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buell homework U.S.Coast Guard AVDET 157 welcomes the bill style, opportunity during deployment to the South Pole to communicate with classrooms across the United States. Throughout the voyage, aviation personnel will correspond with schools that are interested in Operation Deep Freeze . About Etta Kralovec. Etta Kralovec is an independent scholar and plan, teacher trainer. She lives in Bar Harbor, Maine. Bill Leadership Style! John Buell, a former associate editor of The Progressive, is book the titans author of Democracy by Other Means. Leadership! He lives in lesson plan a persuasive Southwest Harbor, Maine.

Etta Kralovec's new book, Schools That Do Too Much: How Schools Waste Time and Money and What We Can Do About It will be released in bill gates style essays February 2002. The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children, and Limits Learning. by Etta Kralovec and John Buell. Officer Cover! $8.80 from Democracy by Other Means: The Politics of Work, Leisure, and bill gates leadership style, Environment. $17.95 from Schools That Do Too Much: How Schools Waste Time and essay, Money and What We Can Do About It. by Etta Kralovec. $16.80 from Transcript of Live Chat with Etta Kralovec John Buell.

Yvonne Eddy investigates Homework Policies. Homework---Hmmm by Ginny Hoover. Chatboard Poll: What About Homework? Browse the latest posts from the Classroom Management Chatboard: Homework as an Issue in American Politics. by Etta Kralovec John Buell , When Piscataway, New Jersey introduced a policy in the fall of 2000 limiting the amount of gates leadership essays homework in and styles of writing its public schools, The New York Times treated the event as a major news story. A front-page article summarized the school's policy, the rationale for bill leadership essays that policy, and the reactions of parents and children. Other major media quickly followed the simulated paper assignment, Times' lead.

For the first time in a generation, homework---both its amount and leadership, type---had become a subject for essay by jose national debate. We were fortunate enough to be part of the debate. We had recently published a book advocating limitations of and gates leadership style essays, alternatives to homework. We were pleasantly surprised at the amount of attention our book received, but the opportunity to participate in this debate did more than flatter our egos. It has given us new insights on why homework reform is essay generator vital both for its own sake and for its connections to other related family and leadership, workplace issues. These insights have suggested some means and strategies for lesson a persuasive essay achieving homework and school reform in ways that build on gates leadership, and enhance related struggles to over the quality of family life. Our first book on lesson plan writing, homework grew out of research we had undertaken in rural Maine. In a study of high school drop outs, we learned, much to bill style, our surprise, that homework had played a major role in their decision to leave school. Their stories prompted us not only to and styles an essay, begin wider conversations with middle class families about homework but also to explore both the history of and scholarly rationales for homework. In the course of our study, we concluded that homework has not always played so prominent a role even in leadership style essays very successful public educational experiences and medical administration officer, that there are constructive school reforms that might reduce the need for and burdens of homework. We suspected that our book would be controversial, but we were unprepared for bill style essays the depth of the media reaction.

For many in forms and styles the media our whole message was translated into a campaign to ban homework. CNN invited us to appear in a debate, and prefaced the debate with an instant on-air poll: Should homework be banned? Our side received thirty-eight percent of the viewer vote, but we were a bit taken aback that the whole message had been reduced to a campaign to ban homework without any discussion of the various alternatives our book had suggested. It became clear to bill gates leadership style essays, us that there was a need for further work on this topic, work that would explore more fully not only the evidence against homework but also look at the reasons why homework had become so emotionally intense a political issue. Thesaurus! Building on such a foundation, school reformers might more effectively address homework and build alliances around other reforms so necessary if not only schools but broader quality of life is to be improved. Our experience convinces us that the debate over gates style essays homework is instructive for several reasons. Questioning the plan a persuasive, amount of homework brings out strong reactions in gates leadership style many citizens, reactions more intense than debates about many pedagogical techniques. Forms! Disputes over such academic matters as how to teach math may have filtered down to the general public in bill style recent years, but, aside from occasional grumbling about the new math, few parents seem prepared to mount the barricades over it. Homework, however, stirs juices. Virtually everyone in this society has a homework story.

Parents have done homework and moaned over or gloried in it as children themselves. Most compare the amount and on remember, kind of homework their children do with their own. Some parents react in shock and disgust at the thought of limiting the hours of homework their children currently do; for others, discussion about limiting or even elimination is long overdue. Secondly, debates about homework seldom stop simply at bill gates essays the school door or the kitchen table. Many homework defenders see the practice as intimately linked to key values of the essay thesaurus generator, society and argue at least implicitly that how we treat homework signals how seriously we take central moral values. Homework is after all work that a student does at home. Both work and the young have central places in our culture. Work is rewarded and style essays, the young are seen as future bearers of a persuasive essay our culture. Homework brings both notions together.

It is not surprising that homework has become a metaphor extended well beyond schools. Preparation of any sort for an athletic event, a public meeting, even a task at one's home is often referred to as doing my homework. Even for homework's opponents, the gates style, topic goes far beyond schooling. Essay Thesaurus Generator! The language employed is that of the sanctity and importance of personal freedom, family, religion, and leisure, the very goals some see as sustained primarily by work itself. Homework as an issue thus becomes a proxy for broad debates about the future of style our society. Forms And Styles! Thirdly, although homework in our estimation is hardly a class neutral tool, debate about the topic, as with many other social issues, doesn't follow a neat class divide.

As we were reminded often, some poor minority communities in bill gates leadership style inner cities beg teachers and school boards to assign more homework. They view homework as their children's ticket out of the ghetto. An Essay! Yet we have also interviewed and spoken with many other families in poor communities for whom homework was the single largest factor driving them from the public schools. Gates Leadership! Middle class professional families are similarly divided. Some worry that homework detracts from the already limited time they and their children have to engage each other and must be curbed. Others view homework as both necessary and salutary. Thus Jane Eisner, a leading editorial columnist for lesson The Philadelphia Inquirer, remarks: Children in '81 spent 44 minutes a week studying; in 1997, it was just over two hours. Yet in 1997, those same children spent 12 hours and 38 minutes a week watching television. Essays! Spare the tears and turn off the medical administration officer, TV.

High schoolers benefit from sustained, independent learning at home – and. Style Essays! Americans lag behind . global competitors. For others, homework almost becomes what one critic has called the pedagogical equivalent of the Lexus. Schools where homework assignments are rigorous and long are not merely a tool to master the global economy but a badge of educational and social excellence. Nor were children a monolith on the subject of lesson essay homework. We have had many adults, especially those hostile to our theme, chortle, Boy, children must sure love your message.

Such a rejoinder reflects itself a subtle cynicism about the goals and motivations of our children. Some children have ardently defended homework. One fifth grader wrote to the New York Times in opposition to Piscataway's homework policy. Gates Leadership Style! She commented, I am a fifth grade student in Duchess County, New York. Regarding your October 10 front- page article about the school board that limited homework…I think that having regular homework until 10:45 p.m. and written by jose rizal, then having to practice an instrument is terrible. She continued, But I also think the school went a little too far when it prohibited teachers from grading homework.

What is the point of homework if it isn't corrected? At my public school in Red Hook, the bill style, Homework policy is: third grade, 30 minutes, fourth grade, 40 minutes, fifth grade, 50 minutes; and so on. That is a better policy because it is just enough to reinforce the concepts learned in school, but not so much that it makes us have to choose between getting a good night's sleep and research paper assignment, practicing our instruments, in my case the trumpet. But a Canadian youngster, writing to CBC radio about homework, commented, Homework is one thing the average student dislikes a lot. Essays! The average student spends about book report the titans eighteen and a half days a year doing homework. Instead of doing homework you could be doing other things that are just as educational but much more interesting. Building models helps you learn to use your hands and mind together. Building toys such as Legos and Connect helps you learn how to design and make your own creation. Drawing will help you when you have to make a sketch….

Tobogganing teaches you about friction… (CBC, Canada, The Sunday Edition, January 21, 2001) One network news producer nicely captured many of the conflicts implicit in this middle class dialogue in a conversation with us: Why should I worry if high school children are doing sixty hour of academic work a week? I hardly know anyone in my business doing fewer than that. But perhaps if there is something wrong with what we are doing to ourselves there's a problem with the demands we force upon our children. We remain convinced that homework as currently constituted is bill gates leadership style a largely ineffective and essay thesaurus generator, overly burdensome practice. Contemporary learning theory suggests that homework as conventionally organized is a poor way to bill gates leadership, advance student learning. Learning theorists recognize that not only do students progress at different ages, they also do not all go through one invariant set of stages. Just as not all students are naturally right handed and should not be made to write in this fashion, distinctive learning styles are developed and may well persist over a whole lifetime. In such a context, it is important for teachers to recognize not only when students are having problems but also why. Simply sending work home and observing the results in school often makes it hard for teachers, students, and parents to lesson plan a persuasive essay, really understand the leadership style essays, roots of both academic success and failure. Homework creates especially serious barriers for simulated paper poor families.

Even many of bill essays homework's major proponents now admit that in essay thesaurus the elementary grades it does not yield better grades or test scores. They resort to another favorite argument, one that clearly illustrates the debt this debate owes to bill leadership essays, basic cultural values. They claim, with even less documentation than earlier studies touting homework's academic merits, that homework may not produce better test scores for grade school students, but it is the only way to sow good study habits. Kathy Seal, in forms of writing a NY Times op ed a year ago, counters these claims with an at least equally plausible hypothesis that, When kids play, they are free to experiment and to bill leadership essays, learn from their experiences without worrying about how well they're performing…… That's important, because research has shown decisively that when children study because they enjoy it, their learning is deeper, richer and other essay, longer-lasting. Homework is a pivotal issue in the United States today because the families asked to monitor and assist homework have little time for play of any sort. They are increasingly burdened by the demands of their own jobs. Homework is closely connected to and rationalized by all the demands on family time and it has become an occasion to examine those demands. For just this reason, building an effective case against homework involves more than posing dueling academic studies. Once we move beyond the controlled trials and the statistical evidence, homework opponents will need to construct alternatives based on contemporary learning theory and connect their struggles to essays, other fights over educational resources and free time for thesaurus generator families, workers, and bill style, children.

A modest amount of independent work, say two hours a day, is appropriate for high school students, but all children should have equal resources for simulated research assignment such independent work and all should enjoy substantial free time. Teachers or other adults with adequate resources and experience in leadership style assessing individual learning styles should be available to aid our children in independent projects. It is not surprising that many communities now recognize the importance of afterschool programs both to assist children in academic pursuits and to written rizal, offer less structured enrichment opportunities. Gates Style! Unfortunately, such programs are still too rare and differ substantially in quality. Forms And Styles An Essay! These first skirmishes in the homework wars also show that homework cannot be dissociated from our larger cultural dreams and anxieties about work itself. Bill! An exploration of the history of homework must place that history in the large context of the history of work itself. That history clearly shows the connections of homework to the emergence of our modern global capitalism. Book Report The Titans! Today's debates are framed by constant rhetoric about success in the global economy.

Whatever homework's history or its failings and costs, it is likely to be retained as a practice as long as most of us are convinced that it is the only way to convey life long skills or character lessons essential to our survival. But if many corporate workplaces overwork and style essays, understimulate our best minds and other written, if such exploitation is the root to long term economic decline, then re-examining the bill gates leadership, demands made by lesson plan writing essay both schools and workplaces is appropriate. Bill Leadership Style Essays! It is curious that U.S. educational and business leaders embrace longer homework in part by citing the Japanese example. They argue that Japan has enjoyed economic success because its schools turn out workers with strong basic skills, primarily through an lesson plan essay, emphasis on work. Yet that economy today faces severe problems and even the bill gates style, Japanese government now has growing doubts about its work and school practices. Some of its business and simulated research, educational leaders now concede that workaholism is not merely a psychological problem but a barrier to innovation. Japanese production line workers may be more facile in taking math tests than in redesigning existing products or national economic priorities. Many Japanese leaders worry that workers spend so much of their lives in narrow cognitive tasks that they are unlikely to be broadly creative.

Even the Japanese Educational ministry acknowledges that the emphasis on long school hours must be re-examined. Homework as a worldwide issue poses challenges both to current educational practice and to prevalent notions of personal development. Homework reform is unlikely to take root until educators can not only understand its limits but also have clearer notions of how schools and classrooms can be organized without extensive reliance on bill leadership, homework as we know it. Written By Jose Rizal! Nor will such schools necessarily undermine the kind of character development necessary to sustain a functioning democracy. The debate on homework can be more fruitful for all partisans if all can stake out more fully the political, educational, and moral ideals implicated in the debate. It may well be the case, subversive not only to bill style, the Right but to even much of the Left, that the written rizal, importance of play is culturally under-appreciated. Not only grade schoolers, but high school students and adult workers deserve time for the kind of unstructured play that fosters creativity and bill essays, sustains a life-long interest in learning.

Work as the solution to all our woes is reform on the cheap and at the expense of all. Children, like all of us, are more than recipients of school knowledge. On Remember The Titans! They are siblings and community members, budding artists, musicians and leadership style essays, athletes. Lesson Writing! They are natural inventors and scientists and spiritual beings. Do we allow our children to exercise these selves?

John Buell and bill leadership, Etta Kralovec are authors of The End of Homework (Beacon Press).

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It depends how much professional experience you have. If you are a recent college grad, then it is acceptable to include on your resume. Good luck on the job hunt! Good luck on the job hunt! If the jobs are relevant to the ones you are applying for, then you can go as far back as you like. With regards to your military experience, check out research assignment our military to civilian resume guide: Any of the templates in library 2 would be suitable for manufacturing careers.

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Good Day Resume Genius.I’m a midwife by profession an has worked in a military hospital for style essays, 16 years in of writing an essay, KSA. I’m trying to apply as a home based ESL educator and an email respondent . Since I’m from the medical profession, I’m having difficulty in choosing the perfect resume.The skill I know is more on bill the medical.,clerical which involes data entry for appointments and summary, interpreter and my part time informal english lessons to native speaking arabs. What template should I use? Try the a persuasive essay ‘Murray’ template. Good luck! Hello. Which is good for cabin crew applicant? I have no many work experience in service. Bill Gates Leadership! So i want to highlight the other things. Thanks #128578;

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Yes, if you click the View all Resume Designs button and click the download link for the template pack of gates leadership style essays, your choice. If you’ve never written a resume before, I’d recommend checking out our “How to officer cover Write a Resume” guide to bill gates leadership style get a clearer idea (it’s much more comprehensive than any answer I can give here). Hit us up with any follow-up questions after giving that a read we’ll see if we can help further! Good luck! Hey there Margaret, In order to best understand which template works, it’s a good idea to simulated paper check out which resume format fits your particular needs; then you can take it from there. All of the bill gates leadership essays templates were created by professional resume writers, so it’s hard to go wrong with any of them — it just depends on your preference. Good luck! It really depends on what job you’re applying for.

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analogy essay man Pope wrote his Essay on Man in rhyming verse. Certainly today, we think anybody that writes poetry is bill gates style essays one who is a bit odd, to say the least. Back in the eighteenth century, it was not so strange. Other Rizal! Pope stated that he had two reasons for writing his essay in such a manner. First, he thought that principles, maxims, or precepts so written, both strike the reader more strongly at first, and are more easily retained by him afterwards. Leadership Style! The second reason that Pope gave is that he thought that he could express himself more shortly this way than in prose itself. I here make comments about the expressions and thoughts of Pope in his essay. I have quoted at length from his essay. Certainly there is book the titans much I have left out, because, likely, certain verses referred to events, persons and bill gates style, things of the early eighteenth century which, quite frankly, I am unfamiliar with. Spattered throughout Pope's work are references to plan God and His great domain. Such references in the writings out of the bill essays eighteenth century are not strange.

The livelihood of writers, by and large -- as was with the case of all artists back then -- depended almost entirely on the generosity of church and forms an essay, state, so it was necessary in those days that writers give due regard to religious authority. Gates Style Essays! Believing that if Pope were looking over my shoulder he would have no objection, I have left out letter, religious epaulets. Leadership Style! Within the first few lines, we see Pope wondering about the fruitlessness of life. We have no choice: we come to written by jose it, look out and then die. What we see as we look out on the scene of man is a mighty maze! But Pope does not think this complex of existence is without a plan. Man might sort through the maze because he has a marvelous mental faculty, that of reason; man can determine the nature of the world in which he lives; he can see that all things have bearings, ties and leadership, strong connections and lesson writing, nice dependencies. He, who thro' vast immensity can pierce, See worlds on worlds compose one universe, Observe how system into system runs, What other planets circle other suns, Look'd thro'? or can a part contain the leadership essays whole? Is the great chain that draws all to agree, - And, drawn, supports - upheld by simulated research assignment God or thee?

In his next stanza, Pope makes reference to presumptuous man! Why should one be disturbed because he cannot immediately figure out all of the mysteries with which he is bill leadership essays presented? It cannot be expected that one part of book on remember the titans, existence (man) should understand all the other parts, he then continues: As of thy mother Earth, why oaks are made. Taller or stronger than the weeds they shade. And all that rises, rise in due degree; Then, in the sale of reas'ning life, 'tis plain. There must be, somewhere, such a rank as Man. Bill Leadership! When the dull ox, why now he breaks the clod, Is now a victim, and book report, now Egypt's god, - Then say not Man's imperfect, Heav'n in fault, - Say rather Man's as perfect as he ought: His knowledge measur'd to his state and leadership, place, His time a moment, and a point his space. Pope continues with this theme into his third stanza, in saying Heav'n from all creatures hides the forms book of fate, and continues: The lamb thy riot dooms to gates bleed to-day, Had he thy reason, would he skip and play? Pleas'd to the last he crops the flow'ry food, And licks the hand just rais'd to lesson plan shed his blood. Who sees with equal eye, as God of all, A hero perish, or a sparrow fall, Atoms or systems into ruin hurl'd, And now a bubble burst, and now a world.

Then giving way to his religious bent, makes reference to bill gates leadership style the great teacher Death and continues with his most famous lines: Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never is, but always to be blest: The soul uneasy and confin'd from home, Rest and expatiates in a life to medical administration cover come. Next, Pope deals with native people of the gates leadership essays uncivilized territories of the world, and how they do not get hung up on such large questions as are expressed in of writing, Pope's essay: Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutor'd mind. Sees God in gates leadership style, clouds, or hears him in the wind; His soul proud Science never taught to book report on remember the titans stray. Far as the solar walk or milky way; Yet simple Nature to style his hope has giv'n, Behind the other essay cloud-topp'd hill, a humbler heav'n; Some safer world in depth of woods embrac'd, Some happier island in the wat'ry waste, Where slaves once more their native land behold, No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold! To be, contents his natural desire; He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire: But things, admitted to that equal sky, His faithful dog shall bear him company. Next, we see Pope start to style essays develop the theme that runs throughout his essay; man is essay written by jose part of a larger setting, a part of nature. Man depends on nature for his very substance, and yet, treats her roughly. Bill Essays! Destroy all creatures for thy sport or gust,

Yet cry, if Man's unhappy, God's unjust; Ask for writing, what end the heav'nly bodies shine, Earth for whose use, Pride answers, 'Tis for mine! For me kind Nature wakes her genial pow'r, Suckles each herb and spreads out ev'ry flow'r; Pope asserts that man is ruled from within, by his reason and by his passion. Gates Style! Better for us, perhaps, it might appear, Were there are harmony, all virtue here; That never air or ocean felt the wind; That never passion discompos'd the mind. But all subsists by lesson plan elemental strife; And passions are the elements of life. Gates Leadership Style! The gen'ral Order since the whole began. Is kept in Nature, and is kept in plan a persuasive, Man. Passion may be equated to instinct; and instinct is the sole guide of animals. Instinct is all that animals need as evolution has fitted each animal to his home environment, unlike man who is in want of the strength of bulls, the fur of bears. Here with degrees of gates leadership essays, swiftness, there of force: All in medical administration officer letter, exact proportion to the state; Nothing to gates leadership add, and nothing to abate.

Each beast, each insect, happy in its own: Is Heav'n unkind to Man, and Man alone? Shall he alone, whom rational we call, Be pleas'd with nothing, if not bless'd with all? Again, Pope emphasizes how nature all good and wise. and what it gives, and what denies has perfected itself and many of its creations: The spider's tough how exquisitely fine! Feels at each thread, and lives along the line: In the nice bee, what sense so subtly true. From pois'nous herbs extracts the healing dew? In nature, we find life in medical administration officer cover, a complete variety, - vast chain of being everything beast, bird, fish, insect. Bill! Or in the full creation leave a void, Where, one step broken, the great scale's destroy'd: From Nature's chain whatever link you strike, Tenth or ten thousandth, breaks the chain alike. The point, I think, is that there is a fearful balance of nature in all its variety, and we dare not destroy one aspect of nature for lesson plan writing, fear of destroying the whole. All this dread order break - for whom? for thee?

Vile worm! - oh madness! pride! impiety! In the last line of bill gates style, Pope's first epistle, he bangs home the importance of the ruling mind of nature, that while some parts might seem to us to be absurd, it is officer cover letter part of the general frame that all of nature, including ourselves, are but parts of one stupendous whole. This whole body of nature is through all life and extends throughout all of the universe and operates unspent. Pope concludes his first epistle: Safe in the hand of one disposing Pow'r, Or in gates leadership style, the natal, or the mortal hour. All Nature is but Art, unknown to research assignment thee; All chance, direction, which thou canst not see. All discord, harmony not understood, All partial evil, universal good: And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite, One truth is clear, whatever is, is right. Pope opens his second Epistle much the same as he opened his first. What is the function of gates leadership style essays, man, positioned as he is somewhere between a god and a beast. Paper! Man, during that brief interlude between birth and death, experiences a chaos of thought and style, passion, all confus'd. He finds on earth the Great lord of all things, yet a prey to all.

Man's function, Pope concludes, is to make a proper study of mankind ; man is to report the titans know himself. What man will come to know is that he is ruled by passion; passion is the ruler and reason it's counsellor. Alas what wonder! Man's superior part. Bill Gates Style! Uncheck'd may rise and climb from art to art; But when his own great work is but begun, What Reason weaves, by Passion is undone.

It is in the nature of man to first serve himself; but, on simulated research account of reason, to do so with the style long range in view. Two Principles in human nature reign; Self-love, to urge, and Reason, to other essay written restrain; Self-love still stronger, as its objects nigh; Reason's at distance, and in prospect lie: A person is driven by passion, driven by his desire for gates leadership style, pleasure; temptation is simulated research paper assignment strong and passion is thicker than arguments. However, a person soon learns through bitter experience that one cannot let his or her passions run wild. Attention, habit and experience gains; Each strengthens Reason, and bill essays, Self-love restrains. Book On Remember The Titans! Self-love and Reason to one end aspire, Pain their aversion, Pleasure their desire, Pleasure, or wrong or rightly understood, Our greatest evil, or our greatest good. Bill Gates Essays! Passions, tho' selfish, if their means be fair, List under reason, and deserve her care. On life's vast ocean diversely we sail, Reason the card, but passion is the gale;2. Love, Hope, and written by jose rizal, Joy, fair Pleasure's smiling train, Hate, Fear, and bill essays, Grief, the and styles of writing family of Pain, These mix'd with art, and to due bounds confin'd,

Make and maintain the balance of the mind: Pope's theme is again repeated: the two driving forces of gates style, man are his reason and his passion. However, passion is the king and reason but a weak queen. What can she more than tell us we are fools? Teach us to mourn our nature, not to mend. A sharp accuser but a helpless friend! Reason (th' Eternal Art, educing good from ill) is forms of writing not a guide but a guard.

Passion is the mightier pow'r. Bill Style Essays! Envy, Pope points out essay, as an aside, is something that can be possessed only by those who are learn'd or brave. Ambition: can destroy or save, and makes a patriot as it makes a knave. With Pope's thoughts, it soon becomes clear one should not necessarily consider that envy and ambition are in themselves wrong. They are moving forces in a person and if properly guided, can serve a person well.

As, in some well-wrought picture, light and shade. And oft so mix, the gates style diff'rence is too nice, Where ends the virtue, or begins the medical administration letter vice. And virtuous and vicious ev'ry man must be, Few in the extreme, but all in the degree; Each person is driven by self-love, but on bill leadership style the same occasion each on the other to depend, a master, or a servant, or a friend, bids each on other for assistance call. Each person seeks his own happiness, seeks his own contentment; each is proud in what he or she has achieved, no matter what another person might think of those achievements. Whate'er the passions, knowledge, fame, or pelf, Not one will change is generator neighbour with himself. The learn'd is happy nature to bill explore, The fool is happy that he knows no more; The rich is happy in the plenty given, The poor contents him with the care of Heaven, See the blind beggar dance, the cripple sing. Report On Remember The Titans! The sot a hero, lunatic a king; The starving chemist in his golden views. Supremely bless'd, the poet in his Muse.

None of us should be critical of another person's choice in life, who is to know it is right. Leadership Style Essays! Behold the child, by medical administration officer cover letter nature's kindly law, Pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw: Some livelier plaything give his youth delight, A little louder, but as empty quite: Scarfs, garters, gold, amuse his riper stage, And beads and leadership style, prayer-books are the toys of age: Pleased with this bauble still, as that before, Till tired he sleeps, and essay generator, life's poor play is o'er. Pope returns, in his third Epistle, to his ever present theme, all is natural in nature and man is gates style a part of medical cover letter, nature. He first observes how plastic nature is, how everything is dependant on style essays one and the other, is attracted to one and the other, down even to single atoms. Everything it's neighbour to embrace. Essay! (While Pope did not do so, he might just as easily have observed that things in nature repel one another, equally so. All things, in the final analysis, are held in the balance, suspended, so it seems, between the leadership two great forces of attraction and repulsion.) All forms that perish other forms supply, (By turns we catch the of writing an essay vital breath, and die) Like bubbles on gates leadership the sea a matter borne, They rise, they break, and to that sea return.

Nothing is foreign; parts relate to whole: Then, Pope picks up once again his theme of the research paper assignment ruling principles, reason and passion. Here in his third Epistle, he refers to instinct as the unerring guide that reason often fails us, though sometimes serves when press'd. But honest instinct comes a volunteer, Sure never to o'ershoot, but just to hit, While still to wide or short is human wit; Sure by quick nature happiness to bill gates gain, Which heavier reason labour at in vain. Instinct can be seen at work throughout nature, for essay thesaurus, example, Who make the spider parallels design . without rule or line? Not just the spider does things by instinct, man does. The obvious example is his artistic work, but our instincts serve us on gates leadership style a much broader range. Think! And you will wonder about thesaurus generator many of the daily things that are done, automatically it seems. What, exactly, is it that prompts us to bill leadership essays do things. Who calls the council, states the certain day, Who forms the phalanx, and who points the way?

Pope then comes to a rather critical passage in his essay, when he deals with family units in the animal kingdom versus human beings. The fact of the matter is, family units do not count for much in the animal kingdom, at any rate, not for long. Medical Letter! However, family connections for human beings extend over a long period, indeed, over a lifetime. I would observe that it is an gates leadership, evolutionary development, needed because of the long time required before a child passes into adulthood. Written Rizal! These family feelings are important for the development and cohesion of the family, but not necessarily good when extended to the larger group, society as a whole (this is a theme that I have developed elsewhere (EconEcon.doc) and which someday I hope to bill gates leadership put up on the 'net.).

Thus beast and bird their common charge attend, The mothers nurse it, and the sires defend: The young dismiss'd to wander earth or air, There stops the instinct, and there ends the care; The link dissolves, each seeks a fresh embrace, Another love succeeds, another race. A longer care man's helpless kind demands; That longer care contracts more lasting bands: Reflection, reason, still the ties improve, At one extend the interest, and the love; With choice we fix, with sympathy we burn; Each virtue in each passion takes its turn; And still new needs, new helps, new habits rise. That graft benevolence on charities. Still as one brood, and as another rose, These natural love maintain'd, habitual those: The last, scarce ripen'd into perfect man, Saw helpless from him whom their life began: Memory and forecast just returns engage; That pointed back to youth, this on to age; While pleasure, gratitude, and report, hope, combined, Still spread the interest, and preserved the kind.

Pope then, continuing with his third Epistle, returns to his principle and the power of nature. Nature is a driving gale, a fact which can be observed in the voice of nature and which we can learn from the birds and the beasts. It was the power of bill leadership style, nature that built the ant's republic and thesaurus, the realm of bees. Pope observes anarchy without confusion. Their separate cells and properties maintain. Mark what unvaried laws preserve each state;- Laws wise as nature, and as fix'd as fate. In vain thy reason finer webs shall draw; Entangle justice in essays, her net of law; And right, too rigid, harden into wrong, Still for the strong too weak, the weak too strong.

Yet go! and thus o'er all the creatures sway; Thus let the written rizal wiser make the rest obey; And for those arts mere instinct could afford, Be crown'd as monarchs, or as gods adored. It is the same voice of nature by which men evolved and cities were built, societies were made. That while men in the gradual and slow build-up ravished one another with war, it was commerce that brought about bill gates leadership style civilization. Men came to new countries with war-like intentions, but soon became friends when they realized there was much more profit in trade. When love was liberty, and of writing an essay, nature law: Thus states were form'd; the name of king unknown, Till common interest placed the sway in one. Essays! 'Twas Virtue only, or in arts or arms, So, it was trade that built civilizations, and Pope observes, that it was tradition that preserves them. Report On Remember The Titans! Convey'd unbroken faith from sire to son; The worker from the work distinct was known, Then, continuing in bill style, this historical vein, Pope deals with the development of lesson plan, government and bill gates, of laws.

So drives self-love, through just and through unjust. To one man's power, ambition, lucre, lust: The same self-love, in a persuasive essay, all, becomes the cause. Of what restrains him, government and essays, laws: For, what one likes if others like as well, What serves one will, when many wills rebel? How shall we keep, what, sleeping or awake, A weaker may surprise, a stronger take? His safety must his liberty restrain: All join to guard what each desires to gain. Book The Titans! Forced into virtue thus by self-defence, Ev'n kings learn'd justice and benevolence: Self-love forsook the bill leadership style essays path it first pursued, And found the private in the public good. 'Twas then, the thesaurus generator studious head or generous mind, Follower of style, God or friend of human-kind, Poet or patriot, rose but to administration restore. The faith and moral Nature gave before; Relumed her ancient light, not kindled new; If not God's image, yet his shadow drew;

Taught power's due use to people and to bill gates leadership essays kings; Taught not to slack nor strain its tender strings; The less or greater set so justly true, That touching one must strike the other too; Till jarring int'rests of themselves create. Th' according music of other by jose, a well-mix'd state. Such is the bill style world's great harmony, that springs. From order, union, full consent of things: Where small and great, where weak and medical administration letter, mighty made. To serve, not suffer, strengthen, not invade; More pow'rful each as needful to leadership style essays the rest, And in proportion as it blesses, blest; Draw to simulated paper one point, and to gates essays one centre bring. Beast, man, or angel, servant, lord, or king. Pope makes a side observation that while government is necessary, its form is essay of less importance, what is important, is a good administration: For forms of government let fools contest; Whate'er is best administer'd is best: Pope then concludes in his third Epistle, emphasizing that regard for oneself and his family has to be different than regard for the whole of bill gates style, society, that nature link'd the gen'ral frame and bade self-love and social be the lesson plan same. In his last Epistle on the Essay of Man, Pope deals with the subject of bill style, happiness. It may be any one of a number of things, it depends on the person: good, pleasure, ease, content! whatever thy name. That happiness as a plant of celestial seed will grow, and if it doesn't, one should not blame the soil, but rather the way one tends the soil.

Though man may well seek happiness in many quarters, it will only be found in nature. Plan Writing A Persuasive! Man should avoid extremes. Bill Gates Leadership Style! He should not go about in life trusting everything, but on the same occasion neither should he be a total skeptic. Take Nature's path, and made Opinion's leave; All states can reach it and all heads conceive; Obvious her goods, in no extreme they dwell; There needs but thinking right, and meaning well; And mourn our various portions as we please, Equal is common sense, and common ease. To Pope, pleasure does not last, it sicken, and all glories sink. Writing Essay! To each person comes his or her share and bill style essays, who would more obtain, Shall find the essay generator pleasure pays not half the pain.

To be rich, to be wise: these are both laudable goals and a person looking about will always be able to find others who have riches and wisdom in varying degrees, but it cannot be concluded to bill any degree that they are happy. Happiness comes when one has health, peace, and competence. It is not clear to me from Pope's lines how one might secure peace and competence; health, he says, consists with temperance alone. It is in the nature of man to attempt to change things; he is never happy with things as he finds them; never happy with his fellow man; never happy with the world about him. We forever strive to other written rizal make things perfect, a state that can hardly be define in human terms. Bill Style! Those that reflect on man's condition will soon have Utopian dreams. Officer Cover Letter! But still this world, so fitted for the knave, Contents us not. A better shall we have? A kingdom of the bill gates leadership style essays just then let it be: But first consider how those just agree.

The good must merit God's peculiar care; But who but God can tell us who they are? It all too often appears to us that virtue starves, while vice is written by jose fed. Gates Leadership Style! One might wish for man to be a God and for earth to be a heaven, both God and heaven coming from the essay thesaurus imaginations of man. But, Pope concludes: 'Whatever is, is right.' -- This world, 'tis true.

Of fame, Pope says, it is but a fancied life in others' breath . Style Essays! All that we feel of it begins and ends in the small circle of our foes and writing a persuasive, friends . It will get you nothing but a crowd of bill gates style essays, stupid starers and of loud huzzas. Of wisdom, Pope attempts a definition and points out how often the wise are bound to trudge alone with neither help nor understanding from his fellow man. In parts superior what advantage lies! Tell, for you can, what is medical administration letter it to be wise? 'Tis but to know how little can be known ; To see all others' faults, and feel our own: Condem'd in business or in arts to drudge, Without a second, or without a judge: Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land? All fear, none aid you, and few understand. And so we arrive at the last of Pope's lines. Bill Gates Leadership Essays! Show'd erring Pride, WHATEVER IS, IS RIGHT; That Reason, Passion, answer one great aim; That true Self-love and by jose, Social are the same . 1 The Poetical Works of bill leadership style, Alexander Pope which includes Dr. Johnson's 65 page biography on Pope, Essay on book on remember Man (31 pp.); Essay on gates essays Criticism (17 pp.), Rape of the Lock (19 pp.), The Dunciad (31 pp.). My vintage copy has within it two frontispiece Steel Engravings (Philadelphia: Hazard, 1857).

2 Here, again, we see Pope refer to the analogy of the sailing ship on the sea finding its way only with compass (card) for direction and the wind in lesson essay, the sails to bill gates essays drive the lesson writing vessel along.

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Ceremony Silko Essays and Research Papers. In Ceremony , Leslie Silko ties the concept of transitions into bill style essays, the book. Transitions are used to describe and essay, show the change . Bill Gates Leadership? that Tayo is thesaurus going through during the whole book, or his ceremony . Style? They show Tayo’s progress in his ceremony and also show his change of thinking. Silko mentions transitions when she wrote, “[Tayo] had only book report, seen and heard the world as it always was: no boundaries, only transitions through all distances and time” (229). This shows that Tayo’s world revolves around transitions. Culture of India , Friendship , Herbalism 1765 Words | 5 Pages. Liang J. C. Bill Leadership Style? Wilson EWRT 2 29 July 2010 Silko assumes that Indian tribal solutions are relevant to Tayo and other veterans. She links myth . to present-day events, and wanted the cover, ending of CEREMONY to reinforce the leadership style, notion that the book itself is a healing ceremony . Using the book as your guide, articulate the ceremony from beginning to end, putting it into your own words and explaining how we, as readers might be healed by reading this book. Ceremony Final Essay Having finished reading the. Leslie Marmon Silko , Native Americans in the United States , Navajo people 1192 Words | 4 Pages. ? In Ceremony by Leslie Silko good and evil are portrayed in many ways.

One evil that is portrayed was Emo a Laguna Native . American that Tayo met during the war. There is essay written rizal also a young man named Tayo who is style essays mixed with a Laguna Native American and Caucasian which is the lesson plan writing a persuasive, main character in the story. Bill Style? Throughout the story Emo is essay portrayed as an example of what not to be. Later in the story we learn Emo’s purpose in bill gates style, Tayo’s ceremony was to simulated research paper test Tayo’s ability to bill complete his ceremony . Emo is a significant. Andreas Wilson , Caucasian race , Evil 1113 Words | 3 Pages. that he has won and asks him to recall the story and take back what he had said, but he says that it is plan a persuasive essay too late to call it back. The story that he . told was of the creation of the white people, and it is irreversible.

Leslie Marmon Silko tries to convey the belief of the Laguna Indians that the white man is going to destroy the world. This is evident in the belief that the world was already complete even without white people (133) They feel that the world would have. Earth , Laguna Pueblo , Leslie Marmon Silko 835 Words | 5 Pages. Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko: Evolving Traditions. Traditions In the novel, Ceremony , Leslie Marmon Silko writes about an Indian veteran and his struggle to deal with the . stresses of war. Early in the novel Silko reveals some of the rituals that the Laguna Indians perform. One of these traditions is the ritual they go through after they have hunted in order to show their appreciation for the animal, in bill gates style, this case a deer. Some of the other Laguna traditions include the letter, rain dances they perform during a draught and bill leadership, various other ceremonies . After returning. Dance , Deer , Elk 1469 Words | 4 Pages.

There are many characters in the novel Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko that have their each personal and unique story behind . them. Rocky, Tayo, Robert, Josiah, and Grandma are some characters who have different stories. One character who has a very interesting and unique story is essay Auntie. Auntie’s story is about her sacrifice for bill leadership style, others and the burden she takes from her sister, Laura’s mistakes. Auntie had lived a rough life from essay generator, her childhood and adolescent stage. Growing up she had a sister named. Almanac of the Dead , Family , Leslie Marmon Silko 900 Words | 3 Pages. Aboriginal Ceremonies in bill gates leadership style essays, Australia. Aboriginal Ceremonies in administration officer cover letter, Australia Aboriginal people in Australia are indigenous. The earliest known is meaning of the gates, word “aboriginal”. . Actually, the Australian aboriginal is not coming from Australian it self.

They came from Asia about 30.000 years ago. They have 500-600 distinct groups. No matter they live in different groups, they still an inherent part of the culture of aboriginal. Their culture is unique. Not only unique, they also rich in administration letter, cultures. One of their unique cultures is leadership ceremony . They. Australia , Ceremony , Culture 1190 Words | 3 Pages. WRITTEN IN MLA CITATION The book Ceremony by Silko researched as a Monomyth citation included Ceremony : An . Analysis of the Hero’s Journey Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko is about the writing a persuasive essay, hardships faced by Tayo, a returned Native American World War ? Veteran.

Tayo struggles throughout the bill style essays, novel to ascertain a resolution to the internal pandemonium he experiences in the form of battle fatigue. The story exhibits the stages of the Monomyth: a protagonist's quest in relation to culture and self. Almanac of the Dead , Hero , Leslie Marmon Silko 1011 Words | 4 Pages. Ceremonies and medical cover letter, Dances of Ojibway Tribe. Elizabeth Miller ES 2400 Sec 01: Intro American Indian Studies Final Research Paper The Ojibwa Tribe and their Dances and Ceremonies . “When Ah-ki' (the Earth) was young, it was said that the Earth had a family. Nee-ba-gee'-sis (the Moon) is leadership called Grandmother, and Gee'-sis (the Sun) is medical officer letter called Grandfather. The Creator of this family is called Gi'-tchie Man-i-to'(Great Mystery or Creator). Leadership Essays? The Earth is said to be a woman.

In this way it is understood that woman preceded man on book on remember the titans, the Earth. Bill Leadership Style? She is. Ceremony , Creation myth , Dance 1557 Words | 4 Pages. living organisms are a part of thesaurus generator one life force. In the same manner that Robin Pecknold of Fleet Foxes discovered his purpose, Leslie Marmon . Silko uses a variety of literary features to support her negative treatment of white selfishness to bill gates leadership essays show Tayo’s discovery of his purpose. Silko encourages the reader to view the world in a more connected sense. Leslie Marmon Silko repeatedly uses white characters as symbols to represent the of writing, idea of self-interest. Tayo is searching for Josiah’s cattle, which is symbolic. Laguna Pueblo , Leslie Marmon Silko 1441 Words | 4 Pages.

Pre-AP English “ Ceremony - Rewrite” 3rd Semester B September 25th, 2012 Tradition is the illusion of permanence. It defines who people are . and leadership, gives them a place in their community; it is an expression of belonging and individuality at the same time. In Ceremony , Leslie Marmon Silko exposes throughout the novel many Native American characters. Some follow the traditions and others are ashamed of them. Silko expresses that only the ones that follow them are the ones that find themselves.

They. Hawaii , Leslie Marmon Silko , Native Americans in the United States 1259 Words | 4 Pages. The Significance of Myth in the Novel Ceremony. beginning of Ceremony , “it recreates the power and the time of creation. The cosmic creation is the exemplary model of all life,” and hopes . that it will restore the patient, Tayo (Mitchell, 34). Mitchell also believes that the and styles an essay, use of this myth is a “spiritual means by which the novelist is inspired in her creative work” (Mitchell 28). The stories are thus emotionally and psychologically satisfying, and can have a very therapeutic effect when an bill leadership essays individual's spirit is sick. Ceremonies are the retelling. Almanac of the Dead , Ethnic group , Laguna Pueblo 2619 Words | 7 Pages. Being a Master of Ceremonies The Master of administration officer Ceremonies is the conductor of an event or meeting. The primary responsibility of . the Master of Ceremonies is to serve as a genial host.

An ideal MC is a person who has poise, presence and who can command the bill leadership, attention of an and styles of writing an essay audience. The Master of style essays Ceremonies is responsible for ensuring that the program/event runs smoothly, runs on time and that all important people at the event are introduced in a complimentary, professional manner. Being a successful. Audience , Ceremony , Entertainment 1628 Words | 6 Pages. culture, the research paper, way in which they are expressed varies from culture to culture. Funeral rites are practiced in every culture in some form. A funeral is a . ceremony marking a person's death.

There are universals that have remained consistent in funeral service: announcing the bill leadership essays, death; care of the deceased; a method of disposition; a possible ceremony or ritual; and some form of memorial. Other Written By Jose? These customs vary widely between cultures, and bill leadership essays, between religious affiliations within cultures. On the written, Asian continent. Burial , Ceremonies , Death customs 1050 Words | 3 Pages. - Briefly describe the scope and estimate the budget for each of those 6 subprojects The following are the various subprojects for gates, the upcoming . London Olympics: 1. SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS 2. Forms An Essay? ACCOMODATION ARRANGEMENTS 3. OPENING AND CLOSING CEREMONIES 4. TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS 5. MARKETING The following is the scope and approximate budget for the above mentioned subprojects: 1. TORCH RELAY Scope * The participants in leadership, the relay * Media personnel * Apparels for the participants. Approximation , Arrangement , Big band 488 Words | 3 Pages. The Navajo Culture Research Project. Navajo Culture Research 2 The Navajo culture is report on remember a tribe . who works together as one. There believes are spiritual healing that are performed through ceremonies . Style? However, this culture not along have high believes in their god.

They also have several different aspects about by jose rizal their culture. Their land and bill style essays, animals are their top priority of living, trading, and surviving in their society. The Navajo culture. Blue Corn , Ceremony , Code talker 1891 Words | 6 Pages. Pain-Induced Rituals within the Cultures of Africa and Oceania.

ages, allowing themselves to become exclusive and indistinguishable from any other. Specifically, the tribes and villages of certain areas of forms and styles of writing an essay Africa and . Oceania have been perfecting rituals pertaining to adolescent rites of passage or initiation ceremonies . Gates? It is common to find particular African and Oceanic groups using harsh forms of pain-inflicting rituals incorporated within adolescent initiation processes. In such tribes as the African Sande Mende society and the Sepik River society of Papua. Baptism , Ceremony , Hazing 2372 Words | 7 Pages. the ceremony . Before the rite, the girl is presented to thesaurus generator the queenmother who by some physical examination ensures that the girl is not pregnant. . There are both spiritual and material preparations for the ceremony . The spiritual preparation involves finding out if the girl’s ‘kra’ (soul) likes the ceremony to be performed or not. The material preparation, on bill gates leadership, the other hand, consists of providing all the lesson writing, necessary things such as food items, money, chicken, and bill leadership essays, so on. The ceremony is usually. Ceremony , Hairstyle , Hazing 1501 Words | 6 Pages. production procedure turn to forms of writing cumbersome and then the efficiency will be reduced.

According to the speech by Mr Lee Yi Shyan (2011), Minster of State, . Ministry of Trade and Industry and ministry of bill leadership essays national development, at Groundbreaking Ceremony of essay thesaurus generator breaking Ceremony of Bread Talk’s new Headquarters. 31 August 2011 11:58 AM at plot 1A Tai Seng Street Just last year, Singapore achieved a record growth of 14.5 percent. As bread Talk moved into the second half of 2011, we began to see a cloudier economic. ASEAN , Cake , Ceremony 806 Words | 3 Pages. “Tung” – in the Cultural Life of Northern Thais. varies from gates leadership essays, some ten or twelve inches to six or seven yards. Essay Written By Jose Rizal? What distinguished all variants of Tung from ordinary mundane objects are their functions. . Bill Leadership Style? There are many different appearances and uses for the Tung.

Every single Buddhist related ceremony would not be considered complete without a Tung. Historical evidence reveals that the use of the Tung in Thai culture dates back thousands of years. The Tung was used by and styles, the reigning, present ruler of the era to gates leadership style show his nationality, and by the blue-collar. Buddhism , Ceremony , Death 1364 Words | 4 Pages. “look across cultures to answer questions regarding human diversity” [Crapo, 2013, Section1.3]. Lesson Writing Essay? When we move from one stage of a life cycle to another, the . status changes that we experience are commonly known as life crisis or rites of passage. Ceremonies such as christenings, puberty rituals, marriages, and bill gates, funerals, are held whenever a member of society undergoes an important change in simulated research, status [Crapo, 2013, section1.3]. Rites of passage are a phenomenon across many cultures. Gates Leadership Essays? They have existed throughout. Ceremony , Circumcision , Clitoris 1624 Words | 5 Pages.

baby and forms and styles, the mother are put in a confinement period of forty four days in their homes. There are also two other common ceremonies that they . practice during the infant years niak buaian, which is a ceremony to introduce the bill gates leadership style, baby to their cradle and potong jambul which is an event when the child’s head is shaven to cleanse the baby. Later in life they have the circumcision ceremony which is usually done when the boy is medical officer cover around seven to twelve years of age. It is gates leadership usually performed with a knife on a. Ceremonies , Ceremony , Culture 1577 Words | 4 Pages. participants are gathered in the same hall. Thesaurus? Ron Kaufman, an well-known speaker. (details in workshop journal) Mr. Gates Essays? Jim ‘Energy’(details in workshop . journal) After the general sessions we had an a persuasive opening ceremony for AsiaHRD congress Opening ceremony After the opening ceremony and lunch break, we were again given a choice from 3 different sessions. Style? Cynthia Zhai’s tip to a greater breathing for greater voice projection.

Jesse with his topic of ‘It’s about to get strange’ to demonstrate. Bangalore , Bengaluru International Airport , Ceremony 675 Words | 4 Pages. theme of man and birds are used in forms and styles of writing, ceremonies such as edai and bill style essays, funerals where we can see individuals, decorated in thesaurus, feathers, paints and also . act in such a way that represents the movement of a bird. (Heider, 1996, p. 127)) The birds are also used as totems by the people in order to distinguish the different sibs. Just like other religions that uses totenism, the Dani were also forbidden to consume the bill gates leadership style essays, certain birds they represent. Essay? (Heider, 1996, p. 127) Ceremonies in the Dani community are done very. Anthropology of religion , Ceremony , Culture 997 Words | 3 Pages. ?????? Friday Evening, May 24, 2013 Time Session Speaker(s) 19:00-20:00 Brief Introduction to gates leadership The Art of lesson writing a persuasive essay Public Speaking and its translation Gu . Qiubei Saturday Morning, May 25, 2013 Time Session Speaker(s) 09:00-09:30 Opening Ceremony Xu Jianzhong Chang Xiaoling 09:30-10:30 Philosophy and Principles of the English Public Speaking Class Stephen E. Lucas 10:30-10:50 Tea Break 10:50-12:00 Course Description Teaching Plan Stephen E. Lucas Saturday Afternoon, May 25. 1966 , 1976 , Ceremony 409 Words | 4 Pages. cases, it may be more difficult for some more than others. Gates? A traditional funeral is basically a ceremony in a church or home where you . celebrate and remember the life of lesson plan essay a person who has died then proceed to the burial and repast.

In New Orleans, things are done a little different and by different I mean Jazz Funerals. Jazz Funerals combines elements of African, French and early American funeral ceremonies that features a brass band, two lines of leadership style mourners which includes family and friends of the deceased. Burial , Ceremonies , Death customs 2096 Words | 6 Pages. of Passage Sheena Griffy ANT101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Instructor Animikha Dutt 6/8/2015 Rites of Passage Rites of Passages are . Essay By Jose Rizal? defined and bill, celebrated in altered ways for individual cultures. Rites of passages whether a ceremony or procedure represent a change for an individual within their given society. It’s easy to feel your culture’s rituals are better and you may not even understand why each culture’s rituals exists. It’s difficult to appreciate and understand culture’s.

Anthropology , Ceremony , Culture 1596 Words | 7 Pages. Significance of Ritual in North American Indian Religion. offers a generous insight into essay written by jose, Native American belief systems. This essay will first look at the dynamics of the bill gates leadership style, sacred pipe ritual and offer some . Essay Thesaurus Generator? explanation into bill leadership essays, its religious significance, then draw some parallels to the more common sweat lodge ceremony . Essay Generator? If a recurring spiritual theme appears in separate rituals, it can be considered evidence of a consistent, structured belief system. The use of bill style essays smoking pipes in lesson plan writing, Native American cultures is a popular and very ancient practice.

Direct predecessors. Anthropology of religion , Ceremony , Indigenous peoples of the Americas 1807 Words | 5 Pages. Cultural Influences on Rite of Passage B. Australian Aborigine tribes are believed to bill gates leadership have migrated from Asia more than 20,000 years ago and are native to the barren outback land of Australia. In . ancient aboriginal culture, the rite of passage into manhood started at age 12 with a series of ceremonies and rituals held over lesson plan a course of a few years.

The Alkira Kiumi as it is called, started at age 12, and involved the boy being repeatedly tossed into the air and caught by their male relatives of the tribe. Next was the circumcision procedure, which. Amish , Boy , Ceremony 1065 Words | 3 Pages. Intro to African Arts: Wooden Sowei Helmet Mask. also had important cultural, ritualistic and historic significance. The Sowei masks were only worn by bill gates, the most important and senior female tribe members . during the initiation ceremony of young girls into adulthood. These masks were an essential and central part of the ceremony and it is believed that the “magic” of the medical administration letter, ceremony resided in these masks. The specific and fine details of each mask may have varied in style essays, some degree dependent on the carving style and location, but they each portrayed the same. African art , Ceremony , Initiation 1193 Words | 4 Pages. passage of children into adulthood around the research, world, and elements of those rituals are being used in modern American society.

INTRODUCTION . How did you celebrate your eighteenth birthday? Do you recall your graduation ceremony ? If you’re like most Americans, such events marked the moment you became an adult. It may have been the day you walked off a lighted stage, clutching your diploma to bill leadership your chest. Yet if you were an lesson a persuasive essay Arunta from Australia, it might be the moment. Bar and Bat Mitzvah , Ceremonies , Ceremony 1338 Words | 5 Pages. their new roll on a society as well. Since forever, people want to be accepted. Leadership Style? They even feel the need to be accepted in their society and it has always . been the same but in so many different kinds of societies. A rite of passage is a ceremony and this ceremony marks the transition from one phase of life to another. Although it is often used to describe the tumultuous transition from adolescence to adulthood, it does refer to any of life’s transitions (Births and Beginnings, Initiations, Partnering. Bar and Bat Mitzvah , Ceremonies , Ceremony 1024 Words | 3 Pages.

?Phase 1 Assignment Brief Group Task Group Project: The Closing Ceremony Party The short course manager has asked you to organise the . Closing Ceremony party for participants. She wants you to book on remember come up with an idea for leadership, an attractive theme for the party and to medical officer cover present projections for the costs and profit for the event. Learning Objectives This project will help you: To understand the importance of profit and leadership essays, cash flow and book report on remember the titans, be able to apply the concepts to simple businesses (real or in. Ceremony , Cost , Creativity 696 Words | 3 Pages. Reading Response on Four by Veronica Roth. Erudite, the bill style, ones who honor the intelligent, and Dauntless, the simulated research paper assignment, ones that honor the brave. Each faction honors a certain trait. They believe that if a . person was brave, or selfless, or kind, there would be no war and only peace.

At the Choosing Ceremony the teenagers pick their factions. They may choose to stay with their faction and their families or they can abandon them. Later on, if they prove to be unfit for bill style, their new factions they will become factionless; these are the people that have. Baptism , Ceremony , Faction 2348 Words | 7 Pages. The application of Group Socialisation to the case of medical officer cover ‘Marines under fire for ritual beating film’. group, particularly initiation rites, as outlined by Levine and Moreland (1994) to a newspaper article entitled ‘Marines under fire for ritual beating film’ . Gates Leadership Style Essays? (Norton-Taylor Morris, 2005).

The article focuses on a leaked video depicting an lesson plan writing a persuasive initiation ceremony of newly trained marines forced to fight naked and one being beaten unconscious. It also continues to outline previous claims of abuse of recruits resulting in indecent assaults and death. This essay, in bill leadership style, the context of group socialisation will discuss. Ceremony , Hazing , Initiation 2546 Words | 10 Pages. cultures, the day a child is born is report on remember the titans not observed as a special day. Instead, when African children reach a certain age, they are initiated into the community . and this is when they learn the laws, beliefs, and customs of their tribes. These initiation ceremonies are celebrated for groups of children instead of individual children. The Maasai are a Nilotic ethnic group of semi-nomadic people inhabiting southern Kenya and northern Tanzania.

There are several rites of passage accompanied by specific rituals. Birthday , Ceremony , Circumcision 1813 Words | 6 Pages. Body Ritual Among the Nacirema by Horace Miner. fundamental belief underlying the whole system appears to be that the human body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease. . Incarcerated in such a body, man's only hope is to avert these characteristics through the use of ritual and ceremony . Every household has one or more shrines devoted to this purpose. The more powerful individuals in the society have several shrines in their houses and, in bill essays, fact, the opulence of a house is often referred to in terms of the number of such ritual centers.

Anthropology of religion , Back to the Future , Ceremony 2675 Words | 7 Pages. Air Sacrifice – Mongolia Photo by Viacheslav Smilyk Lamas direct the entire ceremony , with their number determined by the social standing . of the deceased. They decide the direction the entourage will travel with the lesson writing a persuasive essay, body, to the specific day and time the ceremony can happen. Mongolians believe in the return of the soul. Therefore the lamas pray and offer food to keep evil spirits away and to bill leadership essays protect the remaining family. They also place blue stones in the dead persons bed to prevent evil spirits. Burial , Burial at forms and styles an essay sea , Ceremonies 1638 Words | 5 Pages. societies. Leadership? The Kurnai of Australia have an other written initiation rite for bill gates leadership, the sons of married men in administration cover, their perspective villages.

Within a section by gates, A. W. Howitt, in . Eliade's book, From Primitives to Zen: A thematic Sourcebook of the History of Religions , a ceremony known as the Showing the Grandfather is described(Eliade, p. 288) In this initiation the Kurnai have a formal way of bringing a man's son into the highest, and most secret realm of their religion. By incorporating the use of the father and son. Ceremonies , Ceremony , Hazing 1643 Words | 5 Pages. environments each participant will come together once again for a ceremony where the adolescents will be presented to his or her family and . friends as young men and of writing an essay, women who have earned successfully completed their rites of passage into adulthood. Durning the gates leadership essays, ceremony each adolescent will give a brief account of what he or she learned, the goals they have made for themselves, and how they will go about achieving them. Book The Titans? During the bill style essays, ceremony each participant will receive a certificate of accomplishment. Adolescence , Ceremony , Childhood 966 Words | 3 Pages. The Construction of Self in Ceremony -Leslie Marmon Silko. Having a mix of Laguna Pueblo, Mexican, and White ancestry, the Native American writer Leslie Marmon Silko leans her work on identity, . tradition and history.

In her books, Silko deals with many issues related to American Indians. Besides, her half-breed character in Ceremony , can be perceived as a projection of her own person. Indeed, Alan R. Velie said in Four American Literary Masters that Silko revealed that living in Laguna Pueblo society as a mixed blood from a prominent family caused her a lot. Identity , Leslie Marmon Silko , Native Americans in the United States 3511 Words | 9 Pages. The Significance and Meaning of the Dreaming Is Central to Aboriginal Spirituality. practices could be linked back to research assignment Ninian Smart, who talks of the seven dimensions of religion. These rituals of worship would fit into essays, the Ritual dimension . but most aspects would overlap into many of the other dimensions. For example, an research paper initiation ceremony of one tribe, would fit into the Ritual dimension, but it may have significant links to ethical and legal dimensions, and even mythological dimensions if an essays Aboriginal boy or girl were not to be initiated. Book? Moore and Habel’s eight categories and Elliot’s. Ceremony , Indigenous Australians , Ontology 1380 Words | 4 Pages.

planning professional focuses on the rationale or goal of having an event, and whether it is achieved. And the gates, real work is in book report the titans, the details that lead up to . the event. What is event planning? Event planning is the process of planning a festival, ceremony , competition, party, or convention. Event planning includes budgeting, establishing dates and alternate dates, selecting and bill gates essays, reserving the event site, acquiring permits, and coordinating transportation and parking. Medical Administration Officer Letter? Event planning also includes some.

Ceremony , Entertainment , Event planning 1300 Words | 4 Pages. Alor Setar Lecturers of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara Alor Setar 08:50 a.m Singing national anthem and Kedah state. 09:00 a.m Inauguration . ceremony by VVIP 10:00 a.m Motivation talk 1 by Sir Muhammad Farid bin Muhamad Erdris 11:00 a.m LDK 1 LDK 2 LDK 3 01:00 p.m Rest, pray and lunch. Bill Leadership Style? 02:15 p.m Outdoor activities. 04:30 p.m Closing ceremony and give the prize to the committee. Lesson Plan Writing A Persuasive? 05:00 p.m Hi tea and going back to leadership essays college. ACTIVITIES There are a lot of activities that we.

Alor Setar , Ceremony , Kedah 802 Words | 5 Pages. terminology Introduction The Yolngu indigenous people make up one of the oldest cultures on earth, stretching back more than 40,000 years and make up . more than 50 clans, each has its own country, they have with twelve different dialects and many ceremonies that are all concerned with acting out the stories and lore’s of the ancestral pasts which is lesson writing a persuasive essay quite different to bill style essays western life in Australia. The Yolngu people divide themselves into two basic divisions, or moieties, called Dhuwa and Yirritja and. Ceremony , Culture , Culture of Australia 1042 Words | 2 Pages. Religion 2unit HSC NOTES - Post 1940s. explain how to hunt and gather food, how the landscape evolved, how to make tools, where clady and forms and styles of writing, ochres are found and how to use them in . ceremonies Dreaming stories explain the location and purpose of sacred places, connect a place with a particular creation ancestor and sets down what knowledge is secret and what she can be shared Songs, art, stories and ceremonies brought the people closer to the creation ancestors by bill gates leadership style essays, bringing them to life Kinship Unbreakable (inextricable) bond exists between. Ceremony , Indigenous Australians , Kinship 897 Words | 3 Pages.

identifiable beat in book on remember the titans, many songs, the Masai stand apart from these standards. In fact, the bill essays, Masai are amongst a small group of people who hardly use any . instruments at all in their musical performances. With the exception of the Kudu horn in Eunoto ceremonies , the Masai use no other instruments to accompany their singing2. They sing typically in a call and answer style using occasional grunts and guttural sounds alongside chanting5. A typical group of lesson writing singers in the Masai community consists of a group. Ceremony , Kenya , Maasai 1428 Words | 6 Pages. the independence event planner company and offer a comprehensive service to a variety of U.S.A. and international clients. Executive Summary . Bill Gates Essays? Abracadabra is the independent organizer. Thesaurus? Our profession is to process the planning of a festival, ceremony , press conference, media conference, live entertainment and shows for bill gates leadership, any type of corporate events. Moreover, we handle celebrities’ party, night club, art and music related exhibitions, kitsch or something in between. We are an enthusiastic group.

Ceremony , Event management , Event planning 919 Words | 3 Pages. by highly traditional old school Lao parents I have witnessed and thesaurus, undergone a majority of the rites of passage within the culture, starting with birth of . course. For example after a couples first child is born, a ceremony is held to give an honorific name to bill leadership style essays the young father. The ceremony marks the young grooms passage into full familial responsibility. During the event the father-in-law is invited to give the child an honorific name which usually means he would add one name to the son in laws original. Buddhism , Ceremony , Culture 1340 Words | 4 Pages. it is important to understand that these rituals are not done repetitiously and essay thesaurus generator, monotonously, but that a great deal of understanding is involved and required . for the underlying meanings and importance of these rituals. The first step in the puja ceremony is to bill gates leadership style invoke the presence of God.

The sacred image of God is brought to life by the chanting of mantras, prayers, and hymns. During the process of inviting the and styles of writing an essay, spirit of leadership style essays God, a priest will begin to feel an inward connection of spirit. Lesson Plan Writing Essay? This is the. Ceremony , Communication , Dance 809 Words | 3 Pages. thank you to our friends. Thank you for the good times we spent together.

We won't forget any of you. Now let's say goodbye to each other. Farewell, . everyone. Goodbye . ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are here today for ABC Preschool's Graduation Ceremony . Bill Leadership Style Essays? This is a momentous occasion in the lives of lesson plan a persuasive essay all the children. It is also a time to recognize the outstanding work of the staff here and the parents of the students. Just looking around, the happy smiling faces says so much about the environment. 2005 albums , Academic dress , Billboard Hot 100 number-one singles 1227 Words | 4 Pages. another, from one status to another, from one responsibility to another in the tribal society.1 Whereas, etymologically, the gates, term ‘ritual’ which is . associated with the word ‘rite’ is essay derived from the Latin word ritus, which mean ‘usage’, ‘practice’ or ‘ ceremony ’. Some scholars relate the meaning of the term ‘ritual’ with the gates, Greek word dromenon, which means “a thing done” (literally).2 Therefore ritual is paper a term that frequently refers to symbolic behaviour shaped by rules, and repeated, always in the same. Anthropology of religion , Ceremonies , Ceremony 1087 Words | 3 Pages.

most important celebrations in Mexican culture is the tradition of a quinceanera. This represents a ceremony on a girl’s fifteenth birthday to gates leadership style essays . mark her passage to womanhood, to give thanks to forms of writing God for his blessings, and to present a young woman to the community. The parents and Godparents play important roles throughout the ceremonies . There are also many other people that participate in this ceremony along with other major factors that are important to this tradition, which include the dress the leadership style, quinceanera. American films , Big Day Out , Ceremony 1002 Words | 4 Pages. Concepts learnt from class The Japanese tea ceremony is book a very beautiful and bill style essays, meaningful traditional culture of Japan. It is a choreographic . ritual of lesson a persuasive preparing and serving Japanese green tea, called Matcha, together with traditional Japanese sweets to balance with the bill gates leadership style, bitter taste of the essay, tea.

Which in gates leadership style, every step in forms and styles of writing, the tea ceremony , is made by the heart whether to prepare the sweets till to making tea. Having witnessed or taken part in the Japanese Tea Ceremony even for only once, they will understand. Culture of Japan , Green tea , Japan 1063 Words | 3 Pages. whole system appears to be that the human body is bill leadership style essays ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease. Incarcerated in such a body, man's only hope . Medical Officer Cover? is to avert these characteristics through the use of the powerful influences of ritual and ceremony . Every household has one or more shrines devoted to this purpose. The more powerful individuals in the society have several shrines in their houses and, in leadership style, fact, the opulence of a house is rizal often referred to in terms of the number of such ritual centers.

American Anthropological Association , Anthropology of religion , Ceremony 1381 Words | 3 Pages. avoid these negative circumstances by performing odd rituals. Every tribal family has one or more shrines devoted to bill gates leadership essays this purpose. While each family has at . Medical Administration Officer Cover Letter? least one such shrine, the rituals associated with it are not family ceremonies but are private and secret ceremonies . The rites are normally only discussed with children and then only during the period when they are being initiated into bill style, these mysterious activities. Once the children become old enough, the rituals become private again. I was. Anthropology of religion , Ceremony , Herbalism 1007 Words | 3 Pages. the ritual is a possibility of cutting the face. “Special women’s rites are performed only four times during each lunar month, but what they lack in . frequency is made up in other essay written, barbarity.

As part of bill gates style this ceremony , women bake their head in small ovens for about an hour.” (Miner Paragraph 12) This ceremony is talking about simulated women going to get their hair done to improve their looks. The small ovens are old fashioned hair dryers, which would dry their hair into the style that woman wanted it to be. Another. Ceremony , Culture , Human body 959 Words | 6 Pages. the truth about bill gates essays war. In his poems “Anthem for Doomed Youth” and “Disabled” he talks about waste of young lives at thesaurus generator war, physical and emotional pain and . suffering people who enter the war go through, as well as soldiers not receiving proper funeral ceremonies they deserve.

The poem “Anthem for Doomed Youth” focuses on loss of young lives and the fact that they don’t receive proper funeral rites they deserve. The title itself explores the idea of young lives being in danger. The words “Anthem” “Doomed”. Burial , Ceremonies , Emotion 957 Words | 3 Pages. all the way to Sepik scarification, depending on the part of the world, religion and tribes, and bill style essays, even gangs. This paper will explain some of the history . behind Rites of Passage and why they are so important for some people to achieve them. Ceremonies that mark important transitional times in one’s life, such as birth, graduation, marriage, bar mitzvahs, quinceaneras, and death just to name a few.

Rites of report on remember the titans passage usually involve ritual trials and bill gates, teachings intended to lesson a persuasive essay strip individuals of their. Bar and leadership essays, Bat Mitzvah , Ceremonies , Coming of age 1429 Words | 4 Pages. guest, a special event is an opportunity for leisure, social or cultural experiences outside the normal range of essay generator choice or beyond everyday experience. . Dr. J. Goldblatt (1997) defines special events as “ A unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and bill gates style, ritual to satisfy specific needs ”. Classification of medical cover letter Events : This is very difficult to classify the events. Classification of events could be done from several dimensions.

Classification can probably be done on the basis of size. Ancient Olympic Games , Ceremony , Event management 1367 Words | 6 Pages.

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computer homework MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES WORKSHEETS. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES WORKSHEETS. The Multiple Intelligence theory suggests that no one set of leadership style, teaching strategies will work best for all students at essay thesaurus generator, all times. All children have different proclivities in the seven intelligences, so any particular strategy is bill style essays, likely to be successful with several students, and other essay written rizal yet, not for others.

Because of these individual differences among students, teachers are best advised to use a broad range of teaching strategies with their students. As long as instructors shift their intelligence emphasis from bill leadership style presentation to presentation, there will always be a time during the period or day when a student has his or her own highly developed intelligence(s) actively involved in learning. Key Points in forms of writing an essay MI Theory. Each person possesses all seven intelligences - MI theory is not a type theory for determining the one intelligence that fits. Bill Leadership. It is a theory of cognitive functioning, and research paper assignment it proposed that each person has capacities in all seven intelligences. Most people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency - although an individual may bewail his deficiencies in a given area and consider his problems innate and intractable, Gardner suggests that virtually everyone has the capacity to bill leadership, develop all seven intelligences to a reasonably high level of performance if given the appropriate encouragement, enrichment, and lesson instruction. Intelligences usually work together in complex ways - Gardner points out that each intelligence as described above is actually a fiction; that is leadership style, no intelligence exists by itself in lesson plan writing essay life (except perhaps in bill gates very rare instances in savants and brain-injured individuals.) Intelligences are always interacting with each other. There are many ways to book on remember, be intelligent within each category - there is gates essays, no standard set of attributes that one must have to be considered intelligent in a specific area.

Consequently, a person may not be able to medical officer cover letter, read, yet be highly linguistic because he can tell a terrific story or has a large, oral vocabulary. Bill Leadership Essays. Similarly, a person may be quite awkward on on remember, the playing field, yet possess superior bodily-kinesthetic intelligence when she weaves a carpet or creates an inlaid chess table. MI theory emphasizes the rich diversity of bill style, ways in which people show their gifts within intelligences as well as between intelligences. “All students can learn and essay thesaurus generator succeed, but not all on gates leadership style essays, the same day in the same way.” - William G. Spady. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES TEST.

Where does your true intelligence lie? This quiz will tell you where you stand and what to do about it. Read each statement. Simulated Paper Assignment. If it expresses some characteristic of gates style essays, yours and sounds true for the most part, jot down a T. If it doesn't, mark an F. If the statement is medical officer cover letter, sometimes true, sometimes false, leave it blank. 1. _____ I'd rather draw a map than give someone verbal directions. 2. _____ I can play (or used to play) a musical instrument. 3. Gates Style Essays. _____ I can associate music with my moods. 4. _____ I can add or multiply in my head. 5. And Styles Of Writing. _____ I like to style essays, work with calculators and assignment computers. 6. _____ I pick up new dance steps fast. 7. Bill Style Essays. _____ It's easy for me to say what I think in report an argument or debate.

8. _____ I enjoy a good lecture, speech or sermon. 9. Bill Leadership Style. _____ I always know north from south no matter where I am. 10. Other Written By Jose Rizal. _____ Life seems empty without music. 11. Bill Gates Essays. _____ I always understand the letter, directions that come with new gadgets or appliances. 12. _____ I like to work puzzles and play games. 13. _____ Learning to ride a bike (or skates) was easy. 14. _____ I am irritated when I hear an argument or statement that sounds illogical. 15. Gates Style Essays. _____ My sense of balance and coordination is good.

16. On Remember The Titans. _____ I often see patterns and bill gates style relationships between numbers faster and easier than others. 17. Report The Titans. _____ I enjoy building models (or sculpting). 18. _____ I'm good at bill gates leadership essays, finding the fine points of word meanings. 19. Book On Remember The Titans. _____ I can look at an object one way and see it sideways or backwards just as easily. 20. _____ I often connect a piece of music with some event in gates style my life. 21. Thesaurus. _____ I like to work with numbers and figures. 22. _____ Just looking at shapes of buildings and structures is pleasurable to me.

23. _____ I like to hum, whistle and gates style sing in on remember the shower or when I'm alone. 24. _____ I'm good at athletics. 25. _____ I'd like to bill style essays, study the structure and logic of languages. 26. _____ I'm usually aware of the simulated, expression on my face. 27. Gates Leadership Style Essays. _____ I'm sensitive to the expressions on other people's faces.

28. Research Paper. _____ I stay in touch with my moods. I have no trouble identifying them. 29. Gates Style Essays. _____ I am sensitive to the moods of others. 30. _____ I have a good sense of what others think of research paper, me. MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE SCORING SHEET. Place a check mark by each item you marked as true. Bill Leadership. Add your totals. A total of medical officer cover, four in any of the categories A through E indicates strong ability. In categories F and bill gates leadership essays G a score of report the titans, one or more means you have abilities as well.

The Seven Multiple Intelligences in Children. Children who are strongly: reading, writing, telling stories, playing word games, etc. books, tapes, writing tools paper diaries, dialogues, discussion, debate stories. experimenting, questioning, figuring out puzzles, calculating, etc. things to explore and think about, science materials, manipulatives, trips to the planetarium and essays science museum. in images and pictures. designing, drawing, visualizing, doodling, etc. art, LEGOs, video, movies, slides, imagination games, mazes, puzzles, illustrated books, trips to art museums.

through somatic sensations. dancing, running, jumping, building, touching, gesturing, etc. role play, drama, movement, things to build, sports and physical games, tactile experiences, hands-on learning. via rhythms and administration cover melodies. singing, whistling, humming, tapping feet and hands, listening, etc.. sing-along time, trips to concerts, music playing at home and school, musical instruments.

by bouncing ideas off other people. leading, organizing, relating, manipulating, mediating, partying, etc. friends, group games, social gatherings, community events, clubs, mentors/apprenticeships. deeply inside themselves. setting goals, meditating, dreaming, being quiet, secret places, time alone, self-paced projects, choices. CHECKLIST FOR ASSESSING STUDENTS' MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES. Name of Student: ___________________________________. In each of the gates style essays, following categories, check all items that apply.

_____ writes better than average for age. _____ spins tall tales or tells jokes and simulated assignment stories. _____ has a good memory for leadership, names, places, dates, or trivia. _____ enjoys word games. _____ enjoys reading books. _____ spells words accurately (preschool: does developmental spelling that is advanced for other essay rizal, age) _____ appreciates nonsense rhymes, puns, tongue twisters, etc.

_____ enjoys listening to bill style, the spoken word (stories, commentary on the radio, talking, books) _____ has a good vocabulary for age. _____ communicates to others in a highly verbal way. Other Linguistic Strengths: _____ asks a lot of questions about how things work. _____ computes arithmetic problems in his/her head quickly (preschool: math concepts are advanced for age) _____ enjoys math class (preschool: enjoys counting and other essay written doing other things with number) _____ finds math computer games interesting (no exposure to gates leadership essays, computers: enjoys other math or counting games) _____ enjoys playing chess, checkers, or other strategy games (preschool: board games requiring counting squares) _____ enjoys working on logic puzzles or brain teasers (preschool: enjoys hearing logical nonsense such as in medical administration officer Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

_____ enjoys putting things in categories or hierarchies. _____ likes to experiment in a way that shows higher order cognitive thinking processes. _____ thinks on a more abstract or conceptual level than peers. _____ has a good sense of cause-effect for bill leadership style, age. Other Logical-Mathematical Strengths: _____ reports clear visual images. _____ reads maps, charts, and diagrams more easily that text (preschool: enjoys visuals more than text) _____ daydreams more than peers. _____ enjoys art activities.

_____ draws figures that are advanced for age. _____ likes to view movies, slides, or other visual presentations. _____ enjoys doing puzzles, mazes, Where's Waldo? or similar visual activities. _____ builds interesting three-dimensional constructions for age (e.g., LEGO buildings) _____ gets more out of pictures than words while reading. _____ doodles on workbooks, worksheets, or other materials.

Other Spatial Strengths: _____ excels in one or more sports (preschool: shows physical prowress advanced for of writing an essay, age) _____ moves, twitches, taps, or fidgets while seated for gates leadership essays, a long time in and styles an essay one spot. _____ cleverly mimics other people's gestures or mannerisms. _____ loves to take things apart and put them back together again. _____ put his/her hands all over something he/she's just seen.

_____ enjoys running, jumping, wrestling, or similar activities (older: show this in a more restrained way, e.g., woodworking, sewing, mechanics) or good fine-motor coordination in other ways. _____ has a dramatic way of expressing himself/herself. _____ reports different physical sensations while thinking or working. _____ enjoys working with clay or other tactile experiences (e.g., finger-painting) Other Bodily-Kinesthetic Strengths: _____ tells you when music sounds off-key or disturbing in some way other way.

_____ remembers melodies of songs. _____ has a good singing voice. _____ plays a musical instrument or sings in choir or other group (preschool: enjoys playing percussion instruments and/or singing in a group) _____ has a rhythmic way of speaking and/or moving. _____ unconsciously hums to himself/herself. _____ taps rhythmically on gates leadership style essays, the table or desks as he/she works. _____ sensitive to environmental noises (e.g., rain on the roof) Other Musical Strengths: _____ enjoys socializing with peers.

_____ seems to assignment, be a natural leader. _____ gives advice to friends who have problems. _____ seems to essays, be street smart. _____ belongs to clubs, committees, or other group organizations (preschool: seems to be part of essay written, a general education social group) _____ enjoys informally teaching other kids. _____ likes to bill gates style essays, play games with other kids. _____ has two or more close friends. _____ has a good sense of empathy or concern for others.

_____ others seek out his/her empathy or concern for others. _____ others seek out his/her company. Other Interpersonal Strengths: _____ displays a sense of independence or a strong will. _____ has a realistic sense of his/her strengths and weaknesses. _____ does well when left alone or to medical administration, play or study. _____ marches to bill gates style essays, the beat of report on remember, a different drummer in leadership style essays his/her style of living and learning. _____ has an interest or hobby that he/she doesn't talk much about. _____ has a good sense of forms and styles an essay, self-direction. _____ prefers working alone to working with others.

_____ accurately expresses how he/she is feeling. _____ is able to bill, learn from his/her failures and medical successes in bill gates leadership essays life. _____ has high self-esteem. Other Intrapersonal Strengths: Excerpted from of writing Armstrong, Thomas. Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom, Alexandria, Virginia, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (1994). MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: STRATEGIES IN THE CLASSROOM. The following list provides a survey of the techniques and materials that can be employed in teaching through the multiple intelligences. lectures, debates large- and gates style small-group discussions books, worksheets, manuals brainstorming writing activities word games sharing time storytelling, speeches, reading to class talking books and cassettes extemporaneous speaking journal keeping choral reading individualized reading memorizing linguistic facts tape recording one's words using word processors publishing (e.g., creating class newspapers)

mathematical problems on the board Socratic questioning scientific demonstrations logical problem-solving exercises creating codes logic puzzles and games classifications and categorizations quantifications and medical calculations computer programming languages science thinking logical-sequential presentation of subject matter Piagetian cognitive stretching exercises Heuristic. charts, graphs, diagrams, and gates leadership maps visualization photography videos, slides, and and styles an essay movies visual puzzles and mazes 3-D construction kits art appreciation imaginative storytelling picture metaphors creative daydreaming painting, collage, visual arts idea sketching visual thinking exercises graphic symbols using mind-maps and bill leadership essays other visual organizers computer graphics software visual awareness activities optical illusions color cues telescopes, microscopes, and binoculars visual awareness activities draw-and-paint/computer- assisted-design software picture literacy experiences. creative movement, mime hands-on thinking field trips the medical administration officer cover, classroom teacher competitive and bill style essays cooperative games physical awareness and relaxation exercises all hands-on activities crafts body maps use of simulated research paper assignment, kinesthetic imagery cooking, gardening, and bill other messy activities manipulatives virtual reality software kinesthetic concepts physical education activities communicating with body language/ hand signals tactile materials and experiences body answers. musical concepts singing, humming, whistling playing recorded music playing live music on medical administration officer cover, piano, guitar, or other instruments group singing mood music music appreciation playing percussion instruments rhythms, songs, raps, chants using background music linking old tunes with concepts discographies creating new melodies for concepts listening to inner musical imagery music software supermemory music. cooperative groups interpersonal interaction conflict mediation peer teaching board games cross-age tutoring group brainstorming sessions peer sharing community involvement apprenticeships simulations academic clubs interactive software parties / social gatherings as context for learning people sculpting. independent study feeling-toned moments self-paced instruction individualized projects and bill essays games private spaces for administration officer cover letter, study one-minute reflection periods interest centers personal connections options for homework choice time self-teaching programmed instruction exposure to inspirational/ motivational curricula self-esteem activities journal keeping goal setting sessions.

Excerpted from Armstrong, T. Multiple Intelligences In The Classroom . Alexandria, VA: Association for bill leadership style, Supervision and Curriculum Development (1994). “If we are to essay generator, achieve a richer culture. we must weave one in which each diverse human gift will find a fitting place.”

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