibilities. Provide training, don’t just find yourself saying – “they should know what to of reflective, do by now”. Be honest, how many times have you said this? Then, and here’s the really tough part for many – leave them to it – don’t micro manage. Will they still make mistakes – very likely in the early days. Your role is to ensure they learn from them, not to chastise them when things don’t go to plan – and certainly not to or pro essay, grab back the task and 3 parts of reflective solve the problem yourself – do that and they will never have the confidence to pro life or pro essay, make decisions and to degree level, solve problems that arise.

You will always be snowed under… you’ll always bark out the choice mantra “if only I had good staff”, very likely end up DOA… and debt of gratitude not the good version. Over time you will empower your team to make decisions and take ownership of projects. You’ll start to own a business, not the other way around. If you don’t have the team members with the or pro choice essay skills required in-house – then you should look at of gratitude, outsourcing… There are so many options open to you nowadays when it comes to outsourcing – I will explain more in or pro essay, the next #SalesMadeSimple bulletin.

Get this right and you’ll have more of the life and the business you always dreamt of. Running a business can be extremely rewarding… it can also be exhausting. In fact, that’s true of time series thesis whatever role you may have in a business – agreed? Do you often ?nd yourself with not enough hours in pro life or pro choice, the day for all the work you have to essays on hills white, get done? You’re not alone! Are you constantly juggling tasks… never knowing which one you may drop any minute… rushing from pillar to choice, post trying to essay abstracts, do everything yourself? I found this map when I visited the Great Wall of China during a break in my recent speaking tour there, (you know what they say about all work and pro life no play…) I’m not taking the time forecasting rise out of their translation – it just struck a chord with me – actually it hit my funny bone pretty hard to be honest. Doesn’t it just sum up how we feel in pro life or pro choice, business too often? You’re here, you’re here, you’re here… all at the same time – you have to be everywhere, doing everything – it will wear you out. Are you familiar with the term DOA…?

Dead On Arrival… I’d advice you to debt of gratitude essay, think of DOA differently – before it takes its toll on you. In my world this stands for; Take stock of all the jobs and or pro tasks you do in a day and over extended abstracts, week. Which ones do you really enjoy? Which ones can you and only you do… seriously?

Then look who you could effectively delegate the task to. I don’t mean dump it on and I don’t mean abdicate – specify the task – and delegate. Then test and measure the results. If you don’t have people within the business – look to or pro choice essay, outsource it. This is great, no ?xed cost! With a little technical help could you automate the task? I will talk more about each of time these elements over or pro choice essay, the next few #SalesMadeSimple bulletins… (if you can’t wait, there’s a series of quick ?re #SalesMadeSimple videos you can watch on debt of gratitude essay, my Youtube channel – no charge.) I’m not a regular commuter, thank goodness! Today I took the train into Liverpool Street for a meeting, then needed a tube to meeting two and pro life essay was getting a lift home from there.

Simple enough round trip. In my rush to catch the first train I purchased the extended abstracts wrong ticket at the machine, there was no buy from a person option. By mistake and in haste, I purchased a return. What can we learn from this?Read More. Business that is… it’s a game. How are you playing it? In a conversation with a client recently we were discussing all the ups and downs, challenges and wins he encounters each day, week and month. We all do the pro life essay same, right?

It struck me, that all businesses are just like the game we’ve all played as kids… We set up the board. Time Forecasting Thesis? We have a start point and hopefully (although many of essay you don’t and it’s something you must address,) a goal in mind, an of reflective essay, end point you’re striving for. When will we ever learn? Well more to or pro choice essay, the point on this occasion… when will I ever learn? Sometimes we all bite off more than we can chew – right? We do it in various areas of cause about addiction our personal lives and pro life choice essay certainly in business all too often. Whatever possessed me to run, before I could walk? Well not literally, I could obviously walk, but I have never, ever been a runner.

Now look at me! So what message does this relate to in your business… Trying to encourage me with my keep fit routine, my wife entered me intoRead More. Ok… so this should be spelt – “sails made simple”… Greetings from the Dalmatian Islands off the essay abstracts coast of Croatia. It’s my wife’s 50th birthday, (you’re not meant to mention a ladies age I know, but she looks so good on it, I think I may just get away with it… providing you don’t mention I’ve said it). Holiday season is pro life or pro essay almost over… for most of us anyway. Debt Essay? I managed to trim 5 strokes off my handicap, 6 inches off my waste, two stone – Gone! So how was it for you?

Many of you’ll be thinking – holiday? “Yeah right…wouldn’t that be great? I’ve got a business to pro life or pro choice essay, run, not had one since… “ (fill in the blank). Taking time out to level, recharge your batteries is or pro essay essential. So is taking care of yourself. Sometimes in business it feels like an impossible luxury, I know this all too well, I’ve been there too. “Someday Isle” is the destination of choice for too many business owners.. and it’s not a great place to be.

Not only for holidays and your health, but for cause and effect drug, so many important elements of your business too. And I choose the pro life or pro word “choice” deliberately – it’s your choice. Someday Isle… (Someday I’ll) Lose weight and get fit. Someday Isle…hire the PA I need. Someday Isle… get that sales person on abstracts, board to help me. Someday Isle… work less and earn more. Choice Essay? Someday Isle… and so it goes on. Someday is a disease.

It will steal your dreams or let you take them to an early grave. If something is important to time thesis, you and the success of your business, take a leaf out of essay Nike’s book – Just do it. You can always correct along the way. Like minded business owners beating the debt of gratitude essay odds and boosting their sales. Every month a group of like minded business owners determined to beat the odds and boost their sales meet at Thremhall Park on the outskirts of Bishops Stortford with sales mentor and pro life essay entrepreneur, Steve Clarke of Eureka Sales. Steve has started, grown and sold a number of businesses over the years, he even Read More. If I could just recruit the right sales people… How many times have you thought this… or even said it out loud as a cry for help?

Recruiting staff in any business it can be a difficult task. But sales people… a different ball game altogether! Many business owners would consider it easier to get an audience with the Pope than be able to recruit sales people that can deliver results. Wouldn’t you agree?Read More. Stand out from the crowd… (for the right reasons) Proof of the pudding – it was a ‘sell out’ success… If you are serious about having a successful business today – It’s vital that you stand out from the crowd… (for the right reasons). It’s imperative you learn how to essay degree level, deliver outstanding, winning presentations, written or spoken. To succeed you must discover the secrets that allow you to communicate effectively. Whatever business you’re in – sales mentor and entrepreneur Steve Clarke of Eureka Sales Ltd maintains… “ it’s all about Read More. Let’s shift our focus from ROI to ROE…

The world of sales and marketing has changed and pro life essay we’re not going back. We’re all familiar with the term ROI – return on investment. How about ROE? Many people still look to their marketing budget as a spend. They look how much spare cash is on essay, hand at the end of choice a month… (often grim reading), then decide toRead More. It’s called Social Networking – not social selling…

OK, but… what’s the 3 parts essay point? “We all have businesses to run and sales to make – wolves to keep from the door… Who has time for all this ‘social’ nonsense?” I hear this argument all the time from frustrated business owners and then witness their half baked attempts at trying to just sell their products and services AT people through social networks – wrong! They then conclude it’s all social nonsense and a complete waste of or pro essay time. Wrong again! Every month members of my Platinum Mentoring program, a group of dynamic entrepreneurial business owners, travel from all over the county to a location on the edge of Stansted Airport to network, brainstorm and level learn new and exciting ways to work on improving their marketing effectiveness and pro life choice essay boosting their sales.

During a recent meeting I was talking about ways to generate more business from existing. I introduced them to extended abstracts, the concept of Read More. At some point in time you were a baby – right? When you were that cute little baby and you’d discovered the big wide world outside of your cot, the chances are, like most babies, you made your way around the world on your hands and knees crawling everywhere. You soon noticed that the big people all around you were walking upright and so one day you got it into pro life choice your head to give it a try too.Read More. It’s as much about mental strength… as physical fitness… I’m so proud to of gratitude essay, say that in this, the London Olympic year, my wife Susanne completed her first London Marathon. Whilst she was a way off the winning kenyans… it was an amazing accomplishment for her, as indeed it was for everyone that put themselves through such a demanding event. Personally, I’ve never been a runner. Yet I’m a keen sportsman.

I’ve always been fine with short bursts, but lacked the mental and physical strength required for endurance sports… or so I thought.Read More. Dyson or a Doreen… which one are you? So here’s my question; are you a Dyson or a Doreen? Have a quick read below, then watch the video below … I live by my mantra “It’s your attitude that determines your altitude”. Do I have off days? Yes. But I know how to regain my focus, do you?

In business and in life, attitudes are infectious – make sure you’re spreading something good! You can moan and groan, bitch and whine – itRead More. Do you want more clients, more sales and more profits? Do you want more clients, more sales and more profits? Yes! Then claim your FREE ebook today… “Steve has encapsulated the secrets for business success in his book… Don’t just read it, devour it – and most importantly, take action!” Bev James M.D. The Entrepreneurs Business Academy. I don’t know about pro life choice, you, but I’m so tired of hearing people moan and groan about the state of theRead More. To get the right clients… become a Marketing Magnet. Do you find yourself all too often spending time with time wasters and tire kickers rather than with prospects that want to essay level, buy your products or services at the right price?

Well – it’s probably your own fault! Sorry. Good marketing is like a magnet. Magnets attract and repel. Your marketing messages should effectively attract the right people for all the right reasons and choice essay you can afford toRead More. Are you blogging for business – or missing a trick? In the last few years blogging has taken the extended essay web by or pro storm. But what is a blog…? What’s it really for? Blog is an abbreviation of “weblog,” which is a term used to describe part of essay a website that maintains an ongoing chronicle of information and pro life or pro choice a way of sharing your knowledge, information, hints and tips.

It’s a fabulous way for you to build a following of people you want to forge a relationshipRead More. Are You Delivering On Your Promise? In a week when we’ll witness another Royal Wedding and time series thesis an exchange of choice lifetime promises and commitments, it made me stop and think about the essay abstracts promises we make to our clients in business. Just as a successful marriage will thrive and survive given trust, understanding and the delivery on certain promises made from the pro life essay outset – so too a business relationship can strengthen or sadly diminish overRead More. Lord Sugar – perhaps… you should be fired! No doubt he’s been hugely successful, but his new celebrity status and grouchy image might just have gone to cause essay, his head. The former Labour Government Enterprise Champion and spokesman for pro life or pro, small business let his grumpy, miserable persona spill over into his new year message to extended essay abstracts, business owners in an article in the Telegraph on 6th January. His article started; “My message to those who runRead More. Cold calling will be a complete waste of time in pro life or pro essay, 2011… (80’s style)

I posted that statement on a Social Networking discussion forum just before Christmas… let me tell you… that set the cat amongst the pigeons. Several hundred comments and a healthy yet sometimes rather heated debate ensued. Old school die hard sales people and professional telemarketers came at me with all guns blazing. I received a barrage of; “cold calling only doesn’t work if you don’tRead More. It’s never been more important than in today’s crowded business environment to give yourself every competitive advantage possible.

For many people this means you need to rise above the crowd and become a recognised expert and a leader in you field, but just how do you do that? What will you do in 2011 that will reinforce who you are and to demonstrate the knowledge you possess? WhatRead More. What can we learn from men with little white balls… and debt essay dimples…? What can we learn from men with little white balls… and dimples… The news for the first half of last week was dominated by a pair of dark-haired, youngish-looking brothers. Or Pro? And the weekend… much the same.

But this time, not the Milibands – that bit of particular sibling rivalry is now confined history, at least for the time being. Step up to the tee the Molinari brothers, part of theRead More. How to get 26 hours out of abstracts your day… at least! Time and essay time again I hear the same old excuse – there are just not enough hours in the day. And yet think about it… What’s the on hills like one thing we all have in common?

Irrespective of our age, experience or gender – we all have just 24 hours in pro life or pro essay, a day, right? So how is series it that some people get so much more achieved within that same time frame? And… what on earth has that got to do with business? Let me explain. There’s a fabulous story which I was reminded of by Gill Fielding at an EBA event in London, Gill asked the question; “Why can’t men pee straight?” You may or may not have heard the story, it involves the mens toilets in or pro choice, Schiphol airport, Amsterdam… I promise this story is going somewhere and essays on hills like white elephants has relevance toRead More.

Once you discover the secrets of essay getting the right message to the right people the right way – So much of your success will come down to two things – attitude and action. Steve Clarke - Sales Mentor. Check out the promo shots in 360 of extended our great new product HeyMic! have you registered your interest yet? Want to get a close up look at Hey Mic!? Thanks to our friend, Jo Smiley Hailey, you can! She took this 360 degree photo. Steve Clarke - Sales Mentor. Maybe I've lost the plot.

Steve Clarke - Sales Mentor. Owning or running a business can be incredibly rewarding when things are going well. – A unique mastermind program for ambitious business owners looking to accelerate their business growth – perhaps ju.

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deepak chopra essays from How to or pro essay Know God by Deepak Chopra. Excerpted from How to Know God by Deepak Chopra. Copyright 1999 by Deepak Chopra. God has managed the debt essay, amazing feat of being worshiped and or pro choice essay invisible at and effect addiction the same time. Millions of pro life or pro choice essay people would describe him as a white-bearded father figure sitting on a throne in the sky, but none could claim to be an eyewitness.

Although it doesn't seem possible to and effect essay about drug addiction offer a single fact about the Almighty that would hold up in a court of law, somehow the vast majority of people believe in God -- as many as 96 percent, according to some polls. This reveals a huge gap between belief and what we call everyday reality. We need to pro life or pro choice heal this gap. What would the facts be like if we had them? They would be as follows. Everything that we experience as material reality is born in an invisible realm beyond space and cause and effect essay time, a realm revealed by science to consist of energy and information. This invisible source of all that exists is not an essay empty void but the womb of and effect essay about drug addiction creation itself. Or Pro Essay! Something creates and organizes this energy. It turns the chaos of quantum soup into of reflective essay stars, galaxies, rain forests, human beings, and our own thoughts, emotions, memories, and desires. Pro Life Choice Essay! In the pages that lie ahead we will see that it is not only possible to know this source of time series thesis existence on an abstract level but to become intimate and at one with it.

When this happens, our horizons open to pro life new realities. Essays On Hills Like Elephants! We will have the experience of God. After centuries of knowing God through faith, we are now ready to understand divine intelligence directly. In many ways this new knowledge reinforces what spiritual traditions have already promised. God is invisible and yet performs all miracles. He is the source of every impulse of love. Beauty and truth are both children of this God.

In the absence of choice essay knowing the infinite source of energy and cause and effect essay creativity, life's miseries come into being. Getting close to God through a true knowing heals the fear of death, confirms the existence of the soul, and gives ultimate meaning to life. Our whole notion of reality has actually been topsy-turvy. Instead of or pro choice God being a vast, imaginary projection, he turns out to be the extended abstracts, only thing that is pro life or pro choice, real, and the whole universe, despite its immensity and solidity, is a projection of God's nature. Extended Essay Abstracts! Those astonishing events we call miracles give us clues to or pro essay the workings of essays like this ineffable intelligence.

Consider the pro life choice essay, following story: In 1924 an old French villager is walking home. With one eye lost in the Great War and the other severely damaged by mustard gas in the trenches, he can barely see. Like White! The setting sun is bright, so the old man is essay, completely unaware of the and effect about, two youths on bicycles who have wheeled around the corner and are barreling down on him. At the essay, moment of impact an angel appears. He takes the lead bicycle by its two wheels, lifts it a few feet in the air, and sets it down safely on the grass beside the road. The second bicycle stops short, and time series forecasting the youths become tremendously excited.

There are two! There are two! one of them shouts, meaning that instead of just the old man alone, two figures are standing in the road. Or Pro Choice! The entire village becomes very worked up, claiming afterward that the youths were drunk or else have made up this fantastic tale. Essays Elephants! As for the old man, when he is asked about it, he says he doesn't understand the question. Could we ever come to an answer ourselves? As it happens, the old man was a priest, Père Jean Lamy, and the appearance of the angel has come down to us through his own testimony before his death. Pro Life Choice! Lamy, who was saintly and series thesis beloved, seems to be credited with many instances where God sent angels or other forms of divine aid. Although reluctant to talk about them, his attitude was matter-of-fact and modest.

Because of Lamy's religious vocation, it is easy to dismiss this incident as a story for the devout. Skeptics would not be moved. Yet I am fascinated simply by whether it could have happened, whether we can open the door and allow helpful angels into our reality, along with miracles, visions, prophecy, and pro life ultimately that great outsider, God himself. We all know that a person can learn about life without religion. If I took a hundred newborn babies and white filmed every moment of or pro essay their lives from beginning to end, it wouldn't be possible to 3 parts of reflective predict that the pro life or pro choice essay, believers in God will turn out to be happier, wiser, or more successful than the nonbelievers. Essay Degree Level! Yet the video camera cannot record what is happening below the surface. Pro Life Choice! Someone who has experienced God may be looking on the entire world with wonder and of gratitude joy. Pro Life Or Pro Essay! Is this experience real? Is it useful to our lives or just a subjective event, full of meaning to the person having it but otherwise no more practical than a dream? One bald fact stands at the beginning of any search for of reflective essay, God. He leaves no footprints in the material world.

From the very beginning of pro life or pro choice essay religion in the West, it was obvious that God had some kind of presence, known in Hebrew as Shekhinah. Sometimes this word is simply translated as light or radiance. Shekhinah formed the halos around angels and the luminous joy in the face of a saint. It was feminine, even though God, as interpreted in the Judeo-Christian tradition, is masculine. The significant fact about Shekhinah was not its gender, however. Since God is infinite, calling the deity He or She is just a human convention. Structure Degree Level! Much more important was the notion that if God has a presence, that means he can be experienced. He can be known. This is a huge point, because in every other way God is understood to pro life or pro choice essay be invisible and untouchable.

And unless some small part of God touches the material world, he will remain inaccessible forever. We personify God as a convenient way of cause and effect essay about addiction making him more like ourselves. He would be a very perverse and cruel human, however, to remain so hidden from us while demanding our love. Pro Life Or Pro Essay! What could possibly give us confidence in any kind of debt benevolent spiritual Being when thousands of years of religion have been so stained by bloodshed? We need a model that is both part of or pro choice religion yet not bounded by it. The following simple, three-part scheme fits our commonsense view of God. Shaped like a reality sandwich, this scheme can be pictured as follows: The picture is not new in its top and bottom layers, placing God above the material world and removed from 3 parts of reflective essay it. God must be separate from us, or else we would be able to see him here, strolling about as he did in the Book of Genesis. There, after the seven days of creation, God walked in the garden of Eden, enjoying his handiwork in the cool of the evening. Only the middle element of our diagram, called the transition zone, is pro life choice, new or unusual.

A transition zone implies that God and essay structure degree humans meet on common ground. Somewhere miracles take place, along with holy visions, angels, enlightenment, and hearing the voice of God. All of these extraordinary phenomena bridge two worlds: They are real and yet they are not part of a predictable cause-and-effect. To put it another way, if we stubbornly cling to material reality as the only way to know anything, skepticism about or pro, God is totally justified. Miracles and angels defy reason, and time series thesis even though holy visions may be catalogued time after time, the pro life or pro choice essay, rational mind remains defiant, defending its sure grip on the material plane. You really think God exists? Well, let's break it down. You're a doctor, I'm a doctor. Either God is causing these diseases we see every day, or else he can't do anything to stop them. Which one is the essay structure, God you want me to accept? This voice is from a skeptical colleague I used to pro life or pro make rounds with in the hospital, a confirmed atheist.

I don't want you to accept either one, I would protest. But he would press the point. Reality is reality. We don't have to argue over whether an enzyme or hormone is real, do we? God can't survive any kind of objective test. But we all know that.

Some of time forecasting us just choose not to pro life essay keep on fooling ourselves. On one level he was right. Materialist arguments against God remain powerful because they are based on facts, but they fall apart once you dive deeper than the material world. Dame Julian of Norwich lived in England in the fourteenth century. Of Gratitude! Dame Julian asked God directly why he had created the world. The answer came back to her in ecstatic whispers: You want to know your lord's meaning in or pro essay, what I have done? Know it well, love was his meaning. Who reveals it to on hills elephants you?

Love. What did he reveal to you? Love. Why does he reveal it to you? For love. For Dame Julian God was something to eat, drink, breathe, and see everywhere, as though she were an infatuated lover. Pro Life Essay! Yet since the extended essay, divine was her lover, she was elevated to cosmic heights, where the whole universe was a little thing, the size of pro life or pro choice a hazelnut, lying in the palm of my hand. When saints go almost mad with rapture, we find their expressions both baffling and cause about addiction yet very understandable. Or Pro Choice Essay! Although we have all gotten used to the absence of the sacred, we appreciate that journeys into the transition zone, the layer closer to level God, continue to happen. The experience of God feels like flying.

It feels as if I'm walking above the ground with such equilibrium that nothing can sway me from my path. It's like being the eye of the storm. I see without judgment or opinion. I just watch as everything passes in and out of my awareness like clouds.(1) This uplifting experience, which is pro life essay, common to saints and mystics, is the record of a quantum journey. There are no known physical mechanisms that trigger it, yet feeling close to God occurs in essay, every age, among all peoples. We're all capable of going beyond our material bonds, yet we often fail to value this ability. Essay! Although we hear in church or temple or mosque that God is love, he doesn't seem to exert much passionate attraction anymore. I don't believe saints and mystics are really so different from other human beings. If we look at our reality sandwich, the transition zone turns out to be subjective: This is where God's presence is forecasting, felt or seen.

Anything subjective must involve the brain, since it takes millions of neurons firing together before you can have any experience. Now our search has narrowed down in a way that looks very promising: God's presence, his light, becomes real if we can translate it into a response of the brain, which I will call the God response. We can get even more specific. Holy visions and revelations aren't random. They fall into pro life choice seven definite events taking place inside the brain. These responses are much more basic than your beliefs, but they give rise to beliefs. They bridge from our world to an invisible domain where matter dissolves and spirit emerges: 1. Fight-or-flight response: the cause and effect essay about, response that enables us to essay survive in the face of danger.

This response is linked to a God who wants to protect us. He is like a parent who looks out for the safety of a small child. We turn to this God because we need to survive. 2. Reactive response: this is the brain's creation of a personal identity. Beyond mere survival, everyone pursues the needs of I, me, mine. We do this instinctively, and from this response a new God emerges, one who has power and might, laws and rules. We turn to this God because we need to achieve, accomplish, and compete.

3. Restful awareness response: the brain can be active or at rest, and this is its response when it wants peace. Rest and activity alternate in every part of the of gratitude, brain. The divine equivalent is a God who brings peace, who enables us to find a calm center in the midst of outward chaos. We turn to this God because we need to feel that the outer world isn't going to swallow us up in its endless turmoil. 4. Choice! Intuitive response: the brain looks for 3 parts of reflective, information both inside and out. Or Pro Essay! Outer knowledge is objective, but inner knowledge is intuitive.

No one checks with an expert outside themselves before saying I am happy or I am in on hills like white, love. We rely on our ability to know ourselves from the inside out. The God that matches this response is understanding and forgiving. We need him to validate that our inner world is pro life essay, good. 5. Essay! Creative response: the human brain can invent new things and discover new facts. This creative ability apparently comes from nowhere -- the unknown simply gives birth to a new thought.

We call this inspiration, and its mirror is a Creator who made the whole world from nothing. We turn to him out of our wonder at the beauty and formal complexity of pro life choice Nature. 6. Visionary response: the brain can directly contact the light, a form of cause pure awareness that feels joyful and blessed. This contact can be bewildering, because it has no roots in pro life or pro essay, the material world. It comes as a vision, and the God that matches it is exalted -- he delivers healing and miracles. We need such a God to explain why magic can exist side by cause drug, side with ordinary mundane reality. 7. Sacred response: the brain was born from a single fertilized cell that had no brain functions in it, only a speck of choice life. Even though a hundred billion neurons developed from that speck, it remains intact in all its innocence and simplicity.

The brain senses this as its source and origin. To match it, there is a God of pure being, one who doesn't think but just is. We need him because without a source, our existence has no foundation at all. These seven responses, all very real and useful to of reflective us in our long journey as a species, form the unshakable basis of religion. Pro Life Or Pro Choice! If you compare any two minds -- Moses or Buddha, Jesus or Freud, Saint Francis or Chairman Mao -- each projects a different view of reality with a matching God. No one can shoehorn God into a single box. We must have a range of vision as vast as human experience itself. Atheists need their God, who is about drug addiction, absent and or pro choice essay nonexistent, while at time series forecasting the other extreme mystics need their God, one of pure love and light. Only the brain can deliver this vast range of deities.

You might immediately object that the human mind creates these versions of God, not just the brain. I absolutely agree -- in the long run the mind is much more primary than the brain in creating all perception. But for now the brain is our only or pro essay, concrete way of debt entering the mind. In cartoons a lightbulb shows up over choice, somebody's head when he has a bright idea; this isn't so in real life. The mind without the brain is as invisible and unprovable as God. Also, you might argue that just because God is seen in essay structure level, a certain way by us, that doesn't mean he is that way. I don't believe this is black or white. God's reality doesn't stand apart from our perceptions but is woven into them.

A mother can see her newborn child as wonderful and worthy, and pro life through her perception that baby grows up to become a wonderful, worthy person. This is one of the mysteries of love. A subtle give-and-take is going on at the deepest level between parent and structure child. In the same way God seems to grow directly out of our deepest inner values. There is a similar give-and-take below the level of mere belief. Peel away all the layers of an onion, and at the center you will find emptiness; peel away all the layers of a human being, and at the center you will find the seed of God. I believe that God has to be known by looking in the mirror. If you see yourself in fear, barely holding on with survival at stake, yours is a God of fight or flight.

If you see yourself as capable of power and accomplishment, yours is essay, a God of the reactive response. If you see yourself as centered and calm, yours is a God of the essay structure, restful awareness response. If you see yourself as growing and evolving, yours is a God of the intuitive response. If you see yourself as someone who makes personal dreams come true, yours is a God of the creative response. If you see yourself as capable of working miracles, yours is a God of the or pro essay, visionary response.

If you see yourself as one with God, yours is a God of the sacred response.

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